University of South Carolina Libraries
M * rn0Ti ' #uUS?LJL | Editors Abbeville IUxxeb; The poetry of R. H. Wilde, beginning, "My life Is like the Summer Rose," is uipvcrsally admired and frequently found in the periodicals o}' the day. 1Jis, polii ics are forgotten, his life ofTns ?o encumbers I * the shelves of booksellers, whilst this gem, recognized as true poetry, even in fault-finding England, promises to embalm his name in lit eraiyimmortality.-' ' It is not. however, so well known that a lady of Baltimore met the distinguished advocate in the Court of the with much more force ami almost equal beauty. As the stanfcas of each are nat found in connection, it is proposed to give those of Wilde separately, and in a similar way the ladyV&psmtec in reply. WILDE. My life is like the Summer Rose That open*.to the morning sky, ] But ere th<*sh5tnt?s of evening close. Is scattered on the ground to die, Vet on that rose's humble bed The swetiegt dews of niglu are shed, As if f??W#pi such.waste to soc; But none shall weep a tear for me. * ** f LADY. The dews of night may fall from Heaven, Upon tii* withered rose's bed. To mourn the virtues of the dead. Vet morning's sun the dews will dry, And tears will fade from sorrow's eye, At! eat ions pangs be lulled to sleep, And even lore forget to weep. , W1U,EMy tffe i*l|ke the Autumn leaf That trembles on tile moon's pale ray, stibT J? frail, its date is brief. Restless, and soon to pass away; Yet ere thnt life shall Jail and fade. The parent tree shall mourn ifs shade; The wind bewail the lcuiiess tree, But none shall breathe a sigh for me. LADY. The tree may mourn its fallen leaf, And Antumn winds bewail its bloom, And friends may heare a sigh ofgrief^ O'er those who sleep within the tomb, Yet soon will spring renew iho flowers, And time will bring more smiling hours, i In friendship's heart all grief will die, And even love forgot to 9igh. WILDE. , . My life is like the prints which feet Have left on Tampa's desert strand? Soon as the rising^ide shall beat, All traoe shall van 1th from the sand. Yet as if grieving to efface All vestige of the human race 4 On that lea* shore, loud moans the sea; But none alfc! shall mourn for me. LADX. The sea may on the desert shore Lament eachtracc it bears away, The Jonelv. its grief may pour O'er"clterish^rYrfcndship's fast decay. Yet^ whea all track is lost and gone, ^S'he Vavee dance "bright and gaily on; Thus soon affection bonds are torn And even love forgets to mourn. 'bow many acres are unoccupied in the Great "West. There arc eleven territories, two or three of wbiclrare twice or three timee Urge as the whole of New England, and it is a small territory that i9 not at least ten linn Ml 1 Colorado's thirteen times as large as Massachusetts, A^^Dakota and Arizona are half latg^^PBi1 as -Colorado.. The elev<|& territorie^^tain over 1.250,000,#60 acres, exceeding by nearly 200,800 square miles the aggregate territorSjof all the prespiifndmitted States of twUnic^^Tln^U^Titory of Alaska Nit REpL^,?A Massachusetts farmer says .'jRvlv oittle will follow me untiot leave^clotJJnd on their way up to the barnyanTlBfthe evening stop and call for a lock ^ hav." J Siithson saywflierc nothing at all renufckablc in JR\t went into a barnyard in the OTfffitry one day last weelc'trhere he had not the slightest acquaintance w^jhe^ttle, and an old hull not o^oll^d hHp till he left the lot, but toik tluigaieou ine uiuges ami raced wittf him dTy> -to the" house in the niostfamiflwfrqan#r poftsihjc. Smithson says be has Bud'lubtytimt tfic ohl fellow would have calTud for'-something if he had faited a ilttle while, but lib didn't wan fete keep the folks waiting dinner, so habung one tail of his coat and a piec^of his pants on the bull's horns and went into the bouse. The slowly-starving editor of a paper in Bratteboro, "N't., drops into poetry as follows: 'We had sweet dream- (fie other night, When nil around was still. We dreamed we saw a ho?t of folks 1'ftjr up their printer's hill We Wish the dream would come to pass, Add our einptv pockets fill? Tar da ump a te diddle dum, Te ump tcJddle dill. "Mn. if Von will give me an apple I will lit a good." "No, iny child you must I not l?b good for pay?you must be good for nothing.", At a juvenile party one litte fellow, rejoicing in the splendor of his new clothes, went ftp to another with the triumphant remark : ' You ain't drt*so<l as well as I am/' "Well," retorted the other, kT can lick yon, anyhow." The St. Louis Democrat says: "Our J experience an<l the history of tho past eighteen centuries incfin^ us to the belief tint no matter how well you treat a shot-gun, nor how you bring it up, it will bangghe stuffing out of you the very frst time it gets a chance." A San Francisco gunsmith has been robbed of nine revolvers and a respectable accompaniment of bowie knives. Nob >dy is after the thief. A wrench writer has described a young lady its a creature that ceases to kiss j gentllinen at twelve, and begins again at I twenw. Liieralitv onusists less in giving pro- I fine? than in giving judiciously. | Tjke ambition and where will be your heroes and patriots ? A. T. Stewart, of New York, has built a railroad thirty miles long to his property at Hampstead Plaioi. ------ j * - ? - - A return to the ohf plan of npprertti-' eing boys to trades is being advocated. The host of young men in every large citv who apply for employment and fail to get it for the reason that they can not truthfully affirm that they are educated or specially fitted for any particular business, constitutes a potent argument in favor of reform. Under the apprentice system wc should have fewer ignorant mechanics and incompetent business men. A trade is half a man's fortune. - - _ j ij. - . New Advertisements. SAMPLES soni by mail for 50c. that retail quick for $10. 1{. L. WOLCOTT, 1st Chatham Square, N. y. GENUINE WALTBAk WATCHES SENT C. O. D. The best and cheapest in the world, and the most accurate. illustrated price list and inwest rates sent free. Address FULLER A CU.t 28 Bond St., New York. f heMagic"Comb^P W colored hair to a permanent black or brown and contains no poison. Trade supplied at lowest rates. Address, MAUIC COMB CO.. Springlleld, Mans. AVA/ATPU CDCC wr,rtl? $20, given gratis to VVn Uf1 rtlLL every live man who will act as our agent. Business light an 1 honorable. $3<>0 made in 5 da vs. Saleable as flour. Everybody buys It. Can't do without It. Must have it. No Gift Enterprise, no Humbug. KENNEDY & CO., Pittsburg. Pa. MI l-D f"tC P O No, we would only call attention to IVIUnULn f our well acgkr, with which a man can earn $25 per day in good territory. It bores any diameter, and ordinary wells at the rate of 150 ft. per day. Farm, Township A eotinfy Rights for saie. Descriptive book sent on receipt of 9c. postage. Address Augkk Co., 8t. Louis, Mo. i?pSY< 1IOMANCY or 80UL CHARMING." HomI A either sex may fascinate and gain the love A affections of any person they choose Instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mall, for 25c., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Ilints to Ladiea, Wedding-Night Shirt, Ac. A queer book. Address, T. WILLIAMS A CO., Pubs. Ptiila., Pa. For COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets PUT IT ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A Tried aud Sure Remedy'. Sold by Druggists. , Agents Wanted. sk.vo for catalo0ue. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., N. Y The Highest Medical Authorities oi Europe say the strongest Tonic, Purifier anc Deobstruent known to the iuedioal world it JUE/tTBEBA, It arrests decay of vital forces, exhanstlon of the ner vona system, reutorea rigor to the debilitated, cleanse vitiated bl<>o<l, removes vesicle obstructions and act! dtreetlv on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a t>ottle JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y. TJ avt Til* llPPDK Pastor of the Chnrch o IVt>- 1/1*. JLFl tHI5?, strangers and Editor o the "Christian a?EnNew York, has written a worl entitled "JESUS,''complete In one ootavo volume o 7Wt pages, beautifully illustrated. This book Is meetiDj with a large sale. Dr. DEEMS l<eing a true friend o Southern people, bis book w ill be eagerly looked to here. Sold only through eattrawtng agents -appotntc* bv the publishers For terrltorv for this and the Oram Pictorial Book of Travels "ALL BOUND THE WOULD address, * . * UNITED gTATES PNBLIM 11 Nti VOf. 4v U * 18 Tnlrerslty rhwerNew York TITAT AT Tt* 8 A JUL TTUt Purges, Purifies, and Strengthens tht System. Dk. Ti rrM Pills are composed of many Ingredients Proiniucnt among them are Narsuparilla and \V1J< Cherry, ao united as to act together; the one, throngi Ita admixture with other substances, purifying am purging; while the other is strengthening the system Thus these Pills are at the same time a tonic und a oh thartic, a desideratum ion? sougnt tor i?y meuicai men l?ut never before discovered, in other words, they d< the work of two medicines and do It much better thai any two we know of, fdr they remove nothing fron the system bnt impurities, ?o that while they purgi they also strengthen and hence they cause no dehlllt; and are followed iiy no reaction. 1)k. Trrr's Pili.s have a wonderful inllueiice on thi blood. They not only purlfv without weakening It but they remove all noxious pkrtirtes from the chyli before It is converted into mild, and thus makes fm pure bloodsnutter impossibility. As there is node Ml its t Ion, so thcie Isno nausea or sickness attendljii the operation of this most excellent- medicine whlcl never strains or tortures the digestive organs, bit causes them to work in a perfect natural manner hence persons taking them do not become pale an< emaciated, but on the contrary, while nil impurities ari being removed,the c unbilled action of the SareapartHl and Wild Cherry purities and invigorates the body, nn< a robust state of health Is the result of their united action. Price 8P cents a box. Sold by all druggists. De pot 43 Cortlandt St., New York. 4v DAVIDSON COLLEGE, MKcKJ.ENRURU COUNTY, N. C. Well equipped. Seven ITofesSors. Expeuaes Low Session commences September '28, 1&73. send foi atalogue. J. R BLAKE. Chairman of the I, aciuty SARATOGA APERIENT. powdkk as the Saratoga Mineral Spring Waters, am used f<<r the same purposes. Compact ami l'ortutil Prepared only by ceo. it. KIkhA Soj?. Saratoga Springs N . Y. Sold by Druggists WTicy it. sui Hampden Sidney College. rnifE next pension of this Seminary of learning 1. will commence on Thursday, September 4th, Hampden Sidney is Situated in Prince Edward bounty, Vn., within a few hundred yards of I'liinn Theological Scininary, and seven miles from Parmville the nearest depot of the Atlantic, Mississippi ami Ohio ltailroad. The locality of the College is most healthy, and the community around distinguished for intelligence and piety. There is no Grammer or Preparatory School connected with the College. It retains the curriculum and the great aim of its teachers is to seeure thorough!)"'** in the training ami instruction of tlioir pupils ami thus to pepare them for professional studies or thcnotivedutles of life. The ordinnry expenses of n student exclusive of t lie cn~t of clothing, travelling ami hooks, are from to S-7 "> n year For t'atalogue and further information apply to KEV. J. M. 1*. ATKINSON, President Hntnden Sidney College, l'rinco Edward County, Vn. August 21. 12m LAW < A It 1>. WM. D. TRANTHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CAMDEN, S. C. Offie* adjoining that of J. M. Davis, Esq AE^V i and 3-iSIAVf ATTRACTIVE!! 4 ? ? ? The attention of customers is called to my LARGE* AND * ^ Careftilly Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, ttartvivart?! <"Tk> . CROCKERY. 1 A Large Stock of GROCERIES. " I'have also on hand, an assortment of Furniture, I ' With a variety of other articles. All of which are offered upon the most reasonable ! terms. J. W. McCURRY, Apt. October 9. . tf i THE LATEST!. I HAVE OPENED THE Most Complete Stock of DRY GOODS, [ READY MADE CLOTH ING, ? -t - r B ! BOOTS and SHOES, r x * To which I give my special attention, IT 1 I Hats and Caps, Saddles, ?fcc > Eyer offered in this Market. 3 Special rare and attention having been given to the selection and manufac!i taring of fabrics for my sale t, of the presi put season, customers will find an unusu ally full, choice, and attractive assort' mcnt purchased since the decline injrriees. JOS. S. CLOUD. u October 9. tf. * HaildmEirdvw vulSirpp&Of*&npr | i BrdcketsJTewrh RdljEiliistrrj^Win Qurdt, \ f SUtcjtniMifblelJintUi;FloorantLDruM. \ $ 71linjpWhi!rR'ne,WilnutfoiiylenioT): j y> LdinetMakenRnt Jtfoth&a \ 7) AU WorhW&rrttntii. \ j LOWEST PRICES. \ 4 Send for Price L Ut. ^ LH. HALL&CO.! f Monuflrlurm Sc Uulert* J =i 2,4s 0,8,7ft Jfarhet Strett. S S3 225, 225Lj?d3tB*p' L CHARLESTON, S.g.g Thif* Out entered according to Act of Congreis in tlie ycarjl873, by I. II. HAz.l & Co., In tbo office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. May 19. 12m. NOUT.II -Ct ItdLlN 4, KERSHAW COUNTY. Court of Common Plead. JOHN I. THANTHAM, Adm'r. rr. JOSEPH J. DRAKFFORD, ct al. BV 'virtue ot' an oWIer of the Circuit Court for tho County aforesaid, made in this eatise, at 3o|iUuiihpr Term, 1873. all the creditors of the Estate of \Vi 111inm Drokeford, deceased, are re<iuire*l to ostabiieh thoir ilemanda >?#f<<re rue, on or before Monday, the 21lh day of' No vent ber 18/3, or be debarred from the benefit of any, decree to be made herein. Oct. 9.? ' ,T. T. HAY, Referee. | 4 aV? Winter Goods! J ; .k> / .i-.Ji# . v. wL. J. A T. I. JOJFIIS' * 4' " V o ( HEAP CASH STORE. ^ . . ... ^ ^ ^ ^ Oar Stock of General Merchandize, ; Consisting in part, of \ | ZDR/Z" GhOOIDSi { Groceries, Hardware, j Gutlerv. Boots, and Shoes, ) ^ UP f \ Notions, Hats, &e, i i1 Will be sold at the very lowest prices for J cash or its equivalent in barter. ? ! I All Goods sold by ns are warranted j? as represented. ] ? ; Wc have a large and well selected stock of j North Carolina Shoes, j ^ Which we offer at low figures. J ( ( We pay the highest market prices for Cot- i ton and other Country Produce. Agents \ for Neblett & Goodrich's Cotton G ins, which \ we offer at Manufacturer's prices. fc??All Goods purchased by parties rcsi- ' ding within the corporate limits of the town, (* will be delivered by us free of charge. < J. & T. I. JONES. f Camden, Sept. 25. tf. ' < 1873. 1S73. "fall trade. We are now receiving a large slock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, for Men anil Boys, HATS, of all.styles, 100 cases BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, ' SADDLERY AND HARNESS. In facl, a great many articles too tedious to mention?allot' which we will sell at our usual low | prices. BAUM BRO. j September 19 / tf ' Fall and Winter, j 1873. > Dry Goods, 1 Clothing, I Boots and Shoes. Hats, Groceries, Crockery and Hardware, AT w A viwvi ITWSi H Li .1111 an * | I I am offering extra inducements to pur chasers from wy LARftK STOCK, and would respectfully solicit a call. W. L AKTIiril. September 25. Bagging, Ties, &c. 10 bales BAGGING. various brands, ft tons ARROW T1R6: MACK Alt Kb. in barrels, half-barrels, quarrels. kits aud at retail. CROOK KRY. Ac. etc. Just received by J. & T. I. JOXKS August 29. tf Flour! Flour!! 10(1 barrels. different grades, < For sale by , ( BAl'M BRo. ' Bagging and Ties. 10.000 yards BAOflTNG 25,000 pounds TIES. For sale bv BAUM BBO. M( 0 \ ! 15 A CO \ !! 20.000 pounds BACON * 5 bnrrek RAMS. For sale by ( HAITI UltO 1 Scptcmbar 4. tf " Vermi lilies, Worm Can<\y, an<f Patent Medicines of all a kinds. Fo* sale by Nov HODtf&ON & DtNLAF . 1 important and True. I." NEWGOODS. Cheap Goods. Sndi Goods as we Require. ( We would respectfully iir ite the attention of ur friends and customers te our stock of FEW GOOZDS, diieh we. have just receive", and are selling at 3 low prices u* the same goods can lie bought i any country town in the southern country, ur stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c. Comprises in part: Calier cs, Alpaccas, Worsted's. DeLnines, Porage. Oirghams, l'lnids, T.ineys. Kerseys, Cassinieres. Suttinctts, Jeans, leninu, Ticking, Shirtings .nd Sheetings, bleahed and unbleached: Drillings, plain and clieckd Oznaburgs; Hlsnkets, Oovcrlids, Comforts, (ver ami Undershirts nua urawcrs; mimes Sahnornl Skirls, Corsets: ladies' and gent's, fandkcrchiefs, ladies' gen's. and children's losfery, Gloves, kc., ladies' Belts, gent's. Bows, 'ullars, Shirt Fronts, Suspenders, &c., Laces, Edgings. Braids, Trimming*, &e., Towels, Kniting CottA'n. Needles. Fins Hair Pins, Hair fete, Thimblea and Thread. Pocket Knives, 'ocket Books, Round nud Dressing Combs, Tooth Brushes, Pens and Pencils, Extracts and 'onindes, with various other irticles to numerous o mention. Our stock of HEAVY AND FANCYGROCERIES Consists of everything nsmllykept in a well cgulated Family Grocery, vii? SUGARS?All grades 70/TAT?Rio, Lnguyra an I Java Whiteandstnoked '3idcsand Shoulders 1REAKFST STIUM? Thi very best in Baltimore )f OF* ASSES? New Orleans: nd S. If. Syrup HACKARF.L?Nos. 1, 2 and 3 . 7IIFJESE?New New York Factory 7OSIIFX BUTTER?The rest to be had. rjARI)?Superior Leaf IIC'F.?Both prime and medium 0EARL GRIST?From Baltimore TOBACCO?Fineet chewing an Durham amoking PIPES?All sizes, kinds and qualities I/O A RS?Prom finest to co nmon grades 7ANNKD GOODS?Of everj decription 30NFEOTIONS?Of all vaiicticsand qualities HARDTNES?Warranted gevuine Yea3t Powders, Salad Oil. Candles, Matches," family and Fancy Soap, Starch. Soda, Pepper, }pice, Nutmegs, Ginger, Mustard, rickles, Jellies, Worcestershire Pepper and Capers Sauces, Powder, Shot and Caps, and many other articles hich we have not rocm to mention. We also keep during the season All kinds of Fruits, Vegetables &c S icli n? Apples, Oranges Lemons, Baiianns, Cranberries, Itaisins, Figs Prunes, Currants, Cabbages. Irish Potatoes, 0 tieus, &c. Wo have also always on 1 and an assortment of Crockery warn, Ac. Ac. All of the above goods wc will sell at the very lowest figures for Cash, nod purchasers will find it. to their interest to five us a call before purchasing elsewhere. KIKKLKY A GAKLAXD. Next door south of the corner, in the Workman Building. Sept. *25. tf. W. J. ART: A NTS, AT TIT? GRAND CENTRAL Dry Goods Establishment OF \YM. D. LOVE & CO., Under Wheeler Ilonse, COLUMBIA. S. C. v'_. ...,...7 sinlii'itpf]. OH;/:y'(rs o: 111, imu < v October If), 1S73. 3m." Mssoiilm The Co-l'urtncrsbip heretofore existing between the undersigned uudc tbo name and style of A. 1). KENNEDY & Co.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to, and all dcni in Is against sai l firm, will be paid to. and settled by A. i>. K? inedy, who nlonc is authorize 1 to use tlic'tirm-imie in liquidation. A. D. KENNEDY. A. M. KENNEDT. Camden. October It), 187C. beg leave to return our thanks to all our customers who bare p tronized us in the past, and ton-<k of them in tie future, n continuance of their favors in beli slf of the new lirtn of KENNEDY ic BOY KIN. A. D. KENNEDY. A. M. KENNFDY. Dissolution. rnilE Copartnership heretofore existing he1 tween Joseph T. MicVle and Hunter R. iin,t,.i- tin, nnmo mi 1 stvle ofMICKLK i BOY KIN, it this day disgtlvcdby mutual con-., sent* . All debts ?1 iir? 10, nri' nil clnims against sniii firm, will be paid to, and settled by, either of the late partners, who ?r authorized to sign the firm name in liquidation. I .7. T. MICKLEH, tt. HOY KIN'. October 21. dt. J. L .HIDDL ETON& CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION ME RCHANTS, HAL T I M 011 Ji. MD., Having purchased ire STOCK OF JOODS of Mosrs. 1>. L. DeSalssure & .1o.. we will sell the same at COST for CASEC, id<1 i'.>r that purpose heieby constitute t neuihers "t' firm our airentsto effect such ale. .T. 1 M1PPLF.T0N A CO. .little H tl MERONEY 8L WITTER, AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Broad-St. Camden, S. 0. Will attend to ilio selling i f Ileal K?tate. Mer clindi/e. Produce, \e. &c. Miixiurss .'turn tod to tlioir cave will ntcel ri th prompt attention. Returns made as soon us snles arc etfected. September 25* 6m N. B. SMITH & BRO DEALERS IK General Merchhaudize, Corner of Broad and Rutlcdge-sts. Camden, S. C. 3ur stock is full and complete, consisting of GROCERIES, I COMPRI8INO COFFEE AMD SUGAR, BACON and LARD, BUTTER AND CHEESE, " FLOUR, OF ALL GRADES, SUGAR-CURED HAMS, CANNED MEATS MOLASSES, CANNED FRUITS, SYRUPS, ' . CONFECTIONERIES.. ALSO?AN ASSORTMENT OF. BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, ** " 1 /N* 11. J Keaay-jiaae uioiiiiiig, Hardware, &c. A choice lot of TOBACCO AND CIGARS Always on hand. The above Goods will be sold upon reasonable terms for CASH October 16. Insurance Company Piedmont and Arlington LIFE OF Richmond, Virginia. ASSETS #3,000,000. W. C. CAEMNGTON, PHKSIDEXT Losses Actually paid in KershawCounty within Three Years, $28,000,00. I take pleasure in saying I have returned to the agency of this popular Company. No difficulties will exist in future, as to Renewals of Policies, as I shall pay especial attention'to that branch cf the business. Jfco"'l will always be found at my Office on Broad Street, Cauiden, S. C. W. CLYiJUM, Agent. January 1G. 1873. tf RIC MOND dami/imc Awn INSURANCE urmrvmu nni/ i.. ? COMPANY. Capital, - - 8300.000 PERSONS wishing to insure in n First Class Company at Low rates, will please apply to W. CLYBURN, Agent. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF Memphis, Tonn. j BRANCH OFFICE AT BALTIMORE, MD. Assets, $1,075,000. Hou JEFF. DAVIS, President. Gen. WaPE HAMPtON, Vice President. JOHN D; KENNEDY, State Agent. May 22. 12m. NOTICE. HaVINO purchased the entire stock of merchandise of Messrs. J. I. Middlcton & Co., 1 in Cnmden. we have this day formed a co-partnership under the tinnnaineof Phelps & Billings, for the purpose of couducting a general Mer| chandise and Commission business. 11 A. PHELPS. M. A. BILLINGS, * S. A. D18AUS8CRE. Chmdtn, June 1, 1878. [June fi*tt