University of South Carolina Libraries
^ li i i p?mmm m?u_i ! i K W LOCAL MATTERS. I CHURCH illKE(TOHV. Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. Robt. j Thomson, Pastor. Services every Sunday lit 11a. in. and 71 p. ui. Prayer Meeting Thursday ut 8 p ui. II I K Methodist Clinrch. DeKalb street?i\ev I I: L. Harper, Pastor?Services at 11 A. M. I ^Paud 7J M. on Sunday : Prayer Meeting Wod nosduy at 4 P. 31. Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? B Uev. 3. II. Hay, Pastor?Services at 11 K A. M. and 4 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 4 P. 31. Kt'iscoPAL Church. Corner of Lyt tleton K muTLaurens streets, Rf.v. B. F. 1>. Perry, Sunday services at 11 o'clock A. 3!. and 4 rp. M. On Wednesday evening at 7J o'clock and Friday morning at 91 A M. MEETINGS. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T, I J Attend the llegular Meeting, j /S. ofv.iur Division at temperance /nj|^ /In/! on MONDAY evening next, at 71 o'clock. Hy order ot the W. P. W- K McCKEIGHT, K. S. We thank our friends for the increased 1 patronage which we arc daily receiving. Alr.Midv a larerc Dumber of new uanies have j been added to our subscription list. Propo- [ smg. us we do, to labor in tfio interest of j Kershaw County, we hope to receive mauy such evidences of the appreciation of our I % efforts to promote the iutcrests of our peo> p!?- i k ' ft. J. Arranth, Rsq?This gentleman is E- now wkh Messrs. Wjn. D. Lqv0 ft Co, proprietors of thtv " Ch-and Central Dry (roods Kmporiuw," of Columbia, which is fast becoming one of the first dry goods houses in the State. Mr. A.'s cuurtesy and efficiency as a salesman are well known, and .ve bespeak /or him, at his present place of business. the patronage of any of our citizens who inay visit Columbia. See his card in another oolumn. Death of a Cot.vTT Commissioner.? Benjamin MeCaskill, one of the Commissioners of Kenhaw.Coanty, died iu Camden *on M onday, the 13%-h inst., of congestive chill, after an illness of about ten days. He was a a colored man, frnirfble.Wd of very limited cduoatiou, but honest, and desirous of discharging the duties of his office, so far he viJPfx' }? !* 1 Report op the County Commission*ers.?We recoived, too late for publication n ** /i 4.. to-day. the Annual iicport or tne tuuiaj Commissioners for Kershaw. Ti will appear '"""iWsit# .toimluH The Kershaw Gazette.?The second issue of this journal is before us. We eon- j gratulate our neighbor on the neat and busi- ; ness-liko apgearaneo of his paper; and are sorry that the lateness of his appearance at 1 first, tether with the .press of business,, prevented us from giving nun" anJ earlier j greeting. We welcome him to the journal-1 istic brotherhood. We publish tins week a letter f^oui 7V?South, written by oao of oar fellow-townsmen distinguished for patriotism,'over the Mf'/N <I* jjIumc of "llobkirk." f * j a ?.' ms. -s Temperance.?Tt is gratifying to state that, in this community, increased interest is taken in the cause of Temperance. Watcree Division, Xo. 9, Sons of Temperance, has over one hundred awl twenty memlora, and the number is constantly increasing. Six candidates were initiated at the meeting on Monday night last. The Camdf.n and Kershaw District j Dible StiCHTV held its liftj-fourth anniversary meeting in the Presbyterian Church of Ciwnden, 8. G'., on Sunday evening last, at 7i o'clock, The Annual Sermon was preached before tiro ttorietv by the Hot. K. L. Harper, of the Methadiaf Kpiseopni Church, from second Kpiitlo to the Tbeseoloniaus, .'1 chap. 1 v. 'Tirethren. pray forns, that die wortl of the Lord may have free course and he glorified.' After religious services, the Society was organized by the President, Ucn. J. J?. l\trslinw, taking the (.'hair, and calliug around him the nificere and ?ember-) of tlie Society. The SocrrUurv read the minutes of the last meeting, which were approved and adopted. Mr. A. M. Kennedy, tho Honk Agent, mado his lirpQft. showing that he had distributed. mostly to Sabbath Schools, during the past year. 7<> copies of the Scriptures and parts of the Scriptures, and still had on 1.104: ,Am. . S5 small Testaments, at 10c. $ $ "?ft 31 !' . " at J5<*. 4.6a 34 large bigtd lJibles, at 60<'. 20.40 9 " Testament*, at tide 3 40 J Family Bibles,. 7.00 W5.96 Tlie /lev. K A. Ro]1??. District Superindent of the Auxiliary Societies in the State of South T'nrolinn. being present, was called upon, and delivered an interesting address, giving a aynopsii of what bad been done in the 0tat# dttfisf to pfut yA>. hovfcg ibat 7.00<> families hud beeu visited; 875 of whom were found destitute, and supplied; [871 individuals were also supplied; 2?I0 Sabbath Schools had been supplied; 500 i convicts, 300 Railroad hands, and 5,000 ' Freed men. The lie v. S. II. Hay then presented the followiug minute concerning the death, since our last meeting, of Rev. F. Rrucc Davis: Since the last meeting of the Kershaw and Camden Rihle Society, Clod luts removed, by death, tlio Rev. Frederick Rrucc Davis, It tccomcs those who were associated with hitn in giving the Scriptures to those who have theui not, to express their feelings under a dispensation of Providence, si* dark and distressing to them. Tn tiic performance of this snared duty, however, they can command no language adequate to convey their appreciation of his excellence, and ?kQ;? MnKn nf tlmir ?roat loss. u,tu DW,,UV v* o His life was short?his sun went down while it was da) ?hut that life, so evanescent, was bright and shining. When hut a boy, he gave himself to Hod, and professed laith in the Groat Redeemer. From that time, ho sceuied to rise, as few arc able to do* nbove the influence of earthly things, and ''adorned in nil things the doctrines of God,his Saviour.' JI is piety was pure, fervent and exalted. Called, by the Great Head of the Church, to the responsible duty of preaching the Gospel, he gladly obeyed. A steward of the mysteries of God. he searched the Scriptures for the truth lie loved to impart to others. His prayer was, " speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth." lie labored faithfully, lovingly, and earnestly, for the glory of God, and the salvation of man He was ardentlyattached to the branch of the Church of Christ of which he was a minister and orna incut, but ho was no bigot. His love for God's people leaped denominational barriers, and rejoiced in the communion of the saints A few months ago, he left the home of his ? youth and manhood to enter a new and promising field of labor. Whilst girding for the work before him, the Master called?ho left the world, and is with tli* Saviour whom he loved, lie it, therefore. Resolved : 1. That this Society mourns the death of Itev. Frederick liruce Davis, bows with - - ? .t A resignation to Cod's will, anil rejoices mm lie whom they 1 .ved has obtained the Crown. 2. That it will delight to cherish the memory of one so pure, so loving, so excellent, and will inscribe his name upon H separate leaf of its records. 3. That whilst it tenders* its sympathy to his bereaved relatives, it would specially uiingle its tears with hcr's, who. with maternal fondness, first directed his infant mir.d to Jesus, and with her's who, in lone widowhood, treads life's dark journey, and commends them and the little ones by prayer to llim who i^an sustain them. A colleotiort was then taken up in' aid of the Society, when $10 30 were received and paid over to the Rcv..E. A. Hollos. District Superintendent-for the State of South Carolina. The election of Officers being in order, on motion of tho Rev. S.* II. IJnyr tho sauic officers were Continued in office for another year. On motion of J. K, .Withowpoon, Esq., the thanks of the Society were tendered to the Iicv. R L. Harper, for the able and interesting sermon preached before the Society, and to the Rev. fi. A. Bolles, lur the interest and zeal he has manifested in this noble cause. It. was was fcrther resolved, that the next anniversary of this Society, be held in the Presbyterian Church of Camden, on the 2nd Sabbath in October next, at 7} o'clock P. M., and that the minutes of this meeting be published in the Camden JOURNAL.? Benediction was pronounced by the Rev. S. ; II. I lay. On motion the Society adjourned, j J. B. Ker8Iiaw, President. W. II. R. Workman, Sec'y. The officers of the Society arc, J. B. Kershaw, President; J. E. Matthews, 1st ViccPresidont; A. M. Kennedy, 2nd Vice-President; W. II. R. Workman, Secretary and Treasurer; A. M. Kennedy, Book Agent, all of whom are members of tho Executive Committee, which i- further composed of the members of the different Protestant congregations of the place, who are eje officio j members of the same, Messrs. Jai. J>uniap, 1 W. M. Shannon, J. K. Withcrspoon, and J. I). Kennedy. Bibles and Testaments, can be obtained from A M. Kennedv, Deposetory. ' I I Sooner or Inter all will be forced to ad , [iiiit, that manual labor cannot compete in quality of work with machinery, and none are so blind a3 not'to notice the great reduction in the price of an article, as soon ns . machinery is adapted to its manufacture.? No line of goods have bcc-n more favorably affected by skillfully made machinery, than j Doors, Sashes. Minds. &c. All of the hn* provoujenta in this line arc used to get up stock fur Mcssers. I. II. Ham, & Co., Charleston, S. C. Agents for the best rooling and | lining A.-bestoe Felt ever used. Send for price list and circulars. V 15. Smith & Uro. advertise a large) -lock < !'(iener d .Merchandize, at the cor; ner of Jtroad llutlcdge streets. 11. M. [Smith, formerly of the "Little (lroccrv."is | a member of ti.o firm. (Jive him a call. I Our popular young friends, A. I>altoti Kennedy and Hunter Jl. TViykin, have formed rt cn partnership as Merchants. We predict* for tLeui that succtS* in business which they so justly deserve. Sco their i notice in another column. Post OFrri'E?t illil further nniioo the Post Office will be open daily during the : week from 8} a. m. to 1 p. ui., and from 8 j. i ui to 7 p. ui. On Sunday froui 1) to lu a ui. The mails close daily at 7 p. ui. | 4 (TREAT SENSATION'! Agents Wanted. Cash Sulurv or commission uliowed. strictly lionorable. Address, b\ A. ELLS A CO., Charlotte, Mich. 4w WORKING CLASSSSf ff spectable employment at home, day or evening; no capital required; fuiljust Mictions Sc valuable package of goods sent free l.v mall. Address, with six cent re turn stamp, M. YOl'NO, A CO., 173 Greenwich st, N. Y. aai inp.rn O No, we would ouly call attentiou to IVIU It UL11 i our wkli. augek, with which a man can earn $2fi per day iu good territory. It bores any diameter, and ordinary wells at the rate of 160 ft. per day. Farm, Township A county Rights for sale. Descriptive book sent on receipt of 9c. postage. Address Al'hkk Co., St. Louis, Mo. For I'ortabh and Stationary Steam Engine* Page's Patent Portable CIRCULAR SAW MILLS. To cut from 300 to 3,(100 feet per hour with one Saw.? Gang. Mnleynnd Sash Saw Mill, Portable (Irist Mills. Duffel i Turbine Water Wheels, and every kind of .Wachinerv accessory to the manufacture of Lumber. Address, GEO. PAGE Sc CO., No. fi Schroder St., Baltimore, MU. ifSend for Descriptive catalogue and l'rice I.lst. WASHINGTON ANDEN8XDE. AGENTS WANTED for a complete history of our National Capital, its origin, growth, excellencies, abuses, ??..,i^o u?,i ?orannni?es are all nortrnved in that graph ic style which has placed the author, Ukokuk Ai.frkd Townsbnd, among the foremost newspaper correspondent* jf the time. It gives bold startling, truthful iusitle views of Washington life, and Congressional and Lobbying Jobbery. Books ready for delivery. Extra terms for this State. Address, James Bbtts a Co., Hartford, Ct. Breech-loading Shot Guns 340 to $300. Double Shot Guns $8 to SI"?t). Single Guns, S3 to $20. Rifles, $8 to $75. Revolvers, $0 to .$25. l istols, $1 to S8. Gun Materials, Fishing Tackle. Large discotyit to Dealers pr Clubs. Arnty Gtins, Revolvers, kc., bought or traded for. Goods sent by express C. 0. D. to be exumined before paid for. IsTZELTVIEIR/ Neglect a Cough, Nothing is more certain to lay the foundation tor future evilcousequenees. Wells' Carbolic Tablets are a sure cure for all diseases of the Respiratory Organs, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Diphtheria. Asthma, Catarrh, Hoarseness. Dryness of the Throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tube?, and ull Diseases of the Lungs. In all cages of sudden cold, however .taken, these f ABETS should be promptly and freely used. They equalize the circulation of the blood, mitigate the ae* verity of the attaek. and will, in a very short time, restore healthy action to the snorted organs. Well's Carbolic Tablets are put up only In bi.t*k boxer. Take no snbstttntoa. if they can't be found at your druggist's, skni> at once to tub Aoent in New ? ' ? mail T0KK, WIK) win mm mu mum "j ........ DDnT bk Deceived by Imitations. Sold by druggists. Price 2.1 cents a box. JOHN o. KKLLOGU, lb i'latt-at., New-York, Send for circular. Sole Agent lor United States. gviQM es7yr>ja Agents Wanted. ' SEXH FOR CATAI.OOl'K. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., N. V. ^HH THE ONLY KNOWN MEDICINE THAT AT TLll S \m: TIME Purges, Purifies, and Strengthens the System. Dr. Tttt's are composi d of many ingredients. Prominent among tliera are Nursaparilla and Wild Cherry, so united as to act together; the one, through Its ad'nil.vtnre with aiher substances, pnrlfving and purging; while the other is strengthening tl??* system. 1 hus these Pills are ai the stum tdno a tonic and a cathartic, a des'.deratntn long sought for hv medical men, but ncvur before discovered. In other words, ihe.v do the wotT of two medicines and do it much hotter than any two we know of, for thev remove nothing from tim system batimpnritiea, ao Uial while Ikt) purge thev also sircugthen and hence they cause no debility and are toll ?wed by no reaction. 1>k. Tctt's Pills have a wonderful influence on the Mood. They uot, only purify without weakening it. but they remove all noxious particles from tlic chyle before it is converted into fluid, and thus makes im * ' <?? ? ?? iniiuiuviiiiiiti As there is it'1 tie pare Iwiyii au Htwx ... Mlitation, mo there ia ti" t?an??*a ?>r sickness attending the ^operation of thin moat excellent medicine which never strain* or tortures the digestive nri-uns, 'ait caufces tliaiii to work in a natural manner: hence persons taking .them ilo not Income pale ami emaciated, nut on the contrary, while all impurities are being removed, the combined action of the Sar- aparilla and Wild therr.v purities ami invigorates ihe body, and a robust s'jtc of health ia the result of their united aet ion. Prlec 2."t cents * ts>X. Sold by ail druffuiatn. Ho. pot Js Coi tlandt St., Npw York, :-.v <ai*nii<l Concert By State Authority, (or the purpose of aiding in the establishment of I.IMOL.N LI Ills A It Y. A Grand Concert will be given in the CITY OF NEWARK, N. J., on NOV EMHKK 11, 1S7.I, at which time and place $225,000IN CASH will be distributed among the Ticket-holders. Ths enterprise 1m chartered by the LCglalu ure <>r the State of New Jeraay, for the purpose alio re named, and purchasers of ^keta can rely upon let feet the falrtes in the distention and prompt payment of the Gifts Advertised, Tickets, fl reeh; C for t-\ 18 for $10, ys for Jan. $W8,onoiuCa?h Gifts. The following (Jit.s w fit in* distributed among ticket-holders iiiitneiUuicly after the concert, aud Gifts ituietiialcli ilmi after. ONE GHAN I) CASH GI1T JM.ntsi ONE GUAM) CASH GIFT ln.oon Oke gkasii Cash Gift in,eon ONI Gkanu Cash (.'iit 8,on.: 1 Cash Gift il.oon 1 Cash Gill i.tssi 1 Cash Gift if.oOn l ( ash Gilt :>,noo icash Gilt ?,noo 1 flash Gift tf.oou 1 Cash Gift 1,000 1 Cash Gift 1.000 1 Cash Gilt l.oon 1 Cash Gift l.noo 1 Cash Gift !,?*? 1 fash Gift l,ooo 1 Cash Gift . 1 Cash Gilt 1,(smi l Cash Gift 1,000 1 Cash Gift l,(smi to Cash Gifts #.'hMi each ft,'""' 'Mi Cash Gills at mi " t.iMio ]oii Cash Gifts loo " 10,000 'too cash Gif's fsi " 8,not) Cash Gifts lo " .'si.immi 8,000 Cash Gifts 8 " %,0U0 l?,(ioO Cash Gifts 1 " l-W 26,X.'il CASH (J1FTS aniotii.tinp lo iS2'2-i,OUH -1 lurifi flllt'H. As wp emi'Miy no oiimnn- , wi* are pnA>>lo<l to ifivc to pnrctuijo'r tin- ticnoitt ot the ?'l iiu iii isHiOll tliH' WOllllI litlll'l IVifii' {.'<' I tile Alt' nt. \\> will tticiiIn. .voit ik tickets to:- {in. ?r *>I'oryia; 5 for$f?. Siiijile tickets one iloila/. A'l comtRtinlratloiiH |.!om|i:iv Htiswcroil. 'I'Iip <ii*ti jliutlnti itIII t?? wii<lii' tr<l l<> it sworn < < in. i'ltticc, u li . (Vol i|i'< |i|c upon tit*.- r t aid tnnst iinpiirual ino of <litr Unit Ion. A <<f iiiiihIhtk to trbtcii Kills in MnriKil willlMMHl t i*verj ptitvlmei tniiif'iliut af't ! Hip foil.cii. \\< ..tilscml itrki't-< ) r\pi"y- ili.l colli rt o|| i|i'||\ <r\. ,?'o||H? <i|i|i<,'0(1. It'- sure uii'l - 'inl lour full ni|ilrct>f ? 11.11111% toivn, roiintf ami ,<u it . plainly ifrlttni. A* owr one-hairof ihq I rickets area nt; rnnfetl b/ Ajpni* In ibi* I'ltltiimni tiV, '.i ttonlil ;<<H, (.< tin .< MltOil. ntif ol i|o;r In I forwat'l tlti o orilcra to us at oiipi*. I to tint ileltv. 1 ( "Kiiotviii}* l)i<- imwiagrr*' of tins ?-i.i.'i|ift*i%*tti' car i.< iff t!i<-1 .it.Hi' that 11 wi;i tip :i it -.1 h % ao'1 p.ti'iy Piuili'i' ii' I'tnii tip plitcp'l In it." Si'wark.d urna!, "Tin* ntfii.njrorn < f tin? enterprise a*< tinui of < -harm:. tiT ami ai'I it'.. mill there is no iiouiit ion they n ill uiitkt tic niiilii"ii(lr Kit?'i't'H?fttl." -Newark 1'rea*. X'i'li. ss, I'llTKKs.v 1 ti? Hire. tors. " tvark, N. J. In SARATOGA APERIENT 1 lit tl|< lortn of t I t'otv us Mip siralojfa Mimnal Sjniint Watera, am' usp'l forth.- s:np purposes. (Vmipsrt ami l'ortahl ; I'rfpiitPil ui'ty ii.vdRfl. IT. Klsii.t Hon, snt.itoifa Springs N. V. H0I1I <iy Di ujfgiutt .;r"i KY ir. am. DAVIDSON OOLLEGE, MEcKLENBURO COUNTV, X. .C Well equipped. Seven Professors. Expenses Low Session commences September*28, 1873. send foi atalo gue. J. R BLAKE. Chairman of the Lacluty. Important and True. UEWGOODS. Cheap Goods. Such Goods as we Require. We would respectfully inviie the attention of onr friends and customers to our stock of STEW Q-OOIDS, which we have just received, and are selling at as low prices as (lie same goods can be bought in any country town in the southern country. Our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c. 'Comprises in part: Calicoes, Alpaccns, Worssteds, IteLnines. Heragc, Ginghams, Plaids, Linsoys, Kersevs, Onssnneres. Snttinetts. Jeans, ' - - ~ U1? Denims, Ticking, Mitrtings ami oueeiuig.i, uivbched ami unbleached; Drillings, plain ami checked Oznaburg*: Blankets, Coverlids, Comforts* Over and Umlershirts ami Drawers: Ladies' Balmoral Skirts. Corsets: ladies' and gent's. Handkerchiefs, Indies' gent's, and ren'g Hosiery, Gloves, &c., ladies' Belts, gent's. Bows, Collars, Shirt Fronts, Suspenders, &c., Laces, Edgings, Braids, Trimmings, &o? Towels, Knitting Cottou, Needles, Bins. Hsir Pins, Hair Nets, Thimbles and Thread. Pocket Knives, Pocket Books, Round and Dressing Combs, Tooth Brushes, Pens and Pencils, Extracts and Pomades, with various other articles to numerous to mention. Our stock of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES Consists of everything .usually kept in a well regulatpTl Fanyly Grocery, viz? 'SUGARS?All grades COFFEE ?Piio, Laguyrannd Java RA COX?Whitonnd smoked Sides and Shoulders /WEAKEST STRIFS?Thevej-y best in Baltimore ? MOLASSES-?New Orleans and 8. H. Syrup M. I CA'.-I REE?Nos. 1. 2 and .1 ClfEFSE?New New York Factory GOS 1/EX Ii UTTER?The best to be had. LARD?Superior Lenf RICE?Both prime and medium /'EARL GRIST?Front Baltimore L': 4 .,,, ltueliani imn. XUliAl t "?rmcsi viivnuig .nt -? king I'll'ES?All sizes, kinds and qualities CtUARSt?From finest to common grades CANNED GOODS?Of every docription CONFECTIONS?Of all varieties and qualities SARDINES?'Warranted genuine * Yeast Powders, Salud Oil, Candles, Matches, Family and Fancy Soap, Strfrch, Soda, Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs, Ginger. Mustard, Pickles, Jellies, Worcestershire Pepper and Capers Sauces, Powder, Shot and Cape, and many other articles which we have not room to mention. We also keep during the season All kinds of Fruits, Vegetables &c Such as Apples. Oranges. Lemons. Bananas, Cranberries, Raisins. Figs, Prunes. Currants, | Cabbages, Iri?di Potatoes, Onions, itc, We iwve also always on hand an assortment Of Crockery w aire, Ae. Ac. All of the above good.- we will sell at the very lowest figures for Cash, and purchasers will find it to their interest to give us a enll before purchasing elsewhere. KIRKLKY ?fc (JARIzAXD. j Next door south of tlieoomer, inthe Workman | Building. | Sept. . tf. Drugs and Medicines llfK have just received from the Northern n Markets, the l?irj?stgck of i iJlKifX, Medicines. i'tfilltx, Oils, I (XTnishes, Ohm, Lam)*, Patent Me>lia'nes, Sjtices, anil Ih/e^SnJfs, (f?' nc rally , ever brought to this mnvket. A? the import duty has been reduced on iimny i articles, we can Hell cheaper than cYor before, HODGSON & DUNLAP. j November 28. if CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF Memphis, .Tenn. RUANCH OFFICE AT BALTIMORE, MD. Assets, $1 075,000, 11 oil JEFF. DAVIS. PreMident. Hen. WaPK HAMI'tOX, Vice 1'resident JOIIN D: KENNEDY, State Agent, May 22. l2ui. J.I. MIDDLETON& CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BALTIMORE, MI)., t Having purchased the eutire STOCK 01 <:<)(>I?S of Messrs. P. L. 1)*Sai:ssuke & Cd.. we will sell the same at COST for CASH, i ami for that purpose heicby constitute t Members el that firm our agents to effect sucl ile. *1.1. MimtLETOX A CO. .1 into S t f WATERS* CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS are the most beam If ul t? Uk atyle and perfect in tone dUElMn ever made. 7V CON? ITOP it thr be.t f560PIANOS rln?* maker*, including ATI.IIN , . , i tremolylowprlrc* for rn*b?"r part ir? hiimll monthly V _ " I Ocinvo liwlflmii I'lUON, Bjl *V-? ?"? improvement*, f?r |ilS m*h ,? . Oi tavr, 170. IM?1 BI.K-HKED OHUANS, *100! l-STOP no; *-XT01?, tl?5, a"1'?'P* I VY?rih.ILLrSTHATh:i)C.lTMOOl'?aMAlLEr>.A torpe unite M in inert, Church'*. Sun<1ou-.1 %cnA>,lnnpetlalti k .<fi<t, ZxxVm. etc AUlim WANTEDi NEW G I am now receiving the i DRY G< CLOT] Hats, Boots Which I have ever offered 1 care, at low pi EXTRA I3ST3D' To those in want of a good Cash Price. R0BER1 - CAMDEN, OCTOBER 2, 1873. GRAND I OJ FALL AND Wll ONE OJ LARGEST Ever Produced i DHT GOODS, O LOTHINa, tta BOOTSANDI Carpets and IN ENDLESS V. Cheaper T J@"Country Merchants will fiud it to ( is extensive stock. CALL AT ONCE AND * Camden, September 11. 3,000 xjwj FOR PAL] ?: WE are now receiving from the Manufacturer! SHOES AXI) TRUNKS of every deacriptit Market. Merchants visiting Charleston are invit D.' ; 2 HAYNE I August 28. ' FALL AXD Winter Goods! A.T J. A T. I. JOXEN' CHEAP CASH STORE. I Our Steele of General Merchandize, Consisting in part, of , idir/y Q-ocras, Groceries, Hardware, ' Cutlery, Boots, and Shoes, Notions, Hats, &e, Will be sold at the very lowest prices for I cash or its equivalent in barter. All Goods sold by us are warranted as represented. j. Wc have a large aud well selected stock of North Carolina Shoes, Which we offer at low figures. We pay the highest market prices for Cot-1 1 ton and other Country Produce. Agents for XeblettA Goodrich's Cotton Gins, which we offer at Manufacturer's prices. ffc?~All Goods purchased by parties resiJ--? mrnnr.ite limits of the town, | Ulllg >>1111111 l/liu ? v. J will be delivered by us free of charge. j. & T. I. JONES. Camden, Sept. 25. tf. Bagging, Ties, &c. 40 bales RAGGING, various brands, 2 tons ARROW TIES. MAOKAKRL, in burrels, half-barrels, quarrels, kits and at retail. CROCKERY, Ac. Ac. Just received bv J. A T. I. JONES. August 28. tf CORN!CORN! 3.000 Bl'SHELS PRIME WHITE CORN. For sale by WIUIAM8 A MURCHSON, I Jan. 16. Wilmington, N. C. OODS! mpst complete stoek of rinns , SING, and Shoes, &o the Public, bought with rifees. I offer CJOE^ElsTTS article at the very lowest M. KENNEDY. JISPLAY F NTER GOODS. ' THE 1 STOCKS "X *v in this Market. ' ; '* * U .? -tiTap BHOXIS, window aiutde^ A.RIETY, AND han Ever! < , J : - :,s.ji M> 'i? Vi+J< (heir interest to select their sushis ft?l - rle *< dMI 4 EXAMINE. 11. BARUCH. ' , ?T ? ! ' j ?? ' . ?T8 AND SHOES ^ I . j TRADE. i? . ' . mU..M * -** ^ i ?it ?t-u?J a# MMM i a very large anu wen seievicu eiw> ? ?>? >n, which will be sold as low M ia n]f otko* ;ed to ezainine our sloek. F. FLEMING & 00., 3TRBET, CORNER 01 CHURCH STREET. ' 1873. .. 1873. IT ATT. TPATTTilWe a^e now receiring a largo stoofc of DRY GOODft, CLOTHING, for Men and Bojj, HATS, of ill styles, 100 cases BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, SADDLERY AND HARNESS. In fact, a great many articles too tedious to Motion?all of whioh we will aell at oar n?el low prices. BAUM BRO. September 19 tf . SBeesps* Pall and Winter. 1873. Dry Goods, ANl i1 ? uiotnmg, Boots and Shoes. Hats, Groceries, Crockery and Hardware, AT W. 1. ARTHUR'S. 0 I aui offering extra inducements to pu? oh users from my camAiiir liAUWJSi ML'W^ma and would respectfully aolioit a call, W. L. ARTHU R September 25. 3 Butter, Cheese, Lard&Mullet. 200 boxes CHEESE, 50 Tubs BatteC, . 50 Barrels and Tuba Lard, 125 Barrels No. 1 "Mullet. F. W. KERCflSiR. 27, 28 and 29 North Water 8t 1 Jan. 16, WUttUgton, N. 0. %