University of South Carolina Libraries
C'lmrch 1 Mrectoiyy. Methodist < 'liurcli) lH>Kalh street? I{ -v H T TTarper, Paster?Sendees at Mil A .M j a.1.1 71 M.oii Sunday : Prayer Meeting Wed ueiday at I P. M. Pre?hylerian Plumb, MeKalb street ? Rev. 3. II. May, Parlor Seniofcs at ltM A. M. and 5 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on W\ due: day at. ."> P. M. ~ ' ,|,f|j"ii | '.'.vunr i,t' l.villelnn I r.i-r ? iii'ai. ? ii? in 11. . .. ui.J Laurens streets, Rev. B. P. I). Perry, Sunday services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 5J I*. M On Wednesday evening at 8} o'clock and Friday morning at 10 A M. M EETINGS. Wateree Division No, 9, S, of T. * ? A Attend the Regular Meeting, j ofyour Division at Tanprrunce ! JfnU on MONDAY evening! next, at 7* o'clock. By order <d the W. P. J L. BRASINiilTOX, R. 3. . LOCAL SEWS. P06T office.?Until further notice the 'M * ilniMnrr flip I Post Uffice Will ne open uauj viui.... week froui S a. m. to J 2 in., and from 3 p hi. to 7 p. in. (Mi Sunday froui 9 to 10 a in. The mails close daily at 7 p. ui. PRESS FOR SALE Wo will sell, or exchange on favorable terms, for a Washington hand-press, No. 4. an Improved Pair Haven power press, complete and in good order, and nearly new. The Small Pox.?There have been two eases of Small Pox and three of Varioloid in Camden since its appearance here about two months ago. All the cases have recov nnvahwin". and amide r-recau vrcxi aiw ?V,*. ? ... - ? .? 7 lions are taken to prevent its spread. We observe that our Lancaster friends are warned of the danger of the contagion here by the yand wo desire to inform all visitor-: (hat thej* would have to put themsclve* to considerable trouble to get to it in this town if they were -here for the purpose. The .street is barricaded and a sentinel kept on post d*y apd night to prevent the contact. We hope vcrv soon to chronicle its disappearance entirely. In continuation of this view, we refer to the following report of.l)r.?D. L. IVSaussuro. the physician in charge, with which he has kindly favored us: tiEN. J. 15. KF.RSHAW. lh,4, .Sir: in compliance with your reijuesl, f append a statement of the cases of Final I p i<a and varioloid that have occurred in t'aniden. Three cases of the former, and two of the latter. The fir t ease did not come under my supervision -the other four did?there was no particular merit in any of these eases, running the oidiuury course of this disease.? ' 1 .. A...A.1 Two cases have been aiscnar^cu u.-> uucu Those remaining are convalescent. There have elapsed almost three week:; (within two da\>> since any now case, and we are led < h>.p? (hi: is the la:tof (his loathsome ( e. It i. a:iiin'd not safe to allow the affected either inj'ress or egress under .fix Wcel.j This ha*} bf?'ti strictly ad* * ^ H L - ertth/.fiiiVfl {?n tiriAi'nlilK'' i lifTl'U TO.' I ni' nnvu iiuuiuiuk n i with the Medical Society, have adopted the latest measures U> suppress it.- spread. Thus isolated and sufficiently quarantine^ it an uniiroquented part the town, there can he no p?., -ihle danger of p. i .m vi-iting V'a tilde it engendering the disc a o. Yours, lie pecifully. i?. L DrfAUStfriiti. I ('umdili, \u?' L'O. I Mr. Jamison's Allow,.?Wo call ;?tton J 11'>11 to the advertisement of Mr J. \V .l.uni- , son's ehool ?>ii Monday, the | liJNh -f September next, ami to his rates of ! tuition, which are very reasonable, and de- j ;i; n<d to he within the reach of nearly eve* i ry one. Mr .hmi on, we brlh ve. truvc en-! tno .->ati tji ti-iii t.? all hi * patrons last session* ! and we silicon ly hope he may receive during | the next, th.l large inorea'-e which is justly iiue alike to hi hi -h tpialiiications and hi low rates. TlIB ('ATKHPILLtK.?Wo are informed that this deadly enemy of the Cotton crop i in rea-hii.^ rapidly. The second crop has made its appeal anee, and many plantations "... rl.iu neii'hhorhood WC. l of the W aterce iii mi -?n -i .-lift*fin" its ravage?, ttn Mr. .I??r<lin' i l ! , the J'aris (ireeii lia.-* f ri I ivifh % apparent success, ami Capf. T. It. Clarke ami are preparing to u*c it. The pr<?- I s i^very tedious, hut seems to bo cfFeo five. 'i .iu i ?11 v l i, I'm .iiu'?The Waterco i :il>>>iit level with its banks, and a licshet i i iniiiiiiieol Sii mill this disaster follow | I i iuva i'?ii ?! i !i?' eat?i pillar. our river |>!an t i will indeed, sutler irreparable loss. 'I'i.i 'I i Mi Ki: \mk \i?v?u*vrF?We are j informed that thi> paper has been sold to I mi. in (Vlumhia. and will henceforward be issued al that place. Tkmpehanoe On Fiitlay last | a nuuilu-r of ili.? member* <.i W'.itere I>ivis- j ion. No. 0. .'Jon of Temperance, by i 11 vitaattriulcd a public meetiim ol' l'iuetiec and I , ik)i wood I division0, at I'inetieechuivh. i 1 ? ?a . * . 0f i ncre was a large auemnuiic i>i m?; ........... of the neighborhood present. o.-itpcinlly of c the ladies, who manitested a great deal of P interest in the cause. The members of the order turned out in force. The meeting was called to order h\ If G. W. 1*. ItethuneAfter pjrayer by the lie v. .1. K. ] lodgers' the audience was addressed by Messrs I J. W. Mo-Curry, J. T. Ilay and A. Yi. Ken- j J nedy. The speakers engaged the attention 1 ? of the audience uninterruptedly for nearly ' two hours; after which, all partook of a sumptuous dinner for which the place is proverbial, with the limpid stream of water near by to quench the thirst, producing no unpleasant sensation. After a short intermission, we met in the Church, where the officers of Fine tree Division were installed by G. W. P. A. M. Kennedy, I>r A. A. Moore acting ae (C ('. The Division retired to their Hall, where ten ladies and one gentleman were i added to their number. All present were ! delighted with the entertainment of the day. j and felt it was good to he there, whore peace.' concord and good will reigned. 'J hat pan ; of Kershaw county shows the blessings of 1 industry, temperance aud religion. Would ' that tlie same could be said of every portion ' of it. Feuds would not Tto known, and pros- i polity cover our borders. Insurance.?Our friend, (.'apt. Clyburn, is maintaing his reputation as a prompt and popular Insurance Agent, as will be seen by tiie communications which we publish below :? To Cai-t. W. CliBCKN, General Insurance Agent, at t'auiden S, 0. Dear Sir.?It affords me great pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of one thousand dollars, the same being the full amount for which my Granary, in the County ot Kershaw, was injured ^ in your Company, Your's, Respectfully, ADAM TEAM. To Capt. W. Ciybubn, General Insurance Agent, at Camden S. C. Dour Sir.?I take plea' tire in acknowledging I to you the receipt of s even hundred dollars, the J " * .... .. I,:.,I, Hnil.limr in the Town " I llll UUIUIUII IUI nuivu uy c of Camden, was insured in your Company, f( Respectfully, Your's c R. V. THOMAS. . patronize HoMF. KnTKHPRIZF..? Mr. P P. Toalo,who3e advertisement appears in auo lher column, lias brought to a high state of perfection the largest and most complete Manufactory of Poors, Sashes and Blinds iu the Southern States. His warranted work, untiring energy, personalapp ieation to business and liberal advertising, have placed bis | enterprise among the first in the South, thus giving to bis many customers work, and prices that defy competition. Price listsenf free ou application. The hot and rainy weather is testing all exposed wood work, especially the doors in our Stores ami Pwellings. To prevent allshrinkage, and enable them to warrant all work sold by them, Messrs. I. H. Hall & Co., at a great expense, have erected, in cornice (ion with their Door Factory, a modern dry-1 ini? room, in which all Doors are placed till I fully drycl, before glueing. wedging and i pinning; this precess adds one third to the : durability of the Doors. Send for price, list of Doors, Sashes Blinds, While I'ine. Walnut and foncy Lumber. Agents for r A: bestos' Hoofing Felt, used extensively all over the-country for its cheapness and dnrahillity. For Lost) of Appetite, Dyspepsia. l?<lige?ii.>11, Ui'i'iv? ion of Spirit > i': General Debility, in lln-ir v iiioii^ form . Fkhiiu INiosmioratki) I! lim it >1 I'm ,m iiiad;*by t'a n-. r 1.1, II azarh ,\ Co., New Voi k.aiel sold by all druggists, ia tin* ht?t toaie. \ a i imuli-iit ionic for patients recovering from fever <>r i. knc-;\ it ha.i no equal. It i tkrn during the en-uii it prevent" fever and ague and oilier ii%*riuillenl fever*;. Soi in Cm'.wi.ina Loan ami Tm sr Domcax', . t'll uti.i:-ion, S. (\?We would e.ill i tie special ollenlion id our renders in ilie ndvertircmeiir of the above Company ill another column. It ntt'eis ' iuiluceiiieiits and security lor the iiiv.- lniciil of ' savings such as are rarely to be met with. In-' iutci on deposits .at six per cent., compound uuarlcrlv. i in itself a liand-oiio- returned, ubile j I In* J.ji.. ilor i-< ahlc to ro I rati tir.I I In) I lie i-, j i mil.iii)f all- .lately nn li k at all. For in aiMi- I li.tii in iIn- I.i? i iliut the l?im-ti>i." ami Tru- toi-a meuuioiiff tlie liio^t pi'iiiiiin-iit ami ti tisl wiivlliy | I.ii im nu ll at t li..i Ii-Ihii. I In* wlMili-aiiiannl i l tin- l.aukju;'capital, a ?z: 5 i a uriiy f..i- til >l< ) <. .(- infln- Xaviiij.-i Itfjiartuii'iit. SARATOGA APth'IFNT i in tin- im i i ' ? ?? 1 pmnuEK ii 'ill.- iratni'j Spring'i Hint j ii-i-.l for tin-naiui* i>iii |??spm. ('nni|>R( t*aii.l t'oiialil ' ' l'r<-|>ar?-<l only l*y Uico. II. I'I-ma sus.sjrnW'.iSiiriinr., | N. Y. HoMli> Iiiiikvimm : * I'm IT. Sill. j SOMETHING NEW. \N il.-fant \liiiiin i.ii-'.. miii., liuMin^ -I ' t'uli aifc<| . ir?l . I.'.ini'l in lull j-ih enter I.IlT rliM til ill'' I'llV ] ! i. tif 'J i rlit *, Mlilulll'for iIn- |i'" k?-l in- t'i'iit n* i iI'lr. (l)<|i i- a sttm]*i?* sent Iiy iiiail. |mi-I jiai I mi i i-i-i-ijit uT i-.-iii-. ! ! I'm-ill) t'i-nlJ. nr ti f ur >1. Ail-Ire*.*. i I'.llil'.OW iin..ri. M l j i />/>' \i." itts Wniil)*)!. < <i| I'.iii.k-. 1 I'icl illl'i'.x fu-nt. i June ll'-u'J. i All iiei'poiifi l?:?vin<l<*wtfin?l- :i>n-1 I lie j j into of Mr-. June Klale of Kit.-Iiiuv. tic I .'. i.iil, tvill pit -ent flu* s'liiie ncponliri)/ to luw. I in I ilit. ! ilelih I w ill make |>.iv111 I I to in TllflS \\ I'KH'K, Kr'or. | I-. I Board Reduced to $3 Per Day. COLUMBIA HOTEL. COLUMBIA. S. 0. PHE proprietor of this well known first class Hotel would t-erpeeiiully inform his many' riends ami tin* traveling public generally, that lehns this tiny minced his rates of Board from II per day to per day, ami at the same time dodges himself to spare no pains in the managelent of the house to sustain its reputation nr. n rut class Hotel in every resppot WM. (10RMAN, Proprietor, July .31, tit. ??? tv .aj 7* y in .y:ii rrai i?.\i : ngems niiux-. ... Jj ?} ellipses of working people, of either sex, oung or old, make more money at work for us 11 their snare moments, or all the lime, than at uy thimy else. Partieuln.s free. Address G IT1NTOX & TO., Portland, Maine. September Ml. 12m. / BailtMHtr&w Supplies,}.^Sift, ^ y. BriektUjIftweli foil, fo 'uslv:, I', re I';.n&S| A 0??,V XTtfUa i/tn//.# Mnfir \nd f)nin*M uuriru/c.i ,?g/vu ???. ^ 1 Tiling, I Vhift Piitc,]i '> InntRxQ Zmler,- k Cabinet Maker J/me Haodt&c. X 2 All Work WaniMtii. I LOWEST PRICES] Send for Price L iat. J 31. H. MALL & ; 2 ihnti/jrturrr* & fluff/. s 2J 4,0. 8,10. Marhct Street. ? 223,285, Hue [V QUAflLCZrON, 6 . 0, j} Phis Cut entered according to Act of Congress in the ye?rjl878, by I. II. Hael & Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. May 10. Hint. NOTICE. j [" [AVINO purchase i the entire slot k ?>t m< r- i ' [J chandise of Messr - .1. I. Middleton A Co., [ a Camden, we hare this day formed a co-part- 1 ership under the firm iruneof Phelps & Killings, 1 ?r the purpose of condueturg a general Merhandise and Commission business. II A. PIlEll'S. M. A. BII.LIN'CF, A. DeSAUSSl UK. Camden, June I, 187 i. [June i if. DON'T FAIL J * TO CALL A'I THK I [Iheap Cash Store or D. W. JORDAN, Agt. | First-rate (Quality T?IO COFFEE, 25 oents per pound?4 lbs. for 81. | 1 Fine <rr.'ul''s of FAMILY FLOUR, choici: T-^J C=!?T*T \-T77C3 Hie besrt in tlie market. A complete assortment of FRESH CRACKEUS, SUGAR JUMBLES, SUGAR NIC XACS, GINGER SNARS, LEMON CRACKERS, PURE KEROSENE OIT,, Always 011 hand, at lOroul* pcri-alloti. \ choice line of the (IIMM ill! 1 MS usually j kepi iii a First Class Grocery Store, j State of South Carolina, ?OI XTY Ol' li I.KSH t Court of Oommon PI pas. ['Ol'V ? I'MMONS l uK HEI.IIT?rftMi'I AI.Vi' I M/vn . i d t'l'h i J AM KM CHKMNliT. Uxor., I'l. \intlfk. A ' kin I I IkiIii.i k. il rile. Mi'ri'ii.i li In:' wife, It. I'. 'J'jis I. r, Amelia Tnyhu\ lii v\ I'.ii| imin II tilt1. Tliniiiit < IftiHi1. .I.tiur-i ll iilc, I. n> i in iI liilc, \\ i II li in II Ml.-, M i ly II 1.1 \\ ill. 1 II til. . 'Iini'lis lllile.tirniyc IFaile, Syiln.y 11 :i i I I'vall* lluili'. ' ami llaile,'ix \li \iirij 'lie-nut, William I'lii iinil, Th. iii i" I In* inn, jr., j Iolili i'ln-nnl hihI Kill li (llii'Miiil, .Iiiiiii'.m ('lies- j nut. .Innie* <'In sunt, jr., Amclii t'liesnui. ami I luliii Cli'iiiiit. jr. Nellie Ha l. ml .IuIiii | lluili*. ^ .1 v II I' iii lllll. \ ll?*r. Ilnvnl li V\: 11 i>iiii- I.ilili MurlSnr, A "m "lire, 1 'Imr- I U'li li. I i\ lor. I'i I.-in 1 .nit**. tin ill.m i noun i I bi t, iii/ilni . in tin - iirtmu | Vimi are hereby Miniinmicil mi l iii|uirei| in an- j uir I lie e.unpluint ill this iirtinii, wliirli Ingetli- . i*r willi tlii* HiiiiintiiiiH, was filial a I 4 'atti'l ti. S. I'., mi the 1?i 11 ay nt*.I iilv, IhT'h in tin* nflioe < | I hi' I'll rk nt tin* 1 niii I i.l 1 'inn in 11 I'leas f"i* tin* naiil Oiiimiy. llli'l In serve a ?*np\ .1 yi.m answer mi tin- mhsorihers at lliwir nflin nil llrnail street in t'ain Irii, S I'., w i I li i li twenty il.iys after tin* service nt' this siiiiiinnii" nfi you. xclu-ive nf tin* lay nf service. If y.hi fail In answer this e<itii|.l.iiut w il li i n t lie linn* nfnresaiil, the plaintiff will apply in the f'oiirl for the relief ilemaiiileil in the complaint, bat ml July 1. 1H7U. SHANNON fi I.INMNti. I'luiiitiffs \liornry July In !. % Now Advertisements WORKING CLASS WRS.JKffi Respertulile emplot meiit id hon.i, ,im or evening; no capital required; lull inatiuctininuiid valuable package ol good* sent free i>> mail. Addrc.''* with six font return stamp, At. i?>I NO CO., I . : :?< oust mn st., N. Y. 35tll Thousand in Press, Sales Increasing. 2,(Ml more T,ivi: AoKvra IYastkkd for our Livingstone 28 Years in Africa, over <i(io page", only Look out for inferior works. Sen'l ior circular mi'l proof of flu </initr*t xium* of tin* .reason. Report just in. 181 subs, in six days- HUl'BARD BROS. I'lifi's. Si'.; Saii-oni St.. I'liila , Pa. NTMKRors TKSTS HAVE IMJOVKD N. F. Burnham's New Turbine WATER WHEEL To be the Best Ever Invented. FOR PAMPHLETS ADDRESS, YORK, PA JN J?i V JU-fcO Negleet a Cough, Nothing is more certain to lay die foundation for future evil consequences. Wells' Carbolic Tablets ire a sure cure for all diseases of the Jtespirutory Or raw, Sore Throat, C'olds, Croup, Diphtheria, Asthma J^arrli, Hoarseness. Dryness of the Throat, Windpipe ir'Bronchlal Tubes, and all Diseases of the Lungs. In all cases of sudden cold, however taken, theseI'ABETS should tie promptly and freeiv used. They iqualize the circulation of the blood, mitigate the sererltv of the attack, and will, in a very short time, retore healthy actloif to the atfectCd organs. 'Well's t'Annouc Tsblbh are put up only in blpe lOXF.t, Take no substitutes. If ihey can't be found at 'our drnggist's, sEsii vi oni.k to the Ai.knt is New i Ark, who will forward them by return mall. Don't be Deceiveii uv Imitations. Sold by druggists. Price S5 cents a box. JOHN O. KELT.oru:, H Platt-sl.. New-York, Scud for Circular, sole Agent for Cm ted states. GHOLEBA AND EPIDEMIC DISEASES Prevented by Using BROMO-CHLORALUM, The New Odorless Noil-Poisonous POWRRFI'L Deodorizer and Disinfectant . lis daily use destroys all bad odors and poistnoua iiuanatioiis about your premises, anil thereby prevents 'ontagion and disease; contains no poison and lias no sior of its own. Dr. Bkockrtt, a celebrated wilier on Cholera and fellow fever, maintains that a few drops of Ukomo'moiMi.i M 111 a luniblco of water, drank daily, will Prepared only by tYL'dKN .% CO., Hold by all druggist". Now York. POPULAR EXPOSITOR OF THE GOSPELS ANO ACTS. By Rev. Ai.ircn Nrvisjt, I,. 15. D. I), ftnbracos lliointernational Tiii of Le sons for ihroe year- Kvery | trior, lonelier ami family need" il. Kmlnr- by Presidents Mct'opb, 'obleiph. King, Wallace, Rinhops Biuipson, Stephens. Haven, and the t'lergy and Pre?s in ill put1- of the count it. Agent . Main..I. Liberal lertmi given. Addfors ZF.1ULKK \ M? Rl'UPV, r?|H Ardi Philadelphia. Pa. liv. A II >'f Ihl'ii ) lnlrr?*t iiml hilr,nur I iilue. OCEANS'S STORY. Bit thr fiithif n-ii <-i lh> hiiniiii* ' PPTFl! PA Hf.F.l." Then nit of a great historical rntarck : in uuthmtic Hisiuitv or Nwinnios ami its Manikilii DPcui'trii rim o the FhuJ, Abounds pith SjAitri-ixti 1><liilmh, pKAitn i. IHsattm, Law eras Pimcu?, Ri.o.>i>\ Jlallt ., and Gi.outor* Ar/m rnnOitx ; rtl<o describes /tirihjj, Tiirynifhhiy, fleeiin Fixhrrif*, ke. Hi KR 200 Sfiriteil Ciil*. Subject Nkw. Price l.i?\v. AUK NTS WAX I'EII. lll'BB#KP BROS.. I'iiIi*. 7-U Sansoiu st., Phjla., Pa. 4 w. Write for Large Illustrated Price l.ift. Address Breech-loading Shot Guns S40 to ?.100. PottMe Shot Guns $8 to jflnO. Single Cutis, S:| to S'JO. Rifles, S8 to S7*?. Revolvers, !? ? to "?. Pistols, Si to ?8. Gun Materials, Fishing Tackle. Large discount to Dealers or Clubs. Army Guns, Revolvers, &c.t bought or trailed for. Goods sent by express <J P., to be examined before paid for. lw. jml ^miiaaiagjy The startling drawback on nearly all niedlelualagents has ever been that In their process of purgation ami purification they have also debilitated till- system. To otiviate this dltlleflllyj physicians have long sought (or an agent ilmt would Purge, Purify and Strengthen, At onn niul llm satint I into. Their research has at last hem rewarded l?v a dtseov cal fatuity, ami wliieh i* jimtiy reparilni a* the inoat import nut ti iuiiipti that Pharnuey lum ever aehievftl This important tlesitlivaluin Is Dr.Tutt's Yt'srotulifc Liver Pills. Which purify tin- liltmii ami remove all corrupt liuniors ami unhealthy iii'ciiiuiilatioiis from the laxly, am) yet proililri's no weakness or lassitude whatever, nut on tin" contrary tones the rtouweli ami liivl'rornles the lioilv "Inrlnfr the prn.'ri s of ili.-ir operation. They unite Hie hereioior lrr<a- oiit*i1til>l<* qualities of a S I I'KM ?TII KN I Nil I'l IJOATIVK ami a I'l UlI'MNti TOM l*. I>r. ITTTS I'll.l.s are tiie moat active ami searchlint nii'tllcine in existence. 'I'll. v at nucr attack the root of diseases, ami their action Is so |iroin|ii i hat in an li.nir or fwn after I tit-\ are taken Hie i?.?t ? ui is aware of their irnn.l t dec's. Tlley may lie IllkitlHl any time without leiitraiui iliei or oenipatiun; they l>r<siuce neither nausea, y\ipIiik or tleiuliiy, ami as a lainily in.elleiiie have no i n at. I'i it e 'J i eeiils a liox. S.ilil l.y all llrurjii' Is. Principal Oltic I:: ami llii-I'lait t . New York Is ii>- mo <t powerful. .Mii'er, stiriiiriiiene- ami rei.inv. i ol lil.niilal'ii ii .-i.n. iiun , t mi iii yiatt-na .1. Ili< hilly a.lo|il. .| to i otisliiiitions "M.ii n ilmvti" ami ,|. Iiililale.1 to III.- w.ttin wcsleei ol Sprint; ami Summer, wln-n Hie i mi iii .iiciiiaiion, . . .i-. cpii lllly fa'herili" llnpiliille liulii ?liifL-!i Itin-i-.s an.I Impel leel aclioll ot III.' i.,eti\e oi*. lie, alltl Is in..nil* -- it'll l.y TillimrI iiiptioiis, (llntclo--., ftotls. I ii- no St-rolula. A i \ . \\ lien W. aiy ami la nam. I Imi.i m.-i worl . ami .lull i i, .It...i/in. - -. .iu l in-ilia i.tkt . >.i t ii. iitt .. ml \ o'nr, t he - y- it i.i i <1 a iti-.ii In I .ii i > I 11 up ami J li.lp Ilie Vital Ion as In it .mi III, n rt-cllpei at i\e |,nv\ ' er. In the heal of Summer, lit pieiuD the innt and M'o.i v tin not properly perforiu their luitrlihiix; the I'lefi. e ami Drill. M in.' i:l, are ma. Inc. on/ ? IkllO'S of tllO S|ll||.. .'.| IIIMl lit till* 4 a III I !l pro ills |>.nllloll III liillnlls |||||||||00|||| III. I>1-. \\ 1:1,1 .s* EXTRACT OF JU11UBEBA i out I'lKll'niiiuii \ lii.nilho sol ill AMKI'li \\ I I \N r ami H pi oiiii.ii u nlit ! to all thoseiiitllonlllmt; n i leaomm the \ 111 \ t Kl) in <? id, atrenctheiitiix the IH K l.lVIMi I'liWi:iis, ami ki:m??vk \I I nil MlttVTo.NS from I.VI'MKKP AMI KM KKItLKI) inraiix. II sliouM |ir till oil fi t" \ i a ko||, us .Iiiiii liolin is proliimooil In lilot1ii .il w i ip i - tin tiinsl olllolcil! I'l ttl I IKlt, Tf iN'lf hikI liKiiltsNH KM' known In tile whole ratitfo of inoiiii- 11.?I iilnn's. IiiIIN KKI.I mi.i., i. IMm'-st.. Now York. so|i| in MrnuKisis. Solo w.mii loi til. I nil. it stati s. I*ti. f tint* Puller pot nottio. sonii tot Clroulitr. w. , H. BAI OTFKRS TIIE L lll Spring and SSn ' In nil tlio Departments BOUGHT IF I am prepai Extraordinary To purchasers. For style! * LOW P] Call ami examine for yourselves. SPRING, 1873. I invite your uttention fo my j SPRING STOCK OF f , | I>ress Goods, . ! PRINTED LAWNS, PRINTS, EMBROIDERIES, j " Laoes, Hosiery Gloves, Handkerchiefs and White Goods, ALSO. Men's and Boy's Wear. Cottouades, "Plain and Fancy Drills. Tweeds and t'assimeres Ilats and Olotliing-, In great variety. Together with ] JM A FULL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. ( The above, with many other desirable articles. too numerous to mention, have been recently selected with great care and will be sold at the most reasonable prices. ' I respectfully solicit n call. ROBERT M. KENNEDY. \ March 27. tf. EXTRA OFFER! NIKON ? ANNUAL. | OINTltllHTION. TIIE riTROMO "Cl'TE'^ ELEGANTLY ' FR \MI'D AND A SHAKE IX THE UISTKIIJCTION OF 8730 PREMIUMS AMOUNTING TO $41,000. GIVEN AWAY TO Every subscriber to that Popular Weekly OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Chromos are delivered at once. The distribution will POSITIVELY take place on the 20lh DAY OF AUGUST EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THREE. OUR t'HRO.MO "CUTE" is 10x20 inches in size, acknowledged to be the finest ami hand- J sotnest picture ever given with any paper OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND is an eight page il- I lust rated family and storv weekly in its third j volume, has now over SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND subscribers. and rapidly increasing, which insures the success of the present distribution. The Publishers of Our Fireside Friend liavo sent to its subscribers this year over saveuty thousand copies of the chronto "Cute" and are shipping hundreds every day. Subscription price, three dollars per year, which gives the subscribers FIFTY-TWO number.- of the be-i Family Weekly, the chromo "Cute" finely framed, and a numbered Cnrtiticnte entitling the holder to one share in the distribution of premiums for 1873. Subscribe now with the agent or send direct to ibe Publisher. Specimen copies, particulars, etc.. sent free. % A PVWTQ <>vo,.v '?wn??r A IT Hi il I ij traveling. Large rash pay and W A ATT' 1? Tl al premium* I'm-{Tilingup IT All 1 EiU ' lulis The Im'si outlit. Send Send iti once lor Term ami particulars. Address W ATE US \ ('o., I'uKs. Chicago, III. June 12-tf * aiVEN AWAY. A Finn Garraau Chromo. We euJ mi i:ie;':ii,l Clnoino. mutinied ;iml ready lor li.tilling, lire lo every Agent. MiENTS WANTED KM: UNDERGROUND, I ME, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACEP.Y TIIOH. W. KNOX. '' IJ Pages Octavo 1:HI Fin. Engravings. 1 ) 1)1. \ I I Incidents and Areidenl < hyond the |\ Light <ii Day Startling Adventures in all pan ol die World; Mine.'and Mode of Working 11lieni; l mleiviirrcni ok 2}ocioiyk usuiwinu ma? iM llm-nr*; t'avfi ii ';iu>l lln-ir M.v^lorios; Tin' I'.irk Wax- t.l U; l'ri?iiiis ami ilnir | Si'tia-i ; |?ou II i II | lie 11, |,| ||? 11|(> Son ; >'1I'M Dp < j Nturii ?> ?il' ilic Ili'i 11i >ii <il Crime. Tin* book I real n! <\|'( i ii iK < v. lilt l.i ifini'l- : uii-lil. in opium in ninl ' itiililiti' lir||?; I j t<> in pii-nii: >1.1111' ,,t' i \ i|i ; H.h.lilHIti Mill. IJtr I tl" 'journey J III mil ii Sow11 an.I C'.itai i iuli*: lU'ri I 'I.'iiIm in ini?i. piralosami pinny : loiium i>I I lie iii-1iii iii<-n : won.Ireful linplaiii-: lilulerI w >.i!.I til I In' i tail lit if* oil-. Ui'uani ajiiii< lop ilii.i work on uliioh wo | jiixe \i-l 11 -i\ Irrili.ry. Agent* fall Illlike MlMI | I a uock in M'llinjr llii< I Sriitl for l irtuiai s ill.I >pifial Iortii* in ajji'iiis. .1. Ii. lit'Jilt \ II \ |)K. 11 till fin .1. Omni.. or rliirnpo. Ill: AHC1IC SODA-WATER, Pure Ice-Cold Soda-Water l'iiiiiioiiifi'il uiu'M'olli'.l 1*v all wlin liavc .Irank it. i iiiii Im> luni at all liom - iliirinj: ilio 'lav niter In ui'l.ii-k. at ilir I i neerx all.I Coiiti'i-lionci v lore ..I I' i'. KIKKI.Kt. \jt'. Max _"' ii lii the Workman lUiiMing. RUCH tGEST STOCK OF ) -i * iixitiier Goods, i a romplelete. Having 'OB CASH, ' , . . I ? ed to offer ' Induoomonte and more especially for RICES, H. BARTJCH. Change of Schedule 4'OWIbi r**? +jui mwt MM ihw? SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAO 9 COLUMBIA, 8. C., June 26, 1873. CHANGE of schedule to go into effect on and after Sunday the 21Hh inst. Mail and Passenger Train. Leave Columbia at 5 30 a. m. Arrive at Charleston nt 1.10 p. m. Leave Charleston at 6.60 u.m. Arrive nt Columbia at 1.45 p. m. NIGHT EXPRESS. Freight and Accommodation Train {Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7.15 p. m. Arrive nt Charleston at 6.15 a. m. Leave Charleston at 7.10 p. m. Arrive at Columbia at 6.15 a. m. Camden Accommodation Train. . ? VHl run through to Colnmbia, Monday, Wednesday and Suturdny as follows: Leave Camden at 3 45 a. m. Arrive nt Columhia nt 8^40 a. m. Leave Columbia at 10 40 a. m. Arrive at i amden At 8 -15 p m. A. L TYLER, Vice President. S. B. Pickens, G. T. A. Gen'l. Supi's. Office. . (VILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R, It. Co - WI&MINGTON, tfay 31, 1873. CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. The followiug schedule will go intoeff'ct on 1:25 . M., Monday, 16th inst. DAY EX PRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) .eavc Wilmington 8:34 a. m. irriveat Florence 9:32 a, m. Arrive at Columbia - 3:15 p.m. .eave Columbia 6.30 a.m. Arrive at Florence 11:80 p. m. Vrrive at Wilmington 8:15 p.m. s'IOIIT EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY, (Sundays Excepted) Leave Wilmington 5:45 p. m. Arrivent Florence 11:20 p. it. Arrive at Columbia 3:42 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 8:20 a. m. Leave Augusta 5:50 p. m Arrive at Columbia 10:35 p. m Arrive at Florence 2:20 a. m Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 a. * JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l. Superin't . CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R R. General SrPRBiXTRNiuKT'ii Office, Columbia, September 22, 1872. wnis Ou and after Sunday, September 22, the trains ibis road will run in accordance with the following "Time Table:" ooixn soi'Tii. Train No. I. Train No. 2. Leave Charlutie 8 00am 8 20pm ' Columbia 2 40 p ui 3 30 a m Arrive at Augusta. 7 45 p m 8 20 a m r.nixo north. Train No. 1. Train No. 2 Leare Augusta. 0 35 am o60p m " Columbia, 11 53 pnt 1105p w Arrive at Charlotte, 0 15 put 0 00 a tu Stuudurd time, ten uiinutee slower than Wash, ington city time, ami six minuter faster than Co lumbia city time. " t Train No 1, daily; train No 2. daily, Sundays excepted. Doth trains make close connect ion to all points North. South and West. Through tickets sold ami bmrptge cheeked to nil principal points. E. P. ALEXANDER, General Superintendent. R-E. Dun sky, ci en. F. A: T. Ageut. (ar?Hkuvilltk and Columbia Railroad. Cot.i MiitA. S. C., September 5, 1372. Daily. Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on the Smith Carolina Railroad, up nml ilowu; nl.-o with trains going North ami South on Churl otto. Coliuiihia nml Aagusta Kailloud. mid Wilmington, Columbia ami Augusta Kailroail. n? LcnveColumhia at 7.16*a- m. Leave Alston U.06 a. in Leave Nowherry 10.40 a m Leave Coke bury 2 00 p tu. Leave lleltuti " 8.60 p m Arrive at Greenville at 5.30 p in DOWN. Leave Greenville at 7-80 a ml l.iave Helton 0.30 a tn. Leave Cokesbury 11.16 a m Leave Newberry 2.30. p m. Leave Alston 4.20 p in. Arrive at Columbia *>.00 pm. Atultrsou Branch ami Blue Kahje I it riturn. I.F.AVK Walhalla 5 15 a m. Arrive 7 lop m Perry v illo (5 25 a in. Leave i> 85 p ut lVmileloii 7 10 a m. Leave f> 60p m \n l. i-. n S It* a in. Leave 4 50 p m Vr. at ilelloii <10 a ut. Leave 3 50 p in Aeertmnioilatinn Trains on Abbeville'Branch Won.lavs. Welonsilijs nml Fridays. on Anderson branch, between Helton and Anderson. on Tuesdays, Thursdays nud Saturdays. THUS. D01> WIKAD. Genl. Supt. J i i: rzN'o rtos, Genl. Ticket Agt, A CARD. TUG uinier-igncd offer for sale at the lowest figures for cash. Groceries. Dry Goods, Shoes, Hardware. Crockery. Saddlery. &e.. &c\ and solicit a share of public patronage. Hilars \ billings. V. 1.. Phelps and W. M. Billings are duly authorucd to act a-- our agents, ami are empowered t<> sitru the name of the tirm iu purchases aud settlements. II. A. PHELPS. M. A. BILLINGS. S. A HKSAI'SSPKE. June o it