University of South Carolina Libraries
LOCAL MATTERS^ CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. Robt. Thomsou, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11a. m. and 7* p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 p ui. Methodist Church, DoKalb street?Rev 11. L. Harper, Pastor?Services at 11 A.M. and 71 M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wed nesday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKulb 9treet? Rev. 3. II. Hay, Pastor?Services at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 4 P. M. Episcopal Church. Corner of Lyttleton and Laurens streets, Rev. B. P. D. Perry, Sunday services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 P. M On Wednesday evening at 7i o'clock and Friday morning at 91 A M. MEETINGS. NOTICE. The Camden and Kershaw Bible Society will celebrate its Fifty-fourth Anniversary on Sunday next, the 12th instant, in the Presbyterian Church of this place, at 7} o'clock, P. M. The anuual sermon will be preached by the Iter. K. L. Harper, of the Methodist Church. The public are respectfully invited to attend. W. H. R. WORKMAN, Secretary. Kershaw Lodge, No. 29, A. F. M a The Regular Communication of A&, this Lodge will be held on Tues^flnjOV^day evening next, at 7| o'clock. lnS&SK By order of the W.\ M.\ r yy j. r GOODALE, Sec'y. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. Attend the Regular Meeting, ofyour Division at Temperance Hall on MONDAY evening next, at 7 i o'clock. By order ot the W. P. j.. L BRASINGTON, R. S. Post Opficb.?Until further notice the Post Office will be open daily during- the week from 8) a. 111. to 1 p. m., and from 3 p m. to 7 p. m. Ou Sunday from 9 to 10 a m. The mails close daily at 7 p. in. Our citizens will no doubt be pleased to learn that the Free feridge, over the Wateree River at Camden, has at last been com-, pleted. The wood work is done; and as j soon as the ends of &e Bridge have been filled in with earth, which will be in two or three days, vehicles of all kinds can cross. Foot passengers have been using the Bridge j for some time past. The structure is almost 1000 feet long, and is strong aud substantial, and out of the reach of the water in the highest freshets. The work hae been under the superintendence of Capt. James I. Yillipigue, for several months, and has been pushed as rapidly as circumstances would permit. We advertise for sale, this week, the flat which has done l(Ag and faithful service at the Ferry, but is now functiu officio. Atlanta Medical College.?We call attention to the notice of this Institution, which begins its Sixteenth course of Lectures in November next. The College is situated at Atlanta, the most lively city of the most prosperous State in the South. The Faculty is large, and has a reputation for ability.? There are many young men in our country who are looking to the Practice of Mediciue. By patronizing the College at Atlanta, they can save the expenses of travelling to the North, be convenient to their homes, and enjoy all advantages, while fostering a Southern institution. The Fifty-fourth Anniversary of the Camden and Kershaw Bible Society-will be celebrated at the Presbyterian Chuith, Sunday, the 12th inst., at 7 J o'clock, P.M. We should show our appreciation of the objects of this Society by attending its meeting, and assisting in its work. Kev. R. L. Harper, of the Methodist Church, will preoeh tne sermon. J. W. McCurry, Ksq., offers a large and attractive Stock of (Jood9, which he has just purchased. lie is prepared to furnish any thing that his customers can call for in his line, at such prices that they will not feel disposed to go elsewhere for any improvement oit his bargains. Mr. Win Wallace calls the attention of the public to his stock of Dry Goods,- etc. at his establishment one Door above I)r. Young's Hook Store His assortment is full, and carefully selected by himself. Sheriff's Sales.?The sales on Monday were slimly attended; few except the parties immediately interested being present. The lands of J. J. Richardson, Trustee were sold as follows : One tract of 42 acres' at per acre; one tract of 50 acres, at $2 50 per acre; one tract of 38J acres, at $.'1 per acre; one tract of 57 acres, at $4 per acre. The lands of the Colclough Kstat consisting of 2,110 acr?9, wero sold in t - ^ tracts, at du cents per acre, an uut iw.7 the tracts being bought in by W. M. Shan non, Esq., for creditor*. The lands of Jas K. Arrants, consisting of 140 acres, wen bought by J. M Davis, Receiver, at 12 pei acre. If you wish to smoke, go to W L. Arthur's Be has a lot of fius oif are. Coming.?Mr. J. A. Armstroug, whom we all kuow, ia now on the road from Kentucky, with a large drove of the finest horses and mules ever offered for sale in this market. He will arrivo in Camden about the first of November, and, as his prices will be suited to the times, our planters would do well to give him a call when he comes. See advertisement in another column. . t Wateree Division, No. 9, S. op T.? The following Offiocrs were duly installed on Monday evening last, to serve the ensuing quarter : W. H. K. Workman, W. P. W. Z. Leitner, W. A. J. M. Gayle, T. S. M. Mathis, F. 8 ?r r? n.n o Q ? . JV lUUVsI Blgub, ? U. A. B. Lee, A. R. S. Waddy C. Thompson. C. R. P. Miles, A. 0. ! Robert Man, Chaplain. James Nelsou, I. S. A. C. Douglas, O S. J. W. McCurry, P. W. P. ? ?? The American Farmer for October is received, full of information on all seasonable topics. The contents are varied, but sound and practical, embracing every department of rural life. The publisher offer some valuable premiums fof clubs for the next volume, and will send each new subscriber the last three numbers of this year, free. Published by Samuel .Sands & Son, Baltimore, Md. at $1.50 a year or at $1 in clubs of five or more. Specimen numbers will bo sent free. i i i The Rural Carolinian.?The October < number of this truly valuable Illustrated ' Agricultural Monthly is promptly at hand. The number before us, which commences the Fifth Volume, shows unmistakeable evi- ; dense of improvement. Its pages contain the usual amount of usefut and practical information for the agriculturist, tbo horticulturist, and the homo circle. It ahoold have a place in every Southern Farmers' 1 home, not only as an invaluable counsellor in the daily farm work, but as a fireside companion to the household. The pnblishers announce their puporse of offering a premium Chromo to subscribers. They have selected two beautiful Six Dollar Chromot /or that purpose. Subscribers will I be entitled to n choice of either of them on complying with the terms?ayearssnbscrip! tion puid in advance, together with two dollars for a Chromo. This is a new enterprise for a Southern publication , and we hope its projectors will be amply rewarded for their praiseworthy undertaking. The Chromo *ill be ready for delivery early in December. The publishers are derirous of organising an effiaiont corps of canvassers in every County of each *of the Southern States, t o whom-they will allow liberal commissions. Those willing to undertake the duties are required to make early application to the publishers at Charleston, S. C. Sooner or later all will be forced to admit, that manual labor cannot compete in quality of work with maohincry, and none are so blind as uot to notice the great reduction in the price of an article, as soon as machinery is adapted to its manafseture.? No lino of goods have been more favorably affected by skillfully made machinery, than Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Ac. All of the improvements iu this line are used to get np stock for Messers. I. H. Hall A Co., Char - * " - ? an/l I lestOD, S. U. AgoniS lor me ueai. rvouug wn lining Asbestos Felt ever used. Send for price list and circulars. Window Glass.?Great attention is now deservedly paid to the kinds of Window Glaw used in dwellings, stores and churches All qualities of American and French Window, Picture, Photograph, Cut, Grourfd, Enameled and Colored Gloss, wholesale and j retail, from Mr. P. P. Toale, No. 20 Hayne street, Charleston, S. C. Send for price cord. Make Money fast and honorably, $12.50 per day, or $76 p <r week, by at once applying for a 1 territorial right, (which are given free to agents,) to sell the best, strongest, uiost useful, and rap'd selling Sowing Machine, and Patent But'ton Hole Worker, ever used or recommended by families, or buy one for your own use; it is only $5. Sent free every where by express. Address for particulai s Jerome B. Hudson & Co., Cor Greenwich & Cortland! 8ts, N. Y. Sept. 25, bin. For Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Depression of Spirits & General Debility in their various forms, FERRo-pHOsmoRATKn Elixir of Camsata made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, and sold by alt druggists, s, he best tonic. As u stimulent tonic for patients recovering from fever or sickness, it has no I equal. If taken during the season it prevent fever and agueand other intermittent fevers. Flour! Flour!! 100 barrels, different grades, i For sale by BALM BKO. Bagging* and Tie*. 5 10,000 yards BAMINO ^ 25,000 pounds TIES. For sale by BAUM BBO. BACOST! BACOJr!! r 20.000 pounds BACON % 6 Parrels HAMS. For sale by BAl .1l BRO SepUmbar 4. . if A GREAT SENSATION! Agent8 Wanted. Cash Salary or commission allowed. Strictly honorable. Address, F. A. ELLS k CO., Charlotte, Mich. a 4w \A/DR1/IMP PI ACQ MALEORFKMAE. MO VYUnMllU ULMOO* week guaranteed. Be pectable employment at home, day or evening; no capital required ; fuil.lnstructioaa k Valuable package of goods sent free by mall. Address, with six cent return stamp, M. YOUNG, k CO., 178 Green wlcjj st, N. Y. MIIOn^D Q No> we would only call attention to Iy1U11U L11 I our will a co ik, with which a man can earn Ms per day In good territory. It borea any diameter, ana ordinary wella at the rate of UO ft. ner day. Farm, Township k county Rights for sale. Descriptive book sent on receipt of ?c. postage. Address acoir Co., St. Lonls, Mo. For Portable ami Stationary Steam Enginet Page's Patent Portable CIRCULAR SAW MILLS. To cut from 300 to 3,000 feet per hour with one Saw.? Gang. Muley and Saab Saw Mill, Portable Grlat Mint. Letters Turbine Water Wheels, and every kind of Machinery accessory to the manufacture of Lumber. Address., GEO. PAGE k CO.. ' No. 5 Schroder St., Baltimore, Md. fVSend for Descriptive catalogue and Price List. WASHINGTON AND INSIDE. I AGENTS WANTED for a complete history of our National Capital. Its origin, growth, excellencies, abases, beauties and personages are all portrayed In that graphic style Which has placed the author, GborOK Alfred Townsend, among the foremost newspaper correspondents of the time. It gives bold startling, truthful Inside views of Washlngtou life, aud Congressional and Lobbying Jobbery. Boohs ready for delivery. Extra terms for this State. Address, Jambs Bbtt8 k Co., Hartford, Ct. Breech-loading Shot Guns $40 lo $300. Double Shot Guns $8 to $150. Single Guns, $3 to $20. Rifles, $8 to $75. Revolvers, $6 to $25. Pistols, $1 to $8. Gun Materials, Fishing Tackle. Large discount to Dealers or Clubs. Army Guns, Revolvers, &c., bought or traded for. Goods sent by express C. O. D. to be examined before paid for. NEVER Neglect a Cough, Nothing Is more certain to lay the fonndatlon for future evil consequences. Wells' Carbolic Tablets are a sure cure for all diseases of the Respiratory OrSins, Sore Throat, Cokls, Croup, Diphtheria. Asthma, atarrb, Hoarseness.- Dryness of the Throat, windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes, and all Dlseaaea of the Lungs. In all eases of sadden cold, however .taken, these TABETS should be promptly and freely uaed. They equalize the circulation of the blood, mitigate the severity of the stuck, and will, In a very short time, restore healthy action to the affected organs. Will's Carbolic Tablets are put up only In blcb boxes. Take no substitutes. If they cant be found at your druggist's, send at once to the aqent "in New tore, who will forward them by return mail. Do NT be Deceived by Imitations. Bold by druggists. Price so cents a box. JOHN qTTSELLOGG, 18 Plhtt-st., New-York, Send for Circular. Sole Agent for Ontted states. W'TNOM E Sr/^M Agents Wanted. SIMP YOB L ATALOOPS. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., N. Y. THE ONLY KNOWN MEDICINE THAT AT TLK S AME TIME Purges. Purifies, and Strengthens the System. D*. TrrrM Pill* we composed of many ingredient*. Prominent among them are Sarsapanila and Wild Cherry, >o united aa to act together; the one, tin ough its admixture with other atibataacei, purifying and purging; while the other la strengthening the system. Thus these Pilla are at the aame ant a tonic and a cathartic, a desideratum long sought for by medical men, but never before diaoovered. In other worda. they do the work of two medicine* and do it much better than any two we know of, for they remove nothing from the ayntem but impurltiee, so that while they purge they also strengthen and hence they cauae no debility and we followed by no reactlou. Dm. Trrr'fl Pills have a wonderful Influence on the ?- TK?. nrt. nnlv nnrtfv without WMkeOllir It. UIUOU, A UV/ uv? V?v r? .v . r but they remove all noxious particles from the cnyle before it is couverted Into (lul.l, and thus makes Impure blood an utter Impossibility. As there Is no debilitation, so there Is no nausea or sickness attending the operation of this most excellent medicine which never strains or tortores the digestive organs, hut causes them to work in a perfect natural manner; heuce persons taking them do not become pale uud emaciated, but on the contrary, while all Imparities are being removed, the combined action of the Raraapariiiu and wild Cherry purines and Invigorates the body, aud a robust state of health ts the result of their united action. Price ? cents a box. 8okl by all druggists. Depot 48 Cortlandt St., New York. 4w Grand Concert By State Authority, for the purpose of aiding in the establishment of L1MCOLN LIBRARY. A Grand Concert will be given in the CITY OF NEWARK, N. J., on NOVEMBER 16, 1873, at which time and place $226,000 IN CASH will be distributed among the Ticket-holders. Ths enterprise Is chartered by the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, for the purpose above named, and purchasers of tickets can rely upon perfect the fairness In the dlstrlbntlon and prompt payment of the (lifts advertised. Tickets, fleech;6 for 19,13 for tlO, to for $20. $299,000 in Cash Oifts. The following Gifts will be distributed among ticket-holders Immediately after the ('oftcert, and Gifts immediately thereafter. ONK GRAND CASH GIFT ISO.OuS ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 18.000 ONt Grand Cash Gift IO.OuO one grand Cash Gift d.oko 1 Cash Gift 3,ooo 1 cash Gift 2,600 1 Cash Gilt 2,000 1 Cash Gift 2,000 1 Cash Gift 2,000 1 Cash Gift 2,0o0 1 Cash Gift 1 Cash Gift 1,000 1 Cash Gift l.Ooo 1 Cash Gift 1,000 1 Cash Gift 1,000 l Cash Gift 1,000 1 Cash Gift 1,000 1 Cash Gift 1,000 1 Cash Gift l,0?o 1 Cash Gift l.OOo 10 Caab Gifts loon eacli 6,000 80 Cash Gifts 200 " 4,000 100 Cash GlfU loo 10,000 900 Cash Gifts 60 ' 9,000 Cash GlfU 10 " 60,000 8,000 Cash Gifts 5 " 28,0.* 19,000 Cash Gifts 1 " 18,000 26,361 CASH OIFTS amounting to $226,006 ? * omninT no Agents outside of the largo cities. we are enabled to fire to purchaser* the benetu or me commission that would otherwise gothe Ageni. \\ i will Uiarelore send you IS tickets for HO. or x* for tin; for $3. bmgle ticket* out dollai. All commiinlcutioits promptly answered. The distribution will be conducted by a sworn com mlttee, who will decide upon the fairest and moat Iii partial mode of dlatrlbutlou. A list of numbers it whic h gift* are awarded will be aenl luevety purchase! immediately after the Concert. We will send ticket* by express and collect on deltrery, wlion <? ordered Be aure and send your full address- name, town, renin tr and Stale, plainly written. As over one half of tin tickets are already engaged by Agents in the cities neai by, we would adrlae tbuae wbodeslic one or mo etc forward their ordera to ua at once. I uot delay. "Knowing the mahafera of thta enterprise, we ,-ai assure the public that It will be a gi and success, am eyery confidence caa be placed In It/' Newer k Journal "The managers of this enterprise aic men of character and ability, and there Is no doubt but they will inaki the enterprise eminently successful." Newark Pre** Address, PRTEKW k CO., Directors, Nowarfc, N. 3. ?? SAB AT OGA APERIEN T. SK fSS3 j rowoBK m the Saratoga Mineral Spring Waters, am used for the same purposes. Compact and Portabl Prepared only by Oao. H. FIsr a Aon, baratoga Spring! N. Y. Sold by Druggists WTnr it. km. Important and True. NEW g-OOXDS. I Cheap Goods. Such Goods as we Require. We would respectfully invite the attention of our friends and customers to our stock of FEW GOODS which we hate just received, and are selling at as low prices as the same goods can be bought iu any country town in the southern country. Our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. 4c. Comprises in part: Calicoes, Alpaccas, Worssteds, DcLaines, lierage, Ginglmms, Plaids, Linseys, Kerseys, Cassimeres, S&ttinetts, Jeans, Denims, Ticking, Shirtings and Sheetings, blea/ ha/1 o?i/l iinhlnnnKotl' T)?*t11inrra Tilnin onrl nhppk ed Oznaburgs; Blankets, Coverlids, Comforts, Over and Undershirts and Drawers; Ladies' Balmoral Skirts, Corsets; ladies' and gent's. Handkerchiefs, ladies' gent's, and children's Hosiery, Gloves, &c., ladies' Belts, gent's. Bows, Collars, Shirt Fronts, Suspenders, &c., Laces, Edgings, Braids, Trimmings, &c., Towels, Knitting Cotton, Needles, Pins, Hair Pins, Hair Nets, Thimbles and Thread. Pocket Knives, H'ocket Books, Round and Dressing Combs, Tooth Brashes, Pens and Pencils, Extracts and Pomades, with various other articles to numerous to mention. Our stock of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES Consists of everything usually kept in a well regulated Family Grocery, viz? 8UGARS? All grades COFFEE? Rio, Laguyra and Java RA CON? White ana smoked Sides and Shoulders BREAKFST STRIPS?-Tht very best in Baltimore MOLASSES?New Orleans and 8. H. Syrup MACKAREL?Nos. 1, 2 and 3 CHEESE? New New York Factory 008HEN BUTTER?The best to be had. LARD?Superior Leaf RICE?Both prime and medium PEARL GRIST? From Baltimore TOBACCO?Finest chewing an Durham smoking PIPES?All sizes, kinds and qualities CIGARS?From finest to common grades CANNED GOODS?Of every decription CONFECTIONS?Of all varieties and qualities SARDINES?Warranted genuine Yeast Powders, Salad Oil, Candles, Matches, Family and Fancy Setp, Starch, Soda, Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs, Ginger, Mustard, Pieties, Jellies, Worcestershire Pepper and Oapers 8ances, Powder, Shot and Caps, and many other articles which we have not room to mention. We also keen during the season All kinds of Fruits, Vegetables &c Such ? Apple*, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Cranbarries, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, Cabbages, Irish Potatoes, Onicns, Ac. We have also always on hand an assortment of Crockery ware, de. de. All of the above goods we will sell at the very lowest figures for Cash, and purchasers will find it to their interest to give us a oall before purchasing elsewhere. KIRKIET A GARLAND. > Next dtior south of the corner, in the Worktnan Building. v Sept. 26. It. DON'T PAIL TO CALL A1 THE Cheap Cash Store . OF D. W. JORDAN, Agt. Firnt-rute Quality RIO COFFEE, 25 oeota per pound? 4 lbs. for $1. Fine grades of FAMILY FLOUR, CHOICE O. R/. SI3DES, The bent in the market. A complete assortment of FRESH CRACKERS, SUGAR JUMBLES\ SUGAR NIC NACS, GINGER SNAPS, LEMON CRACKERS, $0. PURE KEROSENE OIL, Always on hand, at 40 cents per gallon. A choioe line of the GROCERIES usually kept in a First Class Grocery Store. I j ____________ ftugars and Coffees. 25 barrels SUGAR, different grades 15 sacks COFFEE, different kinds. For sale by BAUM BRO. ' September 4. tf ! WATERS' CONCERTO PARLOR ORftAHS an at noii Mutifal a A||fr\?sy|? and P?rfoct in laM ?m MBit. TV CON* CEHTO STOP it lidkMt ?v?r siacse iraar OrfUi <? prodvctd by an xtTm??to/r*dip? KSS^H' cnllarlr T?kc?4. tk? ^^ ^^^EFFECT ? MIL ITIB* mM? ?J IW?T(V Hi; ^^^^^^ nAifvoiCB <i av> cllii n.^-f r*. indtUHmy WATKMtjt <* * k trtaulr InrprleM far CMfci" balane* M MUD thlr ptJWW. MW 7l Of?Tt thH elm? PuSo^ i^*^ lmproT(airata./irJ9TS ?u*. OROAlfiJ" Oc(?T?,|7*. dovhle-REED OHOAWH, . $ 100} 4-HTO Ft 111 I S-?TOF,?WS. *?*,*? yigrJt. ILLUmUnU)CATALOOUtSMAILED. A toy iiKounttcMniuun. CTurtka. Smiw Jt*w*i | ^.UUt.Udgm.tU AOEm WllllVli NEW G< I am now receiving the i DRY G< CLOT! Hats, Boots Which I have ever offered 1 I care, at low pi EXTRA IlsTD1 To those in want of a good Cash Price. ROBERT CAMDEN, OCTOBER 2, 1873.. GR AND I 01 FALL AND Wll ' ONE OF LABQEST flyer Produced i \ %rsr goods, CLOTHING, HA BOOTS ANDI Carpets and IN ENDLESS V. Cheaper T jJW"* Country Merchants will find it to < th s extensive stock. CALL AT ONCE AND Camden, September 11. 3,000 cases BOO FOR FAL1 :o: WE are now receiving from the Manufacturer! SHOES AND TRUNKS of every descriptic Market. Merchant* visiting Oharleston are invit d. : 2 HAYNE? August 28. ~ FALL AND Winter Goods! AT J. AT. I. JONES' CHEAP CASH STORE. Oar Stcok of General Merchandize, Consisting in part, of IDIR/ST 0003DS. Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Boots, and Shoes, Notions, Hats, &c, Will be sold at the very lowest prices for . cosh or its equivalent in barter. Ill Goods sold by us are warranted as represented We have a largo and well selected stock of North Carolina Shoes, Which we offer at low figures. We pay the highest market prices for Cotton and other Country Produce. Agents for Neblett& Goodrich's Cotton (Jins, which we offer at Manufacturer's prices. 19*All Goods purchased by parties residing within the corporate limits of the town, ? i r c .1 will be delivereu dv u? irec w l-nm^c. J. & T. I. JONES. Camden, Sept. -5. tf. Bagging, Ties, &c. 40 bales BA0(1 TNG, vitriol^ brands, ?tons ARROW TIES. MACKARKL, in barrels, half-barrels, quar- j rels, kits and at retail. CROCKERY, Ac. Ac. Just received by J. A T. I. JONES. August 28. stf Vermifuge*, Worm Candy, and Patent Modeines, of all kinds. For sals by Nov 21 HODtttON * DUNLAP. 1 OOPS! most complete stock of OODS, aiNG, and Shoes, ,0 the Public, bought with ices. I offer CJCIEDMIEILTTS article at the very lowest 1 M.. KENNEDY. )ISPLAY 8" HTER GOODS. 4 . ' THE 1 STOCKS in this Market. s SHOSW, Window Shades, ARIETY, AND ban Ever! ;heir interest to select their supplies from EXAMINE. II. BARUCH. ?TS AND SHOES TP. A TIP. / i a rery large and well selected Stock of BOOTS, in, which will be sold as low as in any other ed to examine our stock. P. FLEMING & CO., STREET, CORNER OF CHQJLCH STREET. 2m 1873. 1873. ~EALL TRADE~ We are now receiving a large etook of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, for Men and Boys, HATS, of all styles, 100 cases BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, SADDLERY AND HARNESS. In fact, a great many articles too tediou* to mention?all of which we will sell at our usual low prices. BAUM BRO. September 19 tf Fall and Winter. isrs. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Hats, Groceries, Crockery and Hardware, AT W. L. AItTIIL!R'S. I am offering extra inducements to purchasers from my LABGE STOCK, aud would respectfully solicit a call, W. L ARTHU R OR o UOjHVUIUV! i.17. O Butter, Cheese, Lard&Mullet. 200 boxes CHEESE, 50 Tuba Buttet, 50 Barrels and Tabs Lard, 125 Barrels No. 1 Mullet, F. W. KERCHNER. 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Jan. 16. Wilmington, K. 0,