University of South Carolina Libraries
I Oil 11 rch Directory. Methodist Church, DeKulb street?Rev R. L. Harper, Paster?Services at 10J A.M and 7 j M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wed nesday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, HeKalb street? Rev. 3. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10J i A. M. and 5 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer r Meeting on Wednesday at 5 P. M. ^ episcopal church. Corner of Lyttleton and Laurens streets, rev. b. f. d. pe?.ry, Sunday services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 5 t? M ovonincr at 8 flT. iU. V/U fl CUIIVOUH^T _ o'olock and Friday morning at 10 A M. r MEETINGS Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. Attend the Regular Meeting, ofyour Division at Temperance Hall on MONDAY evening next, at 7 J o'clock. , By order ot the W. P. J. L- BRASINGTON, R. S. LOC AL NEWS. % Post ' Office.?Until farther notice the Post Office will be open daily during the week from 8* a. m. to 1 p. m., and from 3 p m. to 7 p.m. On Sunday from 9 to 10 a m. The mails close daily at 7 p. m. PRESS FOR SALE We will sell, or exchange on favorable terms, for a Washington hand-press, No. 4, an Improved Fair Haven power press, complete and in good order, and nearly new. j^We aro requested to state that Mr. L. McCandless has postponed the opening of his school until the first Monday in October, next. Our Merchants.?We call attention to the attractive advertisements of the Messrs. Baum Bros , and H. Baruch, to be found in another column. These gentlemen display a large assortment of the rich, the rare, the useful and the beautiful, carefully selected in the Northern emporiums of trade, and being the first in the market to advertise their goods, will doubtless enjoy the privileges of the early bird, and reap the first fruits of trade. They will not long enjoy this advantage, however, for all our merchants are wide awake and their new goods are pouring in. Wa ?YTw>r>t tn Tiresent an attractive bill for | " " ?r r them next week. Messrs. R. C. Shiver, & Co., of Columbia.?These gentlemen with commendable enterprise have advertised their large stock in the papers of Columbia, Camden, Sumter, Greenville, Laurensville, Spartanburg and Lexington. As a consequence, they are always getting liberal orders aud persoual calls, from citizens of those places and other readers of newspapers. Hence their unprecedented success in business. See their advertisement in another column. The cotton market may be said to have fhirly opened. The staple is arriving freely, the demand is good, and priccss libera^ Quotations, 15 to 173 Shipments223 bales. The fall trade has now opened, and with I a view to meet all its requirements, Messrs. | I. H. Hall & Co., Proprietors of the Great Southern Builders' Emporium, Charleston, S. C., have made at the Factories, large quantities of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Ac., from fully seasoned lumber. Their immenso sales enable j them to offer number one work at low prices. Before beginning your building, send for i their price list and size card. They arc also Agents for Asbestos' Hoofing Felt and Paint. Last year millions of feet were sold for covering roofs, lining rooms, painting J *c- i i Window Glass.?Great attention is now i deservedly paid to the kinds of Window 1 Glass used in dwellings, stores and churches. ' All qualities of American and French Win- i dow, Picturo, Photograph, Cut, Ground, 1 Enameled and Colored Glass, wholesale and ! retail, from Nr. f. v. mate, i>o. zu Mtiyne | treet, Charleston, S. C. Send for price ( card. For LOSS of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Iudiges- J tien, Depression of Spirits & Ueneral Debility, , iu their ramus forms, Frrro-Phospiioratzd Elixir of Calibaya made by Caswkll, Hazard & Co., Nsw York, and sold by all druggists, is -> - *.? ? A a a atimnlpnt tonic for lifll ifllls tur i;ioi M/uiv. ? ? r recovering from fever or sickness, it has no ! equal. If taken during the season it prevent" fever and ague ando ther intermittent fevers. CiESAKisM.?Some otic kindly sends us from Wisconsin a newspaper article which i calmly considers the subject of Ctesarism, and comes to the conclusion that there is great danger in this country of "the gradual seizure and exorcise of unlimited power under republican forms." There are certainly many evidences of a dangerous feeling that the best way out of our public troubles is the assumption of all the powers of government throughout the United States in one great central authority. Having assumed all these pow- j ere this central authority is to grant certain j functions, such as the sale of dog collars and i and the maintenance of paupers, to what are now known as the States, but in all mnttcrs of any momeut is to be the sole executive, legislative, and judicial powor. In other words, the Federal Government is to be remodelled on the plan of the old Feudal system. Uuder that the king, or prince or emperor owned all the land. This hi portioned out among his favorites, who, ii turn, sub-divided their allotments to thri, favorites, and so on, each tenant doing homagi to his immediate landlord, and the last land lord of all doing homage to the king. N< mau but the monarch really owned anything He was the central orb, and around him al others revolved as his satellites. This is tin new idea of American government. Tin central authority?be it a President for life a Congress with illimitable powers, or .avagui intangible thing called "The Govern i ment"?is to be supreme arbiter in all things It is to own everything and everybody I'l? - ' ~ c 1 Lie LI 13 LU Ulrt?v<J tun ui mat iu tunic uuiw nor or prefect, or satrap, or what not of tlii: or that particular State, district, or province lending, as it were, tho favorite certain pow ers. Then the favorite, in turn, is to lent some of his powers to some of his favorite! and so on, but the only real power, after all is to be in the grand central authority. I anybody else has any Government function: it is only to be a matter of convenience ant not of right. It is quite likely there are many, as oui Wisconsin correspondent seems to think who have fallen in love with this sort of ?' system, but we are rather an optimist than i pessimist as repects the future. The batlh is.not always lost because some who hav< ceased to take an interest in the shooting are skirmishing about the rear, bawling "wc are cut to pieces." An honest and acceptabh General Government is not yet impossible always provided that we keep up a good heart and spit on the fashionable doctrine in some quarters that the wearing of chains is after all, a very comfortable thing. Chronicle and Sentinel. The Massachusetts Democracy. Worcester, Sept. 4. The following resolutions were adopted Dy tne uemocratic \jonvenuon: Resolved, That tha Democratic party seeks to revive no dead issues, but stands by its principles, which are suited to all times and circumstances; that it support* the Fedoral Government in all its constitutional authority, and that it regards at this day, as Jeffer son did in his day, the true province of Republican government to be the protection of rights and not of interests. It defends the reserved rights of the States and people and opposes that centralization that would impair or destroy the constitutional rights or independence of the other departments, as the Executive and Legislative departments under their rule have done in overslaughtering the honest opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States by increasing their numbers aud appointments of new Judges who are subordinate to the Executive and Legislative will. It opposes all interference by law with private affairs or business of men not required by public safety, and advocates tho greatest individual liberty consistent with public order. It believes in the capacity of the people for self-government. It holds that the nearer the approximate that can be made to universal free trade the greater will be the advantage of the Federal Government to the people of Masschusetts. It insists on it. x a:? -r - i u:? me construction 01 it uuiiMug n^sicm umi shall not cost the people a higher per rentage to create a currency in a few hands to loan at their own prices to the industrial mass than other people pay for money loans wherewith to unfold their enterprises and compensate the labors of the nation. It opposes all legislation that places railroads or any corj oration beyond the jurisdiction of the ppople through their Legislature. Resolved, That the intervention by the Federal administration in State politics for the benefit of its favorites and the advancement of its intrigues notoriously felt in this Commonwealth, is hostile to the freedom and purity of elections, an insult to the popular intelligence, and merits the indignation and reprobation of the people jealous of their rights. Resolved, That the time has now arrived for regulating the hours of labor in manufacturing establishments to ten hours for a day, or sixty hours per week for wortien and children, and that this Convention pledges itsolf to support such legislation an will secure the enactment of such a law. The remaining resolutions arc the same as those adopted by the Ohio State Democratic Convention of August Oth. The Louisville Courier Journal, in its efforts to rid Kentucky of the presence of the marauding bands of Ku Klux which disgrace several remote and rugged Counties in that State, says these desperadoes are not influenced by political or party considerations, but that they are practical Communists md agrarians, confederated together for tho purpose of dispossessing property owners, "(jenerally speaking," says the Journal 'the klan is composed of the most povertystricken, flea-bitten set of sanx-cufottea to be round in the country. Too lar.y to work, too stout for appeals to charity, too poor for jl regular income othor than their labor produces, they think by making labor scarce and sales of real and personal estate frequent, they can finally come into a good property without adequate compensation. The terrorism they havo excited hath this extent, no no more; save where, here and there, some one is whipped or murdered through motives of vengeanco. .Worrell's gang were absolute gentlemen by the sido of those outlaws." Two demure damsels, both of New Jersey recently played a very sharp game on the officials of the Morris and Kssex Kuilroad. fill- - 1 _ .If , , , ,t , i ne muieB were going to tne seaside, and Had the usual amount of feminine baggage with them, in all seventeen trunks. When they showed their tickets to the baggage master and desired him to check their seventeen trunks, he demurred, saying that each passenger was allowed one hundred pounds of baggage, and that tho fifteen extra trunks would have to be paid for. Tho ladies remonstrated. but in vain ; so they demanded to know the additional churges they would have to pay. and were informed that the extra trunks would cost them one dollar each. Now it so happened that a passenger is carried over the road for eighty rents, and is allowed to take ono trunk. 1 he young ladies, remembering, wont to the ticket office and bought fifteen more tickets. They showed these to tho baggago man, and he i, checked the trunks as for fifteen passengers i The ladies saved three dollars by tho operai tion, and have fifteen tickets, worth twelve r dollars, into the bargain, for the conductor, e of course only took up two tickets, and, as - these are good till used, the company may he j called upon any day to transport fifteen pas. sengcrs with fifteen trunks between New 1 York and Morristown. Now, that is what 2 we call a very neat operation, and is another 3 argument to be added to the many already , enumerated in favor of women to vote. 3 . _ - a Flour! Flour!! ' 100 barrels, different grades. For sale by J BAUM BRO. i Bagging' and Ties. 3 10,000 yards BAGGTNO r 25,000 pounds TIES. For sale hy s BAUM BBO. Administrator's Sale. r ' South-Carolina-Kershaw County 1 (IN THE PROBATE COl'RT. 5 T)Y permission of James F. Sutherland, Judge ? D of Probate I will sell nt Public Auc, tion at the late residence of Elias Brannon, \ dee'd. in said county, on Monday, the 29th of September, (inst.) Three MULES, four head of HOGS, a fuw | SHEEP, 15 bushels WHEAT, 25 i bushels old CORN. Household ' and Kitchen FURNITURE, LOOM, CART, &ic.} Ac. Terms?Onedhird cash: balance on a credit of one year, with interest from date and approved security. JAMES CLYBURN. Adm'r. September 11. 3t SHERIFF'S SALE. JOHN KERSHAW. Receiver, vs. J. J. RICHARDSON, Trustee. Order for Foreclosure. RY virtue of an order of the Circuit Court ?v?a*1a In tit a oKava utata/1 aafia I 11*411 aITaP for sale nt puhlic outcry before the Court House door, on the first Monday in October next, the following described tracts of land, being part of a tract of land formerly belonging to the estate of Wm. Kirkland, deceased, situated on waters of Gum Swamp and Sanders' creek : Traet No. 4, containing 42 acres more or less, bounded north by tract No. 6, east by tract No. 8, south by lands of J. II. Vnughnn, and west by tract No. 3. . Tract No. 5contaiuiug 50 acres more or less, bounded north by tract No. C, east by tract No. 8, south by tract No. 4, and west by tract No. 2. Tract Mo. 7 containing 38} acres more or less, bounded north by lands of Wm. Kirkland, claimed by James Cantey, east by tract No. In. south by tract No. 8, and west l y tract No. C. Tract No. 11 containing 59 acres more or less, bounded north by lands of Wm. Kirkland, claimed by James Cantey, east by the public road ' lending from Camden to Lancaster and lands of Joseph Helton, south and west by lands of Jos. Helton and tract No. 12. Said tracts described as represented on a pint of re-surrey made by C. C. Haile, deputy surTeyor for John Kershaw, Receiver of the estate of Wm. Kirkland, deceased, dated 12th day of October, 1872, and recorded in office of Register of Mesne Conveyances for Kershaw County at P 47:; of Book B. It. Terms?One-half cash. Italance on a credit of one year. Purchasers to give bond w ith approved security and a mortgage of the premises, and to pay for papers, recording, &e. SAMUEL PLACE, S. K. C. Sept 11. 4t Sheriff's Sale. Colclough 1 vs. 1 Decretal Order. Colclough ) t>y viriur 01 mi orucr iroiu mm. .nmii 1. Oreen Jut go of the third Circuit to me direct* d, 1 will sell 011 the first Monday in October next being the sixth day of said month, before the Court House iloor in Camden, during the !i ,al hours ofsale, the eight (8) remaining tracts o! the Colclough lands situated on Little Lynch Creek in Buffalo town.-, hip and nuniheredas follows to wit. numbers five, nine, it n. 1! .. a, twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen the other seven tracts having been old l.y i h- rift lb. well on the sale-days of January and Febrt aiy 1872. A plat of these "lands will l e shown til my oflice fo any one desiring t<> purchase. Terms one fifth Cash, balutice 011 oue, two and three years time, secured by Bund'and mort ice of the land. I'nrchnsers to pay for p ipers. SAM 1. t'i.A< K, S.- K. ' Slioi-iirv Sh ii\ JAMES M. DAVIS. Receivei of E-tah of Henry IV. DeSaut ute, vs. JAMES R. A HK A NTS, Order for For?>l>> int. BY \irtue of an order to me diiwti d by H on. R 1$. Carpenter, dated the 2olh of April. | IK7H, I will sell before I he < '.mil 11 on.-o ilaor ill Camden, on the first Mondnv in October next, being (lie Sixth day of said month, dnuitig the I legal hours of sale, i All that piece parcel or Inn I at'land containing | one hundred ami forty (140) acres, heing a pun I I of the DeSaussurc land sold under previous . r' ders of the Court, lying on the east side of Pine i i tree Creek, in Kershaw county, and known w? I tract nuuiher five (a) of the II ile land. l>oHiid> d north hy lands of McRac and R. I). Thonui". j I South hy tracts numbers two and three, ca i I hy lands of John MeRno and ti ict nuiohcr four and west hy lands formerly h< bulging to Meroncy ! I k Bos well as shown hy a plat of Colin McRac j . dated -JJ December 18t>'.t. Terms Cash, purchasers to for papers. SAMUEL PLACE, S. K. C. I I Sept. 4t ' - * l^\<M'lll<>rW BY order of the Judge of I'roltiile, >vc will sell itl tin* lute residence of Jaiucs Itmiuion. decM.,'on Saturday tlie 1 fitli instant, the I'Klt80N AL I'KOl'KKTY of tlio said deceased, con sinting of Corn, Fodder, ("utile. Hogs, Sheep. Household Furniture, &c. &c Term* at sale. WILLIAM Bit ANSON, JOHN HAISON. Sent, I?lit. Kxccutora. Bagging, Ties, &c. J 40 hales NAGGING. various brands, ! 2 tons A It ROW TIKS. MACK barrels, liall'-bnrreN, <jnnr re Is, hits and at retail. CHOCK KRY, Ac. &c. .) list received by '.I & T I .IONICS August US tf New Advertisements. A "NFrTPTV-A11 men w'slll||K fo make \Kf xA-J-a -L XUJ-/ money to send for a pamphlet If containing Instructions .Vc. which everybody Khoiild know. J. C. T1I.TON. PrrrsBt'tJO, Pa. WORKING CLASS I to a week guaranteed. Respect at >le employment at Home, day or evening; no capital required; full instructions and valuable package of goods sent free t>y mail. Address with six centre. turn stamp, M. YQI ffG \ CO., 178 Greenwlcli at., N. Y. A Work ?f Intnif Inten ! and Intrinsic Vain*. OCEANS'S STORY. Jin ilir gifted ton i>/ tf" famous ' I'VTEll PARLEY'." The r mill I of a genii historical research : An authentic IIistoev of Navigation and its Makifomi Diicorrrics since Ihe Flood. Abounds with Stakili.s'g Incidents, Fkahfcl Disasters, Lawi.fss Piracies, Bloohy Unities, and Gnomors Achievements; also describes Diving, Telegraphing, Ocean rtchcrics, &e. (Jvcu 200 Spirited CuU. Sulyect Xkw. /Vim Low. AGENTS WANTED. HUBBARD BROS., Pubs. 723Sansonist., Phila., Pa. 'lw. pj N F, BURNHAM'S M NEW TI RBlXi: jj Has been tested at YORK, PA., by < M I?. M. ETTINOEK, <E., n j ami arHOLOYKE, aia^s., Nad JAMFs EMERSON'. 11. E. LM 7^ tWFor Pamphlet and Test Report, ad- LJ dress t j N. N. RURNHAM, York, Pa I?I Sept. . 4t. KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY, Located at.ASfll.AN i>. the home of Henry Clay and old Tr?nsylyania. six Colleges in operation, with Thirty Professors and COO students from 2s states. Entire fees for collegiate vear, f20 except in Law, Medical, and Commercial colli pes. Boarding from $2 to $5 per week. The great institution of the South for cheap, thorough and practical education. For Catalogue, address, I. It. HOw.MAN", Regent, Lexington, Ky. DAVIDSON OOLLEGE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, N. C. Wen equipped, seven Professors. Expenses Low. Session commences September 23, 1HT3. send for Catalogue. J. R BLAKE. chairman of the Lacinty. VIRGINIA Female Institute, SUAUNTOX. VA. Ten experienced teachers in the ENOLfcm CorRSE, porn in LANfluaoES. seven in Mrsic.wite twenty-seven new instruments in use. Five Teachers of ornamental nraiichea. Pupils from seventeen States.? . Next sees*on will commence Sept. in hp?. For ?'ataloguts, address, KBV. K. II. PHILLIPS, Principal. 35th Thousand in Press. Sales Increasing. 2,(HI more Live Aokkts Waktked for our Livingstone 28 Years in Africa. over (>00 pages, only $5.50. Look out l'or inferior w orks. Semi for circular and proof of the jgrtatfxt *'jrcr<* of the season. Rpport just in. 184 subs, in six days* HUBBARD BROS. Pub's. 823Sanson St.. Phils., Pn. mBm The startling drawback on nearly all medicinal agent* has ever been that iu their process of purgation and purification they have also debilitated the system. To obviate this dirilcitlty. physicians have long sought for an agent that would Purge, Purify and Strengthen, At one and the same time. Their research has at last been rewarded by a'discovery which fully realizes the fondest desires of the medical faculty, and which Is Justly regarded as the most Important triumph that Pharmacy has ever achieved Tins Important desideratum is Dr.Tutt's Vegetable Liver Pills. Which purify the Mood and remove* all corrupt humor* anil unhealthy at cumulations from tin* Imh]v, ami yet produces no weakness or la-Hltudc whatever, but on the contrary tones the stomach and invigorates the Itosly during the progress of their operation. They tllllte the heretofore irreconcilable qualities of a STRENGTHENING l*t K'-AHVli and a l'l'RIFTING TOM ( . Dr. Tl'TT S 1*11.1,s are the most active and searching medicine in existence. They at once attack the root of diseases, and their action is so prompt that In an hour or two utter they ure taken the patient is aware of their good effects. They may lie taken at any tiuie without restraint to diet or occupation; thev produce neither nausea, griping or debility, and a* a family medicine have no rival. Price 2"> cents n box. Sold by all Druggists. Principal Otfic Id and 20 I'latt-sl., New York. iill Is the most powerful cleanser, strengthenes and remover of Glandular Ghat ructions known to Materia Medics. I* is specially adopted to constitutions "worn down" and debilitated by the warm weather of Spring and >* ??>.. i.i,mil . lint in arfivft* ciii iil.dtmn. consequent lv gathering impurities Irom sluggliahiiesa and imperfect action <>i the secretive organs, and It nuiiilfcsled l?y Tumors, Eruption-1, Blotches, Lioils, Pustules, Scrofula, Ac., Ac. W hen weary ami languid from overwork, and dullSicss, drowzluess and moil In take Hie place of energy and vigor, the system m ens a tonic io Imlid it up and lo-ipthe \ ital Forces t i iv.'am tnclr recuperative power. in the ln .it of Stimuli r, liequrntly the i.ivkb and ? not prop rlv p no.iii their functions: the I tonne and l rlnary orgaiu ire inactive, priNi^my wi'.iku n of ilic itcnitti li and intcsti lies and a pro-de; ooritlon to hlllo i der.tnf.eniriit. 1 >1*. M IilaLS' EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA is rio:r.\uEn\ fro ,i the Sol HI AMKRIi'AX PLANT and is peculiarly - tnli d to all thesedifficulties; it cleanses the VITIATED BI.OOD, strengthening the I.ll E-ftlVINU POWELs, and REMOVE ALL OBSTRIVTONS from IMI'AlltKD AND ENFEEBLED Organs. It should lie taken freely taken, as Jnurheha Is nronouced by medical writers Hie most elllcleiit ITKIFlKlf, TUNIC and DKOIWTRLENT known in the whole range of medicinal plants. JOHN <J. KKLl.Otli;, is Platt-at., New Vork. Sold liv Druggists. Sole Agent for the Fnltcil States. Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for Circular, w, SARATOGA APERIENT in the?orra of a j rowpKi: as the Saratoga Mineral Spring Waters, and used for the same purposes. Compact ami Portabi 1'iepared only by t;no. II. FI*H A Son, Saratoga springs, N. Y. Sold hv Druggists :r"Titv it. 3m. ' Excfiilor's S olioc. All persons having demands against llie c? j tale of Mrs. June Knox, laic of Kershaw, do ceased, ivill present the smne according to law, and those indebted w'il iiinke payninnt to ill THUS. IV. I'll ICE, Ex'or. 41. NOTICE Vl.f. person* liiivitip <lciunn<i? ngiwo-i the ? ?tnio of I ?r. K. I'. Hughes, ilecmso'l, will pre* ' ii tIf !u Iv ill. to.I.. n I lli.'se iiolohteil I., the | -jioic no r?<|uir?'.l tn net I. < i tmii I i :i t )>:iy | Jv\ U.I I I. Ill HUES, V.linr x. \ug. ?>, Im. Notice to Trespassers. \!1 | ' r"iui" 11 e I >i I- .I leu cutmureon nny o my 1 Hi i* to li ii. Inn. >.i lor nny olher purpose M 11 lll.ll I :| Ulitl.'ll J I'll,' Moll fl'otll III.'. I'llliiOH i reg 11 .li ii" | hi-. n.,i ,? < ?,'] lie .loiilt villi !IC|cording to im. \M I. II BIIEWER. ' July 17 IhP SPRING, 18737 I invite your attention to my SPRING STOCK OF Goods, PRINTED LAWKlS, PRINTS, EMBROIDERIES, Lam, Hosiery Glove*, Handkerchiefs and White Goods, ALSO. Men's and Soy's Wear. Cotiouadcs, Plain and Fancy I)rills; Tweeds and Cassimeres IlatN unci Olotliing-. In grout variety. Together with A FULL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. The above, with many other desirable articles. too numerous to mention, have been recently selected with great care and will be sold at the most reasonable prices. I respectfully solicit a call. ROBERT M. KENNEDY. March 27. tf. 4 DON'T FAIL TO CALL AT THE Cheap Cash Store OF D. W. JORDAN, Agt. First-rate Quality RIO COFFEE, 25 oents per pound?4 lbs. for SI. Fine grades of FAMILY FLOUR, ' CHOICE c. JR. SIDES, The the market. A complete assortment of FRESH CRACKERS, SUGAR JUMBLES, SUGAR NIC NACS, GINGER SNAPS, LEMON CRACKERS, frC. PURE KEROSENE OIL, Always cm hand, at 40 cents per gallon. A choice line of the 0ROCKRIES usually kept in a First Class Grocery Store. Seed Cotton. COUNTII. CHAMBER, Sept. 9, K3. ORDEUDD. (hat from this date, no person will 1>p perm i ted to otl'er for sale, in the town of Camden. uny cotton in the seed, after sun set in the evening, before run rise next morning, under a penalty of forfeiture of raid cotton so offered for ilt% ami the Town Guard are hereby ordered and required, to seize and hold any and all cotton so offered for sale, us above statedOnlered, that as soon as a cotton weigher is appointed, all collou in the seed offered for vale, shall be weighed by him, he charging a rcsonable compensation for his services. Extract front minutes of Council J. K. WITHERSPOOX Recorder South Carolina-Kershaw County IN THE PROB VTE COURT. NOTICE is hereby given that one month after date, the undersigned will apply to J. P. Suiherhyjd. Judge of Probate, for linal discharge as administratrix of the estate of the late Thomas J. Withers, dee'd. M M. KIRK LAND, Adinr'x. September 11. 4t Board Reduced to $3 Per Day. COLUMBIA HOTEL. COLUMBIA, S. U. THE proprietor of this well known first class Hotel would respectfully inform his many friends and the traveling public generally, that he has this day reduced bis rates of Board from $4 per day to $3 per day, and at the same time pledges himself to spare no pains in the mntiagcU.ul.lill ? ? fKllllt-llinn US 11 incm "i iuk n...... ... tirnt class Hold in every respect WM. GOKMAN, Proprietor. July 31, t'>t. r/tf to $-J0 PKR I' \ S ! Agents wanted. A1 f/j classes of working people, of either sex. young or <?hl. make more money nt work for us in their spue inoiiieiits, or all the time, than at any Ihimy el-e. Particulars free. Athlress (! STIYI'ON ?\ !'< .. Porlhui'l, Maine. Septelulier ID, ll'tll. I NOTICE IS herehv given that appliealioii will he made l.i the I. 'tri-latuie at its next M'Vsioti lor Ii.e j opening ainl e--tal?lishiiip a I'lihlie lload, from I the I'.iaek Itiv^i l'.oa.l three or four mile* from : ('minion, to the Pish, pville lion.I at or near the I P.ig Ilill [ July'JI Hid Change of Schedule ' ir Mil JTI^b IHM Iftflff nTMBTITTTir SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COLUMBIA, S. C., June 20, 1873. CHANCE of ?</lieduh? to go iuto effect on and after Numluy the 20th inst. Mail autl Passenger Train. Leave Columbia at 5 30a. m. Arrive at Charleston at 1.10 p. in. Leave Charleston at fi.tiO a. m. Arrive at Columbia ut 1.4-3 p. m. NIOHT EXPRESS. Freight and Accommodation Train (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7.1b p. m. Arrive at Charleston at a. m. Leave Charleston at 7.10 p. m. -Al l J V U III I'UlUlll 'ilJI UI U.ld U. Ul. Camden Accommodation Train. W'U iun through to Columbiu, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday as follows: Leave Camden at. 3 45 a. m. Arrive at Columbia at 8*40 a. m. Leave Columbia at 10 40 a. m. Arrive at Camden at 8 45 p in. A. L TYLER, Vice President. S. B. Pickens, G. T. A. Gen'l. Supt's. Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA It, R. CoWILMINGTON, May 31, 1873. CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. The following schedule will go intoefifcct on 3:25 . M., Monday, 16th inst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 3:34 a. m. Arrive at Florence 9:32 a, m. Arrive at Columbia 3:15 p. m. Leave Columbia 6:30 a.m. Arrive at rlorcnce 11:30 p. m. Arrive at Wilmington 5:15 p.m. night express train, daily, (Sundays Excepted) Leave Wilmington 5:45 p. m. Arriveat Florence 11:26 p. m. Arrive at Columbia *3:42 a. m. t 4 >. ' o.oa . .. a.ui) c ai c.?v a. a. Leave Augusta 6:60 p. ic Arrive at Columbia . 10:36 p. m. Arrive at Florence 2:20 a. m. Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 a. m. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l. Superin't . OHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA BR. Genebal SVpebixtendaxt's Office, Columbia, September 22, 1872. On and after Sunday, September 22, the trains this road will run in accordance with the following "Time Table:" going 90utii. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte 8 00 a m 8 20 p m " Columbia 2 40 p m 3 30 a m Arrive at Augusta, 7 45 p m 8 20a m goino nobtk. Train No. 1. Train No. 2 Leave Augusta, 6 Co a in 6 50p m " Columbia, 1163 piu 11 05 p m Arrive at Charlotte, 0 15 pm COO a m Standard time, ten minutes slower than Washington city time, and six minutes faster than Columbia city time. Train No 1, daily; train No 2, daily, Sundays excepted. Bothtrains make close connection toall points North, South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. E. P. ALEXANDER, General Supcrintendant. R-E. Dorset, Gen. F. 5: T. Agent. S5A*?. "TjTi ^tiViWrr1, JEr& jr & -LT^iJ ^\ju" " %i\r 1 Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Com'mdia, S. C., September 5, 1872. Daily. Sundays exeepteJ, connecting with Night Trains on the South Cnrolina Railroad, up and down; also with trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and Aagusta Railroad. and Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. Ul' LeaveColunibia at 7.15*a- m. Leave Alston O.Oo a- m Leave Newberry 10.40 a m Leave Cokesbury 2.00 p m. Leave Relton 3:60 p m Arrive at Greenville at 6.30 p m DOWN*. Leave Greenville at 7.30 a mj Leave Belton y.30 a in. LeaveOokeshury 11.15am Leave Newberry 2.30. pm. Leave Alstou 4.20 p m. Arrive at Columbia 0.00 pm. Anderson Branch and Blur Ridge Division. LEAVE Walhalla 5 45 am. Arrive 715pm Pcrryville 6 25 am. Leave 6 36 p m Pendleton 7 10 a m. Leave 5 50 p m Anderson S 10 a in. Leave 4-50 p m Ar. at Belton 'J (N) a hi. Leave 3 50 p m Accommodation Trains on Abbeville Branch Mondays, Wedensdays and Fridays. On Anderson Branch, between Belton and Anderson. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. TIIOS. DODAMEAD, Cenl. Supt. Jabf.zN i n r on, Genl. Ticket Agt. A CARD. THE undersigned offer for sale at the lowest figures for cash, Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, &c., Ac-, and solicit a share of public patronage. PHELPS A BILLINGS. F. L. Phelps and IV. M. Billings are duly ?u thoriied to nci as our agents, and are empower ed to sign the name of the firm in purchases and settlements. H. A. PIIELP8, M. A. BILLINGS, 8. A. DiSAUSSl'RE. June G If LAW CARD. rrrnff t\ mD a XTrntr a i/r W 1V1. U. J- J. I I rvxvx, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CAMDEN, S C. Office adjoining that of J. M Davis, Esq. SOMETHING NEW. VN elegant Album for 25 cents, * olding 24 fuli sired cards, liound in full gill cover | and rol l at llie low price of 25 cents, suitable for the pocket or centre table. Order a sample lit by mail, post pai.l on receipt of 25 cents. 3 for ' *> cents, or ; for "rl. Address, M'KltOW .v 00. Baltimore. Md. JHtT W Mils Wanted. Catalogues of Boo ka, IVnures \c.. scut. June 12-3 2. \