University of South Carolina Libraries
/ > Church Directory. Methodist Church, DcKalb street?Rev R. L. Harper, Paster?Services at 10* A. M and 7 J M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wed nesdav at 4 P. M. v Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? Rev. S. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10} A. M. and 5 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 5 P. M. Episcopal Church. Corner of Lyttleton and Laurens streets, Rev. B. F. D. Perry, Sunday services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 5} P. M. On Wednesday evening at 8} o'clock and Friday morning at 10 A M. MEETINGS. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. ? Attend the Regular Meeting. /\ ofyour Division at Temperance on MONDAY evening next, at 7 } o'clock. ?SBEEk By order ot the W. P. J. L. BRASINGTON, R. S. LOCAL' JTEWS. Post Office.?Until farther notice the t rVDC? ?:n Ka niw>n d&ilv during th j rosv vswtc nui w ~r? v _ week from 8 a. m. to 12 nr., and from 3 p j m. to 7 p. m. On Sunday from 9 to 10 a J m. The mails close daily at 7 p. m. Sons op Tkmpkranck.?A public meoting of the Sons of Temperance will be held this morning, at 10 o'clock. A procession will be formed at Odd Fellows' Hall by the members of the Grand and subordinate Divisions, march to the Academy grove, where an address will be delivered by Prof. J. H. Carlisle, of Wofford College. From the reputation of this distinguished speaker and friend of temperance, we hope our citisens will show their appreciation of the opportunity thus afforded them, and would suggest that the stores be closed from 10a.m. to 2 p. m. " ?11 mar have an opportunity of Ul VIUC1 VUHV M?. ?... _ __ J ? . Kttending. Bon. W. Z. Leitner will also ^wfSdress the meeting. With two such speakQPers, we may confidently expect a rare intellsctual treat. . Struck bt Lightning.?A large pine tree onLyttleton street, near the Methodist Parsonage, waa struck by Kghtning daring the rain on Sunday afternoon last. This makes the eighth object struck within our corporate limits daring the present rammer. Mills Burnt.?We regret to learn that the saw and grist mills with the gin house attached, of K. H. Corbett, near Spring Hill, Sumter O^tj, werejet on firejnd entirslj. consumed on Monday night last, with their oontents. Besides his gin and other articles of value, Mr. C. lost his sapply of corn, a loss which, at his advanced age. he is illy able to bear. Rxnovating.?We were pleased to see, yesterday morning, several workmen engaged at the poet office, in making some needed repairs and alterations, and otherwise adding to its comfort and convenience. We noticed some half do ten gloomy faces and considerable eommotion on onr streets last Monday morning. Upon inquiring, we learned that the Deputy Sheriff was "hunting up" a jury to try the case of Simon Wolfe v?. Mrs. Amelia Hywan, for assault and battery upon 8. Wolfe's infant child.? We repaired forthwith to the Court House, where justice is dispensed "very muchly," and with all the deference imaginable krpt quict, but not so with the prosecutor or the . ii-i n defendant, for it wm witb difficulty mat nm Honor, the Jndge, oonld maintain order, or the counsel could be heard, for "ever and anon" they were interrupted by either one aide or the other, indeed, we wore sorry for the aforesaid jury, for one side was bad and the other worse, and from what we could sec. this is all that decided the jury. After a long and varied testimony and lengthy pleading, the case was handed over, and in a short while the jury returned a verdict of guilty, and she was fined nineteen 80-100 dollars including the costs, Ac. So endeth the chapter. * Cool and Refreshing?Kirkley's Arctic Soda Water. Sooth CarolAa Loan ami? Tirar Company C'h ARI.KRTOJI, 8. C.?Wf would call the special at ntion of our reader* to the advertisement c the above Company in another column. It offer* inducement* and security for the investment o! savings such a? oto rarely to be met with. In terest on deposits at six per cent., coinpoum quarterly, is in itself a handsome returned, whili the depositor is able to rest satisfied that he ii unning absolutely no risk at all. For in addition to the fact that the Directors and Trustee are among the most prominent and trust worthj business men of Charleston, the whole amount o the banking capital, viz: $300,000, is a security for all deposits in'the Savings Department. The attention of our readers is called to t) advertisement of Messrs. I. U. Hall & Co., o Charleston. 0. U. mis n:m nas uccii ivug oua favorably known to the building community o that city, and are now prepared to furnish fron heir Build er's Emporium, articles in daily de mand, such as Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Hardware White Pine, Fancy Lumber Flooring, Boards ke- They are also Agents for Asbestes Root ing. Fell, and Lining?an excellent subgtitut for Shingles, Tin and Lath. We say to allii want of anything in their line, send for thei Circular and Price List. List op Goods always on hand at P. P Toale's Builder's Emporium, Charleston, S. C. Poors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Brack-1 ets, Stair Railings, Newels, Posts and Stair Balusters, of his own manufacture, and satisfaction guaranteed. And tho following direct from the manufacturers : Window Glass, Builders' Hardware, Marble and Slate Mantelpieces, Drain Pipe, Encaustic Floor Tile. Wire Guards for More f ronts and all articles needed in completing a first class house. Price list sent free on applica tion. {Medicinal Poisons on the Wane. The patriarchs took no mercury, no bismuth, o iodine, nonostrychn ir,romidb m,ue of potassi no quinine. Ilappy old gentlemen! they dinot even know of the existence of these "specifics," and yet they lived until it seemed as if Death had forgotten them. Their medicines were herbs and roots. They have left this fact on record, and the world seem% to be now taking note of it and returning to the first principles of medication. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, the purest and most efficacious vegetable restorative of the day, is also the most popular. Thousands of persons who only a few years ago believed imnlicitlv in all the noisons which figure in the pharmacoepia, now pronounce this palatable tonic and alterative and all-sufficient remedy for dyspepsia, nervous debility, constipation, bilious complaints, headache, intermittent fevers, and all the ordinary disturbances of the stoma c the liver, the discharging organs and the brain The time is not far diBtant when most of the powerful and venomous drugs now so recklessly administered by practitioners of the "heroic" school, in cases that might easily be controlled by milder treatment, will be utterly discarded by airphilosophical physicians. As it is, the thinking public, who are generally ahead of the professionals, have already put the dangerous preparat ions aside and adopt ed Host ett er's Bitters in their stead as a safe and excellent household medicine, adapted to almost every ailment except the organic and deadly contagious diseases. For more than twenty years this famous* restorative and preventive has been annually strengthening its hold upon the public and it now takes the lead of every advertised | medicine manufactured in this country. For Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Depression of Spirits & General Debility, in their various forms, Ferro-Puosphobat?i> Elixir of Calisaya made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, fcnd sold by all druggists, is the best tonic. As a atimulent tonic for patients recovering from fever or sickness, it has no equal. If taken during the season it prevents fever and ague and other intermittent fevers. Masonic Lodge in Jerusalen.?For several years the Freemasons in America, who constitute about half of the million upon the face of the earth, have been interested in the project of establishing a lodge in Jerusalem the ancient home of the order. Upon the 7th of May, Mr. John Sheville, who was sent from this country for that purpose, accomplished what the order had so long wished for, organised the Royal Solomoo Mother Lodge, No. 293, in the Royal. Quarry, under the city,'and initiated a candidate. The cave which was made the meeting place of the fraternity is an immense quarry of which history or tradition gives no record since the first or second century of the Christian era, until within a few years, when it was discovered by Dr. Barclay, an American missionary. It is thought by some safV>of if <rna from fbia mammoth and ir regular cavern that the building material for Solomon's Temple camo, and if so, there is a most interesting propriety in devoting it to a perpetuation of these mystic rites which are claimed to have orgsnated with this aincient monarch. The candidate who was initiated on* the day of organization, was a resident of Jerusalem and a gentleman of distinction. All the Master Masons who arc members of the American Holy Land Exploration, about 2,000 iu number, are declared linnnpsrr members of the new Lodere. The Sultan, Abdul Aziz, favors the ancient craft, having commanded one of his favorite secretaries te join somejfycars sinco and report the general charactor of the order. Learning that it was anything but revolutionary, ho has ever since been its patrons in the Bast, the new branch will doubtless flourish. Baltimore is beginning to show signs of vigorous progress as a commericial port. Thus duriug the month of June tho custom dues paid at the Baltimore Custom House amounted to 8008,052, or an excess of 17,000 over June of last year. The value of the foreign export for the past six months is $9,432,206, an excess of $100,000 over the values of the same months in 1K72. Tho vtfc lue of tho foreign shipments for June of this year, was $1,810,230, showing an increase over tho same month in 1872 of 8294,047. Much of this increase of the trade of Baltimore is due to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, which iB straining every point to attract both the export and import trade. It will yet make Baltimore one of the great shipping ports of the country. A Paris correspondent assures the fashionable world that "there has been a regulat collaspc in the fashions; the bu?tle has ex 1 plodcd, and now tho women cannot coax * their skirts to lie too flat. Tho trimming is i all at the bottom of the skirt and put on af f full as possible, so as to stand very stiff. The sash is worn around the dress, just above the I knee, tied on the sides with a how ami ends ? No dress is considered elegant that has not n 4 sweeper at the bottom of the skirt. For ovon ing robes it is made of lace and other rieli , quillings. Tho walking costumes arc nl1 f worn short and just escape the ground, which f to say the least, is a clean fashion." Notice to Trespassers. 1 AM persons are forbidden entrance on any o f my lands to fish, hunt, or for any oilier purposi 1 without a written permission from me. I'artiei r disregirding this notice will he dealt with ac f cording to law. SAM'L. W. BREWER. 1 July 17 miExecutor's Notice. All persons having demands again*! the os e tate of Mr*. June Knox, lute of Kershaw, <le Q ceased, will present the same according to law and those indebted will inakc paymont to p TH08. W. CRICK, Kx'or. July 17 4t, NOTICE. HAVING purchased the entire stock of merchandise of Messrs. J. I. Middleton ft Co., in Camden, we have this day formed a co-partnership under Hie firm nameof Phelps ft Billings, for the purpose of conducting a general Merchandise and Commission business. H. A. PHELPS, M. A. BILLINGS, S. A. DESAUSSURE. Camden, June 1, 1873. [June 6-tf. vAnrTnv. VJLA^/JU IS hereby given that the co-partnership hitherto existing under the firm-name of W. P. REED & CO., has been dissolved, W. F. Reed having sold'out his interest. The liabilities of the firm are assumed by K. E. Meroney, who will continue the business carried on at the Camden Steam Works. W. F. REED. K. E. MERONEY. July 4. tf. DON'T FAIL TO CALL AT TIIE {Cheap Cash Store OF. D. W. JORDAN, Agt. First-rate Quality RIO COFFEE, 25 oents per pound?4 lbs. for 81. Fine grades of . FAMILY FLOUR, CHOICE c. SIDES, The best in the market. A complete assortment of FRESH CRACKERS, SUGAR JUMBLES\ SUGAR NIC NACS, # GINGER SNAPS, LEMON CRACKERS\ $C. PURE KEROSENE OIL, 4 ' Always on band, at 40cents pergallon. A choice line of the GROCERIES usually kept in a First Class Grocery Store. ESTATE MALE. BY authority of J. F. Sutherland, Sudge of the Probate Court for Kershaw county, 1 will sell at publie iutcry at the late residence of Elias Brannon, deceased, on Lynches Creek in said county, on SATURDAY, the 2d of August, prox.? 150 bushels CORN, F 10 bushels TEAS, 200 pounds BACON, 7fl rw-mnds nf TjARD. 800 pounds of FODDER, 1 barrel FLOUR, 14 head of SHEEP, 18 head of HOGS, 7 head of CATTLE. Terras?One-third cash: balance on a credit of four months, interest from date, note wit! two approved sureties. JAMES CLYBURN, Admr. July 10. 4t. ' SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of an execution to mc directed ] will proceed to sell, before the Court House ir Camden, on the first Monday in August, beinf the fourth day of said month, during the lega hours of sale, thirty-two town lots situated ii the town of Camden and numbered in the plat o said town, number 303 three hundred and sixty three to number394threehundredud ninoty-foui inclusive, and bounded North by Bullsiraet.Souil by Meeting street, east by T.yttleton street, am West"by Market street ; levied upon and to bi sold for town taxes, ns the property of unknowi parties. Terras Cash SAMUEL PLACE. July 10td S K i'. SHERIFF'S SALE. BV virtue of sundry executions to mc directci I will proeeeil to sell in from or tnc couri nous door in Camden, on the first Monday in Angus next, being the fourth day of said month, dnrinp the legal hours of sale, the lands of the late Ste phen F Olyburn deed., lying in Buffalotownslii] in Kershaw county, containing fourteen hundrei acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of be vi Phillips, llussel Sowoll, William fiowoll, am others: levied upon nnd to be sold as the prop erty of the said Stephen F Clyburn deed., at tin suit of J L Folk & Co., and Uaviland, Steven & Co., Homestead claimed in this land, and nil be set ofT before sale.?Tbrms Cash. ? ' ""er i>r ?ep ? D.\ Munu I u;i? 14. julylOfd 8. K.J\ 1 State of South-Carolina, (OIM'V OF KCItNII tn . Court of Common Pleas ' COPY SUMMONS FOR RELIEF?NOT BERVEI JAMES CHESNUT, Ei'.or., PLAINTIFF, l Against i Thomas E. Ilaile, Serena II.tilt*. lib wife, II , F. Taj lor, Amelia Taylor, hi? wife, Bcnjami Kaile, Thomas Ilaile, James llnile, Lnwreuc Ilnile, William llnile, Mary Ifnile, Waller Mailt Charles Ilaile,(leorgc Ilaile, Sydney Ilaile, Evan l Ilaile, Carol Ilaile, Thomas Chesimt, Alexin . Chesnut, William Chesnut, Thomas Chesnut, jr. i John Chesnut and Ellen Chesnut, James CheI nut, James Chesnut, jr., Amelia Chesnut, an John Chesnut, jr., Nellie Ilaile and John (' > Ilaile, Mary B- Chesnut, Assignee, David li Williams, John Maeitae, Assignee, and Chat Ihtto* II. Taylor, Defendants. To thc o/iove vavtril Dcfnulunts in thit actio) You are hereby summoned ami required to an C swer the complaint in this action, which, togelli j, or with the summons, was tiled at Camden. F g C., on the 1st day of July, 1in the Offic . of the Clerk of the Court of Common IMea for the inid county, and to serve a copy of you answer on the subscribers at their office on broa . _ n?i? ? o uithin rwcntv dnvs al pircei, in i, u, v., , ter the service of this summon-; on you, exclii of the day of service. If you "fail to answar this complaint within th i- time aforesaid, the |>laiiiiiti? wilt apply to th - Court for the relief demanded in the complaint Dated July 1, 187-'i SHANNON h -I.INNINO, riaintiff 's Attornoys. July 10. Ot. -j^New Advertisements Working class *r>o a week guaranteed' Respectable employment at home, day or evening; no capital required; full instructions and valuable package otaoods sent free by ttrail. Address with six cent return stamp, M. YOUNG A CO., 1 VP. Greenwich st., N. Y. "WtCHOMANCYor SOULCH AK.MING,' Bow either sex may fascinate ami gain the love aiid affections of any person they choose instantly. This simple mental acquirement nil cnn possess, free by mail, for 25, together with a marriage gutSe, Egyption Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding.Night Shirt, &c. A queer hook, addrps, T. WILLL4M k Co., Pubs. Phil., Pa. TfiWie All Spriis-Va. This celebrated watering place is now open to receive guests. Those who are afflicted with Scrofula, Glandular Swellings, and Cutaneous Eruptive Diseases, Erysipelas, Tetter, Eczema, Ac., Chronic Diarrhoea, and Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis. Chronic Thrush, Dropsy and Piles, shonld lose no time In coming to this fonntaln of health to be healed. For the cure of many of the above diseases, this water stands tinrivallodaraong the Mineral Water of the United States. JAMES A, FRAZIER, Proprietor. r~N]ElYEE, iQpglect a Cough, Nothing is more certain to lay thefoundation for future evil consequences. Wells' Carbolic Tablets arc* sure cure for all diseases of the Respiratory Or gani, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Diphtheria. Asthma "" U tf'-'-aAnnofl T\w?nnDi> fhnThPAQt vV i iwl ni n<? V.HUU1U, IKI.ll ncilcm. i.1 vi a. ... w, or Bronchial Tubes, and all Diseases of the Lungs. jam cases of sudden cold, however taken, these* TABfeTS shonld he promptly and freely used. They equi fize the clrcnlatiou of the ldood, mitigate the sever! y of the attack, and will, in a very short time, restor i healthv action to the affected organs. . W ill's C arbolic Tablets are put np only in blue box) b. Take no substitutes. If they cant lie found at voul rirugglflfs, send at once to the agent in new Vo? t who will forward them by return mail. Dwt be Deceived by Imitations. Soltl by druggists. Price 28 cents a box. JOtiN q. KELLOGO, 19 Flatt-st., New-York, Send for Circular. Sole Agent for United States. t CHOLERA AND EPIDEMIC DISEASES 4 Prevented by Using BROMO-CHLORALUM, rm . \T AJ 1 . vr n - lie new utiuriwss nuii-rui*uiiuii? POWERFUL Deodorizer and Disinfectant Its "dally use destroys all ?ad odors and poislnons emanations about your premises, and thereby .prevents rontafion and disease; ronuius no poison and has no odor f Its own. Dr. hkoi'kgit, a eeiel>ratcd writer 011. Cholera and Yellow Fever, maintains that a tew drops of Hhosjochmmui.rx In a tnmt>leo of water, drank dally, will prorqfcsure protection from these diseases. T Prepared only by TILDEN A CO., Sotfffcy all druggists.* New York. .4 J If Agent? pj Wanted for (AIMS ? XINNERS / OP THE U BIBLE. d, analysed and portrayed as real men and women. Jnst Uke Saints and Sinners of our own day.? OrtffiAl, Raor, s:rikinar and Popular. Iteads like a Novel. Bind for rirrutar. ZEIOLEK A M'CURDY, 818 Arch s., Philadelphia, Pa. . numerous tests nave proved Nff.'Burnham's New Turbine I ^iL WATER WHEEL TBest Ever Invented. AIMUIKSH, YORK. PA A The startling drawback on nearly all medicinal agents , has ever been that In their process of purgation and purification they have also debilitated the system. To i obvlatcthls dltnctlltyi physicians have long sought for an agent that would Purge, Purify and Strengthen, At one anil tho same time. Their research has at last been rewarded by a discovery which fully realizes the ^fondest desires of the medl cai faculty, and wnicn is jusuy reganieu m uie uium Important triumph that Pharmacy has ever achieved [ Thin Important desideratum Is > Dr. Tuffs Vegetable Liver Pills. ' Which parlfv the blood and remove ail corrupt humors 1 and unhealthy accumulations from the body, and yet 1 produced no weakness or lassitude whatever. Put on f the contrary tones the stomach nnd invigorates the 1 body during the progress of their operation. They unite the heretofore irreconcilable qualities of a r STRENGTHENIJfO PURGATIVE and a PURIFYING TON IC. 1 Dr. TUTTS PILLS are the most active and search1 Ing medicine in existence. They at once attack the 3 root of diseases, and their actioh is so prompt that in an hour or two afier they are taken the patient la 1 aware of their good effects. They may be taken at any time without restraint to diet or occupation; they produce neither nan?oa, griping or debility, and as "a . family medicine have no rival. l'rice 25 eenls n box. Sold by all Druggists. Principal Oftic 18 nnd 20 Plat't-st., New York. 11 Is the most powerful cleanser, strengthenes and remover of Ulandular obstructions known to Materia Medina. It is specially a?lopte(| to constitutions "worn down" ami debilitated by the warm weather of Sprlnjr and summer, when the Mood is not in active circulation, consequently (fathering Impurities from sluggltshnosa ami Imperfect action of the seercllve ortruns, and is I iu:itilf> sled ??.v Tumors, Kruptions, Rlotches, Rolls, i'lisiules, Kcrqfiila, Ac., Arc. When weary and lantruid from overwork, and dullness, drowsiness ami Inert ia'take the place of energy and vitror. 111" system needs a tonic to imiid it up anil help the Vital Forces to regain thelh recuperative power. In the heat of Summer, frequently the i.tvkr mid i si'i.i.'KN do not properly perform their functions; the rtcriiie and Urinary Organs arc inactive, priMluciutr weakness of the stomach uml intestines ami a pre-dlsposilion to hilious derangement. 1>V. WETJaS' ; EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA aji- riiK.i'AHKD DiixECTi.v from the std'TII AMKfllt'AN j I I.AN T and Is peculiarly suited to all lliesedillirultles; ii rii'iiiiHUM inc v ri i.\ ir;ii 111 <>i?i?. Mtrenirinoiimi; me ' I.IKIvdlMNU llrtVKKS, :in?1 RK.MOVK Al.l. Oll<1 ?YM'? TONH from IMPA1UKI) AND FN FFKIIU-.'I) !. orifaii*. If should be taken freely tuicon, as .Jiinrbelia is pro noiierd liv medical writer* the moat finch-nt Pl'ItlFIl.ll, TONK'atid DKOIIHTUl KM' known in (lie whole i autre of medicinal plants. .IOUN y. K Fl.l.otiti, 1 h Platt-st., New York. s?dd by liniirirwts. Sole Ajfciit^for the I'nited State*. priee One Dollar |ter liottle. Send for cirenlnr. w. F! SARATOGA APERIENT In tlo-'foriu of a p i-owvkk or the Saratoga Mineral sprlnir Wat era, and s 1' r used for the name purposes. Compact and Portable (' Prepared only by'titto. II. Flan A Sov. Saratoitu springs. r-1 ? ... N. Y. Sold l.jr Druirplsts {r'Titv it. 3m. e CM " to $20 PKR 1> \\ ' Ap;rnts wanleil. All p ff) *) classea of working people, of either pes, I. voting or old, make more money nt work for us in their spare moments, or alHIic time, tlnin nt any tliimy else. Particulars free. Address 0. STINTOX Sl CO., Portland, Maine. September 19. 12m. L I I TWTfi ? X l&JLk? KJ IS RESER\ BAUM i Who are now o SPRING AND St BAUM # % H. BAI OFFERS THE EAR Spring a, nd Sui In all the Departments c BOTJGET B I am prepare Extraordinary To purchasers: For styles LiOW PI Call and examine for yourselves. Camden, March 20. I SPRING, 1873. I I invite your attention to uiy spring Stock of Dress Goods, PRINTED LAWNS, ^ PRIJfTS, EMBROIDERIES Laces, Hosiery Gloves, " " '? A J_ Handkerchiefs and White uooas, ALSO. Men's and Boy's Wear. Cottonades, Plain and Fancy Drills; Tweeds and Cassimeres Hats anil dotliingf, In great variety. Together with A FULL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. The above, with many other desirable articles, too numerous to mention, have been recently selected with great care and will be sold at the most reasonable prices. I respectfully solicit a call. ROBERT M. KENNEDY. March 27. tf. ARCTIC SODA-WAT LK, Pure Ice-Cold Soda-Water. (Pronounced unexcelled by all who have drank it,) can he had at all hours during the day alter 10 o'clock, at the Grocery and Confectionery store of D. C. KIllKLEV, Agt, May 20-tf In the Workman Building. SOMETHING NEW. AX elegant Album for 25 t ents, holding L'l full sized card?, bound in full gilt cover and sold at* the low price of cents, suitable for the pocket or centre table. Order a sample sent by mail, post paid on receipt of Ho cents. 3 for fit) cents, or ti for $1. Address, BURROW & CO. Baltimore. Md. Brif Agents Wanted. Catalogues of Books, l'ictiures &c\, sent. June 12-3 2. KERSHAW & WORKMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, CAMDEN, S. C. 1 f<.run-,1 a eoiiartnor 1 ship under the above name. will give their attention to collections, conveyancing, business in tin- Slate Cnii its or I lie I niictl Si ales Courts, Pensions, Hulliiiy Claims ami all oilier mailers enirii-leil to litem professionally. .?. H. KERSHAW. W. 11. It. WORKMAN. March 7. Hino FOR SALE. Thai resilience on DeKnllt street next to the Mehnilisl'Church. Terms Ihvnrnble. Apply lo May 'JJ tf Wm. CLV1II RN. Kriislics Ac. English ami French llnir ami Teeth Urn-hoe of nllr qualities. Whitewash, l'aint aiul "ors^ i Bushes, a very large assor:ment. For sale-hy November 2H. 1I0D0S0N' \ 1)1'NLA P. * ' * I 1 ' ' / _.s ' 1873. PACE * . % rEP FOR BRO., pcning their (MMER GOODS. BBO. * v . fc- * \ % *UCH GENT STOCK OF miner Goods, jomplekte: Having ^ 'OK/ CASE, ed to offer Inducements !, and more especially for eiices, ; i . , v .. jj , H. BARUCfl. tf EXTRA JFFER! SECOND * MMAL DISTRIBUTION. V . r A^UTASHARE IN THj?MS$RJIWY ON 0?S720J?BEMILTMS AMOUNTING TO $41,000. 6ITEH AWAY TO ... .' t Every subscriber to that Popular Weekly OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. Chromos are delivered at once. The distribution will POSITIVELY" take place on the 20th DAY' OF AUGUST EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THREE. OUR CKROMO "CUTE" is 16x20 inchei in size, acknowledged to be the finest and handsomest pic*, ore ever given with any paper OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND is an eight page illustrated family and story weekly in its third volume; has now over SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSANDsubscribers.andrapidly increasing, which insures the success of the present distribution. The Publishers of Our Fireside Friend bavo sent to its subscribers this year over seventy thous- , and copies of the chromo "Cute" and are ship- * ping hundreds every day. Subscription price, three dollars par year, which gives the subscribers FI FT\*-T WO numbers of the best Family Weekly, the chromo "Cute" finely framed, and a numbered Certificate entitling the holder to one share in the distribution of premiums for 1878. Subscribe now with the agent or send direct to the Publisher. Specimen copies, particulars, etc., sent free. A PIFWP^! In* every town, at home or A U Ml 10 traveling. Largec^h pay and WAUTuTI ^',eraI premiums for getting up IT Ail I Jail clubs. The best outlt. Send Send at once for Terms and particulars. Address WATERS & Co., Pubs. Chicago, I1L June 12-tf QI VEiX AWAY. I A Fine Gorman Chromo. We send an Elegant Chromo, mounted and ready lor framing, free to every Agent. AGENTS WANTED FOR UNDERGROUND, OR. ) LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE. BY TIIOS W. KNOX. ?J4J Pages Octavo. 130 Fine Engravings. RELATES Incidents and Accidents byond the Light of Day: Startling Adventures in all partsol'the World: Mines and Mode of Working them: Undercurrents of Society; Gambling and its Horrors; Caverns and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wickedness; Prisons and their Secrets; Down in the Depths of the Sea; Strange Stories of the Dcecltion of Grime. The book treats of experience with hrignnds: nights in opium dens and gauibling hells; life in prison; Stories of fxiles; adventures among Indian; journeys through Seweraand Catacombs: accidents in mines : pirates and piracy : tortures of the in<|uisition ; wonderful buglarics; underworld of the great cities etc., etc, . i? 'I*.. 11-..,- L- An u Itinli TrA Ml'W.'ini Ogl'lIU! Itu linn nvm v.. ......... cive exclusive teritory. Agents can make $100 a week in .celling this book. Semi for circulars and special terms to agents. J. II. BURR & IIVDE, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 1IIA OARp. 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