University of South Carolina Libraries
M AL MATTERS. CHURCH DIRECTORV. Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. Robt. Thomson, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7} p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 p. m. Melodist Churoh, DeKalb street?Rev R. l^larper, Pastor?Services at 11 A.M. n<l 1 P M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? Rev. 5. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 11 A. M. and 3$ P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 4 P. M. Epi?copai Church. Corner of Lyttleton and Laurens streets, Rev. B. F. D. Perry, Sunday services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 P. M On Wednesday evening at 4 o'clock and Friday morning at 9J A M. MEETim. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. Attend the Regular Meeting, ofyour Division at Temperance Hull on MONDAY evening next, at 7J o'clock. By order ot the W. P. W- R. McCREIGHT, R. S. Camden Jockey Club. The members of the Camden Jockey Club lire earnestly requested to meet at the Town Hall on SATURDA Y nextl 22d inst, at 12 o'clock, M. A full attendance is solicited, as business of importance must be transactthe Races, which commence on J the 10th of December next. Post Office?Until further notice the Post Office will be open from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.. and from 5 p. m. to 8J p. m. On SunJ e ? " a m The mails open . ua_y, nuui v ?. ? ? ? _ . at 8 p. m. and close at 6 a. m. On Sundays at 5 p. m. On Tuesday evening last, according to notice published in the Journal, a large and intelligent audience of ladies and gentlemen assembled in Temperance Ilall for the purpose of listening to an address delivered by our esteemed fellow townsman, Dr. A. A. Moore, in the interest of the cause of Temperance. The Hall having been elaborately decorated with evergreens and flowers of various kinds, by the lady members of the order, and the seats conveniently arranged, it presented quite an attractive appearance. At the appointed hour, Dr. M., attended by Mr. W. H. R. Workman, W. P. of Wateree Division, No. 9, Sons of Temperance, and Mr. A. M. Kennedy, G. W. P. of the Order in South Carolina, entered the Hal! and ascended the rostrum. An ode was rendered in fine style by the choir, prayer was offered by Rev. R. L. Harper, and W. P. Workman, in a short address, in which he reviewed the history of the cause in onr State, the many and aore trials it has had to encounter, and its present flourishing condition, announced that he had the pleasure of introducing to the audience, the speaker of the evening. The speaker with a brief introductory, in which he discussed the object and the necessity of temperance organizations, addressed himself to his subject : 44 The effect of Alcohol upon the Brain." The address proper was divided into three parts: The Anatomy of the Brain; the Physiology of the same; and the Deleterious effects of Alcohof upon the Or-, ganisin. So compact, logical, and devoid of superfluous verbiage was the effort, that we find it difficult, if apace would permit us to do so, to give even a correct analysis of it. It was stated that the most distinguished medical men of the age differ as to the efficacy of alcoholic stimulants under any circumstances; it was showo by reference to facts and figures, that a very large per centage of the cases of idiocy, suicide, murder, urson. larceny, and every thing known in the catalogue of crime, result either directly or itidi rectly from intemperance; and an earnest appeal was made to all lovers of good order, and especially to the fair daughters of the land, to lend their countenance and aid to I this movement of reform. \Va believe this is the first time the Due- j tor haa appeared in the rolt of lecturer, but1 he acquitted himself so handsomely and sat- | iefactorilv. that it is to be hoped it will not , be his lost. After the singing of another ode by the choir, a call was made for Gen. Kershaw, who arose, amidst tremendous applause, and, for a few minutes, in his own happy off^ hand style, spoke of the merits of a temperaace society and its claims upon good people for support. Though short, his speech produced a pror found impression, causing many to resolve that they would espouse the cause, and some of the weaker brethren to manifest renewed zeal for its success The Chaplain then pronounced the benediction. and the large audience repaired to their respective homes, feeling that they had spent the evening in a profitable as well as a pleasant manner. Pons ofTrmpt.rance ? fl. W. P A. M. Kennedy, assisted hy brethren, J. .Tones, * W. H. R Workman, and W. R. McOrcight, organized a Division of this order at Springhill, Sumter County, on Monday last. The j new Divisi m is called Springhill Division, I No. 61. ! The offi< er.H elect are? ; 1 L. M Smith, W. P. J. C. Allen, W. A. J. R.Robinson, R. S. W. A Weldon, Son., A. R. S. J. F. Brown, F. S. J. W. Hawkins, T. H. F. MoCothron, Chaplain. S. L. Boykin, 0. B. P. Burkitt, A. C. J. J. Shiver, I. S. , T. S. :>nnlap, O. S. T. M? Crndy, P. W. P Rev. P. Pierson, of the Presbyterian j Church, il ed on Sunday, 9th instant, in the pulpit of the Bethel Church, Clarendon County. He was ^reaching at the timo, and died very suddenly. He was for thirty-five years pastor of t! e Midway Church, and an aged I man. : Personal.?We are pleased to see our friend, Mr. Chas. F. McQueen, again among (us. He h ?s just been married, and, with I his wife, h: s come to visit his relatives. We | congratulat e him on the change in his condition, am: wish him continued prosperity I in the city of Augusta, where he at present resides. Cotton. ?During the last few days cotton has ra lied, and brought what is now considered i good pri ce. This chango for the better :iade the merchants look happier, and the far ners' faces were shorter, as they talked mor cheerfully of the future. From tb 3 Columbia correspondent of the Charleston Weirs and Couriv, we learn that the ball of he South Carolina Club, which took place 1 the former city on the evening of the 13th Inst., was an elegant as well as a delightful c itertainment. "A thing of beauty is a joy t >rever," and the array of beauti ful and elcp intly dressed young ladies must havejieen j erfectly overwhelming. Among others who' :ere in attendance, we observe the name9 of Jiiss Bessie Goodwyn, formerly of onr town, and of the Misses Aldrich, of Barnwell, who aro well known to many of our people. Unmail. ble Letters remaining in the PoBt Office, Nov. 19th : Mrs. Anne K. Bracey, Benny Cooper, Stephen Smith. Thanks< iving.?His Excellency Gov. Moses has ippoiuted Thursday next, 27th inst., a9 a d .y of thanksgiving. There w: * a party of Gypsies about town last week. The Gai at Eastern Circus?This is a combination of menagerie, museum, circus, aqnnrium. c .ravan and hippodrome?a grand aggregation. The press of the country, wherever it a as travelled, pronouneo it the most comph to arid perfect organization over ? ?? .4 T* ?%Aiihono V?o rrrnofnuf Ill VUUir mil *>W. lb ia, uapa, VUV ^iw?n.rv sensation, it a zoological and arenic sense, in this coun ry. Have a h me of your own Yes a "homo of your owi; buy a piece of land with the determinate i to keep it during your life tiuic, and t ten transmit it to your heirs; if you have u> :ans, only the proceeds of your own labor, t ten scrupulously save and build a fine house, buying from the Great Southern Builder' Emporium your Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Ma ble and Slate Mantels, Hardware, Mouk >ngs, White Pine, Walnut, &cM cover your r tof with Asbestos' Rot fing Felt and Lining or which they are Agents; they are now use : on thousands of buildings, and they offer t tern as reliable and economical, which are n< aded everywhere. Send for price list U> I. H. Hall & Co., Charleston, S. C. The Pure; r asi? Sweetest Cod-Liver On. is ! Hazard & Ca; well's, iniule on the sea shore, from frc"?li selerte< livers, by Caswell. H at. .ki> & Co., New York. It is absolutely />urr and strert. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Phy icians have decided it superior to any of the ot er oils in market. 4\v Make Momcy fast and honorably*, $12.50 per day, or $75 ] Ar week, by at once applying for n territorial rij 'it, (which are given free to agents,) to sell the be t, strongest, most useful, and rnpid selling Se\ itig Machine, and Patent Button Hole Worke , ever used or recommended by families, or buy one for your own use: it is only $5. 8eutfrt * everywhere by express. Address for particula s. Jerome 11. Hudson & Co., (' r (Jreenwich k Cortlandt St , N. Y. Oct. JO, 4t. Applicati m for Final Discharge, VyOTICK i hereby given that one month nfter date I will apply to the Judge of Probate of Kore taw County, S C., for Letters of L?ismissi<?n a Administrator of the Estate of Margaret E. Hughes, deceased. a. l. McMillan, Adm'r November >. dl* OATS. 5001?u 11} ' In OATS. F<>r*n1??}>y B.vr.M BRO. BArO^f ! BACOA!! 20,00C pounds BACON ? barrels HAMS. For sale by H A I'M HBO Septeibb; r 4. tf Baand Tics. 10.000 y rds llAiilllNO 25,000 n andsTIKS. For sale by 13AUM BliO. 100 bar: Is, different grades, For sale by BAUMBRO. 15" Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. ' No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Billons. Remittent, and In terniittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. I There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-oolored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the Bame time stimulating the secretions of tho liver, and gem-rally restoring the healthy func uous ui uie uigeauvc ui^aus. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Yixbqar Bittbhs. No epidemic can take hold of a system thna fore-armed. Dy spepsia or Indigestion. Head. ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sou Eructations of the 8tomach, Bad Taste in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lnngs, Pain in the region of tbo Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better gnaranteo of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial affections, Old Sores, Eniptions of tbo Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these,.as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vi.vEOARBiTTKRshave.-iii'wn their groat curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chron ic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Disea es of the Blood, Liver, Kidueysaud Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.?Persona engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as PlumberR, Type-settrrs, Gold-beaters and na hntr \r> /iri* fill!). ject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a (lose of Walkku's vftfegak Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, * Tetter, Salt-Kheum, Blotches,Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Kingworms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations of tho Skin, llumors aud Diseases of tho Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these hitters. Pin, Tupe, and other.Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free tho system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or tho turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Yitiated Blood whenever you find Its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you finu it obstructed and sluggish in tho veins; cleanse it when it is foul; vour feelings will tell {ou when. Keep the blood pure, aud the ealth of the system will follow. r. ii. McDonald & co., Druggists A Geo. Agts, Sao Francisco, (.'alitoraim St oor. of Washington and Charlton Mold toy all Druggist, and Dealers. JV SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT j TO CONSUMERS! MY ENTIRE STOCK OF * NOTIONS. i Men's Furnishing Goods,; I OIiOTHI NTO-, 12 vrs fi'AFW, \. Boots and Shoes, I Vow ( ,'oin i Will be oilW( 'I foi salt, on and iflti t to, At ! Priors to suit PunliaMMS. Ml ? lin u tOi I Chonp GoodiJ, Cull ii. ! cxniniiic my u: W. WALLACE' II I ' ' . " I . L ' -jjmg TlfE PLiNTEB'S WAREROUbE. PLANTERS, and others, wishing to obtain their supplies at prices that defy competition, will consult theit- interest by examining my stock before purchasing elsewhere, My stock for the Fall and Winter Trade has never been m ire complete. It consists iiUpart of Grroeeries. SUGARS?Of all grades. " COFFEE?Itio, Lnguira and Java, FAMILY KLOUIt?Of th? finest quality, CANNED GOODS?Of all descriptions, BACON and LARD, GOSHEN BUTTER and CHEESE, FRESn CRACKER'S?A complete assortment. i M M ai Staple Dry Urooas, Ready Made Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, LEATHER, Hani ware, Crockery ware, Baling- and Ties, And, indeed, every thing usually found in a First Class Grocery. stock is replenished weekly?Goods always fre9h. The highest market price paid for Cotton. A call is respectfully solicited. I). W. JORDAN, Agent. October 80. tf R. R. R, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR afisr readlag this adrtrtfaemem need any on* BUFFER WITH PAL*. SADWATS BEADY RELIEF B A CURE FOR EVERY PAIS. It waathe Antaadls The Only Pain Bemodj that instantly stops the most woniclaitng pain, allars lnAammstion*. an<lcurca Coo gaat tons, whether ol the Luna<, stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by oaa application. IS FltOM ONE TO TWESTT MINUTES, no matter bow violent or exrrnclstlng the pain the RfTECMATlC, Bed rtddsm. Iahrtn, Cr.pplad, Neryous, Neuralglc, or prostrated with di??*ie bay filler, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFPORD INSTANT EASE. IXFAMMAT10X OK THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION ?>! ' T1JR BnWELS CONOKsTION OK THE LUNGS- I 80RE THROAT. DIFFICULT BRBATHING. PALPI r Al ION OK THE HE ART, I HYSTERICS, CROUP, Oil'UTKRIA. C.tTAKKO, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTH\( UK. NEURALGIA, BHECMATISM. COLD cniLLS, AO UK CHILLS. The application of the KradT Relief to lie part or part* wl.eratbe patu or Uithruny exists will atford esse and Com tort. Twenty dropalnhalfatumbler of water wllllnafcw momenta curt CHIt AMPfyiPASHS.SOUK STOMACH, HEAR I'll I KN, SICK HEAD ACHE, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, WIND IN THE BoWKLS, andaiu TEi'VAL PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle cf Had* way's Heady Relief wlththem, A few drop* in water will prevent alrkr.eaa or pains from change of water. IifsbettsrlfctuiFrenofc Brandy or UHurs as* stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AOUEeursdforffty oents. There Is Dot a remedial ug**ni In this world thatwilt cure Fever and A? jo. and all other Malarious. BUous, Scarlet, Typhoid. Yellow, and other Kevtrs Jalded by KADWAY'S 1*11.1.51 so quick ua RAD WAX'S R BADY RK LIKS. F Ifiy centi per HEALTH! BEAUTY!! BTRONOANI) Pri'.B RICH BLOOD?INCREASK OFPLK8H AM) M'KIOHT?CLEAR SKIN AND UKAUTIFULCOMI'LKXlON SHOCKED TO ALL. 1 DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparilliai Resolvent i THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. hah made the most astovishino cures : so UUJCK.SO RAPID ARB TUB CHANCES, TUB BOD Y PNDERGOKRIJNDKR TBB INFLCKNCB OP THIS TRCLY WONDKBFL'L MEDICINE, THAT Kvrpt Tlav an Tnmn in Flnsh Mi wilt is Seen aid Ft JKrsrydrop of the SABSAPJJlttUAN RRSOLVENT communicate* thr>,ightbe U^tttweet, Urlns. Md other Fluids sod juices of lMafl80 the rigor or ilf>, farlirepalrstbe wastes of the with new sod sound meterisL .Scrofula, 8y?uab Cone luipnon, Glandular disease, Hirers. In the tbitwt, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes (tithe Q land sand oufcrjvtneof thriyitem. HoreKjres, Btrumorousdis. barges from the Furs, end the worst forms of bain disuses, Eruption-, Forer Mores, SesldU-sd, Rl' g Woim.ealt BbenunRrrslpalu, Acne, Black Spots, W'tnuiu tie Hr?h, Tumors, ('anrerslnlhe Womb, si d *'1 . sk-nlr.g and painful dlscharges, NlgbtSweals, l-.'s ofBprna and all tvseccsof the 1 lie principle, are Wfthla the curatise raogeof :bls wonderotModern ( hemistry, anda few days' use will prore to any person using it for either oftheso forms of disease 1* a potent po wrr m cu re them. Iftba patient, dally becoming reduced hyth-wsrtes and decomposition thutls i. mutually progressing, suectedainsrrrstlngtb-se *, and repairs the sums wltb newmsterlslmadi' bea.thv bloo 1?and this theSAR8APAP.II.MAN ulland dues:scnir ? icure 1?certain; for when once iLlr remedy commences Its workn(purification, and -in -eejt In ditntnlfcUng ths loss of wanes, lis repairs will In; tepid, and atAry day the patient wlllfccllilmst-lfgiowmg batter and rimnser, the rood digesting belter, upcedte laarovlng, audlleeh and oigbtlncr. aeln \ A Not only doesthcisuatvAniiJ.ii's vgir ex<e!s all know u remedial ag<-:n |u tbe cure of Cbr.?r ir. Scrofulous. Constitutional, and pkla diseases ; built utha on I)' potlUrt: cure far Kidney & Bladder Complaintw, Urinary and Womb dWea-ca.lrsvsl. THaheies, Dropsy, Stoppage of Wstcr, Inronone'ioe <.! l/rl te, Urlght's Illsesse, Albuminuria, end In sll us- is where thcro are brick-d ust deposits, or the water Is thlbk, cloud.. mixed with substances like the whlisofsn en. or thread* Ilka wbllesllk, ortbereUa tnorbld, dorkTbll us appearance and whits bone dust dcp^lls. and wt. Liberals s pricking, burning sensation Ami passing water, and pain iniheFmallnflbeilack and along the Loins. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by lladivay's Resolvent. DR. RADWAY'S Perfect Punitive S Rsgnliiisf fills, psrfbrllv lsileIer??w!or-.n:!v ensued with sweet r 'm, ssisr, regulate,purll . clwassesad itaeiliea r*dway's Tilie fhr tni f? in . .1-1? > Murk, Liter. I; wcls. Kil'o lis Ids-. Nert - I -is *, lleadaebe.i astl| n SvirMtn, ladlgasit o, Dysrrp-lt, ltll.n I-I.os , I I a !'CMI'. Ulttal .lilt I Ol Hie Biwels. Pilot, s till rangsiueats o( iln- Internal Vtaeern. \V irrsn'rd 1.1 le< ta.uxlttre cure. I'mely . 's'.h.coiiii uui.tiji i rem >. utlaerid-ordcleleirlon* ur 1 .. V fetr tlosc?of " UHV ' V ' PIf.TJt wfl frrr 'besTSt1 mall"" olf.t, 1 idlierisrs. 1'ricc,2bcsnts | -r 1 Mil '? "? l :i till- TH. P VI' "I 11. i; ?N < Tltl'il" Fend one Infer stars; la KADV \ \ ? . No. ltd Wat .1 HI, Maw t 1 :l.niuldi?i at VJU. 11v aiid CliccNO. |M hii\c" i 11 i"? >! , * i i-J <i': 'i. \ IH'TTKIJ. 1 h:?1l> liy HAI'M IIKO. I j A \V CAIi \ >. WM. D. TRANTHAM, ATTOHN? V AT LAW, OAMOHTN, 9. 0 REDUCTION wbb??nn IN oonsdsc; THE P LOW P11IOE AN SCARCITY I have Reduce* % LOWEST NEW YO IET ALL ICXLTI BgT Call and examii 1 ROBERT CAMDEN, NOVE MBER 13, 187 jl?^ ITT AVE JUST RECEIVED. (from tbj H ing Iheir LARGE STOCK of Pure Drugs, Medicine PAINTS, OILS A WIJVDOT Of ell Sizci BBU? j White-Wash, Varnish, Sash Tool and qualities. LAMPS, BURNERS Is very complete. We would par PATENT SA1 . Which has been tested with boilin Gentlemen, who state, over thei CANNOT BE I And is, by far, the safest Lamp ii FANCY AND TOILET AR' ALSO?THE BEs : ENGLISH AND FRENCH TOO COLOGNES, EXTRACTS, all qualities,) TOILET SETS, a beautiful assortment of CUPS A articles usually kept in our establi Pirate call and examine. n || October 23. 0 Sheriff's Sale. ROBERT A. YOUNG, et al. vs. JOSEPH B. KERSHAW, rl al. T?:n C..1.. nf I OT1 !u 1)111 iui VI HY virtue of an order made at September i '11 rui, 1873, by Honorable T. H. Cooke, ! Judjr of th Fifth Circuit, and to me dir.' ted, ' I will sell on the tirst Monday in Hecen.ber, j 1873. during the legal hours of sale, in trout ol ' the ( uirt House door at Camden, All that Traei of Land, lying in 1 Coutim, on the waters oi Sander. Creek, con- ' taini, g three hundred and ninety-five acres, j more or les?, bounded moth by Sanders' Cre? k, | east '.y lands of I'. 0. Tryon. -?uth by land" late of A1 xnnder Young, and west by Cantey lands, i Al! that Tract of band, lying on both sides et I Twen v-Sive Mile ('reek, in Krrsh.w t'oun- | tv, ontaining five hundred aercs, i ot ' less. Mid known t. Ilnrnsdale, l?-.11?:? t 1 : mi by 1^. ids of Thomas Sessions and Isle of John I*. K nnolv, smith by Intnl.- ol 1 i: - session-. oast by bittdsof Jehu It. Kennedy,! l?y Klkins' land. Ti' ms?One fourth cm- h, balance 011 one, Iwoi ntul three yeai '* credit, with intero-t IVnni <lite, joiyable annually, to he secured by b< tel. mort gnge and personal security. SAMUKL I'LACt:. S. K. C. November '?. It I.( >KrI\ STUAYKI) or Stolen a brindle spotted enr Dog abotit one year old, tiatned " fiji. lie ha- been mi-sing about < ne week* Any inform- | atii that will lead to the recovery of the -aid ! Dog will be thankfully received ' y D. At the Journal office. November ttth, vf c IN PRICES. r c ? :*TJJHN<DJIS OIF" ANIC, OF COTTON, ? D OF MONEY, [1 Prices to tlie 'HE QUOTATIONS, OS OF GOODS, ne /or yourselves. C M. KENNEDY, Northern Market?,) and are now opens and Chemicals, ND VARNISHES, V GLASS, t and Colors. > 3HBS. s and Paint Brushes, of all size3 # Our >tock of I, AND CHIMNEYS, ticularly recommend the * FETY'LAMP, I g Kerosene Oil, by Scientific | r own signatures, that it EXPLODED, S i use. | riCLES, in largo variety. g ;t quality of f TH AND HAIR BRUSHES, j [LA.Ill GREASE, SOAPS, (of S VASES, DRESSING CASES, g lND SAUCERS, and many other shmcnt. ODGSON & DUNLAP. tf i MORTGAGE SALE, w. r. cunningham, TB. ANNA M. COXAWAY. Sale under Mortgage of ileal Estate. |)Y virtue of authority Tested in me by Mrs. i ; ln:u M. Conanay, in her Deed of Mortgage ' torn , h -Ming date ti.e 7th day of October,1S72, 1 will oiler for sale at I'nblicOutcry, before" the Court House door in Cantden, S. C., on tha Fill ST MONDAY IN JANUARY next, within the legal hour? of s-le, All that certain LOT in the town of Gennlon, S. C.. known and distinguished iu the plan of the slid town na Lot nutnbrr one thousand and forty i, (l.'tiT,) hotmdc I north hy lot <>ne thousand and f r y tight, we thy Hroad Street, of said town, s nttl oatand and ft vty - n. nt:d cist by lot one thousand and fitly, whei i he Store n> w occupied by E. J. Coua\v;?v, ' small Offt \ now occupied by him as a dw ' i, are situated, together with all and singti iv the righss. members, hereditaments, and , irton. noc-, unto said premises belong in;: or i . anywise ii?< i lout or appertaining. Term* Cash. Purchaserato pay for papori. W. 11. CUNNINGHAM. October 30. , td 'Siickcrci! 3la<*kerel!! 10" kita MACKEREL, 10 barrel a do J*>5half barrels do. For sale by BAUM BRO. lcpinifnges, Wor Candy, and Patent MedicinMof all I kinds. For sale by | Nov -S HODGSON \ Ll'NLAP