University of South Carolina Libraries
Mpnana flkarch Directory. . M?Mie? ChmaA, PoKaib itwt?Rev < R. k Harper, Paster? Service* at 10 j A. M 1 and 71 M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wed ntaday at 4 P. M. ] Preeby tartan Cburcb, Delta)b street? t Mar. 9. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10J a A. M. and 6 P. M. oa Sunday; Prayer c Meeting on Wednesday at 5 P. M. Rnaeofetx CHuacH. Corner of Lyttkton ( and Laureaa stmts, Bxv. B. F. D. Perry, c pmmkf mrmtm at 11 o'eiock A. M. aad 6 \ P. M, Oft Wednesday evening at 8 a '"leak ftftd Fridap Morning at 10 A M. MKKTII\ lis r 1 t m i * Watoree Division No. 9, S. of T. ' Attend *he Regular Meeting. ' ?fvowr Division at Temperance M on MONDAY evening next, at 71 o'clock. By order ot the W. P. 1 * 4 .*J, h- BBASINGTON, R. 8. tmrnmrnmrnsmBrnrnm LOCAL 1VEV8. ( .< Pmt Qrnoi?Until further notice the Pont Often will be open daily daring the j t- ttttifc ftnm t# 1 . it 1 p. m., and from 3 p ldM>^Mk.Op to 10. * *. - ene^iv., aa** ci AT V t? We ?0t Mil, or ocefcMgo OA favorable hand-prow, No. 4.1 I >!?>"?? -"i ' ^ AfOtrOdBTC.? In consequence of the . *nK|B(two of oar workmen this issue Wjood the usual ^ T. ^ ,0 J?e w.isod *" treAa^k .? . e'rujk W .? . *?*]-Jflfc. .&. latoflM geitienm kaa . ' > * ??. f*?r?pw. ^u?jr. a~ t kkmf. (KJMjtt. * | SixaMMjUlADiaTON -^-AUontioniscall- a the interior shipping bj this Him will not be I * T 1 and is said by ] 0elfn*i??Jt%O the best Stat to that city trim which these geatleaaea receive Urge \ , T T. Mem. ?w#1 '. ?? *OA Rat/?There has beta ao new eve 0/ this disease or of Varioloid tor about a wwkij bo^ ObucIbo B^lll \*j soon pie- f, 2^?*ea h^jfj^^sj^g B to he the <het that the disease does not ' daily eoatact with the patients. BtttSOfl Up.?The newly enlarged store of the Vessrs. Baum, occupied by Mr. H< Bamah, Js a great improreaient, and eery creditable to the taste of the projector?). The raage ef steres in the proeess of eon traction for Cspt DePaaa, will be a bandkmm and conowdioas (mmmbI. The Workmen Building it abo being painted in TACQiiir's Mill.?This large flouring adjaiWwiiliueAMneatirtlifltkBkiiK) law, the I regular Uw of the Circuit Court would com em here oft Ttfeelaj next, but in poet- T '"T" hottM Peaotical ?We call attention to the article aigued "Beanrgain" in thii inaa lb preounla to*the mind of the . enterprising a work to be done that ought ' yisrtssssft:* is benefit to be derived from theia work more I than eu hate a higher duty to pavforai la tha restoration of prosperity ] to the country Let us ragard it at a work c ,wrJ oontnbote j ionwhwt</ hit aahmiaoe, sad it will buacJ J I* Ull 21* fillHala has avw opened, and with S eiowtp **t all its requirements, Mcmra. I. H. RaIAB Co., Proprietor! of the Great floatbera Batfders' Emporium!. Charleston, 8. C., Imti ami* at the Factories, large <juantitimtf Biip,|Mhn.?Wi,tofcom fnlly utaoM^wkif. Xfcoir immense sales enable Amb to offer iaaih(r?M work at low price*. Bafoo* hagiaeiag Jw ?"<! for their prlet list awl alio card. They are also Ijna for Aabewto*' Roofing Felt and Pfot Lato jaar aitthms of foal wore sold for oaodolag voofo, lining rooms, painting ' foe. < * > A < r- _ ^ ParbM ef AppttU, Dyspepsia, Indiges- < ttea, llfriaii e< fiplrits ft General Debility, 1 la (Mr eavieas forma, Faaao-PnoaranaATicp lliato *f OtoatoQa Waffaby Caawan, Hazard ft Co., Vow Toot, and sold by M druggist*, i? ' toe toot teale. A* a stimulant toaie for patients rooororiag btofoWw afekatM, it has no . equal. If taken daring the HIMI it prevents / ret aaadgua sad other l*ter?Uteat Itiwi. ' as.?Great attention is now icaervedly paid to the kinds of Window ilaaa used in dwellings, stores and churches. Ml qualities of American and French Winlow, Picture, Photograph, Cut, Ground, Enameled and Colored Glass, wholesale and etafl, from Mr. P. P. Toale, No. 20 Hnyne treet, .Charleston, 8. C. Send for price :ard. South Carolina Loan and T*r?t Comfant, Charleston, S. C.?We would call the special ideation of our readers to the advertisement of he above Company in another column. It offers ndueements and security for the investment of Jiving* such as are rarely to be met with, lnntest on deposits at six per cent., compound luarterly, is in itself a handsome returned, while he depositor is able to rest satisfied that he is unningr absolutely no risk at all. For in addiion to the fact that the Directors and Trustees ? among the most prominent and trustworthy uainess men of Charleston, the whole amount ot he banking capital, Tit: $?uu,uw, ift a security or all deposit* in the Barings Department. LAW CARD. WM. D. TRANTHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OAMOBN, S. O. >ffice adjoining that of J. M. Dar is, Esq. KERSHAW k WORKMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, CAMDEN, S. C.. J GEORGETfeDEN, Ootton FAotof, , a AND Dealer in "Gdneral Merchandize PlamdAn. ft. C. J. I. MIDDLETON & ., FACTORS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BALTIMORE, MD, Having purchased the entire STOCK OF HX>D8 of Messrs. P. L. DbSavssukk & )oM vflWill *R the flams at ii i OOST for CASH, nd for that purpose heieby constitute th members of that firm our agentsto effect stch lie. >1 Oi J. I. MIDDLETON & CO. Jnne 8 tf *"* * Vfcrtalfiigi*, Warm Candy, and Patest Mfcltcinee of iads. For sale by ?' Nor 28 ; .; HODOSON.A DUNLAP Sew Iprlnf ??4 Mummed OOODS' _________ The undersigned respectfully invites the Mention of purchasers to his large and care-* selected stock of SPRING and SUM' DH1? GOODS, Ftatrfcing' every article in (he Kne of Ladies' Dress Goods. < AUO. . I il-U A fine assortment of ?, f MEN AND BOY'S WEAK, HATH AXD AP&, BOOTS AND SHOES, Domestics, Ac. With a full stock of Oroceries, Hardware and Crockery, Vith t variety of other articles. All of which ire o red on the moat reasonable terms. J. W. McCURRY, Agent. April 10. ^ tf CAROLINA LIFE NSURANCE COMPANY, op Memphiw, Tenn. BRANCH OFFICE AT BALTIMORE, ML). Assets, $1,075,000. lou JEFF. DAVIS. lWdeut. len. WaDK HAMPtON, Vice President. fOHN D: KENNEDY, State Ay tut. May 22. 12ia. GROCERIES AMD PHOVXSION*. Best New Orleans Molasses Sugar House Syrup. Selected Gnahen Hulter, Best Family Flour, Pure Lcnf Lard," Coffee, Tea and Sugar, Peart Grist and Meat, Macknrel and Cheese. Irish Potatoes and Onions, Soap, Starch und Candles, English and American Pickles, Canned Goods?all kinds, Candies, Confections, Ac. And every thing usually kept in a first dass Grocery and Provision Store, all ol irhioh will be sold at low prices, by D. C. KIRKEEY, Agent. January 30. if S9DA WATEB. roll OOLTI PODA WATER, fresh fr?ui U>< Fountain, diapoiised by May 1. HODOSON A DljVUP. % Board Reduced to $3 Per Day. COLUMBIA HOTEL. COLUMBIA, 8. C.' THE proprietor of this well known first class Hotel wonld respectfully inform his mnny friends and the traveling public generally, that he has this day reduced his rates of Board from $4 per day to $8 per day, and at the same time pledges himself to spare no pains in the management of the house to sustain its reputation as a first class Hotel in every respect WM. GORMAN, Proprietor. July 8t, 6t. to $20 PER DAY ! Agents wanted. A1 0 classes of working people, of cither sex, young or old, mak6 more money for us ia their spare moments, or all-the time, than atany thiay else. Particulars free. Address G 8TINTON A CO., Portland, Maine. September 19. 12 m. t UuiLMIlirdrss?AJulSi'ppH'S.Yvtddi^s, jj | Dnchtijfewils }lult BdhufcriM'vt (i.unU\ | SltttariKtrUeMuH&MwraniDi<tui\ . I rUufjVfiutr rue, WalnutRjuyLuther) 4 SR CriirutlUAtrjfvuWoodl&c. "? LOWEST ^jRICES.R Jdena jormn hut. g LH. HALL & CO. a Minnfitturtn i l)nltr/. t] 2,4,0, 8,10. Marhtt Strict. < 9 2tt,225,?*itll*y> iji CHARLESTON> S. C. Otrfprtd according to Att 6f Congress in the year)1873, by I. H. Hall & Co., iu (he office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. May 19. lom. NOTICE. RnVING purchased (he entire stock of rnerchandiee of Meters. J. I. Jliddletou S Co., amden, we lare tlds day formed a co-partnership under the firm nnmeof Phelps n ililhngs, tor the purpose of conducting a general Merchandise and Commission business. H A. PHELPS. M. A. BILLINGS. 8. A. DKSAUSSUKE. Camden, June 1, 1873. [June 5-tf. r..' _>! DON'T PAIL TO CALL A1 THE Cheap Cash Store OK B. W. JORDAN, Agt. First-rate Quality * RIO COFFEE, j *' 25 ocuts per pouml?I lbs. for?!. Fine grade? nf FAMILY FLOUR, cnoicK iC. "Rj- SIDDIES, J \ Tlie-bcst in the market. A complete nssnrt1 inent of FRESH CRACKERS, SUGAR JUMBLES, J i\7C X'K'.v, i GINGER SNAPS, LEMON CRACKERS, ,\ C. PURE KEROSENE OIL, Alwiys on hand, at 40 emit* per gallon. A ohoire line of the GKO<'KKl?S usually j kept in a First Class Grocery Store, SQHOOL NOTICE. j OFFH'l OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. I : Kershaw Covntt, > i Camden. S. C.. August o, 1873. j THK Frae Common Schools of Kershaw will It* rc-oj)Ftifil on Monday, the Gth day of October next. All teachers who intend resuming their schoal*, mid whose certificates of qualification have txpired, are hereby notified that they ; are required to come before the Hoard for re- j examiubtian and renewal of certificate. FRANK CARTER, Chairman Hoard School Examination. Auf. 7. 4t. Drugsand Medicine s . I have|u*t received from the Northern , f T v Murkoj^, the largest mock <>l Drugs, Mkiivbiet, Paint*, Oils, Var-! nithe*, (Mats, Lamp*, J'af nit Mclicrnrt, ffpitct, and Dye?Nufft, 4.generally tkix market. An the iinpott duty ha* been re<l?ee>l on many , article*, we cm soli cheaper than over lieftre. HODGSON k DFNLAP. November I'd. * tf New AdveBtisemens. . TTT A WT^-AH men >ishiug ut make 11/ 1 XLily money fo send fur r. pamphlet If containing Instructions Ac. which everybodv should know. J. r. TILTON. Pittsbcco, it. WORKING CLASS too a wei k guaranteed. Respectable employment at homo, day or evening; no capital reqnlred; full Instruction* and valuable purkage of goods sent free by mail. Address with six cent rettttn stamp, M. YOUNG A CO., 178 Greenwich st., K. Y. A Work i'f Intense Interest and Intrinsic Vain*. OCEANS'S STORY. By the gifted son of the famous "PFTKlI PARLEY." The result of a great historical research : An authentic History of Navigation tint! its Manifold Discoveries since the Flood. Ahoumls with Startling Incidents, Ff.arfi i. Disasters, Lawless Piracies, Bloody Battles, and Glorious Achievements; also describes Diving, Telegraphing, Ocean Fisheries, kc. Over 2QO Spirited Cuts. Subject Nf.w. Price Bow. AGBNTS WANLI5D. HUBBARD BROS., l'ubs. 72.TSansom st,, Philn., Pn. ' * W. N F, BURNHAM'S Jgj wnwr rws w r n w* ? W I t J * wj no mo 1. P Has been tested at YORK, PA., by EE H i>. m- ettinobr, C. E., r ; *\J an#l at HOLOYKE. MACS., T JAMEs EMERSON, H. E. Al 1 7^1 ry~For Pamphlet and Teat Report, ad drcae k< N. N. BURXHAM, York, Pa ^4 Sept. 4. 4t |T^ KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY, Located at'ASHt.AN D, theJIIOMB of TlEvnr Clay and old Tiiakbylyania. Six Colleges In operation, with Thirty Professors and f?00 Students from 2S States. Entire feea for collegiate rear, $20 exceptin Law, Medical, and Commercial Colleges. Roardtng from- $2 to $.*> ptrv eck. The great institution of the South for cheap, thorough and practical education. For Catalogue, address, 1. B. BOvrMAN, Regent, Lexingtou, ky. " DAVIDSON OOLLEGE," MECKLENBURG COUNTY, N. C. Well equipped. Seven Professors. Expenses Low. Session commences September 23, 1S73. send for I Catalogue. J. R BLAKE. Chairman of the Lacluty. _____ Female Institute. SUACNTON, VA, ' ' f Tex experienced teachers in the Exoi.isn cocksk, porn rx Laxatmng*. setex In Mcsic, wite twcntv-sevcn new Instruments In use. Five Teachers of Ornamental Branche::. Pnplls from seventeen states.? Next sees!on will commence Kent, in, i?i*. For t'atalognts, address, Rev. It. IT. PHILLIPS, Priutlpal. -j 36th Thousand in Press. Sales Increasing. 2,00 more Live Aoksts Wax-thru for onr Livingstone 28 Years in Africa, over 600 pages, only $">.6<L Look out for inferior works. Send for circular nud ftroof of the grmttut tucce** of the season. Report .just in. 18-1 snhy. in-xix day.v HUBBARD BROS. Pub's. 82:1 Sarnom St., Phtla., Pa. . ?, ? ?. ;?,?s ? xSSaiBSN, jmhfllSIIQSk flkn&P s The startling drawback on nearlr all medicinal agent* _ has ever Keen that lu their process of purgation and purification they have also debilitated the syetyn. To obviate this dimcOJty, physicians have long sought (or I an agent that would I Purge, Purify and Strengthen, I At ono and the same time. . Thetr research has at last been rewarded by a dhieov- S enr which fully realise* the fondest desires of the medical faculty, and which is Justly regarded a* the most important triumph that Pharmacy has evCr achieved TliU Important desideratum in Dr. Tutt's Vegetable Liver Pills. Which purify the blood and remove all corrupt huniora and unhealthy accumulations from the body, and yet produces no weakness or lassitude whatever, i.ut on the contrary toues the stomach and invigorates the body dnrlng the progreaa of their operation. They uulte the heretofore Irreconcilable qualities of a r STRENGTHENING 1TROATIYK ami a PURIFYING 1, TONIC. T Dr. TUTT'S PILLS are the most active and search- $ Insr inedli lue in cxhlenoe. They at once attack the root of diseases, and their action is so prompt that In au hour or two after ttley are taken the patient la aware of their (rood effects. They may be taken at any time without restraint to diet or occupation; they produce neither nausea, griping or debility, and as a family medietas have 110 rival. Price 25 cents a box. SoUl by nil Druggists. Principal Offic 18 and 20 I'lfttt-st., New York. ! - ' T ialhemost powerful cleanser, strengthenes ami remover of Glandular Obatructtona known to Maferla " Medics. ai It is specially adopted to constitutions "worn down" and debilitated by Hie warm weather Of Spring and '. Smntuer, when the blood is not in active circulation, 11 consequently gathering impurities from slugglishness l> and Imperfect action ?f the secretive organs, and is ^ manifested by Tumors, Eruption*, Blotches, 1 lot Is, Pustules, Scroftila, .v>\, se, " When weary and languid from overwork, and dull- si ness, drowziiicss and metiia take the |>lacc of energy <5 and vigor, the system n -cils a tonic to Inilld it up and ' help the Vital Forces to regain their recuperative pow- 11 er. e I11 the heat of Mummer, frequent ly the i.tvmt ami svt.KRN do not properly perform their functions; the i terinc'nnd Urinary Organs are Inactive, producing I vaakncaa oflbeatouiach andluteatinesanua prc-dls- j position to liilloiis derangement. Dr. WKrjiS' EXTRACT OF JURQBEBA " is MtHTAntn dirsctlv finm the SOUTH AMKTfH'AN Pf ANT and Is pecallarly suited to all these diUlcul e s; It taisonses the VTJ'I.VI FD BLOOD, strengthening !.? LtPL-SlVfNG POWERS, ami REMOVE Al l. <dtS'Citl't'TONS from IMPAIRED AND KNTKKItLKt) organs. ft should be taken freely taken, as .Tuurbcb.r i-' prnnouecii by medical writers the most etileient I'l'RIMER, TONIC and DEuBSTRl'KNT known In Hie whole range of medicinal plants. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, is I'latt-st.. New York. Mold by Druggists. Sole Agent for the I'ltifed Slates. Price Due Dollar per bottle. Send for Circular, v.. SARATOGA APERILNT. Xrx, I ] ivwnKK an the Saratoga Mineral spring Waters, and p used forthesamc puriaww. compart and Portatjl J. Prepared onl> by G*o. ii. FlsiiA So.s, 8.1 run ga S(?rd|g t, I I1 N. V. Sold by Drnggists }#" Tav it. Jm. i ? ti JKxeeulor's Kolicp. ,s All persons having demands ngniie-t the clate of Mrs. Jane Knox, lnte of Kershaw, ?lc (| ceased, will present the same according t?> law. 1 mid those indebted nil make pnvmont to in THO8. \\. I'lll< F. Rx'or. I 4?. !! I ^ n NOTICE \I.I. persons having deuumla against tin c? lute ot'Dr. K. Mushes, tleeeused. willjm- ' soul ilu'in July attested, and those indebted to t he . Kline :ue rojuiieil in ninke immediate pavim-nt SAI.LIK HVUlIbS, A?1 in r x. Aug. t(. 1 hi. 6 i Notice to .Trespassers. All persons are forbidden entrance mi siih n inv lnnds to fish, hunt, or for nay other jm: | .-e without a written pormi sion fiotn in . I'm isregirding this notice will lie dealt witti ae ovilmg to isw. SAM'L. If Hit IAN lilt. .Inly 17 lm* H; B* omiRSi itiffc ijujjit ^ * S% Nprino aiul In all tlio T> ; irtri<Fil BOUGHT 1 I am ptfrp.: Extraordirj ai*; To liurclia.-i rs. "For fyy Call aiifl f xauiint' for VGur^lws. 'L ' :' "* ir.* V? SPEING, 1873. invito your attention to my SPRING STOCK OF (jrpOfte, PRINTED LA WW 3, PRINTS, EMBROIDERIES, ! ' 3 Laces. Hosiery Ci!lov<?s , j landkerchiefs and White Goods,' ALSO. Men's and Boy's Wear. ' ' ' \ I ottouados, Plain and Foiiey Drills, j Tweeds and Cassimores Flats niul In grestt varlely. Togolher v.iiji A FI LL STOCK rip BOOTS AND SHOES, j The ftbovo. willi many other desirable nr- | elcs, ton numerous to ipenfinn. harp-be? u.. icantly selected with jwal car and will he. ?I?I a! tin* re:isrinaiil?: prierts," I rtv pddfl'ullv solicit ri calf ' ' 1 T?OT,Eirr M. KEXNEPT. ! March 27. t.r. XTMJfr lEmn ,V^3!TA3-I'' DIST111 !51 T1 f.! ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' . .. .1 Tin.' mnh\m m-\ tiv' i;. . w\'TL\ RAMED ANI' SUA!:?: fa ; . h . ION OF S7"0 PRKMfCMS AMor> ; ;\C j GIVEN AWAY TO \ Every subscriber to that Popular My OUR FIRESIDE FRIED I Clnoiu<?:; are delivered ut oiu;e. The disiril>iion will POSITIVELY t.-.i:c pl&tt pi . 2 1. i ay op ut.i st KitJHTi:i:x sir v n a i< EYK.XT V 4PHKBE. 9 . . OL'U i'Hl(OMi) "CGTL" m ' lies 7.0. ailui 'v, !c<i :< (! to be Hie liun . 1miest pieltne ever given with a; v |. OUR FiKESII'K PRlliMl is:.n\ ;. yr> ' nitrated lainily ; U?i story weekly : > jit moluiiie. lias now over FI'VEMTV-fi \ >: 1 > ( ANl)mh<?eriber?. nti-l rapidly iticr'.a ' . v,v>h ihitree the lacix -iS <?l f h? pr im id <.i I .btttiou. | he I'nlilishet a of Our I'iit !<!" 1' nt ' i its subscriber i this year ore. ; fh'tis- i ?<1 e j.I <.i the chrunio aii '. i-a! >hijr limi'Iri i- everyday. Sub \ u-ecrioihir | year, v/hich giv -.ulistii crs Ft FTt-TWO uutuVrs oi the ' i'auiilv ' t'i elirenin'-'Ctito*' liiri-Ty f e.1 n i umbered Conideate entitling thel e' r to on. Hire in the distribution ui'pieiuin i"r lbi-t. itlwrfl-t iin'v wit!i tlie nrer.t or i. ?c I'ubli-lter. Specimen copiis, j cular.v to., M'lit in e. G X~VX32Sy AVv".:.. A Fine Gorman Ohio o. iV-rnd an KIi??ant fhrainn; tnni" ' ' I >r trau:.'i . tree to i" o.'\ \ i At;i'\Ts v \yri:i> r?>i I) t\i D i. R G k O L; I. , on. LIFE BELOW TEE SURFACE nv Titos. V. KNOX. 142 i'..? Octavo. I 0 Fi:?t? ") 111.A I-!'' tut iil'Mim and t.iyiu el liny; Startling \ in atu. in al'l> ei ltd- \\ .it l-i : Mii.. - a .! > i . leu ; I'luli i ni i'. itt- ' > ; ? s lienor- ; t'.ivr.nv and tin '. r V, -.a. ?... i . . i ,... ? ,, 11 "il i' nvuir ... Ofl'VlM; !><" II in tilt' III I lis I III .1:1! lol iiM (lie i?t*f. ttim m li; V ii > POM I of oxpri". r .o w'jli ! ' I: |iiuia tlm- ainl ruiiililin:' liolN:! i turir* of < Kilos: n !? ii,m > ,i i . inirnor - ili*. t ;:. S,\vi . iii'il . . nils in tin.i- : j irjif 'i.i j'if, (if iniM.i^if' n- w.imlrvf'iil liv1 orlil nl I III* >r i*0:i: <ilif.?lt ..fir. Wi \v i iii i nt.i I'm lii a>i|i ,i ire cx< I :n, tcritoryi .- c *i? . . 0 wor!, ill " *!?:: ' I Ills i.c !c. S Hi| Hjiftiit 1 term** In nqin:.-. .1. I!. 1>1. Ill* ?. i V i 1 ll:irlfnrj, </nii? . ii i ! ARClIC SODA-VVA'i . . Ptoe Ice-Oold Soda-WSI r \ Pi t 1 111 1 MM. setHfii !i v. I. i our ' ! i :i t nl' . . (I nV i-k. :i' Hio (Irof -vy ? nil < . ill c VI 1>. t KI Kl\ I T . H. >! _ u in ii., Wurkit ?i < s. PUBLIC NOTK I t| it)t V. W. ( ' '"i.l Vgfii1 iii ii . .! !.,-mi - 1*. i: i>. I.L 7. I'll'1 itst ?me?* < -a ' v ... ) w*. j/>. *' *-Jfpr '-jf j "0.s~w C ' . . . . ' r * . il'o 'j .iV / - * ?fa * ?_? * -v- for 5v *' 1?''' ' - * fr~ *' ' * "* - > . . . >1 -p ur v- ne ' ' - v 1*4* isou *h cy <' m rail road i C'Hi ' > A 4: ? A r'r 2<>r ' , :1. /,<. .. .. - j,. ,r? 11 mid | \J/ " . , ; :'i . V :::1 r * r Viai-'. ... ' ' . (?r>l ' pt' r ' * 'I ."70 ' L?".vp tihiy ouut . ifi. r .'\vm it ? ? i. ' j Ji. l'.i. |? y s T'r \*' ; ,} Yi'irin t. lil !? t ,.v* ( -> 3. - .. j?" ;ii M r.# v. . C!i i. .. 7.-lVp.'Vif Pot ^7 iXtr ?:*?#?ft.'TTi. fc WHJ : .1 Ihroil V; ' * 1. VhI U'-^la, . >! 6- u'dty r : T,c]r. I,'miii ' 'ii ^ ".'j ( >:>,. m. i fil H iifi ? . 1?>- Mil. 111.. ; ' st' ' . i'.wi, v"? O. . . I . .V , ^ ^ jv. . t^en' 1: *: . . -,. ' .?. la?r** .W,IAi*l i6fj ' cV &V;* *. Hi .'*A *L..-*+xO; T?Tr *1 **,* * '.v " 1 , Cj'1/. .i iw?- oCUb/i>L LE. Y( fr * " " " 'H ;'o* on V^dA Mt&ii. .> *V.<. ; / -?* ? ; NWl* -t . ! . LITa, J!f. Mtfcrf* F,-?ar * . A. -.\ .i, rt. . ' f. M. \;;. .. I o^jp. M. "$!*" V 1 i (i LJl'lnvS ** I >V *? ? > * I rf '' 1 ' ' ' / ' ? M .. " ' . ! ;T. /U|i' < vl ' ?& ' \r.-i ' '.Xv. F'Al its* *" J tVijrfiSU- -1' its** . '' - "<>*. r.t l iVnin^'ut. ui. - . :1 r-v-.p. 5!. f-'.i'.'.ff . ? " - ?-'A. M. A . ! - < A. M. l . .. ,. ..w-y,, * i * ' ' * * . ' * _ r'Y* * . . . 1 *1; i?? ? ' t' " :.l .'I ' " v ' ' 'O*^- ' \ *>: ' . *! v7iJ. " : ^ v. . . > C'l ' "J '* * ' ' ' :i!uy U. .... ii. it . . A' :i A i' o >. -I ... Tto 'A V . L avs?l 'w : >i:r J ' * .<c: *1t? in - T . ; H 0 * 111 Al . V... /' . in I *j I T ' *>,. 2 Li u . : i.i. ,i . j. iii V . 11.] l?l A'* iv ' .'i j 4 . ?" />ji .it Stiiff. i .' "> ?:*:! ' *.?: -lii:> . . '. -ii (... i. ! . y . .. ..... .i.Iuys (%\'A ?I ' ?# ' i r 1' inis A . . . i i . sm'il ;1 . o ; I . ' ' . * . I Ii- m' : V, ? tr - y t. i v.i- ... T?A >. u v, ... '' N . . ' * ' 1 . 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