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V HOMEWARD Dropping down the troubled river. To the tranquil, tranquil shore: Dropping down the misty river? Time's willow-shaded river? . To the spring-embosomed shore: Where the sweet light shineth ever, And the sun goes down no more? 0 wondrous, wondrous shore! dropping uown me ?unuug To the wide and welcome sea: Dropping down the narrow river? Men's weary, wayward river? To tlie blue and ample sea: Where no tempest searcheth ever, Where the sky is fair and free? 0, joyous, joyous sea! Dropping down the noisy river. To our peaceful, peaceful home: Dropping down the turhed river? To our gentle, genU*- home Where the rough roar riseth never, And the vexing-' cannot come, 0! loved and longed fW home! Dropping down the eddying riv? r. With a Helmsman true and tried* Dropping down the perilous river? Mortality s dark river? With a sure and heavenly Guide; Even Hiii*.who, to deliver My soul fioiu death, hath died, O! Helmsman true and tried! Dropping <lown the rapid river To the dear and deuililefts land; Dropping down tiie well-known river? Life's swollen and rushing river? To the resurrection-land Where the liviug live for ever. And the dead have joined the hand,? O! fair and blessed hand! Slow AND ATTRACTIVE!! The attention of customers is called to lit) LARGE AND " m J Carefully Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, HARDWARE, . CROCKERY. A Large Stock of GROCERIES. I have also on hand, an assortment of Furniture, With a variety of other articles. All of which are offered upon the most reasonable terms. ' J. f. McCORRY, Apt. October 9. tf THE LATEST! j I IIA VP Ol'KNKD T11P Most Complete Slock of , DRY GOODS, | 7 ! BEADY Xllli: CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES J To which I gi?e special attention, , Hats and Caps, i Na<l<ll(^ \ r.. Ever offered in (his Market. * I Special cart awl attention hue in if been given to the Helvetian itml manutactutim/ of fabric* lot miftsiilen, ;/ tin />ri*~ ent ?eaeon% customer* trill liml tin nntiHii$ ally full, choice, ami attract ice u**,>,-t incut [>u> /nit' it since the decline tnjO'tces. JOS. S. 1.01 0. Ortob?r 9. tf. Riro\ ! BACON!! 20,000 pounds BACON 5 barrels HAMS For sale by R1I M KHO Septembar 4. If Verinlfu^es, Worm Candy, and Patent MeJkinei of all kind* For Hit by Kit til HuWOIvN * UK I At t%. 4 4 | H. C* ONE DAY ONLY. Sjilui'day, Novrmbor 22, 187-4}. THREE KRAHD PERFORMANCES, AT 8 A.M. AID 2 AID 7 P. ft Doors open One Hour Previous. A TOWERING GIANT ATffiONC ITS FELLOWS. The Great 12 Centre-Pole Tent $100,000 CHALLENGE SHOW, ] 1 GREAT ^0AST^LN ME ^AGERIE, Museum, Aviary, Circus, Roman Hippodrome AM) EGYPTIAN CLV1 i AY A>, its augmentationduringtbeptst wlowniiukesii foot'timeslarger than it to imi jMfr, "iniiMen it was confessed the Monarch Mastadon of the ror.d. over a niillMiidolhi ^ tut\ o Ih mi expended t.i make tins imp most stupendous and greatest World Expo itiou -r;,id an Immense Ye.riw1 .-id re-Pule Pavilion covering over four acres of ground, ami measuring ? ;-.? <-"1 v.: i.; of?, is required to exhibit its thirty-one'dens of iving Wild Beasts, breathing .Sea-.Mou. Mrs, I inmnged i i.-is, Mesh- atitig Itepilies. and the rolo.jsal DUAL CIRCUS EXHIBITION!! MAKINd II A Grand Combination more than Equal to Twelve Shows in One, To transport this (ioliah of Shows, mo ?<rs r; |.rs.?u-ii - r cnaclnv. uud I engine* nre brought Jnto reunlsitiou ami I he services of over S,u<ni into ami hois - ik. e-;.n \ to .Me sucet s id ol tins unprecedented enterprise. ^ A Grand Triple M : . Iq4aninnlntrnti eomhin MiwHh tteCOLOSS\L MC)! I M \>": \RY OF 'i ROFIOll bibd8,aiK) caravan Of KLKP1IANT8, CAMKLd, DROMBDAIUK8, BLK8. lil PPALOK8, etC^ etc. Graiid Double Circus Performance, | In tin* Largest ilijijiodroinc Tout in the \\orl?l. /Si . ' EVEBY ACT .DO'Q BLE In Two Kin-- :it ili- ;tmi limn n> I.m I.'mumI I'.ivili-u ! 4. 1 kxv..lvLi a l2-< V* * * B W * . J F* P I * 9 Ii * " i. . ? a * * i- w A m > * ? - Two Studs of lti<liiiir Unrsr , I'm! ' * 1 j *t I jii* ii -n . 'ill. I ' < 1 i , Arroli;it . i I_\ inn.i I , < " 1 < \\ Ti . i-li*. Greatest Achievement <n Arenic Circles ever V.'ilnessetl I 11+. Before ench exhibition (!I5AND I? \ M .< " 1"? NSCKNSlON will be given. A T.rkH W ii if< hi will In' nj'i'ii ( i I lie >' > ri-i t. fi '1 i '' \. i I ' M.. w here I i'*kr(?can I'f purcha eu, thu ii i t the rush nri?l jam <iii the groiiwl uftcr tbo opening at' the Dooi'4. ii. i. LL:I:C ii, Aarent. FALL I AIVU Winter Goods! A.T < J. AT. I. J OA JSIT 01 CIIKAP CASH STORE. Our Stcck of I General Merchandize, ?< Consisting in part, of ^ DRY Q-OOUSt S B Groceries, Hardware, [J c Cutlery, Boots, and Shoes, fj Notions, Hats, &e, }> T Will bo sold at the very lowest prices for P cash or its equivalent in barter. All Goods sold by us are warranted , as represented j We have n large and well selected stock of ^ North Carolina Shoes, A Which we offer at low figures. C We pay the highest market prices for Cot- ^ ton and other Country Produce. Agents a fur Ncblett & Goodrich's Cotton Gins, which / we offer at Manufacturer's prices. ' B8F*AII Goods purchased by parties resi-* I linir within the corooratc limits of the town, C will he delivered by us free of charge. ^ J. & T. I. JONES- g Camden, Sept. 25. tf. 1*7:*. 1*73. J ""FALL TRADE^ J We arc now receiving u large slock of DRV OOODS, CLOTHING, for Men and Boys, l IIATS, of all styles, j 100 cases BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, 1 SADDLERY ANT) HARNESS. In Ciri. u great many articles too tedious totnen| ti..n ?nil "l which \vt will sell ut our usual low II prictJ. BAUM BRO. September tf Fall and Winter.] 1873. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Hats, Groceries, , ( Crockery and Hardware, I AT W . L ARTHUR'S. ? t fl I hui offering extra inducements to pur 0 chasers from uiv l,A KOI'; STOt'K, and would respectfully solicit n call, r W. Ii AKTHl'K. September 25. J (1 * 8 Bagging, Ties, &c. ? !<> hales liACOIXU. various brands, *2 tons AKIUJW TIKS. M \< K A UK I j. in barrels, half-barrels, unarrel . kits and at ietail. t'KtH'KKKY. Ac \e. .In'I received by J. A T. 1. .IONKS August 2?. tf SOmKiROIJM c KKKSIIAW COUNTY. ( Court of Common Ploas. ai JOHN I Tit A.N Til AM. A-luir. a J OS K I'M J. r?l!.\KFFOKI>. rt nl. I)V virtue < ! an order of (lie Circuit Court for I ) tin County itoie-aiu, made in iliis cause, at j Sepii'iiito-1* Term, IM7-t. all tlie creditors ?f 1h* j Hillliim I'II h kl urn, ui'vimmh, ..iv i iii11 .' I |.i i"<iutili-'li llii'ir Ji'iiiiiii.I liptort* hip, on Hi- I ii-ton- Monday, tin- 'J4ili iluji i'l Niivt-ni ber IMT.I. in- In- !i-liurr.-il from tbi- Inimtil ot miy li-ori-p i.i Iio in i-l?- In irin ^ ?ii i 'i - .1 T. HAY. Ki-ft-rce. I'lonr! Flour!! ( I tin barrels diff.Ti-nt gnuU*, Fur bale by I BAUMBRO. mportant and True. j HEWX>OOD3. f Cheap Goods. Such Goods as we Require. We would respoctfully incite the nttention of lr friend* and customm to our stock of ISTIEW O-OOIDS.hich wo liuve just received, aud are selling at ! low prices as the same goods can be bought i any country town iu (he southern country, ur stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 4c, Comprises in part: Calicoes, Alpaccas, Won* eds, Del.hiues, Beruge, Ginghams, Plaids, Lin(} ?, Kerseys, Cassimeree, Sattinetts, Jeans, enitns, Ticking, Shirtings and Sheetings, bleakcd and unbleached: Drillings, plain and check1 Oznaburgs; Blenkets, Ooverlids, Comforts, rer and Undershirts aud Drawers; Ladies' almoral Skirts, Uorsels; ladies' and gent's, and kerchiefs, Indies' gent's, and children's hosiery, Gloves, &c., Indies' Belts, gent's. Bows, * " " ~ " J- ft ollars, Shirt fronts. suspcuaerb, on;., dginge, Braids, Trimmings, &c., Towels, Knitng Cotton. Needles, Pins. Hair Pina, Hair cts. Thimbles and Thread. Pocket Knives, ocket Books. Hound and Dressing CotnW, both Brushes. Pens irnd Pencils, Extracts and i omades, with various other articles to numerous ) mention. Our stock of IEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES insists of everything usually kept in a well egulated Family Grocery, viz? UGARS?All grades 'OFFEE?Rio, Laguyra and Java '.-i COX?White audsiqokeU Sides and Shoulders WEAKEST STRIFS?The very best in Baltimore WL ASSES?New Orleans and S. H. Syrup tACKAREfr-Xos. 1, 2 and 3 'IIEESE?Sew New York Factory t OS II EX BUTTER?The best to be had. ARD?Superior Leaf MCE?Both prime and medium 'EAIII. GRIST? From Baltimore 'OBACCO?Finest chewing an Durham smoking '/PES?All siies. kinds urul qualities MGARS?From finest to common grades ANNED GOODS?Of every decription ONFEOTTONS?Of all varieties and qualities ARDINES?Warranted genuine Yeast Powders, Salad Oil, Candles, Matches, 'amily and Fancy Soap, Starch, Soda, Pepper, ipicc, Nutmegs, Ginger, Mustard, Pickles, Jelies, Worcestershire Pepper and Capers Sauces, 'owder, Shot aud Gape, and many other aeti* 1 ?- ? 4. Wa Iks which we nave uui ruuui iw uicuuvu. bo keep during the season \ll kinds of Fruits, Vegetables 4c Such as Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Iranberries, Raisins, Figs, Frunes, Currants, bbbages. Irish Potatoes, Onicns, 4c. We have also always on hand an assortment t C1i'ofkery? are, 4e. 4e. All ot the above goods we will sell at the very ow<"t figures for Cash, and purchasers will ind it to their interest to give us a call before lurchasin? elsewhere. KIHULEY & CilHLtXD. Next door south of the corner, in the Workman luilding. Jfept.25. tf. W. J. ARK ANTS, AT THE 1 GRAND CENTRAL Dry Goods Establishment OF \\ M I). LOVE & CO., Under Wheeler House, COLUMBIA, S O. Sionjjle* ients, and Order* solicited, October 15, 1873., V 3m. ihssolitToX ? The I'.i-t'iirtiiiM.-hiD heretofore existing he?.j ween the undersigned under the name nnds>\.]e if A. I). KENNEDY & Co.. ia this da- Jj,. lolved by mutual consent. All debt* jue (0, ,nl nil demands against said firm, v^h paij o. uii<l settled by A. D. Kennedy who alone ia mtliomed to use the firm-name ^ liquidation. A- "u. KENNEDY. _ a. M. KENNEDY. Camden, Ootober 10, ) ^73 fi^*We beg leave j0 reti.rn our thanks to all iur customers wh 0 have patronised us in the nisi, and in ask ofthem imthe future, a continu,neo <if their favors in behalf of the new firm ,f KENNED,y & U0VK1N. A. D. KENNEDY. A. M. KENNFDY. JO i s m 0I11tion. ['HE tin partnership heretofore existing between Joseph T. Miotic and Hunter R. loykin, uudcr the name and style of MICKLE : ]?>VKIN,.is this day dissolved by mutual conenf All debts due to. and all claims against ni l firm, will be paid to, and settled by, either f the late partners, who are authorised to sign he firm name io lhiuiJation. J. T. MICKLEH, H. BOY KIN. October -*|. J. 1. WOOL ET0N& CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BALTIMORE, MD, ]|;iviii? the ?'ijtire STOCK OF |(?oi?S of M? i- D. L DESauhsureA V?. we will soil the same ut COST lor GASH, n<I t*.tr that purpose hereby constitute t it'inVr.' ot tlmt tirin our ugentsto effect such le. J. !. MI DDL ETON A CO. .Time 8 ttf MERONEY Sl WITTER, AICTION ANIi OMMISSION MERCHANTS, Broad-St. Camden, S. 0. H ill tiiicnd to the selling of Real Estate, Mer 'Inidize, Produce, &c. &c llu?iiie<"< entrusted to their care will meet i tli prompt Attention. Return* made m aeon u* ?alt? are effected. September J6- III >i inifc j *mmm> NEW FIRM. * ' *' ** y . iiii" IT T#f ? n * F[E undersigned, successor* to A. D. UN-. NEDY A CO., ksfe just opened tkoir Fall and Winter Steele CONSISTING Of Staple Thy Goods, | , , . ' % '40 UJ_i<J,JL,J=LJL.IN KJt, BOOTS ANB 8HOSH, Hats and Caps, ' ' I J. >; {* HARDWARE, Crockery * ^tox?^3n?^ *o. A LARGE SUPPLY OF FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES, , Bagjtbiff and Tie*. porchta?l.?Hh gr?*iow. in tke^fbrtkem markets, since the decline in prices, we are ahle to sell the same on terms to suit purchasers. Give us a call. KENNEDY & BOYKIN. ** | ^ ?A i# ! C ' I Uctooer ?u. " Insurance Company .! ) _ . * * Mi.' ti. i , . ' . j ' ' . .. jfj J ? . Piedmont and Arlington LIFE I 4 A ' : '"l' ; .}: , OP. : T.t. v.ii.'f.f r i'? iL t ' ?t,;a Richmond, Virginia. J-*.' ' # ^ :i >' y ASSETS jf . "1 V; .... #8,000,000. f 4 . A . ' ' ' 'ir ^. < ... W. C. CABB1HGT0V, PBEIIDSVT 1***** ffiHFU v?, . 9 " ' Losios Actually paid in KerahawCounty within K Three Yean, 928,000,00. I take pleasure in saying I hare returned to the agency of thia popular Company. No difficulties will exist in future, as to Renewals of Policies, as I shall pay espeeia! attention^) that branch of the business. J9*l will always be found at my Ofloe on Broad Street, Camden, S. 0. W. CLYJJUBS, Agent. January 16. 1873. if BICHMONB BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, - $500,000 I pERSOtfS wishing to Insure in a Pint Claae [ Company at Low rataa, will plaaaa apply ta I W. CLYBURN, Agent. I CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, I . or Memphia, Tenn. branch office at baltimokc, Mil. Aaaeta,. $1,075,000. Hod JEJFF. DATIS. Presideat Qeu. Wa.DE HAMPtON, Vic* Pntifcnt. JOHN 1).- KENNEDY, Stat* Agtut. may is. 12b. ~ notice! n p?Nliu?d Ik* ?Uf* Mttk t Mt11 oh MdiM <rf M?im, J. I. Mi44i?m 4 Co., in Catn< lea, w? hare tkia day farmed a H-Mltnrnhip .under tkVftraaui??r Phalpa 4 for tha^ purpaaa of oondactiaf* (antral Hatch audi fo aadCaA?ieaioB buainaea. K A. PHltPfi, ,