University of South Carolina Libraries
I LOCAL MATTERS. CHURCH DIRECTORY. I Kpiscopal Church. Corner of Lyttle. ton an J Laurens streets,?services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 'U I'. M Uaptist Churffi, Hroad street?Rev. Robert Thomson, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11' a. m. and p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 p ui. Methodist Church, DeKalb street? Rev. J. W. Kclley, Faster?Services at il A. M. and 7 P. M. on Sunday; Prjiyer Meeting Thursda\* at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? kRev.S. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 11 ATM. and 3i P. M. on Sunday; Prayer > Meeting on Wednesday at 4 P. M. inevnok SONS OF TEMPERANCE. WATEREE^DIVISION, NO 9 I"' Attend the Regular Meet. ing of your Division at 7V perance Hall on MONDAY evening next, at 7$ o'clock By order of the W. P. tW R.. McC HEIGHT, R. S. A. F. Nl. ERSHAW LODGE, NO. 29. f The Regular Communication ' of this Lodge \|ill l?c held on ^QA^TLTESDAY EVENING next 7 J o'clock. By order of the VV.* M.\ J. R. GOODALE, Secretary. >? ? ! "Hook & Ladder Company. } meeting of Phoenix Hook and Ladk der Company will be held oil this (Thurs1 day) evening at the office of the Foreman. 1 A punctual attendance is required. By order of Foreman. W. R. McCreight. Seo'y. ATTENTION TAX-PATERS Wo are requested to invite and entroat allJrho take an interest in the approach ing Tax-Payer's Convention, which will assemble in Columbia ou the 17th iost., k to meet at the Town Ilall, next Saturday, J-7th inst., at 12 o'clock, M , to elect delegates to represent Kershaw County in r said Convention. k The meeting called for Inst Monday K was postponed on account of tl?o inclem^Rfccy of the weather. A full attendance is earnestly desired. I Immigrants.?-On Thursday eveuing Plast, fourteen immigrants, English and I Irish, arrived from New York, via. Char- ; leston, and were taken in charge by the 'Committee on Immigration, who readily found homes) for all of them. They appear to be very fair men, and we are confident that those who have given them homes on their furms, will be-pleased with "the investment. More immigrants have been ordered, aud the probability is that homes will be engaged for them before they arrive. Parties wishing information on the subject can obtain the same from Mr. Manner Baum. of C)tn. on Immigration We return our thanks to James Ander-1 son, Esq., General Superintendent of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Kail Koad fur courtesies shown us. * % Moving Up.?Messrs. Shanuon& Lin ing have moved their law office up town, and will be found above the store of Baum Bros. The entrance to thoir of' lice is between the stores of Baum Bros, and II. Baruch. . It affords us great pleasure to call attention to the card of our old friend, Mr. C. M. Wienges, who has established himself again in our town, at his business of Harness-making, Ac. v. His proficiency as a workman, and his reliability in all respects, are so well known to our citizens, that it is unneccs sary for us to say anything upon those subjects. His pleasant manners and genial disposition are sure to attract all who may have dealings with him. lie left Sumter, where he has resided since the jraruiueh to the'regretpf his friends at that F jaee; and the Trii* Southron, in noticing I to fact of his change of residence, exI /esses the opiniou that Sumter's loss would be Camdeu's gain. We hopo that Pthe change will conduce greatly to his I own welfare. He is ready to work well L ?nd promptly, and warrant his work, but must have rath. Mr. 8. A. Benjamin gives notice that he is selling- off his stock?somewhat damaged by the late fire?at less than cost. 8ee his advertisement, We are glad to welcome the Columbia I'nioii to our editorial table. After being incorporated with the I'uion Herald for a time, it has again commenced au independent existence, L Cass Carpenter being editor. It is Republican in politics, but we hope its course will be independent and fonrWs :inJ that its criticism of men and measures will be as free as it was when it k made itself unpopular, and caused the Herald to be started as a rival. # # _____ The Rural Carolinian.?The Feb ruary number of this deservedly popular agricultural monthly comes to us with its accustomed regularity, lie table of eon. tents shows great care in the selection of the valuable matter with which its pages are filled. The articles are short, practical, and treat on nearly all subjects of every day interest to the Southern farmer. The Literary Department of the present number contains another of those spicy articles from the pen of "Cornelia Bliuiber," under the caption of ' George Augustus Again," which will amply repay perusual. Wc see the publishers arc still advertising for canvassing Agents, not having as yet filled up their corps iu all the States. We understand the Chromo scheme, instituted by the publishers for the benefit of the subscribers to the ".Rural," has succeeded beyond their most sanguine expectations. They are daily in receipt of numerous orders, all showing that the tillers of the soil have a taste for fine arts as well as town people. Those who intend to apply for an agency- should lose no time in so doing. Address the publishers at Charleston, U., who will furnish all information. Subscription price to the -Rural Carolinian," $2 per annum, with liberal club rates i Farts worth knowintr. One <>f the! best indications of the South, and prosperity of Charleston, is to be found at the Establishment of Messrs. I. II. Hall & Co.. located at Nos. 2, 4, (J, 8 Market St.4 223 & 225 East Hay. The rapidly increasing business last year of this firm, has induced them to enlarge their Establishment, which now supplies every conceivable article that can be required in the | building of a house, from a baluster to any size timber. Our friends in the City, and throughout the State who contemplate building a house can be supplied with all the materials necessary for its construction at prices and quality of work which will save a largo percentage in the cost of building. They are Agents for Asbestos Rooting Felt, endorsed by some of the beat firms in the country. Send for pricelist and circulars. A Tribute to Confederate Soldiers. ?The New York Sim in taking strong grounds uga#st tiic increase of the United States army, compares the material ol'j the Union army, during the late war, with that of the Confederates, and says: ' The quality of tha Confederate soldiers effectually disposes of the pica that it is necessary to keep the regular army as a nucleus. On the Union side was the entire rank and file of the old army. Of that force the rebels had only officers.? The Confederate rank and file was composed wholly of raw men, and, in the first ] two years of the war, volunteers, Yet, what an infantry they were ! Those of us who saw them charge in line of battle never approach a Confederate cemetery without taking off our hats in homage to the devoted braves, who ever walked i straight into the jaws of death without blauching " . t Make Mosey fast and honorably, $12 .60 I per day, or $76 per week, by at once apply :ng for a territorial right, (which are given free to agents,) to sell the best, strongest, . most useful, and rapid selling Sewiug Mft! chine, and Patent Button Mole Worker, ever | used or recommended l.v families,, or buy otic for your own use; it is only $5. Sent free every where l,y express. Address for particuars. . Jerome B. Hudson & Co., C?r Greenwich & ortlandt Sts, N. Y. Oct. :10, Chatted Hands, face, rough skin, pimples, ringworm, salt-rheum mid other cutaneous affections cured, and the skin made soft and .<?U100111, oy using wicai Mn.B i ab^uat, iiiu-iiby Caswki.i. Hazard & Co., New York. lie certnin to get the Jvniper For Soap, as there are many imitations made with common tor which are worhless. 4w. The Explosion on tub Greenville ani? Ooli'MBIA Railroap.?The Columbia Phoenix contains the following additional particulars of the explosion which occurred on the Greenville and Columbia Railroad, and of which mention has already been made in the telegraphic I columns of the Xrirt ami Coiiru r: "Jnielligaucc was received in this city Sunday morning that the locomotive Port . Hill hail exploded her boiler near Saluda Old Town, on the Greenville k Columbia Railroad, killing the engineer, Mr. John V. banc, instantly, severely wounding the colored fireman. Orange Moffett. and slightly injuring the white fireman, Scott L<>gan. Colonel Hudauiead immediately telegraphed for a train to be sent up from Helena, with the coroner, and to open telegraphic communication at the point _i ,i ... ,i i? ? A.,.1 [ WIllTe lilt' UCCIUUIK. UCVUIICU. Ill a OIIVII I time the first reports were fully corroborate' ed. After the matter was fully investigated, the train returned to Newberry, and from thence came to Columbia, the residence of the unfortunate engineer. Mr. Lano was a native of I'nion, had reached i the age of fifty, and had been in the cm-1 ploy oft he company for twenty-three years,' and was one of the oldest engineers con- , neeted with the road. He was universal y respected for his many manly qualities He leaves a wife and fonr children, and many other relatives. His death yras instantaneous ; a fraction of the boiler entered his head, and one of his arms was broken. The explosion occurred between twelve and one o'clock on Sunday morning. A heavy piece of the boiler, which would have required the united strength of several men to raise, was thrown nearly three hundred yards. The locomotive was j badly wricked. She was running at usual I freight speed, with a light train and on a i light grade. It was one of those accidents j which cannot be accounted for. Mr Lane j was interred yesterday afternoon in Klin? wood cemetery?large numbers of his | relatives and friends being present to pay the last tribute of respect to his memory. Mr Lane remarked to some of his friends on the evening of the explosion, that he was running his last trip, as he intended retiring from the service of the compa- i ny.? London, January 27. 1 An official dispatch was roccived by the . government to-day from Zanzibar, which states circumstantially that Livingstone died in Larbisa after crossing the marshes with water at one time, for three consecutive hours, above his waist. The sufferings of his whole party were terrible, and ten of them died in consequence. The members of Cameron s expedition were suffering from fever and opthalmia, but would wait the arrival of the doctor's remains n?d bring them to Ujiji. From the latter place they would bo conveyed to Zanzibar, where it is expected they will arrive ucxt month. Pompeii.?-Another discovery has re cently been made at Pompeii of u skeleton, one more perfect than yet discovered. It is a man, with marked features and remarkably large cars; position recumbent, with one hand under the check. Travelers who have visited Pompeii recently, will remember the bodies preserved in tbe j small museum near the entrance. They arc not skeletons, but perfect human I fi(rums ilisnlaviiH'. in the one case, with ~o ? 1 y-"C / terrible truth, the agony of death. There are the "Mother and ihc Daughter,' lying so near together that they make but oue figure. The general appearance of the "Slave" is so marked that it would bo impossible to think him anything else; and there is a body of a woman whose lovely hand and head proclaim her gentle birth. These arc painful yet interesting relics of a past terrible tragedy. GOODS : AT ' J Iloduced Prices, FOlt CASH ONLY, FOR THIRTY DAYS, AT > robt. m. kennedy's, ? AT THE ' o POST OFFICE CORNER. 1 CAMDEN, S. 0. J I Bargains in Damaged Goods. , _AT COST. ( Having lost my place of business by the fire, and being presbed by ( WAST OF ROOM, J T g [ aui now selling my present stock of Goods , AT AND BEi.OW 1 cost. ; (1 THOSE IX WANT OK BARGAINS IN DIM OOODK, i < R(kiHl(y-^ia<Uk Clothing |] * Shoos, Hats? &c ?&e. See. , Will consult their interest l?y giving me :i i call at <>tice. ' Those indebted to me will/dense call and settb-. JOS. s. CLOUD. One door Sooth of residence of William Clyburn, Broad Street. January 20. tf Iii si I^ew DaA s. We will he ready for Jbusiiiess, and have a fi?<? slock <>t" (iooils to otter, rccctvcn mih u | the lire, eonBisting^>f DRY GOODS, Hardware and Grocei ies. i Our slock of 1 ion, Steel, Plough Moulds, Truce", Axes, Hnines, Xnils, and all articles for Plantationjife, is complete, and will he ( ?ol>l low for cash. KKNNKDY ? BOY KIN. , January 15. tf NOTICE. Our friends and customers will p!ea>e eoine forward and settle their accounts. The losses by the recent fire render a speedy sett lenient imperative. For the present, we will he found at the office of J. I)* Kennedy, over W. I.. Arthur's store. HODGSON A- DUNLAP. January 15, if A C ARlir . 1 Having suffered from the fire, and requiring all our resources in carrying on our business, we appeal to all indebted to A.- I>. KKNNKDY \" (M apd t> the undersigned, to come forward and pay up their accounts.. A. M. KKNNKDY. A. D. KKNNKDY. January 15. a INT.'I m. ??<1 a - - I FALL TRADE. We nro now receiving a large stock of DRY UOODN, CLOTHING, for Men and Boy.*, HATS, of all styles, 100 cases BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY,! SADDLERY AND HARNESS, j In fact, a great many articles too tedious mention?all of which we will sell at on usual low prices. BAUM BRO. Ueptember 19 tf KElBXkl'N FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. The only known remedy for BRIGHT'S DISEASE, And a positive cure for GOUT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES, DIABETES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, DROPSY, Non-retention or Incontinence of Urine, Irrition, Inflammation or Ulceration of the RMniTCR AND KIDNEYS. SPERMATORRHOEA, Leuchorrhoea, or Whites, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus Gravel or Brickdust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges. KF.tBAFV'S EXTRACT BUCHU Permanently Cures all Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, Existing in Men, Women and Children, tfiVN'O MATTER WHAT THE AGE ! Prof. Steele says: "One bottle of Kenrtey's Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more halt all other Buchus combined." Price On* Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles or Five Dollnrs. Depot, 104 Duane St., -!Vtio York A Physician in attendnnee to answer corcspondence and give auvioe gratis, Send stamp for Pamphlets, free.**^8 TO THE? Nervous and Debilitated. OE BOTH SEXES. V? Charge for Advice and Consultation. Dr. J. r. Dyott, graduated of Jefferson ledical College, Philadelphia, author of everal valuable works, can he consulted on ,11 diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, wh'ich he has made an especial study ei ther n male or female, no matter from what cause riginnting or of how long standing. A pracice of 30 years enables to treat diseases with uceess. Cures guaranteed. Charges rcasonble. Those at a distance can forward letter lescribing symptoms and entdosing stamp fn repay postage. Send for the G utile In Health. Price lOcents. J. B. DYOTT, M. 1).. 'hysician and Surgeon, 104 Dunne St., X. Y.f SPECIAL NOTICE. >FFICE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS KERSHAW COUNTY, Camden, S C.January 15, 1874, All persons holdingCheck* or other claims ignins: the County of Kershaw, are required o present thcin for registration, at the office f the County Commissioners, within thirty lava, in compliance with section "J of a joint 'eaolution of the General Assembly, to levy a ipecial tax to pay the past indebtedness of wershnw County, approved December 20th. 875. Said section reads as follows: ' Section 2. That al' persons holding claims igainst said County he, and they are, hereby, equircd to file a list of such claims, with the imotint and date thereof, in fclic office of he County Commissioners, before payment hereof." JOHN A. BOSWBLB. Chairman. Attest: Frank Carter, Clerk. ARRIVED AT IA&T. IW'lL'hii rcspBctfutly inform my friends an 11lie people of Kershaw and adjoining -otiulics generally, that I have at last arri red in I lie town of Camden with a large and elect Mock of the very finest HOUSES AND MULES, just from Kentucky. These 1 am prepared to dispose id' at prices ntittiLlc to the extreme stringenvy of the limes. 1 must tell, and therefore all who faror tae with a call, will obtain bargains. My stock can be seen at the stables of Mr. H. ('. Salmond, on DeKalb Street, where I lave established myself on Recount of the many conveniences of the grounds. The public is invited and solicited to give men call. J. A. ARMSTRONG. January 15. tf TO RENT The undersigned desires to rent i iin t valuibl?j PLANTATION, lying on the waters of Little Flat Rock Creek, and known as the Drakefoid Lands. On the premises there is i desirable Residence, a good Store House. iiul nil iiocos<nrj* Out Buildings, in good repair. Parties wishing to rent upon fuvoraMe tonus, can do so by colling upon W.M. CI.YBURN. January 15* If Iiitorruptioih The sub-eribersbeg loavo to announce that I In* yecent fire lias caused no iutuvuption in tlittir business, and that they me prepared lo wait upon customers as usual. J. & T. I JONES. January I tf ' Pari fie Ouaiio Company's (CAPITAL 3100,000j Soluble Pacific Guano. This (il'ANO is now so well known in all the Southern'Slates,for itsj remarkable effects as an agency for increasing the products of labor, as not to require special c.uiiiucmlatioii from us, It" use for eight years past lias established character for reliable excel'I'll,. I,,-,,, lived en nil,11 i,,\I l,v the t'ompan\ in this trade affords the surest guarante* > l the continued excellence of this Una tin. The supplies put into market this season are, a- heretofore, prepared titnler the superintendent e of I)r. St. Jnlien Itavenel, Chemist of tiie fonipuiiy. at (Charleston, 3. Hence, planters may rest as?in-rd that its quality aii l composition is precisely the sumo as that li<rclofore soM. ,1. N. RtiKSON, Helling Agent, t'liarleston. S. t\ JOHN S. REKSE .k Co., tlcneral Agents. Haltimorc. Terms ? I* cash; time, without interest. To accommodate planters, they can order now ami havetill the 1st of April in decide as to whether they will take ut time or cash price. When delivered from the fa tory by the carload, no draynge will he charged. J S. KOIISON. l^vrACIH PHOSPHATE. (U'ANO. HONK, IM. \STKIl. \e., always on hand. <ptnlity guaranteed. J, N. R()11S()S. January 1 :1m Guano. (itI tons SKA KOWTj (H'ANO, Hi tons DISSOLVED BONK. For sale upnu reasonable terms, to purchasers making early application. J."& T. I. JONES. January 1. tf i N ew Advertisements. Wkntwortii'8 k by-kino and Check Combisjcd. German Sample 15c. Circulars free. SiafToril Manufacturing Company, #6 Fulton street, N. Y. CAfl AGENTS WANTED Samples sent free by U\J\J mail with terms, to clear from $5 to $10 per lay. AddressN. WHITE, Ncward, N. J. SAMPLES sent by mail for 5hc. that retail quick for fto. K. I,. WOLCOTT, 1S1 Chatham Square, New York. Ann A WEEK TO AGENTS. Fastest selling art 1 V / ? cle out. Three valuable samples for ten cents. vj?IU j. BRIDE, 757 Broadway,New York. The Magic Comb for Ie"1 wm change any colored pair to a permanent black or brown anil contains no poison. Trade supplied at lowest rutes. Address, MAGIC COMB CO.. Springfield, ass For IfiAITOUO f'AT lie? IfBlDtirvrCQ AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets. PUT IT ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A Tried and Sure Remedy. Sold by Druggists. #3,50CT"-A- YEAR mode with our splendid COMBINATI c PROSPECTUS- It represent a sample,png and style of binding of 50 intensely interesting and useful books, that SELL in every family. Best thiurj fiver trier1 Ay Canvasser*. AGENTS WANTED to make a 'peiimankxt nrsiNRss on these Works. Send Si. f)0 for Prospectus, the only outfit nec choose territory and commence at once. ilt.i'stratep ctiicni.Aiis. and t.ibf.rai, tkr address .10HN E. POTTER k CO., Publishers. Philadelphia. Pa. Da. J. P. Frrrxa.?Being rworn, tart, I graduated at the Dnircriitr of Fenn'a ia 1633, and after Si) years' experience, perfected Dr. Filler's Vegetable Rheumatic ? y r np. I guarantee It aa Infallible care for Nrrre, KidEc/ lad Rheuaiaiicdiieisei. Brrorn to, thii2Gth April, 1371_ F. A. OSBOURN, Rotary Public, fkila. ClJTJTnea TtTO CttTfil t7 It, and will mitirfrimy one writing ue. Iter.Tho* Mnrphy,D.D?Fr:inlcford,Phila.ReT.C.If. Iiwinit,Medio.Pa. R<>t..I.S. Bur hennn.Clarence, Town. Tier, ft.C,..Smith, Pituford, N. Y. lie v..T rwji fipps, Falls Church, FhiU.,Ar.AMict?dBhonId write Dr.ntW.Phila.,for explanatory Pamphlet A gunrantee,grntie. ffSOTtrwnrdforan inrnnihlAriiji. VeennnnrtiHrriLXri'ilifrRnld liTiimrmati i The Highest Medical Authorities o urope soy the strongest Tonic. Purifie dDeobstruant knowr.totlij medical world i JTJRUBEBA, at arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the lervous system, restores vigor to Hie debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottie. JOHN Q. Klvl.Lt ><;<;. H Piatt St.. N. V. D11DT11D P SEELEY S HARO RUBBER TRUSSES D UI I UIIL Relief, Comfort 4 Cure for Hernia TDIICCfcO?r Rupture. Fine Steel Spring I I! UUUttf coated with hard rubber, highly polished. Free from all sour, rusty, chafing, strapping or girthing nnpleasantness. Cool, cleanly, light, safe and durable. Unaffected by bathing. Always reliable. Every desirable pattern, including the new Hard Rubber Elastic Nioht Truss. Sent by Mail or Express. Sold by all dealers. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Estab'ts, 134* ChestnutSt., Phila.,4 737 Brd'y, N. Y. Brwarr of japanned Imitations cnrc.itiii llnmoru from tlr\v>rd scj ofnln to a common fttotcli or I?li:-j>lc. From tv.o to six Loitloi arc warranto I ! >cmv S.-t't i'hetir.i orTcttrr, Pimplre on Face. Holla, Ct:rtnnclcs, I>3i.|pc!is ami l.'ver < or:iriuiiit. Six to twelve bottles. warranted t >ruro i "\ rstScrofnloan '.v. .-!i; 1 fo Fains in liotfo i?n 1 fcorc '< (iront con cd b" I'oltou ri *7lor. 1 i 1 : tn Dv wonderful Sroetor;.! pr i< ii will o iro ihomo.-1 eveve * ! .,* . t!;-. Cottrrii in i t u.o t i ... Mirlno iwl ti j-i ? *:' .? ' lOOUltJUr ilTit.'iti m, : 1 R :: : if ::!! Jt-jtr , t* V IVorlii'.. L i* i i i.. iTHFMly knuwn medIcTne THAT AFTHK 8 A M 3 TIME Purpes, Purifies and Strengthens the System. Dr. Trrr'e Pills are composed of man* ingredients. Prominent among tlieiu are sarsaparilla; and Wild Cherry, so united as to act together; the one, through its admixture with other substances, purifying and dnrgiiur; while the other Is strengthening tne system. Puns these Pills are at the same time a tonic and a cathartic, a desideratum long sought for by medical men, but never before discovered. Iu oilier words, they do the work of two medicines and do It much better than any two we know of, for they remove nothing from the system hot impurities, so that while they purge they also strengthen and hence they cause no debility and are followed b> no reaction". Dk. Trrr's Pills have a wonderful influence on the blood. They not ouly purify without weakening It, but they remove ail noxious particles front the chyle before if is converted Into fluid, and thus makes Impure blood an utter impossibility. As there is no debilitation, so there is no nausea or sickness attending the operation of this most excellent medicine which never strains or tortures the digestive organs, but causes them to work in a perfect natural manner; hence persons taking them do not become pule and emaciated, but on the contrary, while all impurities are being removed, the combined action of the Sarsaparllla and Wild Cherry pnrllli s and Invigorates the body, and a roliust state of health is the result of their united action. Price 'lb cents a box. all druggists. Depot 4S Cortl&ndt *t., New York. THOSE IN WANT OF ANYTHING in the hue of Foreign nntl Domestic PilUITS, c*>o., Will always iiiki li i? meir iinoicsi u> ou? where (lie 1 urge si anil l)p?<t assortment is kepi. We always keep a complete stock in season. KFRKLEY & GARLAND. January H. if Lumber! Lumber!! , Having thoroughly repaired my Mills, I am ' prepared to furnish LUMBER of all kinds, at the shortest notice, and on I the im>?t reasonable terms. The lumber is ' sawed from the best and most select timber, 'and is warranted t<> he always of the first ijuality. My ) (ililST MILL 1 nr?/1 I nnt nrnnniTtl If llNo 111 compim-ui"'") . , to gill ainl pack COTTON. Tin* Mills arc situated on Dig l'inetree Crock, nine miles fromtlie town of Camden, ' on llie public road loading to Chernw. Tonus for tlio Lumber, cash on delivery. I am prepared to haul the Lumber to town, ! or to the 8. C. It. It. Depot, or if the purcha' H?r< prefer, it will be delivered to them nt the Mill. II. K. DUBOSE. Laud for Sale. ! QAA ACRES of WOOD 1. AND. three miles pj\)\j from Camden. 011 theCheraw vond, j belonging to.IohnT. Graham und ('. N. Graham. Apply to C. NELSON, Trustee* December!. tf REPAIR The Ravages of thelate EIJRJE! \ LL who lost by the fire, nnd expect t ?\_ rebuild, and those who wish LUMBER for uny purpose, are informed that my SAY MILL is in full repair, attd that I can fur nish Lumber of the VERY- BEST quality up on the shortest notice. The Mil! is situated upon the public roac to Columbia, six tniles from the town of Cam den. Lumber Will he delivered at the Mill, 01 in town as purchasers may desire. Terms?The Lou-fst possible Cash prices. Orders are respectfully solicited. T. H. CLARKE. January 15. t^ School Boohjs. Union Reader, Holmes and Reynolds' Union Spelling Book Davies'fArithmetics, Veuable's and Sanforcl's Webster's Dictionaries Stephen's History of the United States Q-^ckenboss' do do Easy Rooks of Instruction for children l'rimorsnnd Readers Classical School Books, for advanced pupils Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Ink. J. A. YOUNG. January lu. " tf THANKS. WE desire to return our thanks to the pitbPc generally for the patronage sc liberally bestowed upon us in 'lie past, and hope, by a strict attention to business, and an earnest endeavor to please, to merit u continuance of the same. KIRKLEY k GARLAND. January 8, 1874. tf NO USE TALKING! WE want EVERYBODY to know, that we do not intend that ANYBODY shall sell Goods cheaper than we do. Kirkley Garland, January 8. tf THE LARGEST AND BEST Assorted stock of French and American CONFECTIONS, NUTS, FRUITS, CANNED GOODS, &c. Can always be found at KIRKLEY & GARLAND'S. January 8. tf ZD3-2/5T O-OOHDS, NOTIONS. HATS, und various articles, selling at exceedingly low figures, by K IKK LEY & GARLAND. Small Profits, ANI) QTJIOIv SALES, IS OUR MOTTOWHOSE who don't believe it, call and ex1 amine our Goods and the prices at which we nre selling. KIRKLEY & GARLAND. W^INTEID, F'YERYBODY to know that KIRKLEY i I GARLAND keep Store one doorsoutt of the corner, in the Workman Build log, where they keep always on hand, i complete stock of General Merchandise, a LOW PRICES. AN UNDISPUTED F/\pT, That those who sell FDR CASH, can sol cheap?but those who sell on time, MUSI have big profits. jB^TWesell CHEAP, FOR CASH. KIRKLEY & GARLAND. ?ISS0LITI0\ The co-partnership heretofore existing be twecn the undersigned, under the name o BROWN & HOLLAND, has been dissolve) bv mutual conse?t. The business will hi closed by I. F. Holland. D. M. BROWN. I. F. HOLLAND. . January 8. lin Saddle and Harness Making, The undersigned begs leave to nnnoune to the citizens of Cnmdcn and the public gen erally, that, having purchased the entir stock ol'his father, (the late F. J. Oaks,) an having secured the services of a first clas HARNESS MAKER, he is prepared to exc cute all orders entrusted to him with neat ness and dispatch. Terms reasonable, for cash only. W. B. OAKS. December 18. If UNS, Pistols. Cartridges, Cape, Pockc X Knives, Scissors, Razors. Table Knives Carvers, Silver-plated Knives, Forks am Spoons. Plain Steel and Diamond Specta cles, China and Glass Ware. November0. J. A. YOUNG : FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY ?AXU? Fancy Goods. MRS. T. 1>. WALKER has Opened ut liei establishment on Broad Street, ft hand some assortment of Millinery and fancy Goods, Of the latest styles, selected with grea care, to suit the tastes of her customers am the public generally The Ladies are respectfully invited to cal and examine her stock of Straw Hats, Sash aid Neck Rlois Together with eferv article to he found it well supplied Millinery establishment. October 28. tf BACOX! BACON!! 20,000 pounds BACON 5 barrels II A.MS. For sale by HALn BRO. September 4. tf A OAR D. Our Store-House un?l Stock were damage* by the great fire, and we have met sever losses, besides being interrupted in our busi ness. Those indebted to us will oblige us ver, much by ?i tiling up th'ir ncrountt without del a if This is impcrafivtlp necessary to keepusfroi suffering, and enable us to accommodate ou friends in the future. KENNEDY & BOYKIN. January 15. Marble! Marble ! I I hereby give notice to the citizens of Cms* den and its vicinity, that I will be in Camden in a few days, with a lot of MARBLE, and will be prepared to furnish Headstones, Monuments, &c., on as reasonable terms m they 0 can be obtained elsewhere. All orders promptly attended to. W. P. SMITH, Jan. 22.?tf. Of Sumter 8. C. ; The Wilmington Star. 1 Established only. Six Years* DA1LYSTAR. Has the largest circulation of any Daily Newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wilmington nearly twice as large as any other paper. AH the news of the day will be found in it, ondensed when unimportant, at length when f moment, and always presented in a clear, ntelligent and interesting manner. . SUBSCRIPTION (IN ADVANCE.) 1 One Year, $7 00 Six Months, 8 60 Three months, 2 00 WEEKLY STAR. PRICE REDUCED. The Wf.ekl7 Stab, is now combined with the North Carolina Fakmxb, and is one of ' the cheapest paperB in the country, at tha following REDUCED RATES: One copy, one year, $1 60 | One copy, six months, 1 00 Clubs of 6 to 10, one year, $1 26 per copy. Clubs of 10 or more, one year, only $1 00 Specimen copies sent on application. Address, WM. H. BERNARD, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C. Hampden Sydney College 1HE next session of this Seminary of lean . ing will cpmmance on Thursday, September 4th, 18731 Hampden Sidney is Situated in Prince Id ward County, Va., within a few hundred yards of Union Theological Seminary, and I seven miles from FarmviRethe nearest depot of the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio-Bailroad. The locality of the College is most healthy, and the community around distingoished for intelligence and piety. There is no Grammar or Preparatory School connected with the College. It retains the curriculum and the great aim of its teaohers is to secure thoroughness in the training and instruction of their pupils and thus to prepare them for professional studies or the native duties of life. , The ordinary expenses of a student exclufive of the cost of clothing, travelling and books, are from $225 to $275 a year. For Catalogue and further information apply to REV. J. M. P. ATKINSON, President Hampden Sidney College, , Prince Edward County, Va EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND IN A . First Class Grocery Store, 1 CAN BE HAD AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES, AT KIRKLET A GABLAID S i BININCER'S | OLD LONDON DOCK GDI. Especially designed for the use of the Midi ral Profusion and the Family, possessing (nose til mnjfic UlCUlCiuni prupciuco nuivu j belong to nn Old and Pure Oin. 1 Indispensable to Females. Good for Kidr nnj Complaints. A delicious Tonic. Put up in cases containing one dozen bottles each, and sold by all druggists, grocers, &c. A. M. Bininger & Co., established in 1778, No. 15 Beaver st., N, Y* Oct. 28-9m. Flour! FlourR 100 barrels of different grades. For ale by BAUM BRO. Great Reduction ITV PRICES. V c 7-8 Brown Homespuns at 10 Cents. e 4-4 Bleached do at 124" ?* ? " AND All Other Goods in Proportion. AT mtURHlS. ! THE PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE. PLANTERS, and others, wishing to obtan their supplies at prices that defy competition, will consult their interest by examining my stock before purchasing elsewhere, My stock for the Fall and Winter Trade has never been more complete. It consists it f in part of Grroeeries. SUG ARS?Of all grades. COFFEE?Rio. Laguirn and Java, FAMILY FLOUR?Of the finesl quality, CANNED GOl>RS?Of all descriptions, 1 BACON and LARD, GOSHEN BUTTER and CHEESE, 1 FRESH CRACKERS?A complete assortment of Staple Dry Goods, . Ready Made Clothing, BOOTS. SHOES. SATS, OAFS, LEATHER, Hardware, Crockeryware, , naaging' and Ties e _ And. indeed. every thing naually found in Fir-*t Class Grocery. stock is replenished weekly?Goods f hvnvs fresh. ,, The highest market price paid for Cotton. r A call is respectfully solicited. 1). W. J0RDA5, Agent. October 80.