University of South Carolina Libraries
Church Directory. Baptist Church. Broad street?Rev. R?>bt Thomson. Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11a. in. and 71 p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 p m. Methodist Church, PoKalb street?Rev R. L. Harper. Paster?Services at 10$ A.M and 71 M. on Sunday ; Prayer Meeting Wed uesday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? Rev. 3. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10 j A. M. and 5 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting ou Wednesday at 5 P. M. Episcopal Church. Corner of Lyttleton and Laurens streets, Rev. B. F. D. Perry, Sunday services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 5 P. M. On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock and Friday uiorniug at 10 A M. L " MEETINGS ^Wateree Division No, 9, S. of T, Attend the Regular Meeting. v /\ ofyour Division at Temperance Hall on MONDAY evening K\ next, at 71 o'clock, r 'By order ot the W. P. \ j. L- BRASINGTON, R. S. ?IMB??HBH# LOCAL HEWS. P03T Opkice.?Until further notice the Post Office will be open daily during the week from SI a. m. to 1 p. m., and frotu 3 p in. to 7 p. m. On Sunday from 9 to 10 a m. The mails close daily at 7 p. m. The Fall Tiade.?Business has fairly an A nor morphftntq are dailv re VWUIU1V.UVVU Ui?? J ceiviog large invoices of Fall goods. We call attention to the inviting advertisements of Messrs. J. & T. I. Jones, Kirkley k Garland and W. L. Arthur, in this day's issue, and assure our friends that it is worth their while to examine their stocks before parchasing elsewhere. The cotton trade is quite lively and constantly increasing. The weather lost week was wet and stormy, but has now become more genial and propitious in every way, and the impulse given to business in consequence is felt by all. The Small Pox Scare Over.?We have positive information that there are no new cases of this disease in this community. The patients are all out and the embargo raised. New Firm.?We bring to the notice of our readers the advertisement of Messrs. Meroney & Witter, auctioneers and commission merchants. This is an energetic and efficient firm, and we trust will receive a j liberal patronage from all having business I in their line. Confederate Home School.?It is not generally known that this noble institution furnishes a first class education to young ladies. daughters of Confederate soldiers at the following rates: 1. Impoverished orphans of deceased soldiers at $25 per year for uniform, books, tuition, board and washing. 2. Pupils of the same class able to pay $125 per year. 3. Daughters of impoverished surviving Confederate soldiers for $200. Does any beneficent enterprise of the day present an equal claim to the contributions of Southern people ? Election of Officers ?At the annual meeting of the Phoenix Hook and Ladder Company the followiug officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: A. A. Moore, Foreman, K. O. McCriioht, Assistant Foreman, W. K. jMcOreioht, Secretary, A. C. Douglas, Treasurer. The Financial Crash.?At the latest accounts matters were hopeful in New York. The Banks had taken measures to relieve the people by issuing loan certificates upon stock deposits which would be received at the clearing house as legal tender. Hence it was believed the sacrifice of stocks and property would cease, and the ruin be arrested where it is. Attention, City Fathers?The side j walk on Lyttleton and Laurel streets, by 1 the lot ownod by Mr. Robert Latta, is in , such a condition that the least rain renders : it impassable to pedestrians Hope the City Fathers will have this "Slough of Despond" \ mended. Wet Feet. Attention Member*ok Fihknix Hook and Ladder Co.?According to the eonsti- | tntion anv member may be expelled who bus failed to attend three consecutive meetings of the Company. To tht Citizen) of Cauulen : As Intendant. I tender uiy resignation aud request its , acceptance. I have the honor to be, ' Respectfully yours, W. C. S. KLLERBK. Camden, 8. C., Sept. 23, 1873. For Lose of Appetite, Dyspepsia, IndigesI ion. Depression of .Spirits & Ueneral Debility, in their various forius, Fekko-FhoshhoR atei> ( Etixia of Calisava made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, and sold by all druggists, s he boat tonic. As a stimulent tonic for patients recovering from fever or sickness, it bus no ! equal. If taken during the season it prevent ! fiver aad ague ande tker Utemltte at fevere. [ Make Money fast ami honorably, $12.50 per lay, or $7u per week, by ut once applying for a territorial right, (which are given free to agents,) to sell the best, strongest, most useful, anil rapid selling Sewing .Machine, and Patent Button Hole Worker, ever used or recommended by families, or buy oue for your own use: it is only 5", spnt free everywhere by express. Address] 1'or particulars Jerome B. Hudson & Co., Cor Greenwich & Cortland! St?, N. V. Sept. 25, 6m. Window Glass.?Great attention is now deservedly paid to the kinds of Window Glass used in dwolliugs, stores and churches All qualities of American and French Window, Picture, Photograph, Cut, Ground, | I Enameled and Colored Glass, wholesale and retail, from Mr. P. P. Toale, No. 20 Hayne treet, Charleston, S. C. Send for price card. The fall trade has now opened, and with a view to meet all its requirements, Messrs. I. H. Hall & Co., Proprietors of the Great Southern Builders' Emporium, Charleston, S. C., have made at the Factories, large quantities of Doors, Sashes. Blinds, &c., from fully seasoned lumber. Their immense sales enable them to offer number one work at low prices. Before beginning your building, send for their price list and size card. They are also Agents fur Asbestos* Hoofing Felt and Paint. Last year millions of feet were sold for covering roofs, lining rooms, painting &c. New York, Sept., 19.?A special to the New York Herald from London says the crew of the Polaris, which arrived ou the - * 1 >>? Dnniliio vficfardtv wan first HKKUier AIUV. ax 1/uiiuvi. J J , . picked up by the whaling ship Ravens Crain on the 20th July, 200 miles south of Cake York. The crew being in boats constructed of the remains of the bulwarks of the Polaris, they were afterward transferred to the steamArtie. Capt. Buddington and partly wintered last year on the mainland, near Littleton Island. Realising that the Polaris was not in a condition to carry them further, the consequence was, she was partly broken up and boats made from the pieces. These were stocked with provisions and sailed southward early in June. They endeavored to make Cape York off the west coast of Greenland. 1 They were 200 miles south of the Cape when J rescued. ( The Herald comments on the suspension i of Jay, Coooke & Co., and says if the Government escapes loss m this tremendous crash, it will be fortunate. This we have j yet to learn, though one of Cooke's Banks , may say it was compelled to suspend in conoonseqQence of the demand of another upon 1 it. Tbere is no doubt they are a 1 mixed up in ' the same difficulty, and that the firm was , principally embarrassed by the pacific Rail- \ road. In this speculation the Cookes wore i either speculating or calculated upon tempting the market and the public to take the 1 stock off their hauds by extensive advertis- J in8The Times says Jay, Cook & Co. have ] been unfortunate in proportion to their departure from the conservative method of ban- ( king. J The Tribune, World and other morning < papers take a similar view of the matter. All < agree there is no cause for a generul dcstruc- 1 tion in consequence of yesterday's panic. The opinion0 of various leading business men ' regarding the financial panic are published , this morniug. One promiuent member of the board says there has not been such a panic in 16 years; nor one that has produced . such anxiety throughout the city.?Other business men think that as the balance of trade is iu our favor for the first time since the war, there will not be a commeric&l panic. This has been a frightfully destructive day in Wall etreet. Great excitement ha8 pre- i vailed. Notwithstanding the heavy rains 1 the streets were crowded with people. An- J nouneements of failures created wild excite- ^ 4 l l?wr /vnn nirvlltKa fit ft. mem. uuiu mutcu up u? ? _ , time. It sold at 11J and in less than 15 i minutes sold at 113, and course still upward. i Transfers under the rules was the order of 1 the day. The business of each exchange 1 was coDsidcrally interuptcd by the presiding officers calling to order to announce some , failures. This day has proved even worse than 1 Hlack Friday. It resembles the worst days of 1857. The crowd in the galleries of tho stock exchauge wiA so great that an order was given to oxclude every one. Consei^uently the street il. front of the exchange became blocked with people. At 11 o'clock . the scene in the gold exchange defied description. The mombers acted as if demented. The banks are weathering the storm. Tljuersnck.?There are indications that the clause of temperance is advancing in South Carolina. It Is not yet seen in j diminution of places where intoxicating Leverages are sold, or perhaps, in the decrease of staggcriug drunkards, hut it is yianifest in the number of young meu who say no to the invitation to drink. The number of total abstinent* in the .State is greatly on the increase. A healthy public sentiment is coming about. On last Thursday uighi there were present in the hall of the Sons and Daughters of Temperence in Columbia a dozen accomplished. lovely ladies and about fifty gentlemen; among them some of the most popular clerks and other young men in Columbia. They are providing themselves a library, propose to carpet their hall and. make weekly meetings occasions 01 espeunw interest, and thus attract many to their circle of sobriety. Success to all such efforts / Won- Herald. 1 _ fik'hool Notfer. The exercises of Mr. McCandlesiT School will he resumed oil Monday, the bib of October next. Aug. 21.?8t. Bagging, Ties, &c, 40 bales BAGGING, various brands, ?tons ARROW TIES. MACKAREL, in barrels, half-barrels, quarrels, kits and at retail. CROCKERY, Ac Ac. Just received by J. A* T. I. JONES. August 23. tf PHOTOGRAPHS. The undersigned having returned and opened a gallery will be pleased to see his friends. With more experience and IMPROVED APPARATUS he feels more capable than ever before of pleasing the people. Oome and have your pictures made before grim winter with his frost and snows pounces upon us. Gallery in Workman House. A. B. LEE. Camden, S. C., Sept. 11,1873. Sugars and Coffees. 25 barrels SUGAR, different grades 15 sacks COFFEE, different kinds. For sale by BAUM BRO. September 4. tf BACOtf! BACOSTH 20,000 pounds BACON 5 barrels HAMS. For sale by BAUHf BRO Septembar 4. tf Flour! Flour!! 100 barrels, different grades, For sale by BAUM BRO. Bagging* and Ties. 10,000 yards BAGGING 25,000 pounds TIES. For sale by BAUM BBO. SHERIFF'S SALE. JOHN KERSHAW, Receiver, vs. J. J. RICHARDSON. Trustee. . Order for Foreclosure. BY virtue of an order of the Circuit Court made in the above stated case, I will offer for sale at public outcry before the Court House : door, on the fir9t Monday in October next, the , Following described tracts of land, being part < of a tract of land formerly belongingdo the estate of Wm. Kirkland, deceased, situated on waters of Oum Swamp and Sanders' creek : Tract No. 4, containing 42 acres more or less, bounded north by tract No. 5, east by tract No. 3, south by lands of J. 11. Vaughan, and west by tract No. 8. * Tract No. i contaiuing 50 acres more or less, bounded north by tract No. 6, east by tract No. 3, south by tract No. 4. and west by tract No. 2. Tract Mo. 7 containing acres more or less, I bounded north by lands of Wm. Kirkland, claim- I fd by James Cantey, east by tract No. 10. south ] by tract No. 8, and west ty tract No. G. Tract No. 11 containing 6V? acres more or less, bounded north by lands of Wm. Kirkland. claimtd by James Cantey, east by the public road eading from Camden to Lancaster and lands of j roseph Ilelton, south and %e9t by lands of Jos. , Helton and tract No. 12. Said tracts described as represented on a plat >f re-survey made by C. C. Hnile, deputy sur- i reyor for John Kershaw. Receiver of the estate -t )f Wm. Kirkland, deceased, dated 12th day of j Jctober, j872, and recorded in oftice of Register i )f Mesne C.mveyaucea for Ker3h*w County at J P 478 of Book B. B. Terms?One-half cash. Balance on a credit )f one year. Purchasers to give bond with upproved security and a mortgage of the premises, ind to pay for papers, recording. &c. . SAMUEL PLACE, S. K. C. Sept 11. 4t Sheriff's Sale. Colclough I vs. V Decretal Order. Colclough J By virtue of an order from Hon. John T. Sreen Ju< ge of the third Circuit to me directed. [ will sell on the tirst Monday in October next being the sixth day of euid month, before the Court House door in Cumdcu, during the legal hours of salt, the eight (S)ruuaiuing tracts of the Colclough lands situated ou Little Lynches Creek in Buffalo township and nwtnber.1 us follows to wit. numbers five, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen the other leven tracts haviug been sold by Sheriff Bos well on the sale-Uoys ot January unci renruury 1872. A plat of these lands will be showu at tny office fo any one desiring purchase. Terms one fifth Cash, balance 011 one, two ami three years time, secured by llond'and mortage ttf the land. Ptuchasers to p.iy for papers. Sam'l Place, S: K. C. Nheriff's Nalo4 JAMES M. DAVIS, Receiver of Esiate of Henry W. DeSausswre, Vi. JAMES R. A Kit k.NTS, Order f?r Forerioiure. BY virtue of an order to me directed by Hon. R. B. Carpenter, dated the 20th of Aptil, 1878, I will sell before the Court House door in 1 Camden, on the first Monday in October next, being the Sixth day of said month, during the legal hours of sale. All that piece purcel or tract of laud containing one hundred and forty (14(1) acres, being a pan of the DeSaussure land sold under previous orders of the Court, lying on the east side of Pine tree Creek, in Kershaw county, and known u? tract number five (5) of the Huile laud, bounded north by lands of McHae and K. I>. Thomas South by tracts numbers two snd three, cnM by lands of John McKae and ttact number four, and west by lands formerly belonging to Meroney & Boswell as showu by a plat of Colin McRue dated 23d December I*Stilt. Terms Cash, purchasers to pay for papers. SAMl'EL PLACE, S. K C. Sept. 5 4t | Batter, Cheese, Lanl&Mullet. j 200 boxes CHEESE, i ra fT..L. U.11.1 it" 1 UUM IMIUUl, 50 Barrels and Tubs Lard, 125 Barrels No. I Mullet. F. W. KERCIINER. 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Jan. H5. Wilmington, N. 0. CORN I CORN! 3.000 M'SIIKLH I'lll.MK WHITE COKN. For sale by WILLIAMS A MITBCIISON, Jan lti. Wilmington, X C. PUBLIC NOTICE. I this Jay appoint W. W. Copeland my lawful Agent to tiaiiiAct buaitiBs* for me. E K. McDOW EL. . . Aug. ltu* New Advertisements. wwy A TSlrm?'n?An ,non 'o make 11/ -L Hid-' money to r.eml for a pamphlet If containing Instructions Ac. which everylwdy should know. J. C. T1LT0X. PrrrsBuro, Pa. WORKING CLASS *t>" a week guaranteed. Respectable employment at home, day or evening; no capital required; lull Instructions and valuable package of goods sent free hv mail. Address with six cent return stamp, M. VOL NO A Co., lT30reenwtchBt., X. Y. A Work vf Intense Interest and Intrinsic Value. OCEANS'S STORY. By the gifted son of the famous "PFTER PARLEY." The result of a grcai historical research : An authentic History or Navigation and its Manifold Discover it ;< since the Hood. Abounds with Startling Incidents, Fearful Disasters, Lawlfss Piracies, Bloody Battles, and Glorious Achievements; also describes Diving, Telegraphing, Ocean Fisheries, &c. Over 200 Spirited Culs. Subject New. Price Low. AGENTS WAN TED. HUBBARD BROS., Pubs. 723Sausomst.f Phila., Pa. * 4w. (A N F, BURNHAM'S jd Gj NEW TURBINE /j Has been tested at YORK, PA., by HH pH D. M. ETTIXGER, C. E., aud at HOLOYKEj MASS., _ ^tj jambs bmkkdu.-n, ii. e. k. ? 55*~For Pamphlet and Test Report, ad- ImI ^ dress L J be N. N. BURNHAM, York, Pa Sept. 4. 4t L. " KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY, Located atJASHLAND, the HOME of Henrt Ci.av and old Transylvania. Six Colleges ill operation, with Tliirtv Prirfeasnrs ami 600 Students from W Statea. Entile fee* for collegiate year, $20 except iu, Medical, and Commercial Colleges. Boarding from $2 to $5 per week. The great institution of the South for cheap, thorough aDd practical education. For Catalogue, address, I. It. BOwMAN, Regent, Lexingtnu, Ky. DAVIDSON OOLLEGE, MECKLENBCRO COUNTY, N. C. Well equipped. Seven Professors. Expenses Low. Session commences September 23, 18T3. send for Catalogue. J. R BLAKE. Chairman of the Lacluty. VIRGINIA" Female Institute, SUAUNTON, VA. Tin experienced teachers in the Esmisn tonus, Font is la.voraoss. seven in Mrsic,wite twenty-seven new instruments iti use. Five Teachers of Ornamental Branched Pupils from seventeen States.? Next scesjon will commence Sent, to 1878. For Cataloguts, address, Rsv. R. H. PHILLIPS, Principal. 35th Thousnnd in Press. Sales Increasing. 2,00 more Liyk Aokxts Waxtbbd for our Livingstone 28 Years in Africa, over GOO pages, only $ ?.50. Look out for inferior works. Send for circular and proof of the great,n ?ueetu of the season. Report just in. 184 mtbs. in six days* flUBBARD BROS. Pub's. 828 Sansom St., Pliila., Pa. Wsf VM'JJJ-Jimy. The gtartllnr drawback on nearly all medicinal agents lias ercr i?een that In their process of purgation and IHirltlratlon they have also debilitated the srstein. To obviate thU din'lcUlty, physicians have long sought for u> agent that would Purge, Purify and Strengthen, At one and tlie same time. Their research has at last been rewarded bv a discovery which fully realizes the foudeat desires of the medical faculty, and which Is justly regarded as the moat important triumph that Pharmacy has ever achieved rids Important desideratum In I)r. Tutt's Vegetable Liver Pills. Which purify the blood and remove all corrupt humors Ukl uiifn?alt-Lk at tmnii'1'"'" <?mk! yet protlncf-a no weakness or lassitude whatever, but ou the contrary tones the stomsch and Inclgor&tea the ttody during the progress of their operation. They iinlie the heretofore Irreconcilable qualities of a STHENUTIIENINU PURGATIVE and a PURIFYING TONIC*. Dr. Tl'TT'S PIl.LS are the most active and search n? medicine In existence. Thev nt oner attack the root of diseases, and their action is so prompt that in in hour or two after they are taken the patient is aware of their good effects. They may be taken at tnv time without restraint to diet or occupation; they produce neither nausea, frripmyr or debility, and as a lanilly medicine have no tivul. Price lio cents a box. Sold by nil Druggists. Principal Offic 13 ami 'JO I'lutt-st., New York. la the most powerful cleanser, strenglhenes an.l remover of Glandular Obit ructions known to Materia Xedlca. It is -pecially adopted to constitutions -worn down" and debilitated by the warnt weather of Spring and Summer, when the blond js not in active circulation, consequently gathering impurities from Hlnggltshness and imperfect action of the secretive organs, and la manifested by Tumors, Eruptions, Blotches, Boils, Pusules, Scroiula, 4c., Ac. When weary ami languid front overwork, and dullness, drowxlneas and inertia take the place of energy and vigor, the system needs a tonic to build it up ami help the Vital Forces to regain their recuperative power. In the neat of Summer, frequently the livhr and hm.crn do not properly perform their functions; the Uterine ami Urinary Organs are inactive, producing weakness of the stomach and intestines and u pre-dtsposltion to bilious derangement. Dr. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JDRUBEBA 13 pbkp4rid dirkiti.v from the SOUTH AMERICAN PLAN T and la peculiarly suited to all these difficulties; It cleanse*the VITIATED BLOOD, strengthening the LlFfi-OlVIKO POW ERS, and REMOVE ALL OBSTRUCTORS from IMPAIRED AND ENFEEBLED Organs. ft should be taken freely taken, as .luurheha Is prououced by medical writers the most efficient PURIFIER, TONIC and DBOBSTRUKNT known tit thu whole range of medicinal plants. IOI1N 0. HELIXMiO, Is Platt-st., New York, sold by Druggists. Sole Agent for the United States. Prnv ouc iioiiar per bottle. Send for Circular, w. SARATOGA APERIENT, SKKK.'. powukr at the Saratoga Mineral spring Waters, aud used lor tile san<- purposes. Compact and Portalii Prepared only by URO. II. FIhh 4 Son, Saratoga Springs, n. y. Sold hy Druggists WTky it. 3m. ?xe(iilor\ Notice. All persvns having cleitntnds against tlie' elate of Mrs. Julie Knox, lute of Kershaw, tie reused, will present the same according to law, and those tndtMcd wil make pnymonl to iii THUS. W. I'RICK, Kx'or. 41. NOTICE ALL persons having iVumiul.H nguinsl the estute of Dr. I!. C. II ughes, deceased. will j?resi lit tItem 'Inly nlto."!imI. air] those indebted to tho -nun' ure re?jiiireil to tnakc'minediate payment NALI.IK I.. IllGHKS, Adm'r'z. Aug. >, 1 in. Notice to Trespassers. All persons nre forbidden entrance on any o my lands to fish, hunt, or for any othar purpose without a written permission from uie. Parties isreg irding this notice will be dealt with according to law. 8AM'L. H. BREWER.. July 17 lw* SPRING, 1873. ! * i I invite your attention to my SPRING STOCK OF Goods, PRINTED LAWNS, PRINTS, EMBROIDERIES, j Laces, Hosiery Gloves, i Handkerchiefs and White Goods, ALSO. Men's and Boy's Wear. Cottcpiades. Plain and Fancy Drills Tweeds and Cassimeres Hats and Olotliing*. .In great variety. Together with A FULL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. The above, with many other desirable articles, too numerous to mention, have been recently selected with great care and will be sold at the most reasonable prices. I respectfully solicit a call. ROBERT M. KENNEDY. March 27. ^ tf. DON'T FAIL TO CALL Al' THE Cheap Cash Store OF D. W. JORDAN, Agt. First-rate Quality RIO COFFEE, ' 25 oents per pound?4 lbs. for $1. Fine grades of FAMILY FLOUR, CHOICE O. IR,. SIDES,^. The best in tlic uJarLetT A complete assortment of FRESH CRACKERS, SUGAR JUMBLES, SUGAR NIC NACSt GINGER SNAPS, LEMON CRACKERS, frC. PURE KEROSENE OIL, Always on band, at 40 cents per gallon. A choice line of the GROCERIES usually kopt in a First Class Grocery Store. Seed Cotton. COUNCIL CHAMBER, Sept. 9, 1873. ORDERED, that from this date, no parson will ho pormited to offer for sale, in the town of Camden, uuy cotton in the seed, after sun set in the evening, before sunrise next morning, under h penalty of forfeiture of said cotton so offered for sale, and the Tow n Guard are hereby ordered and required, to seize and hold any and all cotton so offered for sale, as above statedOrdered, that ah soon as a cotton weigher is appointed, all cotton in the seed offered for sale, shall be weighed by him, he charging a resonable compensation for his services. Extract from minutes ofrCouncil J. K. WITHERSPOON Recorder South Carolina-Kershaw County IN THE PROBATE COURT. NOTICE is hereby given that one month after date, the undersigned will apply to J. F. Sutherland, Judge of Probate, for final discharge as administratrix of the estate of the late Thomas J. Withers, dec'd. M M. KIRKLAND, Adtnr'x. Heptembef 11. 4t Administrator's Sale. South-Carolina-Kershaw Oounty IN THE PROBATE COURT. BY pcrmixttion of J aines F. Sutherland, Judge of l'rohnte 1 will well :it Public Auction ut the late residence of Klias Hrannon, dead. in said county, on Monday, the 29th of September, (iust.) hrce MULES, four head of HOGS, a few SHEEP, 15 bushels WHEAT, 26 bushels old PORN, Household and Kitchen FURNITURE, LOOM. CART, Ac., Ac. Terma?One-third cash; balance on a credit of : one year, with interest from date and approved i security. I JAMES fl.YBURN, Adm r. September 11. 8t Npirit Casks. 400 SPIRIT CASKS?Now landing ex Steamer Lucille, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, 27,28 and 29 North Water Street. ! JaYi. 19 Wilmington, N.C. I ? ^flwmb SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COLUMBIA, 8. C., June 26, 1873. CHANGE of sthediile to go into effort en tad after Sunday the 29th inst. Mall and Paaaenger Train Leave Columbia at 6 80 a. m. Arrive at Charleston at 1.10 p. m. Leave Charleston at 6.601. a. Arrive at Columbia at 1.45 p. it. NIGHT EXPRESS. Freight and Accommodntton Iraii (Sundays Excepted!) Leave Columbia at 7.16 p. as. Arrive at Charleston at 6.16 a. m. Leave Charleston at 7.10 p. nr. Arrive at Columbia at 6.16 a.m. Camden Accommodation Train. WW run through to Oolnmbia, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday as follows: Leave Camden at 8 46 a. m. Arrive at Columbia at 8*40 a. m. Leave Columbia at 1040 a. m. Arrive at Camden at 3 46 p m. A. L TYLER, Vice President. . S. B. Pickens, 0. T. A. Gen'l. Supt's. Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA ft AUGUSTA R, R. COWilmington, May 81, 1878. CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. The following schedule will go intoefect en 3:26 . M., Monday, 16th inst. DAY EXPRE88 TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 8:84 a. v. Arrive at Florence &8c a, n. Arrive at Columbia 8:18 9. u. Leave Columbia 6:80 a. k. Arrive at Florence ll:80r. n. Arrive at Wilmington 8:11?. u. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY, (fttftdftyt Excepted) Leave Wilmington kit 9. u. Arrive at Florence ll:nr. M. Arrive at Columbia 8:42 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 8:20 a. k. Leave Augusta 6:60 ?. * Arrive at Columbia 16e86 ?. a. Arrive at Florence 2:20 a.*. Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 a. k. JAMES ANDERSON, Qen'l. Superin't . CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA * AUGUSTA KB. QeXKRAL ScPKBUTXXDAXT'S OtVICl, . Columbia, September 22, 1872. On anii after Sunday, September 22, Uetniai this road will run in accordance wiUi tie following "Time Table:" ooixa sour*. Train No. 1. XsaiaNe. 2. Leave Charlotte 8 00 a m 8 20, m " Columbia 240pm ittn Arrive at Augusta, 7 46 pm 820am OOIXO KOXTH. Train No. 1. Train No. 2 Leave Augusta, 6 86 am 660pm " Columbia, 1163 pm 11 06 p m Arrive at Charlotte, 6 16 pm 800am Standard time, ten minutes slower than Washington city time, and six minutes faater than Columbia city time. Train No 1, daily; train No 2, daily, *?y? excepted. Both trains make close connection to all points nunn, miutn auu Wwi. "^nngk tjtiksts sold and baggage checked to all principal points. E. P. ALEXANDER, General Superintendent. R-E. DonsET, Gen. F. & T. Agent. Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Columbia, S. C., September 6, 1872. Daily, Sundays excepted, conneeting with i m it a .aL n it n.n a. j Nignt Trains on ue ooum Carolina ?upa, up and down; also with trains going Northand South on Charlotte, Columbia and AagustaBalL road, and Wilmington, Columbia ana Augusta Railroad. UP LeaveColumbia at Leave Alston 9.06 a. a. Leave Newberry 10.40 a m Leave Cokesbury 2.00 p a. Leave Belton 2.60 p a Arrive at Greenville at 5.80 p m DOWN. Leave Greenville at 7.80 a mf Leave Belton 9.80 a m. Leave Cokesbury 11.16am Leave Newberry Leave Alston 4.20pa. Arrive at Columbia 6.00 pa. Anderson Branch and Blue Ridge Division. LEA VI Walhalla 6 46 am. Arrive 716 pa Perryrille 6 25 a m. Leave 6 86 p a Pendleton 7 10 am. Lear* 6 60pa Anderson 8 10 am. Leave 4 60 p a Ar. at Belton 9 00 a m. Leave 8 60 p a Accommodation Trains on Abbeville Branch Mondays, Wedensdays and Fridays. On Andefson Branch, between Belton and Anderson, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. THOS. DODAMEAD, Goal. Supt. JabkzNobt on, Genl. Ticket A?t, THE undersigned offer for aala at tha lowest tigures for cash, Groceries, Dry Goads, Sheet, Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, Ac., 4to-, and solicit a share of public patronage. PHELPS I BILLINGS. V. L. Phelps aud W. M. Billings are duly ?u thorited to act as our agents, and are empower ed to sign the name of tne firm in purchases and settlements. H. A. PHBLPS, M. A. BILLINGS, S. A. D18AU88URE. June 6 tf LAW CARD. WM. D. TRANTHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CAMDEN, 8. O Office adjoining that of J. M. Davis, Esq. SOMETHING NEW. AN elegaut Album for 26 osntt, holding 24 full siied cards, bound in foil fill com and Mold at the low price of 26 centa, suitable for the pocket or centre table. Order a temple sent by mail, post paid on receipt of 26 cents. 8 for t'>U cents, or ti for $1. Address, BURROW & CO. Baltimore, Md. fcfr" Agents Wanted. Catalogues of Books, Pictiures ?c., sent. June 12-3 2. t?r to $20 PER^AYn"^AgeBtir~waBteT AI Jjj el classes of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more money at werk for us in their spare moments, or alnthe time, than at any thltny else. Particulars free. Address G 9TIXTON A CO., Portland, Maine. September 19. 12m.