University of South Carolina Libraries
/ LINES TO A SKELETON. Fifty years ago the Loudon Morning Chronicle published u poem entitled as above, which excited much attention. Every effort, even to thcoffering of a reward of fifty guineas, was vainly made to discover the author. All that ever transpired was that the poeiu, ip a fair, clerkly hand, was found near a skeleton of remarkable beauty of form and color,.in the museum of the ltoyal College of Snrgebus, Lincoln's lnu, London, and that the curator' of the museum had 4fceru sent to Mr. Perry, of the Morning Chronicle. Is the'nuthor yet knewn? Behold this ruin "Twna n skull, Ouce ol ethereal spinuun; Tkis narrow ceH was life's retreat. This space was thought's mysterious seat; What beauteous visions filled this spot! What dreams of pleasure long forgot! Nor hope, nor joy n^r love, uor fear. Have left one trace or record here. Beneath this mouldering cnnopj? Once'shone the bright and busy eye; But start not at the dismal void, If social love that eye employed,? If with no lawless fire it gleamed. But through the dew of kindness beamed,? That eye shall be forever bright, When sun and stars arc sunk in night. Within this hollow cavern hung The ready, swift and tuneful tongue. If falsehood's honey it disdained. And when it could not praise, was chained: If bold in virtue's cause it spoke, Yet gentle conoord never broke,? This silent tongue shall plead for thee. When lime unvails eternity. * Sav, did those fingors delve the mine? Or with its envied rubies shine? To hew the rock or wear the gem Can little now avail to them. But if the page of truth they sought, Or comfort to the mourner brought, ^ These hands a riehcr'mecd shall claim v Than all that wait on wealth or fame, Avails its whether, bare or shod, These feet the path of duty trod ? If from th'e halls of ease they fled k To seek affliction's humble shed: If grandeur's guilty bribe they spurned, And home to virtue's cot returned, These feet with angel's wings shall vie, And tread the palace of the sky. "You don't do that again," said the pig to the boy who cut his tail off. When are skipping lambs like literary volumes ? When they are boundin-Pheep. To keep warm on a cold day the women double the Cape, aud the men double the Horn. Many a man, who thought he had made a bargain buyiug silks, found that he had got worsted. A Fort Plain merchant advertises his goods at oxyun. That mau has always steered clear of newspapers. Basilieenthaumnturgist is the title by which a conjurer of H.lrrisburg, Penn., chooses to advertise himself. The editor of a Nevada newspaper gives notice that he cannot be bribed with a fivedollar puff. 'Twos night. A warm couple stood in the pale, cold moonbeams. Tbeir lips touched, and there was a sound like a cow hauling her hoof out of the mud. A Scranton papier, in giving an account ahnrrf.inr> nffrav. sflvs the wounded man is V. ? n V j - v e*p?ctad to ro?ov?r, *. tKo pistol ba)l Judged in bis dinner-pail. In passing through a dark tunnel on ? Pennsylvania railroad." a woman's voice was heard exclaiming: "Don't you fool around ! I carry a pistol in my panicr!" A Lousiana man puts a two-ounce can of nitroglycerine in side of a chicken, tosses the chicken to an alligator, and the bayou which Once knew that alligator knows him no more. "llow does that look, eh ?" said a bijffisted Wall street man to a friend, holding up ouo of his brawny bands. "That," said the friend, "looks as though you'd gone short on soap." The city carrier of a Missouri paper, on publication day. seats himself in the nearest aloou. and in the course <>f a few minute delivers each subscriber his paper in person, thus saving time and shoe leather. Moving fur u new trial?Courting a second wife. Some people say that dark-haired women marry first. We differ; its thu lightheaded ones. What is the difference between a cloud and a whipped child '! One pours with rain, and the other roars with pain. The Norfolk papers describe a ghost which frequents a hotel in Suffolk. It is probably only the liquor inn-spectre. A publisher once advertised under the head of "New Hooks"?-'Mill on Political Economy." "Ditto on the Floss. An obituary notice in a Connecticut paper concludes with the announcement that "the deceased leaves two infant daughters, both girls." -What's the date of your bustle?" was what an axiou* papa of Cobleskill asked his well-dressed daughter, a fair searching for the latest copyof'his paper." i "Cousin Rcl'e, can't wo hit upon some plan for making that oold-hcarted lover of yours jealous ?" "Oh. yes. Cousin Ralph, I think wo can, if we put our heads together." A stranger went iutou New Loudon store. nnTnnailuv and hoUL'ht a nail, striiliii" an axe at the same time. Twice he came back and chanced the pail, taking another axe each time. Such ax bciug illegal the operator was jailed. A footman from Connomara got a situation ' in Dublin. Ol! entering a room where there was a vase with golden fish, ha exclaimed. "Well, this is the first time I ever Baw red hearing alive." A Pennsylvania clergyman of the old sehoo^ who believes in plain preaching, lately paid in a sermon to the younger members of his flock, "'Don't idle about and depend J on the Lord for your daily bread, young man ; he isn't running a bakery." An old lady in Tennessee, living iu a sickly district, being asked how she accounted f>r tlio unusual mortality in her neighborhood during the present soaron, said, "Dear mo! X ean't tell; so many people are dying this fM* thai aim died before I" New Advertisements. SAMPLES scut by mn iI for 60c. that retail quick for 110 K. L. WOLCOTT, 1s1 Chatham Square, N. y. *f*0 Brings you free bv mail the very best ^P*5 " ELASTIC TRUSS." Write at once to Pomeuoy ?V Co. 41 i!r. street N. Y ThVMagic CombK' ?2% 2? colored hair to a permanent black or brown and con tains no poison. Trade supplied at lowest rates. Ad dress, ALAUIC COMB CO.. SpringliCld, Aiass. Kuoint, Kueer and Kurious. Is a valuable book we givt to nil. Full of facts, tlgure and fun, in pages, 60 pictures. Mai led. for two ntanips Address O. Black ie ,'v Co., Tie. Broadway, N. Y. 1 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Centennial Gazetteer OF THE UNITED STATES, Showing the gigantic results of the FIRST ONE ill'N I n in. n year*, of the Republic. A book every bod, wants. Si-inl for circular. Address Zngier ? .nee ui <ly, 518 Arcltrst., Philadelphia, l'a. COUGHS, COLDS. HOAI&ENKSS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, (JSK Wells' Carbolic Tablets PI T UP ON'LT IN BUIE BOXES. A Tried and Sure Remedy. Sold by Druggists. |t\OM EST/r^ i ^sil Agents Wanted.. SF.NI) run CATAI.001E. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., N. V The Highest Medical Authorities o Europe say the strongest Tonic, Purifier am Deobstruent known to Hie medical world is ? ?? -*-i?r?i . n?4 A J - U'-tO U -?3_CLLn3_?2L., It arrests decay .of vital forces, exhaustion of the ne: vous svstem, restores vigor u> the debilitated, cleanse vitiated'blood, removes vesile obstructions and ac: dircctlv ou trie Liver and Spleen. I'i . e 11 a bottit J011N Q. KELLOGG, IS Plaft St., N. V. Write for Lory Prk'f Jjint.' Aihlrcts, ySTCTj^GjjHWn^ htbbuSHH!^^^ Breech-loading snot Guns $10 to $300. Don ble Bitot Guns $8 to $160. Single Guns, $3 t $20. Ritles, $8 to $75, Revolvers. $0 to $2? l'istols, $1 to $8. Gun Materials, Fishing TackH Large discount to Dealers or Clubs. Amy Guns Revolvers, &c., bought or traded for. Good sent by express C. 0. D. to be examined befor paid for. ? $ao saved! To meet the urgeut demands ofjhe times, the FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY have determined to REDUCE PRICE3, and will hereafter sell their $7" .Machine for ISO. an other sty lea in proportion. TEE FLORENCE is the ONLY Scwi.ig Machine that feeds the wor backwards and forwards, or to right and h it, as th purchaser may prefer, it has been greatly IMPROVE; and SIMPLIFIED, and is lar better than auy Machlri iu the market. IT IS NOW THE CHEAPEST. Florence, Mass.. Nov. 1, '73. Agents Wanted. 72* - wwrr?*tir* ' " -'-"-J * '? ' ; -' ioi-;rrn*& J-.- i / ' '*' - ^ wii;,.i?|K| < I ) ? -- . ? .1 ' !\ iu-n fciJJ )t r i * u-jrm Hi k v i Hi*, t-i . . < r' ^nwl L'ogflm.Ba i JgiUOC . vin.!i\:?if t.w (It wUfli ilui I n.eii-EB iw r:.n bo ;? r/ ett.'/ ;ipp'.. d |? all parts k -."it: -yc ??nlc:. : 1' r-? i:i whivli ulccry^H C\ V. t r. I fr i v/Urln":-r!:.T :.'0 proCOCda. 650 p s ?u .; :1 liu i llii-i trc.ttni.-i.rpioveu, IM t . Iho ,r ] ?.|r,>rt $.*?00 Re?K| "ObM (n ad 1 ?r MB . -rrh i . .i >; i ore. The two incili- jraj S i ,l>y all Uridyl tajfcfl - M THE ONLY KNOWN MEDICINI Tit \T AT TI.K s \ Mt TIME Purges, Purifies, and Strengthens th System. Dr.. Ten"* Pills are composed of ninny ingredient Proiuiiteiit among yicni are f^ars purlila und Wll Cherry, so on I led as to act together : the nun, throng Ha yjm|rtaw with other suustanoes, porifyinf an purging; while the other is strengthening the systt ti 'Itins Un s-r pi!u are at the same time a t?mlc and a ei thartlc, u desplcr.'.tmm longsirtight for i.\ in 11 bnt never before discovered. In other wonls. they tl tlie work of two medicines at.d do it much better ilia any two we Know of, for they remove nothing froi the system but Impurities, that tvlii.'e they pins they ills i St. I'ligthen and In they < tuse no debilil and are followed by no reaction. Dk. Terr's I*ii.i.s have a wonderful influence on til blood. They not only purify without wakening i t?ct their reinove all noxious lutni des troni the ehy before it i* converted Into Hunl. and thus makes in pure blood an utter Impossibility. As there is nodi liiiit.i'i si, so tin re is 110 ii.tii.M rt or t iraness atteudln the (.." ration of thmost rxe lleut medicine wlilc never strains or tortures the digestive organs, hi I ...,.,a,.u thton t,, u-orl; lii :i ne; fee' natural >11 an Iter hence persons taking tlieni ilo pot n onie pale au eion'?i<tte<|, lint on Hit i 'i.i : v, while all impurities hi beingienioved,thcconWn iactlo i if thesu inarm ami wild Chei r. parities ami ini i| orate* the boar, an a robust state of health i* the reanlt o( their umte.i hi tinn. Price ss eenta ? box. 8ol?l by ail druggist*, in pot 4* l ortlainlt M., New Vork. 4' ! Kershaw?In the Probate Court ESTATE OP MARTHA III TTON. | "llTHEKIvAS, Hi i j. Z. J'ultiiu, lius applie |V to me for Letters of Administration on el od singular the goods ami chattels, rigLta a in I credits which trere oftheseid Mart he Dutton dee'd. Now, t h ?40 are lo require all ami singular tli ki nil led and creditors of the 'a 1 deceased lo l? and Appear before me ai i Court to In laddei on -ItIt dav of December next, t" shew cense, i ntiy iliev have, why the said i liaiiiisirntioi should not he granted. liivn undei tny hand and si il, this JOlli tlaj r.r Vonniwe is;:';. J. F. srniKRI.AND. J. 1*. Nov. >?). 'J. IIACOX! !t UO.\!! 20,000 pounds BACON 5 barrels JI A.MS. Tor sale by Ril M i;i;o. * Septeuilmr 4. tf 38*h! TU s. 10.000 yurd> IUOGINO 25,000 pounds Tl?3. For ?nio by BAUM BB0. s 11 fihlnaHfifrfr Grateful Thousands proclaim Vxneoar Bitters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained > tlMsiDking system. rso Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and romain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, amLfcital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, which are jo j ?~f),n vollov-a nf nnr irro i,t. UlUYtWUU., .u mv . ? 1 rivers throughout the United Stat* s, especially tiioso of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Kio Grande, Pearl, u Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro-. auoke. James, and many others, .with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so duyng seasons of unusual heat and dryness, arc invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their f treatment, a purgative, exerting a 1 powerful iufluonce upon theso various organs, is essentially necessary. Therels no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as thuy will speedily remove ^ the dark-colored viscid matter with which * the bowels arc loaded, at the sntno time stimulating the secretions of tbo liver, and generally restorirg the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system that lore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Jfeia in tho Sho'itdor*,'Conghs, ? ~ " ' ' ? - - rv:? ' TlgbtnqB 01 lUC unesr, uiz-sim.-no, cuiu i- i Eructations of tho Stomach. Bad Taste o j in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita! tion of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Puin in the region of the Kidneys, and a -hundred other painful symptoms, ; ' are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bet- ' tie will prove a better poaranteo of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito Swellings, Dicers, Eiysiuelas, Swelled . 'Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tbe Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other d constitutional Diseases, TValkkr's Yiic' kgarJ3itters havo shown their great curative powers in tho mosb obstinato and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Clironic u Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remite tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases ofthe Blood, Liver. Kidneys and Bladder, 4 these Bitters havo no equal. Such Dis, eases are caused by Vitiated Blood. - I Mechanical Diseases.?Persona ; engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Tvpe-setters, Gold beater; and J I Miners, as tfnry rCXHlCB TO lITe. ftro sub- 1 ject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard | against this, take a dose of Walker's i "Vinegar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, ; Tettii>6alt-Rhcum. Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Kingworms, Scald head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever namo or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of Hie system in a ehort time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, aro eU'eclually destroyed "and removed. tfo system of medicine, no vermifuges, no authehninitics will free tho system from worms like these Bitters. t1,lM 1I A.iitiloinic? in rntintr X ui riiimirv win |>i?u n i or old, married or single, at the duvn of womunhhod, orthe turn of Hie, th'' Tonic Hitters display so decided an irilluence that improvemeut is soon perceptible. Clonnso tho- Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skid in Pimples, Eruptions, , or Son s; eleaiiM; it when you Jital it obstructed uud sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell , you wtan. Keep the bloodnure, and tho health*' the system will follow. K. II. .VrDUVALl) A. CO., PrupirlsU &. (ien. Ajl*., Snu Knincim-ii, Culiflirkin. i cor. ofWashiupton nnd Chariton Sts .ls.r. ? Soli) by nil DruKgiaitN aixl Dealers, l?i , ? r? -e !i - - ; " =55 ii ^0, I ISS -It i t! t % ! K IS T- ^ ^ '' \ ,? r-.' ' .Xv' . ? *' ,:1 j ' ; . - ' :.x; 3 \ ' . 13 ! | s ' . ' . ; ".! " u; a 1 II ! !?*' ? M . I I ? , ' NtCt><?_ -? j 4& . x 1 n )n ! f! i ' ' ' ' " ". :J J !|! 4'^j ' ' ' i r,'- -. - /ut. 3 u J . * / ' tio i ' ' <t >ii ?I \\ i.ovVES'I* -iccr.-fj f| y StndftrJPr'u but. N f BLR HALL & CO.a r* W 3Tnn, . wfiw. ,i.i ! , 2, >,IF. #?/' ' ' ? "Ve't.', ; J I 223.2 V! > IJ ' | , vj./ ThlsCiii enierc I a< > tin Vet : ( gross inthO vrar'IKTG, l?y I. II H.\Lt& Co., intns office of t lie Librarian f CongrettB at Wubiiiuutvii. Mny If. ~ 12?n. I liOS'S', 1 STtlAYKD "r St oil m . hi n H |iolli ! cur ' Dog ilwut oatjfmroM nwned ''Tij lie*) hnt? hi'en missing nlwiit "i * U* Any n.ff>rm- J ntion tlint will 1 . i?l to tin i wry of tl , >uM l>og will b? thankfully recemtl hy IJ. At the Journal oMu<>. | Kovember Oth, tf. | . 3 ' ?.<* Xi Wfc > ?- -- ? w I 1873. * 1873. "fall trade We arc now receiving a large stock of DRY OOODS, CLOTHING, .for Men. and Boys, IIATS, of all styles, 100 cases BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, SADDLERY AND HARNESS. In fact, a great many articles too tedious to menti >u?all of which we will sell at our usual low prices. BAUM BRO. -September 10 tf CONGAREE IRONWORKS Columbia, S. O. JOHN ALEXANDER- Proprietor. SUGAR CANE MILLS LIST OF PRICES. 6 Rollers 14 inches diameter, $60 00 6 12 " 80 00 3 " 10 " '70 00 3 " 14 70 00 1 ? 12 " 60 Ot) 2 **t 10 . 50 00 Above prices complete with frame^ Without frame. $10 less on each Mill. Steam Engines. Boiler's, Portable Grist Mills. Circular ami Mo ley Saw Mills. Mill Gearing of all kinds made to order, irou and Brass Costings on short notice. Gin Gearing constantly on hand of the following sizos: 0 feet w heel and piniou $36 00 10 " " 40 00 11 " ? 45 00 12 " * " 50 On 14 14 " 55 00 Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions made to ordfer. Anti-friction IMntes and Bulla for Cotton Pre3s, SI5 CK) and $20 per set. N. B.?Terms cash on delivery at Railroa Depot here. 4^" Works F00t 0f Lady Street,'opposite Greenville Freight?Depot. jh** Columbia, Aug. 21. 19t. A FAJULY ARTICLE. Agents rnakeSl2.50 per day, $75 per week. AN ENTIRELY NEW SEWING MACHINE For Domestic lTse, ONLY FIVE DOLLARS. With the New Patent BUTTON HOLE WORKER . Patented .TtincTth, 1871. awarded tlte first premium at the a mfjtlcan institute and maryland institute fairs, 1871. A most wonnderful and elegantly constructed sewivo macuixk for Fatuity Work. Complete in all its Parts, Uses the Straight Eye Pointed Xfi JI*, SF.t.r>ino, direct upright Positive .motion, New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Guider. Operates by Wheel and on a Table. L.i/ht Punniin/. Smooth and noiseless, like nil good high-priced machines. Has Potent Check t.i nr?vfnt the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the. tlik-e4*<l. direct from the spool. Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch, (finest and stlongest stich known;i firm, durable. close and ttnpid. Will d? all kinus of wurk,.tf?? :>ad coarse. from rsMnnre to heavy Cloth or L"batReb, ami urcs all descriptions of thread. This Machine i9 HE V\ ILT constki ctep to give it STRENGTHJ all the parts of each Machine being made alike hy machinery, and beautifully finished ind ornamented. It is easy to learn. Rapid, Smooth and Siltnt In operation. Reliable at all times, and a Practical, Scientific, Mechanical Invention, at a (ircatly Reduced Price, A Wood, Cheap Family Sewing Machine nt la d The first and only success in producing n valuable, Substantial and reliable low priced Sewing Machine. Its extreme low price reaches all renditions. Its simplicity and strength adapts it to nil capacities, while its many merits mnke'it a universal favorite wherever uued, and creates a rapid demand. % IT JS AT.!. IT IS RECOMMENDED. I can cheerfully and confidently recommend its use tn those who are wanting a really gp<>d Sewing Machine, at a low price. Vi on ii .r. jami'son Peotone, W ill County, III. Pr-e of each Machine. ' Class A." "One," i u:in anted iVrlivi ears bv special certificate,) with '/// thf ftxlurm. an I rverfthini/ cornplrtr belo toil, including SelfTiiheaihn NkeLi.f, pn- ki ll in h siion,' wooden box. anil delivered to i ij/j' irt of tUe country, by express, free of flirtistT charge-?, on receipt of price. okey Five Doi.i. mis. ,S\ik delivery guaranteed. Willi e? it Mucliine hc will send, on receijit of Si rxiru, the new patent liUnON HOIJC WORK BR, One of ilie hi =' iuipurtiint and useful inventions of the age. So simple and certain, that a child can work tlie finest button hole with regularity and iiise. Strong and beautiful. Special Terms, and h'/fro Inducements to Male ami Female Agent*, Store Keepers. &c.. who will establish agencies though the country un l ami kce| our New Machines on* tis/dltition ami Sub. Cot nty Kinnrs given to ^mart agents free. \g<. - roi'ipfi fr outfit, furnished without any extra ciiakue. Samples oi'inring. descriptive circulars containing Term*. Testimonials, Engravings, Sic., \c., sent free. W'e also supply AfiltPTI.TTRAf. IMPLEMENT*. Latest Patents and Improvements for the Farm ami Garden. Mowers, Reapers, Cultivators, Feed Cutters. Harrows, Farm Mills, Planters, Ilarvc ters, Threshers and nil articles neoded for Farm work. Hare Seeds in large variety. Ml money -cut in Po.-t Ofiioe Money Orders, Hank Drafts, or by ex| ress, will be at our risk, iml arc perfectly secure. Safe delivery of all or goods guaranteed. " \ ii old an I responsible firm that sell the best piods at the lowest prion, and can be relied upon by our readers."?Fiir/mi't Journal, .Y<ic York ( aav*y<i' / ' */' ???.??'#/< for h'rgistrrrd I.ftUrt. AnniiKsH OitiiKim % % .IKROMK It. IICDSON & Co., Cornei Greenwich ,v Coitlamlt Streets, N. Y. Sept. 25, fim. I ( Application for Final Discharge. X'OTICB is hereby given ?ii;it one month nf- 1 tcr ilati*. I willupjJy loiheJitJge of Pro- j ntc of Kershaw t'miuty. 8. for Letters of l)isini??ion as Administrator of the Fstolo of Hnrgurct K. Hughes, deceased. L. McMULLAN, Adra'r November ?. 4t* OATH. f.nO bushels 0 VTS. For sale l?v . BAUM BRt). ' JliifliiTol! JIsu*kcrcl!! |0(? kits MACKF.nfeL, 10 barrels <lo J"?jliali barrels Jo. . For sale by BAUM BHO. VJ'- j f Important and True.: - L ITEW_GOODS.. r Olieap Goods. Such Goods as we Require. We would respectfully invite the Attention of our friends and customers to our slock of NEW Q-OOIDS, which we have just receireu, and are selling at as low prices as the same goods can be bought in any country town in the southern country. Our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 4c. Comprises ii^art: Calicoes, Alpaccas, Wore sleds, JJebomcB, i;cr*ge, uingtiarns, riaius, jjinsoys, Kerseys, Cassimpres. Sattinetts, Jeans, Deniras, Ticking, Shirtings and Sheetings, bleached and unbleached: Drillings, plain and chocked Oznaburgs; Blankets, Coverlids, Comforts, Over and Undershirts and Drawers; Ladies' Balmoral Skirts, Oorsets; ladies' and gent's. Handkerchiefs, ladies' gent's, and children's Hosiery, Gloves, &c., ladies' Belts, gent's. Bows, 1 Collars, Shirt Fronts, Suspenders, &c., Laces, F.dgings, Braids, Trimmings, &c.. Towels, Knitting Cotton, Needles, Pius. Hair Pins, Hair Nets, Thimbles and Thread. Pocket Knives, Pocket Books. Round and Dressing Combs. Tooth Brushes, Pens and Pencils, Extracts and Pomades, with various other articles to numerous to mention. Our stock of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES Consists of everything usu tlly kept in a well reculnted Family Grocery, viz? SUGARS?All grades ] COFFEE?Rio, Laguyra and Java < RA C'0Ar--Whitcaud smoked Sides and Shoulders } BREAKFST STRIPS?lh< very best in Balti- ( more ' MOLASSES? NewOtlcans and S. If. Syrup .V.4 f'h'A REL?Nos. 1, 2 and 3 CHEESE?New New York Factory G OS HEX BUTTER?The best to be had, LA RD?Superior -Leaf RtCE?Both prime and medium ? PEARL GRIST?From Baltimore TOBACCO"-Finest chewing an Durham smo king PIPES?All sized, kinds nnd qualities CIGARS?From finest to common grades CANNED. GOODS-~Of every decription CONFECTIONS?Of all varieties nnd qualities SARDINES?-Warranted genuine Ycust Powders, Salad Oil, Candles, Matches, Family and Fnucy Soap, Starch, Soda, Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs, Ginger, Mustard, Pickles, Jellies, Worcestershire Pepper and Oapcrs Sauces, Powder, Shot find Caps, and many other articles which*we have not room to mention. We also keep during the seaaon All-kinds of Fruits, Vegetables &c Such as Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, Cabbages, Irish Potatoes, Onions, &c. We have also always on hand an assortment of Crockery ware, Ac. Ac. All of the above goods we will sell at t^everv lowest figures for Cash, and purchasers will find it to their interest to g ve us a call before purchasing elsewhere. ' KIUKLKY efc OlRLim Next door south of the corner, inthe Workman Building. Sept. 25. . tf. W. J4 ARRMTS, AT THE GRAND CENTRAL Dry Goods Establishment . OF WM. D. LOVE & CO.. > / Under Wheeler House, COLUMBIA, S. C. implrs sent, and Orders solicited. October 15, 1373. 3m. ~ irissoLifloi The Co-Pnrluership heretofore existing betwecndie undersigned under the name and style of A. D. KENNEDY & Co.. is this ilay dis- ( solved by mutual consent. All debts due to, and nil demands against said (lirm, will be paid to, and settled by A. D. Kennedy, who nlone is ? authorized lo use the firm-name in liquidation. . A. D. KENNEDY. A. M. KENNEDY. Camden, October 10, 187J. C ?roMYe beg leave to return our thanks to nil our customers who have patronized us in the past, and to ask of them iu the future, n continuance of their favors ill behalf of the new firm of KENNEDY \ EOYJKIN. A. D. KENNEDY. A. k KENNEDY. rvi a J_/1SSU1U11UI1. rPIIE Copartnership heretofore existing be- I I tween Joseph T. Miokle and Hunter R. Hoykin, under the name end style ofillCKLE & 1JOYKIX, is this day dissolved by mutual consent* All dohts due to, atd all claims against "aid firm, will be paid to, and settled by, eilhr of the late partners, who are authorized to gjgn the tirtn name in liquidation. * J* T. MI;*KLE. H. K. HOYKIN. October 21. . 4t. J. I. JIIDDU 5iTOX& CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, | II A LT131 OK K, MD., Tliivinjr ptuflinsi'd the entire STOCK OF lioods ??f .messrs. d. l. I>esaussur*& :\)M we will sell the same ut . . COST for CASH, ind lor that purpose hciehy constitute t neuibersot'that firm our ngeutsto effect such I J. I. MIDDLETON & CO. * June 8 tf j MERONEY 8L WITTER, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MEUCIL\sts, Broad-St. Camden, rj q Will attend to the selling of P ,al j.^tute< Mer clindizc, Prodooe, &c. Ac. Husinesa entrusted to t>lCjr care wiU meet with prompt attention Hoturm made u sooa t w# ,ffected. |a I ,* _ u . -r * ? " NEW FIRM' - ; y 1 ' ! 1 F[E undersigned, successors to A. D. KEN" NEDT.& CO., hare just opened their Fall and Winter Stock M CONSISTING Of 1 Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHHSra-, J nAAriui n vn filfAiMi | DVVin A.11 V CT.M.1IP i 9 f 1 Hats and Caps, j HARDWARE, j Crockery and Glassware, ' SADDXiBHY, cfcc. A LARGE 8UPPLY OP | FANCY AND FAMILY \ GROCERIES, J Bagging and Ties. ( UgT* The above Goods having been purchased with great care in the North- | jrn markets, since the decline in pricee, ve are able to sell the same on terms to wit purchasers. Give us a call. KENNEDY & BOYKJN. October 30. tf Insurance Company y Piedmont and Arlington LIFE' OF * v ' ^ v ' r { '"' 4 Richmond, Virginia. * ' V-*' ' ' ASSETS -" . . ~ ? ?8,000,000. Ulo **'i M W. C. CABBDTGTON; av - ( PBE8IDEXT Losses ? 'i.4? ,fl Actually paid in KereliawCounty within *. " #H?* Three Years, $28,000,00. ' I take pleasure in laying I have returned ;o the agency of this popular Company. No iifficulties vull exist in fulute, us to itenet*lis of Policies, as I shall pay especial atteuioujto that branch of the business. Jte^l will always be tou-d at my Office in Broad Street, Cam'dcn, S. C. W. CLYJBUKN, Agent. January 16, 1873. ti' RICHMOND BANKING AND INSURANCE C <> 31 PAN V. Capital, - - $500,000 PERSONS wishing to in gnre in a First Class Company at Low rates will please apply to W . CLYBURS, Agent. carolima life INSURANCE COMPANY, * OP Memp his, Tenn. BRANCH OFFICE AT BALTIMORE, MD. Assets, $1,075,000, Ion Jf ;FF. DAVIS. President. Jcu. W aDE HAMPtON, Vice President OHr ! D: KENNEDY, State Agent. Ma?y22. iz?. NOTICE. rYAVING purchased the entire stock of mer["] ohondise of Messrs. J. I. Middleton A Co., in Camden, we have this day formed a co-partnership under the firm name of Phelps & Billings, for the purpose of conducting a general Merchandise aud Commission business. H A. PHELPS, M. A. BILLINGS, I. A. DkSAUISUM. . Ca*d?Ui ti ii7l. i -rt f c an 'aj -