University of South Carolina Libraries
/ "NO. THANK YOU JOHN. 1 i T never said I loved you, Jolin! Why will you tease nie day !?y day, i And wax a weariness to think upon, Wirli always "do" and "pray?" 1 You know 1 never loved you, John; No fault of mine made me your toast; Why will you haunt me with n fa?e as wan As shows an hour*old ghosf ? | I dare say Mag or Moll would take , Pity upon you, if you'd ask; And pray don't linger single for my sake, Who can't perform that task. % I have no heart ? Perhaps I've not; But then you're mad to take offense That I don't give what I've not got; Use your own common sense. Let bygones be bygones ! Don't call me false, who owed not to be true. I'd rather answer "Xo" to fifty Johns Then answer "Yes" to you. Let's mar our pleasant days no more? Song-birds, of passage, days, of youth; Catch at to-day, forget the days before? I'fl wink at your untruth. Let us strike hands as hearty friends? Xo more, no lees : and friendship's good. Only #on't keep in'view ulterior ends, And points not understood. In open treaty. Rise ahove" Quibbles and shuffling, off and on; Here's frindship for you if you like ; but love? No, thank you, John! Christina Georyina RosttUi. A Good Lesson in Rough Language. TIIE NEGRO?WHITHER IS HE DRIFTING. The sadden and forcible lifting of the negro from the warm and satisfied condition of slavery into turbulent and uncertain freedom by the emancipation proclamation of President Lincoln, gave rise to conflicting doubts as to what the effect of such change would be. At first it seemed that the flood of rare sensations that poured in on Cuffee's not overly storng system when he was led offof "old niarster's place" into an unexplored Utopia, would absolutely overwhelm him? crush him, and reducj to permanent mandlincy. For months he wandered about ; in vagabondage, willing to work but unable to organize; starving, with muscles, hungry for labor, but utterly uuable to plan or contract ; loafiDg about in listless helplessness, enjoying freedom on au empty stomach, albging emancipated paeans in fillth and rags; not "folding his tent like an Arab," because he had no tent to fold, but "silently stealing "away" or anything else be could get his hands on, honoring no sentiment, admitting no attachment, holding home to be always the place where the stray crust was j a great beast that warmed and mellowed in the sunshine of one day only to be chilled and sickened by the storms and frosts of the next. Freedom was called a failure; and emancipation it was thought would soon rhyme with extermination in fact as well as verse. But a change gradually came over the picture. The first flood of sensatfon swept off at last, and it was found that the ebtidc, remorseless as it was, had left stranded on the African beach much that was valuable, much that was admirable, and much, even, that was to be respected. Gradually Cuffec began to settle down, lie began to find that "Infernal labor was the prico of liberty," and he made contracts - J 1- TU auu WCIIfc M7 WVfk. xucwuunjf ^ciiueui'iii rented small tracts of land?garden patches ?from his old master, and commenced raising chickens, melons, dogs and children.? Then as he organized and systematized his work, ho enlarged his patch, planted cotton, corn and wheat, and finally became a respectable farmer. lie would get him a home, ( and from this home sentiments and affections would bud and vine, and wind themselves in his heart, just as the honeysuckles would fling their gr&cefui tendrils around tbo doorstep, on which his piccaninnies ' basked like young turtles and ripened iu the . summer sun. The city cousin in the meantime was not behindhand, lie devoted himself to the useful trades, camenterin?. blaeksmithin?. --7 r o/ O * etc., and after a while commanded full and ; remunerative wages, from which he saved ( money and looked forward to permanent in- j vestment. Ho fouuded schools and seemed ] to crave for knowledge, and insisted on his children taking educational advantages.? j Thus the poor, patient, thick-skulled fellow climbed the ladder. < It is now seven years since tho slaves were set free, and let us look for some of the practical resalts of freedom. Wo need noi go outside of Atlanta to find them. Take the case of the Freedmen's Havings Hank whose workings were published in the ! Herald from the pen of a city reporter some ' weeks ago. It was fouud by this report j taken from the books of the Bank, that du- < ring the two years this Bank has been in i existence three hundred and fifty-seven thou- J sand dollars had been deposited by the 1 working negroes of Atlanta, and that eleven ( hundred negroes in this town are regular , denositors. some of them verv laree oues.? ! ~~ t ? t # O This number is constantly increasing, and we aro assured that a negro who aommenccs 1 a Savings' Bank account never gives it up If he can only deposit twenty-five cents a J week he piously takes this trifle around and drope it in. As a direct result of this saving system Mr. Cory, the cashier, says that nearly $100,000 has been drawn from the bank to purchaso real estate with in this city and county. There is now, we are informed from best authority, that the negroes of Atlanta own $200,000 worth of real estate in the corporate limits. The good that this institution will do in steadying the race i i? inrfilriilfthle! As soon as a neL'ro com nieces saving ho begins to yearn Tor land t and a home. As soon as he buys a heme, J he quits his predatory life and becomes a t solid, substantial citizen, interested in the growth and prosperity of tho country lie lives in, and of course less liable to be influenced by foreign and injurious agencies. In regard to the schools, there are in Atlanta several very fine ones of high and well selected curriculurns and competent teachers. There ore about UliO little students, most of * *? them industrious ami pains-taking, and some of them of marked quickness and ability.? The next generation of negroes will be a y decidedly more intolligout, better educated, race of people than they have ever been.? The results we have noted are not confined to Atlanta, but are duplicated in every city and town in Georgia, and in the Sooth as t far as we oan judge. Hence, we are justified in hoping and be- $ lieving that while the negro, bv reasonT of his very nature, cannot ever become either | the rival or companion of the white race, he may become before long a useful, steady and respected part of our tax paying population. At least let us pray that this may be so. Cuffee is a good enough fellow if ho will just keep out of Yankee carpet-bags. Atlanta Herald. The Macoupin (Illinois) Inquirer says that a Green county young lady, who is worth thousand dollars, recently recently refused to ^ marry a clergyman because she thought she 1 was unfit to be the wife of a minister. He then abandoned his sacred calling and pro- ' posed again. The second time she refused his offer on the ground that she was too good to marry a mau who would throw aWay his clerical robes to win a woman's hand. ~J. I. MIDDLE T ON & CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BALTIMORE, MD, Having purchased the entire STOCK OF GOODS of 3Iessrs. D. L. DeSaussure ft Co., we will sell the same at COST for . and for that purpose heieby constitute the members of that firm our agents to effect such sale. J. I. MIDDLETON & CO. JnueS tf BOOHS, SASH AND BLIDNS. | MOULDING, Brackets, Stair Fixtures, Builders's Furnishing Hardware, 1 Drain .Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wire Guards, i TerAi Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. Window Glass a Specialty. White Pine Lumber for Sale. Circulars and Price Lists sent free on j application, by P. P. TOALE, : 20 Ilaync and 33 Pinckney sts., Oct. 3.?ly. Charleston, S. C j j 1 2nd Annual DISTRIBUTION. %m POTMTTTMQ IJflJU i JlUKilU 111U, RANGING IN VALUE FROM $10 TO $5,000. GIVEUST AWAY . TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF ' ! Our Fireside Friend.; Kerry sultcriberi* tare of one Premium any way, \ and alto hat an equal chance of receiriny a OASH 1 Premium, OR A PIANO, ORGAN. 1 WATCH, SEWINC MACHINE, etc. 1 FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM ! SO.OOO. x i UUA rixvijOiurj r~rvLCi.Pi.Lt?r.igni raget, j Large Size, Ilhuilraled, the Family Weekly is in its . rillllD VOLUME and has attuineil the LAIt- , BEST CIRCULATION of any paper published , in the West. Its success ENABLES the proprietors to furnish THE BEST, MOST DESI- J LIABLE AND MOST USEFUL ORIGINAL READING MATTER IN GREAT VARIETY, 1 that money can buy, and nmke it a HOME I WEEKLY suited to the wants of every family. I Subscription price $3 per year of 52 numbers* ^ THE ELEGANT CHROHO , " CUTE," ' ^ Size 16 x 20 inches, 10 colors. Acknowledged J jy all to^ be the IIANDSOMKST and MOST ^ VALUABLE premium picture in America.? EVERY SUBSCRIBER is presented with this Jhrotno at the time of subscribing, (?o waiting,) md receives a NUMBERED CERTIFICATE ( ENTITLING THE HOLDER TO A SHARE n the distribution of $25,000 in cash premiums. T1IK DISTRIBUTION TAKES PLACE on he second Tuesday in June next. ThcChro[uo and Certiftcate sent on receipt of price.? SPECIMEN COPIES, PREMIUM LISTS, Etc., (JIVING FULL PARTICULARS, sent free 2 :o any address. A P1?HTQ Either local or canvassing, in tLuibniu every town. Large Cash QTAUWlPn pay and the best outfit. n AjA 1 Pi AJ Send at once for terms. Address, OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND, Chicago, 111. Au<l Baltimore, Md. March <1. tf. The Great Southern Weekly. THE WORKING M \N, the hest andcbeapeat ] newspaper in tli South. Devoted to Immigration. Education 9f the Masses, Agricultural md Mechanical pursuits, to the Household and Fireside. Contains eight pages, finely printed Ml fiCVlll'Ill Price$2 a yettr. Specimen copies *e?' free. P Addrew TILMAN K. OA INKS, \ Editor and Proprietor, Columbia, S. C. f February 27. ;{m | Havna Ornanges ml NORTHERN APPLES. ForVile by I) f KIKKLEY. J V ' ?M|? Gen'l. Supt'FOffice. W ILMINGTON, CoJjMBIA & AU- ' GUSTA B.fc^Co WILMINOTONTBRTcL 7, 1872. CHANGE OF ?HEDULE. ' The following schedulj^Algo intoeffect on j 1:25 . M., Monday, 7thuMW^\ day express trjW, (Daily.) -cave Wilmington 8:25 a. m. Arrive at Florence V 9:55 a, x. 1 Arrive at Columbia 2:40 P. x Arrive at Augusta \ 7:42 p. x. ) jeare Augusta at f 6.85 a. x. i Yrriveat Columbia T 11:26A. U. ' Arrive nt Florence i 4:16 p. u , Yrriveat Wilmington * 10:25 p. m J' OQHT EXPRESS TRAIN, IjIAILY, (SondajS * Excepted) Leave Wilmington S 5:46 p. H. Yrriveat Florence 11:85 p.m. * Yrrive at Columbia T k 8:40 a. k. j! Yrrive at Augusta 1 8:20 a. k. ? Leave Augusta 6:60 P. |$jH Yrrive at Columbia 7 10:20 P. MLfl Yrrive at Florence 4 2:12AjM.i Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 a. m. JAMES ANDERSON,WJenl. StfpeHnjl wmrwMy?rcre mn ty.i lwm^ SOUTH CAR0UNA5RAIL ROAD.;1 COLUMBIA, S.c4 Sept. 26, 1872. CHANGE of sehedule to go into effect on and after Sunday the 29th iijft. Mail and Passenger Train. Leave Columbia at y 9 a. m. Arrive atCharleston at 4.30 p. m. Leave Charleston at J 9.80 a.m. Arrive at Columbia at 6.20 p. m. NIGHT EXrft^SS. Freight and Accommodation Train (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at * 7.60 p. m. Arrive atC harleeton at ' 6.45 a. m. Leave Charleston at 7.10 p. m. Arrive at Columbia at G.30 a. m. Camden Accommodation Train. Will run daily to Oolnmbia, as follows: Leave Camden at 7 20 a. m. Arrive at olumbia at 11 55 a. m. Leave Columbia at 2 10 p. m. Arrive at Camden at 6 55 p m. A. L TYLER, Vice President. S. B. Pickens, G. T. A. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUST A BR. General Superintex^amt's Office, Columbia, September 22, 1872. Ou mid after Hundny, September 22, the trains this road will run in accordance with the follow ing "Time Table:" GOlXd SOUTH. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte 8 00am 8 20 p ni " Columbia 2 40 p m 8 30 a in Arrive at Augusta, 7 4opm 8 20 a m GOING NORTH. Train No. 1. Train No. 2 Leave Augusta, fl 85 a n . 6 50 p in " Columbia, 1153 pa 1105p m Arrive at Charlotte, G 15 pm 6 00 a m Standard time, ten minutes slower than Wash, ington city time, and six minutes faster than Co lumbiacity time. Train No 1, daily; train No 2, daily, Sundays excepted. Both trains mnko close codnggkion toall points North, South aud West. Through tickets sold ind baggage checked to all principal points. E. P. ALEXANDER, < general Superintendant. R-E. Dobsey, Gen. F. & T. Agent. I Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Columbia, 8. C., Septembers, 1872. Daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Sight Trains on the South Carolina Railroad. ip aud down; also with trains going North and 1 Joutli on Charlotte, Columbia and Aagusta Rail , oad. and Wilmington, Columbia dud Augusta ; Railroad. UP. [iCaveColuntbia at 7.1o2a. m. i Leave Alston 9.05 a. in ' Leave Newberry ^ 10.40 a m ( LeilveC okesbury 2.00 p in. j Leave Belton 3.50 p m* j Vrrive at Greenville at 5.30 p m DOWN. Leave Greenville at 7.30 a m ^eave Belton 9.30 a m. l.eave Cokesbury 11.15am3 ..eave Newberry 1.50. pm. . jeavc Alston 4.20 p m. Arrive at Columbia ti.00 p m. Anderson Branch and Blue Ridge Dtvisiim. LEAVE Valhalla 5 45 am. Arrive 715pm 'erryville 6 25 a m. Leave 6 85 p in ' 'endleton 7 10 a m. Leave 5 50 p ni i inderson 8 10 am. Leave 4 60 p m i tr. at Belton 0 00 a m. Leave 3 50 p ni ! Accommodation Trains on Abbeville Branch | dondnys, Wcdcnsdays and Fridays. On Anderson Branch, between Belton and An- j lerson, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday!. THOS. DODAMEAD, Oenl. Supt. ' Uur.z Norton, Oenl. Ticket Agt, CORN!CORN! 3.000 BUSHELS PBIME WHITE JOHN. For sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHSON, -Ton it: Wilmington. N. C. I a ' . Provisions. !00 BOXES I). 8. SIDES. 25 Ilhds. Bacon Sides ana Shoulder*, 200 Barrels Mess Pork. ; For sale byWILLIAMS & MUJICHISON, Jan 16 Wilmington, N. 0. FLOUR, FLOUR. 1.200 BARRELS?ALllGRADES. For Sale by j WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Jan. 16. Wilmington, N. C. Patronize Home Industry.1 k i ? And keep your Money Circulating v AT HO?X. luggies, Carriages!^ Wagons ^|"ANUPACTURKD of the l>|8t selected ninte- j Tl rill I. I?y SKIlieu wunuirujii mc mnui; vi , ruiN Acxkw, near the roit-aBe, .at Columbia, i <>M Carriages repaired to lopV like new. fair All work warranted, r For Cuts and information, address, M. J. cANAN. Agent. I C oiis Auvrw, Proprietor. Dec tf m> * DIAMOND SPECTACLES I npiIKSE Spectacles are innaufacture<l from "MINUTT} - - CRYSTAL PEBBLES," melted to*etlier, and art! u1Ib<i mtunvn nn a/V'nnnt nf their ttfllllM and I brilliancy. It i> well known that Spectacles out from Brazilian or Scotch Pebblea are very Lnjurioua to the eye, beeanae of ibelr polarising effect. * Having been totted with the polaracope, the diaat lenBes have been fonnd to admit flfteen per cent. heated 1-eya than any other pebble. They are ground with great aclentlflc accuracy, free from chromatic aberration*, and produce a bf ness and distinct nest of vlaloa not before attain lgntBpeoUfiles. >n Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufacturing N.? Tort VftSfaC?MM. ?. C. Ffnm whom they Mn only be obtained. No peddlers T^e'great demand for these Spectaclea has induced anacrupuloua dealers to palm an inferior and apanona article for the " Diamond.'1 Great care ahould be taken Ragfc that the trade mark (which la protected by AmeriBh Letters Patent) are stamped on every pair. rfSe^tember M. . Piedmont and Arlington LIFE Insurance Company * OF , ... j Richmond, Virginia. ( ASSETS t *,? 00,000. W. C. CASBIKOTON, j PRESIDENT | *' t luosses ] ] Actually paid in Kershaw^County within Three Years, $28,000,00. I take pleasure in saying I have returned to the agency of thigjx>pular Company. No difficulties will exist in future, as to Reuowals of Policies, as I shall pay especial attention to that branch of the business. < * ? #aTl will always be fonnd at my Offlco on Broad Street, Camden, S. C. W. CLYJIURN, Agent. J January 16. 1873. tf Potatoes, Apples audi Onions. 400 Barrels POTATOES. 125 Barrels APPLES, 30 Barrels ONIONS, , For sale by F. W. KERCIINER, 27,28 and 29 North Wator-st. Wilmington, Jan. 19. Spirit Casks. 400 SPIRIT CASKS?Now landing ex 1 Steamer Lucille, , 1 For sale bv * F. W. KERCHNER, ] 27.28 and 29 North Water Street, Jan. 19 Wilmington, ha;. j Butter, Cheese, Lard&Mullet. 200 boxes CHEESE, ' 50 Tubs Huttot, ? 50 Barrels and Tubs Lard, 125 Barrels No. 1 Mullet, F. W. KERCHNER. 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Jan. 16. Wilmington, N. C. Hay, Corn, Salt and Glue. 300 bales HAY, 3,000 bushels CORN, 2,000 sacks American Salt, * 250 sacks Blown Salt, 200 bbls Qlue For Sale by . h "F. W. KERCHNfcR, 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. ] Ja.nl6. Wilmington, N. C. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. R?.f \*aw Ovln.nna VnUcioa Sugar House Syrup, o ' Selected Goshen Butter, Best Family Flour, Pure Leaf Lard, Coffee, Tea and Sugar, . Pearl Grist and Meal, J Mnckurel and Cheese, Irish Potatoes and Onions, Soap, Starch and Candles, } English and American Pickles, 2 Canned Goods?all kinds, Candies, Confections, Ao. And overy thing usually kept in a first lass Grocery and Provision Store, all of rbich will bo sold at low prices, by D. C. KIRK LEV, Agent. a, January 30. tf T>T/a Y Y A A Yes JL AVJI AAXlLlTJLrn^ New Smoked Heel*. I3i*efikfii?t Strips. Hulk and Smoked Very Choice. p cccived ami for sale l>v I>. L DKSAT'SSURE A CO., NOW 0^1P$ ON CONSIGNlreNT, A POLL ST0OK OP TftATlQ > i <. flj .iivsT ?t try -, r DRY GOODS, Boots, Hbbes, Hats, taps HARDWARE* WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HOLLOW WARE, ' fiROffiffcRY Ac. Ac. For sale at the lowest rate lor cash, by D. L. DESAUS8URK & CO. Cim-.Agmtt. ?-ALSO -* Fertilizing and Mason's Lime. 'ALSO * WINES ANDiLIQUORS, Of the best qualities, aa d in every gra i 8epi. 19. tl i NEW GOODS! '' i i w . -J j 4 j. t < AT the store occupied by A. M. Kennedy, a ! few doors north of the Market, will be , found a stock, consisting of STAPLE DRY COODSi j Hardware, Nails, Iron, Steel. Spades, Shovels, Garden Hoes, Brady & Elwell Hoes, Plow Moulds, &c., &e. &e. . GROCERIES. i 1 Crushed, Coffee and Brown sugars, Rio Lagoir, and Java Coffiees, Green and Hyson ' flm.ibo/1 An/I nntmnlrnd Side And Shoulder Ba- j ! con, HamB ' Lard Qoshen Butter, Corn, Oats, Salt, Stone Lime, Fine Super and Extra Family Floiy, Soap, Candlea, Starch, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda Crackers and Cheese, Ncw Orleans Sugar House and W. I. Molasses Canned Fruit, Oy?ers, Early Rose, Goodrich, Pink Eye and Jack-' ion White Planting Potatoes. ]roctery, Gtassware&c., Sa ddles,Brifllffi ^thoes, Haines &c., All of which will be sold; ^ at the lowest price for cash, and we requeet i call from all who wish to purchase. A. D. KENNEDY & CO. A. D. KENNEDY, A. M. KENNEDY. A. M Kennedy will giro his attention to the jurchase of cotton; is agent for tat sale of EfiivanOuano, EtiwanCrop FoodandEtiw&n Ground ; Bone. Feb 16 tf i ' ' *' JUST RECEIVED, ON . ' CONSIGNMENT, LL STOCK OF Light and Heavy Bagging, Hope and Ties, Side Bacon, Hams & Shonlders NEW No. I AND 2 MACK ABEL, g Sxtra Family, Family, Extra and Super FLOUR. Java, Lnguira and Rio COFFEE, Crushed," "Extra C." "C." " E. J? "Dern." and < R. R." SUGAR, "1 FACTORY CHEESE, ^ery superior G. P. and Breakfast TEAS, tfow Orleans and Mus. MOLASSES and SYRtTPS, Arge size sacks Liverpool SALT, >oap, Starch, Soda, Pepper, Spices, a 3ickles, Can Fruits, Vegetables and Fish. Together with every article usually found n a well-assorted Grocery and Provision Stock. For sale at the lowest cash rate, by 0 D L DESAUSSURE 4 CO. COMMISSION AGENTS. Sept. 19. tf HEW OPEHIH'G. rifE undersigned would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that e has openedjt first Class Grocery Store, -here they may find a general assortment of | Groceries, ] At the lowest cash prioes. Also, WINES AND LIQUORS all grades, which will be sold low for cash. Q R. D. THOMAS. Opposite Leituer & Dualap's Law Office. February 20. tf Drugs and Medicines ? IMfE have just receired from tile Northern I] r Markets, the largest stock of p Medicines, Paint*, Oil*, Parnishes, Glass, Lamps, Patent ft&ii- Ii cines, Spices, ami Dyt-Suffs, generally rer brought to thin market. Ah tbe import duty ha* been redueed on many rtlcles, we can Bell cheaper than ever before. HODGSON & DUNLAP. _ November 28. tf GEORGEALDEN, Wi ki Cotton Factor, AND ? lealer in General Merchandize Cl Camden, S. C, ^ , . 1 ? ?r OUR NEW ^trT?NO* B jj Fogartie'8 BCp^n^tory. 1 FOGART1K. ST.^ k QQ. 1 Chambers' Eneyclopued. 1. e reVlsed ?di- \ lion of thii deservedly pop>. . ..picijaMtJ ot . Useful Knowledge for the Pee ? u&k- coW?pleted. Subscribers deairing toinp\ete tb?i* .. , "*i R?tU will please giro inimedl. >otjrfe. Ai* i-angemeotri are made for.bicdia^^ p^imbcrt ifor subscribers In cheap and sub styles New subscribers will be received i> -bound volumes, and arrangements iuadev d?l?TC*^^ Ibetn at IntA-vals, so as to enable all\,0 ?*fijrp to postsws this "cheapH and beat of \JWflo paediftg'* at a triding inconvenience. Capiate Betts, in ten rdtame*, will be furniuged < the following rate*, vis: Extra cloth, beveled board*, per volume, $5.60; Library Si^ep marbled edge, $6 ; bait Turkey Morocco, $7.0), and various style* of finer bindings. Dickens?All the*various editions of tlie works ofOharleslHekMis, viz; Library edition com- ^ plete in 5 vols., illustrated' by CruUcakndka, Beech and Browne; Morocoo oloth, $10.60. The Handy Volume edition, illustrated, 14 vols., $10.60. ft* Mttftirditioi, KlMrated, large type, 15 vols., green Morocco cloth, $22. The Qlobe edition 15 vols., hslf calf, gilt, $45. The tions, 28 vols., crape cloth, $50. The River Side edition, 28 vols., half esJf, gilt, $U?> The Household edition* Jnow in course of probation. Several vqlumtaof U i? edition have wAjaeued, varying from. 50c. to $1.25 per Toldhfl^ma^cr, and 50c. extra for the bounq VolupJ^??^ Stones of tbe Temple, oif Lessons' fromUie Fabric and Furniture of thd7 Church, with "upbJ^kAtSiMybV' ji&ftwr * B r*c,wUr'* Historioal Memorials of Canterbury; the land ibg of Augustine, the murder of Beeket, Edward the Block Prince, Becket's Shrine, by Arthur P. Stanley, D. D? formerly Canon of Canterbury, n-ith illustration, $8.76. The Unknown River by Philip Gilbert Ham >rton, illustrated by the author, $0. Meridians; the Adventures of three English* men and three Russians in South Africa by lules Nerne, translated from the French, with numerous illustrations, $8. The Woods and By-Ways of Mow England, b/ Wilson Flagg, with illustrationa, $5/ \_ Sanford'e Series of Analytical Arithmetics. Fhe practical excellency of these Arithmetics, characterizing the series as uniformly progressve, clear, siiwle and exhaustive in their analy- r .. tea, by attested by recommendations of nu* nerona teachers and-professors in South Camilla and Georgia, vis: 8anford's fret lee sons, 15.; intermediate, 50c.; common school 90c; A tigher Analytical Arithmetic, $1.50, Liheral W eras will be made with teachers for intfbduc* ^ ion. Persoils In*the country will bear in mind that lin iliini lliati aSirti fn iiC ?trli tK? mMlah. sr's price for any book, published,^ Aauriea books will be sent to them by mail or express rree of extra charge. Address FOOA&TUS'ft BOOK PHPOilTOIUf, ; ^ No. 260 Kixq-Sthxit, (i* t*x . * . Charleston, South CairoTTna.' March 20 I Planter's Ware House. JUST received at the above well-known ad popular establishment, a full ifock of Fall and Winter Qtada, - ^ Consisting in part of ZDZR/Z" GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOBS, n J ir? ^ A tteau j-Jiaue.uioifliag, &<% #? Ipecial attention ts invited to the large stock ot Proyisions and Plantation Sipplia, Among which will befound, IACON, HAMS, FLOUR, CORN, LARD CANNED FRUITS AND MEATS, nd all other articles usually found in a first lass Grocery. ALSO, 1 ? Lope, Oil, brooms, Bagging and Ties, Matches, Axle Grease, Buckets, ards, Malls, mrry oinbs, Hoes, Locks, Saiu$e, gssfs, Starch; Sifllrs, 8alt, Soda, Flavoring Bitracts, Sugar, nd)**, '< Shot, Powder, Qua ape, Household and Kitchen Utensils, Rakes, Spades, Knives^ and Forks, 8 boons, dm*ay other articles too numerous tomention jerCtll and examine stock end prices bcore purchasing elsewfiere. j^The highest market prices paid for Cotn and ofhes produce. D. W. JORDAN, Agt September 19. tf. RICHMOND SANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, - - mm,mi i)EH80NS wishing to insure in a First Claim l Company at Law rates, will pleaae apply to W.CLTBURN, Agent, v. Ca. Security Life Insurance and An nuity Copmanv, Of New York. RGANIZED ,...1862i APITAL 83.000.000 VOOME 1.500.000 aid to Widows and Orphans of deceased members 1.500.000 isures on all popular and reliable plans. LOUIS SHERFESEE, General nhnrL???rt? C n HAKLES A? DES AUSSURE,V Agent, Cauideo, S. 0. Jan nary 16. t?" Vermifuges Worm -Candy, and Patent Medici*** nds. For tale by Nov 28 HODGSON * DUNLAP. Apples. Oranges Bananas. ranoei ries, Lemons, &e. For sale by D. C. KIRKLEY. Agent.