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I KiMS('OPA.T CiU'KCn. Corner of Lottie. ^ ton and Laurent streets,?services at li o'clock A. M? and 3 J P. M c Baptist Ohureh, Broad atrcot?Rav. ( Robert Thomson, Pastor. Services every t Sunday at lli a. ai. and 7i p.m. Prayer t Meeting Thursday at ? p m. a Methodist Church,. DelvaH) street? i Rev. J. \V. Kclley, Pastor?Services at a 11 A. M, and 7 P. M. on Suuday; e Prayer Meeting Thuraday at 4 P. M. j Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? j Rev.S. II. Hav, Pastor?Services at 11 j. A. M. a a (131 P. M. on Sunday ; Prayer j Meeting on Wednesday at 4 P. M. v ^MEKTlx6is7 1 SOXS OF TEMPERANCE. ? WATBREB.MVISION, NO- 9 0 A Attend the Regular Meet ing of your Division at Tern perancc Hall on MONDAY evening next, at 7* o'clock r By order ol the W. P. 4 r - W R . McCREIGHT, R. 9. t . 1" ' t ?1 t None* to Subscribers.?As the ^ Journal will be delivered by a new carrier this week, we hope that if any who are j accustomed to receive the paper' in- that j way are overlooked, they will immediately t Graqe CnrRCH.?We are informed0 thatllie Vwtry Of tliw churth have nnan- 0 imonsly invited Kevi Ellison Gapers of Greenville, to become -Hector of Grace 0 Churcb ftridi, and confident "hopes are a entertained that he will accept. The g presence of this reverend gentleman among to will be a great acquisition to ^ our etmmnaity, and a subject of ooagrat- t elation to the chureh'"which has been 4 lately, hotwired by the dea^h of ite roctor. <j " Jfill Meetimi of,Ta?-PayersLa^t Sat urday^ Yth inst., pursuant to notice, a * meeting tax-payers was held at the Town ) HalL- Cel. Wnr. M. Shannon wm elected v chairman, and J. T. Hay; Secretary. The * Chairman dieted tliat the meeting was h called, in responce to the suggestion of 3 the EfecutVv'eTommlttee, to elect addt- * tional delegate* ftr? represent Kershaw f< County in the Tax-payeis' Convention, ti which sriJTiMef at Columbia on the 17tii t; iaehs *L e The following gentlemen were chosen : a T. EL Clerks, M. Baam, and Dr. E. M Boylfljn Alternates:" Jos. T. Miokle, Jno. R. Goodale. and Louis J. Patterson. 81 Gens. J. B. Kershaw and James Chcs- u nut, yiti* alternates Gen. J. D. Kennedy * andGol. W. 91, Shannon, are already ^ members of the Convention. ^ * . tl We learn that Capt. Neikirk, of Vir- t' ginia, who trades in Camden every year, and is w?Tt known as a courteous and e. honorable gentleman in all of his transac- . tions, arrived in town a few days sinee, u with hater and other articles for sale, and in addition n few horses that he was 0 anxious to dispose of. He/toe told by the Town Council that t he w*tt not "be permitted to offer his a horees. for sale, unless-he paid a tax of t fifty cents per head on. all the horses whfoh he bad. This be declined' to do. ^ liaainaii (a IstpiI nnnn *?S ? -- r? j the proceeds of what 1m might be able to sell, and left town. We ask the Town Council to consider whether their coarse, in this reepeet, is not illegal and short-sighted. Hare they the h right to tax dealers in merchandise of p any kind, apon their stock ou band? The b property of the trader, in the contempts- C tioti off the tax-law, is what he makes by 2 his harness. Again, the imposition of o suctTS tax upon a mere transient dealer ii amoaata to a prohibition, and will fright- o en tradesmen away from our town. The & interests of alt classes of citizens demand b th^t thcre'should be competition in busi- s nam. While a van, who establishes him- t self hi't town fbr several months with a fa large drote of horses and males, is able, t anflslRttrfd net object to pay a reasonable a taj, in coomderction of the facilities fur- ? nished him he the cornoration. it is not ' just that one passing through, should be 1 subjected to the same burden. fc We wrfold'oaf! the attention of the dealers in horses in our tovrn to the fact that they are often, unintentionally, the cause of gteat iuoonvenienco and annoyance to certain classes of our citizens, ' feeling assured, from the character of tho j men, that they only need to be reminded, t to induoe them to apply a prompt remfdy., j On Sundays, especially about the time for t afternoon service in the churches, large droves of in u lee are turned loose upon the streets. Although they are always under the charge of drivers, their exuberance of jipirits causes them to run upon the siifcwufke, to the great terror of lady pedestrians, who often,* with good reason, fear serious bodily injury. We hope the drovers will attend to this matter, and not allow their stock to go upon the street* between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock, and 3 and 6 o'clock on Sundays, and thus avoid conflicting with church-goers. r a G#oaa Outraoe.?The details have readied us of p monstrous outrage perpetftted upon ptlitfP living in Sumter , - " \ . t V . - . e Cimrtj,.panr t>>" Kershaw line, about ?2 ^ miles from Camden. About 2 o'clock, A. M., on Sunday last, tbe gin-house of Mr c W. W. Gaylord was sot on fire. The J irifo of Mr. G. -being sick and awoke at ? be time, heard the roar of the flames, and ' iroused her husband. He and his bro- i her immediately went out, and, during heir absenoe two guns were fired, into ^ ho house, tbe shots passing, one below ^ ind the other above the bed on which * Mrs. Gaylord was lying, one shot striking y t little boy. Four oolored men then 1< intered tbe house and stole all of the ^ led-clothiag and two trunks' contain- j ng the Clothing of Mr. Gaylord and f, lis family. Upon hearing tho firing, 1 ilr.'Gaylord returned to tho house, but rhen he reached it, the thieves had fled. They went to the house of a widow, Mrs, ^ Irown, distant about three-fourths of a C( jile, mid robbed hor of her bed and oth- ei r clothing, stripping even the bed upon rbich sbe was lying. Mrs. G-aylord recognised two cf the f, asailants, one of whom was promptly ar- tl ested; after denying all complciity for a ime, he fiually confessed, and couducted hose who arrested him to the place where ^ no trunks bad been bidden, i nese were ^ bond, but bad been emptied of their 91 ontents. The names of the other vil- ft nine are known, and the officers of the ^ T aw are in pursuit of them. Wo hope ^ hat they will soon be apprehended, and oeet swift retribution for their combined at nqie of arson, robbery and attempted " raider. : tl A Sudden Death.?Mark Sikea, a oJ olored man, and a competent blacksmith, t this place, wa9 taken violently ill on j inn day last. When the doctor reached aj riuj, he was completely insensible from ci wigesiion of the brain ab^luogs, and w he tf^pttbatlon of the most violent remetie# failod to relieve him. He died next y lay, (Monday,) at about 3 o'clock, P. M. C( . tl Another Sudden Death.?We are q orty to learn that Mr. Henry Honio died tl eiterday, (Wednesday) morning. He if1 ras at his busiuess on Monday last, but 0j rent borne in the afternoon, Stating that ai ie felt unwell. Mr. Honie was wounded pi a (be head during the war, from the efsets of which he was paralyzed, and suf- ^ ered for a long time. He was for some c. im?> nmnlaved hw ShAriff Plana no a ilpnu. it ' K?v J ?- T*"* ?- ^ -~ry, the duties of which office he discharg- ^ d well. We are not informed of the ex- a ct cause Of his sudden death. * . i tl Relief to Tax-Payers.?As will be 0, ;en by reference to our advertising col- oi mns, the timo for the payment of taxes, ei ithout the penalty of twenty per. cent, P as been extended to the 7th of March, ^ l'e are informed by the county auditor, <j( alt about two-thirds of the tax-payers of le hiu oounty have settled up, but that only ?* bout one-half of the amount duo for tax- ^ s has been paid in. This is due to the tot that a large proportion of the taxes tj ?paid by comparatively a few men, and Vl lie great difficulty of moving largo sums tl f tuouey in these times of stringency. ? d Town Taxes.?Attention is called to he notice 6f the Recorder. The books j( re opened to-day, and will be closed on I he first of March, after which time the icnalty will attach. ? .... - / n There was quite a heavy fall of sleet, 0 ccompanicd by high winds, on Sunday light last. 81 Facts worth knowing. One of the ^ TivS "p?f inriB of llio Kmifh ' f?n/t I I, icrity of Charlostoo, is to be found at tho a Sstablishment of Messrs. I. II. Hall & * Jo., located at Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8 Market St.( 123 & 225 East Bay. The ' rapidly in- ? rcasiug business last year of this firm, has c nduccd them to enlarge their Establish- C fient, which now supplies every concciv- ' ble article that oan be required iu the iuilding of a house, from a baluster to any j ite timber. Our friends in the City, and c broughout the State who contemplate . milding a house can be supplied with all he materials necessary for its construction fc prices aod quality of work which will i$ve a large percentage in the cost of building. They are Agents for Asbestos ? looting Felt, endorsed by some of the >est firms in the country. Send for price ist and circulars. j GO TO TEXAS via the LONE NT AII ROUTE! n'tell.national and ubrat noethkrn r. r. Paaaeiurpru crninn ?<> Tvia M ? ??"B ?? ???? ??? ind LiUle llock, or via Bhrcveport, strike his line at Longview, the Dent Route to 1'nlistine, Hearnc, Waco, Austin, Huntsville, doustsiv Galveston and all points in W etera, Central, Eastern and Southern Texas. PastettgWrs via New Orleans will find it the Best Ho*141 u Tyler Mincolo, Dallas, Overton, Crockett, Longvieiv and all points in Eastern ind Northeastern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equipped sith every modern improvement, including low and Elegant Day Coaches, Pullman Pal- ] ice Sleeping Cars, Westinghouse Air Brakes, Miller's Phtent Safety Platforms and Coupers; and nowhere else can tho passenger so lompletely depend on a speedy, safe and coin'ortable journey. The LHNR STaR ROUTE has admirably inswered the query; "How to go to Texas ?" >y the publication of an int treating and truth ul document, containing a valuable and cor c ect map,"which can be obtained, free of ohargr >y addressing the GENERAL TICKET A 1ENT, International and Oreat Northern Sailroad, Houston, Tsxas. [District E.] February 12?8m. Make Monet fast and honorably, $12 .60 ?er day, or $75 per week, by sconce apply ' ^ for a territorial right, (tvhich are given Tec" to agents.) to sell the best, strongest, nost useful, and rapid selling Sewing Mashine, and Patent Button Hole Worker, ever ised or recommended by families, or buy one or your own use; it is only $;">. Sent free svery where express. Address for pnrticusrs. Jerome B. Hudson Si Co., Cor Greenwich & 'ortlandt Sts, N. Y. Oct. 80, No Place Like Home?The Usual Itory.?A correspondent writing from forcross, 6a., mentions the following inident which is not without its moral: "A oung man applied to-day at the hotel for idging . He had no mouey, but he was roui Texas, which was a sufficient excuse nd the kind-hearted landlord Cousin ohn, gave him a supper, bed and abreakist, and sent him on his way rejoicing, lis story was the usual one. Three years go he left his comfortable home near Sparinburg, S. C., to try his fortune in that tbled Eldorado, Texas. A few years >und him aluiost without money, and he included to push for home. He succcedi in reaching Selma, Ala., where his mdsgave out, and ho footed it from ere to Atlanta, and when I saw him at forcross, was continuing his journey to is old home, there probably to remain lie rest of liis days." Ohio's Whiskey Warriors.?The idies of Ohio are on the war-path, and iready, many whiskey-sellers' scalps have ceo taken by the amazons. bo far great iscess has attended ttie new crusade in ivor of temperance, and in many districts rinking saloons are things of the past, he fair champions of temperance have Joptcd new tactics, and move about in attalions, taking possession of the saloons ad turning them into meeting houses. According to the N. Orleans Picayune, ic recent decision of the Supreme Court f the United States in the case of the ^ners of the property of the late John < lidell, against his heirs, in which the de- , ision of the State Courts was affirmed, 1 Tacts a large amount of property in that ty. Mr. Blidell, when he went to France i commissioner of the Confederate tatea* had possessions in New Orleans, stimated at over $275,000 in value.? * Whilst in France the property was seized, mfiscated and suld, a few months after le termination of the war. the wbolo uestion in the case was, what titlo did ie United States as coniiscntor sell?a ill property as owner, or simply a life iterost: If the latter were the case, all f Slidoll's properly reverted to'^his heirs 1 i his death, some years ago, and the 1 resent owners were responsible for the nits arising from these properties from f rat time. The Question was decided a . !w months ago, by the State Courts, and ? irried up to the Supreme Court where t was ably argued. This decision settled 1 le case in favor of Slidell's hoirs, the )urt holding that confiscation gave only life interest; that Congress had no right > pass a bill of attainder, disinheriting le heirs of a traitor. The counsel for the wnere argued Slidell was not a rebel or [fender against the United States, but an ( icniy, and as such a confiscation of his , roporty forfeited entirely and forever.? ? his, however, the Supiroe Court denied. 1 he property of Mr. Si|dell which this scision returns to . his. heirs c;uinot. bo ! ss than $200,000, with about 810,000 , f rent due from the time of Slidell's eath. 1 1 There is a gentleman in this town, ef 1 la nape of Jones, says the Eureka Ne- i ada, Seutinct, whose beurd is three feet ireo inches long. It is of splendid rowth, almost as soft and as fine as a lay's hair, and is really a curiosity in its ay. Mr. Jones stands six feet and one ich high, and his board, when allowed s liberty, strikes him about the knees. Ie seldom, however, makes a display of ;. He usually keeps it braided and onfined within his shirt bosom, so that ersons seeing him on the street, would ot dream that his beard wusof more than rdinary length. The Jackson (Clarion is responible for the statement that, ever since the [ ccision of the Supreme Court of that stale as pronounced against the constitution, lity uf the electionsheld last fall, Gov. Luics has said without reservation, that he came from Washington under a ledge from Geo. Grant to put hi in into ffice, no matter how the court might dcidc." This statement certainly places rrnnt in an awkward position, and if not rue, should be authoritatively den.ed. Texas horse-thieves get up prayornicetngs in the rural districts, and leave the ongregatiou to walk home. AT COST. raving lost my place of business by tho Are, and boing pressed by WANT OF BOOM, am now selling my present stock of Goods AT AND BEi-O W HOST. THOSE IN WANT OF BAHGAINS IN DRY GOODS, Ready-Made Clothing Nlioos, Hats, &o, &c. Sic. Will consult their interest by giving uie a [ >11 at once. mr Those indebted to me will please ! all and settle. JOS. s. CLOUD. One door South of residenco of Williaut Clyburu, Broad Street. January 20. tf f GOODS AT Reduced Prices, FOR CASH ONLY, FOR THIRTY DAYS, AT ROB'T. M. KENNEDY'S, - " AT THE POST OFFICE CORNER, CAMDEN, S. C. Bargains in Damaged Goods, 1873. 1873 Ifall tradeT We are now receiving a large stock of 4 DRY ttOODS, CLOTHING, for Men and Boys, HATS, of all styles, 100 cases BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, SADDLERY AND HARNESS. [n fact, a great many articles too tedioueto mention?nil of which we will sell at 01 it usual low prices. BAUM BRO. September 19 tf SPECIAL NOTICE. JPPICE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS KERSHAW OOUNTY, Camden, S. C. January 1<>, 1874, All persons holdingChecks or other claims .gainst the County of Kershaw, are required At present them for registration, at the office if the County Commissioners, within thirty lays, incompliance with section 2 of a joint -esolution of the General Assembly, to levy a ipccial tax to pay the past indebtedness of iershaw County, approved December 20th, 1878. Said section reads as follows: "Section 2. That all persons holding claims igainst said County be, and they are, hereby, 'eqoircd to hie a list of such claims, with the imount and date thereof, in the office of he County Commissioners, before payment hereof." JOHN A. BOSWELL, Chairman. Attest: Frank Carter, Clerk. ARRIVED AT IAST. [WOULD respectfully inform iny friends and the people of Kershaw and adjoining bounties generally, that I have at last arri red in the town of Camden with a large and lelcet stock of the very finest HOUSES AND VIPLKS, just from Kentucky. These 1 am prepared to dispose of at prices mitablc to the extreme stringency of the diies. I mutt *?//, and'therefore oil who falarstli u /.oil *t?Jll nhtuin hiifffftinfl My slock can be seen at the stables of Mr. [f. C. Rulinond, on DeKalb Street, where I liavc established myself on account of the many conveniences of the grounds. The public is invited and solicited to give m a call. J. A. ARMSTRONG. January 15. tf TO RENT. ^Thc undersigned desires to rent that valuable PLANTATION, lying on the waters of Little Flat Rock Creek, and known as the Drakeford Lands. On the premises there is a desirable Residence, a gjood Store House, and all necessary Out Rutldings, in good repair. Parties wishing to rent upon favorable terms, can do so by calling upon WM. CLYBURN. Janttavy lfr tf No Interruption, The subscribers beg leave to announce that the recent tire has caused no interruption in their business, and that they are prepared to wait upon customers as usual. J. k T. I. JONES. January 15. tf Paciiic Guano Company's (CAPITAL $100,000) Soluble Pacific Guano. This GUANO is now so well known in all the Southern States,for its* remarkable effeclB h? an aceucv for increasing the products of labor, as not to require special commendation from us. Its use for eight years past has established its character for reliable excel1 - ? - - '1*1... fi .'nil AanUnl t ii caularl Kir ICUCt". I ???* il?lgv I1AUU vnj/iiMi ?? WU.VM +,J tbc Couipnxiyiu this trade affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of this (juano. Tiie supplies put into market this season are, as heretofore, prepare! under the superintendence of Dr. St. Julien Ravenel, Chemist of the Company, at Charleston, 3. C- Hence, planters may rest assured that its quality no 1 competition is precisely the sanio as that heretofore sold. J. N. ROBSON, Belling Agent, Charleston, S. C. JOHN 8. REESE ft Co., General Agents, Iiultimore. Terms?$ IS cash; $58 time, without interest. To accommodate planters, they can order now and hnvetili the 1st of April to decide as to whether they will take at time or cash price. When delivered from the factory by the carload, no drayuge will he charged. J 1>. ROBSON. idy-ACTD PHOSPHATE. GUANO, BONK, PLASTER, Ac., always ou hand, quality guaranteed, J. N. ROBSON. January 1 Sin ^ m M A uuai iu. GO tons SKA FOWL GUANO, 10 tons DISSOLVED BONE. For sale upon reasonable terms, to purchasers making early application. J. & T. I JONES. Jnnunry 1. tf THOSE IN WANT OK ANYTHING in the line of Foreign and Domestic FRUITS, cbo., Will always find it to their interest to buy where the largest and best assortment is kept. We always keep a complete stock in season. KIRKLEY k GARLAND. January H. tf New Advertisements. AGENTS WANTED?$6 to $10 made dally. Sam plea mailed free. N. WHITE, Newark, N. J Ann A WEEK TO AGENTS. Faatcat Belling ard\ / K cle out. Three valuable samples for ten cents. IjJi U J. BRIDE, 787 Broad way,New York. (("PSYCHOLOGY, or SOUL-CIIARMING." How JL either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose Instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mall, for 28 cents, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding Night Shirt, Ac. Ac. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAMS A CO., Pubs. Philadelphia. AN ACCIDENTAL CURE.~ u'h.n iloatli wag itollr ornerted from CONBIIMP TION, all remedies having /ailed, and Dr. H. James was experimenting, tie accidentally made a prepa ration of INDIAN HEMP, which cured hla only child, and now gives a recipe free, on receipt of two stamps to pay expenses. riEMP also cures night sweats, nausea at the stomach, and wilt break a fresh cold in 24 hoars. Address, CRADDOCK A Co., 1032 Race-st. Philadelphia, naming this paper. I BUPtUBE VB TDIICCl.Cor Rupture. Fine Steel Spring I nUOOtOcoated with hard rubber,highly polished. Free from all sour, rusty, chafing, strapping or girthing unpleasantness. Cool, cleanly, light, safe and durable. Unaffected by bathing. Always 1 reliable. Every desirable pattern, including the new Haxd Russia Elastic Night Truss. Sent by MsO or Express. Sold by all dealers. Send for Illus- 1 trated Catalogue. Estab'ts, 1347 Chestnut8L, Phila^A ' 717 Brd'y, NT T. Bswaas of japanned imitations , For COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, i AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, ( USE 1 i Wells' Carbolic Tablets. PUT lTP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A Tried And Sure Remedy. Sold by Druggists. " WDEOGRAPHY." A new nook on the art of Jj Writing by Sound; a complete System of Pho- i netlc Short-Iland, the shortest, most simple, cosy, J and comprehensive, enabling any one in a sh<rt ' time to report trials, speeches, sermons, Ac. The * Lord's Prayer is written with 40 strokes of the pen. and'140 words per minute. The unemployed shoald learn this art. Price by mall, 80 cents. Agents Wanted. Address T. V> . EVANS A CO., 138 8, 7th Street, Philadelphia. Pa. The Highest Medical Authorities of Europe any the strongest Tonic, Purifie nrd Deobsiruent known loth" medical world i CTTTIRTTIBEIBA. nt arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the ( lervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, Cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acta directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price SI a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOOG, IS Piatt St., K Y. fnrn!vTTnn^--Ti Da. 3. P. Fmam.?Bain*nrorm, says, I graduated at the Tfnlveraltyof Penn'a la 1SS3, sad after SO ytan* axperltnee, perfected Dr. Fitter's VegetableRheumatlo ( Syrnp. I guarantee it aa Infallible enre for Ntrve,Kid??yaadBbeuaialiod Mim, Swc-rn to,this26th April. 1871. P. a. osbourn.Tfotarf Public, Pkila. cisrjyatt w? Cirsd brlt. nnd will ?tfrfo anyone writh>g na.Kov.Thoe.Mtxrphy,D.D.,Frankfrird,Phila.Rcv.C.If. Ewiiur.M ?dia, Pa. R"t.J.R. Bnchanan.Clerwn'-o.Iowa.Rer. O.G.Smith, Pitteford.N.Y. Rev Jo?7Rowy?. falkChnrrh. Philv.Ac.AfotctedahouM write Dr. HtlM\PBfln~fnr eiphn atory Pamphlet k pnara n toejrratla. f 60 Reward for an in* cnrabte oaeeJf o cure no chargw,a reality .Sold by druggists. WE WANT looo VV A-J VV A3.A1 A rittsx CLAMS BOOK AGENTS, at once, to sell two of tbe most popular works ever published; UO a record of prison life a. . w. ijUiNJJu Fort Delaware, by Rev. I w. k. Handy, and MARSHALL'S LIFE OF Gen. Robert E. Lee. IVSend for Circulars at once. , TURNBULL BROTHERS. Baltimore. Md. MHBUp^uLl|BHU ^^^UA2uflaUk8B^ THE ONLY KNOWN MEDICINE that af the 8am3 time Purges, Purifies and Strengthens the System. Dr. Tl'TT's Pills arc composed of many ingredientf*. Prominent ninnng them are Sarsaparilla; and Wild Cherry, so united as to act together; the one, through Its admixture with other substances, purifying anddurglng; while the other la strengthening the system. Thus these Pills are at the same tline a tonic and a cathartic, a desideratum long sought for by medical men, but never before discovered. In other words, they do the work of two niedlelnes and do it much better than any two we know of, for they remove nothing from the system but Impurities, so that while they purge they also strengthen aud hence they cause uo debility and are followed by no reaction. Da. Tt rr's Pills have a wonderful Influence on the blood. They not only purify without weakening it, but they remove all noxious particles from the chyle before It Is converted Into fluid, and thns makes Impure blood an utter Impossibility. An there Is no debilitation, so there Is no nausea or slckuess attending the operation of this most excellent medicine which never strains or tortures the digestive organs, but causes them to work in a perfect natural manner; hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but on the contrary, while all Impurities are being removed, the combined action of the Sarsaparllla and Wild Cherry purifies and Invigorates the body, and a robust state of health Is the result of their united action. Price 35 cents a box. all druggists. Depot 48 Cortlandt St., New York. 1 Dr. Sogc'a CaLarrhHj BM jj^RwHi medr cures by ita^p av ^I^Hilmlld, soothing and heal-^H IM f ing properties, to which IS H \ ,??4 J the disease yields, when HI H W . 1 J] Itcmcdy is used warm HI M| IMp% 1/ and system put in ucr-^B ^Btccc order bvtho wonderful altnratlve^B ^B power of Dr. Plcrce'ntiolUcu Steal Discovery, taken earnestly, to IS |H correct blood and system, which are al-^H IK wars at fault, nlso to act speclflcally upon SMdlseascl glands and liniug membrane of H|nose ami communicating chambers. Ca- ^fl JHtarrh itemed y should bo applied warm IB DB with Dr. Piorce'a Nasal Douche, H ^ the onlv instrument with which fluid mcd-^H ^ tcine can bo jter/ccUy applied to all parts HI Hot pas-ages and chambers in which ulccrj^H H exLt nnd f rom wliich d ischai re proceeds. Hi BSo successful lias this treatment proven, fig Id Lb at (ho proprietor offers f500 Ilc-StS rSfl ward for a eve of "Cel l i i Head ' or VdCa.rh he can n<>t etirp. The two?r.oIi - Em HBcincswilhinstrumonHf J,hv-.!i.o xr> t.Ww ' - I- 4. C Lumber! Lumber!! Having thoroughly repaired my Mills, I nm prepared to furnish LTJIMIBEIR, of nil kinds, at the shortest notice, and on the m<?st reasonable terms. The lumber is sawed from the best and most select timber, and is warranted to be always of the tirst juulity. My GRIST MILL is also in complete order, and I am prepared to giu and pack COTTON. The Mills are situated on Big Pinetree Creek, nine miles frotnthe town of Camden, on the public road louding to Cheraw. Terms for the Lumber, cash on delivery. 1 am prepared to haul the Lumber to town, or to the S. C. K. K. Depot, or if the purchasers prefer, It w ill be delivered to them at the Mill. If. K. DUB08E. NOTICE." Our friends and customers will please come forward and settle their accounts. The losses by the recent fire render a speedy settlement imperative. For the present, we will be found at the office of J. D- Kennedy, over W. L. Arthur's store. JIODOSQH & DUNLAPj BEPilE/ The Ravages of thelate FIRE! \ I ALL who lost by the fire, and expect to < rebuild, and those who wish LUMBER for any purpose, are informed that my SAW MILL is in fall repair, and that I can furnish Lumber of the VERY BEST quality upon the shortest notice. The Mill is situated upon the public road ] to Columbia, six miles from the town of Camden. Lumber will be delivered at tl?e Mill, or in town as purchasers may desire. Terms?The Lowat possible Catk prices. f Orders are respectfully solicited. V T. H. CLARKE. o January 15. tf Scnooi JBOOISJB. f Union Reader, Holmes' and Reynolds' , 0 Union Spelling Book Davies'JArithmetics, Venable's and Sanford's Webster's Dictionaries Stephen's History of the United States 3uackenboss' do do Basy Rooks of Instruction for children Primers and Readers Classical School Books, for advanced pupils Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Ink. J. A. YOUNG. January 15. tf tl THJAITICS.' '' ' / V\JE desire to return our thanks to the W publ*c gencra'ly for the patronage so iberally bestowed upon us in'he past, and lope, by a strict attention to business, and in earnest endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of thesauio. KIRKLEY b GARLAND. January 8, 1874. tf NO USE TALKING! j ITTE want EVERYBODY to know, that ws W do not intend that ANYBODY shall sell H loods cheaper than we do. j Kirkley A Garland, b January 8. tf * rHE LARGEST AND BEST 0 Assorted stock of French and American r< CONFECTIONS, b NUTS, FRUITS, CANNED GOODS, &c. "an always be found at e< KIRKLEY & GARLAND'S. f January 8. tf GOODS. 5 VTOTIONS, HATS, and various articles, Li selling at exceedingly low figures, by 8 KIRKLEY & GARLAND. b Hmall Profits, F AND QUICK SALES, ! IS OUR MOTTOTHOSE who don't believe it, call and examine our Goods and the prices at which we are selling. KIRKLEY & GARLAND. "WANTED, i Everybody to know that kirkley a i garland keep Store one door south of the oorner. in the Workman^uildIngr, where they keep always on hand, a complete stock of General Merchandise, at low prices. e AN UNDISPUTED FACT, ; That those who sell FOR CASH, can sell cheap?but those who sell on time, MUST r, have big profits. c IS?"We sell CHEAP, FOR CASH. s KIRKLEY & GARLAND. I 1 DISSOLUTION. . The co-p&rtnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the name of BROWN & HOLLAND, has been dissolved by mutual cunsent. The business will be . closed by I. F. Holland. B. M. BROWN. I I. F*. HOLLAND. January 8. ltn Saddle and Harness Making. The undersigned begs leave to apnounoe to the citizens of Camden and tLc public gen- ' erally, that, having purchased the entire stock of his father, (the late F. J. Oaks,) and having secured the services of a first class HARNESS MAKER, he is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him with neatness and dispatch. Terms reasonable, for cash only. - i W. B. OAKS. December 18. tf GUNS, Pistols, Cartridges, Caps, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors, Table Knives, Carvers, Silver-plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. Plain Steel and Diamond Spectacles, China and Glass Ware. November G. J. A. YOUNG ( FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY ?A .NO? t Fancy Goods. , i MRS. T. B. WALKER has opened at her ! establishment ou Broad Street, a handiniTlP ftflsnrtmnnt nf Millinery and fancy Goods, Of the latest styles, selected with great care, to suit the tastes of her customers and the public generally The Ladies are respectfully invited to call and examine her stock of Straw Hals, Sash and Nash Mom. j Together with every article to be found in | well supplied Millinery establishment. October 23. tf BACON! BACON!! 20,000 pounds BACON I 5 barrels HAMS. For sale by BAl/M BRO. September 4. tf In a Few Days. We will be ready for {business, and have a fine stock of Goods to offer, received since ' the fire, consisting of DRY GOODS, , Hardware and Groceries. Our stock of Iron, Steel, Plough Moulds, ' Trace*, Axes, Hames, Nails, and all articles for Plantation-use, is complete, and will be sold low for cash. KENNEDY k BOYKIN. Jaiuery 13. tf Marble! Marble!! I hereby fire notice to .the citixens of Coat- ,<j ion and its vicinity, that I will be in Camden in a few days, with a lot of MARBLE, and prill be prepared to furnish Headstones, Moniments, Ac., on as reasonable terms as they tan be obtained elsewhere. All orders promptly attended to. a W. P. SMITH, * Jan. 22.?tf. Of Sumter S. C. The Wilmington Star. Brtafcltehed omly Mix Teara* DAILY STAR. Has the largest circulation of any Daily Newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wilmington nearly twice as large as any ther paper. All the news of the day will be found in it, ndeased when unimportant, at length when moment, and always presented in a clear, telligent and interesting manner. SUBSCRIPTION (IN ADVANCE.) One Year, s $7 00 Six Months, 3 60 ?"i o rt/i xurcc musing, * w WEEKLY STAB. PRICE REDUCED. The Weekly 8tar in now combined with he North Carolina Farmer, and it one of ' he che&peet papers in the country, at tha allowing REDUCED BATES: One copy, one year, $1 60 One copy, aix month*, 1 00 Clubs of 6 to 10, one year, $1 26 per copy Clubs of 10 or more, one year, only $1 00 Specimen copies sent on application. Address, WM. H. BERNARD, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C. lampden Sydney College rHE next session of this Seminary of learn ing will commence on Thursday, Septemer 4th, 1876. Hampden Sidney is Situatod in Prince Edrard County, Va., sHthin a few hundred ards of Union Theological Seminary, and sren miles from FaraYille the nearest depot f the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railsad. The locality of the College is most ealthy, and the comnyinity around distinuished for intelligence and piety. There is no Grammar or Preparatory School onnected with the College. It retains the urriculum and the great aim of its teachers i to secure thoroughness in the training and istruction of their pupils and thus to preare them for professional studies or the scire dutief of life. The ordinary expenses of a student exclu* ire of the cost of clothing, travelling and ooks. are from $225 to $275 a year For Catalogue and further information aply to REV. J. M. P. ATKIN80N, President Hampden Sidney College, Prince Edward County, Va EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND IN A First Class Grocery Store, CAN BE HAD AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES, AT SIBKLET A 04BLA9D S BININGER'S OLD LONDON DOCK DIN. Especially designed for the use of the JTsdbal Profusion and the Family possessing hose in trinsie medicinal properties whieh telong to an Old and Pure Gin. Indispensable to Females. Good for Kid\ey Complaints. A delicious Tonic. Put up in nses containing one dozen bottles each, and old by all druggists, grocers, Ac. A. M. lininger & Co., established in 1778, No. 1$ leaver st., N, Y- Oct. 28-9m. Floor! Floor n 100 barrels of different grades. For ale by BAUM BRO Great Reduction ITV PRICES. I 7-8 Brown Homespuns at 10 Cents. 4-4 Bleached do at 12$" AND All Other Goods in Proportion. AT KcCUBBY'S. WAREHOUSE. PLANTERS, and others, wishing to obtan their supplies at prices that defy competition, will consult their interest by examining my stock before purchasing elsewhere, My stock for the Fall and Winter Trade lias never bean more complete. It consists it n part of Groceries. SUGARS?Of ail grades. COFFEE?Rio, Laguira and Java, FAMILY FLOUR?Of the finest quality, CANNED GOODS?Of all descriptions, BACON and LARD, GOSHEN BETTER and CHEESE, FRESH CRACKERS?A complete assortnent of Staple Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, LEATHER, Hardware, Crockerywar?, Bagging- and Ties And, indeed, every thing usually found in First Class Grocery. l9*My stock is replenished weekly?Gooda Iways fresh. The highest market price paid for Cotton. A call is respectfully solicited. 1). W. JORDAN,: Agent. OoMVttW.