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^ ^ _ A YOUTH AND AGE f| How slow, how sure, bow swift. < Th*' sands wilbin each glass, j The brief, illusive moment? pass ! | Half unawares we mark tbeir J rift Till the awakened heart ovies out?Alas! Alas, the fair occassion fltd. The precious chance to action all unwed ! ( And murmurs in its depths the old refrain? ^ Had we but known hetimes what we now know in vain ! AVhen the veil from the etes is lifted The seer's heud is pray : ^ When the sailor to shore has drifted The sirens are far away.. Why must the clearer vision, a The wisdom of Life's late hour, Come as in Pate's derision, When the hand has lost Us power? Is there a rarer being, IS there a fairer sphere, Wher^the strong are not unseeing And the harvests are not sore; * Where, ere the seasons dwindle They yield their due return; Where the lamps of knowledge kindle While the flames of youth still burn! 0, for the young man's .chances ! O, for the olu man's will! These flee while this advances. And the stroug years cheat us still Scribner'*, for A ugust. The Family Letter. The family letter is written on Sun? day. .The reason that day is selected is # not alone because of the leisure it presents. The qniet of the day, its relief from all influences that irritate or agitate frees the mtdd front irrelevant and; antagonistic matter, and mqkes it pre-{ eminently a fit occasion for communing with distant loved ones. In nine cases 0ut of ten the letter is w/itten by the head of family, and. of those sent an eoual Droportion is addressed to his wife's * ' folks. We don't know why it is that a j mau so rarely writes to bis own folks, bat as it is not the province of this aritcle to treat on that subject, we will pretend we don't care. The hour being selected for inditing the letter, the first thing, is to find the paper. There is always a drawer in every well-regulated family for keeping such things. It is either in the table or stainL Here the writing paper and ; odd screws and fiddle strings anu broken | locks and fish lines and grocery receipts are kept. There may be other things, j but if there are he will see theui. The sheet of paper is finally found, the fly stains neatly scraped off, and the search commences for the ink and pen. The j former is invariably found on the mantle j nrfxt to the clock, and is immediately ! laid on the table convenient to the per- j spiring man, who sarcastically inquires 1 if the letter is to he written next Sunday. This inspires the wife with new zeal in the search. She goes over the drawer , again, because sh? knows he wouldn't see anything if it was right under his nose, hut it is not there. Then shej. looks over the top of she bureau and i, lifts everything on top of the front room , table, aud savs it seems so singular it I ( can't be found, when she saw it only the J f day before and thought about the letter, j j The she goes into the pantry and, after j, exploring the lower shelf in vain, stands j j upon a chair and carefully goes over the j, top shelf, wbert the medicine bottle and ! < unused cans are statioped. After she j has done this, she starts up stairs and pretty soon returns with the pen and takes it to the sink to wash the grease from it, but does not succeed in quite effacing the delicate scent of bcrgamot. This ( leads hiin to observe that anybody who } takes a penholder to lift hair grease from j a bottle is too pure and innocent for this world. Everything now in readiness, j gi>od humor is restored, the wife takes a seat opposite, with her elbows on the 1 table and her chin in" her hands, and < assumes an expression of conntenance \ w oa1<m1o^A/l fa lmfli UKIl in lin SICIIVUW y vaivuiMv wi vv w?u j encourage and repr^s the writer ; and he grappa the pen tightly between hi* j fingers, and stares at the paper with an intensity that is entirely unecessary. ) 1 The date line starts off glibly and aud- j 1 denly ceases as it reaches the date itself, f He pats the pen in his mouth and imiaedi- i ately spits it out again, making up a faee i that is no wise suggestive of bergamot' 1 and pettishly asks her if she knows the , i day of the month. Of course she does, t It is the 13th?or is it the?hut no?it' t must be. IShe hesitates, stares at him, 1 wavers and is lost. She don't know, \ whether it is the 13th or the 18th, hut! < the almanac will tell ami she at onoe , t starts to hunt it up. The occasions a 1 delay of fifteen minutes, during which ? Le makes ninety-five passes at one fly. (v The date having been satisfactorily js settled upon and the things which rolled ,.j over the floor ;is that stand drawer unex-j11 pectedly fell nut having l*en restored to : t their places, ftie date line is completed ; i and "Dear Mother" started. The pen is a home pen of bashful m. uld, and f whenever it starts a line it requires ahalfjt dozen parses to make it give down. All s home pen* do this. Apd all home sheets \ of paper have weak ?|K?ts which the ink n refuse* to cross, thus dreating some re- h markahle division of words and consider | able confusion among sentences. Some <i of these spots are two inches in diameter, I siid anybody in the next room ean tell v the moment the writer comes to them, t just as if he was looking over his shoulder, s When the letter is complated, which r generally occur? at the end of the fifth ' s hour from the coinmencement, it is care- c fully read over and supplied with absent r words, and then gone over again and < Artistically touched up with the pen at t - I 'I ; I :he bare places. Then it is folded up eady for the envelope, and the discovery is made that there is no envelope ' n the house, and the letter is tucked belind the clock until the want is supplied. Danbury Nerot. A Panther Killed by a Woman.? On last Thursday a party of young women went out from Queen's Run to a mountain just back of the settlement gathering whortleberries. One of them Jeruslia Rrvan, advanced a little further * into the woods than the others, and was attacked by a huge panther. Her companions, hearing the brute scream, sought safety in flight; but Mrs. Bryan, finding escape impossible dctei mined to stand her ground and seizing a huge pine knot gave her enemy battle. The contest was a close one for a few minutes, but human courage judgement and coolness soon trinmphed over bruto strength and the heroic woman soon had the satisfaction of laying thejbloodthirstv monster at her feet. Her garments were torwn into threads and her face and arms badly scratched, but she walked home with a firm step and the light of triumph in her eye, and was able to give a good account of herself. Mrs. Bryan is the lion (or ljoness) of the neighborhood, and well deserves to be. We doubt whether an instance can befonnd on record of more cool heroic bravery and fine discretion developed by any woman, even in the most historic and perlious days of Pennsylvania.?Pittsburg Commercial. A correspondent writes from Paris; I find in the rrencn language a source of permanent excitement?pleasure I call hardly call most thorough, and my accent perfect; but you know how provcrbly stupid the French are; hA, when I go out shopping; I generaly take with me something like the article I want, and then, by an ingenious mixture of signs and a few seleet words to. which I have very nicely. When purchasing larger articles; like pianos or four-post bedsteaes, this method becomes just a little inconvinient. A Dutchman getting excited over an account of an elopment of a married tfoman, gave bis opinion thus. 'If my vife runs away mit anoder man's vife, I shakes him oat of his preeches, jf she be mine fadder, mine Got?' Don't.?'Don't slander. Don't gossip. Don't lie. Don't cheat. Don't spit tobacco-juice where decent people i are obliged to walk. Don't imagine that you know it all and more too. Don't think ! you are all wisdom and goodness, and the : rest of mankind a vile compound of villain ous stuff. Don't be silly and vain in , your beauty, if you possess it. Don't be a fop. Don' stand on the street corners and in door-ways and schrub your shoulders and blink your eyes at your comrades whenever a comely female chances to pass bo. Don't try to see how meanly j Mid contemptibly you can deport yourself. Don't see how cross, and sour, ind disagreeable you can bo. DonVbe , >ne thing to your neighbors face, and an- i >ther behind his back. Don't make calls :o see what ycj can find out. Doa's imigine you are slighted because everybody s i|ot always bowing and scrapping to ('oa. Don't get mad at nothing, and j rv/,il iraii ti /lwimanif ia?> f 1 a?> V, a a i >|#uu jriJui uispniuuii* l'uu i n ;nave. Don't be a fool. It don't pay. j The Best Hope of the Intemperate.?Years ago a distinguished advocate of temperance, who had spent many pears in the work, and whose long expercnce gave great weight to his opinion, ,ublicly declared that "lie had never cuown a confirmed drunkard to be entirely reclaimed except by the grace of iod." Temporary amendent was not inusiial, but final and complete emancipation from this evil was only secured ivheu there was an evident change of icart as well as of outward conduct. Exended observation in many places and "or long periods of time by candid witless, confirms this view. Habits are ty anical. Alcoholic disease requires wedcal treatment! Cut the moral and reigous difficulties of intemperance demand i sovereign cure which shall go down to he roots of the dreadful thing. A ppeite, depraved by excess and restrained or a time often overpowers resolution, rows, and pledges like a stream that has lairmed up ami then swelled by a great aiu until it overflows itR banks and iTeaks down tin- barriers. Reformed inbriates know what it is to fight this fiend ibich rages within at the very sight or mell of liquor with demoniac fury. It is i usthere that ordinary restraints give way, ; noral sentiment is powerless, and only he preserving grace of Clod in the heart * mightier than the foe. They need to have this truth kept he- J lore thein; with kindly encouragements 0 seek help froni him who is "mighty to ave and almighty to redeem ' them. Ve have known Rome very striking canes 1 recovery whose tharoughness and pe-J nanence can he attributed only to the. tower <?f religious principle, often all ither attempts at a reformation failed, nebriates asylums aredoinga wonderful r??rk by the various methods of treating heir patients. But medicine, regimen, eelusion from the outer world for a time, nental diversion and all the other reonrces of professional experience, are omparatively inefficient without those noral and religious safeguards which 'xperience has proved to he essential to j i perfect cure; I Coumbia, S. O. JOHN ALEXANDER. Proprietor. SUGAR CANE MILLS r ton r\c DDtnpa LIOl V/r A Uivum. 8 Rollers 14 inches.diameter, $C0 00 n 8 ? 12 " 80 00 1 3 ? 10 " 70 00 ? 2 " 14 " 7000 2 " 12 " 60 00 ? 2 " 10 . ' 50 00 11 Above prices complete with frame. Without w frame, $10 less on each Mill. h Steam Engines, Boilers, Portable Qrist Mills, Circular and Muley Saw Mills. Mill Gearing n <yf all kinds made to order, Iron and Brass Cas- 6 tings on short notice. * t Gin Gearing constantly on hand of the following sixos: 9 feet wheel and pinion. $86 00 e 10 " 40 00 n 11 " " 46 00 ? 12 " 60 00 I 14 " ? " 66 00 Iron and BfaBs Castings of all descriptions made to order. . Anti-friction plates 'and Balle for Cotton Press, $16 00 and $20 per set. * N. B.?Terms cash on delivery at Railroad Depot here. ^ Works Foot of Lady Street, opposite the Greenville Freight Dbpot. Columbia, Aug- 21. . 19t THE BEST COTTON GIN. _ I NEBLETT & GOODRICH, No. 189 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Ga., Manufacturer s of the "Neblett & Goodrich Cotton Gin" To this Gin wag awarded a Gold Medal by the Cotton States M. and A. Assoeiation in 1871. Pint Premium South Carolina State Fair, 1871. We are now receiving orders for our FIRST CLASS COTTO.iV GIN, whioh we desire to state is above all competition, and is certain of unbounded success wherever tried. All the material used is No. 1. wThe workmanship is skilled, and the Gin guaranteed to give satisfaction in every respect. J6?~Send in your orders early to the makers, through J. & T I. Jones, Agents. NEBLETT ft GOODRICH, Augusta, Ga. R^Special attention paid to all orders for Leather or Rubber Belting, which will be furnished at Lowest Price. Apply to J. & T. L J0NE8, Agents for Kershaw and surrounding Counties. A i,..not tf CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of . Memphis, Tenn. BRANCH OFFICE AT BALTIMORE, MD. Assets, $1,075,000. Hon JEFF. DAYT8. President. Gen. WaDE HAMPtON, Vice President. JOHN D: KENNEDY, State Agent. May 22. 12m. SOI)A WATER. ICE COLD SODA WATER, ftreah from tba Fountain, dispensed by May 1. H0DG80N & DUNLAP. ' ?<K?KS, j SASH AND BLIDNS. j MOULDING, Bracket*, Stair Fixtures, Builder*'* Furnishing Hardware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tile*, Wire Guard*, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. Window Glass a Specialty. ' While Pine Lumber for Sale. Circular* and Price Lists sent free on <I application, by k P. P. TOALE, 20 Hayne and 33 Pinokney sis., Oct. 3.?ly. Charleston, 8. C' CORN!CORN! 3.000 BUSHKLS PRIME WHITE CORN. For Bale by WILLIAMS A MUROHSON, Jan. 16. Wilmington; N. 0. Provision*. 200 BOXES D. S. SIDES, 25 IlhdB. Bacon Sides and Shoulders, 200 Barrels Mess Pork. For sale by WILLIAMS k MIJRCHISON, Jan 16 Wilmington, N. C. FLOUR, FLOUR. . 1.200 BARRELS?ALL GRADES. For Sale by WILLIAMS k MITRCHISON. Jan. 16. Wilmington, N. C. Patronize Home Industry. And keep your Money Circulating AT HOME O ' Buggies, Carriages and Wagons. Manufactured of the heat aeiectcd mate rial, by wkillol workman, at the Factory of Julia Aosrw, near the I'oet-otfie, at Columbia. CM Carringpa repaired to look like new. jpajr V11 work warranted. For Cut!1 and information, address, M. J. CALM AN.- Agent, u(IN Auvrw, Proprietor. Dec tf WILSON'S 1,1 VKit HKMEnr. nirr and permanent cure fur discnaca nil i c' nattted by a deranged biter such a? J nun- I w dice. Dyspepsia, llanrtburn, Ft-vera, Nervousness, impurity nfthe lllood, Melancholy. Cnstiveness, Hick Headache, I'nins in the Head, and nR l.indrcd dincnse*. EVERY FAMILY HHOt'LD HAVE IT. Sold by nil DnifirgriHtH PHEI'ARKI) ONLY HY H iLMU.Md ill.UK. I'l Ma Charlotte, N. C. of $ .? nHESE Spectacle* are manufactured from " MINUTE I- CRYSTAL PEBBLES," melted together, had ate tiled DIAMOND on aocoort of their hardness and rltllancy. It la well known that Spectaclea cot from Braalllan or cotch PehWes are very Injurious fo the eye, t>eesuee of lelr polarizing effect. Having been tested with the polarscope, the diamond >nses have been found to admit fifteen per cent, lens eated rays than any other pebble. They are ground with great scientific accuracy, are ree from chromatic aberrations, and produce a brightest and distinctness of vision not before attained in pectacles. >? Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manafhettuiag iompany, New Tort. For sale b? J. A. yoCno, Camden; a. C. From whom they can only be obtained. No peddlers mpioyed. The great demhud for these Spectacles has Induced inscrupulous dealers to palm an Inferior and sporions rtlcle for the " Diamond." Great care should be taken o see that the trade mark (which Is protected by Amerlan Letters Patent) are stampsd on every pair. September M. lhm. - . 'V Piedmont and Arlington " i a * W> LIFE Insurance Company * * * OF - 1 ^ . Richmond, Virginia. ; V \ ASSETS \ ^ #8,000,000. i s . X.-' " bfe& ' 2 $>03 4JJAH .H J f. -' ' ' 'v .Ji > . Ai V . r. . V. c. CAJLEQieTON, ' I UO V BTTIWT fr * - * 1 ; ). i'o 1 ' ' ; ^ ill Losses . Actually paid in KersliawCounty within J t r? Three Years, '.4 * irj* III $28,000,00. 1 1 I take pleasure in saying I have returned to the agency of this popular Company. No Jifhculties will exist iu future, m to JKenewils as I shall pay espbeial attenlion to that branch of the business. .. i will always be found at my Office in Broad Street, Camden. S. C. , W. CLYHUltN, gtfefiiP January 16. 1873. tf 1 ?III L Potatoes, Apples and Ontong. 400 Barrels POTATOES. * 125 Barrels APPLES, -m ltjirrpls ONTOVS For Bale by # ? a F. W. KERCtlNRR. 27,28 and 29 North Water-sU Wilmington, Jan. 19. Spirit anks. 400 SPIRIT CASKS?Now landing ex Steamer Lucille, Forsule bv F. W. KERCHNEB, 27,28 and 29 North Water Street, Jan. 19 Wilmington, j.C. Butter, Cheese, Lard&Mullet nrvA 1 niTPEtan ?UU UUXL'H VIiriDiOPi, 50 Tubs Buttet, 50 Barrels and Tubs Lard, 125 Barrels .No. 1 MulUt. "F. W. KERCHNER. 27, 28 und 29 North Water St. Jau. 16. Wilmington, N. 0. Hay, Corn, Salt and Glue. 300 bales IIAiT, 3,000 bushels CORN, 2,000 sacks American Salt, 250 sacks Blown Salt, 200 bbl? Glue For Sale by F. W. KERCHNER, 27, 28 and 20 North Water St. Ja.ii 10. Wiluiingtoi, N. C. GROCERIES and PHOVIBIOlrs. Best New Orleans Molasses I Sugar House Rvrup, Selected Goshen Butter, , Best Family Flour, l>.,? i w l Coffee, Tea and Sugar, Pearl Grist and Meal, Mackarel and Cheese, Irish Potatoes and Onions, ' Soap, Starch and Candles,, English and American Pickles, Canned Goods?all kinds, Candies, Contentious, Ac. , J And every thing nsnally kept in a fltst Inn* Grocery nnd Provision Store, all of hich will he sold at low prices, by 1>. C. KIHKLtV, Agent. f .Tan nary 30. tf W. H. R.~WORKMAN, NOTARY P1BI.IC, CAMDEN, S. fc. Will mnke Protests where necessary, take A roliate of Deeds and Mortgages, It enunciation Dower, administer oaths. &a April 17. A NEW GOODS! . 4*^. r? f - *-,,$/ j ir, AT tho store occupied bp A. M. Kennedy, a few doeve north ef the Market, wilj be oh nd ft stock, consisting of r - ' 7 ,S ;' J& tf ** * i STAPLE DRY GOODS. f ' V* 1 Hardware, Nails, Iron, Steel. Spades, Shovels, Garden Hoes, Brady & Elwell "Hoes, Plow Moalda, 4c., &c. 4cv aBOGBRIIB Crashed. Coffee and Brown sugars, Kffc Laguir and Java Coffiees, Green and Hyson Teas, Smoked and unsinoked -j* SideanfShoalder Bawm, Hams > r* . T.ard ' ' Goshen Batter, *'' ; \ < Corn, Oats, Bait, Stone 4' Lime, Pine Saner and Extra ' Family Flour, Soap, Candles, I Starch, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda Crackers and Cl>ies#,Mc*Orleans Sugar House and W. I. Molasses Canned Fruit, Oysers. Ear Ir Hose, Goodrich, Pink Ejt? and Jack en White Plaftting Potatoes. **> " Cnictpry, Gtassware&c., Sa idles, Briila Shoes, Hames 4c., All of wliich willJse sold at the lowest price for cash, and we'requee t a call from all who wish to purchase. A. D.KENNEDY* CO. A. ?. KENNW* t j 'J A A, M. KENNEDY. , j A. M Kennedy will gire his attention to Ute pnrchaae of cotton; is agsni fbr'tn* niU of ttiwanGusno, EtiwanCrop Food and Etiwsn Ground Bone. > Feb 15 tf |?."'M'-vi'? Npw Spritg onnns u fully selected stocfc of SPRING and SUJf> MKR DRY GOO??, i.? k f HGV TT I } n Embracing everjr article U tbo Jlne of |' ladies' Dress Goods. K?AO IgJTHOO : am r | A Sne assortment of a _ MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, | OLOTHIN&, BOOTS AND SHOES, i f < - -1 a " Domestics, Ac.,: it T1UW*7 f Hardware and Crockery, With a variety of other articles. All of which are o red on the most reasonable terms. ., J. W. McCUBRY, Agent. ApriMO. ,tf, -on? CASH GIFTS! A.a ?BT TIIK? United States Tontine Association A. P RIZE yOR ^VEKY TICpT 1 Cash Gift of $23,000 U Cash Gift! of $760 ,i; % 2? v " ?5QU 250 . ? *4 100 50 * 4 4 <S|o4b O<^ *??* *4 60 Also a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Elegant Jewelry, Silver Ware, Drees Goods, Furs, Sewing Machines, Etc,, Etc. Tickets to draw any of the abort nrtic'es, 25 cents each. The tickets are placed in sealed eavclopes, well mixed, and drawn' without favor. Whatever is named upon it trill be deliver to the holderon payment of One (^ollfr^nA sent by express or mail immediate!/. ' Tief% are no blank*. Every Tickets fully describes (the jDft" it drwr .< { < iuili fUffvYlR OPIFIONS OF THE PRESS. ~ Fair dealing certain.?Conner ...The moot genuine scheme of the day.?Nfraut.. A* good chance for every one.?Sentinal....Universal satisfaction given.? Plaindealer. Tickets supplied at 5 for $1, 11 for $2, 25 fer rn f . i f A / An m A i. 1_ 90, ou, 101 90, iou lor 9iv? one casu giii* in every package of 160 tickets guaranteed, fluid all sums exceeding One Dollar in amount by ei21 Park Row, New. York. May A ; , ,m,mK 3n. NEW OPENING. 1 THF undersigned would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened u (T j First Class Grocery Store, where they may find n general assortment ?f OS rooeries, At the lowest cash prices. Also, WINES AND LIQUORS j all grades, which will be told low fbr cash. R. D. THOMAS. Opposite Leituer A Dunlap's Law Office. February 20. tf Drugs and Medicines UfV. have just received from the Northern Markets, the largest stock of Oiuys, Medicines, Paint*, Oils, JarHtsiiea. /.iDiiiu) Patent Affrii cines, tipLrt, and l>ye~Nufft, generally ver breilghl to tk>m market. Ai the import dilty han been reduced on many nicks, we o&u cell cheaper than erer before. HODGSON & DUNLAP. November 28. 11 PUBLIC NOTIC& I tliii* ilny appoint W. W Copeland my lawful igeut to (runeact bucineaa for me. , E K McDOWfiL ' .ug .7. lm* nMaaMMMMMH ou? mraMODSuaMPa js. . j * i I M> Fegwtitfi Bttk Bmmm. TO >dUtWg,^fffclMi?i *>; fion of this deserrJdly populs^ IJldltSiiry (of 4 for subscriber* in cittnp njidre^tpn^ ft jle? New subscriherrwHI*be receive* fife tM bsnid > bee* llwvYsbn^liwBl^Sti^eh*^ \ "WA?I J of ObM-UcDickens, y&. Llbmn*iMflon- ^ The Head? Volume edition. iUuetroted, 14 vole. $10.60. theCtof* WMU, illutlrnied, lnrf# iyy^^Tole., |r4?ilfnili eicib/122. fbe with nil tub illuBtrntfoliJVo*editioni, 99 fdtLr dHlp9 4Kb, IMOBnr Stones of the Temple, or LeMens from lbs ehf BUc?Pr!i!c#^ Bwl.t'o Shrin*. hyArtSlf! Tl? n>h.A? fttM. W. DUIi. ?"11 naautfjvt *11pUiten'fK?^^\aM^'?1iaSlMU bj Madiag tbair arte* to m with -itfRftfttaber's pric* far -tlj hM> iMid bookiiwiUto Mat fo ttoa^MLa^ll ijltM > mmwmuutt ft hq?nI ***T~ TIPdepofiti In lb. 8.ii?gs'l)f or this Co?pM/ UflSTMtld M l8pMMMW, and, therefore, are not sutyactto the hasarda of banking. 4i4HMM|Utatt ' sagg h7""' w. o. b*?, ? ttiM <8 tissr tvm a. O'vaifcfc* j MJ a- fl.LtlHi)l v<T twoa^'arsa; Mtmnm . .- 3-.-,u? Jiff jJiff BANKING AND HfStTQANCE COMPANY. l &t*w hp I f ?i<J4 ,rv>jy*Nft~mi*d **? Capital, \u+ !t i li n iT ? airirt PEw In.* i ?* ?? -' ' line* ftaimJEfr Security Life htsuratytt'fcnd n PiPrrlW^ vti*? income ~ : Paid to Widows tad Oiyl? deceased members,.. Insures on ell popskr nwi wlinble >lssl 4 KtJ imS^OWHW General Agent, tfhwiastoo.3. C. HARLES A DIES ATSSUKB. Janaarj 16. . ? . . a i. f<r i \... ' 1 sjg?Ba|SE % *i+WBmi ??!? <t COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BALTIMORE, ? Having purokwdtiieeelwgrOO? OF GOODS of Maaiira. P. R ft Co., ire will sell the same at . COST for PAW and for UutpaHMdty ?Mft the memoen 01 tiut am lit. / ??) ?*? * tN?4? * J. 1. MIDDLRVON * CO Jau* ft ^ . 4fw* i?V *a * * 4.1 ?r-r=?? *> mm Vet Mllbgf> Worm Candy, *nd PaUat lltdleiaw of all kia?U. Pw ( by Not 28 HODOICN ft DUN LAP'