University of South Carolina Libraries
LOCAL MATTERS. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. Robt. Thomson, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 J p. ni. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 p m. Methodist Cnurch, DoKalb street?Rev R. L. Harper,Pastor?Services at 11 A.M. and 7 P. M. on Suuday.; Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 4 P. M. * - ^11-?TIaLT nil* O 4 fresoyterian t/ouruu, i/cixwu 9VIVW Rev. 3. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 11 A* M. and 3J P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 4 P. M. Episcopal Church. Corner of Lyttleton and Laurens streets, Rev. B. F. D. Perry, Sunday services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 P. M. On Wednesday evening at 4 o'clock and Friday morning at 9} A M. MEET IX OS. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. Attend the Regular Meeting, ofyour Division at Temperance ITail on MONDAY evening next, at 7^o'clock. > By order oi the W. P. W. R. McCREIGHT, R. S. Post Office?Until further notice the Post Office will be open from 9 a. m. to 1 p. xn., and from 5 p. m. to 8J p. m. On Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. The mails opon at 8 p. m. and closo at 6 a. m. On Sundays at 5 p. m. Rev. B. F. D. Perry, Rector of the Episcopal Church at this place, has been confined to his house by sickness for several-days, so that he was unable to preach on Sunday last. We are pleased to learn that he is convalescent. . Thi PoVwow.?The Knights of the Masque attempted to fulfil their pro.mise of a procession on Wednesday n ight last, but owing to the inolemency of the weather, and the failure of their lighting apparatus, did not succeed. On Friday night however, the effort was repeated, and with marked success. Those who turned out to see them were well repaid. The street was illumined with burning tar-barrels. The maskers, clad in varied, grotesque and brilliant costumes, mounted on horse-back, having their faces covered .. with hideous masks, and seen under the lu i . wt ria glare 01 me ivrv-urs vunvu .....?, formed a striking spectacle, as they rode along in qaiet. At the bead of the procession was a brass band, the instruments being played upon by some of the maskers. The pow-wow was an object of tremendons interest to a large crowd of street urchins^ white and colored, which followed the procession throughout its whole course, shouting and yelling, and crowding the pavements with a rushing mass, greatly to the annoyance of those who wished to see. We understand that the Knights contemplate another turn-out in a short time, and hope that they will again show themselves. We would recommend that they give more extended notice of their demonstration the next time, and that they carry extra turpentine balls along with this procession, so that they can march up into Kirkwood, replenish their lights while there, and show their beauties and attractions to the whole community. ? % The Great Eastern Circus, &c., cauie to time, and exhibited at this place on Saturday last, to an immense number of persons from Kershaw and the surrounding counties. The writer always attends such entertainments when it is possible for him to do so, and, in his time, has witnessed some very fine performances, as well as some of a very inferior order. It was expected that the Great Eastern, would prove to be the most complete combination of its kind that had ever appeared in Camden, but we are sorry to say that such was not the ease. With a few exceptions, we would rate the entire concern as ordinary. Those of tho managers whom we met deported themselves as gentlemen ; the acrobatic performances of the Mimoo and the Whitney Brothers were very fine, excelling anything of the kind we have ver seen ; the riding of the Carroll family ?w good, while tho feats of Mr. Watson, the bare-hack rider, evinced considerable skill and daring; and it was a treat tojhear a tune or two well rendered by the brass band.? But the collection of animals, birds, (Sc., was very poor; the steam piauo, of which we had heard so much, made music, but not *- ? ?..1.1 o/w.tlia rfftviaw hrnaxt- and Burn as wuuiu vuv?in> .... the double riugs confused the audience, and detracted from, instead of adding to, the interest of the performances. We hoar pretty general complaint of the manner in which ui~ny people were cheated and robbed V vendors of fruits, candies, Ac., who came anu nt with the circus ? We do not asnuiue to saj* t^at proprictore of the Great Eastern havo interest in the rillanies of these fellows, but they ought to convince the public that they hav? not, by cutting loose from all such characters la the future, let parties, goiug to shows, carry with them only money enough to pay necessary expenses. There was a light fall of snow in our town on the night of the liltb inat. We observe from some of our exchanges that it also fell is other parte of the Btato. ? * .Honumeit to Bishop Davis. We are permitted to announce the com pletion of the proposed monument to the memory of this eminent and reverend Di vine, erected by the Episcopal Church oi this Diocese in conjunction with the congrc gation of Grace Church, of this place. Soon after the decease of the Rt. Rev Biahon. the conereeatiou of Grace Church .-rJ O O held a meeting and resolved to erect a monument to his memory, and appointed a committee, charged with the duty of procuring the requisite funds, selecting a design, and perfecting the work. M the head of the committee they placed our energetic townsman, Maj. J. M. DeSaussure, to whose untiring efforts and efficient management, is mainly due the very satisfactory result attained At the meeting of the convention of the Diocese succeeding, a committee was appointed by that body to co-operate with Grace Church in their labor of love, thus converting the work, in a great measure, into a church enterprise, in which the whole Diocese participated. Ex-Governor John L. Manning was made chairman of the committee, and contributed his cultivated taste to the selection of the design, and his valuable aid in presenting the subject suitably to the Diocese at large. The result is the erection of a monument in the cemetery at Camden of great beauty and taste, creditable to the church, and within its moasuro, worthy of the subject. The inscription is from the pen of Rev. John Johnson, Rector of St. Philip's Church, Charleston, and is thought to be most beautiful and appropriate. The committee has bceu furnished with valuable contributions and assistance, as we are informed, and we presume at a proper time will suitably acknowledge them. The Monument is twelve-and-a-half feet high, standing on a base of granite thirteen inches thick, four feet square, and is of pure tv.nnkln W?i t k Or. M O nn akoft Afl nunc ? 14*J 1?II Uiai IVIVU aijuaiQ ouaiVj uti the front of which is beautifully carved a Mitre and Crosier," and capped with a well-executed Urn. On the four sides of the pedestal is the inscription, as follows:? [ok tbi front, in raised letters.] IN MEMORY op Rt. Rev. TH0MA9 FREDERICK DAVIS, D. D., bishop of the diocese op sooth-carolina. [on the left side.] He was born February 8, 1804 near Wilmington, North Carolina; died December 2d, 1871, in Camden, South Carolina; graduated at the University of North Carolina, and began the practice o^the Law. He was ordained Deacon of the Protestant Episcopal Church, November 27th, 1831; December 1832. a Priest, and ministered to several Parishes there. In January, 1847, he was installecLReotor of Grace Church. Camden. In May, 1853, he was elected, and in October following, conscorated, Bishop of South Carolina. [on the rioiit bide.] For many years without sight, lie endured, as seeing Him who is invisible. Woak in Body, yet strong in Mind, tu:? l?i_ m e n..j . LUIS HUIJ i'lttll U1 VJUU. WI>11 aa Priest, and Bishop of the Church, Adorned the doctrine of God, our Saviour, Iu all Things. * The Diocese of South Carolina, Stablished, strengthened, settled in the Faith By )ii8 Episcopate, Blessed in his Eife, bereaved in his Death, Erects this Moument, As a grateful tribute to his memory. [0\ THE REVERSE 81DS.] " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." A party of beyf, somo twelve or fifteen in number, having on board an over supply of Rerfej/t, drew their knives and pistols, and " went for" one another, in one of the lota in town uu Friday night last, but the timely interference of a man prevented the doing of any harm. Boys, touoh not at all, f\r mn?Q liirllflv in til A fllfllrc ? On Saturday last, Mr. Jencks, wlio had come froin the west side of Wateree river for the purpose of attending the circus, while in a state of intoxication, fell down in the street near the Court House, and lay there until a vehicle of some kind passed over him, breaking one leg at a point below the knee. At first it was ruiuorcd that he mot with his misfortune by being violently pushed out of a door, but after investigation wo find that the above is tho true version of the affair. At lost accounts Mr. J. was doing well. We had the pleasure of a visit the other day, from Capt. William Rush, the now and gentlemanly commander of the Steamer Lillinjrton, and learned from him that hi* vessel, which is now undergoing repairs, will be ready for service in a few days. The owners of the Lillington could not have made a better selection, as all who have come in contact with Copt. Hush will testify. Have a home of your own Yes a home of your own; bu/ a piece of land with the determination to keep it during your life time, and then transmit it to your beire; if you bare means, only the prooeeda of your m later, tbea Nnf vfetty build a fine house, buying from the Great Southern Builders' Emporium your Sashes, Boors, Blinds, Marblo and Slate Mantels, Hard' ware, Mouldings, White Pine, Walnut, &c., cover your roof with Asbestos' Roofing Felt ' and Lining for which they are Agents; they ! are now used on thousands of buildings, and they offer them as reliable and economical, ' which are needed everywhere. Send for price 1 list to I. H. HaJJ & Co., Charleston, S. C. The tien'l R. E. Lee Monument. ' The colossal monument to the memory of Gen'l Lee which is now rapidly being constructed uni der the direction and skill of Prof. Volentine, ? Ml ?1 V.O (hn <rroat>Rt. triumnll I wiii9 vruou wuiytviivu) mv ...v e. v.?? iJr ol art and mechanical skill ever produced in this country. The structure will be surmount, ed by a reclining figure of Gen'l Lee enveloped in his military cloak. The form will bo finally carved in|marble, and the expression of counteuance rendered with life-like correctness. In order to complete this grand monument at the earliest possible day, the Executive Committee of the Lee Memorial Association, of Lexington, Va., which is composed of such distinyish men i as Gen,l Pendleton, Gen,l Terry, Hon. Wm. McLaughlin, Col. Preston Johnston, Col. Jas. K. Edmondson, Chas. Davidson, and others, have, by permission, authorized the publication and sale of a perfect life tizt steel engraved portrait ofGen'l Joseph E. Johnston. The proceeds of its sale are to be applied in furtherance of the object of this Association, namely: to the erection of a monument to the memory of Gen'l R. E. Lee, at the Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. The portrait will be sold only by subscription, through regular authorized agents, and every subscriber will receive axertificate signed by the Secretary and Chairman of the Lee Memorial Association* We commend this portrait to the public, and hope some good energetic man will secure the agency in this section in ofderto help on the good work. Messrs. W. W. Bostwick & Co., Soj. 177 & 179 Weat Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, have been c|pstituted and appointed General Managers of Agencies, and any communications ndddressed to them, for circulars, terms, anu ceriiucaiea, will receive prompt attention. ? TH8 Pt'REST AND SWEETEST COD-LlVP.R OlL is Hazard & Caswell's, made on tbc sea shore, from fresh selected livers, by Caswell, Hasard&Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and *ireel.] Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior u any of the other oils in market. lw Make Monet fast and honorably, $12.60 per day, or $76 per week, by at once applying for a territorial right, (which are given freetoagents,) to sell the best, strongest, most useful, and rapid selling Sewing Machine, and Patent Button Hole Worker, over used or recommended by families, or buy one for your own use: it is only $5. Sent free everywhere ty express. Address for particulars. Jerome B. Hudson & Co., Cor Greenwich & Cortlandt Sts, N. Y. Oct. 80, 4r. < A.SPECIAL " ANNOUNCEMENT TO CONSUMERS! MY ENTIRE STOCK OF X>i*y Groods, NOTIONS. Men's Furnishing Goods, /-it .r^sfTTTivrrt HATS AM) CAPS, Boots and Shoes, Now Complete, i Will be offered for ?ale, on and nfler this date, ?' Prices to suit Purchasers, j All who wish j Olioap GoodS, Call and examine my stock: W. WALLACE' Bagging, Ties, &c. 40 bales BAGGING, various braudt, ? tons ARROW TIES, M ACKAKKIj, in barrels, balf-b amis, quarrels, kits and at retail. OKOCKERY, Ac. Stc. .lust received by J J. A T. I .MINI'S. August 28. tt* FOR &ALF. Onefirnt pIubsSTEAM EX01KKi.nJ l'.?*)TLFK, in good condition. The boiler h^iitjr u 111 tine boiler, nnd the Engine of W inch cylinder- lb ?! .lu.n, IK llfirMP niiirpr. ilium-, nii'a .11 ......... ... r Alto one fine OOLD MII.L or B \TTFHY. The above, with other personal property of the Estate of Phin. B Tompkins, deceased, will be sold at public auction, at the Jlail- < iol.l Mine. Lancaster County, 8. C\, on Tuesday, the 25th of November next. Terms Cash. No*. 18-21 W. M CONNOB8, Ad'mr. Vermifuge*, Warm Candy, and Patent Medicinea of all kinds. For sale by HODGSON &DUNLAP Bagging* and Tie*. 10,000 y?rd? BAGGING 26,000 pounds TIES. For mU by I} MJLVU bbo. THE PUJfTEB'S^ warehouse. PLANTERS, and others, wishing to obtain their supplied at prices that defy competition, will consult their interest by examining my stock before purchasing elsewhere, My stock for the Fall and Winter Trade has never been more complete. It consists in'part of Groceries. SUGARS?Of all grades. 9 IgCOFFEE?Rio, Laguira and Java, FAMILY FLOUR?Of the finest quality, CANNED GOODS?Of all descriptions, BACON and LAUD, GOSHEN BUTTER and CHEESE, FRESH CRACKERS?A complete assortment. St&ple Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, LEATHEE, . Hardware, Crockery ware, Bagging* and Ties, And, indeed, every thing usually found in a First Class Grocery. BSfMy stock is replenished weekly?Goods | always fresh. The highest market price paid for Cotton. I A call is respectfully solioited. ]). W. JORDAN, Agent. A.i -1 OA if utiuucr uu. R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF OVRM THE \TOBST PAINS In from Om to TwentyMln utot. MOT ONE HOUR ' lUr mflogHiliedeerttoenuel lOf*ny one surrsa. wtm fai? RADWAY'S READY ROAST IS A 00RE FOB EVERY PAIR. It wee the first end 1e The Only Pain Remedy that Instantly slope the most exeruetaMng pain*, allaye InHnnmattm*, and cures CongaeUons. whether of the Lung*, Riomeoh, Bowels, or other glUhU or organs, by MRU AppllC a3oQ. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain ths RHEUMATIC, Rctg-.ddas, Infiim, Crippled, Nervous, Kcuralglr, or prostrated with dl?e*?s nay suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. 1NFAMMATJ0N OF T1IR KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE B0WRL8. C0N0F.STI0N OF THE LUNGSSORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THK HEART. 8Y8TERI0H, CROUP, DIPUTER1A. CATARRH,INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NKUr.ALOIA, RHEUMATISM. 00LD CHILL8, AGUE CHILLS. The application of tbe Ready Relief to lbs part or parts where the pain or difficulty ousts will atlbrd ease and Comfort. Twenty dropelnhalfatambler or water wllUnafeW moments cure CHRAMPS,8PARM8,80UR STOMACH, HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, JlARRHOEA, DYSENTERY. COLIC. WIND IN TELE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Badway'e Ready Relief with them. A few drops la natulan t. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty oents. Thereto eta remedial agsntln this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, HUous, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers [?*1* 1 by RADW ArSlMLLS) so quick aiRADWAYWREADY RELIEF. F ifty cents per bouls. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! ETBOWO 1*1) PURE RICH BLOOD?INCRKA8E OFFLESH AND WEtOHT?OLE AB REIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECU RED TO ALU DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent TH?CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING Cl'RKS : BO QUICK.SO RAPID AKF. THE OHANOKS, THB BOD T UNDKROOH8.CNDKK THE JNFLUKNCM OP THIS TRULY iPOXDIRFUL MEDICINE, THAT Ever; Day an Increase in Flesli anfl Weifiit is Seen and Jelt. Eriry drop of the 8ARS aPA*ILLU-N RESOLVENT communlcfttee through the LImaBkm:. trio*. And other Kluidi andjuicce of tba the vigor of hfr, for Itrepilre the weetee of the Wtt whh new nod "' mi Krrrtfnla_ CkRiiumntinn. Glandular disease, Ulcara fn lh# thrdalT^outb. Tarn arm. Nod w InlbeG land s and otfWrxu-U of the ay siem. Bore Evas, Strumorouadlechergua from M Ears, mud the worst form* of Skin, ErBgbuns, Ferer Bores, Scald Ilrad, Ring Woim.rgUl RKun^Kf^ tlpelii, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors. c*ncertlothe Womb, mod nil w ukenltig and painful discharges, Night Sweats, I.ou ofSpcrra nndagl wastrsuf the lire principle, mre wlthia ihc rurntlve range of this wonder ol Modern Chemistry, ai d a few do.) una will proreloany per/urn using tlfor e their of (feme forms of disease Itm potent power tocure them. Iftbn piuent, dally becoming reduced by the wastes end decompoelllon that In tominually progressing, snceeedatnarresting tbeae wantea. and repairs the same with nowmaterlalmade from healthy blood?and lids the HA K8AT Alt II.I.I AN wllUnd doesseeure?aeure Is certain; for when once lint i amidy commences lie work of purification, and stir In dlmlnUhlng the lues of wastes. Its repairs will he rapid, arsl every day the patient will feel btmsolfgrnw tug Iwner mvl sirongrr, the food digesting better,appetite Unprus^pg, audllaah end weight Increasing. Not only does tbcSaitsartRiLUAN Rtsotresr exrcle ell known remedial agents in tlu> uure of Chronic, S.rofnlous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases ; built is the only positive cure for Kidney X Bladder Complaint*, Urinary and Womb dlaeasee,<ir.i tei DiaUWes, Drnray, Htoppage of Water, lncnnune- it r.*Sr, hi I'm- , man, Albumiuurta, and In all resaa *4** thsre are ' brick-dust dcposlia, ortbewalei I* thick, Aoudy. lulled withsuhetanres IIk* the wlil'eol mi egg. dr ihretuli like while allk, or there la a morbid, dark.ofBotta appearence. and white hone dusi deposits, end When thereto aprn king, huriilngaeiieallon when passing wairr, end pain In the inutd ofthe beck and along ths lelns. I Tumor of 12 Yeara' Chrowth J Cured by Had way's Resolvent. i DR. RADWAY'S Perfect Piimtin & Milk Pile, ? e w ( perferMr Oetcleie, elijruntly rntitaJ wltt eweet vI purge, reKuietr.purlfy, rkaiii* <u I rii eogibeii K?dway'? Pill?. for tne cmc 01 nildiri.rd.r?eftlieMiuucli, ' IJver, Howelt, Kldneye, liU.dtr. Nerttun Dlaeeiee, , Headache,CiiuUliklk.L.i'unlltriiesi, I i.dlgeeUuU, llr?Mpel*. ItillniuDCM. Hlllni.j I- rttr, lu'l*intn*t?>n oflUe Bowel*, Pilet, and all lb rni,:<m*til? of the Internal , Vlerer*. Wnrmuied in i To.-i :i |.cwlur? rare. Purelr Vegetable, containing ao m?r,ui., a,n crate or deletetnouadruga Afcxdnannr It Ml WAV'S' TI!.!.?? ?111 free the ?r? em from all the aborr named .Ilea-,In*. Price, 3 cent* per Uoi. HOLD HV l)Kl'<ii;|.-TS KKAD "Pals* Alii Till k." Head one letter tamp t>> R AI'WA Y 4 I'll.. No 3J Warren Bt? New fork. Information wurtb ibuneaadi will be tent 70a. fctiiltor iiihI l/liet'so. ?-I* 1 Ihixim CIIF.KSK, v'. tiikin UOSIIKN HI TTC11. For fiile hy HAIT-M MiO. LAW CARD. WM. D. TRANTHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OAMDBK. ft a \ r * REDUCTION XK3T OONSHq THE P LOW PRICE < ANj * SCARCITY < I have Reducec LOWEST FEW YO: IN ALL KILTI 19 W Call and examit R0BER1 CAMDEN, NOVEMBER 13, 1873. ? ????p Have just received, (fromthe ing their large stock, of Pure Drugs, Medicine) PAINTS, OILS Al WINDOW Of all Sizes ZBK/TTS White-Waft, Varnish, Sash Tools and qualities. LAMPS, BURNERS - Is very complete. Wc would pari PATENT SA] Which has been tested with boilinj Gentlemen, who state, over thcii BE I And is, by far, the safest Lamp in FANCY AND TOILET ARH ALSO?THE BES ENGLISH AND'FRENCH TOO COLOGNES, EXTRACTS, I all qualities,) TOILET SETS, a beautiful assortment of COPS A B articles usually kept in our establu PAv/w / ,/// iiihl i J'iDiii'llC. * - i H October 23. Embw?jjiiai ??oa?nwmw f w mat Hampden Sidney College. i T|HK next ?efPinn <>f titi .Seminary of learning ; 1 will commence on Thursday, September 4th, j 1878 Hampden Sidney i? Situate 1 in 1'tin to Edward ! Jounly, V:?., within a few hundred yards of Union riieological Seminary, and seven miles front Parmville the nearest depot of the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroad. The locality of ihe College is most healthy, and the community iround distinguished for intelligence and piety. There is no tiraumier or Preparatory School souuected with the College. It retains the 1 curriculum and the great aim of its teachers is 10 secure thoroughness in the training and in truetion of their pupils mid thus to peparr hetu for professional studies or theuctivedtities I ?f life. The ordinary expenses of a student exclusive of the cost of clothing, travelling ami books, arc front to S-7o a year.' For Catalogue and further information apply lu* REV. J. M. P. ATKINSON, President Hampden Sidney College, Prince Edward County, Va. August 21. 12m A CARD. THE undersigned offer for sale at the lowest Aw naali (in,eerie*. Drw floods. SltOOS, ? * . - V Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, &c., &c-, nud solicit a share of public patronage. PHKLP8 k HI T.LINUS. P. L. Phelps an<l W. M. Hillings urc duly ?u thorized to act as aur agents, and are empower d to sign the name of the firm in purchases and settlements. H. A. PHELPS, M. A. BILLINOS, 0. A. DaSAUSIURB. Jans I it IN PRICES. UBNOB OF ANIC, * OF COTTON, . # D 9 DF MONEY, t 1 Prices to the RK QUOTATIONS, DS OF GOODSie for yourselves.: : M. KENNEDY. 3N, Northern Markets,) and are now open- I s and Chemicals, I MD VARNISHES, I t GLASS, I ? and Colors. 1 3hes. I i and Paint Brushes, of all sizes I Our stock of I , And chimneys, i ticularly recommend the B FETT LAMP, I g Kerosene Oil, by Scientific I r own signatures, that it J EXPLODED, I use. g [*ICLES, in large variety. I T QUALITY. OF I Til AND HAIR BRUSHES, HAIR GltEASE, SOAPS, (of J PASES, DRESSING CASES, J ND SAUCERS, and many other I ihment. | l)I)GSON & DUXLAP. I > 10W FIRM. Tii? undersigned, A. U. Kennedy and Iluntir R. Boykin, have thi:?day formed a Co-partnership for tJie transaction of business as Merchants, in the town of Camden, S. C.f under the name nn I style of KENNEDY & BOYKIN, at the old stand of I). Kennedy & Co., where lhey will he pleased to see their friends at all tiWes. A. IX KENNEDY. II. K. BOYKIN. Camden, October 18, lh7o. ??? would give notice to nil my friends and former patrons, that I will still be found at the old ^statuf, with Messrs. Kennedy & Boykin, where 1 will bo-glad to see them. . A. M. KENNEDY. October 15. tf. Buy the Best Stock. T WOULD respectfully inform the people of I Kershaw and the surrounding Counties that 1 have arrived in Camden with a large and well selected drove of HORSES and MULES, which propose to sell forca-h or cotton. Among my stock arc come halt dozen very superior Saddle Horses, which can be purchased on terms easy enough for all. All persons, and especially those with whom I dealt last'season, are cordially invited to call and examine for themselves, and those still indebted to me will find me willing to receive payment In cotton at the 4 highest market price. W. a. HUDSON, etvbff M N /