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H ^ 1 I m ?,?'mnr w ? -a*- ?* '* ~ - -*i?.*swj? I IE CAMDEN JODBNAk ] f H. TKANTN.Ul A; .1 T Ji.\V KlUfOKS AND 1 ilOI'RlKXoKS .H i.l Ki. Ki. ^4 The l\'ni?i?' liJNlivicK'. As will be seen in another column, a hu> k'o: inao. :ur.ite l by several 7T;" our leading citizens t establish a lcmalc Institute at Camden. The med <1 such an institution has long been felt, and it> value to this and adjoining counties cannot he overestimated. It will utlord Mpehti 11: a! fai iii t ii s to.agrcat niatiy young ^^Hlirs. whose means will not allow them to H Cain i mi is an admirable 1 ication for a 1 of (!ii-- for. l>o ^^ ai'ili; . ( ivniiont !' .i.. I rc!;;ir'l and cultivated s I Hp.'' benctitthat will accrue t H K estaUishinrot v c r H H ' ifeeonuend it H ^ ?_ ' jirOrurL^'1 j I HTI., who y *vC'' H W rjnnte lie female ijr B| . /int i'\. hi Xv.yf ^ o\)#ctxq with what tile State are wheeling Wync question of rcf< rm. All Exchanges. uot excepting even lert nhidi have hitherto defended lyes <1 the Columbia King, eon. ;:r.t appeals to the people to prethe coining contest; or give glow>unts of the Zealand enthusiasm manifested in the organization of ions. The stirring address of the pre Commit tec of the Taxpayers' ion is exerting a in st salutary in_ ipon the minds of all clas.-es ofcititouched a responsive c >ru in every honest and patriotic man Hi w ho would have i government ^Hnstcnd"fohe< fc irupti .n.tvho the State to hot former pu? Hn Bf Hjpta-*! n t pr .?! t rity nd hap" : d v vv the pii;> i ini.i'i !V J.i the B hour Thy* far. Can tic! 1 tlie !? id in the n. \i r ion. !5ra?!;v:ud. :i:j 1 m.?elves as M present" part 111 .-t the takin: tli'. 1j cspee fl !v count crirem-v ? seen "nj.'v are th r Jot thei i v. j.- rlcij the State ivtr. I! *: reclaimed. been reimr. on?;!I'OV Weeks ?'l all par atteiiti m Iv 1' r the fiiifi.lmt Iv ipri-vi,_' ..f 11 j arte ire i -o I . 1 ! iut t?' i u.ti ... ... . iii' ii hn> tcoii r^ani/cJ in a number at any time) to join h i- U'tii ~e: i *juict w *.v:M 1ft. HI. : and we cx|? n fro:. ^^^^Bothcr townsiiij in the < 'ounty. ''tiling tan ! lie ire I lea.-ii::; ^^^^Kiulatin;.' tii .ii 1> He the eiian"I^^Hat have Let ; ;.u .re ti >w h _ wroii the public* - v.h ^^Hittntr" tLs rC;;ar > . !. ] ' !! i f el in HHBjl^v?.:i pare. t! f i ' Hp ^H(t*1 n>cr.i b 'e ot'p 11 * car uiiil?t. i' . d.-it ^^Heiits and <Ii- .rli.: the ^^^Btccncv with hh-'i t^-. ^H^|ie'Te<l the tr i'i- ! H' are n-.w > i: is effect** 1 in Mate, the ; -t> itiec 1 i ^^^Bk out our H npi tli - H H H-m. I 4 Kvliuu rnorSroH a Iteforisier. \> ;!: c\'i li net ul' the dc-pernto straif( w!ii. it the State of" South Carolina has , nofii reduced. cx t.i.jv. Scott. one vf the, men wit. ha.- in tho pa-t dine a> much a- . hip. other u* bring about this state of af- ! i tir>. ha- declared in favor of ivl'onn. He recently a.lilri'sotl a meeting of colore*! J citizens at -I en k in - v illo in l-'airticld i'ouu-' i v. w ti lling them U? chose bettor men f"j i represent them, even if jliey had t go irit i the Pent teratie ranks t fintl/iem. j Tit \Vinn-b iro' X> " .? .-ays: /"-' bald i .. /-a-his hearers tliat the eoinliti/ aitairs wa- dreadful. and tliar tli;*^ must be a reform. lie depicted L/glowing colors ' tho c rruption ofthalr legislature, and warned the pooplol/*0"1* better men.? He told them ty/*? 01,0 hono.-t, iiltelligent white iii;uA'^?" il they hadto-gn to the Pemoci^ lind one. It you do not. s;, id|V> taxpaytug will ref'iis'O to pay ! faxes. C:,,, t make them do it.? i He ^ them not to send such men as i <jA> Miller and Lee. 11 h remarks were <fuiirabl<?." f * .. The I u*l in us. i lie flame of their own kindling, which j is always burning with more or less bright- j noss along the outskirts of <?ur civilization, i and gradually consuming the unfortunate ab u igiuos, lias < f late burst forth with ' unwonted fury, and its path is marked by blood and destruction. Dispatches from i the far West state that there is a general uprising among the Indians. The Choyj euiios. the Kiowa-, the Arapahocs, the Sioux, the Shoshoncs, the Brulcs, the Ooinanches. arc all on the warpath.? i 'hone Wolf," "Kicking Uird," and other i chiefs have put on their paint to wreak a : hopeless vengeance on the hated white man The outbreak is said to be marked by uncommon ferocity. In Kansas. Nebraska. Dacota. Colorado, and Wyoming, men, w an n and children h ive been killed. \ scalped and mutilated. In Kansas. Patrick Ilene-sey. formerly sheriff o'Vhristiau . county. I Him is, was tied to his wagon and burnt alive The Indians arc well supplied with provisions and arms furnished by the government. .1 dm D. Miles, Agent in Kan-a?. one of those K>uu 1 1 - i -i .1... \ ; wno nave > i -n:: imcuui'i mi -mvn. "i tiu ir pacific policy over the poor Indian, i \v c:.'.U up rs the guvcrnnicut t > strike a juick and cii'ec-tuul biow. The power of the white man i< being brought to bear i{. i oe marauding savages w itIi destraoeiievts <ieii. l'hil. Sheridan tcle. ; iV :n Xcb:\i>ka, that in an engagement at the Owl .Mountain, fifty Sioux v<ro killed. Tr-> j?s urn being pushed !'< rward t a!! threatened points. AnrfL \ lite broke out in Chicago '?h the I !th iiM int. wiii'-h threatened f>r a while to rival th .t ?7 1-71. The area burned i> !. .i:-1 .!!!:.!(.!: :! !i. an*.] about t!. ?eu::o in f ; a !tli. cuihraeitig twenty Mjuuros. I he lire <>ri.:iii.;tcd in a small wooden house. . a ! it- rapid and d:>T-fr*?u.- spread i; !. :t 4* Several iine 1 1 an i churches vorodestruyud. the not bro of prot ; i !s i 1,070 The bodies of two hi n and a ehiltl were discovered iui'1'r t!iu rtit.s of a 1:UiK-Str.t JllJti IWoscs. .Jsi-lire M '-v. i? I. Hi' -tor i lew d.n u . t;r :i_ t pr. ?>n? i* t> the : :? i ,; l'i life?hi- criuc ') it;:: :;r.-'?n? . 'i he v nlit red i v a:: impartial jury of iugular intclliy .i !- '! ' iv.' \v!t r a11 seven ! r- ; *ii teens. selected bj the prisoner, wh hul i l'i?rty challenges. 1 ii<-. evidence developed tbt iact that a child, about hcvcii years ? i i ;,:i' \v;.s ( n-.iiiu 'l in the Larniai: -hrc!I lint: !i" u-i'. I ?T . tin tlic naiim of vi .i it. J law, i : test :i :ain>t li>. tive i'i' nn ii v i .-tit_ .vtcii'i* <1 in tlii- <m-<o\*t he < 1 i:r_'. tl .to. i . .1 M .!! . who I: : .t i tii |?:i:?t<.1 jii? _ |? \v or as t<i Iiko '1 : i:i.:iii 11 :. : tin , i criminal law a m .!. ry . jo ai.\ , convert tin; broad teal of the St iu inl . th - III' i of ai?l.|oY?:il CI il. c." i " ia answer t.. the :!i >v . the ( .v. . tin- ti _?11 li:.- private secretary, rcpln ] i pi ! < r t" .' < I ii il the l : ! ! i!i - i i..ut;i: it -I. that i>1' ;lie ! : \ - ; i u?! ?i.s i 1 unjtali -it- _i.'.nt' i 1 . f v? 11. ir '! - ?ln: in/ I.. - t< rm < ? I . : Ji 1. Ml- '?:r. <1 in .Ssi-I i . - ? I'.vt iiiy . lit >!' tiit i'i v? n .! i: t' i < II t In V. r;su i . J j . .ii. I! .1' !' Iu<i.:e .M , i.t y liiin-. '!. !. ' ' i n .i ?!i i : : - i, .. " r ,!v I . . ! i ' I. in'1 , ! .!< < I <-|j ' ; I <"' l It . been - tbs ribeJ \\ h< n J i.;- bank i ? '.! li .III, ' ' * ' ' v .'I ? ! i" ! '-ii a ' ' i I" : !. .'i 11 . | i 'I iffi i i;f < n.ini it :! I it . ' . 1 lift;. \ . : ' j "I t I 'lii I l . nil I 'II' .V '| I : ' - . t'i -"lit .ii! fit, ii 1 -i - r in ii I i 1 i 11. - ir i , .| f I ! '' i ' i I I'.V u! I. i::' . : it'll'. :ii t! i ji il j int. I in i t 'i " r i - I I. r.'l . ,i t x < < *1 'I ir ; ; i :it :i" I' V I ll .1! ?'l . . ! ill . !' \ . : '. . ; II I- ' * ?. > 3?fisJUS3 k?H *i M>: 'tTUN.Vi.. 4 to ^ UIIC l?'Jl!'>. {f iM'iK'li" Nine long, wearisome year.- you have borne witii jiiitieiiee, the hand of the op-1 pressor. Wrongs unparalleled in the an n.als of history have been inflicted uj.mii yi'ti. Vour endurance in peace has e?jual-! led y.'Ui \alor in war. JVrsecutioii lia> i,/o?gfit i - light ?j'.talities. lie1 pos.-e? ion i*f which is ju.-t c.rt-. if pride, and commands the admiration of the world.- These ipialities mu-t be utilized?von must no I n.gor cull < and call in vain , on Hercules, but use the powers that a beneficent creator has given you to rive the fetters. Vou* uiu.-t meet the issue fairly and squarely, and no longer offer to compromise with thieves. There is no compromise between truth and falsehood.; there is no compromise between honesty and dishonesty. One i- the antijiodc of the other, it ml whatever partakes of the one i- foreign to (lie other. Truth and honesty mu-: onoo fhoro be enthroned in high places?they must again be. as in times past, the pa?,-p .1^ in office, and the badge of those in authority. The prosperity of the United States, North as well as South, demands that the ignorance of the neirro .-hail no longer be made a steppirn. -. lie to elevate thieves and plunder ers to ollico. TJ.e tone of the Northern press clearly indicates that this demand is v.?<-(i.-imml a- well North as it is and has i ".'II at the South. Vet we in:.y not expect 'In; robbers them-i Ives l-> inform the pc pic tli it their !ease]nfp'>wcr is aboat to ex piro. Neither ran wo t ea- urihlyjauticiputc tluir from their occupation. They liavc nothing to tear from exposure, Since they have proven traitors to their race as w :1! as to thoir country, their eharactcrs are worthless. Therefore we must be up and doing. .Nothing prevented the redemption of the State for several years back but the outside pressure ef public opinion in the Northern St ate . This pressure has been removed and i.- now in our favor. Now is the time to drive out the money changers'' who have made the halls of justice a den of thieves. Patience ceases it be a virtue when the robber is plundering your house, starving y >nr family and vitiating the fountains of knowledge and virtue. They have made worthless out public schools?they have offered prcmi urns for dishonesty and debauchery, and have exhibited to the world a ureatci iepravity of human nature than tho'dau cusiun was ever supposed to be capabh if. IVprnvity is infection.-. Then wc mus organize and work with a will, and al j work together. The yellow fever, sntal ! pox and cholera, are nothing compared t? I the dangers which surround us. Let oui , ?rators t ike the field and with buruim j wor is oreliN'juciiuc urge the popple to ac 1 ti< !i?:ttlorni thcui of the volcanoes ovei which they stanJ in fancied security, am i the mean-of safety - -.J. II. M. /?I'tacr, A >!'.</( iii: ('otiuty. KOK Til K JOURNAL. Musheclers, Ifr. A'f'fifnr: Its a pitty wo dchatin' clubs iti our town? 11! ay sec in ihc dark i Mv iamrcsvim i< that they sec. sur fur they ginruilv strike u Lee-Jim:. Victim. 'summer Mooting Stale Ayr: culture ami Meclutuical Society. 'J he member-'of tlic Stale Agricultr | ral ::ml .Mechanical Society :iml of tii i State Auxiliary .Joint Sti ck ('cuipan ; arc notified that a meeting ol' the t\v h'.'Ji 'S *.viiI 1/ li;;J at Spartanburg ('. II u \V. tlucsday. 11:1 ii Augu.-t next. I i* canm.-'ii urucd upon tin: member, an :.'l other parties having at hcai tli- <' ri u111; 1 a! an | mechanic:;! interest.-. ami who de-ire he J genera! i-r.-.-ji a ity. t<i meet with us. an laid n- h\ tlicir wi-iLmi ami coiin-cls ( p rpntmce li.c.-e lime-homoed ami vita | !\ imp' rtant in titutions. \ Th . fact i- Jj-'t t I In- -I'-irui-cl til a ; *?ur linaneiai .-lain- i- nt I -uch as is d< -in! Ic. - ill i'iir tain lit:< n i- far from <1 ' ja'ratc. ami I am u a only ]> j<t.i t> 1 r tli futuic. Ii'it tifiileni. that with a li'.li jc u 'crl < f 1 :ain ami n.u.-ch-, we Wi'i a ' ihimeetiny ph'ce our uijanizatmii !>i \ nl th?: machit: .tinns of vile enemie uitsi I tml > ut i f iva. h tl.c t:v:t? in*i bra-.a '.f /!?/>. ri ' 1 w!:i ifi with the me. a'liiu ? :*.h ;?;i j rimr I'aruiiiiL' ?it ive ? r> conllv exert en *. 1 . .1 t iu-.T.-'.-Ivcf I !' 'tir r;i?*ti n. mar u.c j 11?.!11 ;.iircli:i : our v iiuahlo property ! : a vuiir ; ; . ;<l<l:tioi| i.u-iiia-- matte' - < i: ii ii- hi .1- ii.iji t . our <1 uvn 'r > . den ;il .u': li r< I - ! J State, 1 have a: it 1 ilij !.- j < . ami debati : . i. ' \ 1 iv'.v , !?? l!i iiii i "in 'i ii . an 1 iii-'riii"!iv : \v!.:I ! a .! in roc-ipt ?! letters from Spartai i> i. i if. mi.i. in-- ii. .i i. i cIi' its v. i j' : i ! i . in it. - v :i pa an i; ; ; ii.; i ,. oi !'. t tli*.. tin- J.ati"i iiili-U'! I.. ; , . i.' 1' . . ,.ti. I ] ! !! IJ on the occasion ( me, then, uiy lellov I suifei : - dismiss in !' rgot il - ii - "i \ ur ! ; : < 1'. " vi n.nn ' J'U* #"h;ll?l Mir 1. ii; - iII..* in " 1 >vtity :t.'l want tint u >t.ill? to - f - vi ? .- i.: , ..iiiii-1 .:. i!?. j ? i -; <. p.- lit \ ii ! I \? i a 1 \ "11 ;*4 | l, . ! 1 .:!. ; and mi 'i . i- - S uith t 'at -lina. 'j \V W'l.iui Mil>. fi^..: at. ! . I' oi' t I.I 1 11 u-i :11? : ? ..1 in-. , ,| i - i I- ." il i.ii-i I la - ,. 1.1 ii ' i. -t ii. 1 in . u i.. ii, i i. j i ... . u nit I I i i 1.1 i .j u .iiMi - i -al | . n i ii - ..... . !.. ? !.a t- oi' i: . in., ri . ?i tli ' a el 11.' <1 'iii"! it,, ii a .ii.. a ii - i-icii? to 11 a<! i. \v ." h an uii \ i |.. ' nit i i : r . .' i !. j .; ; i hat r ir 1 i. \ it ii iiiti< ii ??ti- I ! , ! i*. I * i i-' i - < mi 1 1 - a. I.I . hi t.H l| I' . i ' '' ! . ' . . 1 ' . 11 : : : ]|||.< I I , I i ' 1 ' I I x ii h. i-cici-ratt'l "ii tiic -''-til I tin- in'iitli WK . Mmm fev-;- r- --.aaBarac^^H^^^K The ("oiloi^Jft(,1>' ?., ... MLj r to the Uo'I ho cotton plantuM^^^^ v ,.;...^HP^ " accordance purtmcnt ol Actut^^T^ , t i m 1 . , v i . KVia '< Juno. exhittwith a conditional vH| ^^^^ mdifioti ot the lis an increase in . percent aires nl plant 111 cver\ 1 > u.fl^Btv lusher tln.n the average e,,iuiUinT^^B . m :. ..^^ llt -: > 111 I.ntiiline h) the i illowinp^^B ti Horua. t in lsiami. 1 in Avk unsas^^B . . , , u "i-^^H^issirpi. it> in >nmn ( avolma. > . \1 1 nn- T* in C.cI^BnL-" ennesseo 1 and Texas, and 1 exa- ami North . i \ft;j,!\r;iroh !i; u.^^^Ep< **7. houisi-! U, Alabaman- i'^V!hl ,., _., ,P i,,.?01. 1 enncssnna >. Iexu> ' As compared "'. ',11.1, \ ,n tl c n lit' a i 1,1 t'I'Tula. Louisiana and At^?|B^*'r:vUr"'1.''." i i , . rii,^fti|ificc and < umriiia. erenee is sl/irht in I c?R- ; . , , . i , i :,. WiMssippi ami Alaand not very wide in .?r J/ i i v ...n r*M?/i* the temperabuma. in .North ta^r' r . , , , i-i Ttrains seasonable ture lias been hitrlt . . , i i . "Bttnirli the plant 1 and the irrowth van# M . I. ,i ' , . ij , ij f ate in ceitaiii small and still ten,. . . untie- Tiie tle^?^yT"C>,Cril ' ' rood preparation ajm^^L* '1 ' I t i i i??^ .PFeeiffhtii <>i 1 ombc winch lu'oauaraiy ? . . *. "IM'mk fi r'tiTin It Kill fit | cotton or the .State ! Seventy three connf.*" Georgia rep I resenting two thirdsifl^p0 cr?P rojiurt a j thrifty growth, a baeOT^ season and f?><>| much rain. I.ess feraP*01*8 were n?c<! ! i than last \t...\ 'd caterpillars | conic up from .Southw^B"'1 Georgia. An ! i improvement is hi Florida. I with too abundant rniaW1 somc counties, j jand tendency to shoJp'a ?b bums ? j I While the rains hafcy"^'1 h'Oijucnt in j Alabama, the fields generally been j | kept clean. Of seveW^" connties that J yield a third of the cr-T l''e State, tliel I condition is pheedg nl-J*'*; in J>ul|ocI?\ I harbour. .Montgomery, T1'0"?" a'"i litis-1 (' ell at Stf. A one arej*'.?'' 111??n ui, or | higher than 110. Tp"?P ,s lutein! Mississippi-, but grov*"n rap''lly. hi-, : I grassy in places, and \ JjrH*aiivr than 1 ?-t I ' year; the condition ran'*8 '"row ">< in 'J';i-1 11 nica. where i: was dr ? h-* ,u,. over- j i .i ... | flow, to 1 10 iii j several omci | .! counties. j| I! 111 Louisiana pLntitf wntinuod aln ! 11lie overflow* until an 1 tIn* -'crop is thcrcl"?rc latq/elsewhere. >' anil has suffered in pljr\ fiwn cut\v.,u :> ; [ drouth and excessive ja'ns. I he eal 11 pillar has appe :red jn^pides I Hardy has Texas J -*-?ii* ' i "f a fine crop, hi counti'. - t i r growth is not well adv?1Cl!^- :i '' u j : localities the plants npe :'p; -jance late in June. 's wacr-1 '"jally better than in otlicf 1 j The drought has bei ?"j"ri'?us in Arj kansas, soma localiti?3 ^i,vw ,,;ul 11 ' rain in ci-hf 4'1 "lie towns!) ! Independence, one tliotlant* acrcs " j left uncultivated on acjp5"1' ''lc .-evero; ] drought. Rains have f'-" "">ro ^"erai Ibn p< rtb lis of the Strtll 3'cf lubv a half Wf the counties report hundred an J J' ) i sec- retn:ii an nvcrayirrndttion. \ few; r.in_'i* fr *i s.:yty-five M no hundred: I . Hioibv Canity, which ields one-sixth t' j the .v'ate a ._iv_rate. isiJacod at one hundred and ton. I . - | 1! 'flic .Vow York AY. /'?.</ ha> ! ,-i, easting the horoscope o the near j. li'tic.! future, and make.- the I'd .winy prod ! conceriiin;: the (all ehtiont In Mai... " 11 m.,|. .lh,j I 111' l/i iilin uur u in *????? ~ } : |>iritcd canv.t <. but as he course u! (i. 0 j live niouilx.r~ i'f Ciuijjiw lias been mi the whole satis!:.' t rv, the lvult as t" limui I J i auii'it he in doubt. \ t'liioul i- sure ! u* " the luimhiieaiis. initio, Iowa and in ; 'liana, the P. ino-Tafs :|<I Iil'ivjieii i u < ! have it flattering jii' jj ft. Iti r.:i:i. 1 the I>el.:o?'iats will eleelhe ittil <h '' tiott. it i> itii|"?ssib!e tnircdict vvliii w:ii ' he "ei.untetl in" ill Lou-ianu. Ahihaii.a " and I tela ware are in fc-ubt. with f I'hanees in lav r of the Iriunerats. K it: as will probably too lleji.blieaii, an i M saeltusi tN tiie s itno. witi sotnc doubt a> * j to the Pi t' i' t ul Pauu and i! ar - Mieiiiir.iu. n thinks. is \cihieil in it* i?l??'..Mis*"ifi will oh et an ejtire Poiiii'iat! ' tleh'LMti'ii, witli possihi' one ex<-. |>ti< .1.' ami replace N'hurz witi .1 Xew .h i ey is in doubt ?,ill the eh tin * j in J:i\ i- it the Pctim-rats. in . i:!. ' t 'ar iina any eiiaiijje wi! be a surprise. : In 1'iih. tiie I''jt1.10r.1ts wilt 1 1 v 1 ' larue ^ains. .Vionc eat venture tn pre" | } diet 'lie re. lilt in Illinois and lYum. vl\ 1 M ni l. but tlis i-haiico are 11 f'aV"i' "I i n ;< itrmoeratic : 1 i 11s. In A kaiistts, tin Pei.i '' .elats will e!' ' a iiinjnriy ot the .1 ' tioii. !'!. i: 1 ? vvill jj.i K puMit au. K< u - 'U?!v\ 'III' In till Vilcli : '.Itlrii : I >t taw-tali - I. Viraliuii-. !ji Minn.' ' ..ll'l Wi.-l ll-ill. lliO P'.?l III*.!'.- U : i it n i> iiiiic<]l'. i i< ! - *;.io Jin-iilcr^. :ui*l i ? ? . -tiv tn I.' I'l'iiincialif purely t:ir i ! ' !; _'i -l i' imi nrt-Ltair' aaaa-'itniv: ' .1 . ! * i * m: A it* mkn i Tlio War ii' . -j 11.-! "it i lie A ; 'i i- 'I'iiiin?'*l t!: i1 iV iif.\t it ; I i! S.*uta hail I?*? ! ! m*# \ have ?-vv ii JiMMver- ! i!. - v! ! j i v ii In I-' lui.-li'i'runt- .i.-' i . ! ! I.' in. in -< '!!;? ^ri-ii ii ....i >i:!i-v. '.lit .-| : i iir. \i !i i'-li r i. . ! . i- f - jit?r- ailvf. ' - ' i t v ;itj I , !'i t!, . ' ?!? : .! !al:. t . |. . iir !' I . it a i. . i tally !-i: J.t li e j.ii [ l i la; \ i 1 i ,: Tin- N * ii. /' ' > /; tin aniii-iii j < .iti'l'. t . j; i.;n.i t. a. . ! I it ? i aiiif !,. . :; It Ii it t all'lati a> :,|. ||..t i :i.:t t.- : :' 11. . :i i " i >ii i . : ' i- I " r* 1 ! , f . ' . i . . -i.l . . , .... ) tilt . . li1, i r i \ ?v i . ; ii. : . . \ . , <n.< ' - I ? !:t . I , i .i. ' i . .- t 11 i.. i. ! t 'i. it I.l < I; |( ... t' ' in "t.i. **a:? nt ?.i t' ! i , "i Ti. I i i - i :ii?- not \. ! . 1 ' ' I i !l .M1111 ?l . t V fill': ,i i . ,i .-| i' ii.- -1:.-! :ct .i i \ I ii ! a jiiiii ii i t.' a . a . i i i . i ' : j i..iniut-itf "tlii >- ! f! i L. ' I? Ml I I i I flit t? t t a; | >ilit in nt "i i i lt it - in In- own btivvait. Thk Vtrn.nv in Aickansas.?Theresult of the recent election i.'i Arkansas cannot hut be gtatily inir to the Demorraey of the country. I'\?r years faff, since reconstruct i< 11 laws and ? < n>f it nt :<'Mul aiiiOlidllu !i!.- turned the Si.utht'i'ii Ma ics I ttver t'? the control of arje t lugger* and ncgivos in l.stiX. Arkau.^a.- ha? been givintr heavy majorities In the Kadhuis.? She svmed t" tie ui as hclplcs- and hopeless a rendition as South Carolina*. Her thieve- were a- numerous, bold and pew- j in fill, her rings as well organized and till- | scrupulous. \..t to-day her freedom is attested by a majority of tio.UOO. An election was recently ordered upon the question of calling a Constitutional Conven tion. The lladiral.s opposed. ti:c I>? 1110erafs and Conservatives advocated the movement. The returns show a clean majority of tifi.iMlO, and the Democrats i elect delegates from every County in the' State exerpf two. The- convention will do away with all the restrictions upon "suffrage imposed by the Clayton Uovcrnineiit: there will no longer he disfranchisements and disabilities, and at least 10,00(1 additional voters will be free to cast their ballots against misrule. Wc will siyn have another Democrat in the I'nitod States Senate, and the six^ votes of Arkansas will he cast for the Democratic nominee in ISTti. Oregon. Connecticut. Aew Hampshire, Oliio Indiana. Arkansas?jjjetty good wark has been done in the last two years. ,1 nuns!,/ ('In'omt'ii'UHtf St'ii/inrl. DIKD?At ('liftonville. Miss., on the ITtli oP May last, Kverard C. Doby. (son of the late .Joseph . Dohy, of t.'a'iiden.J in the L'lM year n{ his age. VODKVIhLK FEMALE iiMSTiTUTE. The econd se.-sioii of tliis Institute'will open Aujiiis: lid. 1*71. l!oarl and tuition moderate. localjou salithrioiis and healthy; l ailroa i and telegraph facilities : a full corps of oxcclUiii instructors. Se nd for circular. W.M. II. Met'OltlvLi:, Chairman 17x. Committee, July 2:5. It THE TliUE SOlTHKOX.j The Paper for the Times. ami Pearl-- o*?Pevoteil to the latere*:* i! tin (ioo<l ami Trite People of t!:< I'aiiiiiiry. ami opeoi illv the Supremacy oi the White Race. 1'n'ili-hvl whin it tli" ii'l of any Official Put. j-'iTi i" uii.iiev r, ami appeals nlone to tlic Krici. t .1 iloiioo.'v an I OooJ tloverntucnt for " :n it- ti^iit villainy. j We i up >11 lit - WillTII MUX of South t'aroliii.i- !? - who <li-iie to redeem our State ft > o t)i?- alio'iiitiiitioti; ' iulruler.-. Iiiic * - ?iii! if*Is ami i?oti^r>-l leeches, who have n?<|tii1 pl-iee ami power through the j .-.tvr i t i> 10 supremacy. eotnhitn ii with ?'..| r.i|>ti"it ami l.rilicry?to mine foi-wiinl tun. sustain i;s l\ a cnlinlynifl liberal support. alio smv to IPnlicn! corruptiotii-:*ami So.ihiivae traitor.-. that they are determined liincelo:tit. lu Miatain a leaner ejcpon ht ot tlieir view* ami principles. We > eandidly, we need v"iir >;i|)j ort. j 'Hie pm u^^jpower li.n e done their u;nn>|t fi.%. i1 '-ii1 jn l ; ||| legihriL?^^r?i'i? - i.l ..11 .'.M':; ;? ilici lO'x't'iiiiiiii! nl* ? \ i-? v ii i:e I' n *:::: 11?whirli [>l.u- i:- I> 'v .ii 1 liie ri a h !' cditingonrio1. - mi- no adv. tit > i*< r*. lnit 'aroliuiany. t" I to.- 1.1: t: l . ii have l?'e? etijiayad in tli?'! piiKlieaii.-i; < I' ihi- j .ii r ever eiyht yi m*?j am! i?l. \ our {- iii oiia^e, hrlieviiij; that it will | i.o ; i. .-ii \\ he-iiatioii. Sun-. rijiti. . jn ir.' Three r?dlar> a ' ear. in a uiin liditeli"'..* t.i ?iiio.-. To bii.'it^M mm nml oth r-. i- iringtoml \erli?e. We liee [o ay thai. ? 111'eil rl.Ial : Ii i* laiicii lai . r than lliat ol any nihi l | apei in till- < \ . .. i: !l 1 Ji?- a'id i lief a - . *l;t li>t in nii ihe Mi Id! an I li:.*terii Coiililie- i t the >ia te* ..a in -i.tiiia t'.?r sj eeimen copy. l? \ii?I .\ n.-TKTN 1'i'ij ueors-i C. . I. !'x \: ;?. i;<:it r. S t'. I!'. ( L()'i f!!N(i ilhlli i iil) \ . . : , ii. la i . lit-:, .d. > ! Summer i.. i i. 'A hi' nioi iditi niso. | \ .i .. i a:i \ I . r.?ii..[| .' 'nil- ,\e. >. Ii i\ \\1 iN < >.i ' I'.'iee .'1 re. .lit '. dt NEW FLOUR!! ^Ul'LHlOfd FAMILY FLOUR, EXTRA FAMILY MJH, 3D PER. FLOUR, I j %i. < r .n i m.s. ru??\i '\z:\v wsii?:Arr. i ?: \!.i. i \ B&RItELS AND SACKS, A . LOW PftT?. y^s, i i '?II:*iu:y A a\i\iw\) In*. 11' 'H. Vo . * >P8 TS , 1ST. AIRMNEY A i" LAW 'lit I \ i . .11 S'I'K ' * :. i ii i i- ii " . * IMAL, COAL. COAL. I . 1 > I . Ill |.|?i Mi i!. iI \\t'!!: \> j' 1:1 !> M i ?M.. ' - " i!,l ??' 1t?? }. . ' . I \ f r .1 ;. t! i: n't I I ; < ! i1 i uli -ii. f \ i 11 , r. !' sv r:i:<: v\ a < o. . i 11. -i. II. .v* <' \ .t t Sheriffs Sale. S!lKICII'F'S OFFICII. i ('unden S. .Inly KK7 I. I'.V virtue of an execution to me directed. I i will offer for sale on tin* I'irsf Monday in Argusf next, it being (lie Third .lay of .-aid month, in front of the Court House door in Camden, luring tlie legal hours of-ale, nil tin.t tract of latiT in Kershaw County, near Flat llock. i containing Two l!i ni>i:ki> \ni> TuiitYv-fHx (1Mb) Acres, hounded liy lands oPJas. T. Tr tes- j lei. .1. S. Gardner and others. I.evieil it[>un as the j?ro|ieitv of A. J. Ilaile. at the suit of 11. II. M i s y. Adinr.'ash. purchaser*to pay for the papers. SAMUKL l'l.ACK. Sheriff of Kershaw County. .Inly It* NEW FLOURING MILLS The undersigned desires tecall the attention of those who are now gathering their! Wheat crops, to his l^loiii'ing,* 3rills, which iiave been lately built entirely anew, and thoroughly fitted up with every appliance for producing the Finest quality of Flour. The work was ilono hv Mr. W. W. Davis, an accomplished Mill-Wright; ami the undersigned will guaranteeto his patrons that with | CK)OI> WHEAT, I _ he will furnish as Sl'l'KltlOR FLOUR a? can he made anywhere in this section. The Mills'are <dtuatcd on Sanders' Creek, six miles North of Camden, and convenient to the Liberty Hill nod Lancaster roads. J. II. VAUCiHAX. June '2o. ">t. NOTICE. Our friends and customers will please coinforward ami settle their accounts. The losses by the r> cent lire render a speedy settlement imperative. For the present, we will he found at the office of J. !) Kennedy, over W. L. Arthur's store. IIODtiSON" & DUN LAI'. I Tax lieturns. i Auditor's Office Kershaw County. CAMDEN. S. t\, June 1C, 1874. This office w ill be open from the 1st day of | .July to the "Jutli lay of August next, to receive returns of all Personal Property. Moneys, i Credits, investments in P.otnls, Joint Stock j Companies, or oth rwise. Also, a complete return of all lien! I'r.'perly, I,amis ami lluildinps un it r control as o wners or holders. or as hit-hand-. parents, guardians, trustees, j executors, administrators, receivers, attorneys. or factors, on the first day of July. 187-1. in accordance with Joint II i solution of the Legislature "providing for the reassessment of Ileal Kst.atein 1*74," approved .March 17th, 1*74. As ! ". aecoiniiioilation to the tax-payers of this County, who reside at a distance from this office. I W ill attend at the place- named . below, on tin-days specified, to receive their ! returns. All per.oitis neglect in;: to make their return-' at tlie j ! ict specified in their Township.-. will be retjitired to do so at this office in Camden. Leforc the Jttth day of August next, after which date any tax-payer# who shall iiavi .ailed to make their returns will he charged uili. the property atid fifty per. cent, penalty eh . jre.', thereto. livery tusio person between thc^Tf*?y ^ a O iTi^ i r t S not. cxC* ;u thos<- uttiilde of earning a support front If'iijr mait.ic I <-r otherwi.-e di-ablcd. , are ' aide 'l?-tax, ami are i c.juircd to ( titake their returns. All !'> !> a- t'-?.15njr to make their returns of j tIii-it po'-Js ill 1 . reijiiired to pay a double tax, am! on f?ilut to I.. do, are liable to Le imliej. .! ittd i:n|>: i:u,ne I ten days, in aecnr ! ui v.ii:. Aii -w7. >? i!*r- i Liberty lliil?Tul\ 1:5. 11. and 1 .*?. Kvii Hill?duly iii. 17 and IS. Flat k?Inly 2o, 21 and 22. !5utr:il.> ?I tiiy 2:;. 21 and. 2V Lizi'iibvV?.1 27. 2Sand 20. > Mili?July 30 and 31. ! (!iuvti?n% Mill -August !. 1 and |v?j,- " 'i t\ 1 rs :uv i c-jin-tI'uUv ro.jup-tf.l j ! in j\',> >: all J" : - n *'!:<? I'Vadc Making ? j I iiis! and t'air return. * N. AV. lit.mi:. Audit ir f?r Ivor-!iaw Ciniuty. .111 ri *. Is. ClM'll, 'oi'S!. Ci ft'VA |ll> il i'.I.S. r..r w:,l,. l.?v. 1.V iO,UUU 11A I'M MHO'S. | i> ll s SPRING I FOS R OBERT M. [ > now lvceh inir a lull Foreign and Don Suitable lor VI A ITU. | Boots. Shoos, Ho At \ i r \ i j' i n which he in\ ik'.s ilie . I ; M'ilil. : 3 % k'b < >t: i: A.M I'l'I li \ vs. V" !'.!? T??\'i:i i:. >'I<1K Ki' I;I:kk, i' v i;i:rr, I'm.- I n Uii Tiilai r \ 1111 i 11 l'i-1 II Tlll'l Mll-I Can Goods. V'", T-. fiiii.. Km-Ii \ i iln- Inwi'^i ti^ur. ! -i * \ > 1! H i ? l II . ii.u I ii.'ii . 1\< h I., i i. lir-lii'X int' n r * May Till. ) > \ i USTEW SPUING GOODS, ov THK Latest Styles and Fashions. The subscriber has just opened his stoc k of Sl'KINd (jOODS, which lot variety and completeness, is UNSURPASSED IN CAMDEN, Ilis stock of Lsalit's' Dress Goods is large and varied, and lie flatters him self that ho can suit the taste of even the most fastidious. In the GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT, is embraced everything for a complete outfit, and to which ho invites attention. In the line of BOOTS AM) SHOES, hi? stock cannot be excelled. 11 is friends, customers, and the public are invited to give him a call, and he promises to sell them as low as they can be bought in this market. I.W. IcCURRY. April 23 tf. HARD TIMES!] \YV cali the attention of the public to our LARGE And Carefully Assorted Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE CONSISTING OF Olioioe GROCERIES, l)iy Goodn, KHOE^, II VTN, I | Hardware and Crockery. ' Our Goods have been purchased with a view to the HARDNESS OF THE JiiyifSr*" And * =- irants of otrr ^ ^ And are offered at the Lowest Possible Prices, TO Casli Buyers. J. & T. I. JONESMay 28. tf THOSE IN WANT OF ANYTHIXO in ilie line Foreign an<l Domestic FHUITS, c??o.?' Will always t 11 1 it to tlicir intcro?t t?> l?ny where tin* largest ami host a*-o>tieent is We always Keeji a coiajilete sleek in season. KfliKT.KV & liAKT.AXP. XDR/"5^" GrOOIDS, VT??TH?Xj!. IIATS. ami various articles I selliiiif at exceetlinglv low figures, liv 1 K1UKLKY \ '(.iAliLAXD". :>v GOODS, 1874, TTTflivrTornv ! ami co?ii>leU?sfock of lestic Dry Goods, tlio ?enMon. 4S() Toi'K OK its and Clothing-, o\> Priros. attention of Cosh Buyers. it* i> l < > AH 1M V 10. SV; \ i; \i| jcs ( Oi l I.K ? I .a:_ uira. IIi.> Loinon. Sola, Hut tor and IJoston ('|| \rk Klis. i anl l!n.:'i-li S .la ?.. r T. i -11.1 la.-k'ta Choice Segars. rill II ' lliillv < ?!u-il a ? :,'! ^ |>ii1i'1i-i.m'| <. I etVr in make ii t-i tlieir int. r. -i t <l.i ?... Klll-Li'S \ 111],LINUS if.