University of South Carolina Libraries
? > mm WBM! BOCA L MATTER* CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Oburoh, Broad street?Rev. Robt. Thornton, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 71 p. in. Prayer Meeting Itaniday at 8 p m. Methodist Church, DeKalb street?Rev R. L:Harper,Pastor?Services at 11 A.M. and 7 P. M on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wslsulaj at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? Rev. 3 fl. Hav, Pastor?Servioes at 11 M. and 34 P. M. on 8unday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 4 P. M. . f U10BCH. UOTMr ?r lijrwieton ad Laurens streets, Riv. B. F. D. Pxrry, Sunday service* at 11 o'olook A. M. and 4 P. M. Ob Wednesday * evening at 4 o'olook and Friday morning at 9} A M. ' BEETim Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. ? W--A ^ ' - Attend the Regular Mooting. A ofyoor Division at Temprranct rjtift. SiiU OB MONDAY atoning naxt, ft 7| o'clock. ?BSB& By ordar et tba W. P. V R. McGREIGHT, R. 8. leriluw Lodge, No- 29, A. F X > B| The Regular Communication of this Lodge will be bald on Tnea1 ^ dar even ins naxt, at 7i o'clock. - jEsSif By ordar of tba W>. M.\ / VA A R. GOODALE, 8ac'y. Poot Omci?Until farther notice the -Fart Oftoa will be opaa from 9 a. m. to 1 p. j a., and from 5 p. m. to 8 J p. m. On Sun,kdv?Doa9a. *. tolO a. na^ Tbanuulaopen j X#t 6 p.m. and q]om Ob 9undiji at 6 p. in. AfoloBT.?Our patrons most arouse the kin? of our appearance this week. An uncommonly burdensome pressure of work) mad sickness aaeeog oar printers compel tu to beg this indulgence. We hope not to be behind time again for many days to come. We regret to announce the death of Mary C.f the little dat^hter of Mrs. F. B. Paris, ham diphtheria, on Tuesday, the ?ad ?nst. The following extract from an Atlanta paper, handed to us by a friend, will be ? -? -i i? ?l r_: i? TOM WllO pleasure UJ lug urnuy iricuui VI the accomplished young lsdy, who is the snbjeot of the notice : " In the trial for the premium of $100 in gold, for the heat performer on tho Piano, at the State Fair yesterday, the premium was awarded to one of Atlanta's fairest daugh. tere. Miss Eleanor R. MeCandleas, a talented and accomplished young lady, who ia a member of the Beethoven Society of Atlanta, was adjudge^, by a ogmmittee of acoomphihei ficline, onrfitlsri to tie premi am, and it was so awarded." A National Bank?The difficulties, Into whieh the Citiiena' Seringa Bank has inllea, will prerent it from doing business moet probably for many days to oome. In the meantime, what are we to do f We need only banking fkeHitics to aleke the trade of onr town large and remunerative. Our mershawls are aa liberal, intelligent, and publicspirited as any of their elaes in the State, and ofbr the best advantages to the trading pnbfie; onr arrangements for transportation, both by .rail and the titer are ample; we hare built a free bridge over Wateree River, this placing Camden in convenient connection with the country west of as. We want monq/ only now to enable our good old town .1? resume tbe position which it once held, and now deeerves. We most have a National Bank. S 4 Several gentlemen of the town, with spirit and liberality, made arrangement# to procure snob an mi ration soma time ago, but were thwarted bj tb? fact that the whole ourren?ey appropriation for the Sooth had been ex. haojted, be tore their application wu mode. The Comptroller of tte Currency now recommends that $25,000,000 additional currency be authorised for distribution to f**1'" ia the West and South. Ne doubt Congress will carry into effect this recommendathp; in which frent we any be able to get the neceeeary currency. Will not the Board of Directors of our National Bank taka the matter in band and act at once ? t? H*t*Taiw?int ?The ladies of the Sewing Society of Orace Church gire notice of an Entertainment and Basaar for the benefit of their Church, to be held at the reaideuoe of Mr. George Aldeo, on Tburaday, the 18th iuatant, commencing at 71 p'clock, P. M. We beapeak for them ! the frberal patronage of our people. Mrs. George Alden, the hoeteaa of the occaaion, poeacaaea, in a large degree, the happy faculty of making all ontertainmente at her kooee both pleaeaot and aocceaaful, and we can aafely promiae all who may attend an agreeable craning. AH of our Churchee are obliged to look to the ladiee, not only to keep up their mo- j tkn* !?? in itaaiu anil marrw nnt mIidiai for raiaiag money to support the charitable wtwpriiwof the Church. This the lediee are willing ud able to do; they only ask for patronage and encouragement, and failure is impossible. I ? tht Raom .?The'Camden Jockey Club propoee ha?lag a same of nets, beginning on W i da Winy, tfceiOtk instant, as appears fgm MfftbPW* another eoluan. The new race-track is situated on the western outskirts of the Town, at the end of Boundary Street. Maj. Jno. Cautey has been working hard on this track for several weeks, and it ia now in complete order, making a level, firm stretch of a mile. Several fine horses have arrived, and others arc expected. Col. Thos. Q. Bacon, of Edgefield, enters "Granger" and "Lady Washington."? "Granger," under the name of " Frank Hampton," bus made a great reputation for himself upon the turf in this State. He ui a large, powerful horse, 161 hands high, 6' years old, and of a dark-brown color. "Lady Washington" is a neat looking bay filly, ? -?J <lT? : tt Ufi.'rl d ywri (HQ. "XTU9H1HU, " HUUBUgo of my Heart," and one or two other horsey from the stables of Messrs. Fludd and Cash, will be present, and take part in the races. Gen. M. C. Butler will attend with two horses, the names of which we are unable to give. The Club expect to make this, their first attempt since the war, a grand and successful affair. We invite t-ttention to the advertisement of Mr. H. K. DuBose, in another column. With great e mrgy and enterprise, he has pot his Milk in complete order, and now offers to the public Lumber of all kinds, and of the best quality. He is too well known to need any commendation from us as a guaranty that what be promises will be strictly fulfilled. The Mills are nine miles from Camden, on Big Pinetree Creek, a most superior water-p >wer, and surrounded by inexhaustible fo /ests of the finest pines. This enables him t> select and saw nothing but prime trees, r ad to furnish superior Lumber. Hir are the lowut possible cash pnoes. An Eagle Killed.?A friend informs ua that, one day last "week, a bald eaglo, which measure 1 over seven feet from tip to tip, waa captured near Jefferson, Chesterfield county. The monster had been preying upon bis oaptcr's geese, and thus paved the i way to his own destruction. % . Unmailabj e Letters remaining in the Camden Post < )ffice : , J. A. Matl er, Broad Creek, N. C.;W J. Arrant#, Columbia, S. C.; Stephen Smith, Union. Miss.; Thompson Jones,Sharpsburg, Ky.; S. B. Hatfield, Camden, S. C. "Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious, by our houses being mado warm and comfortable, laving secured good Boors, Sashes and Bl;nds, Marble and Marbleited Slate Mantel ] ieces from the Great Southern Builders' Emporium. To those now suffer- . ing cold from faulty doors and broken sashes, it*., * aay onlov at ok? fivtu Maaom. I. II him * ha curlpst/in s. C. Thev are also Agent* for Asbestos' Roofing Felt and Lath which ifsuperior to tin, and particular ly desirable foi roofs of all kind, for sale aft j manufacturers prices. Taa PunnsT axd Swbetbbt Cqd-Livir Oil is j Hazard It Caswi U's, made on the sea shore, from fresh selected liters, by Caswill, Habaro & Co., j New York. It is absolutely purt and iwrtt. Patients who ketone* taken it prefer it to alh .others. Physic ans have decided it superior to any of the othei oils in market. 4w t Makb Mobbt fast and honorably, $12.60 per . day, or $76 per week, by at once applying for a . territorial right (which are given free to agents,) { to sell the best, strongest, most useful, and rap- ( id selling Sewin j Machine, and Patent Button Wn?t?? .wi?p uked or recommended be . Cub til m, or buy one for' your own tin; it is only $6. Seat frees ery where by express. Address for particulars. Jerome B. Hi dsoa & Co., Cor Greenwich k Cortlaadt 8ts, J . Y. Oot. SO, 4t. WAIT UNTIL I COME. THE undsrsif nsd begs leave to announce that, owing to the great scarcity of money, and the conseqi ent !o"v price of cotton, he will j not arrive in C mden with his drove of FINE j HORSES aad \ ULES until the last of Novem- t ber. He hope* then to be able to invite his ] friends and cus >mersof Korahaw and the sur- t rounding Count ?s to examine as fine stock as were ever drive i from Kentucky. ; Having made lis purchase! carefully, and by t wholesale, he is confident of his ability to offer ^ better bargains tor cash, than any other seller. . J. A. ARMSTRONG- , November 0. tf ( SHERIFFS SALE. ] ? i By virtue of tundry Executions upon Liens i from R. K. Wall Clerk of the Court of Common i Pleas for Kersh ?w County, I will sell at T. H. Clarke's Red H 11 Pantation, on Saturduy, the ixth day of D< cember, next, About one hundred and fifty bushels Cotton Seed, one bund ?d and fifty pounds Fodder, one hundred and f>rty*pounds Seed Cotton, and about fifteen bu-bcls Corn. Terms, cash. SAM'L. PLACE, 8. K. 0. Nov. 27. 21. Kershaw?In the Probate Court ESTATE OF JOHN C. McLEOD. ITTtfER F. AM Rmiiii A Met.pod has antdicd to me for Letters of Administration on nil I and singular th goods and chattels, rights and credits which v ere of the said JohnO. McLeod, I dee'd. i Now, these a< e to require all and singular the i kindred and cr> ditort of the said deceased to be i and appear bet >re tne at a Court to be holden < on 12th day of I 'ecember next, to shew cause, if I anj they hare, why the laid administration 1 ahould not be granted. I Oitren under my hand and seal, this 27th day of Not ember, 1878. J F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. Not. 27 _2t_ Mackerel! 'Mackerel!! 100 kits MACKEREL, i 10 barrel< do i 26|half b? rrels do. For sale by BAUM BRO. . OATS. 600 bushel* OATS. For sal# by > BAUM BRO. Great Reduction ITV PRICES. 7-8 Brown Homespuns at 10 Cents. 4-4 Bleached do at 12$ " AND All Other Goods in Proportion, AT Me URR?U PANIC! PANIC!! _ PANIC! DOWN TO Panic Price?!! A E/EIDTJOTION" OF 25 PER CENT. ox ALL GOODS. Now is your Time to Buy your Winter Supplies. CALL SOON TO BUY AT PA> IC PRICES, AT H. BA KOCH'S. Bohool BooIls, tbo. full stock of all the popular School Booka a nse. Blank and Aocount Books, Paper, Envelopes, 'ens and Ink. Bible*, Hymns, Prayers nnd Oatechioms. Miscellaneous and Popular Works. Any new Booka not on band, aupplied in a ibort time, at publisher's prices. No?. 6.-if. J. A. YOUNG. UN8, Pistols, Cartridges, Caps, Pocket ij Knives, Scissors, Raiors, Table Knives, 'errors, Silver-plated Knives, Forks and 8pooas Plain Steel and Diamond Spectacles, China iud Olass Ware. . J. A. YOUNG. Novembers. if MORTGAGE SALE. W. R. CUNNINGHAM, rs. ANNA M. CONAWAY. Sale under Mortgage of Heal fettle. BY virtue of authority reeled in me. by Mr*. Anua M. Conaway, in her Deed of Mortgage ome, bearing date the 7th day of October,1872, [ will offer for eale at Public Outcry, before he Court Houee door in Camden, 8. C., on the ?IRST MONDAY IN JANUXRY next, within he legal houre of eale, All that certain LOT in the town of CarmbR, J. C., known and distinguished in the plan of he eaid town as Lot number one thousand and 'orty-seven, (1,047,) bounded north by lot one housand and forty-eight, west by Broad Street, if said town, south by lot one thousand and forty tlx, and east by lot one thousand and fifty, rhereon the Store now occupied by E. J. Consray, and small Office, now occupied by him as i dwelling, are situated, together with all and lingular the rights, members, hereditaments, ind appurtenances, unto said premises belongng or in anywise incident or appertaining. Terms, Cash. Purchasers to pay for papers. W. K. CUNNINGHAM. Oetober 80. id Stateof South-Carolina. i/wnati a ir nmrvTV iMiivon.m .<i i . IN THE COMMON PLEAST.' J. AND C. II. MOISE & CO. VS. J. D. DUNLAP, Adm'r. de Bonis Non. Crtditort Bill By virtue of an order of the Court of Common Plene for the County aforesaid, made in the ibove stated cause, at September Term, lh7il, ill the creditors of the estate of William F. Perry, deoeased, arc required to establish their ;lnitns agaiust the said estate before uie, on or before the first day of January next, or be debarred from the benefit of any decree that may tie made therein. J. M. DAVIS, Special Referee. Not. 'JO. 187S* tf NOTICE. ALL persons holding claims against the Hastate of Daniel P. Bush, deceased, are rejucsted to present them duly attested, and those ndebted to the same, to make immediate pay ueiit to L. J. PATTKRHON, W. ?. JOHNSON, Nor. 6.?if- Eiocutort. Vermifuge*), Worxu Caudv, and I'attnt Madlelnaa of all tinda. For iala by HOPWOK 4DUJUAP 'THE PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE. PLANTERS, and others, wishing to obtain their supplies at prices that defy competition, will consult their interest by examining my stock before purchasing elsewhere, My stock for the Fall and Winter Trade has never been more complete. It consists impart of Groceries. SUGARS?Of nil grades. ^COFFEE?Rio, L&guira and Java, FAMILY FLOUR?Of the finest quality, CANNED GOODS?Of all descriptions, BACON and LARD, GOSHEN BUTTER and CHEESE, FRESH CRACKERS?A complete assortment. Staple Dry Goods, Ready Made Calling, , BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, OAFS, LEATHER, Hardware, Crockeryware, Bagging- and Ties, And, indeed, every thing usually found in a First Class Grocery. My stock is replenished weekly?floods always fresh. The highest market price paid for Cotton. A call is respectfully solicited. D. W. JORDAN, Agent. October 30. tf -A. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO CONSUMERS! i MY ENTIRE STOCK OF Dry Goods, NOTIONS. Hen's Furnishing Goods, CLOTHING, II ATS All) CAPS, Ba ots and Shoes, TNToAv Complete, Will be offered foi eale, on And after this date, at Prices to suit Purchasers. All who wish Olioap GoodS, Call and examine mv stock: W.. WALLACE' Bagging, Ties, &c, \\r " 40 bales BAGGING, various brands, "2 tons ARROW TIES, MAOKAREL. in barrels, half-barrels, quarrels, kits and at retail. CROCKERY, Ac. Ac. Just received by J. A T. I. JONES. August 28. tf 1 jj Is _ / V; * i.V.c. 'j;<" W |m? ''45-2!-r\ L'^C/. /! I &\,:?n i; \'M!oJWt;:..v.., >,f\ > fe yP''^hft!jtew*!.t H .'. ''rr'rr.-M\irl^nli\ VSb.trmiSkrV.'V 's:/-7*r.m:Onin* L) Tiiirtt Wkiit t tt.?. Wi-liuUlitA^.'lM-.bfy y} H CibuictHdl w far H oodf, d c. A p AH Wi'rh Hen Anted, x, lv LOWES i' PRICES.3 rT L l U ?S>/< fbrl'rii r List. * L H. H ALL ?, CO. 8 fj ifiKttfir/u'Ci* X Vrtlivs. b r> 9,4.(1,8,//a v.'rfitt .stmt. ? 22Z, 9"5, j:. (/Uy, fil I'/(, S, C. |j This Tut entered according to Act of Congress in the yearjlH7H. by I II Ham. & Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. May I'J. l'Jiu. LONT, STll \YKU or Stolen n hrindle spotted cur I>og about one year old, named "Tip. He ha* been milling about one week- Any information that will lead to the recovery of the laid l>og will he thaukfully received by I>. At the Journal office. November 6th, ?# REDUCTION IN OONSEC THE P LOWPRICE AN SCARCITY I have Redueei | LOWEST HEW YO ; I3ST JLZJL, KI1TI ! BST Call and examit ROBER] CAMDEN, NOVEMBER 13, 1873. MM - ^ HAVE JUST RECEIVED, (from the ing their LARGE 8T(*FCK of I'ure : Drugs, Medicinei PAINTS, OILS Al WL\DO^ Of all Sizes BRU? "White-Wash, Varnish, Sash Tool: and qualities. LAMPS, BURNERS Is very complete. We would par PATENT SA1 Which has been tested with boilin Gentlemen, who state, over thei CAraOT BE And is, by far, the safest Lamp ir FANCY AND TOILET AR: ALSO?TIIE BEf ENGLISH AND FRENCH TOO I COLOGNES, EXTRACTS, |l all qualities,) TOILET SETS, || a beautiful'assortment of CUPS A (articles usually kept in our establi fj^Please call and examine. II October 2<L . Hampden Sidney College.; THE next session of this Seminary of loarn ti;r J will commence on Thursday, September-1th. t 187:1. Hiunpdcn Sidney is Situated in Trince Kdwaru j County, Vu., within u few hundred yards of I Union Theological Seminary, and seven miles f from Famiville the nearest depot of the Atlantic, | Mississippi and Ohio Railroad. The locality of! the I'allege is most healthy, ami the community ! around distinguished for intelligence and |?i?ty. J There is no (Smmmer or Preparatory School connected with the College., It retains the | curriculum and the great aim of its teachers is ( t<> secure thoroughness in the training and in- | xtrui'iion of their pupils ami thus to pepare I them for professional ?-t<i?lor theaetiveduties ' of life. The ordinary expenses ?>f a student exclusive ! of tin- cost of clothing, travelling and books, are ! from S'J'Jo to a year. For Catalogue and further information upplv I to UKV. d. M. I'. ATKINSON. President Hampden Sidney College, Prince Edward County. Va. August -1. 1-tn Kuttor and CIicpmp. 10 boxet CHEKSE, '25 firkins GOSHEN HCTTER. For sale l>y BAUM BRO. LAW CARD. WM. D. TRANTHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OAMDBN, a O. IN PRICES. ?UBNOE OF 'ANIC, OF COTTON, D OF MONEY, i Prices to tlie UK QUOTATIONS, DS OF GOODS. ie for yourselves. P M. KENNEDY. .. - ? . ?- ?? J aw, . Northern Markets,) and are now open- 8 s and Chemicals, | ND VARNISHES, I 7 GLASS, r and Colors. , i 3HES. s and Paint Brushes, of all 8izefl Our stock of ?, AND CHIMNEYS, ticularly recommend the FETY LAMP, , g Kerosene Oil, by Scientific r own signatures, that it EXPLODED, i use. HOLES, in large variety. IT QUALITY OF TH AND HAIR BRUSHES, HAIR GREASE, SOAPS, (of VASES, DRESSING CASES, lND SAUCERS, and many other shment. ODGSON & DUNLAP. NEW F|BM. The undersigned, A. l>. Kennedy and Ilunter K. Hoy kin, have this day formed a Co-partnership for the transaction of business as Merchants, in the town of Camden, S. C., under the name and style of KENNEDY & BOYKIN, at the old stain! of A. D. Kennedy & Co.? who they will he pleasedlo nee their friends at a - - la ri'vrvrnv limes. A. J?. l\ r. .1 ;> r* I' I . * II. 11. BOY KIN. Camden, October IK, 1K78. |>tiY I would give notice to all ray friends and termor patrons, that 1 will still he found at the old stand, with Messrs. Kennedy & Boykin, where I will he gl?id to see tlieni. A. M. KENNEDY. October 15. tf. Buy the Best Stock. T WOUl.D respectfully inform the people of ( Kershaw ?nd the surrounding Counties that 1 hare nvrlred in Camden with a large and well ^elected drove of HORSES anil MULES, which propose to sell for cash or cotton. Among my stock arc some half dozen very superior Saddle Horses, which cau he purchased on terms casjr enough for all. All persons, and especially those with whom 1 dealt last season, are cordially invited to call and examine fer themselves, and those still iudebted to me will find me willing to receive payment in cotton at the highest mtfkot price. W. H. HUDSON. October 80 M<