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1 THIS JOURNAL. JOHN KEB8HAAV, PROPRIETOR. Camden, septehber u, im W. H. B. Workman, Esq., is nu i AL. n... tborixed to receipt tor monies auemou.*DSN JorENAL. Market Begnlatloaa. We have understood that our country friends are misinformed upon this subject and have ceased to bring meats to market in consequence. We have heard several declare that they never would do so until the existing ordinances were changed. They claim that the regulations create a monopoly few mnnhs and that outsiders cannot , ? - "1 ; compete'with thcui to advantage. In order that the matter may be rightly uuderstoo we have procured aTranscript of the regulations in part; which we subjoin : The Towa Council in 1872 passed a Kesolu- ; tioa, repealing a part of tl?f Market Ordinance. To wit. Rrtolctd, That anj person bringing beef to tha market, and paying the customary rate for the aame, may cut up and sell the same in the market^ without paying any additional fees. After eight o'clock in Summer, and nine o'clock In Winter, nil persons are permitted to take their beef from the market, and sell it anywhere within the eorporation. The delbery of beef (pre4 rianalr eeld te cnatomert), en their way to marhat ahail not he considered an infraotion of the Ordinance against hawking meat en the street, where that* ia so islentiM wto defraud the tnsrs ef revenue derived from the market. ? ' Rf ""V? 3T^e> 1 w^. 7m *. 'Jahf rMastJ' ' f - - - A Urge u4 interesting anaience, 01 yuuug i people ehiefly, uwubM at Antioch on Thuradaj last, end v? addressed on the subject of tempecenee by Grand Worthy Patriarch, A. M Kennedy, Esq., (apt. J. W. MeOurry and J. B. Kerf haw, Esq.? After Ike addressee, a Divis'on of Sons of thmperaace was made up and installed with a membership of t#*uty-one, of which abont i ana-third were you eg lad tee. The Rer. J. < K. Rodger* coodueted the religions exercises , and prsaidsd over the meeting. After the j * iutaUataoa be addresaed the Division in < # encouraging terms, and promised his hearty i Vmoperatioa. Uris geatfetnan has for twenty- , One yean beta lb* minister of Antiocb i Chareb, ami a better result of twenty-one I years of fcithfnl labor in, the Master's cause, lew places can ao Well attest as this neighborhood. It ebeers She heart of the philan- j thropist to see the improvement, social and < moral, intellectual and raligious manifested in that congregation. May thair worthy pastor long be spared for this noble work. m a laC?j?&\. a IL The caterpillar oontinnes its ravages and ii constantly on the increase. We call attention to the oommOnieaUoo from one of onr heat planters giving the facts in relation to his exparimenta with Paris green, and Its failure to produco any effect. As ; this result is opposed to many successful trials nf the rented? which are well attested, we can only account for it on, the supposition of! the writer that the article used was adulter. , Sod. Ithae recently gone up in the market to high Ignrsn owing to the unexpected nnd , unusual demand and the limited supply and j the temptation to adulteration is very great, j We loam that the first experiments tnade -were uniformly successful, the article used luring been procured chiefly in this market, while that employed iu the later was procared from abroad. The ecu tinned rains are aleo damaging to the cropa, the cotton blight is rapidly extending and picking wholly auapended for some days. ?afc f. F. ffeeOMM. Wo hawe watissd with regret the loss by he State of this distinguished ritiieu hy His j ? ? -- -I I? l ,1 , removal w rninoiK, wncru nr tin* muuicu Um cbarge of the Carolina Military Institute, school tor buy*. Col. Thomas possesses talents of high order and has enjoyed the boot advantages of cukurc and training.? To thee* nay be added high purposes earnest spirit ftod indomitable energy and courage. In ordinary tine* ho would hare won station and distinction. Excluded , from theae bow by reason of his integrity J aad hia race, he haa jot endeared himself to the hearts of his countrymen by earn at aad persistent public services ss an editor and sdvocatc of the right. la resuming the duties of instructor of joatb he will command the confidence of hie patron* aa well by reason of bis publie career and rare abilities as because of his experience aad reputation as a teacher ftnd disciplinarian, acquired in the State ? ' ? - 1 ../ U ik fn MUWJ ACWNHJ III ~ which tor many year* be van attached as ' popvl, teacher and superintendent. We wish him the soeces* he so well merit* ROB THE JOt'RNAL. To those of on who studiously and thoughtfully observed the condition of the people of Kershaw county in 1865, when wur and t Hhermsn loft them despoiled of more than < century's aocnuiulationof wealth, the losses 1 seem appalling These losses reach perhaps, ten millions of dollars (810,600,000.) The , value of the property left In this county did j ( not weed, if it reached, two millions of Jul- j Urs (12.000,000.) Our people, generally, have struggled manfully witli hard fortuue, and have done much to relieve themselves from heavy burdens?hut after eight years' L efforts, the property of the ootntv to-day, t does not exceed three millions of dollars, t ( S3.000.000. t This is very slow progress, although in n view of burdensome taxation and with the a proceeds thereof utterly wuitnl. it is some- J what eucouraging. t What say you, Mr. Editor * What will 1 will our people say to propositions, which, t if carried out, wili, in a few years, restore to n us all our lost wealth?not to individuals of <] orMt wealth, the heavy losses they have f sustained, but for the general good, what is f better, an increase of the value of all the i property and all the labor of thu? country, c which will benefit every individual, whether it he depend upon daily labor, or the accumu lated wealth.of labor of past days c There are three schemes now being con- a sidered by earnest, patriotic and devoted ? eitisens. which, if carried to their proper | conclusions, will at once in my judgment, n double the value of all the property in Ker- ( shaw county, and in a few years will make o us a more prosperous people than ever be- u fore. These schemes recommend themselves | to the earnest support of all our people, for t they are for the benefit of all For his, r who only owns his strong, stalwart labor? 1 for his, who owns accumulated property be it 1 much or little. c I propose only to mention and briefly no- t tiee these schemes, leaving it to those who v who will be in spocial charge of them to s commend them in detail, to the active sup- o port of our people. e First?A rail road to Lancaster, conoec- p ting ok with the great North, the great Kast and the greater West. , * s We are daity having the demonstration of i a the fact, in this county,.that proquinquity to p a rail road trebles the value of lands? p for instance, lands on Pinetrce, Town and j I Swill Creeks command readily in market, ! o three times the prices that similar lands do | a on Granny's Quarter, Flat Rock, Beaver j and Singleton's Creek. Now, laying aside ^ ill other advantagos to the people of onr . # whole county, merely credit this scheme with j <j that resnlt, and you .will surely at least) have I ft one million of dollars ($1,000,000) added to the wealth of the county. Second?A cotton factory with a capital , " of $100,000 near the town of Camden on ' ft Pine Tree Creek. Consider in this conbcc- j, tion the heavy profits on the manufacture % of our eotton at home, saving freight both ways, the introduction of skillod labor and good citizen*, the value of their patronage to all engagod in other pursuits, and the certain fact that the example of one success- j ful manufacturer on that noble Btream would i at once cause the utilisation of six or eight' valuable sites on Pine Tree and Sanders'; Creek, within aix miles of Camden, and you ' may readily credit that scheme with one million ot dollars of wealth to the County. Third?On the Waterec River between the shoals at Camden and the Sumter line, there arc over fifteen thousand acres of uu- o reclaimed swamp hinds, now of comparative ' little value, which in fertility surpass the prairies of the West or the valleys of the | ^ great Rivers, competent authority has de- i eided that the river can bo straightened, and ! 1 these lands drained and made perfectly safe i at a cost of $10 to $12 per acre. If so, and j tho parties who will present this matter pur- i pose to demonstrate it to the .satisfaction of I those immediately interested, every acre of swamp land will be worth one hundred dollars, for it will produce a bale of cotton or titty bushels of corn per annum. If accomplished, who can doubt that this improvement would add one million dollars to the wealth of the county. I am only suggesting these schemes? have not the time or space to advocate them. Ii but this is very clear, 1 think, that when ? their advocates shull reasonably satisfy each e citizen that the positions assumed are correct, then it will be the duty of that citizen " and his interest to assist iu the work and in the meantime it is his duty to give these several matters his earnest consideration. The only argument I have heard ae&iust e theui is one that is uttorly without weight, i. that " itv are too jMu.r." The rail road p only asks from Kershaw people one hundred 0 and fifty thousand dollars ($1.10,000) in subscriptions. The cotton factory only asks for 11 one hondred thousand dollars (8100,000) in subscriptions ?indeed, half the amount will do, outsiders will he plnd to conic into this scheme. The Wutcree Draining Company will only ask subscriptions in lands. Now, taking as true the premises assumed / by those three companies, is there any reamui in the position that a community owning iJ three millions of dollars, cannot devote u (! fraction of that proj?erty--say an eighth of .. . t%i it?to the purchase o! other projicriy *" which will double the three millions. A" a to the effect of the railroad ami factory, I think we are all capable of seeing and determining fur ourselves that these prognosticated result* are reasonable. Ah to the river scheme the onus lies in its advocates ^ o uiake it apparent that the work call he v* lone within the limit men'ion -that it is inserted, will be done?thuu it will be the ^ luty and interest of every one of us to niil j dl these schemes to the utmost of our ability F ind it will only require concert of action to j-'' arrv th*ui through RilAM. for the journal. West Watebee, Sept 2d, 1873. Mr. Editor: promised a few days ago o give yon my experience after applying ho "Paris Green." I have made a*very horoogh test, and now leg to roport, that I tolieve it would be efficacious if not adolterted. When the caterpillar first made its ppearance on my place it was the sixth of August. They then disappeared and again nade their appearance in about fifteen days had learned from newspapers reports, that he "Paris Green" was a sovereign remedy, nd having had sad experience with these lemons of destruction. I at once telegraphed or n pound of it, and applied h with twenty ?ounds of flour, to five acres of cotton, il?a a*ta?.t\sl )?? ?i(a?to^ tf nrtf viirru i hit taici pu iui sccuitu wi?ioi?. t? nud like a ehann?hi* progress was arrested, md this lone spot stands to-day like an 'oasis', in a desert. Feeling much en. nureged, I wrote for n few uiore pounds nd applied in the same way. It did no, :ood, and in a very few days the entire >lant was stripped. I obtained however, a lew receipt requiring a pound of the ''Paris ireen" with twenty pounds of flour and ne of rosin to the acre, and was assured by >1 | uy friend who gave it, that their farther >rogres9 would he checked, knowing that hey moved with electric apeed, I again esorted to the wire, and ordered quite a WIS _ T I 3 a argc amount, mis i appuea ioar mna na i icavy as I did the first, ond in fortyight Honrs after its application (although he stalks were whitened with it) not a J estige of Its foliage was left. The condition therefore, irresistibly forced upon my nind is that the "Paris Green" was dootord, and the flour would have done as much ;ood without it. The fertile swamps of this great planting ectioa?second to none iu South Carolina? nd almost equal to the Mississppi in its rod active neRs, presents a gloomy apicarance. The most fortunate of as hare ost a third?many others one half. This f course is a sad disappointment hut a tern reality. "Grkbn Hwamp." T V t , '111 roa TM aouasAi, 4 fr. Editor: Although times are hard and money earce, we desire to eall the attention of oar 'own authorities to seme facts (hat we are satined will meet a hearty Tesponse. One of the inoat beautiful street* in oar lovely ?wn, and one mormfrequently traveled by aliost our whole population than any other, in it, ' In great danger of becoming seriously Injured, ml the injury is df sueh a nature, that many >ng year* cannot repair it. I allude to DeKalb i SA*i a srvv. The Ron Henry R. Cook, (as aoue of us are wrote,) whilst Intendcnt of the Town, planted row of beaut jful finks along the said street, >nd nurtured them with great care. They remain monument of Uin.skill and forethought. The hear? rains have washed the earth from he aide wnlk until the roots of the trees are booming bare, and dead limbs in oonsequenre, are ; bowing themselves although the trees, and if the coay is not at once arrested a few years will onrert the beautiful shade of DeKalb street into row of dead Oaks. We hope oar city -fonucil rill have it filled up, from Lyttleton street to o the DeKalh House, that poisons going to diferent sanctuaries sin Snhbnth will not be falling ver roots, nnd piles of Brickbat*, in reaching he different Churches. OIVT8. The fallowing are the officers of Antiorh )ivinion No. 52. Sonsof Temperance, instinted on the 4th instant, Edwin Barnes, W. P. John Davis. W. A E. 0. Lee. R. S. J. N. (Joff, A. R. S. W. L. Cook, K. S. * Levi Bradley, T. Jesse McLend Chaplain, Hastings Boykin, C. Miss Sallie Bradley, A. C. Lewis Perrit, I. S. J. W. Brown, P. W. P. MARRIED?At 1, Margaret Street, 8tonelaven, on the 13th hist.. by the Rev. John Wott f Fetteresso, Rev. Hubert Thomson, of Oamlen. South Carolina, to Margaret Aun Walton. Meat daughter of James Crorkalt, solicitor. Slonthavtn [Scolhiini] Journal 14fA tilt. PHOTOGRAPHS. The undersigned having returned and open<1 a gallery will be pleaded to see hi* friends. With more experience nnd improved nplaratus lie feels more capable than ever before f pleasing the people. Come and have vour pictures made before 1 rim winter with bin frost find snows pounces fon ns. Gallery in Workman Hruse. A B. LEE. Seed Cotton. COUNCIL CHAMUKR, Sept. 9, 1873. )HliKRl'D, that from this date, no parson will lie permitcd to otter for sale, in the town ot 1 iiiudrn, any eoltou in the seed, after sun set in e evening, before sun rise uext morning, uudrr | penalty of forfeiture of aid cotton so offered 1 >r sale, and the Town Guard are hereby order1 and required, to seire and hold.any and all r>11on so offered for sale, ns above slatedOrdered, that as soon as a cotton weigher is j |>pointed, all cotton in the seed offered for sale, tall be weighed by him. be d.argiug a resonahle jinpensalion for his service*. Extract frmn minutes of Council J. K. WITHKK8I?00N Recorder louth Carolina-Kershaw County IX THF PR<>n VI'K fOl'RT. ^TOTIt.'E in lioti hy fivm lit if ene month af- j \ tor (Into, the mulei'sitfne-l will apply to J. ' . Sutherland. Judge of Piohute, for filial tlitt. I targe mm administratrix o! the estate of the I jo TIioiiih* j Wither*, dtv'd. M M KtRKf. \ND, .hlmn j Septemhef II. 4t ?w? Administrator's Sale. South- Osrolina-Kershaw County IN THE PROBATE COURT. BY permlwion of James F. Sutherland, Judge of Probate I will sell at Public Auction at the late residence of Elias Brannon, dec'd. in said county, on Monday, the 29th of September, (inst.) Three MULES, four head of HOGS, ?few SHEEP, 15 bushels WHEAT, 25 bushels old CORN, Household and Kitchen FURNITURE, LOOM, CART, Ac., Ac. Terms?One-third cash; balance on a credit o' one yenr, with interest from date and approred security. JAMES CLYBURN, Adtn'r. September 11. St ' SHERIFF'S SALET JOHN KEKHHAW, Receiver, > VS. J. J. RICHARDRON, Trustee. Order for. Foreclosure. BY virtue of an order of the Circuit Court made in the above stated case, I will offer for sale at public outcry before the Court House door, on the first Monday in October next, the following described tracts of land, being part of a tract of land formerly belonging to the estate of Wm. Kirkland, deceased,' situated on waters of Gum Rwamp and Sanders' creek: Tract No. 4, containing 42 acres more or less, bounded north by tract No. 5, east by tract No. 8. south bv lands of J. H. Vaughan, and west by tract No. 8. Tract No. ft containing 60 acre* more or less, bonded north by tract No. ft, oast by tract No. 8, south hy tract No. 4, and west by tract No. 2. Tract Mo. 7 containing 881 acres more or lose, bounded north by lands of Wm. Kirkland, claim* edby James Canter, east by tract No. 10, south by tract No. 8, and west by tract No. 0. Tract No. ll containing 59 acres more or Wss, branded north by lands of Wm. Kirkland, claim* 1 T /1.-4 ? -A W? ...4 eu. ?y james ispdj, ujr w? pu?uy <w leading from Camden to Lancaster and lands of Joseph Belton, south and west by lands of Jos. Belton and trsct No. 12. Bald tracts described as represented on a plat of re-aurvey made bv C. C. Halle, deputy surveyor for John Kershaw, Receiver of the estate of Wm. Kirkland, deceased, dated I2lh day of October, i872, and recorded hi office df Register of Mesne Conveyances for Kershaw County at P 478 of Book B. B. Terms?One-half cash. Balance on a credit of one year. Purchasers to give bond with approved security and s mortgage of tho premises, and to pay for papers, recording, be. SAMUEL PLACE, S. K. C. Sept 11. 4t Sheriff's Sale. Li -' < fiiriCole lough"| vs. {-Decretal Order. Colclough ) By virtue of an order from Hon. John T. Oreeu Ju< ge of the third Circuit to sse diroetod, I will sell on the first Monday in October neat being the sixth day of said month, before the Conrt Camden, during tho legal hours of sale, tho eight (8) remaining tracts of the Colclough lands situated on Little Lynches Creek iu Buffalo tou-nship and numbered ns follows (o wit. numbers five, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen the other seven tracts having been sold by Sheriff Boswell on the sale-days of January and February 1873. A plat of these lands will be shown at my office io any one desiring to porohase. Terms oae fifth Cosh, balance onoue, two and three years time, secured by Bond%nd mortage of the land. Purchasers to pay for"papers. ! SAM'L Placi, 8; K. C. 1 NheriflTs Bale, / JAMES M. DAVIS, Receiver of Estate of Hentp W. DeSaussure, rn. JAMES K. ARRAXTS, Order for Fur r riot ur*. BY virtue of an order to roe directed by H4?. K. B. Carpenter, dated the 2Ath of Apfi), 1873, i will sell before the Court Hoase doorin Camden, on ttir first Monday in ttctober nfil, being the Sixth day of said month, during ihe legal hours of sale. All that piece parrel or tract of landcontai^ng one hundred and forty (14411 acres, beirg atari of the llcSausBure laud sold under preTiou/ordors of the Court, lying on the east side of Jtaetree Creek, in Kershaw county, and know! as tract number fire (5) of the Haile land, hoitided north by lands of McRae and R. D. Thinaa, South by tracts aurnhers two and three,, east hy lands of John McKae and tract numbegfour, and went hy land* formerly belonging to Mrnney & Hoswell as shown by n plat uf Colin IcRae dated 2fld Droember lSh'.i. Terms Cnsh. purchasers to pay for papers. SAMUEL FLACK, H. I C. Sept. 6 fit Executors* Saljc, BY order of the Judge of Probate, pe will sell at the late residence of Jarncs Uannon, dee'd., on Saturday the ISth instant, tie PERSONAL PROPERTY of the said deceafet, consisting of Corn, Fodder, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Household Furniture, Ac. AcTerms nt snlc. WILLIAM BlIANIflN, JOHN RABON, ' Sept. 4?lit. Exefutors. Bagging, Ties, &a 40 bales BAGGING. various braids. 2 tons ARROW TIES. M ACKAREL, in barrels, half-bands, quarrels, kits and at retail. CROCKERY, Ac. Ac. Just received by J A T. I. JONES. August 28. tf ~i?ACO?r! BACOK!! j 20,000 pounds BACON ? 6 barrels HAMS. For sale by BArHBRO. Septeinbar 4. tf Ragging* and flen. 10.000 yards BAGGING 25,000 pound* TIES. For Ale by BAUM BBO. Flour! Flojpjl 100 barrel?*, different ?r?dc(ij For snip by bafm bro. Nngarn and Coffee*. 25 barrels SUGAR. differ*! grades 15 nneks COFFEE. differ*! kind*. For sale bv balm buo. September I. if 9 3,000 CASES BOC FOB PAL] ' ^ ' TIT? ?re now receiving from the Manufacturer TV 8HOE8 AND TRUNKS of every deecripti Market. Merchants visiting.Charleston are inti1 D. " . , * 2 HATNE August 28. <f. . ' Steamer Iiffington. Fast Freight, Aceommodatioa 1HUIO ill LINE, mHE atEAMEft LILLINOFON. Cant. Bell, ' X will* from this date, make regular trips, connecting with the Yiliinitm Colnto art iipffl HAIL ROADS. Through Bilk of Lading will be issued to Charles ton an! the principal northern cities. The freight on cotton, iaclading insurance per bale: * To Charleston, $1 60 BUtlmore * V 0 tt> Philadelphia, 8 60 ' i Sew York, 8 76 . Beaton, ,( 4 7.6 t? i Parties from the interior shipping through this He will not be charged for Prtfagg op Stores at this place. Pol farther pnBieelars, enquire if ALDBN WANTED We will gite men and women Business that will Pay frod $4 16 $8 per day, can be pursued in row otrwneighborhood: it is a rare chance for thdsf ooiwf employment or baring leittir* time : girls andboys/Mqasnilg does wall as man. PgrUerUrs free J J . ' ?'. . U1 Address J. LATHAM ACQ* 202 Washington St., Boston, Mass. , fr*.4- ..., * , ' FEMALE SCHOOL, in: Chnrl.4 J SHara *ffl tffl t uStat fat ftorti and yowag ladles al' her wUtM at Hfkwoed, on Wedneedgy, 1ft Ostabfr pronto. hm^,J)e^rtmnt ~,u. intermediate $4. 'Adrthced, itichiding Latin and Preach $6,' '. 1 .l is UfltUCII. '?# /.: ( t Otto. I. B. Kershaw, Dr L. H; Data, daft..#,' 1 YiUanigna, Tbos. f. Aaeram, Maj. John Canfcj, Maj. E. B.Cautej, Wm. M.Sbanapiy,^,^ Camden Female School. J Priacipal?B. THOMSON, A. B. , < / . Assistant? . Manic Teacher?MRS. HUGHES. teems ran ioxti: Primary Department, - $1 0(, Iataraadiats.' " 4 <0 Advanced, 6 00 Mimic, & 00 Th* exercise* Of (his 8ehool will commence on the 22d September, 1878. Boabi? or Tenure**?Col. Boykin, Maj. Leitner, Uen. Kennedy, Dr. Kemp, Dr. Young, Dr. Darken, Mr. J. W. McCwrry, Mr. If. Banm, Mr. J. M. Wiilkme, end olbert. July 10. Hampden Sidney College. THE next session of I kin Seminary of learning will commence on Thursday, September Mk, 1878. Hampden Sidney is Situated in Priace Edward I County, V*., within a few hundred yards of Union Theological Seminary, aad seven milee 1 from Fartuville the nearest depot ef the Atlantic, | Mississippi and Ohio Bailroad. The locality of i the College is must healthy, aad the community ! around distinguished for Intelligence and piety. I Tl> net ia nn f ! eaMinar a? PranamIam MaiIiaaI connected witli the College.. It retain* the curriculum end the greet a*ia of Ue leeehets la to secure thoroughness in the traising sad laI struct ion of their pupils and thus tp pepere ; thou for tfiefeelfoaal studies or theaenvedutiee of lifer The ordinary expense* of e ntadeat exclusive of the cost of clothing, travelling end books, are from $220 to $276 a year. For Catalogue and further information apply to REV. J. M. P. ATKIK80S, President Hamden Sidney College, Prince Edward County, Va. August 21. 12m Bekoel ffetlee. ~ The exercises of Mr. McCaad lees' School ; will he reaumcd tut Monday, the 16th of September next. Aug. 21.?St. | MALE ACADEMY. Camden Orphan Society. The exercise* of this School will be resumed on Monday, 29th of September, prox. Terms, per month, ns fixed hy the Society: Primary Department, $2 10 Intermediate, ( 3 20 Advanced, including Latin, Greek and n t. . 1 # .1 A O/l rrcucu or rimer i?i mem, i w JOFTN W. JAMISON, Principal. August 21. . tf NOTICC. f]'HE co-pariuecahip heretofore existing under J. the firm name of ARTHUR k PAGE, le this day dissolved by mutual concent, Mr. Pnge withdrawing. The business will be continued at the same place by W. L. ARTHUR who asaumea the pay ioent of ail liabilities, and is alone authorised to sign the name of the firm in liquidation. W L. ARTHUR. JONATHAN PAGE. August 20. 4t NOTICE 18 hereby given that application Will be made to the Legialtiure at its next session for the opening and establishing n Public Road, from Ilia nUolr IMrni- PauiI throm n? fnnp mllM from Camden, to the Bishnpvilte Road at or near tha UiR Hill. July 24 Hm. SOMETHING NEW. AN elcgaut Album for 26 cent#, holding 24 full eiicd card*, bound in full gilt cover and-old at the low price of 26 cents, editable for the pocket or centre table. Order a cample eat by mail, poet paid on receipt of 26 cents, t J fur GO centa, or G fur $1. Addreea, BURROW A CO. Baltimore, Md. Vgente Wanted. Catalogues of Booke, Pietiiire* Ac., eent. I June 12-2 2. 11 ' \ [i TRADE. j i.iJiU i TtJVfy uWi'l ted to ekuaja* oar atock. F. FLEMING & CO., STREET. CORKER 01 CHURCB STREET.. - -J. i .e inn i 1 m V^omnDui^ , JOHN ALEXANDER. Proprietor. 1 * 1 * ** " *'T + SUGAR CANE lfiLU 3 ? JA *- 80 00 *. ? 10 * 70 00 a ? 14 70 00 2 ? U ? ^ 00 00 2 ? 10 " ,?**|P*#0 00 Above prieee ewepUl# with MRCMMhwt fraaa, $10 toss sw. sash Mill. Stasia 8 avians, Boilm, Portabl* Ovist Mills, Circular end Mala? flaw MUM. MiU fey-ia* of all kiada apda to ordtr, Iron aad Brass Castings on sborMidtice. ' Ota Ovariag aoastaailf on hand of tfcs fsQawlu liflft 9 foot wbsol a*d piaioa I . $36 00 U 3 " * w$vo 'lJ* }"'sn*J * ' 1 . - M 00 * 14 u so > r?.il ..* ? , .. 1 ft 00 Irow^fcaaa Ctiay of aBTdsa^frtaas nuiU U omW. ,?*. *!tmM^ Co^* SFS&ifef itutfN ItopSttore. ' " iijNNHk' 9mI I( to* will# fvtigfctM#a*- iir(? ji ^Mb? TBI OPT OOTTOI ?. ; '- ' ' t i?? I t-a? ?' rftti y a . ' jarSpeoiri atSo*low JjD* U 3l for nisksd At LoWOOt Plica^W^ ^ Ctodn, Augast M. ,e,v*^** ^ . it. >i v J? . , - i ,aw g n i?i. < NEW GOODS' ? /. .-V J A Vv?C t *' - '"3F ^?b1A tW AT tki itoro tcoopiid bj A. M. KowRodj, a few doors north of ?? Muk?(, will bo oa ad a stock, coaslstiagof STAPLE DRY GOODS. 1 ? ) "*"*.' C * Hardware, Kails, boa, Stool Spadsa, Stasis, rv^ Crushed, CoffffBrown sugars^ Rio Laguir : Sill IlilSimiiwjhr'i .*? .?? . ojeatea;Vlfnilv VIm* . Crackers Sugar Houm and W. L MoImin Canned trait, drier*, Early RBse, QoodHdL FlakByeand Jaet oa White Planting Fotafteaa. ftntow CiamKk Salflg Mfa Qhoen, Hamee *?., All ?T Wfeicl ?rill> aoM U at the lowest price for eaah, aad we W^twt a call freak all whewjnh te pare hate. k . A. 1), KENNEDY* CO. A. D. KENNEDY*, A, M. KENNEDY. A. M Keuedj will give Mi Mt+tltn te the purchase of cotton; fa iMt for toe aale of Sliwan Guano, EtiwanCrop Pood and Bti wan Ground Bone. ? Feb 161 f ' ? t V# -.[ / *. ! 4 1' ipe . st" * . f MEW OHMire, mHE undersigned would resoeotfullr inform X kit friends' ami ike public fCMcaQjr, ikai he has opened * Pint Cku Greece* Store, where they ns; ledt feeeral ueertpeut of Greonriea, Al the loweet cash price*. Alee, WiNBB AMD LIQUORS o ell grades, wklek will be sold lew for cub. B. D..THOHAS. Opposite Leitaer A DuaWp'e Lew OfBoe. February 80. ? If Batter, Cheeee, LwttMslkt. 200 boxes 0HEK8E, 50 Tube Battel, 50 Barrels end Tubs Lard, 125 Barrels No. 1 MuOtt, t. w. KiRcrotK. 27, 28 and 29 North Wafer St. .Ian. 16. Wfltatyot, N. O. CORN! CORN! w oaa unanbtb obtvv wuiwi If.vvw ?A4?n T7HI?n CORN. For atle bj WILLIAMS ft HtMimV, J?n 16. Wflmfagton, ? C eoo boxi^d. Vsrwi"" 26 HM?. BM ftMoa iwl BbuiHlW, 200 B?mla Mtaa Porft. For * ! by WILLIAMS ft MIJR0HI8OK. J?? 16 Wilmington, N. C.