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, , , n m, , . , VOfj. XXXIII. CAMDKX. S. O.. SEPTEMBER 35. 1873. NO. 4. \ ????H THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. AN INDEPENDENT FAKIL* PAPER pom.rsHKu ?v .IOTIIV UEKHHAW. StWRIPWOX RATES One year, in iwlr*^ $2 50 Six months 1 5o Three months - 75 ? v.Jrertiseineuts must be paid I i 11 iuIthiicc. THE LOSSES OP THE SOUTH. A correspondent of the New York Tribune, wbo has taken some pains to investigate the actual condition of the Southern States, contributes to that journal the result of his labors, which is comprised in nearly three columns of closely printed matter. His [exhibit is of tho most interesting) character, and shows conclusively the evil etiects which have followed the so-called ''reconstruction" of the Southern States undiier Radical rule. In 1800 the value of property in thirteen Southern States,*[not1' in eluding Delaware, Maryland and Missouri, was S3,993,009,629. Io 1870, deducting five hundred dollars fo each slave reported in I860, and reducing the valuation to the gold basis of the previous decade. the valuation was 82,765.203,429. a loss of 30 per cent?The States of Maryland, Delaware and Missouri, however, fared very differently. During the ten years Missouri gained nearly 8600,000,000; Mary? A. nr. nnn AAA J TI_I nnn land, 5i58,"w,uuu, aim uciiiwaic 000. The Joss of property in the thirteen Southern States was. therefore, twelve hurv dred and thirty millions in goid, a sum two- , thirds as large as the bonded debt cS cfie United States. Their entire property in 1860, exclusive of ofcivesr was $2,993709,626, and their loss i? thirty per cent, of that sum. The 1<*W^" slaves, added to that already mep^006^' makes total of three billions two hundred and thirty millions! over one-half of the eatire property of the thir- ( teen States. Missouri and Maryland were afflicted hj?the"waste and losses of war quite J as much as the majority of the thirteen Stat#?? but Missouri has gained 134 percent. ( aipce 1860, and Alabama and Georgia have #dch lost respectively 41 and 47 per cent. Arkansas and Missouri had about the same number of slaves, and yet Arkansas has lost . 27 per cent, of its wealth, The causes, .. . ' x. xl_;_ j therefore, that nave ieu u? mis uceuy m ??? Southern States have cost the country not ( only the twelve hundred millions absolutely ; lost, but the four thousand millions which j they have not gained?3 sum more than twice as great as the whole national debt. The in- ( crease in the value of Southern farms from ^ 1850 to 1860 was one thousand millions of | dollars, but the decrease from 1860 to 1870 has been still'greater, so that the entire va j ue of farms in the thirteen States is less than j it was in 1850, twenty-three years ago. And emancipation has not caused this startling ; decay. Missouri had slaves and was the ; seat of as fierce a war as any of the other States, and yet in Missouri the value of | farms has increased one hundred a^jl sixty | millions. f Ascertaining from cenrus reports the value < of farm lands and number of acres, the aver age value per acre, improved and uniuiprov- . ed, and reducing the values of 1870 to gold , for comparison with those of 1860, we may j form some estimate of the loss other than the number of acres occupied. The loss in the average value per acre was in Virginia and ( West Virginia 82 30, or 20 per cent.; in Kentucky, $1 71, or 11 per cent., in Texas, < 83 cents, or 22 per cent.; in Tennessee, 84 10, or 30 per cent ; in Florida, 82 23, or , 40 per ceut.; in North Carolina, 82 84, or 47 j per cent.; in fieorgia, 82 66, or 46 per cent.; , in Arkansas, 5 32, or 56 per cent. ; in Ala- < bama, $5 49, or CO per ceut.; in Mississippi, 87 Ol, or 58 per cent.; Louisiana, 81329, or ? 60 per cent , and in South Carolina, 85 63, ] or 66 percent. Such averages per acre, im- | proved and unimproved, indicate an enormous depreciation in the actual value per acre of improved lands. Meanwhile, according to the same test, the average in Missouri has risen 83 04 per acre, or nearly 30 per cent, in gold value. - c It may be supposed that the decline in ag- c liculture in these States is due only to the diminished production of the few great crops formerly raised mainly by slave labor. But statistics show a general decrease in products. Wo find, comparing the crops of i860 and 1870, not only a loss of 1,300,000 bales of cotton, but of 2 000,000 pounds of wool not only a loss of 170,000.000 pounds of tobacco, but of 150,000,000 pounds of butter?onefourth of the production in 1860? 570.000 pounds of cheese, not only a loss of 167,000,OUO pounds of sngnr and 8,000,000 gallons molhsse* but of 21.000.000 bushels of potatoes, nearly one-half the crop of 18GO in those States; not onlv a loss of 113,000.000 pounds of rice, but of 8,000 000 bushels of wheat, 500.000 of rye, 110,000 tons of hay, 53,000 tons of hemp, and 109,000.000 bush- t els of corn! In view of a decrease in pro- i duction so general and so startling, is it i strange that Southern farms depreciate in i value, that half the wealth of these great ag- f ricultural States has vanished, and that ono- t thirteenth of the entire population has already i fled from a region so blessed by nature and \ cutsed by man ? t Say what you will, a man will always respect a true and constant wile. He may have great defects, even great vices; he may have ' his irritable moments, when he will use words as harsh as they arc unjust toward her who ' is the help-mate of his life. That is of little > matter. If a woman is all she should be, he | will respect her in spite of himself, and place full trust in her; and, nothwithstanding the j angry taunts, in the truth of which a passionate man professed to believe at the mo- j merit of utterance, his heart will remain , faithful to her, and will be likewise drawn ( to admire and practice virtue. There is a man in Ttrown county, Indiana who is most portentously fraternal. Thrice i has he led a blushing bride to the altar.? , No. 1 brought hint ten pledges; No. 2 also brought him ten; the present incumbent eight. The grand total, up to August 7th, 1873, ii, therefore, twenty-eight. Still this patriarch ia ambitious. He tigbs for thirty. THE NEGRO. IMPORTANT STATISTICS?THE INCREASE ANIi DECREASE IN NUMBERS FROM 1840 TO 1870. The following table showing the increases or decreases of the colored population in thirteen Southern States was compiled from tho Suited States census of 1870. To elucidate it we present a rough estimate of the per centage of the increase and decrease, which our readers can easily verify by the table itself: COLOBED POPULATION AT EACH CENSUS FROM 1840 TO 1870. 1840. 1850. 18GO. . 1870. Alabama 255,571 345.109 436,770 475,510 Arkansas 20 47.708 111,259 122,169 Florida 20.534 40.242 62.077 91,089 Georgia 283,007 384.013 405,098 045,142 N Carolina 268,540 316,011 361,522 391,650 S Carolina 835,314 393,944 412,320 415.814 Tennessee 188,583 245,881 283.018 322,231 Texas 58,718 182,921 253,475 Virginia 498,822 620,2"! 850,373 304,218 Louisiana 193,954 202.271 350,373 304,218 Kentucky 189,^4 220.992 230,167 222,210 Mississippi!96,577 310.808 437,404 444,201 Missouri 59,814 90,040 118,583 118,071 To elucidate the above table, we will, in a rough way, endeavor to show the per centage of increase and decrease: Alabama.?The negro population increased from 1840 to 1850, ab?ut 35 per cent.; from 1860 to 1870, 13 per cent. Arkansas.?The negro population increased from 1840 to 1850, 238 per cent.; from 1850 to I860, 37 per cent.; from 1860 to 1870, 13 per cent. Florida.?From 1840 to 1850, 54 per cent.; from 1850 to 1860, 47 per cent.; from 1860 to 1870, 47 per cent. Georgia.?From 1840 to 1850, the increase was 33 per cent; from 1850 to 1860 1 21 percent.; from 1860 to 1870, about 17 per cent. North Carolina.?From 1840 to 1850, J .he increase was 18 per cent.; from 1850 to 1 I860, 14 per cent.; from I860 to 1870, 9 per cent. South Carolina.?Increase from 1840 io 1850, 17 per cent.; from 1850 to 1860, 5 per cent.; from 1860 to 1870, only 3,400, being not 1 per ccut. 1 Tennessee.?From 1840 to 1850, 33 ' per cent.; from 1850 to 1860, 15 per cent.; ' from 1860 to 1870,13 per cent. Texas.?In 1850, 58,000; from 1850 to ' 1860, increase 200 per cent.; from 1860 to ' 1870, 100 per cent. 1 Virginia.?Increase from 1840 to 1S50, ' 3 percent.; from 1850 to 1860, 6 per cent.; < from 1860 to 1870, a diminution of thirty- ' tix thousand, being about 7 per cent, decease. Louisiana.?Increase from 1,840 to 1850, iltout 30 per cent; from 1850 to 1860, 30 | per cent.; from 1860 to 1870, only thirteen thousand, being about 4 per cent. ( Kentucky.?Increase from 1840 to 1850, , 10 per cent^ from 1850 to 1860, 15 per ;cnt.; from 1860 to 1870, a diminution of ( ibout fourteen thousand, or some 7 per cent. , lecreasc i Mississippi.?From 1840 to 1850, in , . reased 70 per cent.; from 1850 to 1860, 40 ( per cent.; from 1860 to 1870, being an in;reasc less than five thousand, about 1$ per lent. Missouri.?From 1840 to 1850, increased ( ibout 48 per cent.; from 1850 to 1860. about , 15 per cent.; from 1860 to 1870, decreased ' our hundred and thirty-two negroes. , Chronicle and Sentinel. t The Columbus Cotton Mills.?The ( Columbus (Ga.) Sun gives the fallowing ac- | ount of the present condition and prospects > >f the cotton mills of that town: { The Columbus manufactories during the ' rear 1872-73, took 7.428 bales of cotton, an ( (xccss of 598 over the previous year, and ( J,201 more than the season before that. At j 174c.. a low price, this cotton cost 887 5" >er bale, or a total of 8649,950. This cot- 1 on without our mills would have brought ' lnc nml nntliirrr tnoro Tim ulnnrmr nntild iavc uiadc but small commissions. The stu- 1 de was passed through our manufactories, 1 ind its value increased three-fold?udvan- ' ed from 8649,9f)0 to 81,299.900 above the ! trice which she paid the planter, and she la-s all the advantages of the lattor's trade. * I'll is tells a truth of which Columbus can be ' troud, and gives a clue to the path which J cads the to the financial independence of he South. Other places may have built jiorc houses since the war, and constructed ' vith State aid more railroads, hut what one ' n the State can show such a net gain from til sources us we can from one branch of in- 1 lustry alone? If there be a class of men ' ivhom we Could thank most warmly for what ' irospcrity we enjoy, and to whom the great;st obligation should be felt, it is the public J ipiritcd, far seeing citizens, who project tnd build those grand industries. The mnt;er of greatest pride too, is that the capital nvestcd came almost exclusively from our 1 >wn section. The Federal soldiers destroy ;d four cotton mills for us in 18Gf>, burned ' ixty thousand bales of cotton and ruined millions of other property, but every thing lias ' liccn almost restored by Southern money ind brains. Hardly any outside help has been received. The strong probability, al most certainty, is that three more mills will l. ? _;|A I ?n1l? wmii.1 JO Limit lllTt' i'i:i<MumiiMiin *?< The Kagle and I'lurnix Company have contracted l??r the flooring; f?>r mill No. .'I. It is mother pleasing fact that one of our mills is manufacturing largely the finer grades of woollen goods. Hero, ton, is made the cotton blanket, which is turned out by no other establishment in the I nited States Productions are 9old in all part* of the country, and arc in great demand, The manufactories in Columbus now run .'12,000 spindles nnd 9(10 looms. If the same progress is made in the future as tho last seven years have manifested, we will have in ten more falls over 80,000 spindles and 2,200 looms in oparation. The power of our river is sufficient to run millions of spindles at very little cost. The present dam at lowest water will keep going 180,000. Lowell herself may yet be complimented by being called tho "Columbus of the .North," as it is now the prsde of Columbus to be called the "Lowell of tho South." A Lady in the Case.?An old, old story. but a sweet and touching one is that of woman's devotion and self-forgetfulness in seasons of sorest sorrow. The double railway disaster of first a frightful collision and then an explosion of locomotives, which occurred at midnight on the Chicago and Alton road, was enough to paralyze the strongest nerves, but the awful crash, which sent some from the sleep of life to that of death, ,r"fl n( flm wnniftn riiflnlv nr>ilwi>rt from repose, an opportunity for a work of humanity. The conductor of a sleeping coach.tells a straightforward story, which needs no embellishment of polished phrases to adorn the angelic work of these volunteer sisters of charity : "First thing T knew the ladies, God bless them ! were tearing up their underclothing to bind up the sufferers.? Why, sir. in half a minute they had scarcely anything left on them. There was rouud one man's hand a lace handkerchief that must have cost a small fortune. One lady thrust something into my hand to tie round a man's arm, which looked like?well, underclothing. I could not stand that any longer. I did not care what the company said, so I just gave orders to open the lockers and tear up anything that came handy. And they did. There were two or three ladies tearing sheets into lengths to bind up wounds, whilo a half dozen others were binding them around tho bloody arms and bodies of the wounded men. There was one little lady who was ?n angel; <he wnrked?hnw she worked ! There's her i card. God bless her," and he handed the reporter a card marked "Mrs. Robt. MeCart, No. 212 South Center street, Bloomington." "I said I would get her name into the papers, and she begged me not to. But there it is." A glorious girl. Miss Tracy, tho daughter of the editor of a paper in Ifous-! ton, Texas, distinguished herself for her devotion and careful attention to the sufferers, who were racked with every torture. Earth has no modal or tribute of honor that can heighten the beauty of this loving kindness, which sparkles up in tho full tide of womanly devotion and sympathy in the arid waste >f human selfishness like a fountain in a burning desert.? Courier-Journal. A Smart Western Thief.?Everybody tround Detroit, says the Free Dress, has , i j ? ?i\i.mi;a i iicuru uj ui such iiiu iivbv'i n>u,-i i'm'inu j Matches." a young fellow of thirty or there- i ibouts, who has lifted more "leathers" than ! iny pick-pocket of his age in the country.? [ A day or two since "Matches" turned up ! missing, and his pals in Windsor announced j hat he had gone to Savannah, Ga., to see, liis dying mother. It seems that the thiefl vanted to go to Chicago, and fearing arrest in this side, ho disguised himself as a clergy- j nan, having on the standing collar, white i ;hokcr, and double-breasted black coat of a ' egular man of the cloth. A wig and a pair j >f spectacles so changed him that he was | jafe, and for effect he carried along a Bible. : rhe fellow asserts that thus disguised lie alked with the officials of tho ferry-boat md with a policeman on this side, and his .MAdGmta Wflro nfAmnllf II 11 ^ IV/?t*f? (1 mill lilt i iuusiii'iio nv/lv i vuijfuj iiuuii vi ..... isguiso unsuspected. He was in Chicago ,hree days, going about in the role of a minster, and it is believed that he "lifted" greenbacks enough to make the excursion jrofitable. He started for houie Tuesday tvening, and while waiting in the depot for he train to leave he noticed a portly, goodempcrcd man. evidently carrying a full wal ct, wiping his tnouth as if he had just, iiad a lrink of something cheering. "Matches" ; it once took the man aside and read him a j coture on the sin of swallowing mint-juleps ind sweetened brandy. The man, who is ( reported to be a Bostonian. interested in the lugar-stavc business, pleaded having a weakness which should have been suppressed 1 ong ago but for family trouble, and the two ?>on became well acquainted. "When the ;rain started both occupied the same seat, ind their conversation for the next three bourn was on such topics as to make a man reel nearer to that good place heyond tin; Mouds. "Matches" finally introduced the ; nihject of cholera morbus, in order to gel 1 ? 1 11 ii | __ i (tack to tne practical worm, ami nc suoweu lie stranger ti bottle of Htiifl* wliich bo luol i jiut up f??r liini in Buffalo. The Boston man tasted, and the taste was so good that he wished he had the "morbus" a little in orJer to cure it. lie was pressed to "take bold." as the liquid was a preventive rather j than a cure, and up went tin- bottle again ind again. About midnight the Boston man was a picture of happiness, lie slept without a break until he reached Hetroit. and was then so stupid that if it hadn't been for the "preacher" he might have walked nit oi'wronirend of the ?'? i> .t His intsui ' linn win to go east with the other passenger-, unl why he didn't is more than lie can tell Ho woke up at o'clock in the afternoon to , find himself in bed at a small hotel on Wool bridge street, west. It is needless to say that lie had hoen robbed of his gold watch and wallet, the latter containing several hundred dollars. The person who was recently called in court for the purpose of proving the correct- j of a doctor's hill, was asked by the lawyer, whether the doctor did not make several visits after the patient was ovt of </<??>/?/ ? "No," replied the witness, "I considered the patient in ihtiii/' r as long as the doctor continued his visits I" The Quakers. The New Salem, North Carolina, correspondent of the Vorkvillc 'Enquirer, says : "By those not familiar with the facts, Quakers are regarded as*being uncouth in their manners, rude and illiterate. The very reverse is the truth. They arc the only people who strictly speak the vernacular lan guage correctly, and they are behind none in sustaining institutions of learning. Thoy are unostentatious, discarding titles, even omitting "Sir" and "Madam" in all discourse; and though their garb is of simple pattern, being of the same sfyle as that in vogue when tho church was founded, yet those who have the means, wear as fine and costly' apparel as is worn by any other people. I have seen many Quaker maidens modestly and neatly attired in costly fabrics, but without wire-work and bird-cage attachments or other ringtumpopadiddleboodletum ornamentation, who could cast a love-dart in the most winsome manner, and arouse the tender passion in the most obtuse heart. This art, however, i9 one of the endowments of the sex, which poor man's weakness has#only tended to cultivate, and against which no j church regulations, however strict, can erect I a barrier. But the Quakers do not object to love-making?only it must be confined to those of their faith. As regeneration is deemed unnecessary?the children of Quaker parentage being considered as born free from carnal affections?so it is regarded as sinful to marry "out of the church." After the betrothal the marriage ban is rend to the congregation of which the lovers are mem- ; bcrs, and in one month afterward the marriage is consummated in the church, each candidate repeating the vows aloud, and signing a written agreement that henceforth and forever they will divide their joys and sorrows, and together pull through this weary life in the silken traces of matrimony . | Lawsuits are unknown among the mem here?all differences arising among them beirfg settled in the church ; for which purpose tho monthly meetings are set apart?and their poor are never taxed to tho county. As may be readily inferred, the Quakers J are men of peace, which to some extent ac- ( counts for the name of this village?tho *ord , Salem signifying "peace." The town of Salom, forty miles north, had been previously ( settled by Moravians from Germany, another . peaceably-disposed people, but who on many occasions make considerable noiso with trumpets, gongs and drums. A town with- ( ofcf* a Trumpeter, would by them be consid- | ered as seriously deficient, even for ordinary purposes; while for important events?such , as tho advent of Easter morn?a band of j sonorous instruments is regarded as an ad- , junct indispensable to good government and correct municipal regulations. Not so with the Quakers,- who neither f dance nor sing; and hence they named their | place Xnc Salem, which, by a liberal con- , strnclion?taking the definition, ''different from the former"?may be regarded as im- , plying a better and more perfect peace than that of their noisy neighbors iu Forsythe county." ] The Cotton Crop. September 1 is the dato agreed upon in commercial circles as the terminal period of the "cotton year" in the United States, and during September the very large number of persons in all parts of the world who arc interested in this valuable staplo, cither as producers, factors, carriers, spinners or consumer?, are on the lookout either for the statistics of the cotton year that has just closed, or for prognostications of the year's trade that is opening. The annual statement of the receipts and shipments at the different ports f<?r the year ending September 1,1873?that is, the year 1872 and 1873?as published by the Finam ini Chronich, shows a total crop for the year of 3.030.5(18 bales, being an increase ofi)5G,247, as compared with the year 1871 and 1872. The exports are 2,070,980 bales, and the home consumption 1,201,127 hales; leaving a stock on hand at the close of the year of 70,980 hales. The largest crop ever made in this country was in 1859 and 1SG0. when4,GG9.770 hales were produced, and the largest since that period was in 1870 and 1871, when 4,352,317 bales was the aggregate. The total gross weight of the past year's crop reaches 1,824,920,023 pounds, and the average weight of the bales is 4G4 pounds.- The crop of sea island the pnfct year was 2G.289 bales, against 10,845 in 1871 1 and 1872; 21,009 in 1870 and 1871; 32,228 i in 18(3! and 18G7, and 40,019 bales in 1859 i and 1800.? Columbia FhnnLr \ The primitive mode of counting and 1 weighing nails has h it some reminders of c it-elf in our modern nomenclature. We say four penny, six penny, ten penny nails, and I :o on. Nails used to he counted by the 1.000; and when they were of such a size that t 1 ,(HlO of them weighed four pounds, they * were called four pound nails and similarly -ix and ten pound nails, ami in rapid speakin" (ho "pound" became corrupted into I neiiny," which is more easily uttered by i the organs, as any one will sec; who will try < i..,. I.w .i ? .i??: ?: . ii" ii* i inn i in: rm iuii ui" ii?ii u ?u ? .1 sizes depended originally upon weights, i A speaker nt a juvenile picnic is said to t have delivered an address, of which the fob ^ lowing is a sample : '-Yon ought to he very 1 kind to your sisters. I once knew a bad boy > who struck his sister a blow over the eve.? Mthougli sho didn't lade and die in the i Minincr time, when the dune roses were I.looming, w ith sweet words of kindness on i her pallid lips, she rose up and hit him over t the lo ad with the rolling-pin. so that Itecould t not go to school for over a month, on account ) of not h?ig able to put on his hut." i A Queer Retribution.?TheOpelousas CLa.) Journal, of the 15th. is responsible for the following: ' Down in the Parish of St. Martin an old widow lady, whose children had all married of and left her alone, had been persuaded to* sell her little place and live with them. She 'soldi her land, buildings and improvements one day for 32,000, and received the money in cash on the spot, in her own house, where the act of sale was passed before two witnesses, the number required by luw, and who witnessed also the payment of the money. In a short ' - - * * 1 A -t, lime sue was 10 give possession, nut sno remained in the house the night following the sale, all alono, ar with no masculine adult in mates, as was hor custom. That night two negro burglars broke into the house and demanded her money or her life. She'gave it to them, but begged them to let her have ono hundred dollars of it, as slio owed that amount, and wanted to pay the debt, whon she would be satisfied. They finally consented to let her keep the one hundred dollars. They then ordered her to make some coffee for theui to drink. In doing so, she bethought hersef of some strychnine she had in the house, and quietly droped it in the pot of steamingcoffee, and placed it on the table, with cups, spoons and sugar for them to pour out and sweeten to their taste. This they did, and drank in a jolly mood, each one having8950 in his pocket. But; in a few minutes the tables were turned One gave ( up the ghost where he sat at 4hc table in ] his chair, and the other got up, staggered off a few feet, and tumbled into eternity. The , good old lady recovered her money, and on ] examining the person of the black bargla- 1 rious robbers, they turned out to be the two ' witnesses to the act of sale, both white men ' blackened for the occasion?both her neighbors, and one was her cousin." 1 I Ax Axe Story.?Wal, I reckon about 1 tho idlest chap I ever knowed was a chap ' they called Long George, down to Red Pine. lie had a bit of ground allotted him that | was some timbered. ( I was running a post at that time on a j pony between the mines and the post-office, md so I passed his location every now and then, and noticing that he always sot on a log ^ doing nothing, I hailed him, and asked him why he didn't begin to clear his patch. Wal, ho said he hadn't nary an axe, but that an old mate of his had got the next lot ] ind he reckoned he'd loan him his when he 1 came. Timo went on, and as he still sot doing j nothing about three months more, I asked if his mate had come. , lie said Pete had arrove about a month | igo, but as Pete had his own clearing to do, lie had made up his mind not to ask for the axe till it was done. * Next spring when I come by, I asked if ' Pete hadn't done his clearing yet, and he * aid. with a mournful shake of his head, that lie guessed he had for a bit, for he had took s irery ill. t Ho I said I reckoned he could have the axe c now, hut he said he didn't want to bother Petewhile he wasn't well. That autumn when I passed again, I asked f liow Pete was, and he said he reckoned ho ? was pretty well now, for they'd buried him 1 lbout a month ago. 1 ' How about that axe ?" said I. He up and said as Pete has left it him, 1 but lie wouldu t go sloshing round about a r trifle like that while the widow was just in t the first burst of her bereavement. The following summer when I saw him, be was still setting on the log. "Been for that axe yet?" said T. "Well, I guess," said he, "the widder's married again, and T ain't been introduced to s :hc new boss yet, and he migthn't jlike my go- 1 ing for the axe just now." About the beginning of winter, as I was 1 returning from the mines, I overtook a little party going East, and fell iuto conversation $ ivith them ; and one woman said to me as we v ivore parting: j "Say, stranger, when you go back to tho , 11 in on next time, will vou just stop at Long Scorge's? I forgot to tell him as the axe liy last old man left him isjying at Jem * Brown's store." 1 * So next time I passed I told the crlttur c lie said he'd go and fetch'it in a day or ,wo, but bless you when I passed there again, r here he was on the log. 1 "Wall," says I, "whar's that axe?" ^ "Why, at Jem Brown's," said he. "Thought you'd been to fetch it?" said I. "So I did," says ho; "but ye sec as Jem c Brown bad bad the trouble of keeping it for 1 uc, 1 felt it only proper to make liini some ^ eturn; so?wal, we drank that axe between is." t 1 larfed some, and the next time I passed o [ brought, liim a young oak sapling and plamt- ^ :d it. Says I: I "That'll be just the size for an axc-hclvc* >y (be time you have got a head for it." "Thank ye, stranger," says he, quito satis- i ied ; and it's my belief he's a setting there t dill, watching the darned thing grow ! r Mr. Lilt, residing near Stanislaus, Calibrnin, while sinking a well, and after passti.r f I. ? . iiiirli linr.) nun nml wiU'iirnl wf rnt'i "h ??v ....V. I* sand, at forty five feet reached a bed of 11 .'ravel, and with it an abundance of good * ,vater. Imb'-ddcd in the top of the gravel ' van the .skeleton of a mastadon. Several of he bones in a good state of preservation J ivore brought to the surface. In one ot the jones was discovered a flint arrow head, a mcli as is in common use by the present Inliaus on this continent. The arrow head a ,vas so completely imhedded in the bone {] hat there can he little doubt that it was shot ft nto the monster animal near the time of his leath. This would seem to indicate that liese monster animals do not antedate the n iresent Indian race inhabiting our conti* a lent. u ADVERTISING RATES. Space. 1 M. 2 M. 3 M. 6 M. 1 square 3 00; 6 00, 8 00| 12 00 I9 00 2 squares 6 OO; 9 00, 12 00 18 00 26 00 3 squares 9 00 13 00 16 00 24 00 85 00 4 squares 12 00' 16 00! 20 OOj 30 00 43 00 1 column 15 00; 19 OO] 24 OOl 34 00 50 00 j column 2n 00 80 00 V) 00 55 00 80 00 1 column 30 00! 50 OOl 60 00 90 00 150 00 All Transient Advertisements will be charged One Dollar per Square for the first and Seventy-five Cents per Square for each subsequent insertion Single insertion, $1 60 per square. OUR CHIP-BASKET. The man who carries oat bis moral resolutions sometimes forgets*to bring them back. Kate Scott, an old Indian squaw, who*live at Grant, Wisconsin, has killed eight bears this summer. The experiment of importing laborers from Spain is being tried with marked success in Louisiana. There is nothing so effective in bringing a man up to the scratch as a healthy and high* spirited flea. A boy who is polite and pleasant in manners will always have friends, and will not often make enemies. "Pretty bad under foot to-day," said one citizen to another, as they met on the street. "Yes, but it's fine overhead," responded the other. "True enough," said the first, but then very few are going that way." A Brutal old bachelor declares that pretty women kiss one another on coming into a room because it a graceful custom; they do the same on going away because they are delighted to lose sight of one another. To see how eagerly a human being will catch at a straw, it is not necessary to witness the drowning. The phenomenon is now manifecst chiefly within saloons, where one end of the straw is immersed in a tumbler. Be not diverted from your duty by any iaie renectioos tne suiy wona may Know upon you for their censures are not in your power, and consequently should not be any part of your concerns. A German adds this to an obituary: 'Mine vife Susan is dead. If she had life dll next Friday, she'd bin dead shust two ivceks. As a tree falls so must it Stan. All ings is impossible mit God When you see others laughing at something you have said, try and find out whether they really think you are smart, or only a fool. "Where is parts unknown ?" asks a corespondent of the Danbury Newt. To which ftaily answers very truthfully, "where they lon't advertise." ? The editor of Lawrance, Kansas, Tribune pleasantly speaks of the "hoary-headed old look-nosed devil of the Leavenworth Timet." The editor of an Illinois paper thinks fishing, as a general rule, doesn t pay. "We stood it all day in the river last week," he says, "but caught?nothing until we got lome." Ex-President Johnson, it is said, is again i candidate for Governor of Tennessee, and ias aspirations for the United States Senite. Naturo always knows her business, and he never meddles with other peoples. In his latter respect, she differs from many sther folks whom I could name. One of a party of friends, referring to an jxquisito musical composition, said: "That ong always carries me away when I hear t." "Can anybody sing it V' asked a wit in ho company. Charles Cearson, a colored man baa been odged in the Edgefield jail on a charge of nurdering his own child, a little girl, agod wo years. He beat her to death. Obstacles in the path of a man of true sourage are but incitements to enterprise, tnd the warrants of ultimate success. A lady wished a seat. A portly, handome gentleman brought one and seated the ady. "Oh 1 your're a jewel," said she.? 'Oh, no," he replied, "I am a jeweller. I lave just set the jewel." During a fire in Memphis, the other day, l woman carried a barrel of flour down stairs vitbout bursting a hoop. In ordinary times t exhausts her to strike her husband twice vith a poker. An illicit distiller in Virginia, compelled )y revenue officers to move his establish* nent "still higher" up the mountain's side, rails his whiskey Excelsior. A Cincinnati man, on his dying bed, ranembered that hi# wife was smoking some iauis,"and he said: "Now, Henrietta, don't ;o snuffling around and forget those hams." A man with a wart on his nose has recovered $500 in a Baltimore court against he brute who reminded him of that protu>eranee by calling him "Warty." When I see a modern tattler, I always hink it a pity he had not been created with>ut any brains. As an idiot, he might have ?een a harmless success. As an intelligent ?cing, he is the vilest failuro imaginable. Let every man be occupied, and occupied n the highest employment of which his na? ure is capable, and die witn cue consciousless that he has done his be9t. Mrs. A.: "Well, goodbye, dear. You mist come and see my new dresses from 'aris?one charming morning dress, among there, quite simple, and only cost sixtyeven guineas ! You'll come, won't you? and ell uie what you think of it 1" Mrs. B.: (). uiy dear, I'm no judge of cheap clothing, ou know!" Visitor?"How long ha3 your master been way ?" Irish footman?"Well, sorr, if c'd come home yisterday, he'd been gone wake to-uiorrow; but ev he doesn't return lie day afther, shure he'll a been away a irtnight next Thursday." Kxcept the vice of intemperance, there is o other which a man can so easily acquire, nd which is so wholly unnecessary, as the , se of profane language.