University of South Carolina Libraries
MK 11. MITXITRS CHUEBH IMKKi TOKT. Ki'iscoPAi/CatKoii. Corner of Lvttlc. toii ami Lumens streets,?services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 3) V M Hajitist Olinrcli, Broad street?Rev. Robert Thomson, Castor. Services every' Sunday at 1 U ? in. and 7* i?. in. Prayer Meet ins: Thursday nr r j? m. Methodist I'httcch. PcKalb street? Rev. J. \V. KeNey, Pastor?Services at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. un Sunday; Prayer Meeting Thursday at 4 P. M.i Presbyterian Ohurch. OaKulb street? Itev.S. H. flay, Pador ? Services at 11 A. M.and 31 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 4 P. Rl. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. WATEREE DIVISION, NO 9 Attend the Regular MeetAing of your I >ivision at T* mpfrancr /full on MONPAY - x >-1 evening nexi, :u * uvh>k. By order ol the W P. W H McCRfifGHT, It. S. Meeting of tilt Tax-Pavkrs.?The Tax payers of Kershaw Count}' are requested to meet at the Town Hall 011 Monday, the, 2nd day of February, proximo, at 2 o'clock P. M. Business of importance will be transacted, and a full attendance is desired. MANY" CITIZENS. ATTF.MPTKP I NCENDIARIS M.?Oil Wednesday night, 21st inst., an attempt was made to fire an old kitchen immediately in the rear of tho store occupied by Mrs. T. B. Walker. Upon a sill are pieces of burnt paper and charred chips, aud the wood above is marked with fresh smoke and somewhat burnt. It is probable that j the incendiary was interrupted before he could carry out his nefarious design. Had he succeeded, the balance of the square, a portion of which was burnt a few nights since, would have boen laid in ashes. When this attempt was discovered, an extra police was commissioned to guard against its repetition. Villains are abroad ! in our community, and it becomes our people to be on the lookout. Personal.?Wo were pleased, on Monday last, to meet Capt. K. G. Billings, of Lancaster. Capt B. had just returned from Washington City, where he had! been in attendance upon the Convention { of. the .Survivors of the Mexican war.? j He gave a glowing account of the manner in which the veterans were treated, of the ! utmost good feeling that prevailed among tho del igates. and the great pleasure a meeting, after the lapse of nearly thirty years, afforded alkof them. He expresses the confident hop.- that Congress will allow pensions to all surviving, and to the widows and orphans of all deceased soldiers of the Mexican war. The ( Vit'rt.?The following is a statement. of the chief business transacted at the term of the Court of General Sessions and Common Pleas, which has just closed : The State vs. Malcom Burnet and II. Lucas, (colored,) Assault and Batter) with intent to kill?"Not Guilty." The State vs. Cyrus Clark Bon, Grand Larceny?"Not Guilty." Tho State vs. Milly Arthur, Assault and Buttery with intent to kill?"Guilty." The State vs- W. F. Mobloy, obtaining ? nri.L'iices?"Not Guil UIUIICJ U1IUVI a Wi?v j/.v?...... _ The .State va. Cyrus Clark.*on, Perjury ?"Guilty." The State vs. Cyrus Clarkson, Grand Larceny?"Guilty of Petit Larceny." The State vs. McRae Kirk land and Mark P. Page, Murder?"Not Guilty." The order made by Judge Cooke at the term of the Court, that as there wn? no stenographer, the payment of the fees, provided bylaw for such officer, be dis pensed with until one should be appointed, wu rescinded by the Court. The following Committees of the Graud Jury were appointed by that body, and _ approved by the Judge : To examine the books, papers, and affairs of tlie County Commissioners, and the School Coiuuiisdinner, W. L. Arthur, Chairman. James Cook, l<awrence Chesnnt, and L. M. Bon ? well; to examine into the official mutters of 3. B. Hall, Trial Justice, Wiley Bran non. Chairman, Frank Davis, and Benj. r Hough These Committees arc to report at the next term of Court. The Court senteuced the parties convicted before it, as follows : Josh. Morton $5 1M) fine and costs, or ten days imprisonment; Milly Arthur $15.UU fine, or thirty days imprisonment; Cyrus Clarkson, five rA?rs in the Penitentiary. J iThe names of the Jurymen who served in the case of Cyrus Clarkson, for Grand Larccuy. and were dismissed by the Judge, as reported last week, are as follows : Cornelius Certain, foreman, Sam. Harris, L, Fisher, J. Jeffersou, Tom Reed, Wilson Williams. i\ Taylor, R. I'erkins, Frank Gaiues, J. Hurt, J. Smith, und M. - Rrown. In the order made by Judge Carpenter in this UK'tter, he bases his action upon the Jury law, which requires that men of k sound intelligence, good standing, and subject to no legal exceptions must be jrawft to left# spon the j uriei; m the Jurymen in tliis case did not appear to j t understand anything about their duties,, i 'or to know what was uie.uit; by a "ver- u , dietand none ot'iheui were able to t ; write, lie was satisfied that they did not ) fill the legal requirements, and were there- p fore nut qualified to serve as jurymen. The Court ordered that Charles Lee, p Me Hue Kirkland, and Mark P. Page, a who had begu concerned in the case of'"* homicide, which was tried at the present a term, and who appeared to be disorderly k persons, should find sureties to keep the ; p peace for one year, or he committed to e jail. ? Tlie administration of Judge Carpenter is marked by great vigor and strict im- v 'partiality, which will soon make him a a terror to evil-doers, ami accomplish much I ~ . 11. towards tlio suppression ot crime. u About dark, on Saturday opening last d a colored man, who bad partaken rather in freely of Hcliyr, appeared at a very public place in our town, and behaved himself ti in a very obstreperous manner. His eon- fa duet was such as to annoy persons in that w locality, and*though it continued a half tl hour or more, not a policeman made his si appearance. Where was Ransom '( tl Ail parties would be glad for the pump at the corner of Broad aud DoKalb streets w to be put in proper repair, and the ground _ thereabouts to be elevated so as to allow j. the water to run off. At presont tho street 0] at that point is almost impassable. ,, A worthy colored man turned out his cow the other morning, saying that she was safe, now that Cyrus (,'larkson had ' J u i # UUCil I'UIIVIUIrCU illiu ?Vlll IU IIIG ui iiivv.m... C< ry for perjury and cow stealing. Mr. R. M. Kennedy offers great bar- u gains in dry goods to all who will give l' him a call within thirty days, and we know 11 that he means what he says. t( Messrs. Hodgson & Dunlap.?It i gives us great pleasure to notice that these gentlemen have resumed business. n They will be found one door North of t! Mrs. Crosby's, where they will be glad to ^ ^ee their friends. We hope and believe 8' that the energy and business tact, which ? they have exhibited in the past, will soon retrieve their recent heavy losses. a Mr. Jos. S. Cloud is selling off to rc- 0 duce stock, at and below cost. (Jive him p a cull si The Orphan's Fiuend is published every Saturday by the Carolina Orphan's Home, at Spartanburg, S. 0. This is a neat and nicely printed paper, the pro- ^ coeds of which are devoted to the support of destitute orphans: the terms of subc seription two dollars per annum. All who wish to aid a noble charity, arc requested to subscribe to it. Address, R Oliver, Spartanburg, S. ('. a The Marion Observer.?Volume 1, P number l,of this paper, published by ^ J ford I>. Bryant, at Marion 0. II.. is hc-|fl forp us, making a now accession to the * ranks of conservative journalism in this *' State. It is a successor to the Marion s Crescent, and arrays itself upon the side r of retrenchment of public expenditures, the righs of tax-payers alone to scats in 0 the Legislature, the protection of the v moral t*>no of Southern society, and flic ' advancement of the cause of Temperance. s We wish it success in its good work. Acknowledgment.?Sicklies j revent- s ed me from returning tny thanks, at the proper time, to the citizens of Camden, to c whom 1 am greatly indebted for their li kindness in aiding uie in moving and re moving my stock of tioods and Furniture t on the 11 tit instant. t S. A. Benjamin. t Presentment of the Orund l ury n At the the January term of the Court for l, the year 187-1, for the County of Iver- c shaw. . a " * ? ? . 'I lie Urand jury oeg leave w ic.-jivui- | fully report. Tliat I hey have examined i the County Jail, and fiud it sadly in need I of repairs. Wo tind all the windows c without glass, greatly to the discomfort of a all the prisoners, as they complained to us | of great suffering from the cold. This, s we arc glad to say, is the only complaint they made to us. i We also earnestly recommend that the t County Commissioners proceed at once, \ if possible, to complete the yard already r begun in the rear of the jail, which would enable the jailor to keep the cells in a i more cleanly condition, by allowing the > prisoners once each day, or oftencr, if necessary, to walk into the yard in company with a guard, thereby giving the prisoner fresh air, and at the same relieve him of a very disagreeable necessity new existing. ' 1 It is also our conviction thut the jail is I not. at present, u safe place to keep crimi- ' nals, as we think that any prisoner intent ( i on escuping could do so with the assis- j{tance of a small log of wood, or any other | * heavy substance, in a abort while by i knocking off a few bars. ,' We also report that we havo reports 11 i from tho following named roads and I bridges, viz: the .Suinmerville road, lead- s ing from Liberty Hill to 'lie Lancaster I line, River road, from Liberty Hill t* I Vaughau's gin-house, on Sanders' creek t jars in a miserable condition, in fact, in i ' some places, totally impassable. We cal - lie attention of the Court to the follow 1 ng bridges, which have been reported to j is, viz : The bridge over Beaver creek, on lie River road, has been down for over a ear, greatly to the inconvenienco of that ortion of the County; the bridge across cranny's Quarter creek, near the Cantcy lace, and a small bridge three-fourths of mile this side, and also the bridge across landers' creek, at Vaughan's gin-house, nd a bridge ncross Little Lynches creek, nown as Jones' bridge, need some reairs. The bridge on the Bishopville riad, known as the Green bridge also eeds repairs. The bridge across Pinereo creek, just below Camden, is in a cry dangerous condition, and should bo ftended to. Also, Tiller's bridge, across !ig Lynches creek, is down, and should e at once re-built. Those roads are the tain highways of the County, and lead irectly to the County market,, and do. * 1 1 ana prompt ana cnceuiui ancuuuu. Wo respect Cully report, That the great ouble as to road working, lies in the tct, that when persons who have been urncd to work the public roads absent lemselves and are reported by the ovcr;crs to the County Commissioners, that lis is thf last of it, thereby encouraging le same persons, and others also, to ab:nt themselves habitually, leaving a few iiling ones to do all the work, who. after orking a few times, refuse to work also, nowing that they will not be punished r tiued. Another evil is that the CoiinCommissioners do not give that at tenon to duties belonging to theiu outside f the town, that they should?uot injecting the roads and bridges, that they lay have a personal knowledge of the ondition of said mads and bridges. We have also examined the Clerk's flice, and take pleasure in reporting that le same is kept in a neat and orderly loniiAn nnrl Ko fonnrrl a oil *r riff on nn lauuwi j (Ailu i'uv ivwi via mi n i i%vvu ??j/ w ate, and a prompt and caretui attention ) business is very apparent. "We have also examined the offices of . F. Sutherland, Trial Justice and Judge f Probate, and report, with pleasure, liat we find all of his books and papers ept in a very neat and business-like hape. He reports only fines to the aiountof$10 collected since last Court Also, we find the office of J, J. Richrdson. Trial Justice, well-kept, but could ot ascertain the amount of fines imposed r collected, as lie did not have his books osted to date. We would respectfully nggest that he be furnished with uiorc ooks, as he has not a sufficient number 3 keep his records in. The office of J. T. Truesdel, Trial Ju?icc, being about fifteen miles from Camen, rendered it impossible for us to visit but we were fortunate enough to proure his report from July 0, 187<> to No ember 10,1873, an J find that the business f bis office bus amounted to SI39.95, of rhich lie lias collected, in the shape of fines :e.,$103 00, which amount lie his kept to ay himself, instead of paying it into tlie Vensurv of the County, as the law reuires. Also, we find that he lias charged or issuing venire for jurors, 83, when 5ft enls only* is allowed by law, Lut at the nine time we find that he has underbarged in some instances. Wo have also examined the Sheriff's fficc, and weic pleased to find his books iell kept, in n neat and orderly manner, le reports that he has received i.o funds inco last Court. The Treasurer's aud Auditor'-, books rcre examined by us, and found entirely atisfactory. Wo regret to say that we could not xauiiiie the School ConimisrdonerV office, ic being absent, w n tt'rtpo viirv nnYiniitt of ni:t!. i nir :i I borough examination into tlie ufTairs of lie County Commissioners, hut were rearded in our work by the absence of the Merk. The papers belonging to the ofice. wo have reason to believe, are not :ept in their proper places, and the work if the office generally, is done in a loose ind careless manner. We regret thereore, to report that onr examination was iot satisfactory. The Hridge Commissioner# having in hargc the building of the Free iiridgc icross the Watcrec river, report that they lave accomplished the work?that it is a iound and substantial structure. We found the County J'oor House in a icat, cleanly condition?the inmates, with lie exception of two or three, arc in a ,'erv healthy condition. We found two iutl uildings greatly in need of chimney#, ind respectfully suggest that they be supdied at an early day. Also, we found that ionic of the inmates need more blankets. AH of which, wo respectfully suhuiit. W. K. Thompson, Foreman. Facts worth knowini'l One of the n >est indications of tho Mouth, and pros, verity of Charleston. is to bo found at the Establishment ol Messrs. I. H. IIai.i. iV Jo., located at Nos. :i, 4, G, 8 Market St. A 22.1 Fast Hay. The rapidly in .'rousing business last year of this firui. has uduced them to enlarge their Establishnent, which now supplies every conceiviblo article that can bo required in the juilding of a house, from a baluster to and size timber. Our friends in tho Oity, and :hruughout the Mtato who contemplate Duilding a house can be supplied with all he materials necessary lor its construction* it prices and quality of work which will arc a largo percentage in tb? oolt of building. They are Agents for Asbestos Hoofing Felt, endorsed by some of the best firms in the country. Send for price list and circulars. Make Mosey fast and honorably, $12 .50 l>er dny, or $75 per week, hy at once apply lug for a territorial right, (which are given free to agents.) to sell the best, strongest, most useful, and rapid selling Sewing Ma ? * ? ?* ? ti-i chine, anil i'ateni duuoh noi?r nuucr, i?n used or recommended by families, or buy one for your own use; it id only $5. Sent free everywhere by express. Address for particuavs. Jerome B. Hudson & Co.. Cor Greenwich & . ovtlandt Sis, N. V. Oct. :10, Chapped Hands, face, rough skin, pimples, ringworm, salt-rheum and other cutaneous affections cured, and the skin made soft and smooth, by using the Juniper TarSoap, made by Caswell Hazard & Co.. New York. Be certain to get the Juniper Tar Soap, a# there are many imitations made with common tar which are worhless. 4w. KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHUe The only known remedy for BRIGHT'S DISEASE, And a positive cure for GOUT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES, DIABETES. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY. DROPSY. Non-retcnlionor incontinence 01 unue, irrition, InHummution or Ulceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, S P K It M ATO Kit IKE A, Leuchorrhoea, or Whites, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Stone in the Rladder, Calculus Gravel or Brickdust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges. KKARXEY'K EXTRACT BUCHU Permanently Cures all Diseases of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, Existing in Men, Women and Children, MATTER WHAT THE AGE ! Prof. Steele says: "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Bucliti is worth more than all other lliichus combined." Price One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles for Five Dollars. Di'pot, 104 Duane St., Netc York A Physician in attendance to answer correspondence and give advice gratis, Jtct}? Send stamp for Pamphlets. free.*tg$g TO THE Nervous and Debilitated. OF BOTH SEXES. j\o ('/mri/i'for A(/cicc and ('oumltntinn. 1)h. J. P.. 1)yott. graduated of Jefferson Modicul College, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which Ife ha< made an especial study either in male or female, no matter from what enure originating or of how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance eau t'oi a aid letter describing symptoms and enclo in/ -'tump to prepay postage. Sen 1 lor the O'wu/r !< IbnUh. I'i i.v lucent*. J. I!. DYOTT, M l' Physician and Surgeon. 104 Dunm- St., II. Y., ARRIVED AT LAST. I WOULD respectfully inform my friends mi I the people ofKershnw and adjoining Couulies generally, that I have at last nrri veil in the town of Camden with a large and select -lock of the very finest IIOftsES AND MULES, just from Kentucky. These I am prepared to dispose of at prices suitable to the extreme stringency of the times 1 am l ?>//, and therefore all who favor ine wuli a call, will obtain bargains. My stot k ran be seen at the stables of Mr. II. C. Salmond, on DeKalb Street, where I i.,i>A,i if .,f ,i,? IIUVT ?'" imnmiru hi* ocu wu n< t vmui u* ?uv many conveniences of the ground*. Tin* public is invited and solicited to give me u call. J. A. ARMSTRONG. January 10. tt TO KENT. Tin* undersigned desires to r?*nt ihat vnluablo PLANTATION, lying on (be wntyrs of Little Flnf Rock Creek, and known as the Drnkeford Lands. On the premises there is a desirable Residence, a good Store House, and ail necessary Out Buildings, in good repair. Parties wishing to rent upon l'uroralde terms, can do so by calling upon WM. CI.VBUBN. January In* U Pacific Guano Company's (CAPITAL $100.0001 Soluble Pacific Guano. This (il ANO is now so well known in nil the Southern States, for its reinurkaldc efforts as an agency for increasing the products of labor, n* it t to reijuire special commendation froin us, [is use for eight years past has established its character for reliable exoel lonee. Tin* lar-ro nxeu enpiiiu mvesieu uy tlieCompany in this trade affords the surest guarantee ?'i tl?c continued excellence of this Guano. The supplies put into market this season m e. i;? heretofore, prepared under the superintendence of Dr. St. Julien Knvenel, Oheniist of the Company, at Charleston, 3. C. Hence, planters may rest attired that its quality and composition is precisely the same as tint heretofore sold. J. N. nonsox, Selling Agent, Charleston. S. ('. JOHN S. RKKSK & Co., General Agents. Dultiuiore. Terms- S |H cash; $58 time, wit bout interest. To accommodate planters, they can order I now and hnvctill the 1st of April to decide 1 .... . ..:11 _?i. jirioe. Wlnm tlrlivrrcd from tb<* fiiptnry hy tin* carload. no Irnyngi' will ho olmrgod. .1 I*. ItOllSON. A?MI? I'llOSI'lfATE. Gl'\N<?. BONE. PLASTER, Ac., always ou huml. quality guaranteed. J. N. ltoltHON. January 1 3m ! Guano. 00 t>ti8 SKA FOWL GUANO, 10 tons DISSOLVED BONE. For sale upon reasonable terms, to purchasers malting early application. J. k T. I. JONES. I January 1. tf / New Advertisements. West worth *8 Krv-rino anil Ciikck combined. Germuu Sample 15c. Circulars free. Stafford ManuI factuorlug Company, M Fulton street, N. Y. I fyfiH AGENTS WANTED. 8amples sent free by JUU mall with terms, to clear from 15 to $10 par lay. AddressN. WHITE, Neward.N. J. SAMPLES sent by mall for 60c. that retail quick for $10. R. f? WOLCOTT, 1S1 Chatham Square, New york. thrrn A week to agents. Fastest selling artiV / X cle out. Three valuable samples for ten cents. ylu j. bride, 751 Broadway,New York. The Magic CoSbWrWaS any colored hair to a permanent black or brown and contains no poison. Trade supplied at lowest rates. Address, MAGIC COMB CO.. Sprlngtleld, ass COUGH&, (OLD ^HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A. Tried and Mure Remedy. Sold by Druggists. gS,50<) A. YEAR j made with our splendid COMBINATI PROSPECTUS- It represenlssnmple.paK and style of binding of ;*?0 intensely interesting ami useful books, that SELL in every family. lift (hiuy ever tried by Con ranter*. A CENTS W' AX TED to make a [permanent business on these Works. Send $1.00 for Prospectus, the only outfit nee choose territory and commence at once. illustrated circulars, and liberal ter address JOHN E. POTTER & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. D*. IT. Fm.ii.?B?in| rwora, njt, I graduated It th? fTilreriltrcf Penn'a In 1833. and a (tor 30 run' experience, perfected Dr. Fitter'* Vegetable JEUienmatlo IjTnn. I guarantee it an infallible oar* for N.rrn, Kidney andBheiunittodlaceace. Brrcrato,thil26thApril, 1871P. A. OSBODRN, Notary fubUc, fiXUa. WlCl?'J7a?a WW Cridtolbtnd will aatiri* anyone writing ua.Rer.Tboe.ilnrph?,p.D., Fran kfnr<1, Pnila.Rer.C.H. Ewins,51 pd i a. Pa. Rer.J,8. B u i h an ar, Clareoca.Iowa.Rer. G.OiSmith, Pitteford,N.Y.RerJo?R<>?jr*, Fella Church, Phila^ Ac. Aflicted iboold write Dx.Titler, Pb ila. .for e i phiFSltlmrAfnr.n In. curable c*?e. No cur? no charge,* roaiity.Sold by droggiatt. The Highest Medical Authorities o urope aay the strongest Tonic, Purifie dDcobstriient the m?<lical world i JITBUBEBA nt arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the lervoua system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 abotfle. .JOHN Q. KELLOGG. t8 Piatt St., N. Y. lunuREW^smssi Toll CCl. C or Rupture. Fine Steel Spring I hUobtweoated with hard robber,highly polished. Free from all sour, rusty, chafing, strapping or girthing unpleasantness. Cool, cleanly, light, safe and durable. Unaffected by bathing. Always reliable. Every desirable pattern, including tne new Hasd Renin Elastic Nioht Tacss. Sent by Mail or Express. Sold by all dealers. 8end for Illustrated Catalogue. Eatab'ts,1347 Chestnut St., Phils., 4 7S7 Brd'y, N. Y, Bxwaax of japannod imitations jlfectorder bv the v<>iuf<vfiil ::Wiatlvo ?2 power cf Ei*. Picrco'eGoldcn .vjod-Bg; ^ (cal Discovery, taken earnestly, tokjS (M correct blood and system, which arc nl- HH Wtrira at fault, alo lo act peci h ally upun^B |Bdiseased giaiuh and lining membrane of UP! noso ami communicating chambers. Ca-Rg [ tarrh Remedy should be applied warm H? ^ tvilh Dr. Picrcc?n Nasal D;iuvlic,?1 Uie only instrument with Cui'I mod- M [elite can be ycr/cctlv a|<i>iic?l to all parts KB of passages nnuctir.nriers lnwiurmucergmH |Ho\lit and from whichdischarge proceeds. ffjjfl IHso successful 11.1.4 litis treatment proven, In Mliliru the proprietor offcri !*.".<>() He. Hnard fcr a caso of "CM m Ji mf orwj] tm Catarrh ho can not cure. T!.i In o incdi- fW ^^S33"35?!53^^^ THE ONLY KNOWN MEDICINE that AV the samx time Purpres, Purifies and Strengthens the System. Dr. Trrr's Pills are composed of tnanv ingredleuti. Prominent among them are Sarsapat ilia* And Wild Cherry, so milted as to act together; the one, through It* admixture with other substances, purifying and dnrglng; while the other is strengthening the system. Thus these Pills are at the same time a tonic and a cathartic, a desideratum long sought for by medical men. but never before discovered. fl) other words, they do the work of two medicines aud do it much better than any two we know ot, for they remove nothing from the system but impurities, so that while they purge they also slrengthcu and hence they cause uo debility and are followed by no reaction. I)k. Terr's Piles have a wonderful influence on the blood. They not only purify without weakening It, but they remove all noxious particles from the chyle before it Is converted Into fluid, and tbua makes impure blood an utter Impossibility. As there is do debilitation, so there is uo nausea or sickness attending the operation of this most excellent medicine which never strains or tortures the digestive organs, but causes them to work in a perfect natural manner; hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but on the contrary, while all Impurities are being removed, the combined action of the Sarsaparllla and Wild Cherry purities and Invigorates the body, and a robust state of health is the result of their nutted actlou. Price 43 rents a Nix. Sold^iy all druggists. Depot 48 Cortlandt St., New York. THOSE IN WANT OK ANYTHING in the line of Foreign and Domestic FRUITS, tfco., Will always find it to their interest to buy where the largest and best assortment is kept. We always keep a complete stock in season KIRKLEY $ GARLAND. January 8. tf Lumber! Lumber!! Having thoroughly repaired my Mills, I am prepared to furnish ZLTJUVTIBIEIIR, ol all kinds, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. The lumber is sawed (Tom the best utid most select timber, and is warranted to be always of the first quality. My GRIST 3XILIi is ul-o in complete order, and 1 am prepared to gin and pack COTTON. The Mills nro situated on Rig Pinetree Creek, nine miles fromtho town of Camden, on the puhlie road leading to C'hernw. Teriua for tlie I.ufnhnr, cnsli on deltTerv. I am prepared to haul the Lumber to town, or to the 8. C. R. It. Depot, or if the purchasers prefer, it ,wiU be delivered to tliem at the Mill. H. K. DUBOSE. Ijtiud lor Nale. QAA ACRES of WOOD LAND, three miles sjl/U from Caindeu. on theCheraw road, belonging to John T. Graham and C. N. Gra. ham. Apply to C. NELSON, TrusteeDt9imbir4. it j RBPAIB Tlie Ravages of tlielate FIRE! ALL who lost by the fire, mid expect tn rebuild, and those who wish LUMBER for any purpose, me informed that my SAW MILL is in full repair, and that I can furnish Lumber of the VERY BEST quality upon the shortest notice. The Mil! is situated upon the public roacl to Columbia, six iniles-from the town of Camdeu. Lumber will be delivered at the Mill, or in towuas purchasers may desire. Terms--The Lowest possible Cash prices. Orders are respectfully solicited. T. H. CLARKE. January 15. 11 School BooIsjb. Union Reader, Holmes' and Reynolds' Union Spelling llook Davies'|Arithmelics, Vcnable's and Sanford's Webster's Dictionaries Stephen's History of the United States Quackenhoss' do do Easy Rooks of Instruction for children Primers and Readers Classical School Rooks, for advanced pupils Paper, Envelopes, Pens aud Ink. J. A. YOUNG. January 15. tf THANKS. WE desire to return our thauks to the public generally for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon us in the past, and hope, by a hIrict attention to business, and an earnest endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. KIRKLEY & GARLAND. January 8, 1874. tf NO USE TALKING! WE want EVERYBODY to know, that we do not intend that ANYBODY shall sell Goods cheaper than we do. Kirkley & Garland, January 8. tf THE LARGEST AND' BEST Assorted stock of French and American CONTFHOTIONS, NUTS, FRUITS. CANNED GOODS, &c. Can always be found at KIRKLEY k GARLAND'S. January 8. tf JDttY GOODS, NOTIONS. HATS, and various articles, selling at excoodjngly low figures, by KIRKLEY k GARLAND. Wmall Profits, AND QUICK SALES, IS OUR MOTTO. THOSE who don't believe it, call and examine our Goods and the prices at which we are selling. KIRKLEY k GARLAND. WANTED, FEVERYBODY to know that KIRKLEY & j OAKLAND kerpStoreoue door south of th? corner, in the Workman Build ing, where they keep always on hand, n complete stock of General Merchandise, at LOW PRICES. AN UNDISPUTED FACT, That those who sell FOR CASH, cnu sell cheap?but those who sell on time, MUST have big profits. J&?Wcael! CHEAP, FOR CASH. KIRKLEY GARLAND. DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore existing between the unJersigued, under the name of BROWN & HOLLAND, has beeu dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be closed by I. F. Holland. ' B. M. BROWN. r D IIAI T 4 VT\ ft. ft*. IlUlifti.Wll/. January 8. Ira Saddle and Harness Waking. | The undersigned begs leave to announce to the citizens of Camden ami the public generally, that, having purchased the entire stock of his father, (the late F. J. Oaks,) and having secured the services of a first class HARNESS MAKER, he is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him with neatness and dispatch. Terms reasonable, for cash only. W. B. OAKS. December 18. tf GUN'S, Pistols, Cartridges, Caps, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors, Table Knives, Carvers, Silver-plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. Plain Steel and Diamond Spectacles, China and Glass Ware. Novembert). J. A. YOUNG. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY ?AND? Fancy Goode. MRS. T. B. WALKER has opened at her establishment on Broad Street, a handsome assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods, Of the lutcst styles, selected with great care, to suit the ta?tes of her customers and the public generally The Ladies are respectfully invited to call and examine her stock of Straw Hats, tot ail Neck Ritas. r .1 ..!,l. ta lw f.iiind ill 1 uzeiili-r nun nu i i.i.iv.v well Hupp?i**<l Millinery establishment. October 23. tf BA 0]ftBA 0]f!! 20,000 pounds BACON 5 barrels HAMS. For sale by BAl'M BKO September 4. tf ? AT.TH. TOOO feet nf choice Rough-Edge and Refuse LUMBER for sale at the lowest prices, for cash. H. K. DUBOSE. njcombor 4. tf M. RIMNELL, DENTIST, Has returned to hit office, in Cam len. He It prepared to attend thoie frieadt who h?Te b?t? hi*. Marble! Marble !! I hereby give notice to the citizens of Camden and its vicinity, that I will be in Camden in a few days, with a lot of MARBLE, and will be prepared to furnish Headstones, Monuments, &c., on as reasonable terms as they can be obtained elsewhere. All oraers promptly attended to. W. P. SMITH, Jan. 22.?If. Of Sumter S. C. The Wilmington Star. Established only Nix Years. DAILY STAR. Has the largest circulation of any Daily Newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wilmington nearly twice as large as any other paper. All the news of the day will he found in it. ondeased when unimportant, at length when > f moment, and always presented in a clear, utelligent and interesting manner. SUBSCRIPTION (IN ADVANCE.) One Year. $7 00 Six Months, 3 CO * Three mouth?, 2 00 WEEKLY STAR. PRICE REDUCED. The Weekly Star in now combined with the North Carolina Pabmrr, and is one of the cheapest papers in the country, at the following REDUCED RATES: One copy, one year, $1 60 One copy, six months, 1 00 Clubs of 6 to 10, one year, $1 25 per copy. Clubs of 10 or more, one year, only $1 00 Specimen copies seut on application. Address, . WM. II. BERNARD, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C. | _ fiampden Sydney College THE next session of this Seminary of learning will commence on Thursday, September^, 1873. Hampden Sidney is Situated in Prince Edward County, Va., within a few hundred yards of Union Theological Seminary, and seven miles from Farmviflethe nearest depot of the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroad. The locality of the College is most healthy, and the community around distinguished for intelligence and piety. There is no Grammar or Preparatory School connected with the College. It retains the curriculum and the great aim of its teachers is to secure thoroughness in the training aJid instruction of their pupils and thus to pro. n?i vo rlimn nvnfoattinTiftl atin)i/tq nr'tlir* ?i<k. f" v r.v.vwv??. W>M,**VW v' live duties of life. The ordinary expenses of n student exclusive of the cost of clothing, travelling and books, are from $225 to $275 a year. For Catalogue and further information apply to REV. J. M. P. ATKINSON, PreBideut4Hampden Sidney College. Prince Edward County, Va EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND IN A First Class Grocery Store, CAN BE HAD AT THE VERY -LOWEST PRICES, AT KIRKLEY & GARLAYDS BININCER'S *-*OLD LONDON DOCK GIN. Especially designed for the use of the Medical I'roftssson and the Family, possessing * those in trinxic medicinal properties which belong to an 0/</and Pur? Gin. Indispensable to Females. Good for Kidney Complaints. A delicious Tonic. Put up In cases'containing one dozen bottles each, and sold hy all druggists, grocers, &c. A. M. Bininger & Co., established in 1778, No. 16 Beaver St., N, V* Oct. 28-9m. Flour! Flour!! 100 barrels of different grades. For ale by BAUM BRO. Great Reduction I> PRICES. 7-8 Brown Homespuns at 10 Cents. 4-4 Bleacliep do at 12? " AND All Other Goods in Proportion. AT McCURRY'S. THE PLANTER'S TTT A TITITT/MTrtTl W xLJlvIIiXIvJ U Dili* PLANTERS, nnd others, wishing toobtaa their supplies at prices that defy competition, will consult their interest by examining my stock before purchasing elsewhere, My stock for [the Fall and Winter Trade has never been more complete. It consists it in pnrt of Groceries. SUGARS?Of nil grades. COFFEE?Kio, Laguira and .Tarn. FAMILY FLOUR?Of the finest quality, CANNED GOODS?Of nil descriptions, BACON and LARD, GOSHEN BUTTER and CHEESE, FRESH CRACKERS?A complete assortuten' of Startle Tl rv ftnnris * j V? w w f Ready Made Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, OAP8, LEATHER, Hardware, Crockeryware, ii afva*inn* can ? ^ ?. ms m A. A.A JLV/ 15 And, indeed, every thing usually found iu First Class Grocery. * j9?My stock is replenished weekly?Goods Iwotb fresh. The highest market price paid for Cotton. A call is respectfully aolichod. D. W. JORDAN, Agent. Ofltohlt iOI