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* ~ JIATTERi ( III'BOH HIBECTORY. j baptist Church. Broad street?Rev. Robt. Thomson, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. iu. and 7J p. ui. Prayer Meeting ' Thursday at 8 p in. 1 *1.1- 1' i ii! .1. iv.w.ilk jli'imt Rev i f .ueiuouisi tuurcu, ? , ' R. L. Harper,Pastor?Services at 11 A.M. < and 7 P. M. on Sunday; Prater Meeting ] Wednesday at 4 P. M. i Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? Rev. 3. II. Hay, Pastor?Services at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer ' Meeting on Wednesday at 4 P. M. Episcopal Church. Corner of Lyttleton and Laurens streets, Rev. B. F. D. Perry, s Sunday services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 g P. M. Ou Wednesday evening at 4 t 'olock and Friday morning at 9} A M. 1 MEETINGS. __Kershaw Lodge, No- 29, A. F. M. J a The Regular Communication of AS. this Lodge will be held on Tues- 1 *Jflrxa^>day evening nest, at 74 o'clock. 1 By order of the W.-. M.*. : ' J. R. GOODALE, Scc'y. Waieree Division No. 9, S. of T. j J. Attend the Regular Meeting. c \ ot'vour Division at Temperance 1 m on MONDAY evening a 3A next, at 7 I o'clock, hffwl Bv order ot the W. P. W- R McCREIGHT, R. 8. t Post Office?Until further notice the Post Office will be open from 9 a. m. to 1 p. e in., and from 5 p. m. to 8J p. in. On Sun- <j day, from 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. The mails open a at 8 p. m. and close at 6 a. m. c i Personal.?Our friend and neighbor, j the Editor of the Kershaw Gazette, Mr. , Frank P. Beard, was married on the morn- ] ing of the 4th inst., to Miss Mollie E. Nelson, j daughter of Capt. John J. Nelson, of this s county. j The ceremony was performed at the resi j dencc of the bride's father, on the west side j cf Watereo River, Rev. R. L. Harper, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, officiating. We extend to the happy couple our most J cordial congratulations, and tender them the 1 best wishes for their future welfare. c ? The Great Eastern Circus.?The gentlemanly agent of this Circus, Mr. H. I. <] Leech, was in town last weok making ar- * ringcments for exhibiting here on the 22nd i inst. The Great Eastern has been the jf rounds of many of the chief cities, and has ? everywhere given great satisfaction. f The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser of q June 13th, says : The Great Eastern Circvs and Menage i. k..? h?.n ??id in disDaraeetnenl [ 1U K. Ol* III UV U UW9 ~ m v of this show by rival exhibitions, that we looked ? forward to the opening performances with no u small degree of interest, and when yesterday afternoon, a large audience assembled, and last night the immense pavilions were of insufficient * capacity to hold the throng of enthusiastic visit- 1 ors, it looked very much as though the people f had very litile faith in the reports lately circu- j latcd. To say that we and everybody else were most agreeably disappointed will not convey the full measure of praise due the originators and present manager of the colossal and really great Great Eastern. The monster show is per- s feet from the minutest to the most important J, particular* No single thing that will conduce to the enjoyment of its pAirous has been omitted or overlooked It is grand?excellent?the finest exhibition of tbe season. The menagerie and aviary natura'ly present many attractions to the moral classes and to the I student of natural history. Here are collected, ii in a splendid zoological institute, the choicest 0 specimens of the jungle, forest and plain, while E the ornithological department embraces the rarest genus of the tropics. To those in search ' of knowledge in either of those useful branches, a this is a rare and not often recurring opportunity, and one, the improvement of which* should a# be neglected. But the circus?the gay, the bright-spangled glittering circus, with its beautiful, bouuding a horses?its glitter and glare of saw-dust and 8 gold ami silver?its vaulting equestrians agile I acrobats, incomprehensible contortionists? | daring tumblers, funny monkey riders, , and grotesque comically painted clowns! Who does not, with heart-throbs of joy, remember the days of his uot far-off secinimg boyhood, , when lie saw his first circus! How, like a wing" ' " K,1 u'htta nnit. f e<J thing 01 JIIC jxreicuru ?.?<. , vns, anil what a world of mystery was there inside! Not all the {(old of India, with Croesus' magic wand, could induce you'to forego the glory of obtaining a view. How strauge and yet J how blessed that the feeling will come hack to us even in our older years, reminding us sweetly of happy childhood time. The Great Eastern's double ring, requiring two entire companies, performing two separate acts at a time in full view of the a udience, is certainly ?n innovation of the most commendable character. The riders and gymnasts each strive to outdo the other, thus producing the keenest excitement and enthusiasm among the spectators. W. B. Carroll and his boy?Dolly Varden?not yet three years old?C. II. Lowry, the splendid bare-back rider?Fred Sylvester, the character artist?M'lle. Marie Elise, Miss Lmma and Agnes Lake, are rqueitrirnw* extraordinary, only equaled by the grace of la petift .Wine. Adolph Burraho. and Master Willie. We do not remember to have seen so many first class ri ler* together. The gymiiasts, the great M'??> brother*. Tom Watson, Jerome Tuttle, Charles Spencer, W. Garroll. the lightniug Davonport hoys, end s dosen others, are certainly unapproachable. The horses are much the J finest ever seen here, and arc not less than one hundred and Bfty. To all our friends throughout the State we warmly commend, endorse and speak for this gigantic show. In addition to the numerous other attraction? of the Circus, we are informed that a great natural curiosity is exhibited, viz.: a girl six years of age, with four perfect legs. \\ hen you go to the show do not forget to look her up iu the aide-tent. j *? < The election for County Commissioner, in 1 place of henj. McCaskill, takes place on the 8 8th inst. Maj. Sam'l. K. Adams has been ] nominated in the Kershaw Gazette. Notice?To my friends and customer! : I have marked down my stock to the lowest possible panic prices. But I must sell for :ash only. I cannot accommodate any one with credit until the present financial stringency has passed off. W. L. Arthur. W. J. Arrants, Esq.?When you go to he State Fair next week, do not forget to ;all on this gentleman at the Grand Central Dry Goods Emporium of W. D. Love &, Co., inder the Wheeler House, Columbia, S. C. i ' T?r .T A Tnnnu cnlls attention to his argc supply of Books and Stationery, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, etc. Mr. A. M. Kennedy, G. W. P., of the State of South Carolina, instituted a Diviion of the Sons'of Temperance, about fifteen uiles below Camden, on the west side of Waterce River, on last Saturday. The weaiher during the post week has joen quite cold for the season. We have lad several heavy frosts, and ice of consideriblo thickness. The woods show the adranco of the season in their chunging hues ind falling leaves. We have on our table Fowler's Bazaar of Fashion, Literature and Art. It is a journal levoted to the Fashions, and is-full also of iirht And ?< rrrable readinc. It is published ?? O * it Abbevil 3. 3. C., and is gotten up in the lighest sty] of the art. This looks like enterprise, and we hope he wide-aw ike publisher will meet success. Sooner or later all will be forced to ad nit, that mutual labor cannot compote in [uahty of w >rk with machinery, and none >re so blind as not to uotice the great reluction in the price of an artiule, as soon as uachinery is adapted to its manufacture.? tfo line ofg Kids have been more favorably iffected by skillfully made machinery, than [)oors, Sash -a, Blinds, Sic. All of the im* jrovements in this line are used to got up itock for Moaners. I. H. Hall & Co., Chareston, S. C Agents for the best roofing and ining Asbc ?t >s Felt ever used. Send for jrice list and circulars. Thk Pcre -t and Sweetest Cod-Liver Oil is lazard & Ca well's, made on the sea shore, from resh selecteo livera, by Caswell, Hazard & Co., Vew York. It is absolutely purt and iwett. ?lalrtn it nrafcr it to ell . auruio nuv uavv vhw ? ?- .. >th?r?. Physicians bare decided it superior to my of the ot ier oils in market. 4w Maks Monet fast and honorably, $12.60 per lay, or $76 ]<er week, by at once applying for a erritorial right, (which arc given free to agents,) o sell the bent, strongest, most useful, and rapd selling Sewing Machine, and Patent Button lole Worker, ever used or recommended by amilies, or I uy one for your own use; it is only 15. Sent fros everywhere *>y esprois. Address or particula s. Jerome B. H idson & Co., Cor Qrcenwich A lortlandt Stt-, ."J. Y. Oct. 30, 4t. The repot U- from the North are discouraging. and tic prospects for the future ure looiny. L o; d, Hamilton & Co., havo susteiided, as icvo also the blast furnaces of 'lorehcad &. Co., on Monongahcla River, in >ennsylvan;'i, aud the suspension of other urnaces is j r< bable. The failure of a house n London, w'oich had dealt in Erie stock, sannounced. The cotton manufacturers of Massachuetts have resolved to run their mills on talf time a.'trr Tuesday, November 4th.? rhesc mills Jiuploy fourteen thousand operairpr By the suspension of Garner & Co., at Rochester, N Y., ten thousand hands are die. In tho '^tate of New York thousauda f masons, bri klayers, fuctory men and wooeu, miners, and railroad employees are hrown out of employment, and there is great uffering with a prospect of more. In Indiana there has been a fight with mall arms and a six-pounder, arising out of dispute as to the location of the county eat, and the possession of the records of lichmond County NEW FIRM. rHK undersigned, successors to A. D. KENNEDY & CO., hare just opened their Fall and Winter Stock CONSISTING OF Cfonlo "Hwr ft A A/1 Q uuapiu A/i j u vuw?j OLOTHING, BOOTH AND SHOES, Hits and Caps, HARDWARE, Crockery and Glassware, BADDIiBRT, tbc. A LARGE SUPPLY OF FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES, Baling1 and Ties. B&jT Tlie above Goods having been mrcnaseu witn great care in me nurmirn markets, since the decline in prices, re are able to sell the same on terms to luit purchxs *rs. Give us a call. KENNEDY &. BOYKIN. Octobtr 80. tf % gap jyiiifflil if HI ii ifm Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters the most woudcrfill Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted bevoud repair. Bilious, ftemittent, and Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Teunossee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer atid Autumn, aud remarkably so duriug seasons of unusual heat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by oxtensive derange-, mcuts of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Yixegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove tho durk-colored viscid matter with which the bowels ore loaded, at the same time . stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by-purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thns fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pum in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Soar Eructations of tEfc Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, aud a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthv advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Eril, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vixeoa r Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the uiost obstinate aud intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remi ttent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseosoj of the* Blood, Liver, Kidneys aud Bladder, these BiUers have no eqnsl. Such Diseases are caused by vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.?Persona engaged in Paints and Mineral-*, such as Plumbers, Type-setter., Gold-beaters aud Miners, as they advance in life, are sub jeet to paralysis of the Bowels. To gnnr.l against this, take a dose of Walker's "N in kg a it Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tettor, Salt-Kbeuui, Blotches, Spots, funpies, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, liingworms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipulas. Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration* of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of tlie Skiu of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the svxtcm in a short time by the uko of those flitters. Pin, Tujpe, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. ForFeinaleCompluints, i? young or old, married or single, nt the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Yitluted Blood whenever you find its impurities bur-ting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleause it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feeliugs will tell Iou when. Keep tno blood pure, uud the ealth of the system will follow, R. II. ArDOKALii & CO., Si Gen. Aft*., Sun Francisco, California. Si oor. of Wanliiugtou and (hurltoti Sin X. Y. Sold Ijy all Drug^Uti and Ucali-ta, A. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO CONSUMERS ! MY ENTIRE STOCK OP Dry Goods, NOTIONS. Men's Furnishing Goods, OLOTHINO, HATS AMD CAPS, Boots and Shoes, Now Complete, Will be offered for eele, en end after thie dele, St Prices to suit Purchasers. All who with Olieap Ok>od?, Call and examine my itookt W. WALLAOKi [ | THE PLANTERS Warehouse. i ' ? PLANTERS, and others, wishing to obtain tin ir supplies at prices (hut defy competition, will consult their interest by examining my stcck before parchnsing elsewhere, My stock for the Fall and Winter Trade has never been more oonplete. It consists in^part Q-roceries. 8UQAR8?Of all grades. jA.COFFEE?Rio, Laguira and Java, FAMILY FLOUR?Of the finest quality, I CANNED GOODS?Of alf descriptions, BACON and LARD, GOSHEN BUTTER and CHEESE, FRESH CRACKERS?A complete assortment. OA 1- Th duijuo XJiy uvuua, Ready Made Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, 1 ( ' TTATS, CAPS, LEATHER, Hardware, Crockeryware, Bagfg^iiig- and Ties, A nil, indeed, every thing usually found in a. First Class Grocery. J&*My stock is replenished weekly?Goods always fresh. The highest market price paid for Cotton. A call is respectfully solicited. 1). W. JORDAN, Agent. Octhber 30. tf k. k. kp RADWAY'S READY RELIEF OOUS THE WOBST PAIRS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR aAar r tailing ihii adrartlaamant naad any om buffer with pain, radwavs ready relief is a core for EVERY PAIN. It waatbeflratandla The Only Pain Remedy ^ Ujftt Inatantlyaiopa the moat axcructaUng paioa, allaya lS?wiwlloM, ud cotm OongaaOoo., .Mar of tha Lubga, Ntomaeh, BowaU, or other giants or organ*, by aai application. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matur bow rtoleat or aieruclattng tha pain tha R?1 BURAT10, Bedridden. Infirm. Crippled, Rarroua, > euralylc, or praetmad with dlww. may anftr, RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT RASE. 1 INF AERATION OF THR KIDNEYS. inflammation or the bladdrr. r inflammation OF tub bowkls. f CONGESTION OF the LPNOS- N bore throat. DIFFICCI.t briathino. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HY8TRRI0B, CROUP, LIFHTKRIA. CATARRH, INFLUKNIA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. 7 NEUKALOU, rheumatism. OOLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLI. Tbeappltaailotioftb# Ready Ral laf to tha part or parta wbara tha pain or dlBcufty atlata will aflbrd eaaa aad Comfort. Twaatr drapatn half a tumbler of watar will la a few moiaanta curaOHR AMPS. spasr8bour STOMACH. HEARTBURN, BICE HEADACHE, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY. COLIC. WIND IN THE BOWELS, aad all INTERNAL PaINS. _ . Traralara ahoujd always carry a bottle of ft?4> WHT'a Kaadr Roller wllhlbetn. A faw dropa in Wafer will peered iwknw or paloa from ebaura of watar. ItUbauerihauFrtM?.h Uraadyor Blum ill aUmulant. FEVER AND AGUE. FRYER AND AO U Erored for fifty canla. Thorn Is Bet a rem. dl.f agent In tbl* world that will curaForar and Artia. and all other Maluiout, ulloui, Scarlet, Typhoid, Ytllow, and other Fnrtr* [aided by RADWAY'S Fll.lM |eo quick RADWAY'S READY RE LIEF. F Ifty cenu ptr buttle. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURR RICH BLOOD-INCREASE OFFLWH AND WRIGHT?CLEAR SKIN AND B KAUTIFUL COSIPLKXION SECU RED TO AU DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CCRRS : 80 aUFCK.BO RAI'lH AHK THE CHANGES. TUB ODT DBDBBnoKfLCNOEB TUB INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WuXUBBPL'L MBDICINB, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh ond Woiirlit in tjoon OTlfl T?olt QUU I! Ql^UL iu Ubbil UUU run. Every drop of tba 8ARS \PARILI.IAN RESOLVENT rouunufilreimthroui'i.the Wood, Sweat, trio*, find other Fluid* and Juice* uf the system the rigor of life, for It repair* Ua waste i of tlio body with Daw and ouod malarial. 8cr..fula Syphilis, Consumption, Ulandular dlsaaas, L'lcsrs In th* throai, Mouib, Tumora, VodMlntho undo<h?rt>ivlaofibo)stem, Sot* Eyas, Strumoruusdlkch i ryes from the Lars, ana th* worst form* of Uxls duovi, Eruptions, Fever boras, Haaldllrad, Kin* W orm.rush Rl.cum, Erysipelas, Acoa, Black Spots, Worm.In ihe Flesh, Tumors, <'sneers In the IFomb, and ell w ukrnlng and painful dlachsress, Night Sweats, lg.?s ufSpermantsll wastes of the hie principle, srs wltluo ib* cursttve range of !bl* wondarol Modern Chemistry, uod a few days' use will provatoany person using illore.lher of Ibcs* foiiasof disease Its potent power to cm e tbem. If th* patient, dally beriming reduced by th* waste* and decomposition tbatls <ni,:iuuslly progressing, sueeeedslosrrasUugtbese wastes, stid repairs th* soma with nsw material made I rum hcslthy blood?and tbu the MA KbAPAK 11.1,1 A N iwll snd dors secure?acitra Is curtain; for wbeuouee lint i timed y commence* Its work ofpurtflcatlon, and tnci cede In diminishing tba lust of wastes. I Is repairs will be rapid, sod erery day the pallant will feel himself y i owing l atter and stronger, the rood digesting better,appetite Improving, andussh and weight Increasing NotoolydoestheSeuSsrikiLLUw Rrsntveer etcala all known rsmadUl sgstitsin the cure ofChroo'c.Scroluloue, ConetUultonal, and akin diseases , built Is tb* ooly positive cure for Kidney A Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases,(in rel, Diabetes, Dropsy. Stoppage of Water, Iumntinenreuf I'rliir, Height's l)lseaae, aIbutuiiiurla, and lu *11 casts where there see brlek-dnit deposlu, or ibe water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg. or threads Ilka while silk, ortberalsa morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone dustdui>oeini, and when there la a pricking, burning sensation whan passing water, IM pain In the Smell of the Hack and along tk* Loins. Tumor of 12 Years* Growth Cured by Itadivay's Resolvent, DR. RADWAY'8 Perfect fiirntire & V V parfcallp taateleii. H#c*nllr eoa'.ed with awaal aum, pur>?, regulate. purllY, clean** and ?ir?n*lhen. K adway a Pllia, Air Ilia cure of all diaurikrterihe Sumach, Urer, Uoarela, kldti?v>, 11 ladder. Nerroua Dlituu, Hk.di.cb* OaMlipatfU.i'iMdvcuM*, IndlgaeUan, Dm epala, Uilloukoak*. Bllloua I'ever, lnfUaauuwn of the Boweli, PilM, and all Drrfiiifeq^enla of Ibe Intarnal Viacara. Warranted to rile, t a positive cura. Puralv Vabatable, ooniatning no mercury, miuaralaor Jeiotelnoua draia. A few 4oeee of R ADW 4 Y'S FILM will fr** lb* eyw lea fr ran all th* above named dlaurdar*. Price,? acuta per Bui. MOLD BY Dt;l'HIISTS. READ " PaLHR ari> TRl'K." Raid oo* 1 attar aUmp in RADWAY A < <)., Xo. 8} Warren St.. New York. Information worth ibouaanda will b* aant you. B1COH! BACOM!! 20,000 pounds BACON 6 barrels HAMS. For sale by BAUH BBO. Septembar 4. tf Vermiftigea, Worm Candy, and Patent Mtdlolctiof all kinds. Per nil k> K.ras highly Important to the Public. ' v 4 3 .y .4 .g ; ' % ? " H. BARUCH . Offers, from Monday, the 27th inst., extraordinary Bargains in all departments. In consequence of the present commercial crisis' and unsettled condition of all valuations, I have determined to conform to the wants of the community in tils present emergency. SOO PIECES OF DRESS ROODS, Comprising nearly all the styles, with prices reduced from 5 to 25 cents per yard. 175 SHAWIS, Of Beautiful Designs, at astonishingly low prices. FLANNELS and BLANKETS, in endless varieties. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF .*. -4. ' \ Clothing' and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Ever offered in this market. This line will bo found in unsurpassed stylss and qualities Hats, Caps, Boots and Slioes. A HANDSOME LINE OF Carpets, Window Shades, Lace Curtains&nd Furniture, Can also be found, CHEAP, at II. BARUCH'S. NEW GOODS! T ??i maw wAonlvlnop thfl llia?t. fitOClt Of JL (till 1AUYT 1 Cttl T lllg l/UV uavuv vv>?f DRY GdODS, CLOTHING, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Which I have ever offered to the Public, bought with care, at low prices. I offer EXTRA IIT3DTJOB^B?PrS ro those in want of a good artiele at the very loWeit 2ash Price. BOBEBT M. KENNEDY. CAMDEN, OCTOBER 2, 1873. , ? ' ' 1 "" - j H \ ^liVfDEN, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, (from the Northern Marttota,) and are now op?a> ing their LARQE STOCK of Puro | Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, I PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, Of all Sizes and Colors. 1 BRUSHES. White-Wash, Varnish, Sash Tools and Paint Brushes, of all aii?g and qualities. Our stock of LAMPS, BURNERS, AND CHIMNEYS, Is very complete. We would particularly recommend the PATENT SAFETY LAMP, Which has been tested with boiling Kerosene Oil, by SciBNTinc Gentlemen, who state, over their own signatures, that it CAOOT BE EXPLODED, And is, by far, the safest Lamp in use. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, in large variety. ALSO?THE BEST QUALITY OF ENGLISH AND FRENCH TOOTH AND HAIR BRUSHES, I COLOGNES, EXTRACTS, HAIR GREASE, SOAPS, (of I all qualities,) TOILET SETS, VASES, DRESSING CASES, I a beautifuljassortment of CUPS AND SAUCERS, and many othar I articles usually kept in our establishment. I jf^Pleate call ami examine. II HODGSON & DUNLAP. I October 23. tf 1 %