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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL 1 W. D. TR A NTH AM & J T HAY, i EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. * < J AM A K Y 1. 1H74. ^ THE NEW YEAR. ^_JEhe_cloafc of ope yearf an J the opening of another, ia a period at viueii we will alptyup-for a little while, and reflect. The review of the *sXruggIas of the* "piS? yeir, Its StWWWl'H -^audita-fatiwea, with the caiwee that enn aafcicaiio iheaa** If^ou, aoU that mrntm aakeaa bad diepeaitiou ^of his tunc,| Wbd wcgMe Ml opportunities, who is not fltufceeatiilfrctate than be was aN/T)a?ate> jatedfesftd was one of mingled ^i^iaij and'fliiarhir' The crops, in which '#?r chief interests were oentcred, Slate Manjood^f, although for a Ion? time ?a> itelMd ha the caterpillar. When ? "T"/ - 4nitW tottoa-was Wing gathered, and the W^ioayeet-wae Wight of aa inflow of money, J'tW fattsiaUn* at the North came. ?paaalWWg*>Htaaataay aad aaaiitg .abloom wwter^Teeythiag. Thelnancial stringency caused thereby is still distressing, and t dtift Hr fell ibr atfny days to some. The > 1 ?ft aftofr'faat year, an regnrds mate araWtvadraacebwatf-ie 'dnrh, hat eoatains n ?iW*taiyia^owi> .Too au?ch ?**??***" ce Wamlnai spam latin a arttWjOtaaaof our uptammt ' tieaMee. and aaat be wtoided in the fatnre. It will be well fur*i)jaf our MktttGPS?' n&THt beginning ot lBl*. tnar n win. mva i?v**'AS*V ** *H|]M II VS Lil bably, bo a.hard year. Great prudoueo "and economy inb'usiiieas will be required y ; i .... . r . ' k,d1o* *. v. willing to sroator c 1 ami ties than an^whicb have vet visited w a ? , , Tfn farmere especially need eaqtiou, as * age Uie chief sufferers when miBfortaae C comer OnljMoinach should bo plapfed a 'JTwi tWfToT. , * uns^tiim,*? ?T *P' 4u p';?1 something else, tnan cotton: to provide .Yllifff wow^vrrriti ' fcut Jo^a^oasible failure ot that crop, or. n . low and uoremuQeratire'price, by niakiiq '* ii . . corn and other grains. .\v hen our farm mmjtipi yoco iff^ .. -r> lsj *?$? t?.p.?V" J#? they hate dool in the past, the rood ef .T r ' nr. 1 foets of it, wul be seen jn our growiut e q re# > rtj ,;i ?/ ? - . ? ? ^ mrospentv. and wo Will be able to sit duyri ''iS J^?]jnus!\cd ' houies. and .smile ui #?|aniflj^oc[ commercial crashes nl ah W^^riUUto ourselves some an apparent improvement, ii erninent.Though the prospect jij r?yl dark anongh, the cfoqd which threatened at one ti?s, has bcea pnrlhdiy7 dit*?t at least stayed temporarily.? fcv tfe adjustment of., the debt to ao om. it wili brine great relief to the State. The rate of taxatfaw; Jtst tied by tha \j*t&ht*nf while and onaeeesarily high, has Ultoit fcr ihtvt of what was predicted and dreaded. By a bard ffrncgle we may be I able te pay the taxes, and avoid the ocn I -tuition of mob property, though aoine will inevitably be aaoriiced to meet the <' demands of the government. ^ At the opening of the New Year,' the ' Journal appears in an enlarged for in.? ' A continually increasing bnsinens, and a desire to do Ail! justice to our patrons, compel ns to seek Dor# room. "We will endeavor in the future to male IfW the JOURNAL a faithful giiardiau of the rights of our people, and the interests of Kershaw County. We return "our thanks to our friends ior their patronage,'and, wishing that the. opening year may prove j hapupi?d prosperous one to thein all. ai&ifcatlfeey wiH remember uc asi :o ifc;nc. ? > L. siaml v,yl?lpl? * ' Of all the questions that are n??w forcing 1 themselves tfpon the mind* of the think* ^5 people of South Car*4ina, that of itu migration is of the greatest importune?. c Tndesd, ft seems to be the fttily arcnnc now presented by which our prosperity ran be regained. The new year is not? begnn. How few planter* have scoured Ttbbftrkftr the year, and yet howHinwili'ingare tbc laboring classes to (-oimiww operations at any prise. They have dcaerted honest industry for petition, and we mtttvt took to another quarter until the ' J "*' e "ti/A Kav* Ka.?i inmi). irmtwo uvwiuui* wuivb ?. -. .. . rated by those who would um their rote* shad hirfr been eradicated, and they con. rtneed their happiness aad prosperity depend* upon their own honest toiL Tfkere are thousands of' German inmii' grants in the city of New York waiting fhr ui to offer them induertnents to wane And settle in our midst. They are not ? Tli 11 v hov* rtf their mere iutuhuiui. <..v; ? own accord, left their uative lnnd for the horiwt jmrpoee of fin^roYrno their condition. W# havo been informed that an advance of only $12 per head hi repaired to have t?eiu JcITverTd here. and that this . aumahall be returned from the first wage a earned bj the immigrant. Surely these unrca?"uabie terms, when matters, rof each vital importance arc :ii issue. Tie iiannans are no tod .(or their intelligence, 0indqftiy and covaotny... They have already ohowa themselves to be the most thrifty of our population* and we feel u* xperiment. they willjA more than re- 1 paid for their tronbleHwhilcJhe^whole- * 'iiit* influence that wfl be Merffd qAnJfl their surroundings wiflf be SrCect)v ] fts 1 !i,,s M #1 Xettm that Demand Attention. , * One thousand sacks of guano are now, and have been for several weelts, permitted by their owner or owners liejjp^hc | depot of the South Carolina Railroad at PaunSen, greatly io the annoyance of1 every one wh<? visits the place, besides damaging all arbieles of food^for oj?ii and betfst,'that art nRoWed to remain there even twelve or twenty.four hours. We tlb not Intrtr who owh* thirt gwano, hor fs necessary that wo shonld know. Who?f?r he, she, or they may be, it would : be well for them to havO it removed at once, of it will all be taken to pay tho ex-1 n?me of storage. The Railroad Company I while responsible for the safe delivery of all articles of freight entrusted to its care. Is not nnder obligation to fttriffah alielter, ft>r weeks and months "at the time' to whole car loads of merchandize; and if it Joes, the'ag*?nt can charge hi^' own price for 9torage. ' (Vuilfl'noi fhedompkny Srfatn frhefl, or something of the kind''s'pparnfo and distlrtcl from the*main building. for tho nccdniuKidatiori of dealers iif " Seems to us that the sanle migKt be done at a Vtt^>rtiafl cxtvose. While uj.m, this snbjor-f. there is a,.dther* tftkt&'lo which we would ^ftT the " at (Vh llorl of the Ra i 1 road 'a lit h oftlles. Wc hedrpretty general conffdaiht. that cotton is. in mariv instance-. oblfg6<f to fie upon tHd1 ^lktfbrui si the depot Several "days before it is shipped; and tifl'thiV i< due to the fliof. thtit tlitf (/Ompanjr does ' not provide sufficient meting for its thins k ftdrtaifo'h." TV the road doing' such a tre mcndoUh business just now. that it cannot 11 spare a feWbftra cars for the Camden 11 branch T Tf Mfch is the ear then it should * By all means, our cotton " <hotil<f be promptly. Time is ht impo&int to Us as to other peofffe. 4 ? - ] ic J ! .a/-. _ t * , > > TUr Ta>ei, and atie Public Oebt, I" I' <"> ' ' ' . "* *A , . T'if Legislature, previous to its holiday recess, took important action in reference ( to the taxes for the present year, and the bill to reduce the public debt. The bit tcr will l?e scaled at the rate of fifty pet I e?u. andjifjt.bjarr^ngemvnt is perfected t our State dctt wijj be between five and . -is of doUars. \)ra fr^u^ tjie ooirespandenee ol the ( harlesU^^j?V< u < coi'/ Courier. \m following inUrestintr account of the iutv niwTr I two matters of so ynich concern tr flflj people, antj join with that pa per in sayiug that although the taxes arc fiit/Ji, yet they are more reasonable and mlerjblo tfiau we anticipated 'rr , ? ,f THE WORK OP THE DAV vu enteral]'upoo. The Senate auie&cltiieitt to section pno, Jbuin^ one,, and a quarter mills instead of one and a tyiliL fon the payment nf salaries of the "e^QCtitive and judicial departments, Tras concurred in. lurwrr.r jteatev. There wnVsome faint' opposition Troni the oha'rpwrt'n the e&nwnittoe of ways and .weans, who thought one and one-half mills not a bit too much ; but the House would not listen to him. Ttowley came out still more earnestly in his opposition to the Seriate amendment to section two. Thia wae a redaction of one find one-half Wilis to one and one-quarter for the support of the penalv charitable and eduea tional institutions. Bowley stated that one and one-quarter mills was fnsnfficiont for the proper care hf there institutions; that their distressed condition for the past two years was a . . f, wl l-i STAKUINU RI^HOACII to the party, and he wanted to sic rach a course stormed. lie *.iid that the Peni tentinry was now in ?lel?fc $100,000, the Pnfrersity $50,000. the Lunatic Aaylam $150,000, and all (ho other inatlttittons. moro or less, in arrcire, and it litis i arisen from just such insufficient, tax levies as it is now proposed to make. Hurley uininfalned'thnt. ufnWthe neV fUsearolchf of property as "riven in the comptroller ??neral'a report, bolnj; Si JC.OQfyOOty. a larger amount of money wpuld be realized than was contemplated hy the TTntisc when it fixed the ratoM one and one-half mills. The House had worked upon a basis of *i:>o,ooo,oo< as the taxnblejpropei ty of tlte ,^V?U5, whereas it was now made known that the assessment was $20,000,000 more. J. P. ifos'ton, of Nowherry, was also opposed to any 1 'rNrKVAMKOK Tlir T.KVTT. Two httndred thousand dollars was cuouprh in all eousitianca for these institutions Miii<>rt, of Rich laud, wad aUo in favor of concurrence. Tba party, he said, had pledged themselves in the last campaign to reform and low taxation. and ho thought it abnet time t-hnt tliey rommencod to do aomcthiag in that direction. Gen. Gabriel Cannou made a few remarks, showing that $153,850 was amplj sufficient for the support of the institution according to tho 'estimate made itr the comptroller's report. I Robertson.of Boaufort. the Rov. lhmjrlasa. I whs in favor of a* low taxation us possible, hot tho institutions should be supported, laud he was in favor of adding a half mill'to Section 2. and striking out the snbsenuent provision in the bill for the half yonrly J NT Kit K ST ON THK I'KKT. !f. B. Myers was pleased to wherrm the hi|>py U mpor of the House towards tlu* hill, aud ho hoped it would continue, and that tho amendment to ^ccfion '2 would beWnetlrrcd in.' The section was then passed us amended, and reads at follows ' h'w. 2 TJiat a to* of one apt) one-fourth (1 J ) mills upon every dollar ef .the vulgt of all taxable property in this State be, ?od the Mm* If hereby, levied tom*et ap mce of the penal, charitable ar\? *$?0P' ional institutions of the State, exclusive of fciniaon^chnajL fa*th<BlU^l y^B 9m~ PAI Kot&iiipuJ|i(; |ci^if>r,s. Sections 3 l?nd,i theft jbassofl' t^thout 3eriotK5cppol|li<^(fin the jwrm in Jplupfa they came from the Senate, nnd reen nft lollows: "> ?* 3 That a Lit gf fly (->) mfflg npnn every dollar of the value or ail taxable ?roirtei1tljij^b%?nd tj..amp is hereby. levied Co meet appropriations rot tk* snpptxL. juul.. uuuuttioa4ttie of .public schools for the fiscal year commencing Novelet. tl>4t the amount raised by the levy in this section in oxccss of three hundred thousand dollars be apportioned among tho several counties, as the fitud is now apportioned, to be applied to the payment of teachers' claims i*h said counties, and pro rataupon Said t,; *~' i ' Skc. 4. That a tax of one and one-half (IV) mills upon every dollar of the value of all taxable property in this State be, and the same is hereby, levied to meet appropriations to defray the expenses of the General Assembly for the extra session of 1873 and the regular session commencing November 25, 1873. . I TUJ5 CREDIT MOB1L1ER l'MNTlNO. ? flection did pot get through so easily? Ip ip as follows : ' " s. ' Sgc. 5. That a tax of ono mill tipon evftrv ildlW of the Value bt* all taxable Ttropetrty iff this State bo. and the saiua is hereby, levied to tneet appropriations foi public priptiqg %, tha JUool, ypr compiecing Jioveiuber 1, 1^7^. Crilienaen, (Snservafivd: tif GVcbnfilte made a Strong speech- showing* np the enormities of the printingexpenses*^here had been paid from the treasury,.he said to the liepnblican Pri^nw.Oopipauy. ni appropriated for it bv the uerieral A^sem blv during the last fiscal year. fltedmiMhir and se^ntVfive'thonshml dorjiaw. or. aboni - - m A I., one-third ot the entire revenues vr wn 1 intake from taxes. There* was not.. h< maintaiued, another State in the Union nor even any six of the wealthiest Statci in the Vnioif, ihe printing rtpenaea o which irtiuM compare in tunotint with ouri? He would appeal, ho said* to the Uepubli cans, as a party, and to the colored pe>ij)l< I f J Tp Tjptis fJUNTING FRAUD, for nothing was doing so much to e lulling i er the party apd ifamage tfie colored pco pie as public rulers." In 18*?7 the Trhoh of tho public printing was only tiliou thousand dollars, and itoould bedeuanov by rcsponaible pri#)ter$j % not iui%r? than forty thousand dollars per annum a the Aufsltfic. Boston, of Newberry,1 ira 1 plcased*he said, wftb the remark* itf tli< 1 gentlemau fiom Gneenvillfe; but lie lio;>o? that tho (loose would oonuur hjj tlu . amendment; for the Jcvy of one mill wi? I half a mill less llran the umoftnf fixed nricrihsillv bv the House, atifl if^lm'TfAus< ' should r#fhhe to coneor in tie {wiwti amendment the Senate might replace th< f uvigiual feature*. Wylv, (fiolorcd.) oJ , Clarendon, also advocated concurrence The1 section wasVmalfty fittalfedj'si were ' a&'jia 0?, > fourth.(3i) every dollar 9!'tin . value of the taxable property in this StaU bc; and the'snme if hereby, leried to pa) the deficiency or unpaid approprdrtfon* H he fjfecnl yeat *hioh outflowed Novinibcr L, 18725 ; aud ita* -of threesuarkii of a mill wi hereby landed to pay the clniui of the South ^'{trpliua Hanking and Trust Company, now held by ufnty'fMiftntW, Ksfj .j or as much'therefore aa uiay be tie?e*nny. 1 rt ? "M l - A c /1\ III ?? OKU. j, i liar-ft tax 01 one umi mi every dollacai'thc taxable property of tins State ho, and tlie same fs here~by. levinl to pay the half jcatly infbfest npon the public dtfbbof th??? Stated (is adjusted at- flic present setvion.) due and payable on the 1st of July., 1874. Sec. 8. That a tax not to exceed three (3 ) mills upon ovcry dollar Of the value of all taxable prnjiertyin eaeh of the seicral chnnties of this State be. and the sume is hereby, levied fOr opufy purposes for the fiscal yoar commencing November 1,1873, the rate to be fixed by the county commissioners of eaclr county, and by them certi fied to the comity Itiditor thereof, except counties of Greenville and Pickens, in which the county commibsiouers shall levy a tux of five (5) mills, two mills of wjiifh shall be devoted explosively "to the payment of the past - indebtedness* of said county; nnd Spartanburg County, four, (4) mills, ono (1) mill of which shall he used exclusively for the liquidation of past due indebtedness for the bhildiug of liridjrer1: Provided, That the restrictions of this section sknN not apply to such connties as are now authorised by law to levy u tax for special purposes: Provided 1'urtlicr, 1'hat the county 'commissioners of Charleston Potintv are hereby directed to eaneetbbe levied' and collected, - in the same manner and at the same time as other count)' taxes arc collected, a special tax. of two (2) mills oil the dollar on all taxable property of the county, to pay the past indebtedness of the County ; the said funds so raised to be kept in the treasury by the treasurer, subject to the |?a.s*ai;c of an act of the General Assembly to provide for lha payment of the past indebtedness of the county, and the county cnmmituionerM and the county treasurer are prohibited from usini; said iuuds for any pupose whatsoever until the passage of act heroin contemplated ; anu in the Pouritv of Oconee the county commissionersaro hereby direct 1 - ? * " i.. - ..* I | etl in levy ana cnnere n ma ui ?.>iro ?i?w | one-half (|) mills on all the taxable pro| party of the county to pay the past indebtj ednoH of said cuuttfy Set. 1?. That flic proceeds frohi the! I taxes levied in the first seven *e<?tione of, this set shall bo kept by the Mate treasurer separate ami apart froui each other and from other public funds, and shall hi applied to the purposes for whfch they aro resjtcetivdy lcviett, ntnl none other. Sec. In. That so much of miction 72 of chapter XII of title 111 of part I of. the (jrnoral Statutes ?* directs-flic State auditor, on or before the 15Ili of November, annuully, to piflve hotictf to each county auditor of the rate per centum authorized by law to be levied for .various Stole purposes be, and the same is hereby,-repealed jaod the county auditors and county treasurers, of this." Sl&tq are hereby required, without ftirthtr notice, to pro ceed, on end after January 1,1374, unde ") %' ' it y ^ - s' ? " ' v BbP tlic collection of the tuxes hernia levied, in the manner prescribed byflnv; and they are"hci|l)vj/orhi^len toHoltact, or.. Cause to be wlt4itol,wy StheMaflvhatfl ever, unless tterdlftcr expMely BtlBizcfl so to :ln : Itrovided. Thado thing ftreifl ^ontained jdiall preveiUjjp) m district schwl taxes, poH^x, ta and taxes levied for the relief of widows and orphans of persons killed because of authorized by law for county purposes. Any FAik' br cvunty^fe^f offend against any of the provisions of thtiHftt shall -frg ileumwl uf {"ulhy u felony, and, upon conviction. tfiefcof,,shall bo punished by a fine of not less than ofie thousand dollars or more tmm fifty"thousand doflurs, and by iinpriwftnnent ih the State Penitentiary for a'period of opt leaf than one,year or more than five years. , , Sec. 11. That all .^taxes assessed und payable under tb iff act;sTialf "be paid iif tbe folldwing kihd bf rFulfcls: United States currency, gold and silver eeinf national bank notes and cortificatejrof indebtedness authorized by this General Assembly and issued to the Republican 'Printing Company, pursuant to the act approved November 19, 18?3; aird on receiving any of said certificates forr taxes, the county treasurers shall,;cancel the .same, by writing the word /'cancelled" on the back of each certificate so rcctfivcd, and attaching bis official signature thereto; and the State treasurer shall report to the General Assembly, at,the,next regular ; session, the total, au*> jot <?^uf h certiftoates returned to niuL by the effunty treasurers respectively. r' * Aftfcr fldishing the Hit! to ^aiffeeupfilrVs. [ the bill r'A ire vii ii \ TOUEDUCE THX VOLUME OF TfiB J*?BUC ' DEBT ;lo- J J :;tu I wa? then taken up. ' Th#ro,,jfafl sonic - 04>rc<ppcnt, in relation, to conversion I bonds. The Senate had stricxW frtim l "section 1 of the bilf. as'ft* ?| fTonsc, a'provtao dedaringthat 8ft,9t?iVHtH) ?: of inversion Isolde issued iilfcallj Ware , ab?>luU4y .null and void. Mcep-e, Cochran a and Minort wore in^faror ^replacing trie f proviso, op the ground thit it wlnda' be .'Tar bettor and would be hhtifcmtoory . to the people to have the triftttor of the conversion bands definitely and 'f .<% i -? ABHOLL'TELY SETTLED. a , ,j>) r.. Hurley thought the Hfuse had better . take the bill justaa itcaiuc from theScn. ^tcr fcqr of Hpu^oihing worse The ? TTonsc refused to eftneuf in tJ)c aiiiendi uient. and insista on It* prdtlso.' The ; nimmdtfent to' the other iefeliomr'Ming >. mainly clerical, weroeoucuited ill without t disunion, and thoo a motion to rcgonaid j or the vptc whereby the .flouse ljad re: fused to concur in the amctidni(iht to. sec1 tinb 1; being in relation to Ihflcofiverbinn ? bonds, vr*f? carried. - Several of the senat tors were upon the floor working, I was I told, to get tho House to conqur in the : amendment, and the treasurer, too, was on band, it was said, in the sahio fnlArost > Tt looked at ono tinwNi.s if the bondholders I' were about to carry the day, and sera re a . quasi recognition of the; s q, f KIUI 1HJI E.VT Cu.NVF.RrlOX BONDS. gt the ayes and nays was made and the House sustained its former action by a : vote f!4 to 29 A Senate bill to rnaknnp: . proprlarton to pay tho claims of the Citizens' Savings Jhinli, of $outh Carolina, and the Central National Jlank, of Colum1 bia. S (r.. against the State of South farot:.... iv.m fluiil ni)1ii(tiin frnm the i>;il(>inl:ir Hurley ' hoped that the claim, which > amounts to $(?!>,000, would not he passed fir the reason that the bank was no#'*fh course of bankruptcy ami it would Hot b* to the interest of Hie widotrg and orphans who are creditors nf-bank to pay thig,.mo' uoy uutil the question of bankruptcy be settled. After a tedious rauiblin?r debate, participated in by a number of members, the bill was passed to a third roadintr. The House then adjourned until half-past 7 . P. M 1)1 KP?Of cpusninptidn, at Camden, S. (\. oil Tuesday. 23 rd ult., William Thbntafl Holland, eldest son of James R. and Klizaheth Holland, in the 23rd year oi'his ajro. . /v mi v WAmtATt AAA JJUAIUCj. f c * ' I ?< ?| Office Comity Treasurer Kershaw, OAMDF.N. S. <\, T?EC. 31, 1878. ffN and nffer the 10th day of January 1874, tin- Hooks of the Treasurer of this coup* ty will I"' open for the reception or Slate and t "nil nly Taxes'. The rate oftaxation will be as follow*: Mills. Slate Taxes, (including 'support of Phlslic Schools.) t ki County Tax, J I Special County Tax to pay pnsl indebtedness", " ? 2 Poll lax. "'lie dollar. The Free Fridge Tax will he collected at flic shine I line," and Is a* follows: DcKiiih n ii" I W at ore e Townships 2 Hulfaln and Flat Hocks Tnwnfliip.s. I Tile following ScftooHdftrlN? linre eaeh nMeafu-d tiieiiiselma to he collected ?t the same time: Sel.Aoi Districts. * " Mill*.' No. 1. l? ! ?I 1 I \o. if. 'J "s?. 1 No. 4. On personal property. * -> No, 8, Haifa mill, and oil cents on each poll. No. !? ' - . 2 No. ]2. Two dollar* on each poll. is....,;..n 11 ..i iii,: v.a ii>?,,u_ Infr fnh<l!? n? rccciv.tli^o f.iV Miato Tate*:? linitcl Stale* Citrrwv, (lohl tun I Silver Coin. National lUnk, Notea a ml .('e^iiticiitex of IntlolilcdiipsH nnflirtri7>J .hy the Ornor 1 Acaetuhly. an.I -UMte.l to the Republican Printing Company purannnt lo tlip Act up pro veil November 1 *.?. l87-l. ItoNAliU MotjUKRN, . County Treasurer. January I, 1?m! if" Camden Orphan Society filk acapehv. The etcreleee of tW1? Pettortl will Op re union on Monday .next, oil) iaetuni. jitiin w. .1 v mi son. JnntiRry 1. Vrlnoipftl* fisX'niAmasa v <i?r son. cm \mr '1 IN(>. How either eexinay fnieinata %tnl gain tliolove MiJJlVcliom of any prison they may clionac inatantly. Tlilaximoje mental acquirement a# An posatBs free w? mall, for Hi' colli?, togetheyjnijh a Matriuf eOuiile, Egyptian Orarle, Prenms, Hintpjto Ladies, ic. A queer hook. #J\rhtress If, S yovelt/Vjo.1 Jnraey eKy, N. J. V ' i l)isliliiii uiun m WMBTSTt -p->il the Eastern D^mu^pi^utli CaroliSoutli Cnstof the CiriZEXS' SA VINOS BANK in the County of Richland in said District of South Carotin*, adjwtgada-Bsmhaiipt nn if nam pal in, tion ; that the payment of any debts ifnd deyvegyj?f^anf cpg2g?rty Jjcloui^t ^ s^i'l BaifltfnpT, loitur tot liriree, una Tnw-?rwi?Bfer of any property by it are forbidden by taw" hut iffwwnifc iff tM wwmnw u? | ?aid Bankrupt, to prose, theirdebls and to choose one or irtftr? Tissignlflf wf its Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Coliftftbia, -fit fhe Cifirens' Barings Bank of Sout)?JCaroli|ia, beforp- E. |L S*abrcok, Registrar in Bankruptcy for said" District, on Ike fourteenth, (14ih)'day of'Janaa> ry, A. D. 1874, at 10 o'clock, a; au ' ' B. M. WALL ACE, United States Marshal for said DiWrict, (Jauary 1?2t> * As Messenger. " |?t7~ Pacific Guano Company's (CAPITAL $100,000) . Soluble Pacific Guano* /J! r Tiiia OUANO la now so well known in all the Southern States, for its remarkable effects as an agency for increasing tjie( products of labor, as not to require special commendation from us. Its use f%r eight years puat has established its character for reliable exceL lehcc.L The large fired1 eapitil furcated ty' t% Companyiu this[trad* affords the surest guarantee of the continued .excellence pt this Winner.-1 The supplies pnt fnto mhrket 4hls seaaea are, as beeetofpre, prepared under tb* superintendence of Dr. St. Julieq ^tavencl, Chemist of the Company, at Chai-leston', S. C. Hence, ulantcrs mav rest assured that its quality and composition it prc^isfly ,tlie ftntno as thnt heretofore'sold." - * j.m. BoBsttN, ' f ' General Aunt's,I IfaWlmofe. w Terms?$48 cash; $od time, tvilhuutiinterest. . To accommodate planters, fhiey can order uow and have till. i|e leltif AprilHo decide as to whether they will talfe pt time or cash ftriee.' When fWiVerM from'ny the carload, no tlrayage wilUie cliarjred.1 . J. >. KUUSOSv.. ''terArtb pirosrrrXTO. otAjm/BoiCE. PJUASTER, &c.? always oil hand.: (juelitv guaranteed, , , N. UPpSpJI, M January I ' 3m ii,r mhl izi'jd* * '-in"!i J ? J.ilii Guano. (M totorSfcA FOWL fcUANft, Irt tons WRj*>LVKf)' BON*> For sale iq?u rrammnble terms. 4a purclijtsara iiukiog early application, tt T?*n J. & T. I. .JONES,, Tnnuury 1. if UIJAAWAV,(. MV two 'tone, Antony Lore. brhVn'alrin. about it feet 4 incites in height, with lira forefinger on left hand cut off byr a cutt'ntf? machine: hnd otl, whwi he leftrV hroifti stlipid coitf, with a velvet ceiUr. ??d black wool hat. 18years old, hl.1 Barrel Love, very hlaek, ahohl C feel 4 inches in hmyfit, bud on dark clothes, anil slow i? .ap-'aliiag. AU por-ons are warned not to harbor or rut ploy thorn. ; 11 'W\r 1.MII 'nnlnydrf I ' Jan. 1. Jt. . tfi% I MOfaTH can he nmilo hy smart, ^ * alirewd men who can keep quiet, Send for a confidential circular, which wjli be sent on I he receipt of f>0 bonfs. JNG. T. PHILIPS, f .... . ; _ \t fffty VAi* J A FORTUNE ?0R 50 pENTSA C/uutrr /<<? the W'/V ?T to ]i?auh>r Hid*. The National Lottery Co. Hrrnuiz.-d on tho plan of the Havana Lottery.Will distribute quarterly 20o,000o In O-QldLI AS FOLJ.OWS : ONE U It AND CASH ti 1ST *50,000 ONE (THAN D CASH GIFT 25,000 Oris (1* vxn'fi.?an Gir? Irt.dOO Of.*: Uk\ki> Q.vau Girr 6.000 10 Cnalr-Giflfl $500 encli ; 5, <100 20 Cnlfh Gifts 25Q each 5,000 * 100 Cash Gifts ! 1UO each 10.000 1.000 Cash Gin? 10 each 1Q.OOO L'.OiM) (fata ulfta o each 10.000 10.000 Cash Gifts x leach * 10,000 First drawing March 10, 1874. TiCkbta 50 cents ouch. ' As we employ no Agents outside of the large cities, are fhrts enabled to give to purchasers the benefit of the ooatUiijMiou that would mh crwivo go to Hi j Agent., Wc will iherefore send you f> for S2fA 1* fof $*, L'Tft* $10, 1 "i("? for WM'or ?pdv, i ,-.jt . d o** y TUft -lisii ilmiii'fi will b<- conducted by a sworn eoirftnittee. A lis# of nic'mhey* to wlncli gillk nru ^warded will he rent 10 every purchaser ioiiuediiitek j^Jer Jjie draw jug. We will send tickets l>v oxftresl; and' coilec# on dtdirery. when so ordered, He int o and lend your lull iiddnas pjiuiuc, town, county and stale, plainly wrilfen". As over one half of the tickets are already engaged by Agents in the cities ueur l?y, we would udvi*e those who, desire one or tuore to forward their orders to ue at once. lh> not delay; Address SUTTQX&.Co, P. (i. Box 'J1H, Jersey City, N. T. The Canton, Java 4 London''' TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE CO. Having met so ith inch unprecedented success abroad, owing to the popular prices W whleh they dispose of only f//s rtjg Utt yniUt;4 j/t? </i.,i> arti^if. Having their good*itjrect from the grower* in the flhst, hare fitsf openW a brant'U otlice in ihu United Stales, anilpjaced,, it in charge of Xer Hung CUou Keitig, who formerly attended to all the pttrclrusing In t'liina. dam and Suiut'fa, *mt whh.droiu hi? long experience in the business, is without an cijunl in the world, we can sell our articles 1(1 ner coot phonnsr thin nirv itnmr mv in AiuuricM, jind wish a lire mail or woujqu ill every town ami village in tlie IfnitM S'IuIoh to liiiv our T>??. CrtfJVea an-l Spieea, of to act as for their *alv. lu otter special inducements to agent*, we lniye made arrangement* with all rtte railroad* 1* transfer ilif inuuehao ipmvnt* we expert to make at llu-lowest possible rates, ami we baxepilt ii]i ?umpn* rnninininjr Miii|>irr ui rm-u Kr?nlo of our article*, over lU lbs in all worth nl retntf over :<K. which we will sciuh expre* paid, for *1 W>. I'erKons reeulvlnp llirir np>wv> h'"it all) lyidcriuud llwl wo lone amounted ii number in their Imrh, nfni Ahllpe n* by not cotrcepondittjr lurlher. UommmerM will receive <ntr cpf-. flliii j>rj(!C lint, with ft *:lUi)dc of chili ??f our rffftefoi^ftor 21 elk. Addrer* nil OT'tbr* io 1 *l|. 0. hiiiHti. Brooklyn. N. k. miir? isTVrT jjrMm-rT? n.v 80 till i n/ &V | renin, with x?e. height, color of arcn and hair, you will receive liy return mnilu correct picture of roue future husband or w ife, w ith name and ilute of marriage. HflJiHWi * Vb't Uo,J.0K<6!1? MMHMiHMHiHI Collepof|joiil|^ciaDS, Jr,vMen\lm Besent (Hr'^^Q'lnrd remeSe. SilicBliliO, us thaKsuBf their many yciiiiKxpSeiUI in theBfeci^Breatment of tjie jjfcrtscffl?V'B*d great succ?^f/E**lUqumlkie* i|?vc n^Krith, both in thii^cijuut^- mrd in l?wrQ|wqthey feel tvarra nt i d to offer $1000 REWARD ^n.r wm> t># Pi'Ki wtud Afmmr^tmkmmr Neuralgia, P.hcuiiutisoi, Asthma, Venereal jjisease in any form. Scrofula, Syphilis, and all diseases of the urinary organs, (a specialty ' Jiaiug maJpoMhose.diseases caused bv youthful imprudence) either in Diariicea, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, ,?m? fr1|*emedies will ndt pGrnranenfly* uW To insure prompt-ettcntion, a consultation Tee ofOJk>tf>Bll*Wt#b?eMV4Mtl all letters directed to . ?vg*?-: J. EDWAID SPENCER, JT. K.^etfetary. AVGirt;$&AdKB.1* All victims gf early ttidiscretion, causing premature datAryv 4th, should lone no time in sending for our valuable remedy- l'rice one dollar. /'At iiiCI.-7HT THE BEST REMEDY. Our staudard preparation for consumition, asthma, brohchitia apd eaiarqty and all Uiaeases of the throat and Ipngs, is the only reliable potilimciirt in i he world, as the numerous cures it has effected, qau testify. Price One Dollar. Fever antj Ague permanently "en r^i wit bout the nseaif quinine..* The only positive pehnansiiVcwri eve# tillered* Has uerar failed io givuiunantMlusf. .Avoid quinine ami it# injurious effect# upon the ner'vous system and send to ui for tliejanly-ci'M; AU othqr rawediea Are but temporaiy reliefs, udlilft tbis iuvi .sever,- in a in*gje? instance,; fade\)U> efiout a pemjftieut ?) ??. i Prioe On* DdlUu-.i o., , a ipLa -,i , t Nd'FimUy thotof4 bnrilltoti! our VrtpnthCf Balm, which jifvbs itariVttl^rertdf^in .Mi cAserf of Asiatic bWV/ffern;' dyliwer^dflrWilp*,' Aholer* infcirftnni', t&Wtfc ciiiivuisionsf'c^ittitV in'the, atdmach.^i-nriugiA. Il/stcVi!t,**rrcmciiS,1<Jot!nnche, earache- &c. Diirlhg lVt f*VV^1 rb7)lAffiu|v1?itfttlfih'in Kntrlhn<1. 'tftft W.-renintlVe'VplA'pSy vasVuf-* vyrirtHy WtoMfetf by tfii fuctflfV. Ttonot Af?-* ply to riothritihflioaucR9 unJ-epecd itinny dollars, ,wh f ii on etfl ? 0 P (?flr Bafaam Afm \nst" a fmnily'nA'rly t'Hn'f'. _ l^rhr^wf'dHeBfAflrftl* It well inert)h the name given it by thy ?rqat Frt-ui'li i)h^,si.^ap/ ttf. NylkfSy^ufref Vftrfbsaing i!sr^Von^rnft' W?b Wfiflrtg the cholera in London. that of tionx. to he cure ull!TflYir?|>oeialties being the rfflHfctllrWl tffcd I twig* *<Th 'rtrtl ftguto' *h<jKrti?l)fs,'nter* iiMl ?Ii?r?iHW*pPpo?i(^brtnt?>. invi 01 in* TjTiimry rrvunw-Tn mi wr? wmon we claiiu thut live loligex-pcrutftefr sf 0?lV P*^ . llytfaMlio-sjieHHl fh<Me TiHsrotolh* Mir MeffttMWi aM*Wwe?fcir?M 1 imlraur^AnesfciklWn.-Srtf wiR'ydSba* glad-to' ImaY from nil oor'feliffVHng fri^iAfp/ilo matted \?I41# wrliai di.san*tIbbyifcuiy b? 4flHctad,-aTi?^ wtnM A?suie HiMU'Pe'wJH iffmry toMhfenr ilit" flfdrtioa nhd^rdnrt' courflo*^ fv&mrtent s^ei&il Nisid, nitfl wml*-* rant'limit in titty ewe ttte tldvt?*witt erw-: nate frtin I he beat practitioner# of fbfc "fcoutatry, tlie moot noted of whom niV-4? eg4T*?ly engrifccd'iie spdcisMfbrfefciiWitlents of our col? lege, and thus place within read itfhtppoorepr. who may hp- upfTrrnniTtP'^nohgh ftrfre' ntllicled in moat I reliable liicttiojof obtaining the best known remedies. Ouronly charge.if ft consultstion fee of one dollar. ' _ . ; Our Konr Stnndnrd prejWpfct+in^ m#Mioned uboveni'9 unrivalled,- and to prove our earnestness w e hereby offer a rewarti of 'j: { lOOO DOIxLARQ for n person urtlietotl wlth^ny oftyedlsMaM mentioned abovi;, w lunu wc cannot ueririAneptly cure by the use of our 8tflmW>f Reihsdtes. Address all least's to ' 4 J. EDWARD SPENCER, At- V; ^vc'y, 'T Tt'mpMnsville, I,. T:, N. Y. ASSOCIATES. J..U. XijcouvAl. D., F. A..8., T. S. Phillips, M. !>/, DuVfiipvri, -VI V., Alton#* Ue Chwteuil, U,i K. V. Duscbnkte/ W. K. 0., A. F. D. Rlumcutradeh, (formerly pltyaioian to II. 1U U. the Duke of Urun#wick,i A). K. de J'-iitia), formerly auacliod to the Invalided Paris. . V lOOOCASH GIFTS!-" Reside, 0?'^!3nl^^r?iRm^^5^^ious*nd Dollars worth of goods Ivkg.difpotted by The National Sales Co., ?. : r ; OF T^E CITY OF NEW* YO^*. ,, Ol{ll tSTOCJC,, WM, Comprise*: Grand and S4UA10 Pianos, Melodious, Cabinet Organs, Bine Oil'Pausing?, Clijrpnu*, ;Kugru\iagii, .Silvfrwiu-e, Gold and Silver iVatdica, Ludief' L?c*sd and Funoy Goods. ^ogctber witli a largeaa?l varied assortment ot Elegant Jewelry,.Paris, Londop aiul Viuiua Fancy Goods, Muaio Boxes, pine Fans, Opera G lasses, Bags, porteinonuaies Dressing Cases, Bronzes, ^oyellies^etoL. This uo Gift Enterprise nor Battery, out is the only.. Lena liJc OiiK. Tun El and I'ivb Bulla it Ea.bE in the United Sutcs wboae Metli ?1 of operation is based upou a Scientific J System of Averages. . t - ? SYSTEM OP SALE. ?"< ? All our goods aretlif ided inio inner (Jakat CbASSNS. 1 1 . T Class A. comprises goods in .Talon front $6 to $UX)0. - . ? Usee it comprises goodaciir vwlne front- $d toflOOKo# i* Class C comprises goods ki value from $J toSltHfr. Each ElasaJa iliiUed iuto seU cuuiprising a 1 . ...iter or Ioms number, according to theclasic Upon llfic iek our syittih of hrmAlt is bused. Mmpp CliecKs describing goods in eucn set are seujqd ui.ginelupW pd llioroughlr flexed. , , On MSOTtnt'ofifc a nrintcfl check. fcfaS'* A. Hill ftf HritWu without eludce aiul deTirdredl i tt our office or scnf by mall to Mj address.. The article, or in-licit^? iiflmetj^upoti it w ill he ddtvfretf to rhr purchaser, or sent, by mftrt <n express on jMyntonf of $.f to otir Hlwriftullfg ' Agent. 1 On receipt of $1 a cheek in clae* T1 will lfe. sow, and oieretiim'ofVheek with f# the ptif- , chaser will obtain the artiple or goods jescribed on'cheek.* * ! On veetiint af .'4> rents a eheek in -etnas f will b* Hthih Mt'l on return of eheek with ?l \ the purchaser will oldaiu the article or' goods | <tescribed on the eheek.. These are our Fit*. ? - 1 IU... Ita ...? U . .. m ..a,l AMlitla i nnnn, hum w^r, p.n.r..^, <uni vwimr i tli* ln?l?ler of ill* cheek *o pntn-lm*e?1 to hi* > dilutees or purchase In the three classes re- ? ?l?ectivelv. * a XQr>T frach Chert friiiitL ? thr Ptirchitttr ft <in Arfirlt frJufif a I $1.50 nn.f ^fiiard*. ' r Bv our system of average we ennguar*n -1 toe it gold or silver [uot OroidCbr white met- n h|J tVnfi h, n fine Oil I'lumno (retailing for $ *> c to *H>. ] or n on^h check in every five. i.ocftl an'l tnivcling Agents wanted in evei v top it,in tin* l nit* dictates. to whuin u lib- . . rt1 cnuniiissi .n will he tnid. N. R.?None Jj bill responsible partus pole to lmflish talis- 1 ta'rfory references iieNl npplr. > All (trtlerifgr elu'cks should bo addressed to ' \ATIO\Ui SAM> (O 0 Illtiiiit, N, V. 11 X. n.?Parties ordering check* will plaafce enclose stirnrp torTWtrrrn pottage. / p'iMm^ safely ilnishWbV otit ccl^Ti- J. ted lotion* 25 cents postfenicf. WILSJO^ * Co., 1\0. flo^ yO, Hoboktl^ N. J. n i* J r rf l H"" wllWIOTTOit. ~ Hobcken, N; J. UE GOEN EEADICATOE will remove the worst corns within ft'week withtbe use of the knife. GO els. post pafd. WILSON ft. CO., P. O. Box GO. Hoboken, rpHE Science of Love ftnd Fascination. How 1 to win the undying love of the oppoeite sex, forwarded on receipt of the price, $1, by WILSON & CO., m/or^wvji^ to " ?]yo tne hftir ?ny desired color oy ft ii nhii ? u Price GO cents. WILSON 4 CO., .uwfrnBff-Hf. -| a A Portraits of the prettiest girl*, of ike 1\JU United Stftles, twe to life, with names $1. . WILSON.& oo^; , gjajwsp.niwMw^i..-:t YOCNG iSeiT'tf d&fta WbMty nead re? k>u>\mo iM#m<V9 ? ones nnd yi?will h??M?ed ?B*nd <j.lo W LxT.^Brow|^j?'j. OUR CURLIQUE curls the, sU-sighte* hair. Never fails. 26 cents, prepaid., ; ; - WIL80N $ CO., P.O. Box 60, lioboken, N. J' - r * OXJR FSR8IAN ON HJEST'*wfll faane it luxuriant growth of beard or moustache on the smoothest luce. 50 cents,-post paid. A . w -t 0. ' WIL8flfr & 00., 1 .? -1> *ip>0. *otf 50, HobokenrK*** i. s. ?t k ' >s? * +?; TVEPELLERIERIfwiU positively remera^llr \j tapMHfaO\i?tat+. 25fcenM, postpaid. t ^ . *aj . v? <s/wrLMN' A fitter . < V O. *? 30, Heboken, N. J. ; ?mployment thai Pays; 'Wears now seeding a package ef &len* hyt ifiait f?ri$i wkick <retadie for #6.?? Satisfaction guaranteed. Also, Arte revealed, f Wo'ndereaad Mygtwiw bf all Nation* foet%l, cost to secure $1,001, Address <in i: ?f t 1 dHk A lisietej 0*nIhmr c'dHdih4ne srftA . a. vavrnu. irirva a mm-#m w&mma <* ASBe wine Mwhioe for fiSuSa Www T T M*V WW ^Ung^|t|^po'^3,^ ceeded In construcflng'a machine that will fnliv, beet the above requtrmenta. It U a most wvtodwC)inteAy#e,|>iI tfculln^ direct upricht positive otiatv%aW.Mvi?4BlMKhiuilng, >mx>th and noiseless, wUl stitch, hem. iell tucL quilt, cqrd, bind, braid afad eihroileltad m*t giprlhs jif tier. Uses thethread dicta from, the spool: wUL Is hi(thlT^ftfS(UShfl h? toofbOf , bet at all times reliable, msllnf lta practical sclsdMo ply, but we *r? now vdlUng nMWVM AproretV ii.ttc binerv that Brill before fcnfrwatte bs to fcsep ahead of theylemand. Jtistte Ant and only success in maunfcetorlngia-froM roMnelftd substantial low-prlccd sewing machine. Its extremely low price places it within the reach of ail. Its ajmpUctty ami toWi klhdsodwotk, \na enables the uioat iguoraht to make use of it. i^r,'S!K^M?VW&,,ISfer,goSt furnished with dacbsiifciJ * \a<;r%TThe large shoe factories In the eastern states sre now using over one hundred of these machines, and tiijytia Uusindelve* dcliskicU with tbtiiii * The single fact that there are over 270 people employed fei manufacturing tbssw tosWomeWts wfli give soma Mpa of the vastnesaof bur enterpdVe add that tlie demand so far has exceeded Urn supply will serve to show yie Immense hmuttnt of otr Bales, ~ In every camfwhnVe auattacMowis nds ffvVhwU cWArfuHy refund the money. - ? A few state rlgfel# free to dhoroughly r?^ihi pamrs. Only those w-ho ran furnish the very best references uced address us. TrlOHV'l|ib%MWa waste no time in correspondence, as our time u fuliv . . U. a POPOLAK WiOUIXBOO. P.O. bqxgoy i , ystanKtoa.M.T., AGENTS LOOK!?$75 a week and-expenses cunjje made byiny oirt with otlt pg. tent novelfte* l^o^ani >?*? il.nn'L.. -f ? ? ..J * Send 25 cents for sample*, worth $1 CO. (It. oulars free. A . ritJ. fj. Novelty Co., - Jersey $ity, N. J AGENTS WANTED?Tou can make $160 mmithlyby selling our California Quarts ? Paste,'-and 12 otlfer useful articles. SampU by mail, 25 cents. .Circulars free. Addyeas NETTINGER & CO;,; ? Hudson C ity, Hudson, county. !{, J. ' , . \TIfNTRIL6QtnSM.--Prof. Hpmkn's Y Guide, by which this wbttdfcrfbl an can' be easily learned by any one, Sent by^mail for 26 cents. The oyly certain methods Address C. Si Novelty Co. Jersey city, N. J. $1,500 Bade Yearly 25S ing. our 32 new articles., samples for 26 ?ta Catalogue free, AM. N'OVELTy CO. ? . t 302 Brqpdyajr, Nop. Yurij, fefl, $800 GIVEN' AWAY- 'to la dink a.rr> obstsj All Out of Employment Read Tki*. AGENTS i.uwys J ourtVa%, a month paid to goWrtfnnvaAh^Ttflno cau get 10 names a day fur our nottTmttWr. and $500 given to ber of subscribers belorq^uly1st. \8J4. itrvn rvvn rvs\i ' * We give the Family Javknal, an eight page, siie Seir York W?tly. for ?? year. FOR THIS QNB DOLLAR \ ' * 1 ^ 4 ' * M ? X ' We'gtvetheeWo^tjf tV? beautiful engraving of Horace Greedy, auQ fatally i, IHlxih, or a |o cltromo? ^ * ^V'' FOR THB OTttP POLL A R We giyj SJorlcf, ^trials, I'oairy, Axric uluiral Items, EJitoriau". sc., every wee*. j I A FOR Til 18 ONE DOLLAR K $ j*fve a fttll srrmjnt'olal! thetoevr and"fhJt nfling novelties fhai. are in the market for genie. I-Olt TlflS Qift DOLLAR. A e. give l waive . complete atones by Iba boat mthors of one dny.. * * FOR THIS ONE DOLLAR * A c give as good h Family Journal as can be bund in America. FOR THIS ONK DOLLAR Ve give article* each month showing np the ^verrtelng humbugs of the day, vrMeh win .ivethe render many dollars. FOR THTSONK DOLLAR u Uiof we would say that w? intfiid to give isi what oiu nam* indicator ? Family Jourai, containing at ImhI six pages of tlia digest reading matter, entertaining to both old ndyoung. ami two page* of adf*vtitiag all ?w. and useful inventi"ii?, hook*, thromoj, c., ijod fuels yf g?H?r?J ii|to%esc tq ago^tg. i e allow a large commission and ?cnd sample 11tiit, containing tho beautiful engraving of I. tii-ooioy and Family, 44*2*, Kv?o okrnmo, ad e?ta|>l? payors for tear diatrifcutio* gad at yon* subscription far THIS ONI DOLAll. Send stamp for specimen and terms to gents. - , AXtl.Y JuURSAL rVBUMIIIXG CO 302 Broai>w*T? N. Y. 600 bushels ^RO ?<4 1 <f - < ''' " '