University of South Carolina Libraries
* I? ? II? tmm ! I ? I? II !? H II ? !! ! ITT Church I>irector.v. Methodist Church. DeKalb street?Rev R.. L. Harper. Raster?Services at 10} A. 31 antl 7 1 M. on Sunday ; Prayer Meeting Wed nesdav at I J'. M. l>resbyterian Church. l>cl\alb street? Rev. S. II. Hay. Pastor?Services at 10? A. M. and 5 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 5 P. M. KiMsrui'Ai,Cui'itrii. CoruerofLyttleton and Kanrons streets, Rv.v. R. F. D. Pf.kry. Sunday services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 53 I'. M On Wednesday evening at 8' o'clock and Friday morning at In A M. MEETINGS. SO>'S OF TEMPERANCE. Meeting of the Grand Division OP SOUTH-CAROLINA. ON7 Thursday. theL'4th insf., 11 public meeting of ilie Sons of Temperance will lose place in Camden; iho members ?,f the order will assemble at Odd Fellows Mall at 10 o'clock a. hi . and form in procession with the members of the <_}. 1'.. and march to the Academy grove, where speeches will he delivered at 11 o'clock. Members of surrounding Divisions, bynchwo" 1, Pinelree, Smyrna, Lancaster, Hanging Pnek. Flat Tloek. and all visiting brothers are invited to unite with Wateree Division in the procession. It i>- desirable that all should :?|?l?o:*r in full regalia. The public, and especially the ladies, are invited to be present. Seats will be prepared fur the audience. The Band of Hope is invited to juiii the procession, either at tlie hall, or at the cornet of Broad and BeKalb Streets. .1. W. McCri'RV. F. L. ZEM1', W. 11. R. W JTRKMAN, I!. MANN. w. n. McCHEIGIIT. Committee. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. A Attend the Regular Meeting, ofyour Division at IVvijarrmict Il'ifl ou MONDAY evening / JHhA next, at 7] o'clock. )>v order ot the W. J*. J. L BRASINGTON, R. S. IdK' Ui JfEWS. Post Office.?Until further notice the Post Office will be open daily during tl\ week from 8 a. in. to 12 111., and from 3 p m. to 7 p. m. On Sunday from 9 to 10 a ni. The mails close daily at 7 p. m. Camden Orphan Society Academy.? The vacation at this Academy commences this week and extends over the heated term; the exercises of the school commences on the 15th of September next tinder the control of Capt. John \V. Jamison. (.'apt. Jamison has had charge of this Academy just one year, and has succeeded ? - i?? ;? -4>rH?iiiNjf ii{ ;> imifcL uccJifm *cnoo' LMVing entire satisfaction to the liberal and patriotic society who controls the school and t<- j all the patrons of the institution. We hope and believe that under present auspiees a school will exist here soon, equal (O the ancient prestige of this Academy. In addition to a thorough classical course, ('apt. Jamison instructs most thoroughly in in French Drawings, Engineering&c.,branches which modern requirements make all important. (ti n friend Barueh has moved into his new store, and hopes soon to have the entire building completed. lie is always glad i<? s.-e his many friends and customers. Waterke Frek Rkidce.?Werejoiceon * * " * '1 - being authoritatively iniormcu mat me ; cial Com mission have every prospect of having this important work finished within a | very short time, loug before the business season commences. This bridge and the Special Commission, j wbo occupy a very arduous and thankless office, have had a very hard time. The elements conspired against them?First, tire burned the grand old bridge?second when, alter long hindrances, delays and vexations, the ways and means were devised, and threelift lis of the bridge were renewed, the watergod couics in his wrath and claims one-fifth of it. This did not appease his wrath; f<>r. during the long winter and spring, week after week, ho would rise from his lair roaring. threatened destruction to all that was left?hut when the ' onnnsssuui weui mm the . uunncr campaign with renewe?l energy an<1 hope, repelled the fire on one flank and the water on the other, the diseoiiiiitted foes withdrew and ail looked bright and prosperin:: when it was discovered that they had withdrawn hut to combine their forces?for soon, a ^rcat army under the name of ' I ire Water," came down upon the bridge, and ' 1 l.i.t it wl.u.,1 HI'mK II l'> IIH ? ' J ... f.?r "it w.i- i iuiiili' l uj? 'ii * rock Now. nil j_'oos merry a- ;< niarriape bell." and soon will be celebrated tbc ?.iiau<<>n?l wedding <>t ancient Camden ami the venerated Wester nam We are jjl-id to leeord that tlie South Carolina lltil K>ad C?.in]iaii\ have exhibited print liberality, and extended many fucilitieto th?'< .iiimis?i<>ti. and the Commission ajij.ri" iate most highly, the courtesy and cfli cicnt services of Mi I?e('aradenue, the accom]di-h? d entrineer < t that Couij?any. *tn 17s.; "iin* I' iin.{i n t'cirv u"n- vested in \V 1!i:iii< \\ ,lev .m l Joseph K? i-li.nv Tin- !' ?rlm-i "? ner of lli?* Kaitoi'ii liiiuk. iiii-l tin* latter i V. ..-i. i n I i11k mi (lie tVnterei- Itiver. On i!ii. t'erkiii" I'lantatinn on V.. .i. rn l ink inherited tronil-ol kei?l-nv. on the loll tlier- -inoil. or at least |.i ta town r tllo I hi lia'n # Sons of Tkmvkkanck.?The next meet-1 ing of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance, of this State, will hold its next meeting in this place, commencing Wednesday next at G o'clock P. M. A large number of delegates are expected, for whose accommodations ample arrangements have been made. On Wednesday night last, the Phoenix Hook and Ladder Company, Dr. A. A. Moore, Foreman, was out practicing. The moon being <>.? tin /nil, the night just suited for the purpose, and <;the boys" acquitted themselves very creditably. This is an important branch ol'the Fire Department, and it should be rendered as efficient as possible. ( >n Friday morning, at an early hour when > i?? u "the first grey streaks ot eariy aawn w??um have heen making their appearance, a heavy rain, attendee] with considerable thunder and lightning, set in and lasted nmre than an hour. Vegetation has since been shooting upward with renewed vigor. There were eight Life Insurance Agents in towtf one day last week. The first water melons of the season appeared on the street last wuek. Though tl.ey fire of a very inferior quality, the prices ranged high. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. % % The following preamble niul resolutions hnve beeto adopted by the Liberty Hill Grange, 1'. 11. Whereas, God in his invsterious providence t 1 * M.I K?aI1.a?> IIas reiiuivmi niuu uhi mi-i.-i, friend, Dr. Wm. W. Patterson: therefore, be it Kttolred. That while we mourn the death of our brother, we recognize the hand of Him who doeth all things well. Kindred. That In the death of brother Patterson, this Grange has lost an intelligent member and the community one whose attainments fitted him for much usefulness. AVW'W, That a page in our minutes be dedicated to his memory. Jiemdred, That a copy of this preamble and resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, and we tender to them our cordial and heartfelt sympathy in their sore bereavement. Resolved, That a copy be sent by the Secretary to the Camden Journal with a request that, they be published. W. K. THOMPSON, Secretary. ! (.lletlicinnl I'oisons on llie IVanc. The patriarchs took no mercury, no bismuth, o iodine, nouostrychn ir.romidb 111,110 of potass! no quinine. Ilappy old gentlemen! they dinot even know of the existence of these "specifics," and yet they lived until it seemed as if Death had forgotten them. Their medicines were herbs and roots. They have left this fact 011 record, and the world seems to be now taking note of it and returning to the first principles of medication. Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, the purest aud^iost efficacious vegetable restorative of the day. is also the most popular. Thousands of persons who only a few years ago believed implicitly in all the poisons which figurg in the pharmactepia, now pronounce this palatable tonic and alterative and all-sufficient remedy for j ileunei.^i'i nni'viiiioileliilifv i-nnstiimtliili bilbilis ' | , , ' , ;"?r ; ' I complaints. headache. intermittent fever j, nn<l all tho ordinary disturbances of tin* stouiac the liver, the discharging organs and the hrain The time is nut far distant when most of the j powerful and venomous drugs now so recklessly administered by practitioners of the heroie" school, in cases that might easily l.e controlled hy milder treatment, will In- utterly <liscarded i hy airphilosophical physicians. As it is. the | thinking public, who are generally ahead of the professionals, have already put the dan- I gerous preparationsnsidennd adopted Hosteller's Bitters in their stead as a safe and excellent household medicine, adapted to almost every ailment except the organ:e and deadly contagious diseases. For more than twenty rears this famous restorative and preventive has heen i annually strengthening its hold upon the public 1 and it now takes the lead of every advertised medicine manufactured in this country. Sot pit Carolina Loan ani> Thi st Comimny, Charleston, S. C.?We would call the special at ^ntion of our readers to the advertisement ? thenliove Company in another column. It i>fli-r-inducements and security for the investment ot savings such as are rarely to he met with, lnlerest on deposits tit six per cent., compound ?|iiarterly, i> in itself a handsome returned, while the depositor is aide to rest satisfied that he i'inning absolutely no risk at all. F"f in addi; tion to the fact that the Directors and Trustee are among the most prominent ami trustworthy i business men of Charleston, the whole amount of j the banking capital, viz: is a security I for all deposits in the Savings Department. For Losa <'f AppoLito, Dyspepsia. Indigos; lion. Depression of Spirits \ tiencral Debility, in their various forms, Fkiiu??-1*m?s*t'linu\tki? Hi.ixiu tif C \ va made by C \swki.i., II \zai:i> ? v ... i- .1. . . 1 i i i . // .: ?\ * ??., .M'W 1 u|h, aim rum ? > ?h <?i tij* heel loiiic. As :i >iiinu 1 -)it lonie for patient* reeiiverin<{ from fever or sit kit' -.-, it hus im topial. It taken tlurinn tin- season it prevents fever an<l ague ami other intermittent fevers. 'l ite attention of our rentiers is ealleil to tit j :elx t-fti- tin ilt of Messrs. I II. II >11 iV <V.? i>t t'liat le-loii. S. 'I'llis lirm ha- hfi ii lung tilcl f.iv oi iMy know n to the 1 uihling t ( iitiitittit y ol tit it eity. atel an- now |>te|>atei| itt fin ni*li ftoin iiejr lliiil I tr- I'in)><> iinn. at ti. 11 - >laily 'lei niiilel. iteli a* Itoi.r*.* islie* I 11II I . II ii'lwnie. white I'itie, K.niey l.iitnher Floorim/, I'nai >l*. \e- They .are also \geni* lor Asheste* Hoofing. I'.-li, ami Lining an eneelletii sithslitnle f >r Shingle*. Till atel l.atll We >'|V l? ail ill j want of aliyihing in their 1 iitseiel l><i their i i lenlar ami I'l ire |,is| I I i List f>F (iooiis ;?1 wav< on hand at I' I* 'Twiil- '- JluiMcr'i KiupMjiirji. n .irl? -f"ti. s' 1 1 >.>fn- Sashes, Minds. M-niMii.I'rm-k' ots. S'tnir Newels, iVts ami Staii J Mai utters, ol his mwii luanul'aotui--, .tin] n I i j tacti<-a otiarniifeed. Ami the followin;.-lire-it from the manufacturers : Window t-li--. MuiM'-rn Hardware, Marine and Slate Mantelpieces, Pram Pipe. Knoaustic | "*cr Floor Tile. Wire Guards lor Store Fronts and all articles needed in completing a first, class house. Price list sent free on application. 7" T DON'T FAIL TO GALL AT TIIE Cheap Cash Store 01' ! I>. W. JOItMK, Aa,t. Tirst-rate (Quality RIO COFFEE, 25 cent.- per pound?I ll>s. for 81. Fine jrrados of FAMILY FLOUR, (MIOH'K C* j&. SIDES^^ The best in the market. A complete assortment of FRESH CRACKERS, SUGAR .11'MULES, SUGAR NIC NACS, GINGER SNAPS, LEMON CRACKERS, <H' PURE KEROSENE OIL, \ Always on hand, at 40 cents per gallon. A choice line of the GROCKIUKS usually kopt in a First Class Grocery Store. "estate SA i.E. BY authority of J. F. Sutherland. Swlgc of the Probate Court for Kershaw county. 1 will'sell at public outcry at tlie late resilience of Blias Brannon, deceased, on Lynches Crock in said county, on SATURDAY, the 2d of Au^u-t. prn.\.? 150 bushels CORN, 10 Bushels PEAS. 200 pounds I?ACON, 70 pounds of LARD, 800 pounds of FODDER, 1 barrel FLOI'R, 14 head of SHEEP, 18 head of TIO(jS, 7 head of CATTLE. T^rin-?One-thinl casli: balance on :i crc-lit of four months, interest lium shite, uote with two upproveil sureties. .1 \MES rLVnUK.N", A'lm'r. July 10. It. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of an execution to" tne directed I will proceed to sell, b.-fore the Court House in Catiulen. on tiie first Monday in August, beinj: the fourth day of said mouth, during the legal hours of ?a!f. thirty.t wo Ior n lots situ.ited jn the town of Camden and numbered in the jilat of said town, number three hundred ami .sixtythree to number8fl-l threehundred ad ninety-foiii inclusive, ami bounded North by bull street.South by Meeting street, east by Lyttletoti street, and West-I.y Market street: levied upon and to be sold for town taxes, .as the property of unknown parties. Terms t'ash SAMl'EL PLACE, jttly 11?td S K SHERIFF'S SALE BV virtue of sundry .exectit ions to me directed j I will proceed to sell iu front of the court house , door iu Camden, on the first Monday in August I next, being the fourth tiny of said month, during I the legal hours of sale, the lands of the late Ste- | plien F Clyhnrn deed . lying in Muffalotnwnship j I iu Kershaw county, containing fourteen bund ted teres, more or less, ami bounded by lands of Lo- I l vi Phillips. Mussel Kowell, William "Suwell, and j others: ievietl upon and to besoltl as the prop- i erty of the said Stephen F Clybttrn tlced., at the suit of.I I. Folk \ Co.. ami llavilnml. Stevens x Co., Homestead claimed in this lamb ami will ! be set off before sale. Tkiois Cash. S \ Ml'EL PLACE. .1 niy "" i'i ? . State of South-Carolina, t Ol XTVOF lil'lKSH.nV. Court ol' Common Pleas. I'OI'V SIMMONS KOH KKLIKE. JAMES en ESN IT. PLAINTIFF. Apuinst Thomas K. I(mi]<*. Serena llaile, his uil'e. I!. I'. Taylor, Amelia Taylor, his wile, I'unjamin llaile, Thomas llaile. Jaines ll.iile, Laurence llailA. William llaile. Mary llaile. Waller llaile. Charles llaileJieorpe llaile. Sy<Iney llaile. Evan.- j llaile, Carol llaile. Thomas Chesnul. Alexina Cliesnnl, William Chesnul. Thomas Chesnul, jr.. John Chesnul ami Ellen Chesnul, Jaine- dies- I nul. .lames Chesnul, jr.. \melia Chesmit, ami John Che-nut. jr.. Nellie llaile ami John I'. J j llailc, Mary I!- < lie-nut. As-i^iier, I':1 vi<I i>. \V i ] 1 in in s. .1 1 ii "Nl nf It rt ? . A ?iniiee, iiti'l ("liarlot ic I!. Taylor, llvlVii'lant". I'" th> ii/i'ii ' iiiiiikiI !) / .i hnit* hi llu.s iii finti. ' Vi>n a re hereby Miiiimoiii'ii iiipI r?'i|iiirt'il to nn, -wor till* coiii|'laini in thi" a<ilnii. ?ii it'll. together with l^e Mit|iui<iii.-, n.ii lili'l at (*.1111'I<-11. S. j mi llic 1-1 ilnv of J illy. l>-7n, ill lilt' Ollire "t i lie Clerk of t In* iJmiri of C<hiiiiioii IMcas !'"i' tin* sai'l county, tin I In suave a ?*??|?\ of your a ii- vor on t lie Biilitcrilicrs ai I heir office on luaiail 1 reel. in Ctinnl n. S. ('.. \> twenty ilny- after the service ol llii- >liirnii Ii.- oil voll. cxrltil of I lie |:i V lit service. Ifyini tail to answer thi eoiii('laint within the lime nfore-ai'l. the jilainlitl will :i|?|?lv to I lit* I Cmirl for the relict ileiuaii'leil in the coin)>laiiit. halt.I July I. !v7o <11 vvv11v \ i iwiv'i; I'l.-i i it I i tl '? \ 11 iti _\ July I". <",(* NOTICE. n.w IN"?; |?ii?t?*? ! tii?' outi?=tii<*k < t lurr<-ii'iii>li-? < ! Mt's-r-. J. I. MiJilli'ttiii , ill ( 'illit'lcll, U <- liu vi- (111 - 'l:i V (' I in<* I :i < > |- I t iht-liip uiitli'i I hi' tirm iiiiiiic I'lii-l .V Hill: for ilif jiitr|*?> c 1.1' rniflii tin-' i ?.'iifi i! M. i j i-lniii l i "l < . mini 'iii 'if II \ I'llKI.I'S. M. \. HI I LINUS. ! s. I?i S \l SSI III! <' iiii'li'ii. June I. 1^7 I. |.litin- f ' It rushes. Ac. i Kn^li"li uml Frt ncli ll iir im<l Ti ' i li Hi ii-ln-s nf nil <|ii.ilitii->. Wliili u'u.xli. In nt iiifl 11 Hnmlit'i, :i v< i v lur^r n -fu .mi nt I ' 1? Nuv pnilicr if*. IIOImISUN ,V l?l NI.AI'.* HBT" i N ew ^S^^Pdernen ts \A/nRl/IMr, Pl^t male OH female VV U n i\ 11N V.1 L/ a week guaranteed : RcMpcctabh enipl"y;ne^^^;e. day or evening; no ; capital remind: lull io^^^^r-send valuable package . aa.Ij l'.ani fino 1.' ililvnej tt-ifli civ ocitl l*i?. I :?p, M. YOl'>^^^^Mfc%<:reenwiih St., N. Y. and MU'l nn11 This ?inipl^^^^^^^^K?v'incTit nil cnn possess, free hy ninih^^^^^^Star villi a marriage ; guide, Egyptian v?- IfTTits to Ladies. 1 Wedding. Night S liii^^^^Bb^^T|iieer hook. ndj Mbriilje WSnriop-Va. This eclehrate.l watcr^A^are Is now open to receive ' guests. Those who nr JBpcted wiih Serorulu, (Manila: lar (Swellings, un<l?<tjiauB?us Kruptive Diseases, Kry] sipelas, Tetter.'.Tezenitr. ytp.. Chronic lHarrlm-a, nu>l , Dysentery, Dyspepsia, woneliitis. < lironic Thrush. ; Dropsy ami Piles, shout-no time ineuniing to this fonntaiti of lioalfh to hdfBah .1. For tin* run1 of many | of tin- above diseases, jais water stands unrivalled anions; the Mineral Wat ^B>'ln> fulled Slates. IA>t^^l, FKA/1KK, Proprietor. Neglect a < oiijjh, \3^5t i< more certain to la> I the foundation for fiiturewvD consequencefc. j Wells' Carbolic Tablets i are a sore rnre for all rtKJpu* of the !,'expiratory Or | gans, Sore'lliroat, < ,olil<eProiip, I>i(>litlo-t ia. Asthma : ?'atariIt, Hoarseness. DrAwt'of lueThroat, Windpipe I or Bronchial 'l ubes, andpi Diseases of the I.nngs. fit all raxes of suddenVrold, however taken, these ' TABETS should be pipnvfly nmi freely used. They I equnhze the circulation or the blood, mitigate the severity of the iP id, ain**ilK ill a vry short t mi , n I store healthy aelioti lo thaSfl'ected orffans. Wki.i.'s t abi'.oi.ii' 'I'.vni rtr. arc put up only In blpe boxes. Take no oibslititifs. if thev can't lie found at your (lrugKist's, senp atiKck to the Aukxt is >.ew York, who win forward tlfciu by return mail. Don't be Dei-eitbd by *iit\tki\'s. Mold hv druggists. PriJtSb cents a Ui.t. .It'UN t^. Ki:r,l.iKiu3ts Plait.St., New York, Send for Circular, t-nle Agent for I Wit ted States. I 4 I t AND EPIDEMIC DISEASES Prevented by Using BROMO-CHLORALUM, The New Odorless Non-Poisonous POTOIFI L Deodorizer aad Disinfectant Its daily n?o destroys all had odors and poisinnus emanations about your piemi->e-\ mid tl?crel?y prevents contagion and disease;, wntains no poisou and lias no odor of its nv. n. f Dr. I'.koi kkir, a retewated miter on Cholera and Yellow I', ver. maintaltu that a few drops of I'.homoCiiioiiAi rM i:i a tumbio of water, drank daily, will prove a sure protcidiou from tin- <li- .I'ses. I'repartsl.onJy in TII.DBN .V CO.. Sold by all Urufrpists. New vork. S Agents^ /->j Wanted for AINTS ? DINNERS OF 1HK U BIBLE. Disserted.. n.iivz.-d and;>ortray? d as real men ami women. just like Ndnts apl Sinners ol our own day.? Original, . StrlklnsrBudPopnlar. Reads like a Novel. Send for cirnitT-i ZEICI.KU .V M'lTRDY, 51* Areh st.. I'lllladeiplliO, H NTMKRi)I"S Ti'-TS 1IAYK ITU>VE1.> N, F. BurnhaiiVs New Turbine WATER V/HEEL To be the E- H Ever InventedFOR PAMPHLETS ADDRESS, YORK, PA rM j'JaMlB'cBSs The startliiiffdrawtHv; on in arly all medicinal agent* lias ever l?een that InuNr process of purgation and JMlrilit'.if i'.il lle-y have at > deiiillt ;<-d lie -! in. To onvlatethis dnlieillt i, j lj-i. :.ins liu\>-lonp >ouphi lor an agent I led would Purge, Purify and Strengthen. A( i no rilf! I lie -. iliio filllt'. I Their r. -? h -atl.-- > 11 r w.ird- d .1 di >v- i ! or> which fully i .ill/ I I 11 I : ! sins <ii tin * ill finality, ami u l icit i justly r< .'.ml'-I as ill"' ninst important friii:ii|ititli nfharin.;. i lias ever .nhnwh | This iiti|iiiM.itn iU'siiKmh am Is Or. Tuff's Liver lMlls. ! w lit- n purify Hit.- l?I"'*i i i.i remove all corrupt humors ami l\nln-.i::!i.. mi L j.from in- laxly, ami yd I l>rOf|lI?*C. II'i UCl'kllr-v. ?r ll'Sitllilc Whatever, lull nil tin* coiitrnry ii.ins'n.t .i.nnarli Mini invii'iiralcx ihe lioily iliiriuj? Hi*' I'tnjft'-.s of ilieir i'|"Tall"li. Tliey unit', tin- lii'ii'tnlnri' <-t*i?n?-ilnl*li> ijualiii'-s <.| a s'l'Hi:N(!THKNIN( 1 I'U.i; \TI\E uml a I'lliin INfJ TONIC. I?r. T I TT'S PI I.I.-, ar a.-ive ?n?l ?oar< lJinjr in11r'ini* hi cm i . Thry at nunc attack the funl nf ilise.i s, n in i tin i a is -a |.i..|ii|'i I lilt hi an hour or lyvo afterlicy arc taken Urn nt is ware ni ilieir * ? . They may lie taken hi any lliin- ml Iron: ica i n' <? lid <?r "i .ii|iiltl"ii: Iliey ' produce in-ifli. r nun-.; "iph.e or hilt'v. a a ,. I laiiiily iia .li. inc have in rival. i I'ri'-e "J nt - : ' S..I.I I y all lH-u- I i . M l'rilici|.;il ttllic ITrii'l JM I'l.lll I.. Nov Yol'l.. |i" ? ' . s? -vf i a? : ?; :>v ^ ja? : ? - 4ii1 : Vi $ Is tin* most |mwerf!!l-loali?fir, .-in-nirt hones ;:tiii reiiK.vrr of <;:auilulitr liistriintioiis known to Materia Mclicn. It i!<lo|'t<'C!o constitutions " :i .low Ii" aii't dt'ltilltuti'il lit tIf ? nit weather oi Si'mirr ami Summer. when tlto Mit i tint in active iipuuiioii. rotisii||ii<>iii;v eutlienir iriwirities from -'c .1 |.m -s ami ii?ii??Tfi i't iiriioii o ti so. ?*i*i vi* oi'iraiian.I is miniifi'stoil Iiy Turn i, i-. oi|.ii-?ti-. Hloti n Mull*, j Pustules, Scrofula. A"...' . When vcirt' and ivulil front overwork, ami dull- ' na-s, ilrow/nn'ss an 1 r'tat. I!! |?f:ti oi ?:irry> ' an'i vlK1"*. *J-i?ii -.1 n?xic lo i?nl t tip ami inlptlu- \ital Kori- t >? ' ii ,. i [novel*. * In flic hi'u! of >-uiiii i. in on ii- i n i i: anil mijiKN do not properM perform iht-lr firm Ioqb; the I trrUit* ami Cnti'r.v tin. lis are niacin.-, |>ro<tu< inir | weakness of the at tnsih ami Intestines ami a pro-d laposition to i.i toils 11- ram men!. s >r. 1:1 EITRACM JtJRUBEBA i- rntam i 'until 11 ^ r"" ritie > ?t"fit \MI:I:l< \N 1*1.ANT ami Is v^ernsti suited i all these ililtleuitles; ii . ii-. -tin-\I \ 111?h#i'. i.i .nriln tinier ilie l.lll I.IVINN il'tt *i>, ami I.I \H?\ I All. ? !*.STUI'i Ti?N? fl'-'ttl si'..' II." I? V-IH K\ 1 l.l'.IH.I l? I II ! I [IS. It sliotilit lie takdlU \ taken. luurlK-lu Is pronotti*e<| i-i v-dic.i:vjjfci " <- n 1*1 ItlKI- ( I.I'. i -flj i.inef .ii- '-inn! | ? K. J SARATOGA JtERIE NT. r. j | ri'WiiBi: nw tho ; >r* 'inn tt s* ik. iihI ' ( I I fur r,;^T '" ' !? I'reiMn .. '4 1' t <nrat ira spring*. V. ^ v'oM ' ' 'r?i"tM*<- l l[V ,r JV - . ^ M III tl . M ' I! . ill (III t i 1114 lllllll it ! , m\ i- W.ri 1 , ST I \ ION I'd 1^.1 ,u,| >! n inc | I Sofitcni'xr ' 12m w * % THIS S IS RF.SKIJ RAF31 Who am now n SPRING AND SI I it \ i'ji ?? H. BAI OFFERS TilE Llll z 4 ?pruio? a iid wn In all the Departments ZBOTJGKECT 3 I am prepai Extraordinary To purchasers. For style T A >~XV P] Call ami examine for yourselves. Caimlen. March 20. SPRING, 1873. I I I invite your attention to my ,SPUING STOCK OK L>i#css Goods, PRINTED LAWNS, PRINTS. EMBROIDERIES, Laces, Hosiery gloves, Handkerchiefs and While Goods, ALSO. 1 I Men's and Boy's Wear. 'olDmades. IMsiiii and Fancy Drills. ^ Tweeds and Cassi meres Hals siimI Clotliing'. ' i In great t.iriely. '!' r?-ili? r with A KI LL STo, K* o|' ' BOOTS AND SHOES. I The alniviv with many other <lo.-ir;il#!o nr- , irks, ton nnun ton-, to imutiori. have hern i crrtit 1\ selected with Teat rate ami will lit old at tko iinst reasonable jniros. I respect fully solicit a call j Uol'iEKT M. KENNEDY. 1 .March J7. tf. ARCTIC SODA-WATER, Pure Ice-Cokl Soda-Wafer. I'riiii.iimn'il unexcelled l.yall w !? ? hate drank I. 1:111 In* had :it all - during tin* .lay nlTi'i ^ 0 11 clock, at tin1 tiroet-ry an.) Confectionery lore of I'. K11:Kl.i:\. Agl. May lii?-t 1' In the Workman Building. SOMETHING NEW. VN flt'jrnm Allium for-A rents, holding ill full >i/.r.l ranis, 1 >nit 1 ill luii trill covi-r II.1 m ! I al Co' low | l'"i r.-lil?. suitable ur tin* packet or edit 1 1 I 111.1< . :i ^rtIIIJ>1*' ent In mail. pi -. |.-ii 1 nil in > iw ul '.'T i nts. '! . nr lit) t rni>. or * for s I. Address, 1 I'.l 1:i:??U I II. 1:altimorr. M'l. 1 I. >' \gfitl Waincl. Cat aim uca of Hooka, ' 'illinn Xi'., -nil. I .1 iiur I J-:: 1'. KKitsIIAW \ WOltOAN, .vrrt nr ~s i:\ s AMI COUNSELLORS AT LAW, ('AMDKN. 8. C. I1!!!! siiliwriliPM having formed a cnpnrtucr* 11ij itii-1 c I'io ijlutvc i; iiiir. w'll ivt? their ili'tltioll l<> roller! i. IH. ? eli\r\:il|i iliL'. hll-illr-n i In* ('mill - or i in- I ii it o.| Si iii. i i on j. II-.'v .oi ill ii? i in-iiI'l - t ill I'llMi tl III I lit-III IH'iifi?Moll I *I \ . .1. I'.. KI'IIMIAU. v. i ii.?iii:kmi\ hil 'i 7 ''"I" i I FOK SA L!]. I'll il l'i'<i li'lirr "II I' Iv iMi vl' I lirvl I" I III' \|i|.o li-l I In.ri'li I', ii' 1 :i \ "I.. i \ J | I \ I" \| o --'II U M. I IA IU II \ ( Vcrniilnp'v. Woiiii uii'lv -ii"! I';iinil M. .Ii. in. ;iii?U I i > lit-1 v \ov 'J* IIDIuJSON \ M'SLAT, 1 I 1873. il'ACB k'KO roii fining their JMMER GOODS. BRO. n i i/M i rvuwn tG EST STOCK OF miner Good s, complelete. 1 Hiving ^OE; CASH, reel, to offer r Inducements s. and more especially for RTCES, JI. 15ARIJCH. tf EXTRA jFFER! SFXOIVD ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION. TUB CHROMO "CUTE" ELEGANTLY ' FRAMED AND A SHARK IN THE DISTRIBUriUX OF 8730 PREMIUMS AMOUNTING TO ill.(loo. A*niE?J AWAY TO Ev( iy subscriber that Popular Weekly OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. Chromos are delivered at once. Thedistribuinii will POSITIVFLY lake place on the 20th DAY OF UNJUST EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THREE. OUR CHROMO "CUTE" ft 10x20 inches in >i/e, acknowledged to 1>e the finest and hand oiliest picture ever giveu with any paper OUR FIRESIDE FR1EXD is an eight page ilust rated futnih' and story weekly in its third roiunie. has now over SEVENTY-FIVE THOUvVN D subscribers. and rapidly increasing, which nsures tlie success ot tlie present distribution. I'lie Publishers of Our fireside Friend hnvo sent i> its subscribers this year over seventy tlinusind copies of the chronto Cute" and are shipping hundreds ever; day. Subscription price, In., .i.dl.iv i \ car. v. Iiicli tfives the siihseri mm i'l i i'\-TM t? numbers of the best Family iVeeUy. iliiclii Cute" finely frame>l. and a numbered C, rtifieaie eniitling the holder to one hare in the distribution.of premiums for 1873. *n' -. rit? * ti >> wit)? tin agent or send direct to he i'liidi.-her. Specimen copies, particulars, te.. sent tree. A f'l?WT'Q iv,r>' ,ou'"< al home or '1 IT J!l it 1 IJ ti ivi ling Large cash pay and iir k ]\1 rppfl liberal premiums tor getting up lYillll Hill clubs, the best outfit. Send I at otu e lor Terms and partieulars. AdIr?? W \TKKS t'o., l'ttbs. Chicago, 111. Julie 1 "J-t f OXVEKr AWAT. A Fine German Chromo. Aesetil an Klegant Chromo. mounted and ready for framing, free to every Agent. A OK NTS WAXTKl) Ft HI UNDERGROUND, ok. LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE. i;v tiios. w. knox. "IJ Octavo. i::i? Fine Kngravingg. I ) Ml.ATI I in i i !ii> jiii'l Vcerleuts I?y<?ii?l the |\ i. _ 11 mi i'.iy : Startling Adventures in all ariitil' in- World: miiii*?1 ami Mode ul Working in : fa l< i-ii ii*i ? n?w >!' Society; 0 am Ming and is horn i-: Caverns and their mysteries: The ark VViekedne--: prisons ami their ieerets : I?. w tt in tin- l)e|>th>> ot the Sea : Strange dories ot the i'ce.ltion el' Crime. The book reals ot experience with brigttuds: nights in j ium ilen- ai i gambling hells: lite in prison: ;ioi i. . \tlo. n>!ieniiu'i s among linlian; .airiii-e? littvi: git s wcl-alld < Statoliths; aocilonl-in mini- | rate.- ami piracy : tortures of he iiti it . womlt ti l buglaries; under?miM oi the great eities i t... etc, \v w ant atetii- Ibr thi- work oil which we iee\eln-i* ieritei\ \;:ents can make jsltml i week in -oiling litis book. Semi for circulars hoi -l en t! tcrtus to agents. i i* < ! t't? v. tivni.' II:it'lt*?n*?I. ?? mi.. or Chicago. 111* A CARD. t!!!! mi l'-i >rn?'1 oll< r for snl?* al the lowest in ? t. i i Grocer ii Urv i ? >?is. Shoes. . u'loMii . t roi k.-vv. Saddlery. \o? Sc\ ami i. . 1 n> 11 j'uMio ] :Uionate. I'll LLPS '* HILLINGS. I' I. !'ho'.|' and W. M Hillings m-e duly nnI.,01 i ll in art as our api'i.M. and aic ewpoweri i i n ih l.i'in** * i tin ruin in purchases and iili'iut i.t II \. PHELPS. M A. LIl.LlNlkS. S A I'lSALSSrilK June tt