University of South Carolina Libraries
LOCAL MA.TIERM, CHURCH DIRECTORV. Episcopal Church. Comer of Lyttle. ton and Laurens streets,?services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 31 P. M Baptist Church. Broad street?Uev. Robert Thomson, Pastor. Services every Sunday at lli a. in. and 74 p. w. Prayer MeetingThursday at 8 p in. Methodist Church, DcKalb street? Rev. J. W. Kclley, l'astor?Services at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Thursday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, DcKalb street? Rev.?. II. Hay, Pastor?Services at 11 A.M. and 3J P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 4 P. 31. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. WATEREE DIVISION, NO 9 Attend the Regular Meet ing of your Division at Tnn per ance Ifall on 3IOXPAY /?k\ even'ng next, at 7* o'clock x By order of tlic W. 1>. A. B. LEE, R. S. Small Pox.?This dreaded disease, which created such an excitement among the people of our County in July last, has again made its appearance in Camden.? Allen DeSaussure, colored, of Charleston, arrived by Friday night's train, and found lodging on the premises of Mr. William tv?i? La or(rmni> southern nor? r ICM'II, ill 111V VAVI VH.V WW? % . tion of the town, where he remained until the following day, when it was dis 1 covered that had small pox. 31 r. Ficken has changed his place of abode. and, there being no other parties living in the neighborhood, we feel confident that there will be no further spread of the disease. The afflicted man has been provided with an experienced nurse, and the Town Council have taken the neces sary precautions to prevent persons from going too near the house where he is. Our friends in the country shall be correctly advised of the progress of the case. We are pleased to learn that tho Rev. Ellision Capers, of Greenville, S. C., has accepted a call to the charge of Grace Church, of this placfe, and that he expects to enter his new field of labor early in May. Mr. Capers, besides being a preacher of rare attainment and great power, distinguished himself in the late war as a most gallant soldier. Oar friends of Grace Church could not have found a more worthy successor of their late beloved Rector, Rev. B. FTTT Perry. Personal.?Wo were made to feel good on Thursday last by a visit from our neighbor, II. L. JDarr, Esq., of the True * Southron, who was in Camden in the interest of his paper. Pea Blossom.?Mr. T. S. Myers sent to our office a fully developed pea blossom, taken from his garden in Camden, en Saturday last. Col. Thomas Dodamead. General Superintendent of the Greenville and Columbia Rail Road will accept our thanks for courtesies shown us. II. Baruch Esq., has gone North for spring goods, and Mr. R. M. Kennedy will leave in a few days. Guano.?We invite the attention of planters to the advertisement of "Cotton Food," by Messrs. James R. Pring% & Co., of Charleston . ? J0P" Excursion Tickets to the Races in e 1. ,. .1? unartcston win ue u>r f>aiu uuui v ie ?#? ? to the 27th instant; good to return until March 2d. Facts worth knowing. Ouo of the best indications of the South, and pros, pcrity of Charleston, is to be found at the Establishment of Messrs. I.*11. IIai.t. & Co., located at Nos. 2, 4, 0. 8 Market St. 223 Sc 225 East Bay. The rapidly in creasing business last year of this firm. ha? . induced them to'6?lnr<re their Establishment, which now supplies every conceivable article that can be required in tin building of a house, from a baluster to anv size timber. Our friends in the City, and throughout the State who contemplate building a house can be supplied with al the materials necessary for its construction at prices and quality of work which wil save a large percentage in the cost o 1 1 -1" ? - - rri?oM oro A rrnntc fnr DUIIU11!^. 1 IICJ UI v ...? 4|4I1/v..vlIi Hoofing Felt, endorsed by some of tin best firms in the country. Send for pric< list and circulars. the State Orange.?A special d!s patch from Columbia to the Cbarlcstoi Aeirs and Courier, dated February 20th pays: "The State Orange of the Patrons o ITusba idry, which has been in sessioi here for three days, adjourned this eve ning. Over two hundred and furty-eigh granges were represented. The proceed * inps were very harmonious. The Orang< agreed to establish a central supply depo at this place, and selected one agent a f>t. Louis and one at New i'ork, for tin purchase of supplies. The Grange contributed one thousant 4ellirf for th? iiuhlishment of an immi gratiou bureau at Charleston, under the direction of Mnj. F. Mulchers. State Commissioner of iuimigration. Thomas Taylor is worthy master of the Grange; 1). Wyatt Aiken, secretary; A. M. Aiken, treasurer, and Dr. J. A. Darksdalc, grand lecturer." Make Movkv fast ami honorably, $12 .50 per day, or ?75 per week, by at once apply :ng for a territorial right, (which are given free to agents,) to sell the best, strongest, most useful, and rapid selling Sewing Machine, and Patent Button Hole Worker, ever i used or recommended by families, or buy one for your own use; it is only $"?. .Scut free everywhere by express. Address all orders BUCK LAND SEW1NO MACHINE, Cor. Greenwich & t'orlinudt Sts. N. V. October ?(). GO TO TEXAS VIA TilK LOXE ST A IS EOI TE! I International asi> (Jurat Noutiikkn R. R. Passengers going to Texas via .Meinpliis land Little Rock, ?>r \i.i Shrcvcport, strike this line at Longview, the Rest Route to Palestine, Ilearne, Waco, Austin, Huntsville, Houston. (Jalvcstou and allpoiiitsiu Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Texas. Passengers via New Orleans will find it the Best Route to Tyler Mincolo, Dallas, Overton, Crockett, Longview and all points in Eastern and Northeastern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equipped with every modern improvement, including New and Elegant Day Coaches, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Westinghouse Air Drakes, | Miller's Patent Safety Platforms and Couplers; and nowhere else can the passenger so completely depend oil a speedy, safe and comfortable journey. The LONE STaR ROUTE has admirably answered the query: "How to go to Texas?" by the publication of an interesting and truthful document, containing a valuable and correct map, which can be obtained, free of charge by addressing the GENERAL TICKET AGEXT, International aud Great Northern Railroad, Houston, Texas. [District E.l February I'.:?Kin. AFAMTT.Y ARTICLE."" Agents make $12.60 per day. $75 per week. AN ENTIRELY *N EW SEWING MACHINE For Domestic l'*c, ONLY FIVE DOLLARS. With the New Patent BUTTON HOLE WORKER. Patented June7th. 1871. awarded the first premium at the american institute and maryland in stmt ie fairs, 1s71. A most wonnderfnl and elegautly constructedSKwrxo Machine tor Family Complete in all its Parts. Uses the Straight Eye Pointed Xeedle. Self Threading, direct upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Guider. Operates by Wheel ! and on a Table. Light Running. Smooth and n/viuoinaa l L- nit <7nnd h i <rli-nriced tiiaehincs. | uvi^ivow, ...? o ? o- r lias Patent Check to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool. Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch, (finest and strongest stich known;) firm, durable, close and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine and coarse, lrom Cambric to heavy Cloth or Leather, and uses all descriptions of thread. This Machine is heavily constructed to give it strength; all the parts of each .Machine being made alike hy machinery, and beautifully finished and ornamented. It is easy to learn, Rapid, Smooth and Silent in operation. Reliable at all 'intes, and a Practical, Scientific, Mechanical Invention, at a Greatly Reduced 1'ricc. A, Good, Cheap Family Sewing Machine at lasFTTh'? first rtTTi only en >*>? ?- M IDVUMIM, I a valuable, substantial and reliable low priced Sewing Machine. Its extreme low price reaches all conditions. Its simplicity and strength adapts it to all capacities, while its many merits make it a universal favorite wherever used, and creates a rapid demand. IT IS ALL IT IS RECOMMENDED. I can cheerfully and confidently recommend its use to those who are wanting a really good Sewing Machine, at a low price. Mrs. II. B. JAMESON", I'eotone. Will County, 111. ? - ? ?. ? ? 1.1 uOV A If nCnn ' Price 01 eiicn .liaciunr. --ums.i wire, (warranted for five years by special certifi cate,) with nil thr fixhtrtr, and every thin# conipltte belonging to it, including Self Thkf.aulso Needle, packed in a strong wooden box, and delivered toony />nri of the country, by express, free of further charges, on receipt of price, only Five Dollars. Safe delivery guaranteed. With each Machine we will send, on receipt of $1 ixtrn. the new patent. BUTTON HOLE WORKER, One of the most important and useful inventions of the age. So simple and .certain, that a child can work the finest button hole with regularity and euse. Strong and beautiful. Special Terms, and Fxlra Inducements to Male and Femalk Agent*, Store Keepers, &c. who will establish agencies though the country and and keep our New Machines on Exhibition and Sitls. County Kkiiits given to smart agents tree. Agent's complete ontjit, furnished without any extra chaiuik. Samples ofxrwiny, descriptive circulars containing Trnnx, Testimonials, Engravings, \i\, &o., sent free. Wealsosupplv AGRICPLTURAI. IMPLEMENTS. Latest 1'atentH and liiiprovemeiits for the Farm and Garden. Mowers, Reapers, Cultivators, Feed Cutters. Harrows, Farm Mills, Planters, Harvesters, Threshers and all nrti?les needed for Farm work. Rare Seeds in large variety. All money."out 111 rosi wince Money Orders, Hank Drafts, or by express, will lie at our risk, and are perfectly secure. Safe delivery of all onr goods guaranteed. "An old and responsible firm that sell the best goods at the lowest price, and can be relied upon by our readers."?Farmer's Journal, Xrw York jpryV* Xot RmptnsiMr for It-ginttrel I,titer*. Aodrkss all Ononis BtTKLAND SKW1XO M \< I11XE. Cornet Greenwich \ Coitlandt St reds, N. Y Sept. 115, Gin. At My Old Stand ! I WOULD respectfully infoini iny friends and customers that 1 have opened at my 1 old stun I. one door north of Dr. Young, where I itin selling otT my st >ck, at a GREAT REDUCTION in prices. All tho?e in want of bargains, are invited to call, f llnvinir lost heavily by the fire, th"?e in , I ? ? | III |||<> \\ ill cull III oil''"1 lltl'l ' I'tllc, nn<l thus enahlo mo In roMime business us 5 heretofore. ; W. WALLACE. Jan. "y. If. Great Reduction I> PH1CES. f 1 7-8 Brown Homespuns at 1" Cents. 4-4 Bleached do at 12A" t AND d ! All Other Goods in Proportion, 3 AT HcCURRlN. ORDINANCE. An Ordinance of thctown of Oninden.? lie It Ordained, by the Town Council of Camden. S. C., in council Assembled, and it is he r cby Or da i n cd by au t liori t y o f t he sa rn e: | THAT from and after the passage of this Ordinance, all owners of horses and mules brought into the town of Camden for sale, as well ?.i those now in the town offered for sale, shall pay into the treasury of the town Fifty cents per head on eachanil every such mule or horse. And it is hereby inade the duty oi the Marshal of tire town to scc'nll such, and to return to the Treasurer of the town the names of the owners, and the number each one has for sale, and also to notify said owners that they are required to return tiie same to the Treasurer of the town, and pay the tax aforesaid. In case of any one of the owners of such mules or horses refusing to make said return, and pay the tax aforesaid, the Recorder of fliolmvn is lir.w.Uv lim-i'/Pil to issue exeou tion for the amount due, and place it in the I hands of the Sheriff of Kershaw County, for immediate execution. Untitled in council assembled* W. C. S. ELLKRBK, Intendunt, J. K. WiTiir.usi*oox, Recorder, feb. 19th tf. S. A. ltlVmilWS, ONE PRICE STORE. WILL sell his stock of Goods damaged by removal at the Hre on the 11th of Jnnunry BELOW COST. Camden, February ?">. Gt CONRAD M. WIENGES, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN HARNESS, SADDLES, &c. BROAD-STREET. Camden, S. C. (In the building formerly'occupied by S. A. Benjamin,) Trunks thoroughly and neatly repaired Older? solicited, nml work promptly done. | All work warranted. Tor., s?Positively Cosh on delirrn/, with no nception. February .r? tf. LIBERAL TERMS. "ITTF arc offering our Guano? for this seaYY son, on the following liberal terms: PHCENIX GUANO. Per Ton of ii.000 lbs., J>?7. ">(). WILCOX, G1BBE8 & CO. S MANIPULATED GUANO, Per Ton of 11 000 lbs.. $7<'.00. (l.UO per ton dray age to be added.) On a credit until 1st X? v#nber, 1874, with Option of payiny in Middling Cotton, ddirtredat buyer's ne'irest 'Ipot ut lor. jor lb A discount of $10.00 per ton will be allowed for Cash. Our Agents throuphoutyhe State sell at the j same nricesand ou the same terms as our- { solves. Haii'l in youronler* to nearest ???? 11: at once. | WILCOX, G1BBE8 & CO. Charleston, S. C. February 5 'Jt FRESH 13^17(3-^ | AND I MEDICINES. Our store and contents having hern destroyed hy the Into fi^ we linvc c.penrd with an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, (Mis, (jllnss, Putty, Ac. Ac. Ao. One Door above Mrs. Crosby's, Where we hope to see our old friend* and customer'. - 1 IIOIHiiSON A DlKLit*. January I'd. t{" NEW FI113I. rPIIK un<l?i--igiii'il, mkt' - yor? lo A. I? MINJ \i;r>Y & iJC>.. Imvc jilfct ojicncd tin it Fall and Winter CONSISTING OK Staple Dry Goods, ! GLOTi-nnsra-, ! KOOTM AAT l> SHOE.:*, Slots oud Ciips, ;iIARl)WAll I ^ ( rocKci'.v ami Glassware, SAclcUcry, tfcc. A I A1H.V SITPI'I.V < ?K ! FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES. 1 5n ji jtintj;' si ml Fios. Jts?" The : hove < Joods having been purchased with ^rcat care in the Northern markets, since the decline in prices, we are able to sell the same ou terms to suit purchasers. (Jive us a ! call. KENNEDY & BOYKIN. October ilO. It Flour! Flour!! J00 barrels of different <_'isdc?.' For ale by IJAl'.M BKO Need 0?(m, f>00 bushels OATH. For snle by BAUM BRO. Y ) ooois ' Reduced l?ces, CASH 0]BY, THIRTY D^YS, at *y ROB'T. M. KENNEDY'S, AT THE L POST OFFICE CORNER, CAMDEN, sic. C Bargains in DamagsdIGoods, AT COST. < Having lost uiy place of business by the fire, and being presn^by WANT OF &007IT. I 11111 now selling my prcson^sloek of Goods ' .A.T ^VrVX> BEi,OW i cost. j < % ' THOSE IN WANT OF 3 i BARGAINS IN ' ( Dili U001>S, V Ready ?Made lo*Iiin& Shoes, Hats? kc kc. kc. Will cou ult their interest by giving me a call nt once. I -?.-* Time indebted i-o mc will jjlease en]I mid settle. JOS. S. CLOUD. One door South of residence of William flvburn. Broad Street. January 20. tf j AN APPEAL. : " To all whom it may Concern. r i It rests with those who rVe indebted to mo to say whether I shall Eesume Business, and I take this method of making an l^sii'itent Appeal to such, to come forward and PAY ME PROMPTLY. JffrV? h'rieridship is an easy word to say, hut now is the time to lost it. 1 shall expect all who tire frit nd*, to respond promptly to this, WITHOUT DEMY. ROB'T. M KENNEDY. . January 15. tf SPECIAL NOTICE. oi l M l. OF COUNT! <JoM,\II?^ioNi:r.S KflUAHAW COUNTY, i.'\Hnr,x, 8. OsJivunnvy 1">. 1874, | \llpercom liolilingClieckn or oilier claim; MgiiinBl Mi.* C.Minfy of Kershaw. :n r i|iiireil j in present ii:cui for registration, {it :i:e office of tin* Comity Cunitiii??ionerK, within thirty I ilrys, in i iiii.iliinoc with section Jo :i joint I ri Milnii, ii. : tin*(ionoral Assembly. in levy a | up: rial t \ to ]niy tlia^iast tnileliie-liieMH of i\ rshaw < *i:?iy, approved lieeei-il. -r JUlh, i Said ' 'iu.i i ;niia .is follow? : t . 'onin : j Thut nl'persons holdin r claims ! against j-.iol County he, ami tliey aro. neroliy, i r?-ijiiin ! : file i list .ofjtich claim--. with the mo iint on.I il.ite tlicreo?.' in the office ol' tho Cn i , Uoiiitiiissiuners, helVr payment ; thereof." .1011N A. UOSWELL, Chairman. Vitest; I'i: \\k C rrr, Clerk. Clivsphalc! I*ho*i.?Jiia?e!! 1 'I is \t!antic, 1 no 'I ,, Atlantic Acid, 1 .if Bale by JJAI'.M UiiOS. B I OOH, Ho(?S. *>0 r?!ilTorci?t kinii.-. Foritalcty BAUM HttO. laiiuar, 1VI. tf 1 THOSE IN WANT | OF WVTMINIJ in the line ??f ign an<l 1 I?'?un ,ti JPJEH'fJ ITS, Cfe c. | Will :il\vuy? tiii'l it t<? their inteie-l to Imy , when the ln, 'i ft tul host n - :m! aieltt i >* , i kf|.!. he alw'i^t n coui|ti?-i hi i ycaenn KIKKLEY k ?AIMi\ND. rl B I 50 PiVX 10!*. <>ri i r. "i' county \ui>i poi. ( i ' ii. S. Ktfbriinrv IS7I. To liiiv \i n Mrijt'KKx, Ksij., Tn-MMiicr of l\"r>liiMv CoiiiiIv: Slit?Tile I MM'lor tlio reception n| I'm jo* . fur 1*73, without twenty per cut. jwimliy i- , ! extended intlii* County, In Siiturilny, tlie 71li i of Shttk, 1*71. looptctfullj, N. W. IH.A1K, County Auditor. ' February 13. td New Advertisements. agents wanted?$b to-Slfl made daily. San pies mailed free. X. WHITE, Newark, X. J Ann A WERIUTO AGENTS. Fastest selling arti\ /X cie out. Three valuable samples for ten ccuts. V' U BRIDE, 757 Broadway,New York. f(PSYCHOLOGY, or SOI L-C1IARMINGJ? HOW A either gov may fascinate and g;un the love and affections of any person they choose instantly. This simple mental acquirement all .can possess, free, by mail, for 2:? cents, together with a marriage tniid'-, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to I.adles, wedding Nlglit Shirt, ,vc. Ac. A queer boot. AdIress T. WILLIAMS A- CO., Pubs. Philadelphia. AN ACCIDENTAL CURE. When death was daily expected from CONSUMPTION, all remedies having tailed, and Dr. II. James was experimenting, he accidentally made a prepa ration of INDIAN HEMP, which cured his only rhlld, and now gives a recipe free. 011 receipt of two damps to pay expenses. HEMP also cures night wonts, nausea at the stomach, and will break; a iresh cold in 24 hours. Address, t'PADDOCK A Co., i';3-2 Itace-st. Philadelphia, naming this paper. DIIDTIID E SEELEY'S HARD RUBBER TRUSSES D UI I U11L Relief, Comfort & Curo for Hernia T D IICvtOor Rupture- Fine Steel Spring I nU 00 CO coated with hard rubber, highly polished. Free from all tour, rusty, chafing, strapping or girthing unpleasantness. Cool, cleanly, light, safe and durable. Unaffected by bathing. Always reliable. Every desirable pattern, including tne new Haao Rcaaza Elastic Nioht Thus*. 8ent by Mail or Express. Sold by all dealers. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Estab'ts.1347 ChestnutSt., Phils.. A 787 Brd'y, N. Y. Biwa&s of Japanned imitations 3?or D'OUGHS, GOLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, rsn Wells' Carbolic Tablets. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUB BOXES. A Tried and Sure Itemed j. Sold hy Druggists. TiDEOORAPHY." A new nook on the art of jj Writing by Sound: a complete Syi tern of Pholetlc Short-Hand, the shortest, most Simple, easy, uid comprehensive, enanitng any one in a mw> ime to report trials, speeches, sermons, Ac. The ia?rrt'4 Prayer is written with 40 strokes of the pen, tin! un words per minute. The unemployed should earn this art. Price hv mail, ' >) cents. Agents iVantdl. Address T. \V. EVANS & CO., 13S8,7th ttreet, Philadeljihia. Pa. Tho Highest Modical Authorities of Europe any the strongest Tonic. Puvifie trd Dcobstriun! knowntothcmedicalworldi CTCJIR-TJBIEBA, it arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the lervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, licenses vitiated blood, remove? vesicle obstrnctions ttid actsdi-ecUv on the Liver and spleen. Price #1 I-bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOOO, is Plait St., N. 1. aaanm^mrir Da. 3. T. Frrr.EE.?Bein^ *weni, ri.-s. I prsdnattd at tho Dnlr?r?ity of Fenn'airi ltkft. aa>l after;/) years' expericrso, perfected Dr. Plt'er's VcffrtabloKlirnmatic Syrup. I pnsrantco it aa iul-Ilitio euro for Kerro, K'.'.Bc/aatlfibcuiniUodijoaso*. Ptrrrnto.thisCfilh April, 1*"I. i'. a. OJBOUlZtf. A'utari/ r*vfU<~r JPh i. T. TT3?!!rf7!2ro Tr?T0Cttrci"trit, ard Trill Mtisfvanr onerrr'in-rns.r v.Tlio..ifirpliT.T> I).,l'r.inkf rd.Phila.Itcr.0.1'. I l'ninff.J>di?.Pn.RprM.S.Pnohanan.riarPnro.!<w.i.Dl v. 1 O.G.Smith, Pi tt.frrH, N. Y. l!rv..Tr>?. !'?>/?,"?. Fall*Clirr. I'! 1 L,Ac.AJHeted (herald write Pr.ndnr.FlifliJnr cxpUBatc.rv r.imphlot Ajn'^raRtoejT.-'f*. i?M)FowardforEii oorali]ocaM.>iocuroaocluirt:o,art; by drujguts. WE WANT ooo? book agents, it once, to sell two of tho most popular works ever jubllshed; r* rt a record of prison life aU. O. JtjUlNJJO Fort Delaware, by llcv. I iV. K. Handy, asd MARSHALL'S LIFE OF Gen. Robert E. Lee. Sxrgcnil for Circulars at once. TURN BULL BROTHERS. Baltimore. d. r" ' ' ?: ' .a.!/ etii;. iv . ,'J a -K-VsiL' A-^_. ^ m . i , i:crt|j?H| M y a:: i" v .' hVmV-O t.'.-io.- ';_ / ! i vo m ^Bcorrcct !/ <' 1 nil*! sy vitirlt are alES:p 5i Be* rarsi CM . gj'- rJCi Hflicine can be " / .y ; i i .1 par* BM.-f i : .. \ raj war l( for WTC - . } Lumber! Lumber!! Having thoroughly repaired my Mills, I tun prepared lo furnish XiTJiL/flBIEilR/ ?f all kinds. at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. The lumber is sawed from the best and most select limber, and is warranted to be always of the first quality. My 1 IilST M I in ill.- * in eomplete order, and I am prepared In "in and park Tli" Mills are nituntoil on Hi<? l'inetrcc Creek, nine miles frointhe tnnru Camden, mi fli" public mail 1 "ailing to Client w. Terms lor the I.umber, cash on delivery. I ain prepared to haul the Lumber to town or lot'ie S. ('. U. !*. Repot, or if tli purelia s-ers prefer, it will be delivered to tliem ai the .Mill. 11. K. Dl'ROSK. N< > ric ; 'tar friends and eitstoiners will pie >e conn forward and settle their accounts. The losse; bv the in tire render a speedy ;-ettleie.en! imperative. For the prcs? ut. we \vill be foiin at tii" office of J. 1 > Kennedy, over \V. L Arthur' s store. HOUCSON \ I?l MAT Pacific (iuiiiso Company (CAPITAL 9100.000 Soluble Pacific Guano. Tli is 411* \NO is now v'i well known in :i! i lie Shut liern Slates, lor it ' r? ti.arknldc ? i*'< i a-nil a.iMi. ;, for iiicrcasiti.; the pro dm :? .1 labor. a-- ti"i lo require special commendation from us, lis use for eight yours pust lias establish' i its character for reliable < xcel. loner. Tic large fi:v< 1 capital invested by the Company in iliis trade aliolds the siire.-l guarantee of the coin in no 1 excellence of I his I Sua no. The supplies put into market this >e:|SQii are, u < heretofore, prepared tinder the iijier"alt ndeiirc of |)r. M. .Inlien Itnvenel. Chemist of I Si I'oiupany. at < iiarle -ion. S. C. II' nee, j haulers may rest assured tliat its <|iiality and composition is precisely the same as that hcretotorc sold. I. N. KOItSON, Selling \ cut. Charleston. S. .ion\ uci s'i: .x iv.. (ii'iiinl \i"'iii-. llaliimore. Terms?r?|Xcash: ><i time, without interest. To aeeoniinn I ite planter they can order lion and haveiill the l-l of \pril Jo decide as to whether ihev will take ill time or cash price. When delivered from the factory hy thc > irload, n dravugc will he charged. .IN. ROBSON. *! " M III I'llosl'lf \TK. x.l'ANO, HONK. 1*1.AS i'ill!. .\e., alwaixs on hand, rjualitv guaranteed. J. ,N, KOllSON. January 1 5ui \lL Ft 6 ./m] I BEPAIR The Ravages of tlielatc FI Illi]! VLL who lost by the tire, and expect to rebuild, and those who wish FU^rBFli for any purpose, are informed that nty SAW MILL is in full repair, and that I cau furnish Lumber of the VERY BEST quality upon the shortest notice. The Mil! is situated upon the public road to Columbia, six miles front the town of Camden. Lumber will be delivered at the Mill, or in town us purchasers may desire. Terms?The Lou possible Ciiah prices. Orders are respectfully solicited. T. II. CLAKKE. January 15. If Scliool 23ooix.jS. Union Header, Holmes' and Reynolds' Union Spt lling Rook DnviosVAriihnietics, Vemble's and Sanford's Webster's Dictionaries Stephen's History ot the United States Quackcnboss' do do Easy Hooks of Instruction for children Primers and Headers Classical School Hooks, for advanced pupils Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Ink. J. A. YOUNG. January 15. tf THAFKSVYTE desire to return our thanks to the If public gencraMy for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon us in lie past, and hope, by a strict attention to busiucss, and an earnest endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. KIRKLEY & GARLAND. January 8, 1874. tf 7 NO USE TALKING!" want EVERYBODY to know, that ive tt do not intend that \XYI30DY shall sell Goods cheaper than we do. Kirkley ?& Garland, January 8. tf THE LARGEST AND BEST Assorted stock of French and American C3ON3rJE20TXOTV&, NI TS, FRUITS. CANNED GOODS, &c. Can always bo found at KIRKLEY & GARLAND'S. Jan navy S. tf JDSST O-OOIDS, YTOTIONS. HATS, and various articles, 1.1 selling at exceedingly low figures. by KIRKLEY & GARLAND. Wmall Profits, AND QUICK SALES, IS OUR MOTTO'I'HOSE who don't believe it, call and exl amine our Goods and the prices at which we are selling. KIRKLEY k GARLAND. WAITED, ITU'ERYRODY to know that KIRKLEY & i j OAKLAND kcepStoreone door south - - of th*nfcr-:>cr/,-ia-fe?-WogkBaan "Suildingf, where they keep always on hand, n complete stock of General Merchandise, at LOW PRICKS. AN UNDISPUTED FACT, That those who sell FOR CASH, can sell cheap?but those who sell on time, MUST have big profits. Is#-We sell CHEAP, FOR CASH. KIBKLEY & GARLAND. DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the name ot DROWN Vv HOLLAND, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be closed bv 1. F. Holland. B. M. BROWN. I. F. HOLLAND. January 8. lm m ' 9 Saddle and Harness Making. The undersigned begs leave to annoiinct to the citizens of Canulen and the public generally. that, having purchased the entire stock of his father, (the late F. J. Oaks,) am having secured the services of a first elas; H M'NKSS MAKLR, lie is prepared to exe cute all orders entrusted to him with neat ness and dispatch. I Terms reasonable, for cash only. W. il. OAKS. December 1*. tf CNS. Pistols, Cartridges, Caps, l'oeke Knives. Sei-sors, Razors. Table Knives Carvers, Silver-plated Kniv-s. Forks am Spoons. Plain Steel and Diamond Specta ele.?, China and Glass Ware. November 6. J. \ YOI NO i FALL AND WINTER MIT,! IN CRY ?AMI? Fiincy (loods. i ' VI I"1**. I". I*. W A I.K I; II li:i? opelioil ill lie ill- estiiMNliiuctit Oh Itroail Street, u huliil "OIIIC assortment n|' Millinery and fancy Goods, (M* tin* In I - iv !?* *. select p'l wiih jjrea cure, t" vuit tin- t:i -t ? ? I' her customer* :ilu the public generally The l.mlies :ire re-peei fully invited to cal I nii'l < \:iitii?e h"r stock of ; Straw Hais,Sasli and Neck Ritas To^elhei- with every article to be fouiiil in well supplied Millinery establishment. October 2;l. JS H il'O.A ! ! 1 20,000 iM'iuuI- IIACOX 5 InrreH IIA.'P. For sale by ltll n liKO September!. tf I ii :i l I >?;VK. ) We will In* re.nlv l??r Jbiisine -s. nn-l nave a itine stool, ?>f tJ.MnN to offer, received since the tire, consisting of DHY GOODS, Hardware and Groceries. Ourstoekof lion, Stool, Plough Mould*. Trace". Axes, Haines. Nails, an<l all articles for lMnntntion'use, is complete, and will be sold low for cash. KENNEDY ic BOYKIN. January 10. tf ISUHHHHHKSfijBlfiBSS&EflBKHSHHfiHHIHHIHH Marble ! Marble ! ! I hereby give notice to the citiceps of Camden and its vicinity, that I will be in Camden in a few days, with a lot of MARBLE, and will be prepared to furnish Headstones, Mon umcnts, &c., on as reasonable terms as they can be obtained elsewhere. All oruers promptly attended to. W. 1\ SMITH, Jan. 22.?tf. Of Sumter S. C. Piedmont and Arlington LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF V Richmond, Virginia. I v ASSETS #350005000. W. C. CARBINGTON, PRE8IDMT Losses Actually paid in Kereh aw County within Three Years, $28,000,00 I take pleasure in sayingl have retu t o the agency of this popular Compa: -No difficulties will exist in future, at Renewals of Policies, as I shall pay es; cial attentionio that branch of the bu-: ncss. teifl will always be found at my 1 # lice on Rroad Street, Camden, S. C. W. LYBURN, Ageut. January 1G, 1873. tf NEW AND ATTRACTIVE! The attention of customers is called to my LARGE AND Carefully Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, . HARDWARE, | CROCKERY. A Large Stock of GR)J ERIES. I have also on Land an assortment Furniture, | With a variety of other articles. All which are offered upon the most rcasonuable terms. J. V. McCDRRY, Apt. October 9. ^ tf i THE I'LiSTEB S WAREHOUSE. IJI.ANi'MI'S. .ni>l others, wishing toohtan their supplies at prices that doty conipei it ion. will consult their interest by examining my stock before purchasing elsewhere My stock for the Fall and Winter Tr has never been more complete. It cousis* ,. in part of Cm l'ocories. Sl'tJAl'S?Of all grades. t'OFFKK?Rio. Lnguira nml Java, FAMILY FLOl'R?Of the finest qualit; (' VNNKl) ?ii?t>I>S?Of all descriptions, It A CON' nml LAUD, (KOHL'S 15FTTKR ami CHEESE, FP?KS11 CRACKERS?A complete nssc.i in cut of Staple Dry Goodf. Itcailv Made Clothing. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, OAF?, LEATHER, Hardware, Crockery ware. Hagffinff and Tics. \ii'l. in<lco<1. every thing usually found in First (Mass Grocery. Bk.-y* My stock is replenished weekly?Good* Iwavs fresh. The highest market price paid for Cotton. A call is respectfully solicited. ; 1). W. JORUM, Agent. October 30. ?