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an an?fu in the way. The following is one of those very pure classical productions, .vhieh now and (hen, at great intervening intervals, are given to the world to enlighten, and pi. and instruct. It imparts a les-oti whieh w.oil l. if generally adopted, impose e.p. n mankind a system of morals which v.'otiM tend to tle ir advantage, their happiness, and their honor. The poem appeared originally inFra/er* Ma tl/tine hut the author's name is not known. I'.'ir <lie ?fo\-mvard path ?|>reacl, Love and 1 giit ihy coming greet, Fmi. ? blw siting o'er thy beau. Flow rs are growing ncath tby feet, Mirth and Sin. with tos ing hands, Wave thee on, a willing prey; Vet an instant pause?there stands An Angel in the way. Heed [lie heavenly warning?know, Fairest flower-; thy feet may trip; Fruit, that like the sunset glow, Turns to a?hcs on the lip; Tii-in. a the joy he wild and free, Th-nigh the pa'h l>e bright and gay, Fv< n mortal eye can sec An Angel in the way. Mil' though .b-.'wn in jvonlly pleasure? Wilt thouga lavc, likchim of old, L, ngth ?f da_v .,11 i stores of treasure, Wisd i.u, gi >,y, power, and gold? Life and limbs shall sickness waste, Want shall grind thee day by day; Still to win thee God hath platfed An Angel in the way. Trusting all on things that perish, Shall a hopclcs faith he thine, Earthly idol witt thou cherish! How before an earthly shrine? Meet rebuke to mortal love, Yearning for a child of clay; Death hall cross thy path, attd prove An Angel in the way When the prophet thought to sin, Tempted by his heathen guide; Wheu a'prince's grace to win, Prophet lips would fain have lied; Even the brut-: the same controlled Found a human voice to say, "Master, smite me not"?Behold An Angel iu the way? So. when Vice, to lure her slave, Woos him down the .shining track, Spirit hands art stretched to save, * * - I t? I L. Spirit voict's warn nun n.-tviw, Hoart of man! to evil prone, Chafe not at thy sin's delay; Row thee humhly down, and own An Angel in the way. Slei> Corn.?Those fanners who wish to secure the best seed for their next year's crop should remember that it is now time to commence looking after it. A cotemporary suggests tluit there are two chief requisites in a good corn, viz: Early maturity and prolifieness. There is too little attention paid to this matter by farmers generally. By neglect and indolence they will let the season for tffelocting seed pass by, and next Spring, when they get ready to plant, they will pay some more enterprising neighbor two or three times the commercial value to get some good seed corn. It is a law ! of nature that like produces like, under like circumstances. If we want to im* e _ prove the cartmess 01 our corn crop, we must select our sec?l from those stalks that first mature. As a r.ilo, those ears mature first that "shoot" first. Go through your field and mark with a piece of re ! flannel, or other device, one hundred of those stalks that shoot first. Later. g?? through attain, ami mark all of that hundred that show a tendency of perfect iv good ear . When ripe, scdect all perfi ct. well-formed, deep grained ears from tin- marking, and tie them up for teed. Plant tin l?v themselves next year, and from this plant ii g make another selection in a similar inaum r, using more care to save seed from the two-cared stock: a!so keeping in mind the early maturity. The third year's planting will developc a seed, if proper care has been u>ed, that will show two good ears to the stalk in - ven-tenths of the plantT* " *- " ?"?f tl?/* rrinl/1 of 111!*. U IS III v> .ij> in.n iuv ^iv?>. v. our great cereal can he increased to eighty, ninety, or one liundred bushels p. r aer? : and tin- man first perfects tfi* -< valuable (|u:ilities >-\u make a snug little fortune in raising corn for seed alone. IVe hope some of our young and enterprising farmers will take hold of this matter. Don't let the season pass without making an eflbrt in this direction. yokk jo oxkn.?No one will dispute tha/ the ox is sometimes misused like the horse, by being worked in a gear that does not fit him. You will find fifty horses with lacerated breasts or shoulders from a hard leather collar where you will find one with a - ar from a yoke. If ml a 1 i a yoke is long* neigh, oxen win noi wa?idlc and hai'l sidcw ivs, ami if the yoke ami bows are mad to fir the neck ami shoulders you v..!i .-!il<.in see them gore. A yoke should he made just crooked enough, ami the stajdi-s ju-t !<?ng enough below tlo' yoke to h ve the hows stand about perpendicular when you haul a a load. The hows should he set close to the neck, so they will not play backward and bruise the points of the shoulder, but so arranged that the yoke will rest on the top or front of the shoulder. Bittfn?Ci kkk?Augu 113, Willie, son of Capt. W. T. I>. t'ousar, of Chester. S. C., was bitten on the ankle by a moceadu snake. Instant and severe pain endued. An immediate application to the l?it<- of eointuon soda, moistened or wrt with vs iterg'iv", instant relief. |)issolv. d la w i al-o taken inwardly. Whiab \* and oth r remedies were taken i inwardly ?d apj d outwardly, but it j Sfim- i i .'i;11> l . inlVr l! it the first | application was the prime agent ill then cure. There was no swelling from the bite and the next day Willie was out as well as usual. Live Peacefully With All.?All ar? liable to err: and those who are the most guilty, are frequently the first to censure others. They who bear the least from friends, are most inclined to provoke. It*would seem that men might learn wisdom from experience of the past, and labor to prevent unkind words, bickerings and quan els. When they see the misery that has been produced by "trifles light as air," tbey should form the resolution, never to use a harsh word, throw out a base insinuation, or show a revengeful look. Mankind should live like members of one family, and labor to promote the welfare ot each. Instead of picking out Wamiclios in vnnr friends and denouncing IMCUJJOJIVU *i* j ...? their proceedings, how much hotter to dwell on their virtues and kindness! If they unintentionally wrong you, instead of flaring up and showing your spite with harsh words, or doing them an injury, reflect that they have done you many favors; how many times they have visited you in sickness sympathized in your sorrow, and when they had a rarity, shared with you and your children. Reflecting thus, would disarm you of evesy unkind and revengeful feeling, and you could not find it in your heart to do them an injury. When the temper is roused, how common it is to forgot pastfavors, and bring to mind every molehill difficulty which, in anger, rises to a mountain size and then decides as passion and reason dictates. Live peacefully is not only a w ise precept, but a sacred injunction. But this you will never do, unless you strive to follow peace with all men. If you reflect upon and treasure up every harsh word, you will always be in trouble. If you pass over a little injury, and banish it from - - * i r? ?:i your mind, and return good ior uvu, there will be no trouble; you cannot be otherwise than good citizens and fast friends. How soon would earth resemble heaven, and everything glow with the beauty and freshness of paradise if mankind would banish anger and revenge from heir bosom, and were determined to live peaceably and happily with their neighbors! Saved?Through Masonry.?We clip ' the following from the Port Argun: A young Maine man, was engaged in the "commerical traveling business" in the far west, when he was taken possession j of on the train by two men who simply inI formed him that they were officers and wanted him. He expostulated, explained, demanded explanations, etc., but all in vain. No man on the train knew him and there were those who did know the officers. All that he could get out of them was that he was the man they wanted. In.this way he was taken* some ninety miles into.the interior. Upon arrival he was no longer to remain in ignorance of his supposed offence, the whole village being out to welcome him with such cries as ''Here's the d?n horse thief, 1'* T A+'ti afw!n<v fliinf 11 n I'UU^Ht ill IUM. Ull .*"? 0lllllg un vuivt UJ/* The officers made some show of resistance, but the excited mob took possesion of their victim and marched him into town, near the centre of which a noose was already strung over the limb of a tree. Our friend thought it was all up with him sure. Expostulation was received with Merison. Everybody recognized him as a notorious horse-thief whose depredations had been continued and extensive. A horse thief in that section is looked upon something worse than an average murderer. There was not a pitying eye in the crowd, and the universal howl was, "Lynch him;" lie tried to pray, but the commcrical traveling busi- j ness had ruined him for praying! While Waiting under the noose a happy thought struck him! His Masonry! lie is a Royal Arch Mason. In all that crowd there must be Masons. lie gave the grand hailing signal of .distress. We are not at liberty to ex plain how it was given for several reasons, the chief of which is, we don't know. Hut he gave it, and in an instant one of the foremost citizens of the town sprung to his side and gave some more Masonic signals, and the prisoner was quickly surrounded by twenty or thirty determined men, who held the crowd at hay with drawn pistols. Our friend explained to tli leading man who he was. They organized a committee of investigation, telegraphed to Cairo and verified all his statements, and the brutal inob shrunk away heartily ashamed. *Onr friend was mad? as comfortable as possible by his masonic friends, but he said lie never experienced such intense anxiety as he had when he stood under the noose. Yorxu <M.i) Maids.?To-dav, a young i it *1 "old maid" told ine she was twenty three. I 1 know she is thirty-live, but she appeared all artificials and pearl powder, and as girlish as a seventeen year-older. 44 Would you like to go and see the! Indians, Miss Mollie? I asked. "Oh: Wouldn t I.' 1 m wiiu 10 go, | she replied passionately. clasping lmr hands and looking up with childish j??v. Then girlishly tossing her head of ringlets and showing her beautiful teeth, too regular for natural, she frisked up to her room, put on a lily white, and came down girlishly Hirting her chip hat in In r han I., "Ive hccii distracted to go?perfectly ! wild. Mr. I'erkins, how do you like1 this hat? too -wect for anything* iui I it? ntui just thiiik! ma don't like it. and that makes ine rave ahoiit il all the. nore; aud yb! gluriyu;}! J/Ve got such a j good joke on George and Julia to tell. Mi!" And this is the gushing way the youug "old maid" rattled onJr "Disappointed in love?" Oh no!? She was never disappointed. She never cared to get married, hut year after year she takes up with plainer and older heaux, till now she is willing to go with even me if it will only get her an ocea ional partner for the waltzes. The first instance of failure of :t divorce suit ever chronicled in Indiana occurred the other day in the ease of a lady whose husband died just before the judge's decision could be rendered, and there is a strong feeling in favor of committing the attending physician lor contempt of court in not keeping the defendant alive long enough for his matrimonial career to be terminated in the regular way. The lady who Japped her hie hand gently with a fan at a party the other night, and said "Love, its growing late, I think we had better go home,'' is the same one who after getting home shook the rolling pin under his no.-o and -aid, "yon. infernal old scoundrel you, it* you ever look at that mean, nasty; ealieofaced mackarel-eyed tiling that you looked at to-night, I'll bust your head wide open." \ I] [6ftr&dubficvrlsRv',i> ' !ers, ' )Ute*nd Mjrile&r' liluurjWhitt Pine, Milnattijityf'UJtlcr,- S| Libiwd MiAer.r h'n eWeei^dc* rl AU VJarKWsrr/mieA. LOWEST priced. *! Send fbrPrice Listf. I. H. HALL & CO-M Hinufieturtr.: & l)e<rs. '.! i 2-4, <7. WAfrrhetCf (i. PI 223,225, P-y> CHAfiLdSTUK, S. C., J This Cut entered according to \?-i < l 'i^rrr1 in the jrearJ187't, by I. II. If ai.i.^ ?'o.. 'n ibr office of the Librarian of Coii/re-- it Washing) ou. May 19. i-' - j DOOHS. , SASH AND BL! DNS. MOULDING, Bra< i;' is. i > i .nm-, Builders'a Ftirnisliini; M .r-lw . . Drain Pipe, Floor Til' -, ?Vi. '.im . Terra Cotla Ware. .MarMe.. i.-l Mantle Pieces. Window Glass a Spor-inltvi Hnlie 1'ine unnmt r . . :u . | Circulars and Price m-ii IV c u I I application, 1?v P. P. TO ALTO. 20 Hayne an>l :!:! y *!>.. Oct. 8.?ly. Chariest . S. i FLOUR, FLOUR. 1.200 BARKKLS?ALL CL'AIL.S. 9 For Sale l?v WILLIAMS A Ml'K< ll IM),. Jan. 16. Wilmington, N. <\ Patronize Home In lustry. And keep your Money rimtldiitg AT HO II i: Buggies, Carriages and Wagons Manufactured ..i the tu>i i"t i man rial, by skilled woi mcii, a; !' .v ?>l Jons AtlSKW, near tin I -si-oil >. ! \u Ion OM Carriages repaired i.> look I.', new. MOt All work warraii!' t. For Cuts and iiiforimi. !?ii. iM. M .I'M. ' .. i ohn Aunew, 1'iwprieim. W.IL1 )N'S LITER H KM VAWi. sure iinl permanent ' ! i all cauxcil by a ilernugeit 1 >i'i .1 n lire, II. iliinii. NcrvoUBiiecs, ini|>< Melaneliuly, < m * He nilui-lie, i ii lleii'l. ftlnl in': <Ji?< EVERY FAMILY >' II"' U? II ' r;. Sold by all 1 r:> < I'llKI'AltKh ' 'I U ll.SON .1 Ma NOTK hi. Ha VI X(1 pnrebiiaeil i i clinnlise ol Mi'in in CaiiMli-n, we Ii\ilii nersliip ineier I lie linn mr for the purpose <il eiui?i eliiiutli-1 ami I'niuriiiasii il I ' M \ ) II I'auiJvu, June 1, l&J.j. Tilimam i i.iiitu <iv< il from ' MINUTE CUVsi AI. I'KRI'.I.KV T?ic-Itr?<I together, ami nfe j calleil IMAMONii oil in ? - i: : their liar<lm;:>s ami I brilliancy. i It i4 well known thai Spf-tarles cut from I'.razilian or ! Seidell I'elilih -i an1 very inju .on . to tt.c vyo, I-.imiwc <> | their polarizing elfeef. 11:iv<n*r lit't'ii tested Willi Ho i ' tiirioojio, I he diamond , loiiv - ha ve l.een folllnl In . I i liflrolt cent. Ici?> j i iieaiml r.i\s llian any other p-iii.h . i They are ground* with at i < i inlilic accuracy. are ; I free ri'oin 'lirriiiialir nherret! I produce a hrlglit' nc-n anil'lisiihci ii --oi vi. ton :i"i lie fore attained in i hjieeiiieli i Manilla, tnp il liy the ' mire,-optical Maiiiifacliirinj: I Company, New York. .? I.. 4. A. oi MO, < amrien, 8. j From whom tbejr can onlj be obtained. No peddlers i employed. TJm un it il iiiiiihI for Hi.'-? S|i has iuducO : unMcrii|iiii<iiis <1 .tier. in :?:j inferior ami hpurlun' ' artU'ic for tin* " iJuiimtni." c>- ;>i <mro Htionl.1 )? lakcii i to s"i' tii" trade marl. ' i. |iiiitiT,tcil in American I.1;I'nt.'lit) .11 siai'iii.-ii mi cry pair. : Hepti inlicr -t*.. 1'2ni. Piedmont ;wfl Arlington 1AITIS Insurance Company : OK Kif'sisioiiii, Vii'^iiiiiS, I ASSETS I I W. C. CARRINGTON, % VKKSIKtr.XT Tjoss(?S j Actually paid in KeivhawCounty within Three Years, ?28,000,00. <1 1 take pleasure in saying I have returne ' In thca^eiwy of this popular Company. No ditlieultii's will exist in future. as to UeiiewI aN of Policies, as I shall pay especial atlenI lion to that hraio li of tin; business. 1 I will always he found at uiy OtHcc on f?ro:iil Street. (' iiimIcii. S. ('. W. CLYMIKX, Aut Sit. i I January III. lST-5. If I'of ops, Apple*-; Mini Onions. I r'l 1:. . ! : id: \ ? > * 1-:? l!:irr?>ls \flM.MS ii-K i .11 rel < > . i \ >.? , for ,;i! !. \ v:. -7. - 1 Water-fit. \\ 11 in ti n ii. Inn. 1 GV.wliS. 100 SI mil CASKS?Xow landing ex SUv:' ! " ' ' . I'lir m 1 . ' ! '. V*. '<Ki'f 1I\ivl?. 27.' and 5) Hi rth Water Stneft, .1 mi. : Wi; ii: t i, n.i1. , JSwi; cr, i hoosC) Lanl&Mu Wei. i ill I in"; ("s I i { ! , j. " ..I) Till'- f' If). .>i ii in' i i ! ' it' > ! i j 1.:.". ! i li re! , 'ill' . i-'. v . S ! :l' ' i?' : .J, i ' ' nii'l _ I "t' \V :'fiT i*t. ! .1 "I. i ' \l ,i' .'Ml. \. ('. i CORN!CORN! ::itno iM'si!! :i ;WIUTK - \\ Hi IA MS HI 11CMLSON, 1 ' .1 in. 111. V ;'.nin Inn. \. ( Hay, Corn,' Sail and (iluc. ; :>im ' . 11 \ \ ; , ' ! ( ' ?.'V, 'J.llilll ,-:i.' !i _'."il , :i ill. l ill (Jliie I'or S;i!'* I>\ *! ' W l\ I'lK'HN I'll, "Jr. M I ' N-irih \\';iivr St. ,1 : .it I it \ :iuiiii- f'li. \ ('. r.onr roirc V4 ? v v ^ m .r. V\!> r x iov * y o he i? i \< '\ < i.-'t i S i '-.r I !->u ' ni;> S ! t I < 's '11'?i . t' ! I ! nil*. r.i!V ' if ! ;tnl, I I,v.. . " , !' i (.. "I i \ic.i!. ' I !v i, i'i ;iti Mil | . :1 I'i I !l' II Oil |I , it. sr.i. li.' ' .iiti }* .. .t 11J \ . ' hi i ; My*, ' it <1 (.. . 1. . '' . < . li*!. A irl ' I - ill ri I if-' w lii> li 1 4" > -t^ .t" li' NEW COODiS! ' \T tlie store n?eiir-:e. ' y A. M. Kennedy, few door uci i <. >)t<- Miii'kcl, will be outnl a. ru- . c. l.- tl STAPLE C" ' f CCDS. Hard -i . Slioiels. j i.i i\ ii Mot-e, t c.. i v. \v. i g s. o c: j i.'d z ss. j | ! Cru : i I- ' Lngnii it It-i. - < ?i II11 1 IIV ; Oil 1 - - I tlll;-liii)ki (J Sitlcer .Mer Unci IIIS I .ittor. tV .1. <i; . it. Stonr T-ir'. - : mnd Iv I! ;t Fi?si' ip. ( ..ntJi..?, i St.':)''' .1' > . i,.(iini;Pr,S'|'lA ( '. ' ' VV t ti ll . IIS S'tptr j 11"-. < . . *. i - CjiniiciJ I't liit.Ovt-| r: ' r . I'ink I'yr Jack I on H ' ' ' ; i ' inj'-s. ii .1 . v.'iiii'l) ?vil! Imi si?1'' > I. r. I?.| ivc f'l'qlto:-* :i (J.'llt . ri"'l : " |ilirHl:tS?*. a.?.e co. A. P. rv,' ?V. A. M. Ki'.:: ::DV. A. M K'"- v ' i" : Iiiv rMN'iilinn (' tinjtiifc* Mi" >tt"'i: : "I for lit'- h:iI'* ni KtitvftfiGti.uiO, KiiwuiiCi'O' S tinntl Kti?.<nUroiiinl Pi !i 15 tf Slimmer GOODS Tbe U"d*" "( tfnl'y ipvilos tlic attention oi i t'r 1 ? Itfs lariro and carefu'Iv selected sUti 'KING and SUMMER X>I*Y GOODS, Embracing 'every ar do in tlic line of _ j_-?' v- .? MUUtHi us uryuuo. AT. A fino :i niont of | 31 EN AND BOPS WEAR, oajowr :iDsros-, llA'ffl A? J> CAPS. BOOTS AN 3 SHOES, Domini *., \\ ilii ;i .uli -t'lt'k <>! Hanhvnre jr>? CnwkiTy, With a variety of < ' articles. Allofwhich are o r tli l rni;;. j. \v. i;i;v, a trout. April I{?. 11' OHAnss unu'THtx CkSH <*iPTS! V,; ' .11 " . \ 11. .1 r.i.- nii . t.l.'v. li p ?d C.i~[r > i c i Association \ ? i v 'i H KI T ' 1 ' .. <jiM> nf $ * ? *i(l? . .. Uir ! ... . . .. (J.M ! Silver , ! \ . iJl'esi.. ;irtu , I i ! ! i'I- i < ?!i i trillion! invtil". i| lie 11 1 iv in [li ' > in I -em liv e\1 ... retire ii" !>!;nk~. ilies tlif prize it P , . .H-bp,,, i ? ' r ..Tin* iiiotf "f .. V I ?. nivci".- 'l -iifi:-Inot n . v ' s|, II for Sj, 2"? for . One ci? i jfifi in j v]\-r , ' ;ii:?l;llil<v?l. Seinl ! :i11 1 . ' 'ur in amount liy cx[ 11 -s. !l v, \ i \sri.\r.s&ro. i'div, New. \ in ?. ' 'MlUCi. ~ f jy!1 |t.i 1 j n?. i Millv nforiii J > iii* k iii i' illy, I li:tt 1, \ , cery Si.ore, I ill I . PS-.ll ..--"I Mailt of . 5 ;.i ' ii , . rl.-' s. Also. W V S " LIQUORS w j i all m. M ' '.v Car casli. THoMAS. ( * 111.i I 1*1 OliioC. I Plfllll. If Tr-r- ' -icdiciises! 4 i j " V . i ' .??ihorn J r M-. i; ,t.? />. . 7 ' . (t'\ ViirV // i <. !' -> * j . r It: :I , \ 4?n in uiy . f' I - .I'll'' ! I>I > 1, \V. | \ . yi II ! ; * v 'V OTK E. . . la | . Ii. XI. iuiiV I i. I I | \ll | 111! ) DUR NEW BOCK LIST-NO- 8 Fognrlle's Book Depository. iOGAllTIK, STILLMA.V k CO. ?-i rt I'm vcloj adia. Tii? l edition >'ti <l<'hi!v dlv }.<>] i .i:j.?-y of I'mThI 'Cm.* 1< <i < C>ri!n' IVojil"" '? now coinpi i <1. .v nl.- 111.4-: di : i i i ny l< <. , . i gel11 v ill I -v j- \' in-it:? ?l inf' in>! ii . .-\rraDgrnient mnd< f t binding :!. numbcrr I for iful ibei n clinp^tBdnbultuliil ttyld l N u > .jl-.-i-ril?? .v !! 1 ? c ; \? ! i- > tbc linUlid J M iho to < nslilc < I! ?!.? desire |||||| M til! - Ik:.] ! iiud 1 ' ft of Klicj'cloiplcte Het.i.-, in tni volutin:, will b^ tinning"! :>t Ihe H lied ^ '<: i ibi . i i W m%rbled edge; ; lislf Xodttj Mown, $7.fi0, i end T?rioDs styles of flnerbimUngs. I i . I. ? i* w . _ \ 11 i ' ,? * t ; ?, 11 i i] \ f \ i 111 . |?f t 111 \V ?H k ' of Gh. ~h- i.-ry. \ I il r?u > ? ?'ifi> n cmiiplete in > ' .. illustrated bj CinilflbsliU,'l I'i i : Mirc.'--"o cloth. 'I'll II 11 ' u. illuttraUd. J ! vols. t-i'Tli- 1 fiiit'iffi, illu tinted, Inrge tyj < . 1-) vols . gr< 11 Morocco cloth. ?22. The Globe ciiiiii 11 ! ) vols., lutil"cull', gilt. J-'-tThe :? ' > t i >'' 1-.ilion. on fine paper. large I3 po v.iiii ; l!i<> illu:i 1 :.iions; jVuni tli* English editions. :h-> vol. .. crape cloth, The Hivcr 1'iiilion. gs vols., half calf, i! t. till!. The lousehohl eiiiiion. 'now in oourFo of publication v- \'-iuiii of 1! is ?* r ii ion have been issued I i' i nun "iOc. to -I.; per volume in ) ) <-r uii l .'(<?? . 1..1.1J1: I. I i:nr voinnic... is tour.-it i'i Temple, or 1.icons troin the Fabrhand Furniture of tlie Church, with upwards ot illustrations, by Walter Field, M* A. F. A., The Life an<1 Times of Philip Fchnyler, by Lossiug, l! vr Is $.). Historical M "morials of Cant' 1 bury: the I&11J. iny of Augie tine, the murder of Beeket. Edward tin- t'.lai k 1'iiiu Pocket's Shrine, by Arthur 1', Stanley. I>. L>., formerly (Janon of C'anlcrrurywii 1 illustration. 7A. The Unknown lliverby Philip Gilbert Ifam crton, illu t rated by lite ant.lior. !?fi. Meridian*: tlie Adventures of three Englishmen uii'l three Hit inns in South Africa by \ Jules Ncrne, tratirl.tted fronftlie French, with numerous illustration:'. $'5. The Woi^h ami By-W ays of Now England, by 'iVil. on I with iMttsi rut ions, ?' >. Sanford's Prri?-? of Analytical Arithmetics. Tlurpractical excellency of these Arithmetics, characterizing the series as uniformly progressive, clear, simple and exhaustive in their analyses, by alieiv-d by recommendations of numerous teachers and professors in South Carolina and Georgia, viz: Sanford's first lessons, I"?.: interiiP- Male, f>Or.; common p-lirol We; i rher Analytical Arithmetic, $l..r;0. Liberal terms will J>e made v.iiii teachers for introduclion. Person^ in'thc country will bear in mind that by sen:'.in? their orders to U3 vvi'h the publisher's price for any booli ]>ublished;in America hooks will be petit to tficm by mail or express free of extra charge. Address ! ( >ti AI1TI E'S IlOf i K I) EPOS I T() IIV, No. 2<i0 Ki.vfi-Sri'rrT, (is tiik iii>xi>,) Charle-ton, South Carolina. March 20 KOUTII ( AKOLliM LOIN AND TRUST COMPANY, CKAKLI^TOJf. S. C. office *:<?. 17, nnoAT) sti;f::t SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. rjAit v. j|. i* .>'n/s ;. j.arln?f !i* of ?_ this CompAny ureintvsled as a Special TraM, ami. there'.>re, are not k hjcct to the Ik..amis of i> i.bii-r. In addition to th! sp> 1 security, depositors 'live ili jjri. , intee ' :'the entire Hank t'apital, w tii-li h i to three liitmln 1 thousand dollars (?:;ti00,000.) This ?'ep i li. ent, will ciialdc all classes (|o find -.ifc urity for their savings, however unall? e l ai lli- aiao lilac be.: i' a renaim.l ive in I (six per cent com;?.und? d nuarterlj*.) ' ' i - ...i tirrcuej can ??. 14-uiui ? ??-, iajm n .??? <, ' i>y v- a- ' 'nvnnr,, cashitb. * i g:i:. v':rsT?> . ! . . f A'ii:xti>\. i.. i.. i i.'i.-t. C. ||. I J*i -r. V.\ .1 MIIM>1.KT<>S, \v^,\ r.i:r. a. 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K, M I)., 1' \ ' ]i T' "i.! i f ' !' i ii(iff !'< M !\ I >K :< m !> .r ... |). |,. m itt: & 'n. v.?- will s !I llio same :it OOr-;tor cafjtt, tit ! l" i "' (In; i in ,,ui- ;i fin i I .>fi >in lt .? I MTIMH .I'TON A <'<>. .InnoR jf ? ! *t ??;i* s. ?' 1 "1 II. I la ill M III* ? t j ! ii;il'- Km i |.j >t?t ;'S IIOLH>SON A I I Mil1'