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<Uimreh^^ctQry. street?Rev H L Harper, P^tf rriceH gt'10* A M 4n<1 ~i M. on Harp' 1>ra-ver MectinS Wed nesday at 4 P. Jf Prc?bjteriai/^orc^' I^Kalb street? Hev. 3. H. Jp Pastor?Services at 10J A- M. aiHi P" M. on Sunday; .Prayer Mooting o^ed nesday at 5 P. M. ^ Episc/AtCurECH. Corner of Lyttleton \ and Ly*n? streets, Rtv. B. F. D. Pjcrht, services at 11 o'clock A.M. and 51 ~ *" ' 1 -4 q j P. H. tm weanesaay evevciuug ?i oj o'aock and Friday morning at 10 A M. Btp'Ut U'u.olt, Broad street?Rev 'Robert Thompson, Pastor?Services at?10J A. M. and 8 P. M.; on Sunday. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 P. M. MEETINGS. Wateree Division No.' 9, S. of T Attend the Regular Meeting, ofyonr Division at Temperance Hall on MONDAY evening next, at 71 o'clock. Dv nrditr fit the W P. W. D TRANTHAM, R. S. t~ local mm*. MT Toe Post Office, hereafter, will be opened for the delivery of letters on Sundays from 9 A. M., to 10 A. M., one hour. it The Wkathek.?Siaoe the heavy rains of last week the weather has been wavtn and clear for the most part and we trust has settled down more favorably to the farmers. Important *o Builders.?We call attention of all ceuoerwed to the card of W P. Russell k Co., Builders and Contractors, Haael street, Charleston, S. C., published in another column. Ink Baud or Hop*.?We lean that an organisation of juveniles of Camden was effected last week in eonncztion with the Tempera nee society, bearing the above name. It is under the superintendence of Dr. F. L. Zemp, and ire believe that Miss Niles is President. The Society obliges its members to totally abstain from intoxicating drinks, from swearing and from the use of tobacco. Some thirty members of both sexes joined the first meeting and an oppotunky will be afforded every Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock at fhmpeaaace Hail of doing likewise. The object ia most commendable, and wc would rejoice in common with all the humaue in its accomplishment. Th* Bi'iujlars Fount).?We noticed in - a previous issue, the robbery of Mr. Baum and of Mr. Edward Geraid. Friday last Mr. M.Banm received a telegram which in' doced a visit to Winnsboro where he learned f.AUm inrr fiirts A nacro callincr him- I . self James Harris, an old Jail bird, had been loitering about here for some time. Oo the night in question he robbed Mr. B&um and within a day or two after went to Ridgeway. There he entered the room of a young lady and stele some jewelry. He was in the act of rumoring a trunk when she called out and he fled. The lady next day identified a totally different person as the invader of her chamber, but subsequent events show that she was mistaken. Harris then took the road to Whmsboro and having rapidly recoonoitared the position, entered the sleep- ' ing apartment of two gentleman, who slept the swaet sleep of guileless innocence, and took from the pocket of one of them i safe key. With this gainieg admission to the safe he extracted some money and departed Tl" lu vnf hill tn he changed which was carried to the same store, and reeoguiied, and so led to the arrest and search of Master James. A handkerchief 1 marked "H. Banm" was fbund on hi$ person and Mr. M. Beam's watch in his boot, He gate JTr?"3l."Batim at! the particulars of ?he robbery and information leading to the reeovary of a ralise which was concealed here and the arrest of one George Barbour, a carpenter formerly employed on thC Waterce Bridge, and two others. Barbour and Harris are old class-mates is the Penitentiary and no doubt distinguished in the sort of learning aeqwirad there. Fire in Sumter.- The Ar?r* of last week - - ? - . * /? A . 1 gives the following account 01 tne Duruipg of the jail of Sumter County: About fifteen or twenty minutes past 12 o'clock, Tuesday night, the Firc-bell started our citisens from their slumbers, and it was soon ascertained, that tb? flames proceeded from the Jail, located in the very heart of the town. The whole upper story of the building was destroyed, before the Engines reached the spot. The fire had made such headway, before it was discovered, that it was utterly impossible to save the building. The Jailor, barely had time, it is said, to turn the prisoners out before the upper roof fell in. We learn that there was an iusur-j ance of >2,000 upon the concern. The hre ; is supposed to have proceeded from a chim-1 ncv, in a room need during the day, by the ' family of the Jailor, aa an ironing apartment. The haw is a heavy one to thn County, the building having been erected at a cost of >6.000. P. 3.?We have learned since writing tho above, that the Jailor saya, there is but little doubt, that the ire waa an fneendiary one. j ,r n The Story of Rodgors > One oftour fatally papers preaches a strong tempcrancefpnrtnoB, by simply telling the a woman who, struggling with the preternatural strength of a loring wife and mother for years against tho demon of drink that possessed her husband, conquered 'tit, and made bim oooe again a freeman. Tn Km last fllncsrf, brandy was prescribed, which he was strong enough to use only us a medicine; but after his death she "turned to it in her grief, and died, not many months later, a hopeless, helpless drunkard." Let us tell a companion story as troc as this, but of as different a complexion as daylight to night. A few years ago on any sunny morning a heap of filthy rags might bo seen stretched on some of the bales of a paper warehouse in a neighboring city, with a strong smell of stab tobacco and whiskey hanging about it. Turning it over (which you could do as though it were a log. any time after 10 o'clock in the morning.) you would find tho swollen purple face or what had once been a handsome young man, but there was little hope that the bleared eyes or thick tongue would give an intelligent answer. The porters passing by would push him aside, but not roughly. The time had been when he had been a jolly, generous young fellow and a favorite in the office.? "Young Rodgers :"?eomeoue would give you his history in five minutes: "Taken to rum ?do chanoe?poor devil. Stokes, (the proprietor,) oould not turn him out to starve, so still gave a nominal salary and suffered him about the house lest ho should take to worse courses than drinking." There were hints, too, of a widowed mother, away off in the country, who had been dependent on him, and a sweetheart, a pretty, clinging little girl, both of whom long ago'he had abandoned. But there was nothing to be done. The end, %.? it A 1 If. A _ through the usual norrors qi aeiuiuw tremens, was apparently not far off. One day, as Rodgers was creeping to the nearest bar for his morning bitters, a man, whom he barely knew by sigty, took him by the elbow and walked with him into a quieter street. '*They tell me you are Richard Rodger's son," he said. ."Dick Rodgers was the only friend I had for years, and for his sake I'd like to sare his boy. Are you will iug for me to try ?" "Oh, you can try," muttered the lad with an imbeeile laugh. This nameless frieud, nothing daunted, took him to a chamber in his own house and put him to bed. There he and his sons kept watch and guarded this poor wretch for months, like a prisoner, keeping liquor from him. and trying to supply it by medical treatment ? A physician he employed, but he was not able to pay for a nurse. Any one who has had to deal with a victim of mnnia-a-potu can guess how difficult and loathsome a task he had set himself. Ungrateful onough it was at first, for Rodgers struggled against his tormentors with the ferocity of?just what he was?a starving animal. As reason began to return and his unnatural strength to vanish, he would beg them in his intervals of reason not to fail hiui. but to work out the experiment either to success or death. "It is n?y last chance," he would cry;" "for God's sake be patient." This friend, with his son, did work it out through all the foul, unmentionable details, and, the end was not death, but success. "How soon," asked a friend of Rodgers afterwards, "were you trusted alone 7" "Not for two years," he answered, laughing. "I was out of jail but in jail bounds. Do you remember that lank, muscular young fellow who had a desk beside me in the office ? He took it with the condition that he couid leave it to dog me night and day, to my meals and to iny bed. That was the son of tho man who saved me. He was taken from a lucrative situation in order that he might become my jailer. God, bless him! How I used to curse him! Can't you trust my honor V I would cry. 'I'm no con viced that your honor has not the consumption/ the Scotch-Irishman could say. 'We'll put no burdens on it until it has regained its health.', "Your friend was a wealthy man, no doubt, and so able to give both time and money to your case V "On tbe contrary, he is but the owner of a small hat-store, and supports bis family out of that. He is rich or noble only in the deed and spirit of friendship./ All this was years ago. Rodgers is bow an iudustriots, honorable man, married to bis old love, with his gray-haired mother by his hearth, bringing to it the perpetual-benediction of benignant old age. His friend sell hats?makes no speeches aor boasts of any sort in the world. Yet, who for tbe sake of a dead or-living friend would go and do likewise ? New York TrU>unr. The Modooe?Captain Jack Captured and the War Ended Washington, June 3. The following dispatches were received here this morning: San Francisco, June 2. To General W. T. Sherman, Wath oujfon D. 0. 1 Colonel Davis reports June let, that the Modoc scouts, sent out .Tuesday, the 27th, from Jule lake, report to him at Applegate's on the evening of the 28th as having found Captain Jack and band camped on Willow creek, at the crossing of the emigrant road, fourteen miles east of Applegate's. Captains Hasbrouck and Jackson's squadrons, under Major Green, were sent immediately in tinrsnit And cama nnnn them on the crcning of the 29th, and pursusd them till the evening of the 30th, when fourteen warriors, ten women and nine children, wero captured after a slight skirmish among them. Schonchin and Scar Faced Charley and Captain Jack, with three warrors, escaped in one direction. Tho remaining nino escaped in- a different direction, leaviug twelve men not captured. Ho will push them lively until caught, and hopes to close the war in a few days, aud start the troops to other {Jbints.. (Signed.) J. M. SCHOHKLD, Major-General. San Francisco, June 2. (irnrral W. T. Skrrman: Subsequent dispatches from Colonel Davis, A %nlA?nto>d Timn annnurtnac (lBU'U nv A}'PIU^UIV n '/ UIIV iur, liiiwuwn the capture of Jack and two warriors and their families. He expects the few others to come in soon, and considers that the war is terminated. (Sigued) J. M. SctlOFiElD, Major-(jcueral. % f ??? Caei'k.ntkus, Pattjcun-Ma k kus, adn C.vhiNxt-Makers will take nfttice that P P. TOALK, of Charleston, has on hand and for sale, White Piue of the finest j;rn<lc wholesale and retail. Also, Walnut, Oak land other Hard Woods. 1 Sorm Caromxa Loav ano Trist Comp?.'v, I viiarlrston, N. C.?We wouM call the special Aleutian.of our readers to the ndvirt iscmcnt o the above Cnmpfihy in another column. It offer* inducements and security for the investment of savings such as are rarely to be met with. Interest on deposits at six per cent., compound quarterly, is in itself a handsome returned, while the depositor is able threat satisfied that he is running absolutely no risk at all. For in addi* tion to the fact that the Directors and Tru.tees Are among the most prominent and trustworthy* business men of Charleston, the whole amouo^f the hanking capital, v?: : ?*?*?,uw, is a wbmm l for all deposits in the-.?avingji Hepaidmenj^ *'] Thf. Puneer a*d 9^||irKwy<,'pp^iv^%l^S!j Hazard k Css weft's, made on ihe seashore, frdfej fresh, selected livers, by. ^aswcll, BasasD,^: & Co., New-York. It is absolutely 'pttrt **ka sweet, Patients who have otfce taken if prefer it of all others. Physicians have superior to any of the other oils in market, nodical Blunder*. Tfj* ' 7 * * ' * * j??E^HE Prom the period when surgeons nppfltf* their salves to weapons instead of wounds to the present wide-awake nge, the medical profession has often unwittinglytaken side with Disease in its conflicts with the human system. Even yet, in spite of the teachings of centuries of' experience, some physicioans bclievcin depicting their patients, nlredy seriously, exhausted by sickness, with pswerful evacuants, emetics, salivants, cautharidal plasters, or the lancet. But, providentially, public intelligence is ahead of these medical fossils, who belong, of right, to the evtj of the Crusades: That powertui any 01 nature in its warfare with the caused of eickuess, Hostetter's Stomach liitters, has opend the eyes of the masses to the paramount importance of increasing the vitul strength of the body when menaced by disease. They understand that when the atinopheric conditions are adverse to health, ^ is wise to reinforce the system with a wholesome-tonic tad stimulant, and thus enable it to cambat and repel the depressing influence of and inclement temperature. If the constitutional and animal powers were always thus recruited in the preseece of danger, the mortality from consumption, bronchitis, chronic rheumatism, &e., would be much less than it now is. The causes which produce cronps, colds, quinscy. diptherin and catarrh seldom affect a strong and active vital system; and of all vitalizing preparations, Hostetter's Bitters has proved the most efficient. It is not claimed that this standard tonic is a-specific for Iting and throat maladies, as it is for dyspepsia, liver complaint and intermittcnts, but it is unhesitutinglyasserted that it is the best knowu safeguard ngainst all the ntmnsplievic elements of disease. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF Memphis, Term. BRANCH OFFICE AT BALTIMORE, MD. Assets, $1,075,000. Hon JEFF* DAYIS, President. Gen. WaDE HAMPtON, Vice 'President. JOHN I); KENNEDY, Stair Agent May 22. 12m. A ( ARI). CI W. PRICE informs the citizens of Camden ' Jt that he will visit the town at stated intervals, say, once every three or four months, and ' will be fully prepared with every variety of material necessary for Tuning an l repairing PIANOS, MEL0DE0N8, &c., and will give entire satisfaction to all who inay employ him. May 22. lit. r.nTTNrniT. chamber. Camdrx, S. 0., May 10, 1873. Rksolvki>, That in future. Council will pram no license to retail spiritous liquors within the corporate limits of the town, except in strict accordance with the State law regulating the same. And that no license will he renewed after the present quarter expires, to those already granted, except in accordance with the law of the State as above stated. Resolved. That after the first day of June, all dogs found running at large in the streets of the town, be seized and impounded by the town guard, and if n< t redeemed within twenty-four hours, by the payment of one dollar, that they be killed by the town guard. Resolved, That these resolutions he published in the Camden Journal and Temperance Advocate. Extract from the minutes of Council. J. K. WiTUKBSpnoN, Recorder. May 22-tf C3HVE3KT AWAY. A Fine German Chromo. We send an Elegant Chromo, mounted and ready for framing, free to every Agent. AGENTS WANTED FOR UNDERGROUND, OR, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE. RY THOS. W. KNOX. (JP2 Pages Octavo. 180 Fine Engravings. RELATES Ineidents and Accident* byond the , Light of Day; Startling Adventures in all parts of the World; Mines and Mode of Working them; Undercurrents of Society; Gambling and its Horrors; Cavorns and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wickedness; Prisons and their Secrets; Down in the Depths of the Sea; Strange Stories of the Deeettion of Oritne. The book treats of experience with brignndsr' nights in opium dens and gambling hells; life in prison'; Stories of exiles; adventures among Indian; journeys through Sewers and Catacombs; accidents in mines; pirates and piracy ; tortures of the inquisition; wonderful buglories; underworld oft he great cities etc., etc. We want agents for -this work on which we give exclusive teritory. Agents can make $100 a week in selling this book. Send for circulars und special terms to agents. J. R. PURR & HYDE, Hartford, Conn., or Chtcngo, 111I Estate of Shadrach Rotors. NOTICK in hltrehy fciv<*n Hint one month nfter ?lat1 will apply to the Jn?l|^o of Prohato of Keridiaw Comity for Letter* of I)i*mi.?Kioii 11s Kxecutor t?f the above K*late. J. K. llODtiKRS, Kx'or. May 22. 4t. cht ** to$20 PJSR PAY ! Agfllts wanted. All }Jj ?} elns*en of w orking people, of either sex, young or old, make more money nt work for ih in their spare moment*, or nil the time, than nt any thimy else, l'nrticuln.-s free. Addrtssti. STINTON A CO.. Portland. Maine September 19. U'io. c,l{ Aft llXlSTlt 11![ J\0\~ C4^B aiFTS! Ami an IinnieiiMAViM'iply of Valuable, Klcgnut and ffrnMi daily, -JUnited sSfciootine Association A PUTZElpR EVERT TICKET 1 Cash GiftoT^Bpfiyr 7 ? Cnnh Gifts of $770 7 " ?? iSfHi 1(H) .*,00 1(1 " <? ' JK?) 200 " 270 2<L " " MM) 270 " 100 70 " " MjHIO fyO " '>(?' Also ft large a sfortment of Gold nml Silver Watches, ElegantJewelry, Silver Ware, Dress Goods, Furs, Sov/hig Machines, Etc,, Etc. Tickets to draw&ny of the above artio'es, 27 cents each. The igkcts are placed in scaled envelopes, well and drawn without favor. *Nifltcver is naincTupon it will he deliver to the olderon pnvmen^tf One Dollar, and sent by cxprosaor mart immediately. There ftve no blanks. E*ery Tickets idly describes the prize it 'draws* f ' OPIFItWoF THE PRESS. JfjjPftif dealing iTei lain...'I'lie most Mflnine scheme * the day.?Ifcrniit .. A good Stance lor every o?e.?ficntino/.... Universal satisHMfction given.? J*ja,indealrr. jfflPicW*stipp1kj[ nt 5 for $1,11 for $2, 27 for wfiOi for *7, lOij^for $17. One cash gift in fwCMEpackage <4W}0 tickets gunrnntecd. Rend all rams exceed! v One Dollar in nmount by express. Address, T ' % . WAtTOU L. HASTINGS & 00. ^ ?l- Ortiu Vflw Ynrk. E. ? i l ura nun, ?. ay 22, '3raFor 8ftle efr Very Low Prices RESIDENCE,*? Lyttlefon street adjoining Mr* MeDawtftl'atjmpeiipicd by Di. Bissell. LEVY HOrff^k*at Kfrkvrood, adjoining Dr. Snlmond'n. I JONE8 HOUSB, 011 Fair Street, near It. It. Depot. BROWN FARM, 190 acres, 5 niiles east of Camden on Darlifetr.n Road. Shannon & lining, Att'y?. May 22-tf. '-L Estate of William Johnson ."VJOTIGE is liei^by given that one month after l\ date I trill apply to the Judge of Probate for Letters of dismission as administrator of the above Estnte. * W. D. McDOWALL, Adm'r. May 16. 4t Estate of Benjamin Perkins. NOTICE is hereby given that one month aft in ilie Jiidirc of Probate i?;? < >.?, . -rr-j - for Letters Dismifsory as Executrix of the above estate. ' . . '' ' V. B. PERKINS, Ex'r'x. * _May_i5. 4t. SOl Ttt C AROLINA IMAM TRUST COMPMY, CHAILESTOST. S. C. OFFICE NQ. 17, BItOAD STREET. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Tr THE deposits in the Savings Department of this Company are invested as a Special Trust, and, therefore, are not subject to the hazards of banking. In addition to (hi? special security, depositors have the guarantee of the entire Bank Capital, which amounts to three hundred thousand dollars ($3000,000. y This department will enable all classes to find' a safe security fur their savings, however small: and at the same time bearing a renin native interest (six per ?ent compounded quarterly.) Curreucy can lie remitted by express and drafts by mail. '"I"'"1" MHFCTUUS AND TBt'STKKS. URO. S. CAWF.ROX, (1.1.. It I 1ST, K. II. FKOST. W. J. MinUI.RTOX, W. C. n>:K, A. I * RKWS, W. n. WIIXIAMS, K. WM.TJKX, II. >1. |)RI.KOX, I'. II. MI'MMISfiKB, n. O X Sit.I., WM. I.. WKBB, A. P.CALDWKtl, J. T. WKl.SMAX, J. M. stiArFELFonn. <if.o. n. Walter, 4. r. H. CLAI'SSKX', II I). I.AZAItfS. fri:SII Spring Goods, AT ( liOUFX 9, Emporium of Fashion. A new and complete line, and 'largely in crenK-d block of J DRY 600 DS, (1.0 IIIIM.. ? HateaiulCa |>?. Fancy andStaple Goods. A complete nsscrtineiit of ? .JAif.. " BOOTS AND SHOES 4 I I thi: hi:st i \ 4ti?u>i:\. I \ r Carcfull? selected thy flu1 proprietor in the NEW YOflK MARKETS. Ladies and gcultjeinen will please oall and examine this ATTRACTIVE 1)1 SI'LA\ of Seaaonablo flnuls before purshaMii^ elsewhore. The well-known standard ol'SATI^lWC- ! 'I" ' " v" '' * sj I1 T51 I II ' l.'sj eli-ii'f IV II..'IIIItain IUIU ( .iru x y1" ' j JOSAS. CLOUD. KiVll4lM'?. A<*. Rii^HnIi ami Pn?n<ifi lt?irnn<i Tftlli I'riislu'K, of nil qualitim. Will* 'va.?h, l':iin( nii?l If..i Ki'mlicr, a very lot J r sonuicM. F?r ??!< I.v V>vembir W-^kODOSON * M'SI. VI'. ' I 7 jflR c^ Mk . Tryy, For over FORTY YEARS this PURELY VEGETABLE LIVER MEDICINE has proved to he the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC or liivv.T'. Ouupi.aixt nml tho painful offspring DYSPBIVHA. () N'ST IP A T10 V. J n u ml icc Bilious attacks, Sick ilmnuMiK.-olic. Depression of Spirits, Sunt Sto.u.umi, lleartiiarn, HILLS AND FEVER, &e., \c. After years of genuine experiments, to meet the great nml urgent demand, ivc now produce from our original Gamine Powders, THE PREPARED. a liquid form of SIMMONS' I.IVKIt RKGUU j TOR, containing all its womleriui ana vaiuame j properties, and offer it in ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES. The Powders, (price as before,) $1.00 per p'kg'e. Sent by mail, 1.04 iwr CAUTION !"?a Buy no Powders or PREPARED "SIMMONS' XIVER REGULATOR, unless in our engraved wrapper, with Trademark, stamp and signature unbroken. None other is genuine. ,T. H. ZEILIN & CO, MACON GA., and PHILADElTHlA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTSFebruary 3 (dl2) 6m. Jfew Spring and Summer GOODS. ' . i ] I The undersigned respectfully invites the ] attention of purchasers to Iris large and care- 1 fully selected stock of SPRING and SUMMER DRY GOODS, Embracing every article in the line of Ladies' Dress Goods. ALSO. A fine assortment of j MEN AND BOY'S WEAB, i CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, ? BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 Domestics, &c. ; i With a full stuck of 1 <iroceries, nil run a ix* iiuu vi wunn j, | Willi a variety of other articles. All of which i arc o red on the most reasonable terms. fie J. W. McCl'RRY, Agent. April 10. tf Egyptian, or Cat Tail Millet Seed, i For >Hle at IIODtiSOX & DUN LAP'S# care- I folly selected seed of the above vaviciy of Millet, 1 the best substitute for forage so much needed at : this season. Price 00 cents per quart. March 20 It. < KERSHAW & WORKMAN, ATTORN EYS ! ANI) I COUNSELLORS AT LAW, i CAMDEN, S. C. I fllllK subscribers having formed a copartnerI ship under the above name, will give their f 0nent!on to eollectiotis. conveyancing, business 1 j in the State Courts or the United States Courts. < Pensions, bounty Clniuis, and all other mat- i I ... tn tliom nrnfexsinnallv. j. n. ki;i:sii \Vv. J W. H. R. WORKMAN. I i March 7. Omo ' A. CARI). i rpirr; subscriber proposing to visit his native ? j. Germany the ensuing summer, takes this J method of returning his thanks to the citizens of Camden and the vicinity for the kindness and i many favors which he has received at their habds during his residence in Camden. ' Mr. MARCUS TOIMAS is my duly author., ized attorney during my absence from the State, w whom payment may be made of all monies wc me. CHARLES ELI AS. Mnv 10. 4f. W. H. R. WORKMAN, NOTARY l't KMC, CA.MDKN, S. ('. Will make Protests where necessary, lake i Probate of l'jrtls ami Mortgages. ttemihciationg I of Dower administer! lis, ice. April 17. ! WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. MKIMi'Ali IIKI'AIIT.MD.NT, HAI.TI.MOIIK. ,Mi>. J TIIK Til I It h ANN l \l. SI'MM Kit SKSSION j i Will commence oil Monday, Mure it .'to. is"!!, and continue four mouths. The courso of leelures is full and complete. Hill ire f ecs. Si.o.? y For particular. adders. a l'rol. I'll At?. W. 4'II ANCKI.I.OK. l?ean [ WILSON'S {J sim- nnJ imtiimiumiI <urr I >r all <li-. ?.<>? I oiuist'tl liy rt .U'lMiigril i.iviT Midi us .I.iiim- ,r( lii'p, Ih-|.c| 'in, 11 .i.i I'l l>n in. Fcvorx, j h Norv?iiiMii .?n, iiiipuril v oi'llip lilimil. J " Mi'ln in-holy, ?'usiivriips*, Sick lli'inliiclie, Pains in I lie I f llrnJ, Hil l nil Kin in<1 | | ilis-cavos. , i:VKKV FAMILY -IHU l.l> II \VK IT. Solcl by nil Di Ujiy iwtH I'll Fl' \HFI? 'IN I.Y ISV 1 U 11,SON .t ..IK It. ' Mardi I?( Iiniloiip, N r, ?W^n ? ? .. ___ Jl New Advertisemenst. Agents! A Bare Chance. \\c will pay all agent* $::n per week in fash. who wil entiage with us at owk. Kvorv thing furnished and expenses |iai.l. MAN 1"KAC'ITKING COMPANY, Krattle Creek, Michigan. ? WORKING CLASS U. HI? rtfti,le employment at home, flay or evening; no capital rci|uirc<l; run iustt m-tinus and valuable package hi goods sent free l?v innil. Address With six cent rein ru stamp, M. Yolfiti A to., 10 fortlamlsc., N. Y. A GREAT OFFER. ~ wo v.iii pay ail agent* *f> per week, in cash, who will engage with us at once. Every thing furnished am! expense's juud. Address, ftil'I'I'LMi I, IU* i>ha.l..t?a U1/.K PSYOHOM A NCY or SOUL CHARMING/ How either sex may fascinate ami gain (lie lore ami affections i.fany person tliey choose instntWlv. This simple menial acquirement all can |>osseM, tree by mail, for 25. together with a marriage jfiiitlo, Epyption Oracle, Dreams, Hints to lanital, WeiMing.S'ipht .S'hirt, &c. A queer book. address, T. WILLIAM & Co., Put*. Phil., l'a. S Agent* Wanted for AINTS md VlMEKS OF THE kJ BIBLE. Address ZEIOLER & fl'CURDV, Philadelphia, Pa. XLTMKROl'S TESTS HAVE PROVED N. F. Burnham's?New Turbine WATER WHEEL To be the Best Ever Invented. irnn pavpiit/kth annnems vobk pa Sowing Maclilno Is the Best in the World. AGENTS WANTED. Send for circular. Address: " DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE 00. N. Y. ZSTZEWIEIR, Neglect a Cough, Nothing is more certain to lay the foundation for future evil consequences. Wells' Carbolic Tablets are a sure eure for all diseases of the Besplratory Or fans, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Diphtheria, Asthma , I'atarrh, Hoarseness. Dryness of the Throat, Windpipe ?? jr Bronchial Tubes, and all Diseases of the Langs. In all cases of sudden cold, however taken, these* rABETS should be promptly and freely used. They equalize the circnlation of the blood, mitigate the severity of the attack, and will, in a verr short time, restore healthy action to the affected organs. Well's Carbolic Tablets are put up only In ilcm soxes. Take no substitutes. If they cant be fonnd at four druggist's, send at once to thk Agent in Nnw k'okk, who will forward them by return mail. DonT be Deceived by Imitations. GnM ht* dpnrrrviata Prion 9K oatif a a hnw .JOHN a KELLOOO, 18 Platt-st., New-York, Send for Circular. Sole Agent tor United 8tatet. 12,000,000 ACRES! Clieap Farms ! T!ie Cheapest Laud in Market for sale by th? Union Pacific Rail Road Company, In the Great Platte Valley. 3,000,000 Acres iu'Central Nebraska S'ow for sale in tracts of forty acres and upwards on Ive and ten years credit at C per cent. No Advance Interest required. Mild and healthful climate, fertile soil, anabun lance if flood Water. THE BEST .MARKET IN THE WRST! The great Mining Regions of Wyoming, Colorado Utah and Nevada. being supplied by farntera In the Platte Valley. Soldiers entitled to a Homestead of lftO Acres. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. PUKE HOMES FOR ALL! Millionsef Acres of choice Government I-ands open for entry under the Homedead Law, near this (treat Railroad, with good markets and ail the conveniences of an old settled country. Free passes to purchasers of Railroad Land. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition nf J>escri|Kive Pamphlet with New Maps mailed free everywhere. Address, O. F. DAVIS. Land Commissioner U. P. R. R., OMAHA, NKB. is unequalled In any known remedy. It will eradicate, r-xttrpate and thoroughly destroy all poisonous substances in the Itlood and will effectually dlsjtel all prediopodrlon to bilious derangement. Is there want of action in your Liver and Spleen? I'nless relieved the blood becomes impure by deieteriotu tecretions, pro,lacing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, canker, l'lmplea, Ao. Ac. Have von a Dyspeptic stomach? Unless digestion U promptly aided the system is debilitated with poverty if the blood, dropsical tendency, general weakness and nertla. Have vou a weakness of the Intestines? You are in langer of a chronic diarrhoea or inflammation of the Bowels. Have von a weakness of the uterine or Urinary Orrans? Ton are exposed to suffering in its most aggrarated form. Are yon dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or depress>d in spirits, with headache, back ache, cocted tongue ind bad taste in the mouth ? For a certain remedy in til these diseases, weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing and purifying the vitia ;eil moon, mm impaimiK ?iavr io mi me vuai lorce* for building up anil restoring weakened constitutions L'SE JITBUBEBA vlilch la pronounced l>y the leading medical authorities )( London and I'aria " the most powerful tonic and al eratlve known to the medical world." This is no new ind untried discovery but has been long used by lie eadii; physicians of other couutrles with wonderful eniedTal results. Dont weaken and Impair the digestive organs bv oahartlcs, and phyBics which give only temporarr relief -Indigestion, flatulency ami dyspepsia with piles and tindred diseases are sure to follow their use. Keep the'.blood pure and health Is assured. JOHN KEI.LOCU, IS i'latt St., New York, Sole Agent for the Tnlted 8tates. Trice One Dollar per llottle. Send for circular. The startling drawback on nearly all medicinal ajrenta * las ever been that In their process of purgation and urlMeatioti ther have also debilitated the system. To d>vtate thialdiillehlt vj physicians have long sought for tit agent that would Purge, Purify and Strengthen, At one ami (he same time. Their research has al lust lieen rewarded li* a'dlseov ri which fu'lv realises the foudest desires of the ine.U ai la. uliv, and Whlrh I* Justly regarded aa the most niooiuuit trlmiiithihat Pharmacy has ever achieved I'his jni|iort:int desideratum Is I)r. Tuff's Vegetable Liver Pills. Vhleh purify the Mood and remove all corrupt humors >nd unhealthy aivunuilatfbns from the tmdjr, and yet irodueesno weakness or lassitude whatever, Itut on he contrary tones the stoniaeh and Inuirorates the sidy during the progress of their operation. They mite ir.e hereinfore irrc? -omulablv qualities of a iTIIKM.TIIKMNtl ITIMiATIVK and a H K1FY1NG roxir. 4^ lir. TI"I'T'*< 1'II.I.S arc the niont active atnl seartW iiir iiM-?ll< itie in exlMli iH C. They at ouce attack the , oof of iliHftiin'", uikI their action i* so prompt that in ii hour or two after they ure In ken tin- patient la ware of their ipNHl effect*. They inav tie taken at tiv time without restraint to iliel or occupation; they r'Hluep neither nausea, uripitnr or ilcbllity, anil ana amilv tueilicitie have no rival. 'l ive'J"? cents a liox. SuM by all Uruggiatii. 'rineipnl Offic HI utnl 'JO I'laM-st., New York. SODA WATER. |"i'l. t'OLIi soli.\ WATER, fresh from the I Foiinsain. ilisjienseil by May 1. HODGSON & DUN L AP.