University of South Carolina Libraries
LorvL ATTTFRS (NIMH UIKECTOKY. Episcopal Ciivrch. Corber of Lyttle. on and Laurens streets,?services at 11 * o'clock A. M. aud 4 P. M. . Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. Robert Thomson, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 71 p. in. Prayer U.vahiur Tlinisiiluv of S n 111. 6 j ? - r ? Methodist Church, DeKalb street? Kev. J. W. Kclley, Pastor?Services at 11 A. *M. and 7} P. M. on Sunday;) Prayer Meeting Thursday at 4i P. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? Rev.S. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 11 A.M. and 4 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 4J P. M. il 9EETINGN. IsOHS of^emperanceT WATEREE DIVISION, NO- 9 Attend the Regular Meet y(\ ing of your Division at Tern per a nee Hall on MONDAY evening next, at 7$ o'clock By order ot the W. P. I A. B. LEE, R S. for tiie journal. Please insert the following nomination i for Intendant and Wardens of the Town of Camden at the ensuing election, and oblige Manjt Voters. For Intendant, J D. DUN LAP. For J. R. good ale, A. D. Kennedy, Wui. Deas, Abram Marks. Temperance Addresses.?We are requested to state that publie addresses will be delivered at Temperance Hall, by Rev. J. W. Kelly and Col. W. M. Shannou, on Tuesday evening the 31st instant. The public are respectfully invited to at" tend. I Masonic.?The member? of the fraternity throughout the State will be gratified to learn that the order is,"looking up" in Kershaw. At every meeting, Kershaw Lodge, ^9. 29, receives new accession to its already large membership; and a' new Lodge has Teoeatly been opened, un- j dcr the most favorable auspices, at Flat Rock, with the following named brethren as officers: L. B. Stephenson, W. M. J. T. Cauthen, S. W. W C. Denton, J. W. J. J. Drakeford, Treasurer. T. W. Munnerlyn, Secretary. H. T. Watts, S. D. J. R. Thorn, S. D. Kzek. Gnskin, Tiler. Rev. Ellison Capers.?This gentloman preached in Grace Church on Sunday last. We are sorry to learn that ho will not take charge of this parish, having decided that it is his duty to remain at Greenville. The members of his church there, warmly, earnestly, and successfully opposed his leaviug theui. The Weather?During the latter part of la?t week we were visited with <1 uite wintry weather, several heavy frosts, and a good deal of ice. Great fears are entertained that the fruit trees, which the deceptive mildness of the weather had ' pushed forward too rapidly fur the season, have been severely injured, if not killed. Inquiries amoutr friends from the country, lead us to believe that the peach crop, at least in the sand-hills, will he almost a total failure. A change in the weather took place on Sunday, when rain from the cast commenced to fall and coutiuued almost without intermission, until Tuesday morning mobrkll's Mji.l.?The pond having been rt-filhd with water, Mr. Morrell is prepared to accommodate his patron* again. Another Fike. ?The alarm bell on Thursday afternoon last, about 4 o'clock, called the attention of our citizens to the fact that an old brick house in the lower part of Broad Street had taken fire inr the roof. The wind was high at the time, but fortunately blew in a direction which pre' vented the spread of the conlsgration.? The roof toon fell in. but owing to the efforts of the firemen, and other citizens, and the substantial manner in which the i house had been built, the fire made but little headway, and might have been com pletely extinguished, but for a fight be* ? 4 nnn whit* the nth iwoen two jiuuii^ uivu, -?iv , er colored, in which the latter was cul quite badly about the head and nek.? This caused a disturbance, and divertec all attention from the fire for a while.? When order was restored the flames hat made victorious headway, and between 7 and d o'clock the conflagration was at in height. The building thus destroyed hat been standing for upwards of forty yearn * and at the time of the fire was kept bj Kdward Carter as an eating house. Tin accident is supposed to hav e occurred bj a spark lodging in the dry and decayet roof J. D. Punlap, Esq., was the ownei ot the property, and loses about $500 01 8COO, without any In theTuux Justice's Court.?Om day last week, 31 illy Ferguson, (colored,] preferred, before Triel Juetice 8uibtrlsnd * -? f charges' against her husband, Guy FerjgOsou. She exhibited a contract, in which Guy undertook to pay her a certain amount as a farm laborer, and charged that he had fraudulently made way with all of his crop without satisfying her demands. TheTrial Justice, who always does justice promptly %aud satisfactorily between colored litigauts, told her that Guy could bo imprisoned for his fraud. The thought of her adored, though unworthy, loved one, being put into a felon's cell, was uiore than the tender heart of Milly could bear; so, with tears in her eyes, she told the Trial Justice that al| though she wanted her rights, and al though her husband would not support her, she could not consent that such stern measures should be adopted towards him A day or two afterwards the guilty Guy and his affectionate wife. again appeared before the bar of. the Trial Justice. Itappeared that they had never been formally married, but had lived together for , several years, and that the only reason why Milly had taken an obligation of so bindingja character upon her liege lord, < , was the fear that her wants would not be J satisfied. The Trial Justice explained to < Guy what were his duties towards this j woman, who was, to all intents and pur- : poses, his wife, although they had never been formally married, and remarked, "Guy, with all thy faults she loves thee stilt." He advised that they should be immediately married, and go home, and , live together in the affectionate discbarge j of the mutual duties growing out of the tender relationship of husbaud and wife. > Aoenrdinidv in the GourL Kooui of the j o"-/ ? ? Trial Justice, iii the presence of twoju- 1 nior members of the bar, who happened ( to bo present, the marriage ceremony was performed, the breach of contract case , was thereby settled, and the litigants went j away satisfied. j One of the first, business principles to act upon, is to make all purchases direct from the manufacturers, thus saving large sums of money, for this reason we advise our readers to purchase their Windows, Doors, Blinds, &c., from Messrs. I. li. Hall & do., Charleston, S. C , who have at the factories,.combined benefits derived from materials in first bauds, skilled work men, latest improved machinery, and thorough systematic management. All windows glazed with good clear glass. They are also Agents for Asbestos' Roofing Felt. Try it and you will be pleased with its t durability. Send for price list, circulars, J An extraordinary circumstance in the history of the country occurs on the death of Mr- Fillmore. Never before since the administration of Jefferson has it happen* ed that only oue person was alive, except the incumbent, who had filled tiro Presidential office. Andrew Johnson is now j the only ex-Proaident living, and even he was not elected to that office, Lut came to it as Vice-President on the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, While the youngi t Adams was President, the elder Adams, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe were living. When Buchanan was elected, Van Bureh, Tyler, Pierce and Fillmore were alive. When Lincoln was inaugurated Van Buren, Tyler, Pierce, Fillmore and Buchanan were living. Within the past thirty-seven years seven Presidents have been elected besides Grant. It is an extraordinary fact that not one of the seven is now alive. A colony of 1,000 persons is being formed in New York to locate on 1,000 acres of land near Aiken, donated uy Mr. John H. Keyser to poor but desesving persons of New York. About $50,000 will be raided to settle them comfortably, and to insure the success of the undertaking. The County Treasurer of Lancaster, under instructions from the AttorneyGeneral of the State, paid to the widow of Isaac Coles, last week, whose husband it is alleged was murdered by the Ku Klux iu 1871, the half mill tax levied under Act of the Legislature for the support of widows and orphans, over $000. Mar Montr fast ami honorably, $12 .50 per day, or $70 per week, by at once apply ug for a territorial right, (which are given free U> agents.) to sell the best, strongest, most useful, and rapid selling Sewing Ma J chine, and Patent Button Hole Worker, ever 1 used or recoiumended by families, or buy one for your owu use: it is only $5. Sent free everywhere '-y express. Address all orders "bltklanu maciiink, Cor. Greenwich & Cortiandt Sis. S. V. October '10. Tito favorite shirt collar now approach*" 1 c 11.- .undino order, with tng win ue ui me Btauu.?b , ( falling ears. UO TO TKXAS VI4 TIIE LOXt: STIR ROrTK ! j INTERNATIONAL ANU GREAT NURTIIKIIN U.K. Pa??engers going lo Texas via Memphis utnl l.iltle Kock, or via Shreveporl, strike ' this line at Longview, the Best Route to Pal. estiue, Hearne, Waco, Austin, IInutsviHe, . Houston, Galveston ami all points in Western, Central, Eastern nn<l Southern Texas. Passengers via New Orleans will find it the Ilest Route to Tyler Mincolo, Dallas, Overton, Crockett, Longview and all points in Eastern I and Northeastern Texas. This line is well liuilt, thoroughly equipped ' with every modern improvement, including r New and Elegant Day^ Coaches, Pullniati l'al Aim II ra If ,.w j ace .Sleeping wars, nesunKnuiisc -... .....-., Miller's I'll I cut Safety Platforms nnd Coupf lert?: nnd nowherefelse can the passenger so 1 completely depend on a speedy, mfw an J comforiutile journey. r The LONE STaH ROUTE lias admirably answered the (|uery; "'How to go to Texas?" by the puldication of an interesting and truthful document, containing a valuable and correct map. whiob can be obtained, free of charge 9 by addressing the GENERAL TICKET A . GENT, International and Great Northern ' Railroad, Houston, Texas. , fDistrict E.I F#lruaryl2?3tu. New Advertisements. /h|jn A WKKK TO AliKNTS. Fastest selllnjt artl V Ix cle out. Three valuable samples for ten cents yl U J. Mil UK, 767 Hioadway.Nt vv York. WORKING GLAS2 at Inline, day or evening; no capital; instruction* A valuable packUKe of KOixte >eut free by mall. Address, wltii six cent stamp, M. YOL'XH A CO., 172 Greenwich St., N. Y. For COUGHS.- COLDS, HOARSENESS AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE Wells' Oarjpolic Tablets. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A Tried and Sure Remedy. 8old bv Druggists. Dll DTIIR r SEELEY'S HARD RUBBER TRUSSED nUr I UnC Relief, Comfort A. Cure forHernia , TDIICvtOor Rupture. Fine Steel Spring I nUOgtOcoated with hard rubber,highly ' polfplicj.. Free from all tour, rusty, chafing, strap* ping or girthing unpleasantness. Cool, cleanly, light, : safe and durable. Unaffected by bathing. Always reliable. Every desirable pattern, including the new Hard.Russia Elastic Nioht Trim. Sent by ' Mail or Express. Sold by all dealers. Send for Illus- i tratedCatalogue. Estab'ta,1347ChestnutSt.,Phila.,& , 787 Brd'y, N. Y, Bkwaxs of japanned imitations I 8S.5QO A YEAK made with our splendid COMBINATION PROSPECTUS. 4I Represents 50 different hooks wanted in every family. Agents wanted in every county and town in the United States to make a permanent business on these works, *ALFSSIREtC PROFITS LARGE Complete outfits sent postpaid on reeeeipt of ?1.oil, enabling you to commence at once.? For outfits and full particulars, address JOHN E. I'OfTKK & CO., Publishers, Pliiladelpliin, Pn. SOMETHING 'fliai will pay you nilfliPTfTI ro DO. ^satST"- UU 1111 LARGE CASH WAGES GUAR A N- Tj^T) TPTJ* TKEl) FOR ALL. either sex, young-P XbXxCj. >r old; can he done during leisure time at your ionics, or pays immensely to travel. LARGE SALARIES to experienced A PCMTC VM'ENUIDOI TUT FREE. Write MUuIN I O 'or it at once, to LARANE A- HAEI., 1? 1-2 North lharu-s street, ltaltimore, Md. rho Highest Medical \ A utiiorities of Eluropo say the strongest Tonic, purified ^ndlieohstriient the medienl|wovldis vTTTIE^TJIBIEIB^. [t| arrests decay of vital forces, exnausiioii 01 iue i [ervous svstem, restore.1* viitor to the debilitated, j ileauses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions md actsdirectlv on tlte Ijver and Spleen. Price ft i bottle. JOHN <i. KKI.l.OGG, IS I'lalt St., N. V. Da. J. P. Fitter.?Brlnraworn, fijl, I gradnatod at the UolT?TiILrof Fran's in l.-vsX and after 30 rear*' expariene*. Srffoted Dr.Fitter's Vegetable Dlienmatla yrnp. I pnannteo itaa iatalliblo care for Nerxe. K?tscy sad Rheumatic dijcasci." Sworn to,thI?2oth April. 1371F. A.OSBOURN, Nolan Pvbke. Phi!u. Vt Cltrjraea ware Ctrel t? It, and will rat i*fv any on* wri' ing ue. Rcx.Thn*. M nrphrjU. D., trAnlfiml, I 'hila. Rcx.C. 11. i Kwin?.M*dia,P?. Rrx..T.S.Bnrh*nan.Clar<>ncc.Iow?.RrT. | G.G.Smith, Pitt*fnrd,N.Y. Rcx.Jof.Rpjcp*, Kali* Church, ( PhihuAr.ASirted should write I?r.>Jtlrr,Phils.,fnr rrpliost< >rr Pamphlet A guarantee jrrat if. $60 Howard for an ineurabtecaaeJfoeuronocbargeiarealMrJ^ld L>jrdru**i?la. | WE WANT looo _ __ FIRST FLASK BOOK AGENTS, it once, to sell two of the moat popular works ever published; fT O OflTTnC* a record of prison life a U. O. IJUiNJJO Fort Delaware, by Rev. I IV. K. Handy, and MARSHALL'S LIFE OF Gen. Robert E. Lee. rr-son<l for Circulars at once. TURNBULL BROTHERS. B.VLITMOHE. Mil. .Million* of AorcN EICH FARMING LANDS IS NEBRASKA, ' Now for Sale Very Cheap. 1 TEN VEAl'.S CREDIT, INTEREST ONI A' SIX j I'ER CENT. Descriptive Pamphlets with Sectional 'Map-1 sent free. THE PIONEER. a handsome Illustrated l'aper, containing the Homestead Law, mailed free to all parts of die world. Address, 0. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. I'. 1?. R: ! Oiuaha, Neb, enrci all IJmuirn front fee v.'ir i <!? ?,.7u)., a common Ulolt b or Clippie. ( >< i in., ro Blx hottlfJ nrn w.i r inn .1 l.ien.i Mill ( ...5i?,i or Teller, I'lti>|>lrv .?? Il MtVt ?Nv<. > hiiiM-li h, lirvaipt i ?' UI..I I.iv.-/ Illuiill, M\ ! < iiliru. li.illll -H'nl.'illl ' t l flie wor-fSi'i ofTiIon S.vr|H:if?a... j I'.iins iu Hdiies :ini Saro turii; > c.i LvI'liimiit in titotitl >' . I..;,, i I?y iis woiHicrli.t i.-.,cl..i. j r-r't-vi.;. r? cjro the most aev'.'c.T> oi.i or Mi v.- ?.-i j. (toii| I) in h<.If l,.o i.i .. ft >rt.,s?i i . . . . m.vii. bo awl i- , fr j ; t-s.iinug m-jmii. i ii.. 1 . , levin r >\ r Lr all In i.. ! - , , , ,i .. tYoiiJ'a iu,? /t i Ii ... v. \ The State of South-Carolina. COUNTY UK KKKSHAW. COt.UT OK COMMON I'LEAN. Copy .Summons for Rflvf?Com < It tin/ S'I'trtl. JOHN MoRAE on.l 1SAREL SCOT A McRAE, his wife, 1*1 :iilitifix, A'/tihi it RiJtcii I.. Living! one, nn<l Mary S. Livingstone hid wife, Ailrii'ii Mattel, and Join M Mii/.l, lii* wife, Samuel Logan Lung, Snllie W. Ko}'kiii, I'Mwu? I M. Itovkin :?uti Mary t'. bo} kin. hi* wife, Thomas W. Lang, Mary l\ Lang. Harriet M. Lung, Theodore Lang. Serena Lang, Itiincan M. Lang. Saliie IV. Lang, J. Boykiu Lang, Kitty It. Lang, William S. Holt, Serena C. Holt, John Holt. Isabel Scotu Holt, Edward C. Itrevan/, Alfred Brevard, Harriet M ltrevartl, Tliomaa Whilaker, John Whilaker, Isabel Fcota Kaltuond. Williuui l> McUuwallami Lllen Meltowall, hie wife, PnllieC. Whilaker, Lawrence Whilaker, atxl Harriet M, Lang?Committee, 1'cfendauls. To the altorc-uamn? Itrfnvbiuti in thin fiction. V"U are hereby summoned ?ti<l required to answer the complaint in this action, which, on llie second <I:i_v of March, A. I). Ib7i, wan filed In the olfice of the Clerk of tlie Court ol Comnion Hen.-, for the paid county, and nerve a copy of your unswfr on the suberribein, at their oik<*c in itroad .Street, Camden. S. within twenty days after the per vice of this rumuinns on you, exclusive of thf day of service. If vou tail to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, the i'laintitls will apply t the Court for the relief demanded in the CoinI plaint. Dated March If. I*7d. Ml VNXON \ Ll.NMXG, Plaintiff's Attorneys. March o Ui 100 kits M kCKBREL, Ul barrels do 25 half barrels do. For sale by BAUM BRO. 4 ???I?? ' SOUTH CAROLINA LAND AGENCY. THE undersigned offers hie services as GENERAL LAND AGENT; hliving established communication with persons of all classes who may he induced tolibuy lnnd in Soatli Carolina. Ft is'of groht imporrfahee that the peculiar attractions offered by i>ur section, to those wishing to settle upon llrir uvnjtinds, bp brought into nr#lce. This catt only" be done by making it a specialty. I Tito class of immigrants most needed among | us, (all others, of cootie, are welcoiu#.) is the one w ho brings with him enOiqchfo Luy-?-cvon in a small way?a certain quantity or ourlaruf; (theonly capital which we ltave left.) This is easily done, by such none, as one-fourth the estimated value paid down, will give him a " * 1 ?-!"? ivitk iKri>i> ni> fnur. ?nil I line, nnu posses.-ouu, even five years, to pay the balance. This class of settlers, native or immigrant, must he tlealt with personally -inust he convinced that this countvy.witb all its advantages does exist, and is within fiis' reach'. Once Satisfied on this point, the rest is easy. They know nothing of our country, heretofore closed to the outside world, and it has tobe told to them. ? ) The object of the AGENCV is to do this: to approach the man?wheresoever lie may be? who has the means, and induce him by statements. MADE IN SUCH A \YATTHAT HE IS OBLIGED TO 1>UT FAITH IN THEM to invest in our land. This will give the land a commercial value, and bring the liesffclftss of ret tier#. Persons wishing to dispose of lands should first have tlirm surveyed, and laid off in farms of from Mtj hundred aud fifty acres.? Nothing can bo done, finder the plan proposed, with bodies of land in block. The thing to he sold must be offered in lots to suit the purchaser. All business in.connection will receive strict hitcution from (he undersigned. KDWAItU M. BOVK1N. Camden, B. C. February I", 1873.' Ukkkkkm^ks.?Gen. Jas. Chtennl, Col. IV M Shannon, Gen..I. H. Kershaw, Oapt T. II. Clarke, Maj. John M. DeBausshre, Gen. John D. Kennedy, Camden, S. () Col. L. .1. Patterson, Liberty Hill, Gov. John L. Manning, Clarendon. S. C. ? > A SOUTHERN HOUSE /NUA O XT A CITUD'C uriiU. a, iinuuxui o DOOB, HASH, and BLIND .FACTORY, Kino, Opi?. Cavnon Street, . CHARLESTON", S. C. JK I l,mjH|K H R, li J 'I'll*' only house of lljc tind iu tliis City uwnfil ami managed by u Oarolitiiah. A LAIUJK STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND nn?l sold at 20 per cent. less riian Northern prices.' address GEO S. HACK EH, Charleston, S. C. l*. o. box no. . , t . January 22. 5 12 TRIUMPHANT! Carolina Fertilizer V. i LI. UK SOLO AS FOLLOWS; CASH PRICE $60 Per Ton of 2,000 Pounds. TIME PRICE. $55 Per Ton of 2 000 Pounds lMVlltLE NOVEMIiKIl I. 1*74, Frort of Interest, Freight & Di ayagc to he Added. ITS SIVCKSS |s l\PAI(ALLELi:?, WD ITS STANDARD IS A. i\o. 1. ; Acid Phosphate W ILL HE SOLD AS FOLLOWS: CASH PRICE, $35 per Ton of 2,000 pounds, Tufi? ninep iiiU?> 1 lllVJi. $38 per Ton of 2,000 pounds, 1'AYAULE NOVEMBEB J. is;?. Froc of IntereHt, Freight & Dray age to be added, Full SALE BY J w. C. GERALD & CO., c\MbEX, S GEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO., drill rnl A;/' li/<. lit C/liil'li nlvil, a. C. January F?. 4ra jtlol asses, 9I(ilassi% JO New Orleans, 25 hull' barrels 50 barrels .Muscovado l or sale by n. 22. BALM BRO. AN APPEAL. I ? ' ' ' y> ii y.'\ To all whom it may Concern. J | ' . i It rests with those who are indebted to, ~ x ? '?* /NM r?Al T all rt 11 mi? iu buy nuotuci vi nut A OUU.* . , 'i - ? Resume Business, J . " , and I take this method of making an -4-. 'A ? Karnest Appeal to such, to come forward and PAY ME PROMPTLY. #2jct> Friendship is an easy word to say, but now is the time to test it. I shall expect all who are friends, to respond promptly to this, WITHOUT DELAY. ROB'T. M KENNEDY. # January 15. tf ~~ ? i Lumber! Lumber!! Having thoroughly repaired iuy Mills, I ^ni prepared to furnish LUMBER i v ' .{ ..f i of all kinds, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. The lumber is sawed from the host and uiost select timber, and is warranted In be always of the first qualify. My GRIST MILL is also in complete order, and I am prepared to gin and pack COTTOJST. The Mills arc situated on Big Pinetree Creek, nine miles frotuthe town of Camden, on the public road leading to Cheraw. Terms for the Lumber, cash on delivery. T am prepared to haul the Lumber to town, or t<> the H. C. R. R. Depot, or if the purchasers prefer^ it {will be delivered to them at the Mill. H. K. DUBOSE. SPECIAL NOTICE.7" OFFICE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS KERSHAW COUNTY, Cani'KS, S. C. January 15, 1874, All persons holdingChccks or other claims against the County of Kershaw, are required to present them for registration, at the office of the County Commissioners, within thirty days, in compliance with section 2 of a joint resolution of the General Assembly, to levy a special tax to pay the past indebtedness of Kershaw County, approved ..December 20th, riuid section reads as follows: "Section 2. That al' persons holding claims against said County he, and they are, h<i by, required to file a list of such claims, witn the amount and date thereof, in the office of the C'ouuty Commissioners. before payment thereof." JOHN A. DOS WELL, Chairman. Attest: Khask Carteh, Clerk. Phosphate! Phosphate ! ! 100 Tons Atlantic, 100 Tons Atlantic Acid, For Bale by BAUM BROS. Hops, Hoes. 50 dozen, of different kinds. For sale by BAUM. BRO. January 22. tf THOSE IN WANT OF ANYTHING in the line of Foreign and Domestic FRUITS, the.,; Will always find it to their interest to buy where the largest and best assortment is kept. We always keep a complete stock in season. KlUKLEY & GARLAND. NOTICE. Our friends and customers willpleuse come forward and settle their accounts. The losses by the recent fire render a speedy settlement imperative. For the present, we will be found . I T?. v w t .11 me omce 'i- u m\uuuh\*j| i *?. <.. Arthur' s store. HODGSON & DUNLAP _ Pacific Gnano company's (CAPITAL $100,000) Soluble Pacific Guano* This GUANO is now so well known in all the Southern States,for itsj remarkable effects as an agency for increasing I he products of labor, as not to require speeial commendation from us, lis use for eight years past has established its character for reliable excellence. The large fixed capital invested by the Company in this trade affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of this Guano. The supplies put into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the superintendence of Dr. St. Julien Ravenel, Chemist of the Company, nt Charleston, 8. C. Hence, planters may rest assured that its quality and composition is precisely the same as that heretofore sold. J. N. ROBSOX, Selling Agent. Charleston, |S. C. JOHN S. RKESK & Co., General Agents, Baltimore. Terms?cash; ?58 time, without interest. To accommodate planters, they can order now and Itavvtill the 1st of April to decide as to whether they will take at time or cash I u't.nn .l,.lirAri>d from the factory by l.r.vv. .......... _ . the car loud, uo drayage will he chnrgcd. j. n. kob80n. fjeraoib phosphate. guano, bone, PLASTER, .tc., ulwaye on liund, quality guaranteed. J. n. ROB80N. J unwary 1 3in ? IS A CO X ! HACOX! r 20,000 pounds BACON 5 barrels TTAMS. For sale by MAIM BRO September 4. tf Land lor Nale. QAA ACRES of WOOD LAND, three mtlei ()"'/ from Camden, on theCheraw road belonging to JohuT. Graham aud (J. N. Ura ham. Apply to C. NELSON, Tru.teeDecember 4? If THANKS. WE Jesire to return our thank's to the publio generally for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon us in the past, and hope, by a strict attention to business, and an earnest endeavor,to please, to merit u continuance of the same. KIRKLEY k GARLAND. January 8-,'1874. tf NO USE TALKING! WE ?Mt EVERYBODY to know, that we do not intend that ANYBODY shall sell Goods cheaper than we do. Kirbley A Qarland, January 8. tf THE LAMESTANTBEST Assorted stock of Preach and American OOTTPHOTIONS, NUTS, FRUITS, CANNED GOODS, Sc. Can Always be found at KIRKLEY k GARLAND'S. January 8. tf IDIR/X- GOODS NOTIONS, FIATS, and Tariohs articles, selling at exceedingly low figures, by KIRKLEY & GARLAND. Nmall Profits. AND QUICK SALES, IS OUR MQTTO. THOSE who don't believe it, call and examine our Goods and the prices at which we are selling. KIRKLEY & GARLAND. WANTED, 'EVERYBODY to know that KIRKLEY & li GARLAND keep Store one door south of th? corner, in the Workman Building', where they keep always on hand, a complete stock of General Merchandise, at , LOW PRICES. AN UNDISPUTED FACT, That those who sell FOR CASH, can sell cheap?but those who sell on time, MUST have big profits. J?-Wesell CHEAP, FOR CASH. KIRKLEY 4 GARLAND. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY ?AID? Fancy Goods. MRS. T. B. WALKER has opened at her establishment on Broad Street, a handJ some assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods, Of the latest styles, selected with great care, to suit the tastes of her customers and the public generally The Ladies are respectfully invited to call and examine her stock of Straw Hats,Sash,aM M BiHn. Together with every artiole to be fountain well supplied Millinery establishment. October 28. tf Cotton Food. ?1? i We have just received a fresh supply of above GUANO from the MARYLAND FERTILIZING COMPANY, which is guaranteed to be fully up to its usual high standard. JAMES R. PRINGLE & CO., Agents, 6 Adger's Wharf, Charleston, S. C. February 26. lm* GOODS AT Reduced JPrices, FOR CASS ONTjY, FOR THIRTY DAYS, AT ROB'T. M. KENNEDY'S, AT THE POST OFFICE CORNER, CAMDEN, S. C. t Bargains in Damaged Goods. In a Few Daya, We will be ready for {business, and hare a fine stock of Goods to offer, received since the fire, consisting of DRY GOODS, Hardware and Groceries. Our stock of Iron, Steel, Plough Moulds, Traces, Axes, Humes, Nails, and all articles for l'lantntion|use, is complete, and will be sold low for cash. KENNEDY & BOYKIN. January 15. _ tf Guano. GU tons SEA FOWL GUANO, 10 tons DISSOLVED BONE. For sale upon reasonable terms, to purchaser malting early application. J. k T. I. JONES. January 1. tf Garden Needs. LANDRKTH'S New Crop Garden Seeds. For sale by BAUM BRO. Valuable Building Iota. s Throe on Lyttleton Street, opposite R. H. , Kennedy's, tor sale. Terms favorable. Ap. ply to KERSHAW & WORKMAN," Attorneys, *?. March ' MarWe! Marble !! u I Rnfffty netto* ** * i HR?611 ji - wmm* den and its ricinity, tbn^ I wilLbe In Camden ? ?m in a few days, with a lot of ARBIM, > imid will be prepared to furnish Headstones, Monuments, Ac., en as reasonable terhu as the/ can be obtained elsewhere. All oruers promptly attended to. W. P. SMITH, .> Jan. 22.?1? Of taler ?, C. -? **?i "i'I" i I Piedmont and Ajtt|(ton 1 -r s. . u . 3 a f l'JvO t,* rt i \ii ' uLIFE -< HSUBAKCE COMFAHY .? . OP J i f>'' |"! A H ' ""'' ' ;j'V-^ k ' V *" Richmond, YlryMu. - it V '* ' : Li it ?#?'5 ? <; *?-?? ,f '. - ' frf. ASSETS i * i 08 JOOO.OOOi ,ir i- ,i. -Ji lif - . . ?j ? W. C. CAESDTOTOH, FKEIIltm Lossea . ' I fp. \ T t 4 . * 1|# Actually paid in KersliawCoontjr with in Three Yeart, | . I. ' Uj ;'^r. ' v & $28,000,00 ,i ( -<n F" => ? -? ' ,"'4 *J,/- "if - ,.k. I (K.t ' ,0 i H>.{ ) I take pleasure in saying Ifcuewtnrnt o the agency of thia popnlar Qaaapany. ,tk So dificnlties will exist is filtuit) at to Renewals of Policies, as 1 shall pay especial attention to that branch of the busi ness. / '*V ; f f 1^1 will always be found at my Of - -t Ice on Broad Street. Camden. 8. C. W. CLYUUBN, Agent. Janaary 16, lfcf . NEW ..I yiit.Jin/?. Jhttffefc 4U.v> i4f " AND ** - ATTRACTIVE! I.v 'U<(* 4*f|' ?"-j " ' ? ?'*?; 4 ?| Mf i , v * t- r;. ) ^ Th? attention of costomen ia ?U to Dj T.ARftE * 'm ' -AND -r vfs- ? :*J CireKllr WMMMM- *fDAY GOODS, * rf? CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, ' HATS and CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. ' A Large Stock of GROCERIES. I have also on hand an aaaortaaot -> * >!!*"'. r i Furniture, With a variety of other artieles. All are offered upon the moat reaeoiinable terms. J. I. MtCORRY, Mat Oetober 9. -If the pumne WAREHOUSE. PLASTERS, and others, wishing 4e ebtaa their supplieejd prices that d?y competition, will consult their internet by examining mv stock before purchasing l Ul white, My stock for Jthe Fall and Winter Trade has never been more complete.. It eSMist? it in part of - Uroceriedt SUGARS?Of all grades. COFFEE?Rio, Lsgnira and J Mm, FAMILY FL6UR?Of the tomt aoalitj, CANNED GOODS?Of all deacripUoaa, BACON and LARD, 008II EN BUTTER and CHUBB, FRESH CRACKERS?A cuipUti yiorlmentof ? Staple . Dry Goods, Ready Made CMMag, BOOTS, SHOES, ? bats, oars, LEATHER, Hardware, Crockeryware, i - f ; ftiff hi Ta gging and Ties. And, indeed, every thing aennny fennd in Firot Clos# Orooery. 09"My stock is replenished weekly?Goods lwsys fresh. The highest asrkot price paid for Cotton A coll is respectfully solicited. D. W. JORDAN, Agent. October 80. * ** i ? I yd %1\>W A *