University of South Carolina Libraries
LOCAL MATTERS CHURCH DIRECTORY. Episcopal Churcii. Corner of Lyttle. on and Laurens streets,?services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 4PM Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. ' Robert Thomson, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7} p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 p. ui. Methodist Church, DeKalb street? Rev. J. W. Kelley, Pastor?Services at 11 A. M. and 71 P. M. on Sunday Prayer Meeting Thursday at 41 P. M. Presbyterian Church. DeKalb street? Rcv.S. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer . Meeting on Wednesday at 41 P. M. MEETISiOS. ! S03S OF TEMPERANCE. WATEREE DIVISION, NO 9 A Attend the Regular Meet i ing of your Division at Tern ptranre Hull on MONDAY evening next, at 71 o'clock , By order ot the W. P. A. B. LEE, R. S. ' PUBLIC MEETING Watoree Division will hold a Public Temperance Meeting at their Hall, on ] the 31st instant. < Addresses will be delivered by Col. W.1 ( -- -- ' u?.. T W KTnllv. 31. Gannon auu no. v. ... ... r ... . Neighboring Divisions auJ the public in general, are invited to attend. < A special invitation is extended to the * ladies. 1 Doors open at 7 o'clock, P. M. Meet- 1 ing to commence at 8. A. B. Lee, N. Thompson, D. R. Kennedy, ' W. R. McCreight, Committee. , for the journal. Please insert the following nomination ' for Intendant and Wardens of the Town ' of Camden at the ensuing election, and 4 oblige Many Voters. i For Intendant, . J. D. DUNLAP. For JfurrfeHS, J. R. Goodale, ? V a. lf. , Wtrv Dkas, Abram Marks. Messrs. Editors: Please announce the ^.following gentlemen as candidates (subject F , to the action of the Convention.) for In) tendant and Warden? of the Town of ' Camden, and oblige * Many Voters. i For Intendant. 1 M. BAUM. For Wardens. J. W. McCurry, William Dcas, ' John S Moroney. Abram Marks. There will be no services in the Kpisco- , pal Church on Sunday next. ! General J. B. Kershaw left home on Tuesday last for Washington. He is a member of the Committee appointed by the Tax-Payers' Convention to lay their ^sjorial before Congress. 1 Chesnut was prevented from k Som8 <he Committee by circum| stances beyond contro, f Masonic.?Kershaw u<jke ^0. 29, a ? F. M., has chanjrH the Wdimr its regular monthly ccmaoiunications from tbe second to the first Tuesday in each month. Brethren will take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. Small-Pox.?Considerable excitement was created, on Friday last, by the announcement that another case of this loathsome disease had made its appearance in our midst, this time on the premises of Mr. James Dunlap, in the rear of Mr. R. McCreight's shop. Upon investigation, however, it was found to be, if anything, ^ a cife) of varioloid. The patient, who was a cowed woman named Margaret Guss wax 4wflicted at the same time with diph theriu,^ which she died on Sunday about niWW mud1) was buried the same evening. We fnink it proper to add, that it is doubted ^jf she had either, small-pox or varioloid she not having been exposed to the <$sease, and the case reported by us some weeks since being I nearly a mile distant ^hrn where she ^^livcd The t >wn authorities, however, H^iave the place carefully warded. If there is any spread^f the disease, our readers shall be promptly and correct-' I ly advised of the fact. k -Sr ? OeKalb Colored fikuooL, No. 1.? Through the courtesy of the teachers, it i was our privilege to visit this school on l. Thursday last, and it gave us pleasure to j observe the progress that is being made I in the education of the colored youth of our town. The accuracy of the recitations. Pi good order that prevailed reflectlit alike upon the teachers and the and furnished additional evidence ' elevating influence of education olored people throughout the State similar advantages, the time would me when they would more fully it? the rights with which they en invested, and ezereise the same nner more ooudueive to the gener-1 I MMMMMMM?? mm?B This school numbers some twohundre pupils, and is supported by tho Freeduian' Aid Society, of Boston, Mass., and th State of South Carolina conjointly, em ploys four teachers, and is under the gen eral supervision of Miss A. Ball, o Concord, Mass. A Bad Bridge.?The County Com missioners, as we are informed, paid fivi dollars to some one to build a bridge ovei a ditch in the Little Lynches Creet swamp at McGougan's Bridge The con tractor laid five pieces of plank on the old bridge, but neglected to mil them down. On Monday lust; some citizens oi our county attempted to cross at this point when *tlie water was high. The bridge was floating, and when the mules struck it, they went through into the ditch. A serious accident was only avoided by prompt action, and a loss of property to the value of about $500. thareby saved. Do not the Commissioners know that the County is responsible for any loss that may be occasioned by bad bridges ? The fire alarm bell was sounded again jn Tuesday morning. A fire was discovjred on the premises of Mr. L. M Bosswell, but was extinguished before any damage was done. Tho Lancaster mail by the way of Fiat Rock and Pleasant Hill uow leaves Camden on Tuesdays and Saturdays, instead of jn Mondays and Fridays as heretofore. Mr. George Aldcn, realizing the want )f more room for the transaction of his steadily increasing bnsiness, has erected in the rear of his store, a substantial warehouse and platform. Dr. Zemp's new Drug Store is rising gradually, and the walls will soon be finished. A Smash ?On Monday last, a vagrant dog strayed into the store of Baum Bros., ind upon being iuvited to leave, in his ea jerness to escape, passed tlirougn a pane 01 jlass in one of the haudsome front windows if the store, regardless of the damage entailed thereby upon the Messrs. Baum> and of the imminent risk of mutilating his carcass. Persons having Dry Hides, Furs, Brass, Copper, &c., can dispose of the 6auie for cash by calling on Charles Hymau. See his advertisement. Our enterprising young merchant, H. Barucb, having returned from the North, offers a most attractive stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, and his prices are so low as to place the same within the reach of all. Give him a call. D. C. Kirkley, a retired brother typo, is announced as a candidate for Warden it Camden.?Lancaster Ledger W* trostthat ,.nr frinrxt ? *" and uudertake to promise, that lie will make a good Warden, if honored by the choice of our Camden neighbors. Good nmtfl t*nnd men. in every posi I 1-5 , . tion in which fortune places them.? Trut Southron. Clocks of all sorts for sale at Dr. J. A Young's. There was a heavy frost, with icc, or Wednesday morning. Stockholders of Steamer Lillingtor will notice advertisement iu another col urnn. ?Qna-a?ilic first business principles t* act upon, is to make ati p^aIi.-^os direc from the manufacturers, thus saving Jargi urns of money, for this reason we advise our readers to purchase thcijr Windows Doors, Blinds, &c., from Messrs. I. II Hall &, Co., Charleston, S. 0 , who havi at the factories, combined benefits derivci from materials in first hands, skilled work men, latest improved machinery, and tlior ough systematic management. All window glazed with good clear glass. They ar also Agents for Asbestos' Roofing Felt Try it and you will be pleased with it durability. Send for price list, circular &c. Make Monet fast awl honorably, $12.6 n?r tin v. or $70 ner week, by at once appl; ;ng for'? territorial right" (which arc givei free to agents.) to sell the best, strongest most useful, ami rapid selling Sewing Ma chine, and Patent Button Hole Worker, eve used or recommended by families, or buy on for your own use; it is only $o. Sent fre everywhere by express. Address all order 'BUCKLAND SEWING MACHINE, Cor Greenwich ft Corliandt Sts. N. V. October <10, GO TO TEXAS VIA TIIE I. >XK HTAK KOI'Ti:! International and Great Northern It.II. Passengers going to Texas via Meinplii and Little Rock, or via Shreveport, strik this line at Longvit-w, the Best Houte to Pal esline, Hcarne, Waco, Austiu, Huntsville Houston, Galveston and uli pointsin Wes teru. Central, Eastern and Southern Texas Passengers via New Orleans will find it th Best Route to Tyler Mincolo, Dallas, Overton Crockett, Longview and all points in. Eastcri and Northeastern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equippe with every modern improvement, includin New and Elegant Day Coaches, Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Gars, Westinghonse Air Brakes Miller's Patent Safety Platforms and Coup ers: and nowherefelse can the paasengcr s completely depend on a speedy, safe and cotn fortable journey. The LONE STaR ROUTE has admirnbl answered the query; "How to go to Texas 1 by the publication of an interesting and truth ful document, containing a valuable aud cor rect map, which can be obtained, free of charg by addressing the GENERAL TICKET A GENT, International and Great Norther Railroad, Houston, Taxa*. [District E.l February 12?3m. J New Advertisements. tUnn A WEEK TO AGENTS. Fastest selling arti e Slli c!e out- Three valuable samples for ten cents 4*1" J. BK1DE, 757 Broadway.New York. WORKING CLAS2 ? at home, day or eveuiug; no capital; instructions A I valuable package of goods sent free by mail. Address, with six cent stamp, M. YOUNG Jc CO., 172 Greenwich St., N. Y. For , COUGHS, COLDS HOARSENESS AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, r USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A Tried and Sure llcuu'dj . 1 Sol'l by Druggists. P D11DT11R T SEELEY'S HARD RUBBER TRUSSEI nyr I U 0 L Relief, Comfort A Cure for Hernia TDIICCCO01 Rupture. Fine Steel Spring I nUuvtweoeted with hard rubber,highly polished. Free from all sour, maty, chafing, ?trapping or girthing unpleasantness. Cool, cleanly, light, safe ana durable. Unaffected by bathing. Always reliable. Every desirable pattern, including the new Habd Rcsaxa Elastic Nioht Tbubs. Sent by Mail or Express. Sold by all dealers. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Estab'ta.1347 Chestnut St, Phi la., A 1 787 Brd'y, N. Y. Bxwaxs of japanned imitations #8,SOO A YEAR made with our splendid COMBINATION PROSPECTUS. Represents 50 different books wanted in every family. Agents wanted in every county and town in the United States to make a permanent business on these works. SALES SURE A PROFITS LARGE Complete outfits sent postpaid on resecipt of $1.50, enabling you to commence at once.? For outfits and full particulars, address JOHN E. POTTER & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. SOMETHING That will pay you nTTlTlflTfTl ' TO DO. 'Shay's,EST"""" UU1T i 1 LAUGKCASH WAGiW GUARAN. TTITA DC1 TEED FOIt ALL. either sex, young " Xb.CJ.Lil. or old; can he done during leisure time at your homes, or pars immensely to travel. LARGE SALARIES to experienced Apr MTC A SPENDIDOUTFIT FREE. Write MU LIN I O for it at once, to LARANE A IIA EL, 16 1-2 North Charles street, Baltimore, Md. The Highest Medical |Authorities of Europe say the strongest Tonic, purified aud Deobstrueut known to the medical|worldis .ttttpjjbeba, Ii| arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the Iervous svstem, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated Wood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price II a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y. Da. I, P. Fttl**.?B?ln* twora. says, I graduated at the IfnJTeTiltTof Tenr'a in 1833, and after SO yean' eiperlenco, perfected Dr. Filler's Vegetable!! lieum* t to Syrup. 1 gaarantet it aa lnTallibla enra for Narva, KiJaayandHhaamatiodlsaaaas. Ewornto,tlda2Cth April, 1F7IP. A. OSBOURN, Notary Public, Phil*. Cltrgyasa trtrs Cared tv it, and wm satirfr anyone wri t ln*ua.R?T.Thoe.Mnrpby,p.L).,Krankford,PhilaJlrT.c.H. Kwine.Media,Pa. Rev..T.S. Buchanan.Clarenre.Ioira.Rrr. G.(V8mith, Pittefnrd,N.Y.Rpr..To?.Peas*. FaltoChurcb, Phihu.Ac.Aflictedahonld write lJtr.l,jtler,Phlla..fnrrrpl.-;natory Pamphlet b guaranteejtratn. tfiORew.irdfnran ineurable oaae.No sure no charge^ reality.Sold by drugciaU. WE WANT ? looo ^ FIRST CLASS BOOK AGENTS, at once, to seil two of the most popular works ever published; U0 BHUTTO a record of primn life a O. U IN JJ O Fort Delaware, by He v. I W. K. Handy, and MARSHALL'S LIFE OF Gen. Robert E. Lee. CWSend for Circulars at once. TURNBULL BROTHERS. Baltimore. 3Ii>. Million!* of Acres won rViXUtfxirci XjAstdo IN NEBRASKA, Now for Sale Very Cheap. ten years credit, l.ntkhest on it six per cent. Descriptive Pamphlets with Sectional ^Maps , sent free. THE PIONEER, a handsome Illustrated Paper, containing the Homestead Law, mailed free to all parts of the world. Address, 0. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. H. 11: Omaha. Neb, I j Dr. Kanobi Catarrh B-j fHorncdy cures by juRj H bt jrWjfe., ,ml' 1, soothing and le O ma ' fl^7\ing properties, to which M5M k W \ t the disease yields, when ?N Ml Ks A IJ Remedy is used unr:.i t/ and system put in per) ^Hlectorder bv ilic wonderful alterative HI ^ ttowerof Dr. i'ic roe** Golden 3lo.?- HM t )cul Dliicovory, taken carneblly, loPJ { correct blood and system, wtiicli are a'- G9 e Hvara at fault,also to act ft|MTiflrally uj ci IJal ^ diseased ?lan<U and llniiij; mcinbranc ' C ! BBnobO pndcommunicatingchamber*. (-Ctb gBtarrh I'cmodv should be applied wnr.u ip'sB I ^Hwilh Dr. iMoreo't. NnunS Donrlin. ^ tiioonlyinstrument with v. Hcli w| ^Hiclne can Iks jjWccff.y applied to all part i tjfl Bot va*r:icci andThamhcriiinvlilr.ltuid r? M B Kflrxi'it anil front which tli -cbarpr prorec ' . , KBso successful has tills tre,*itnieil pr.?v -%t i &?' that the propci dor offer )p,jOO IT .'!yi lrj|rvnrd for n < .. r ot "( ! ' < i J'rt l ISCatarrh he can not ct.... 'i'nc t\, > ; i?- ~*T ? The State of South-Carolina. COUNTY OF KICKSHAW. 8 COURT OF COMMON P1.EA8. i Coyy Summon* for licfief-?Comjdainf Scried. JOHN McRAE and ISABEL SCOTA Mc? HAK, his wife, Plaintiffs, Y Ay H in *t n Robert L. Livingtone, and Mary S. Living> slone liia wife, .Virion Mttzel, ami Julia M. Maze], his wife, hnmuel Logan Lnng. Sallie r J W. Boykin, Ldward M. Roy kin and Mary C. e ; Boykin. bin wife. Thomas W. Lang, Mary p | Lang, Harriet M. Lang, Theodore Lnng. Se. 8 renaC. Lang, Duncan M. Lung. Sallie IV. Lung, J. Boykin Lang, Kitty B. Lang, William S. Holt, Serena Holt, John Holt. Isabel Scoia Holt, Edward C. Brevar//, Alfred Brevard, Harriet M Brevard. Thomas Whitaker, John Whitukcr, Isabel Scota Saltnond, William D. MeDownlland Ellen McDownll, his wife, SallieC. Wliitaker, Lawrence Whitaker, aud Harriet M. Lang?Committee, Drfcn1 - m.4 .. S ? e To the (ilforc'Unmxl 1)< thulont* in (In* action. ? , You are hereby summoned nti<l required to i. answer the complaint in this action, which, e on the second day of March, A. I). 1871, wan . filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of n Common Pleas. for the Raid county, and serve a copy of your answer on the sithj acrihers, at their office in Dread Street, C'ltnden, 8. C., within twenty day* after the ser vice of this summons on yon, o*clu?ire of the i, 'lay of service. i- If you fail to answer this complaint within o the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs will apply t i-1 the Com i for the relict demanded hi the Coinplaint. V Dated March 2. 1H7-I. SHANNON A* LINNINO, i- Plaintiff a Attorneys j March o Ct inn kit- MACKKREL, n 10 harrelR do 26 half barrels do. For sale by BAUM BRO. SOOTH CAROLINA LAND AGENCY THE undersigned offers his services as GENERAL LAND AGENT: having established conimunicafion with persons of all classes who may be induced to buy land in South Carolinn. It is of great importance that the peculiar attractions offered by our section, to those wishing to settle upon their own lands, be brought into notice. This can only be done by making it a specialty. The class of immigrants most needed among us, (all others, of com se, are welcome,) is the I one who brings with him enough to buy?even ; 11 ?,, flnrtnin nun nt it v of our land: l/l il siiuui vfnj?MW4.W , w (theonly capital which we have left.) TI113 is easily done, by such u one, as one-fourth the estimated value paid down, will give him a title, and possession; with three or four, and even five years, to pay the balance. This class of settlers, native or immigrant, must be dealt with personally ?must 'oe convinced that this country,with all its advantages does exist, and is within his reach. Once satisfied on this point, the rest is easy. They , know nothing of our country, heretofore closed to the outside world, and it has to be told ] to them. * The object of the AGENCY is to do this: to 1 apptoach the mnn?wheresoever he umy be? who has the means, and induee him by statements. MADE IN SUOII A WAYTHAT HE IS OBLIGED TO PUT FAITH IN THEM to invest in our land. This will give the land a commercial value, and bring the bestclass of settlers. Persons wishing to dispose of lands should first have them surveyed, and laid off in farms of from fifty to one hundred and fifty acres.? Nothing can be done, under the plan propos- od. with bodies of land in block. The thing ^ to bo sold must bo offered in lota to suit the J purchaser. All business in this connection will receive strict attention from the undersigned. F EDWARD M. BOYKIN. Camden, S. C. February 19, 1873. References.?Gen. Jns. Chcsnut, Col. W M Shannon, Gen. J. B. Kershaw, Capt T. 11. Clarke, Maj. John M. DeSaussure, Gen. John ? D Kennedy, Camden, S. C Col. L. J. Pat- 1 lerson, Liberty Hill, Gov. John L. Manning, 8 Clarendon, 8. C. " c A SOUTHERN HOUSE GEO, S. HACKER'S j DOOR, SASH, AND BLIND FACTORY 9 f King, Opp. Cannon Street, fl CHARLESTON, S. C. The only house of the kin-i in this City ? owned and managed by a Carolinian. t \ LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HA$D * and sold at 20 per cent, less than North- 1 ern prices. ' ADDRESS GEO S. HACKER, Charleston, S. C. 1 p. o. box lto. ? January 22. . 12 t THIVMrHAETT! ' '.rmo Carolina Fertilizer, WILL Hi: SOLD AS FOLLOWS; CASH PRICE. $50 Per Ton of 2,000 Founds. TIME PRICE. $55 Per Ton of 2.000 Pounds PAY \HLK NOVEMBER 1. 1*74 Free of Interest, ^ Freight &. Drayage to be Added. ; ITS Sl'CCESS IS I UNPARALLELED I AMI ITS STANDARD IS j .4. -mr ~ ^ i J%- -i u. a _ Acid Phosphate WILL BE SOLD AS FOLLOWS: ('ASII PRICE, $35 per Ton of 2,000 pounds, , TIME PRICE. $38 por Ton of 2,000 pounds, ! PAYA RLE NOVEMBER 1, 1X74. Freight & Dray age to be added, FOll SALE BY W. C. GERALD & CO., ('AMD EX, S ('. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., flrnrrnf Ai/> nti. ut C/uirlenfon, S, C. January l'i. 4i? .Holnsses, 20 barrels Now Orleans, 2."? half barrels 50 barrels Muscovado For sale by n 22. BAUM BKO AN APPEAL. j To all whom it may Concern.; It rests with those who are indebted to . me to say whether or not I shall Resume Business,1 ' G and I take this method of making an Earnest Appeal r] to such, to couie forward and i PAY ME PROMPTLY. c Friendship is an easy word ;o say, but now is the time to test it. C shall expect all who are friends, to 'espond promptly to this, 1 WITHOUTDELAY. ROB'T. M-KENNEDY. ' January 15. tf rj Lumber! Lumber!! " Having thoroughly repaired my Mills, I am repared to furnish LUMBER J if all kinds, at the shortest notice, and on ^ he most reasonable terms. The lumber is ^ awed from the best and most select timber, md is warrunted to be always of the first / |uality. My GRIST MILL s also in complete order, and I nm prepared o gin and pack COTTON. The Mills nre situated on Big Pinetree ,'reek, nine miles fromthe town of Camden, ui the public road leading to Cheraw. Terms for the Lumber, cash on delivery. 1 am prepared to haul the Lumber to town, ir to the 8. C. K. R. Depot, or if the purchn ers prefer, it will be delivered to thein at I he Mill. _ H. K. DUBOSE. | A SPECIAL NOTICE. 1FF1CE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS KERSHAW COUNTY, Camdrn, 8. C.January 15, 1874, All persons holdingChecks or otlierclainiH igainst the Couuty ol' Kcrslinw. are required C! o present thein for registration, at the oifice d if the County Commissioners, within thirty Inys, in compliance with section 2 of a joint ai esolution of the General Assembly, to levy a ipecial tax to pay the past indebtedness of vershaw County, approved December 20th, 0 873. 0 Said section reads as follows: "Section 2. That all persons holding claims igainst said County be, and they are, hereby, ^ cquired to file a list of such claims, with the nnount and date thereof, in the oifice of ~ Lc County Commissioners, before payment hereof." ? . JMI1N A. BOS WELL. Chairnmn. 4 Attest: Frank Carter, Clerk. Phosphate! Plioapliatc!! 100 Tons Atlantic, 100 Tons Atlantic Acid, Tor sale by B All 31 BROS. Hoes, Iloes. 50 dozen, of different kinds. For sale by BAl'M BRO. ' January 22. tf / THOSE IN WANT j? OF ANYTHING in the line of Foreign and Domestic U FRUITS, ctoc.,! n iVill always find it to their interest to buy d trhere the largest and best assortment is L tcpt. We always keep a complete stock in k leason. d KIRK LEY & GARLAND. c . U: NOTICE. Our friends and customers will please conic ftl oruard and settle their accounts. The losses Q' >y the recent fire render a speedy settlement mperative. For the present, we will be found ft| it the office of J. ]) Kennedy, over W. L. i, \rthur's store. HODGSON* & DUXLAP Pacific (Juaiio Company's J (CAPITAL 8100.000; r< Soluble Pacific Guano. 2 This Gl'ANO is now so well known in all W he Southern States.for its' remarkable effects is an agency for increasing the products of [( abor, us not to require special commendation s 'rom us. Its use for eight years past has es- j ahlishcd its character for reliable excel-1 ence. Tlie large fixed capital invested by he Company in this trade affords the surest ,, guarantee of the continued excellence of this (.. iuano. The supplies put into market this ' teason are. as heretofore, prepnrcd under the luperlntendence of Dr. St. Julien Havenel, Chemist of the Company, at Charleston, B. t>. 3. lfencc, planters may rest assured that ,,J ts quality and composition is precisely the g intno as that heretofore sold. ol J. N. ROBSON, Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. 0 JOHN S. KKESK & Co., ti General Agents. Baltimore. a Terms?$48 cash; time, without inter- r< let. To accommodate planters, they can order M now and havetill the 1st of April to decide w xs to whether they will take at time or cash ti |irice. When delivered frr.m the factory by h the carload, no dravage will be charged. si .1 b. ROBSON. fi 'jyAClD PHOSPHATE. C.I.'AXO, BONE, p PI.ASTER, .ko., always on band, quality ii guaranteed. J. X. ROBSON. & January 1 '1m BACON! BACON!! J 20,000 pounds BACON" | fi barrels HAMS. c For sale by HU M IlltO. 1 September 4. tf i I j3iii<1 for Halo. t QAA ACRES of WOOD LAND, three miles r ojUU from Camden, on the Ohernw road, belonging to John T. Graham and C. N. Graham. Apply to C. NELSON, Trustee* ( Deceml?er4. tf HMM???????? THANKS. WE desire to return our thanks to the public generally for tlie patronage so ( iberally bestowed upon us in 'he past, and i lope, by a strict attention to business, and \ m earnest endeavor to please, to merit a i iontiuuanee of the same. * < KIRKLEY k GARLAND. January 8, 1871. If NO USE TALKING! [\TE want EVERYBODY to know, that we VV do not intend that ANYBODY shall sell roods cheaper than we do. Kirkley d Garland, January 8. tf P1IE LARGEST AND BEST J Assorted stock of French and American NUTS. frRUITS, CANNED GOODS, &c. an always he found at KIRKLEY k GARLAND'S. | January 8. tf k IDJEilT O-OOIDS, fTOTIONS, HATS, and various articles, A selling at exceedingly low figures, by KIRKLEY & GARLAND. {Small Profits, AND QU ICK SALES, IS OUR MOTTO. "HIOSE who don't believe it, call and ex_ amine our Goods and the prices at which e are selling. KIRKLEY & GARLAND. "WAITED, 71VERYB0DY to know that. KIRKLEY & 'j GARLAND keep Store one door south f the comer, in the Workman Buildlg, where they keep always on hand, a A unplete stock of General Merchandise, at OW PRICES. LN UNDISPUTED FACT, That those who sell FOR CASH, can sell leap?but those who sell ou time, MUST ive big profits. fc^-Wescll CHEAP, FOR CASH. KIRKLEY & GARLAND. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY 1 ?ASU? ? ci Fancy Groods. ? if"RS. T. R. WALKER has opened at lier g fJL establishment on Broad Street, a handtmc assortment of !\/l 11 11 ti rt r> w nnrl ? nnAi. I ? ifi11111IUI jf anu i attuj uuuuoj Of the latest styles, selected with great ire, to suit t! e tastes of her customers and ie public get e -ally The Ladies arc respectfully invited to call nd examine her stock of traw Hats,M aid Heck KiteJ Together with every article to be found in veil supplied Millinery establishment. October tf "A FAMILY ARTICLE. " ^^lTteLf'NEWtU'^ i SEWING MACHINE i For Doniestie l\e. ( ONLY FIVE DOLLARS. With the New Patent butt;ojn hole worker. Patented June 7th, 1871. i AWARDED THE FIRST PREMIUM AT THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE AND MARYLAND INST1TLTE FAIRS, 1ST1. ( A most wonnderful and elegantly construc;d Sewing M.vruiNKTor Family Work. Com* lete in all its Parts, Uses the Straight Kt/r 'ointeil Xinllr, Self Tiiukaiunu, direct upight Positive Motion, New Tension, Self eed and Cloth Guider. Operates by Wheel n<l on a 1 able. Ltyht Aunmuy. Smooth and oiseless, liki all good liigli-jiriccd machines, [as Patent Check- to prevent the wheel being irued the wrong way. Uses the thread ireet from the spool. Makes the Elastic ock Stitou, (finest and strongest stieh nown;) firm, durable, close and rapid. Will 0 all kinds of work, fine and coarse, from ambrio to heavy Cloth or Leather, and 0 scs all descriptions of thread. This Machine n 1 heavily ooxstkivtkd to give it strength! II the parts of each Machine being made alike y machineri/, and beautifully finished and r namented. It is easy to learn. Rapid, Smooth ml Silent in operation. Reliable at all times, nd a Practical, Scientific, Mechanical s'vextion, at a Great!;/ Rtduad Price. A Good, Cheap Family Sewing Machine at ist. The first and only success in producing valuable, substantial and reliable low pri- 1 ;d dewing Machine. Its extreme low price [inches all conditions. Its simplicity and rength adapts it to all capacities, while its inny merits make it a universal favorite herever used, an I creates a rapid demand, -i IT IS ALI. IT I* HKCOMMENDED. I can cheerfully and confidently recommend t. s use to tho8o?who are w anting a really good . cuing Machine, at a low price. Mus. II. U. JAMESON, Peotono, Will County. 111. Price of each Machine. "Glass A." "One," " ,varranted l'er five years by special ccrtifi ito,) with all th fixture*, and t . i/thlny comlete belonging to it, including Self Thkfaii;o Nekki.e, paeke i in a strong wooden box. ad delivered to ///// part of the country, by xpress, hike of further charges, on receipt f price, oni.i Five ut*. Sate delivery unrantecd. Willi e.w-ii Machineue will send, u receipt of.?! ixtr-i, the new patent. lll'tton iiolk wokkkr, ue of the most important and useful iuveuons of the age. So simple and certain, that cliil'l can work the lun?t button hole with pgularity and ease. Strong and beautiful. Spkii At. Tkkmx, it n<l,< Inducements to % Ialg aii'l Female Aynt*. Store Keepers, &e. k ho will establish aucii' ies though the eoun y and and keep our New Mai iiim> oh Exihilion mi'l 8air. Cor sty Hmiiits given to | mart agents fui.k. Agent's complete outfit, trnishod without any t xrna ittuui*. Sarnies of Hwimj, descriptive circulars contain- ? tig Terms, Testimonials, Engravings, &c., ;c., sent free. We also supply AlilUlTLfJTItAl. IMl'l.KMKNTS. J Latest l'nteiits and Improvements for the 'arm atnl tlnvilcii. Mowers, lleapcrs, Culivators. Feed Cutters. Harrows. Farm Mills, 'lattiers. Harvesters. Threshers nnd'nU arti- . Ies ttecileil for Farm work. Hare Seeds ill J urge variety. All inoneysent in Post Office loncy Orders. Hank Drafts. or by express, " trill be at our rid;, and are perfectly secure. " 'afe delivery of all our goods guaranteed. "An old and responsible firm that sell the * test goods at the lowest price, and can be ' elicd upon b\ our readers."?Former's Jour- . ml, Xeie York. 1 Ier a 'of Responsible for Registered Letters. I A unit ess am. Onntus BUCKLAND SF.WINtl MACHINE, hornet Uroeuwich \ Cortlandt Streets, N. Y Sept. "Jo, Cm. i^BaHMnMHRaBa0BOSMMHWi'ir " >Iai*l>lo! Marble ! I I hereby give notice to the citizens of CamJen and its vicinity, tliat I will be in Camden n a few days, with a lot of MARBLE, ai d vili be prepared to furnish Ileadttones, Monimcnts, &e., on as reasonable terms as they tan be obtained elsewhere. .111 oruers promptly attended to. W. P. SMITH, Jan. 22.?tf. Of Sumter S. C. Piedmont and Arlington I.IFE nsurance company OF Richmond, Virginia ASSETS $3 ,000,000. w. c. carrington, rilESIDIlVT ? Losses actually paid in KershawCounty with in Three Years, $28,000,00 I take pleasure in sayinglhave return1 to the agency of this popular Company 10 difficulties v. ill exist in future, as to Icncwals of Policies, as I shall pay esprial attention to that branch of the bu-d will alwavs be found nt tnr Of V "'J * " " ccon Broad Street, Camden. S. C. W. CLYUUM, Agent. January 10. ltf >EA> AM) ATTRACTIVE! !he attention of customers is called to my LARGE ASD _ rare fully Selected Stock of )RY GOODS, :lotiiixg, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, IARDWARE, "ROCKE11Y. A Large Stock of GROCERIES. I have also on hand an assortment With*a varioty of other articles. All f which are the most reasonable terms. J. f. McCURRY, Apt. October 9. tf THE PlillTERS WAREHOUSE. PLANTERS, and othera, wishing toohian their supplies at prices that defy cotnpeition, will consult their interest l>y exauiinng uiv stoek,before purchasing elsewhere, My stock for the l'all and Winter Tit. le as never been metre complete. It consists it it part of Gvooei'ies PUOARS?Of ail grades. COI'FKK?Rio. Lnguiva and Java, FAMILY n.OlT,- -Of the finest ?jti.ili!y, CANNED tUHMlS?Of all description, HACON and LAUD, GOSHFN Itl'TTKR and CHKFSE, FRESH CRACKERS?A complete assort, icnt of Staple Dry Goods, llonili Wmlji tit' 500TS, SHOES, EIATS, CAPE, LEATHER, Hardware, Crockeryware, Ragging' and Ties Intl. indeed, every thing tisnnlly foun 1 u ( 'irst C11*hi* (trocerv. iQTMy si* ki? replenished weekly?Goods iways fresh. The highest market price pni<l for (Vtton A call is respectfully solicited. 1). IV. JORDAN, Agent. October 80.