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IS IT WORTH WHILE ? Is it worth while that we jostle a brother Bearing his load on the rough road of life? Is it worth while that we jeer at each other In blackness of heart??that we war to the kife ? God pity us all in our pitiful strife. God pity us all as we jostle each other; God pardon us all for the triumph we feel When a fellow goes down 'neath his loud on the heather, Pierced to the heart: words are keener than steel, And mightier fnr for woe or for weal. Were it not well in this brief journey On over the isthmus, down into the tide, We give him a fish instead of a serpent, fire folding the hands to be and abide Forever and aye in dust at his side ? Look at the roses saluting eAch other; Look at the herds all at peace on the plainMan, and man only, make9 war on his brother, And laughs in his heart at his peril and pain; Shamed by the beasts that go down on the plain. Is it worth while that we battle to humble # Some poor fellow soldier ilown into the dust! God pity us all! Time oftsoon will tumble All of us together like leaves i#n gust, Humbled indeed down into the dust. JoAQTIX Mi J. I. Kit. ~ "I say, Tom, did you ever happen to be caught where it was raining pitchfoiR?" "No, out I have |been wHere bailing omnibusses was all the go." ' * i ^ Lightning recently struck a tcicgrapn .pole aud ran along the wire into the office at Blank, when the operator, seated at the instrument, excitedly telegraphed back, "Don't send so fast." A man who rode in the same rail-way carriage with a bridal couple fifty miles, hefrrdjier call him "dear Charles," just five hundred and eighteen times, Oui ; own cynic wonders how many times thh would occur five years afterwards. A young lady coquetted until the victim was completely exhausted. lie rose to go awav. She whispered, as she accompanied him to the door, " I shall be at home next Sunday evening." " So shall I," he replied. Barnum wants to get a night mare to exhibit at his museum. Let him eat ? mince-pie, three sausages, a plate of salad, a dozen pickles, and a few pig's feet at midnight, and go at once to bed. He will get one of the animals in two hours or less. A Parisian, whose wi?| lately died, imagined himself transformed into a weepiDg willow, and went about the streets of Paris with a flower pot on his head to announce the transformation. A Texas barber who ornamented hif front door with a white knob is said t( nave had no peace until the last vestig< w# shot away by his sprightly neigh bore, who made use of it as a target. A Philadelphia lawyer was making ; high-flown speech the other day, tellin< aooui angei s leant, weeping nuiuwu, ?u< silent tomb-stones, when his honor said ' Confine your remarks to the dog-fight.' Some one calls "the race of women o the present day indolent." Whereupoi one of -them retorts, "I wonder if tha man ever reflects upon the amount o shopping we do, and the willingness witl which we do it." " Now then, madam, please look stea dily at this place on the wall," said ; photographer to good old aunt Elizabeth when he had put her in position, and tin plate in the camera. The dear old lad\ looked hard at the designated spot fron her seat, then got up. walked across tin floor, and minutely inspected it, ?n( then, turning to the photographer, genth remarked, ''I don't see any tiling there.' A hard tempered citizen of Arkansas fancying that a Methodist revival-preach er "meiftit hina," in one of his pointet sermons, sent him a challenge. The min ister accented it, stating that the wean ons would be "Bibles and Prayer."? This nonplussed the challenger, and h< procured a "court of honor" to sit 01 the matter. The "court," which consist ed of six experienced duellists, declared that the clergyman was at fault, "as nc gentleman, when challenged, has a righl to select weapons to which the challenger is totally unaccustomed." A young gentleman of a musical turn of mind, had permission to practice on u church organ. One evening, on going fo do so, he was unable to obtain the i services of the hov that usually blew the bellows, and on his way to the church he met a lad who. he thought, would serve his turn for that occasion. In answer to the question could he blow the ? i. /* i 1 l Ix'ilowrt oi an organ, me nov rcpneu, "Yes, sar, I can blaw an organ;" ho tli?* musician took the la<l with him, anil explained to hiin the n^o of the indicator, which would show how full of air the bellows was. The indicator, it mav be mentioned, in a piece of string, attached to the bellows, which passes through a small aperture in the frame-\\urk, and to which a light weight is fastened. The man of music inquired of his assistant if In* understood what he had to do; the hoy answered that he "nawed all ahoot it." whereupon the musician prepared to play. On touching the keys of the organ, however, no music was forthcoming. He shouted to the boy, "Blow, rny lad." "Aws blawin', Mir. Still no music. "Blow harder, boy." "Aws blawin'harder sir." Still no musie. "Blow harder yet. boy." "Aws blawin' hard us evor aw can sir." Still no music. Thinking that something was wrong with the instrument, the organ-player was about to examine it. when, to his surprise, lie fouml the boy I with his cheeks painfully distended, and his mouth closely applied to the hole through which the indicator suing puss*4, blowing as if for "very life." -* ft jBSbMSHBSSi w> SH jjj' 1873. 1873. _FALL TRADE~ We are now receiving a large stock of DRY C3001>S, CLOTHING, for Men and Buys, HATS, of all styles, 100 cases BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, SADDLERY AND HARNESS. In fact, a great many articles too tedious to meni tion?all of which we will sell at our usual low prices. BAUM BRO. September 19 tf CONGAREE IRONWORKS Columbia, S. C. JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. . SUGAR CANE MILLS LIST OF PU1CEJ. ? Rollers 11 inches <liametcr, $00 0< 3 44 12 44 80 0( 3 44 10 44 70 (M 2 44 14 44 70 (K 2 44 12 44 <J0 <K> . 2 44 10 44 *>0 Oi Above prices complete with frame. Without frame, $10 less on each Mill. Steam Engines. Boilers, Portable Grist Mills Circular and Muley Saw Mills. Mill Geurinj of all kinds made to order. Iron and Brass Castings on short notice " Gin Gearing constantly 'on hund of the following siios: 9 ffeet wheel and pinion $35 00 10 44 44 ' 7 -W toll . " . 44 45 00 12 44 44 50 0( 14 44 * 44 ' . 55 or IrotP and Brass Castings of all descriptions made to order. . Anti-friction Plates and j Balls for Cotton Press, $15 00 and $20 per set N. B.?Terms cash on delivery at Railroa Depot here. * v HirWorks Foot of Lady Street, opposite Greenville Freight Depot. the i Columbia, Aug. 21. 1ft. A FAMILY ARTICLE. 1 Agents wake$12.50 per day, $75 per week. AN ENTIRELY NEW SEWING MACHINE For Domestic Use, ; ONLY FIVE DOLLARS. With the New Patent BUTTON HOLE WORKER . : Patented June 7th, 1871. ) AWARDED THE FIRST PREMIUM AT THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE i AND MARYLAND INSTITUTE FAIRS, 18T1. A most wonnderful and elegantly constructed Sewing Machine for Family Work. Complete in all its Parts, Uses the Straight Eye Pointed .Veedle, Self Threaping, direct upright Positive Motion, New Tension. Self Feed and (Moth I Guider. Operates nv Wheel nnd on a Table. 1 Light Running. Smooth nnd noiseless, 1 ik all good high-priced machines. Has Patent Check J to prevent the wheel* hcing turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool r - Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch, (finest ami strongest stich known;) firm, durable, close and 1 rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine nnd coartt, t from Cambric to heavy Cloth or Leather, and f uses all descriptions ol'thread. This Machine if hrav1lt constructed to givcit strength i ull 1 the parts of eneh Machine being made alike lit machinery, and beautifully finished and ornamented. It iseusy to learn. Rapid, Smooth and - Silent in operation. Reliable at all times, and a j Practical, Scientific, Mechanical Invention, at a twr.'illy Reduced Price. ' A Good, Cheap Family Sewing Machine at ' last The first and only success in producing a valuable, substantial uml reliable low priced ! ^iTwing Machine. Its extreme low price reaches all conditions. Its simplicity an 1 strength - adapts it to all capacities, while its ninny merits 1 make it a universal favorite wherever used, nn>! . creates n rapid demand. IT IS ALLIT IS RECOMMENDED. I can clieerlully and confidently recommend its use to those who are wanting a really goodSew> ing Machine, ut a low price, Mi?. II. 11. JAMESON. J Peotone, Will County, 111. l'rice of each Machine. "Olnss A." "One," (warranged for live years by special certificate.) - with all thi- jixturer. and even/thing complete bc. longing to it, including Sei.k Thbeadin Needle. 4 packed in a strong wooden box, and delivered to ' any part of the country, by express, free of t further charges, on receipt of price, only Five . Dollars. Safe delivery guaranteed. With | each Machine we will seud, on receipt of $1 extra, the new patent ' BUTTON HOLF. WORKER, One of the most Important und useful inventions of the age. So simple and certain, that a child can woi It the finest button hole w ith regularity and euse. Strong and beautiful. I J Ohll i.'rtw.t I li/lllAAmntlld to 1 Male and Fkmalk Ajmts, Store Keepers, .Sic.. , who will establish agencies though the country , and and keep our Nkw Maciiinf.s oiiJ F./hit.ition and Sale. County Kiuhts pivou to smart agents ritKK. Agent's romyfrtr outfit, furnished without any F.XTRA ruari; n. Samples^*. ? /?</, desrriptive circulars containing Trrm*, Testimonials, Engravings, Ac., &c.. sunt hiiik. We a No supply AOKKTi.TTKAL IMPLEMENTS. Latest Patents an 1 Improvements for the Farm and (tardea. Mowers, llonper*. Cultivators, | Feed Cutters. Harrows, Farm Mill", Haulers, ! Harvesters, Threshers mid all articles urrdi d for Farm work. llaroSeid" in large variety. 1 All money s nt in Post tlltiee Money Orders. Hank Drafts. or by < xpr? s. will nt our risk ; and are perfectly secure. Sale bcb,vcr\ of all our goods guaranteed. "An old and responsible firm that sell t h > best goods at tin lowt t | riee. :>i I call be relied ; upon by our readers." /*'</../"< '? ru-I, A?/r lr"r/..' ({%}'".1 ot /,' / <( h'ftfi'.tirt'il l.itlrr*. \l>l>iu.-s ttit|i| its JKitOMi: II. Ill DSON \ Co.. Conn** (ireeiiwicb X t'ortlaiidt Streets, N. Y. Sept. 'Jo, Cm. NOVTll-('AKOJilK,t, KKRSHA W CO IN TV. Court of Common Pleas. JOHN I. TKANTIIAM, Adm'r. r.f. JOSEPH J DHAKFFOHD, et at. 1)\ virtue of an order of the Cireoit Court for ) the County aroresai<l. made hi this cause, at September Term. 1X7-'. nil tin creditors of the Estate of W i II1 in in Drakeford, deceased, are reipiired to establish their d 'mall Id before lite, oti or before Monday, the iMtli day of N'ovem bet IRTll or l.e ileliai red Irolu t lie benefit Ol nn\ 1 decree to be made herein. (jet 9.? J. T. HAY. Kefercc. % t *r*a? , AT CA31DEN,~ H. O. | ONE DAY ONLY. Saturday, Noyombcr 22, 1873. THREE GRAND PERFORMANCES, AT 9 A. M. AND 2 AND 1 P. M. Doors open One Hour Previous. A T0WE1ING GIANT AMONC ITS FELLOWS. .The Great 12 Centre-Pole Tent AND $100,000 CHALLENGE SHOW, Museum, Aviary, Circus, Roman Hippodrome AND EGYPTIAN CARAVAN, "V Its augmentation during the past winter makes it four times larger than it was last year, ami then it was confessed the Monarch Mastodon of the road. Over a million dollars hare been expended to make this the most dupendous and greatest World Exposition ever attempted; and an linnteuse Twelve Centre-Pole Pavilion, covering over four acres of ground, aud measuring 10s,000 yards of Canvas, is required to exhibit Its thirty-one dens of 1 ring Wild Beasts, breathing Sea-Monsters, Plumaged Birds, Flesh-eating tieptiics, and the colossal DUAL CIRCUS EXHIBITION!! MA KINO IT A Grand Combination more than Equal to Twelve Shows in One, To transport this Goliah of Shows, 100 cars 0 passenger roaches, and 4 engines are brought Into reqtftltion and the services of over ntec and horses are necessary to the success of of this unprecedented enterprise. A Grand Triple Menagerie, in 4 separate Tents, combined with the COLOSSAL MITSrt'M, AVIARY OF TROPICAL BIRDS, and CARAVAN OF ELEPHANTS, CAMELS, DROMEDARIES, ELKS. Bl'FFALOES, eto., etc. Grand Double Circus Performance, In the Largest Hippodrome Tent in the World. ajer < i 11 EVERY ACT DOUBLE In Tun Ilinni :U I In >anie Innir. uiulcl' out' (irawl Pavilion ! l)onS>Ic (hhiimI ICnliH'C Two Stu.lsof Hiding Horses. Dual ( ?.? ]>< of l'i|ueslrieimes, Male Riders, Acrobats, I I v iniinsls, < lowus, etc*. Greatest Acliicveincnt in Arenic Circles ever Witnessed I [. . Hii"i? cmcIi < x 1?iI?iti11 i 11H A N D 1?.\'iM)ON ASt KNSION will 1)0given. A Ticket Wagon will he njvn "ii tin* Sirt t. lr<>in 1' A. to 1- M., where Tickets can he |>ii!elm en. jl.u av lidii." the ru-h a:e! jam <ni the ground alter the opening : of the Door . i I I. I. i,EE( II, Ageni. ' Important and True. 3STEW. GOODS, r Cheap Goods. ^ Such Goods as wo Require* We would respectfully invi'e the attention of our friends and customers to >ur stofck of -K. 'I I . ITTT y? J_SJ _cu w which we have just received, and are selling at as low prices as the same go< ds can be bought in any country town in the southern country. Our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c. Comprises in part: Calicoes, Alpaccas, Worssteds, DeLnines, Berage, Ginj hams, Plaids, Lin? seys, Kerseys, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Denims, Ticking, Shirtings n.d Sheetings, bleached and unbleached; Drilling j, plain and checked Oznaburgs; Blankets, Oc *erlids, Comforts, Over and Undershirts and Drawers;' Ladies' Balmoral Skirts, Corsets; 1. dies' and, gent's. Handkerchiefs, ladies' ger.t'*. and children's , Hosiery, Gloves. ,tc., ladies' 1 elts, gent'sl Bows, ' Collars, Shirt Fronts, Suspenders, &c., Laces, Edgings, Braids, Trimmings, ic., Towels, Kniting Cotton. Needle*. Pins. Hair Pins, Hair Nets, Thimbles and Thread Pocket Knives, Pocket Books, Round and Dressing Combs, Tooth Brushes, Pens and Pen rils, Extracts and Pomades, with various other a tides to numerous o mention. Our stock of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES Consists of everything nsua ly kept in a well egulatcd Family Grocery, vi -? . SUGARS?All grades COFFEE? Rio, Laguyra and Java < #AC0Ar--Wliite and smoked ? ides and Shoulders BREAKFST STRIPS?The very best in Balti- , more MORASSES? New Orleans a d 8. H. Syrup MACKAREI^-Xoa. 1, 2 si.d 3 CHEESE?New New York F ctory GOSH EX BUTTER?The t -at to be had. LARD?Superior Lenf RICE?Both prime and medium 1 PEARL GRIST? From Bolt more TOBACCO?Finest chewing an Durham smo* king PIPES?All sizes, kinds and qualities CIGARS?From finest to cor mon grades CANNED GOODS?Of every lecriptioa CONFECTIONS?Of all vari Hies and qualities SARDINES?Warranted gen tine Yeast Powders, Salad Oil, handles, Matches, Family and Fancy Soap, Stui ;h, Soda, Pepper, aKuA VT..* n: it... l !* > 1.1 r-i opiuu, iiuiuiegs, uuiger, xuu* itirurITIC&ICB, ?I?Ilies, Worcestershire Pepper rnd Gapers Sauces, Powder,. Shot and Caps, ant many other articles which we have not roon to mention. We also keep daring the season All kinds of Fruits, Vsgetables 4c Such as Apples, Oranges, ,emons, Bananas, Cranberries, Raisins, Fig9, Prunes, Currants, Cabbages, Irish Potatoes, On ens, &e. We have also always on hrnd an assortment of Crockery ware, Ac. Ac. All of the above goods we /ill sell at the very lowest figures for Cash, ?r 1 purchasers will find it to their interest to g. rt us a call before purchasing elsewhere. KIRKLEY ?fc ARLAXD. Next door south of the corn :r, in the Workman Building. Sept. 25. tf. W. J. ARR IJNTS, AT Till GRAND CENTRAL Dry Goods Establishment OF WM, D. LOVE & CO., Under \\ heeler House, COLUMBIA, S. C. JPSP' Samples sent^ and Orders solicited. October 15, 1873. 3m. missoLiTov. The Co-Partnership beret >fore existing between the undersigned under the name and style , of A. D. KENNEDY A Co. is this day dissolveil by mutual consent. All debts due to, , and all demands against said firm, will be paid . to, and settled by A. D. Ki .i tedy, who alone is authorized to use the firm-name in liquidation. I A. D. KENNEDY. A. M. KENNEDY. Camden, October 10, 187-1. < We beg leave to retur.i our thanks to all our customers who have pa- ronized us in the past, and to ask of them in th > future, a continuance of their favors in beha f of the new firm of KENNEDY & BOY KIN. A. D. KENNEDY. A. M. KENNFDY. Dissolulion. THE Copartnership herd >fore existing be- ^ tween Joseph T. Mickle and Hunter R. Boykin, under the name and style of MICKLE k BOYKIN, is this day dissolved by mutual content All debts due to, and til claims against said firm, will bo paid to, am settled by, either )f the Into partners, who are authorized to sign lie firm name in liquidation. ... T. MICKLEII, R. BOYKIN. | October 21. 4t. J. L UlDDL ETON* CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION ME ^CHANTS, | 11 A l/f f iM O K 1- , MD, llavny puivliusotl the at tire STOCK OF 1()01)S of Messrs. IV i. DuSAi'ijiiCHfc A v.n will sell the saute t "*1 A UTT I "-f ui'l l'<?r 11 uit i.m ji ?n' h??: by tvinat' fu(P f nombors of tlmt tii in our u^ontlto effect such lie. J. I. MIDDLF/rON & CO. Juno 8 tt* MERONEY Si. WITTER, AfCTION AM) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Broacl-St. Came an, S. C. , Will nit,>ii-l in iIn* it'lli 11 jr f Uoiil Eitatc, Me t i'Iih li/.e. rroilure, Xc.&c C ItiiMUi'-a onti u*i. 'l to ti-jir euro will meet ivi tli jiruiiipl atlfiiMon. Ki,iurna m.i'le as sown a# s les are cflecteil. September ?g' t?m \ '!l? \ 1UM1 It 'if til I FIE undersigned, successors to A. D. KEN. NEDY & CO., haee, junt opened their Full and Winter fttoek CONSISTING Of ^ Staple Dry Goods, cLOTniiray BOOTS AND SHOES, ! ' I )r. j ' ;il /.* elri **'. "%>. k Hats and Caps, HAKDWAKE, f Crockery and Glassware, SADDLERY, Cbc. A LARGE SUPPLT OP FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES, - vfCM Bagging and Ties. The above Goods- having been purchased with great care in the Northern markets, since the decline in prices, we are able to sell the same on terms to suit purchasers. Give us a call., KENNEDY & BOYKIN. October 30. tf Insurance Company * ?fc>- V ?V'lJ It' Piedmont and Arlington LIFE # OF : * V- V* Richmond, Virginia. > i - >/ - ? ASSETS #3,000,000. % . ?. * * , / ' * & ' . W. C. CAERINGTON, ! PRESIDENT L0S8O8 . < .1 '* v* 5 ' Actually paid in KershanrCounty witbin I Three Years, SfcQR.OOO.OO. ? I ? ? I take pleasure in saying I have returned ^ to the agency of this popular Company. No lifficulties will exist in future, as to Renew* its of Policies, as I shall pay especial atten,ioutto that branch of the busioeaa. 19*1 will always be found at nay Office >n Broad Street, Camden, S. C. W. CITBURJt, Agent. January 16,1873. tf ^ RICHMOND BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY. o:o t _ _ AXIkA AAA lU|Mli!l, WJV^Vvv PERSONS wishing to insure in a First Class Company at Low rates, will please apply to W. PLY&i'RN. Agent. , oarolpva life t INSURANCE COMPANY, OK Itfev.iphi*, Tenn. ^ BRANCH OFFICE AT BALTIMORE. MD. Assets, $1,076,000, ^ Hon JEFF- DAVIS, President. (Jen. WaI>H IIAMPtON, Vice President. JOHN D: .KENNEDY, Stat< Agent. May 22. 12m. N'OTICE. ^ HAVING purch ased the entire stoek of merchandise of M essr*. J. I. Middleton & Co., n Camden, we hav e this day formed a eo-partlership under the tii *m nameof Phelps & Billing*, ' >r the purpose of conducting a general ^ler- ^ hhndise and Commi laion business. m H A. PHELPS, 1 M. A. BILLINGS, ^ S. A. DkSAUSSI'BE. Camden, June 1 ?Hli. [June 6*U m