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A MAN'S REGRET BT BARTON' QRtT. Two there were so fair, so fair ! Long ago I knew them; Soft blue eyes and golden hair ; Who could help but woo them? Chestnut hair and deep blue eyes; Seeing was to love them ; What beneath Qod's tender skies? What could rank above them ? Looking back along the past, j Well do I remember? J One I wooed when heaven o'ercast, I Frowned in bleak December ; One I sought when April's smiles Stole through shine and shadow, Danced adown cool forest aisles, Blushed in copse and meadow. ' Ah, poor heart! whj pause and pine ? | Turn and look upon her, I Fair and true and wholly mine As when first I won her, I Vain regret her sighs muBt smother, i Whatsoe'er it cost her; J Yet I know I love the other Best?because T lost her. An oyster leads a placid lile until he gets into a stew. The obituary notice of a Kentucky lady I includes tho fact that her haie was six feet I eight inches long. Ab Indian* jury recently returned a verdict of "Mode to pieces by biler bursting." Mrs. Partington says she gets up every orning at the shrill carrion of the chandelier. Mrs. Smith says her husband is like a tallow candle, because he always will smoke when he is going out. A eitisen of Rook County, Wisconsin, is reported to have said: "I can always tell water when I see it?it looks so much like gin." A Michigan manufacturer has eighteen thousand broom handles ready for shipment. This ought to set husbands to thinking about coming home early. A Mrs. Allen of Charleston aged 101 having arrived at the conclusion that smoking and snuff-taking were slowly undermining her constitution, abandoned both habits. A little boy asked a lady friend of his mother's who made her teeth. She replied "God." "Well," remarked the young hopeful, "Dr*.Freeman made mother's and they beat yours by a darned sight. A consequential young fop asked an aged country sexton if the ringing of the bell did uot put him in mind of his latter end. "No. sir, replied the grum old grave digger but the rope puts ma in mind of yours." An Irishman who was reprieved the night before the time set for his execution, and ??.?A nrichofl to tret rid of his wife, wrote I WI1VT UHU itwhv? n to her as follows: "I was yesterday hanged, and died lik a hero; do as I did, and bear it like a man." At a recent sheriff's sale of a suspended menagerie at Shreveport, Ixmisana, the rhi noceros brought $5,COO; the baby elephant $3,500; tho leopard and hyena,$370; the lion and lioness, $555; and a cage of intclligent monkeys and communicative birds,$202. An imaginative Irishman gave utterance to this lamentation : "I returned to the halls of my fathers by night, and found them in ruina.! I cried out aloud. 'My fathers, where are they ?' An echo responded, 'Is that you, Patrick McCarthy V An^tbsent-minded man entered a Troy shoe-store the other day, and wanted his boy measured for a pair of shoes. "But where's the boy?"asked the dealer. "Thunder !" said the man ; "I've left the boy at home! I'll go and get him;" and off he started for his house, six blocks away.) a nn frenuenter AU UUIUI vuiiuvv aafv. j of large parties, consequently a noodle iu gastronomy, ruminating in his bliss upon the bank of a Southern creek, espied a terrapin pluming itself. "Och hone!" he exclaimed solemnly, "that ever 1 should come to Ameriky to see a snuffbox walk."? "Whist!" said his wife, "dou't be afther making fuu of the birds." Andrew Jackson was once making a stump speech iu a country village out West. Just as he was concluding, Amos Kendall, who sat beside him, whispered, "Tip 'em a little Latin, General, they won't be satisfied without it." The "hero of New Orleaus" iu-1 tantly thought of a few phrases he knew, and, in a voice of thunder, wound up his speech by exclaiming: "E pluribus uuuui, Sine qua non, Ne plus ultra, Multum in ! parvo " The effect was tremendous, and the shouts could be heard for miles. Anecdotes or Public Worthies? George WashiHGton.?One day in a fit of abstraction, the juvenile George cut down Busbrod's favorite cherry tree with a hatchet. His purpose was to cut?and run. But the old gentleman came sailing round the ? ?Ka Karri iust na th* future father V<M IIC1 VI vuv I/WIM j*m~w -w of his country had started on the retreat. "Look hero, sonny," thundered the stern old Virginian, "who cut that tree down George reflected for a moment. There wasn't another boy or another hatchet within fifteen miles. Besides, it occurred to him that to be virtuous is to be happy. * Just as Washington senior turned to go in and get his horsewhip, our little hero burst into tears and, nestling among his father's coat taiis, exclaimed, "Father, I cannot tell a lie. It must have been a frost." "My son, my son," stammered the fond parent, as he made a pas* for his offspring, "when you get to be first in war and first in peace, just cover . your back pay into the Treasury, aud the newspaper press will respect you.' You all know some true Christian. You 1 have never, it is true, seen one who in ev- I erything comes up to the Divine ideal.? I There is. and always will be, in some points , a falling short; yet you know that the Christian has a life within him which the world ' has not. An exchange says that Adam was the firat man who reoeived a land grant. Ho WAt also ths first man who was servH with a #ttl i# ifsftiMftt A correspondent of a neighboring journal tells us of a county clerk in a rural town, who had a pet calf which he was training up in the ways of the ox; the calf walked around very peaceably under one end of the yoke while Mr. Clerk held up the other end, but io an unfortunate moment the man conceived the idea of putting his own neck in the yoke, to let the calf see how it would seem to work with a partner. This frightened mister calf, and elevating his tail and his voice he struck a "dead run'' for the village, and Mr. Clerk went along, with his head down and his plug hat in his hand, straining every norve to keep up, and crying out at the top of his voice: "Here toe come, dang our fool souls, head us, somebody!" New Advertisements.SAMPLES sent by mail for 50c. that retail quick for $10. R. L. WOLCOTT, 181 Chatham Square, X. Y. Q Brings you free by mail the very best P? " ELASTIC TRUSS." Write ?t once to Pomkkoy A Co. 44 Br. street N. Y. The Magic GomtCV*' oolored hair to a pormanant black or brown and eontains no poison. Trade supplied at lowest rates. Address, MAGIC COMB CO.. Spriuglield, Mass. Kuaint, Eueer and Kurious. Is a valuable book we give to all. Full of fact", figures and fun, 04 pages, 50 pictures. Mailed for two stamps. Addsess G. Blackie a Co., 74C Broadway, N. Y. AGENTS WASTED ?(>R THE Centennial Gazetteer OF THE UNITED STATES, SUowingt he gigantic results 01 tnc r moi >..m. hl..DRED TEAKS of the Republic. A book everjbodjr wants. Send for circular. AddressZoi^lcr A McCurdy, sis Arch-st., Philadelphia, Pa. For COUGHS COIDS, HOAHSENESS, I AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, -USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets i PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A Tried aud Sure Remedy. Sold By Druggists. |TTVQi M EST/Q^I Agents Wanted. 8E.\n FOR CATALOGUE. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., N. Y. j The Highest Medical Authorities of Europe say the strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deobstruent known to the medical world is I TTTTP.TTT5Tn*R A U W -UV W . r . rn i It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores'vigor to the debilitated, cleanses i vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts I directly on the Liver ami Spleen. Price }1 a bottle. , JOHN y. KBLLOCO, IS Piatt St., N. Y. Write for Laryr Illustrated /'rice LUt. Address, Breech-loading isliot Cuns$liJ to Doublc Oun?1 to OuC tu $20. Rifles, $8 to $76. Revolvers, $ > to $25. Pistols, $1 to $8. Gun Materials. Fishing Tncklc. Large discount to Dealers or Clubs. Arinv Guns, Revolvers, &c., bought or traded for. Goods sent by express C. 0. D. to be examined before paid for. $20 SAVED. To meet the urgent demands of the times, the FLORENCE SEWTNU MACHINE Co.MPAsY have determined to REDUCE PRICES, and will hereafter sell their $7<> Machine for ISO, and other styles In proportion. 1 THE FLORENCE ' avt v \i.?s.?.i.?? that fA?<la tha work IS IIIC ovmilji .lavmuv ? I backwards and forwards, or to right and left, as the purchaser tuav prefer. It has been greatly IMI'BOVEl) and SIMPLIFIED, and U far better than unv Machine | in the market. IT IS NOW THE CHEAPEST. Florence, Mass.. Nov. 1, '73. Agents Wanted. euro*all ilnrnors from the worn Scrofula to a common Ulotch or I'luipie. Fmrn two to tlx bo'.ilcs nit* warranted !ocure Salt ICIietim or Totter, IMmplcw on Fnce. ltolU, Carhnitrlcu, lir)alpc I in ami I,Ivor Complaint. Six to twelve bottles, warranted t-ictire l!:c vv<>rst KcrofnlOU* Swellings and Sores I'.-tltm in Kuncs ami Sure Throat caused bi'olaon in IUood or mercurial treat men t. Cr its wonderful Perioral propertirv it will r ire the nm-t revert recent ortho wor-t lincenng (iotif h in J.alf the lime re-mired by any other m . ;i,o ami ii jierfeetly safe, Joo-ciiing'cough, to-jtlmrr Ii'. '*'. >n. m l relieving sorcno--.. n-NI !r nil !; t;- ts. <?. y. PtfltCl', ML. i?., I'.orlil'* OUl'CiiMir), l::iUukt,.\. THE ONLY KNOWN MEDICINE THAT AT TI.B sAME HMK Purges, Purifies, and Strengthens the System. I)a. Trrr'a Plus are composed of many ingredients. Prominent among them are SarsaparlilH nn-l U ll-l Cherry, so unite-! as to act together; the one, through Its admixture with other, purifying apd purifinjr; Willie me oincr is sirciiKiiu'iiiiiK uic n'lnu. Thus these I'lllf hi * at the same time a tonic and a cathartic, a desideratum lonjr sought f?>r by medical men, but never before discovered. In other words. thoj d>> the work of two medicines and do it nnudi better t\ hii any two we know of, for they remove uoihini! from the system but impurities. so that while they purge ther also strengthen and hem e they cnusc no debility and' are followed by no reaction. Dr. Tt rr'8 Pii.i.s have a wonderful Influenee on the blood. They not only purify without weakening It, but thev reinove all noxious particles from the chyle 1 before it la converted Into fluid, and thus makes Im- j fture blood nti utter Impoaaibllltr. As there ia no do nidation, so there la no nausea or sickness attending the operation of this moat excellent medicine which j never strains or tortures the digestive orirans, but causes them to work tu a perfect natural manner; hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but on the contrary, while all imparities are being removed, the combined action of the sarsaparllla and Wild Cherry purifies and Invigorates the body, and a robust state of health Is the result of their united action. Price cents a box. Sold by all driig<rlstH. lie-1 not 48 Cortlaudt St.. New York. 4w i B U O \ ! l5 U O > !! j 20,000 pounds BACON 5 barrels FfAMK. For sale by BAiH BRO fetyutuWr 4. If 1 Kg JlhlWiiif'IIIHra Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Differs are a purely Vegetable preparation. made chiefly from tlie native herhs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal puipertiei of wliicli ate extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. Tin* question is almost daily asked, ' What is the causes of the unpar-^. alfeiedjsneeess of riNi:<;Ai: 1'rrTKi"t*' Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, ;ui*J| the pat. font recover.-, his health. They are the great hlood purifier ;unl a ... - r..i i?..l H Jile-givnig prmetpic, :i perieci itenovalor and Invignrntor of the Kjvtem. Never: before in Mm- insinry of the world ha- a medicine been compounded possessing the reniHikiible ipialities of \rix RCAUflllTTKtw ill healing l?ie skk tif every disease man is heir 10. They a:e u guntle j'nrgative it well as a Ton**.) relieving i'onaesiio'i or inflammation f?r the Liver and Vi.-eeral Organs, in Uilious Diseases Tile properlies of f)i:. WALKERS VlNEuvu Jil l thus arc Aperient. Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic, Sedative. Counter-1 nitaut, Sudorific. Alterative, and V.nti- Diliuus. T:. IT. MrDOSfALO CO.. l)r-.; <v Apt*.. Pr? Kniooisi o. (JutiforT.i:i 'sir.ef Wsst^ngtoii and Charlton St#., N.T. Sold by nil Druggists ami Dealers. R. R. Rr RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CUBKS THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR I Attar rssdloc this sJ-rTrtlnomftOt need any eras 8UTFEB WTTII PAIN. R AD WAV8 READY RKLTEf IB A CURE TOR EVERY PAIR. It wisib?IWt?ndfi The Only Pain Remedy that Instantly atop* the most excruciating pains, altars Inflammation*, and cores Congestions, whether of the hung*, stomach, Bowels, or other gloads or urgans, by one application. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTER, no matter how rlnlent or excruciating the pain the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Intii m, Crippled, Nerrou*, Neuralgic, or prostratod with diseu* may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will afford instant rare. infammation of tdk kidneys. 1nflam H.VTION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. co no est i on of the lcn03. bore throat, difficult breathing. PALPITATION OF the heart. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTER1A. catarrh, influenza. headache, toothache. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of tbJ II cad y Relief to the part or parta where the palD cr difficulty exists will afford out and Comfort. Twenty drops In haliatumhler of water will Ins few momenta r ure CH R AII I'S.SP ASMS.SOU R STOMACH, HEARTBURN, sick IIEADACHR, diarrhoea, dysentery. colic, wind in tub bowels, and ail internal pains. Travelers ahnulil a I wars carry a bottle of RaS> way's Keadr Relief* wlththcra. A few drops in water willpreretit alcknes* or pains from change of water. It Is better Uisu French Brandy ur Bitter* aa? _ FEVER A\D AOVE. FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. Tbers Is Sola rem#dial ag?ntin this wurid that w ill cure Fcrer and Ague, and all other Malarious, llllotis, Scarlst, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Peters [aided by RADWAVSPI LIS; so quirk as R ADWAY'S READY KKLIEF. Fifty ccntaper bottle. HEALTH! BEAUTYII STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD?INCREASE OPFLK8II AND WEIGHT?CLEAR KKIN AND HEAUTIFULCOM PLKXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S T)nn nitron+ fliilMP'lllliW ACiUiVCUl THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER* H A 8 M A DK THE MOST AKTONISHI NO d'R FS : ?0 SL'ICK.HO ]IAPI1> AUK THE OHAN'OES, THB ODY UM)KK(jOU8.(;NI)KK THK J,\KLU|WCB OP THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MKCIC1HK, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesi ni Weiilt is Seen aid Fell Ererjr drop of the HARSaPARTLLIAN RRSOLVK.VT communicates through the Bipod, 8 west, Urine, and other Fluid* nod Juices of ths system the vigor of life, fur Itrepnirs the wastes of the body with new sod aouud material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, Olaudular disease. Ulcer* In tfio throat. Mouth. Tumor*. NodaatntbeOlan is and other p wis of the system. HoreRyes, Hlrumorousdtsrharcei the Kara, and the wont forme of Skin due*ere, Eruptions, Feres Sure*, Soel lH'-ad, Ring tYi.rm>?U Rheum,Krysipetaa, Acue, Black Spots, \\ urmein UieFleeh. Tumors, Caecerslnthe Womb, and all weakening and paluful discharges, Night Sweat*, Ui*?ofS|ii!rmnndallwastesof the life principle, ars withla ths eurattte range of this wonder ol Modern Chemistry, and a tew days' use will prove to any person using it for either of these forma of disease lu potent power taeure these. If lbs psttent, dally becoming reduced by thswsstsa an 1 decomposition that is continuslly progi ?dug, sueceedatuairestingiheae wastes, and repairs the eama - .... a. / f<? --mi thia U^AMA^hTLuIaVwllTuid doe?~a?eur?-oeare h certain; fnr when once thW remedy CMtBMM tt> work of p, ; it cation, anil auri erdi Id dimlniahlog the Ion of w&jae, lurepalrawlll be rapid, and every day the pallet)t will feel Urnac If growing butter and atrocger, tbafooddlgeaUng belter, appetite Improving, and fleeh and weight laer eating _ , Not only doeitbrHmsirAHitJU* HtanLVgwr eieels all known remedial agenuln the rare ol Chroule. 8erpfulotu,ConaUtaUnnal, and hkia d.acaaea | built la the only poaiuvo cure fur Kidney *? Bladder Complaints, Prlnary and Wnrahdleeaie'.C.ravel. IMabeioe, Dropey, Stoppage of Wairr, Incontinence of Urine, llrlght'aDu. ea?r, Albuminuria, ami lu all runt where llitre are brick dntldrpuelu, orthe water la thick, cloud \, tulzed with inhitaareiUke the v.- I nti egg. or three la like whiteaiit, ortherelaa mm hut, dark, lilllnua anpearatn e. and white hnne dual ilepi/uU, and whrn therela a pricking, burning ?t>ne*ltnn wlieupaaatng water, and pain lu the Umail otitic Heck and along the Iaitna. Tumor of 12 Yearn* Growth Cured by Had way's Resolvent. DR. RADWAY'S Perfect Purgatire & Regulating fi, perfectly taelcleaa, elegantly dated with eweetgum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanae and etrea^hnt Kadw ay'? Pi lie, lor the cnreol ?lldieord.iraaf the Minuch, later. lluwela, Kidney a, lllnlder, Nerroua Diteaaee, Headache,I'unatipall iii.t'oativaiicaa, Indlgealinb, Dyenepaia, liilmuauta*. llillm ? Kt-t ei . Inflammation of the Howr le, Pllea, ami nil l> ranyrinenta of th.i Internal Vlarera. Warranted to e lect n luialUve eura. Purely Vegetable, containing noun rcury, tnuitmlaor Jtlelelnout drug a. A few doaeaof R A11W AY'S P 11.1.1 n-gl free tho ayetem from all the above n unc I dlaontrra. Price, ISoeote per Hoi. HY DRlHlfllSTH. It K A It "KAl.iR ANlt TRl'E." Rend one letter etampto RAI1WAY A CO., No. 32 Warren HI., New York, lufurmauun worth tbouaandi will beeeot you. i (r. NTKAYEl) or Stolen a hrindlc spotted g U>'g nhoiit one year old, named "Tip.'' I lias been mining about one week- Any infor ation that will lend to tin recovery of the c? Dog will lie thankfully received bv 1). At the Join tinl ofliee. November Oth, if* lliiggiiitt* 11 nd XIon. 10,000 yards BAGGING 2,|.00o pounds TIES. For salt Ly BAUM liBQ, jS73. 1873.!] FALL TRADE ~ We are now receiving a large slock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, for Men and Boys, . HATS, of all styles, 01 100 cases BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY,; ? a SADDLERY AND HARNESS. jj In fact, a great many articles too tedious to mention?all of which we will sell at our usual low price#. ^ BACM BRO. ? September 19 tf s CONGAREE IRON WORKS Oolruubia., S. C. ? I0HN ALEXANDER. Proprietor. ' SUGAR CANE MILLS ! LIST OF PRICES. [ 3 Rollers 14 irnMiea diamet or, $00 00 j 8 44 12 ? 80 00 j 3 44 10 44 70 00 $ 44 14 44 - ^ 0 00 1 2 ' 12 | > i l ?; l?o oo 1 2 44 10 " 00 00. I Above prices complete with frame. Without ' frame, $10 less on each Mill. < Steam Engines, Boilers, Portable Grist Mills, ] Circular and Muley Saw Mills. Mill Gearing , of nil kinds made to order, Iron and Brass Cas- i tings on short notice. j Gin Gearing constantly on hand of the follow- . ing sizos: 0 feet wheel und pinion $35 00 . 10 ?* ? 40 00 . 11 " 44 43 00 12 44 44 30 00 14 44 44 05 00 , Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions made to order. Anti-friction Plates and Balls for Cotton Press. $15 00 and $20 per set. N. B.?Terms cash on dellvehr at Railro* Depot here. t&a^~Works Foot of Lady Street, opposite Greenville Freight Depot. th n.i.?u:? i..? 04 . i9t IvUiuiui/iu, aug, *1. A FAMILY ARTICLEAgents make$12.80 per day, $78 per week. AN ENTIRELY NEW SEWING MACHINE For Domvatic I nc. ONLY FIVE DOLLARS. With the New Patent BUTTONHOLE WORKER. Patented Jnn#7th, 1871. AWARDED THK MUST FREMITM AT THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE AND MARYLAND INSTITUTE FAIRS, 1871. A most wonnderl'ul and elegantly constructed Sewino Maohinr for Family Work. Complete in all its Part*. Use? the Straight Eye Pointed Smile, Self Threading, direct upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Feed ynd Cloth (Juider. Operates nv Wheel an<l oil a Table. Li'jht Running. Smooth and noiseless, like all good high-priced machines, lias Patent Check to prevent thh wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct, from the spool. * U- ? ? 1 ??!* hUuauju. 4 fillQjt Q |)4 , strongest stieh known:) lirm, durable, close and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine and coarte, trom <\vmiieic to heavy ('loth or Leather, and uses all descriptions of thread.' This Machine is heavily coxstri't'teu to give it stuent.tii : all the parts of each Machine being made alike by macktrury, uud brnutifnlly finished and ornamented. It is easy to learn. Rapid. Smooth and Silent in operation. Keliuble at all times, and a Pr irnCAt, Scientific, Mechanical Invention, at a Greatly Reduced Price. A Good. Cheap Family Sewing Machine at last. The first and only success in producing a valuable, substantial and reliable low priced Sewing Machine. Its extreme low price reaches all conditions. Its simplicity and strength adapts it to all capacities, while its many merits make it a universal favorite wherever used, and creates a rapid demand. IT IS ALL IT IS RECOMMENDED, lean cheerfully uud confidently raeommeud As use to those who are wanting ? really good Sewing Machine, ut a low price. Mrs. II. B. JAMESON. a Peotone, Will County, 111. Price of each Machine. "Glass A." "One," (warranted lor five years by special certificate,) with*//! lift jixture.1,'iiud tv erf l king comjXiti helonging toil, including Self Tan k a iun Needle, packed in a strong wooden box, and delivered to any part of the country, by express, fbke of further charges, on receipt of price, only Five Dollars. Save delivery guaranteed. With each Machine we will send, on reeeipt of $l extra, the new patent BUTTON HOLE WORKER, One of the most important and useful inventions - j ?.i.?. .. ?l;u ot file age. simple aim curiam, ui? .? ........ can work the iiucril button hole with regularity and ease. Strong*and beautiful. Special Tkrms, and Fttra Inducements to y.\Lii and Finalr A'jentt, Store Keeper?. Ac., who will establish agencies though the counter and and keep our Nkw Machines on* K-j/ubihon uud Sale, t'ni ntt Rtuttrs given to smarl agent? CUKK. Agent a rompite cut jit, furnished without uuy r.XTHA CHAKoe. Samples ofnewtvy. descriptive circular* containing Term*. Testimonials, Engravings, Ac., Ac., sknt fhkk. Wc also supply AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Latest Patents and Improvements for the Farm and Garden. Mowers, Reapers, Cultivators, Feed Cutters, Harrows, Farm Mills, Planters, Harvesters, Threshers and all articles needed for Farm work, llare Seeds in large variety. All money sent in Post Office Money Orders, Rank Drafts, or by express, will be at our ri?k. and arc perfectly secure.. Safe delivery of all our goods guaranteed. { 'An old and responsible firm that sell the best goods at the lowest price, and can be relied ' - ?...I?vh "?Fitrnur'n Jtiurinll. New j l||MI|| l?J VUI . Vi.'.v. I lurk ! H&Y* Xt>t Ittfor Regittt rrd I.>tUm. Aiidhms Obiikrh JKKOXJi: 1$. Hl'DSON & Co... Cor no; (Ircenwich & Cortlaudt Streets, N. Y. Sept. '! >, <*in. Application for Final Discharge. \ToTICK is hereby jjiven tlint one month nfi |\ tcrdite I will apply to the .fudge of I'rol.nlo of Kershaw County, H C., tor Letters of liisniission as Administrator of the Estate of Margaret E. Hughes, deceased. A. L. McMULLAN, AdmV November C>. n* nr Si! OATS. fiOO bushels OATS. Fnr sale by i BAUM 131? 0. itl?<*kml! Mnekml!! 1(K) kita KfACKERH; 10 barrels do 25 half barrili do. ForuUhy i BAL'M BRO, important and True. ZETIEW GOODS, i Cheap Goods. Such Goods as we Require* We would respectfully invte the attention of ur friends and customers to our stock of ustiew o-oods, hich we have just received, and are selling at s low prices as the same goods can be bought l any country towu in the southern country, ur stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 4c. Comprises in part: Calico- s, Alpaccaa, Worsteds, DeLniucs, Ucrnge, Ginghams, Plaids, Linevs, Kerseys, Cnssimcres, Sattinetts, Jeafts, "" * * nL !-1! ? J OUa/.t inrvQ KliQ* leuims, XICKlDg, SllUllUgc hod and unbleached; Drillings, plain and cheolcd Oznabnrgs; Blankets, 0< verlids, Comforts, Iver and Undershirts and Drawers; Ladies' laluioral Skirts, Corsets; ladies' and gent's, landkercluefs, ladies' gent's, and children's losiery, Cloves, &o., ladies' Belts, gent's. Bows, 'ollars, Shirt Fronts, Suspenders, &c., Laces, Edgings, Braids, Trimmings. &c., Towels, Knit* ing Cotton. Needles, Pins. Hair'Pintf,4 flai* sets. Thimbles and Thread. Pocket Knives, 'ooket Books, llound und Dressing Combs, Tooth Brushes, Pens and Pencils, Extracts aid ?omadefl, wit h various otherurtieles fo numerous o mention. Our stock of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES Consists of everything nsttally kept id a well regulated Family Grocery, viz? SCGAPS-AW grades , COFFER? Rio, Lnguyra and Java RAC'OdV?Whiteaudsraoked ." idesand Shoulders BREAK EST STRIl'S?The very best in Balti* more MORA USES?New Orleans and S. II. Svrop >/.lCKAREL?Nos. i, 2an.d 3 ; CHEESF.?New New York'Faetory GOSHEN BUTTE R?The best to he had. LARO?Superior Leaf j RfCE?Both prime and medium PEARL GRIST? From Baltimore TOBACCO?Finest chewing an Durham am#king^ PIPES?All sizes, kinds and qualities CIGARS?From finest to common grades CANNED UOOBS?Of every decription CONFECTIONS?06 all varieties and qualities SARDINES?Warranted gen line Yeast Powders, Salnd Oil, Candles, Matches, Family and Fancy Soap, Stat-;b, Soda, Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs, Ginger, Mmtnrd, Pickles, JoJli6w. Worcestershire Pepppr ? nd Onpers Sauce#, Powder, Shot and Cap*, and many other article^ which we have not room to mention. We i also keep during the season All kinds of Fruits,''Vegetables &c Such us Apples. Oranges, heinous, Bananas, Cranberries, Raisins, Figs. Prunes, Currants, Cabbages, Irish Potatoes, On.ens, &c. We have also always on lu ml an assortment of ' "J Crockery ware, #&c. Ac. All of the above good* we will sell at the very lowest figures lor Cash, aud purchaser* will find it to their interest to us u call before purchasing clsew'herc. KIKUMll OARIiAID. N< xt door south of the corn jr, in the Workman Building. Sept. L'5. if. AV. J. ARRA.NT8, ' ~at the- **? ' GRAND CENTRAL Dry Goods Establishment oi- . WAL D. LOVE & CO, Under W healer House. COLUMBIA. S. C. Samples seal, and Orders solicited'. October 15, 1S73. 3in. 11^ ftllMOV >-J V mm v ? v ?w. The incr^hip heretofore existing between the uudersigned under the mane and style of A. D, KKXNKf>Y i Co.. is this day dissolved hy,mutual consent. All debts due to, and all d< uunds ugn>i*?i said ;firis, will be paid to. and settled by A. D. Kennedy* who alone Is authomed to u?o thefirni-ni.rne in liquidation. A. D. KENNEDY. A. M. KENNEDY. I '.nil let), Octohff 10*J^7d. a ?i i >9; lease to ftuiviour thinks to all otir customers who have patronized us in wie past, and to ask oftheniin tho future, a continuance of their favors in belia f of the new firm of KENNEDY A: BOYKIN., A. D. KENNEDY. A. M KENNEDY. J. 1. ttlDDLETO N& CO.r FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HALTl'MORK, MD., Having purchased*tlicei jirtLSTOCK OF COOIXS of Messrs. ]). L. PiWXtffisuRK & Co., we will sell the same ft +^ r. n A. ?TT. and for that jmrpt . ?<} hci? jy constitute t members of (bat firm our a-.ntsto effeot such ale. *' J. I. MI DDI RTON * CO. JuncR tf MERONEY Si WITTER, AUfpTION ANH COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Broad-St. Camd an, S. C. Will attend ti> tlic soliiim a ' Koftl Estate, Mer cli ndijte, l'mditce, \e. ,Nc. Undue** i-nlriiMcd to iluir care will inect with pri)tn|it litteution. Return* mule up poou ?* sh ee arc effected. September Oni Kershaw?In the Probate Court. ESTATE OF JOHN O McLEOD. WIIKIlKABj Kiana A. M Lend has applied to mo for Letters of Ail uinietration ou all ami singular the goods nnd e attels, rights and credits which wove ef the stilu lidmO. McLtud, dee'd: ' Now, these are to rei|itiro n'l nnd singular the kindred nnd creditors of the : aid deceased to he nnd appear before me at a t'ourt to he holden on l'Jth day of December next to shew cause, if any they have, why the en;d administration should not he granteu. Given under my hand an J leal, this 27 th day of November, 1873. J. r. SUTHERLAND, J. ?. Kor. 27. IK i>KW IPIBM. . / i|i>: : TTTlt , F[E undersigned, successors to A. D. KENNEDY & CO., here just opened tkeit >M ,, v dl' Fall and Winter fttoe^ CONSISTING Of ' : 1 , . i I * Staple Dry Goods; .Ik dU."t 'i ^ CXiOTHIJST G> i BOOTS MB SHOES, a'i <1 1 H ki?o:>s l?u? Hats and Cans, , it#i'7' " / A it im 'i.i u l-?*a o Crocker^andOtoM^ SADDIiSRT. cftJo. >??' ... ? M vb&A . iUMtwrotA fancy andya<|py GROCERiST^ Bagging anid'^es. J^rthe above Goods Ag^fofeeen purchased with great e?re in f|r S|rthern markets, sine# the decline mjjfritee, Jiwoali* 'aiilljfri miwinn tww <? suit purcKaaers. Give us a.uatl, , KENNEDY. A BOYKIN. i . Octe^er 30. . . . . . . ^l/ni Insurance, (fampafliy .a q 4 U >r*t) - Pledmontmrt Arlfngton. / trfi xuru*? j'd ?0 X ? _ ? ?? ' ?! 'JO '. I *j / ? -O . J <,>' ?4i '' ?> H J J t> 0P 1 <>.*?4. ' ? Richmond, Vii^inio^ J ; '. . ..*.: ' ?' f- !!? f .t.. il i.. |d *0 uj Mmd > i Li. vv ASSETS .. ?n #3,000,000,, Oil! <? i>? i ??}' -Jim , ?. . rillfclt/ id ?|K? J I j ?..*?? ? 1 l?9tisllC J T 'tU- .1 *<ulV !# ^ I ' b. * I 4f?t vJ>i- ^ r 7 fl "H . I*'i * : W. C. CAiEDiOTON, - *>H*v? -*i u PBiSIBm \, *r.;i T'litti * x* '? . . M ' '.<it w?U i- .? ? uj *C- > u-'il J . .# a?Jal i t,ux * -J ? li fHu MOM V . <>L > . n *j ?/ *bs*! ii ? ,L'O0SOS ?!ii? t <i ti-' * >1 ac * . .. 0 ,t*i >? . liw Actually paid in KerghawCounty within * ' ?' Jt? ? i 1J .: ,* Three Years, ,, . > . . i $20,000,00. jtiJi r' >' .j I take pleasure in saying I hare returned to the agency of this popular Company. No difficulties will exist in ftiture, is to Renew* als of PoMdTes, as I shall pay especial atten* tlonjto that branch of the business. + *Arin ^ 1*5*1 will always be found at my Office on Broad Street, Camden, S. C. W. CLYMURN, Agent. January 1G. 1873. * v * tfl < ?' ' .<? V * i ..< . n i RICHMOND | BANKING AND INSURANCE it vrf) ft >6* . ?ii< \ttm tCw ? COMPANY - ? i . t u r .* ?-i Capital, - - .$506,000 :l * . ) *1, t Ik ?? M PERSONS vrikhing to inaure ia a First Clap Company at Low ratea, will please apply to ,J 1 tV/CLYBuRN, Agent. " HO i ?. i. i ' CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF Memphis, Tenn. BRANCH OFFICE AT BALTIMORE, MD. , Assets, $1,075,000, liou JEFF. DAVIS, President. clou. WaDE HAMPtON, Vic* Pwauknt.' JOHN D: KENNEDY, Stat* Agent, Mat 22. v litn. .. .. . NOTICE. ? ? j . nnTINO purchased the entire atock of mar* ch&ndisn of Meeara. J. I. Middletoft * C*.? in Camden, we have thi? day formed a co-part* nership under the ftrm naweof Phelpe A BHli*ga, for the purpose of conducting a general Mer? chandiae aad Commission husineee. vasut^Si