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Church A>i rectory. Methodist Church, DeKalb street?Rev R. L. Harper, Paster?Services at 10} A.M and 7} M.on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wed nesday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? Rev. S. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10} A. M. and 4 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 4} P. M. Episcopal Giiurch. Rev. B. F. D. Per ry?Sunday, at 11 o'clock A. M. and 31 P. M. On other days at 10 A. M., during Lent. Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. Robert Thompson. Pastor?Services at?10* * A. M. and 8 P. M.; on Sunday. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 P. M. MEETINGS. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. A Attend the Regular Meeting ofyour Division at Trmperanct Hall on MONDAY evening , next, at 7 J o'clock. > By order ot the W. P. J. M. GAYLE, R. S. Memorial Association.?The member8 of the Ladies' Memorial Association are re- 1 quested to meet at the Presbytetian lecture 1 room on Thnrsday. April 24th, at 5 o'clock p. m. l<OCAli NEWS. Messrs. GRIFFIN A HOFFMAN, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 Sooth Street, Baltimore, Md., are ' duly authorized to contract for advertisements at our lowest rates. Advertisers in that city are requcs- j ted to leave their favors with this house. This lirrn has exceptional facilities for placing advertisements 1 cheaply, and we take pleasure in referring all who desire to advertise in out-of-town papers, especially those ' having real estate to sell?to these gentlemen. m VT-n. Aununi fin Mnnrl.n at-a. 1 1UC fiW V;VUHVlii?~~Vu i'iuuvtwj v * v Ding last, the new Council was duly installed and the interests and well-being of the town for the ensuing year placed in their , hands. The Circuit Court meets here on Monday j next. I. O. 0. F ?Kershaw Lodge No. 9, I. j O. 0. F., was revived by Bro. Thomas , Steen, M. W..G. P., of South Carolina, on ( Tuesday evening. As full re-organization will be effected during this week. Personal.?We have had the pleasure J of a visit to our town of Capt Wm Vernon s of Chic&go, who was formerly a merchant ^ of Camden. Mr. Vernon deft us in 1833, and returned with his estimable lady, a native of this place, to see what romains of ( the old town after the lapse of forty years. He was visited by many of our citizens who * greeted him warmly. Easter Day. t?According to ancient usage c the ladies of the Episcopal Church in this 1 place, decorated their church building at, r Easter with the beautiful flowers and green 1 verdure of the joyous spring time. The 1 chancel window was gracefully arched by y an an evergreen wreath', interspersed with 1 white and pale lilac flowers looped in the corners with -boquets of white and crimson blossoms. A cross of evergreens and white , and crimson flowers surmounted the apex of the arch. Behind and above the altar-table : i was placed a cross of evergreens ornamented J with white flowers. The chancel rail was festooned in green, interspersed with white 1 j and lilac flowers. Wreaths ot evergreens , garlanded the side windows, looped in the spaces between with circlets of the same, while hanging baskets decorated each alternate window. In front of the chancel, on tho right, stood the baptismal fount exquisitely decorated with ivy and flowers of ( the pale heliotrope. On the left, a vase was < correspondingly ornamented with with beau- < tiful foliage and flowers. The sfaji, prayer ' desk and lectum were covered with the ever- J green. St. Andrew's cross, and in front of the latter were va3es, containing, most beau- , tifully arranged, the large leaves and ex- < quisite blooms of the Calla *-Ethiupica, that ' fairest of the lilies. In the centre of the 1 nave, in front of the chancel, was erected a 1 large cross, upon an evergreen mound profusely and richly decorated with the choicest ( exotics and other flewcrs. At the opposite \ end of the building, in tko vestibule, was a ] similar mound and cross, but not so highly 1 adorned. The-whole effcc' of these decorations was very pleasing and fitly harmonized w th the spirit of this joyous festival of the church. The Psalniopy of the services was , beautifully rendered by the choir and the i congregation, and the sermon of the Rector, t Rev. B. F. D. Perry, on the te*t from Isaiah, 1 (i3rd chapter, 1st verso* '"Who is this corneth from Kdoni. with dyed garments from Bozrub?" was eminently worthy of the occasion: As eustomary, tho morning service euded with tiie celebration of the Holy Ku- J chaiist, which was received by a large number of persons. With many, no doubt, it is j a day tbfct will long be remembered with j grateful appreciation of its high privileges. . , Fire.?On Tuesday night of last week, j the dwelling house cf Mr. Win. K. O'Steen, a few miles from town, was consumed by fire. The family at about half past ten o'clock, were awakened from their slumbers to find the honse in flames. The furniture was nearly all saved, but Mr. O'Steen loses ' about two hundred and tiftv dollars in other valuables. The fire is supposed to have been accidental. A Merited Compliment.?We note with pleasure, that our follow-citizen, Dr. S. Baruch, has been elected President of tho? South Carolina Medical Association. Such a tribute to the worth of one so young in the profession, and of foreign birth, is a compliment alike creditable to him and to those bestowing it, and gratifying to the Doctor's many friends. We notice also, that Dr. Baruch contributes an able paper on an important theme to the Medical .Journal and Revieie, for April. Dr. R. ST McDow, of Liberty Hill, has been honored' with the post of Vice-Presi dent of the S. I'. Weaicai Association. Easier Elections.?At the annual meeting of the Parish of Grace-Church, Camden, on Easter Monday, the following gentlemen were elected as Wardens and Vestrymen for the ensuing year: Warden*?L. H. Deas, J. B. Kershaw. Vestry?J. M. DeSaussure, J. M. Davis, W. M.Shannon, H.C.Salmond, J. A. Young, J. D. Dunlap, Theo. Lang. Delegates to the Convention?L H. Deas, J. B. Kershaw, J. A. Young, J. M. Davis. The Farmer's Cooking Stove.?We call the attention of families to the commendations of this popular Stove,'published elsewhere. Messrs. Culver Brothers will be here this week to exhibit it and present its claims upon our citizens. The Schutzenpest?We acknowlege, with thanks, the receipt of an invitation to ittend the German Schutzenfest to be held in Charleston next week. If our duties permitted we would be pleased to participate in the innocent pleasures of this joyous occasion. Frost.?There was considerable frost in this vicinity Saturday and Sunday nights last, sufficient to nip young cotton plants had they been up. The weather is now mora seasonable. Fires.?Destructive fires have prevailed In the adjoining country during the last several weeks. We hear of great damage to timber and feuces. Tiis PmE8T and Sweetest Cod-Liver Oil is dazard k Caswell's, made on the sea shore, from resh, selected livers, by Caswell, Hasakd., It ?0., New-York. It is absolutely pure and iwect. Patients who have onoo taken it prefer t of all others. Physicians have decided it uperior to any of the other oils in market. 4t. Whose Hanxdsome House is that ?? 5uch was the inquiry of the traveller, as he wssed an unusually welfinished residence lot many miles from here. The style of the ashes, the clearness of the giasss, the beanty if the blinds and doors, the neatness of the folumns and balusters around the piazza, he perfect proportion of the bracket and tnd mouldings, all struck the travellej with ilcasure and admiration. All the above vorc furnished by Mr. P. P. Toalc, of Chareston, S. C. Prices sent free on aplicacion. SEALED PROPOSALS IN DUPLICATE irill bo rpceived for Sixty Days hv the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the State Orphan Asylum for a SITE AND BUILDING for the ibove named institution, in accordance with a joint resolution of the General Assembly, approved February 27, A. D. 1873, to iuvite*Proposals for a site und Building as required by said joint resolution. R. W. TURNER, Chairman of Board State Orphan Asylum. April 10-61. Half Alire. It is a sad thing to pus through life only half tlive. Yet there are thousands whose habitual :ondition is one of languor and debility. They ioinplaiu of no specific disease; they suffer no jositive pain; but they have no relish for anyhing which affords mental or sensuous pleasure o their wore robust and energctiefellow-beings. In nine cases out of ten this state of lassitude tnd torpor arises from a morbid stomach. In* ligestion destroys the energy of both mind and jody. When the waste of nature is not supplied t>y a due and regular assimulanion of the food, every orgau is starved, evefy function interrupted. Now, what does common sense suggest under these circumstances of depression? The system needs rousing und stseugthening ; not merely for an hour or two, to sink afterwards into u more pitable condition than ever (as it assuredly would do if an ordinary alcoholic stimulant was restorated to), but radically and permanently :r?,? :? .Uvh i.M,. obicnt to be accomplish ed ? The answer to this question, founded on the unvarying experience of a quarter of a centunry, is easily given. Infuse new vigor into the digestive organs by a course of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, bo not waste time in administering temporary remedies, but wake the system up by recuperating the fountain bead of physical strength and energy, the great orgap upon which all the other organs depend for their nurture and support. By the time that a dozen doses of the great vegetable* ton is and invigorant have been taken, the feeble frame pf the dyspeptic will begin to feel its benign iutlneucv. Appetite will be created, and with apdetite the capacity to digest what it.craves. Persevere until tin* cure in complete?until healthful blood, fit to betheinaterinl of tlevil uit'l muscle, ^?ne and nerve itn<l brain, flow* through the cnanuels of circiilntion, instead of the watery pabulum with w hich they have heretofore beenimporfectly nourished. W. H. R. WORKMAN, NOTARY PIBLK, CAMDKN, S. C. Will make Protest* where necessary, take Probate of Dadl* and Mortgages, UcuunciationB nf Ih.wev. D'lmini?terf?eth?. N*"- April 17. I II II Farmer's Cooking Store. From the Newberry (8. C.) Herald of March 18,18T3. Newberry, S. 0 , March 3, 1873. . MESSRS. CUL VER BROTHERS: It is with pleasure that we commend jour Farmer Cooking Stove to the goneral public. They are an absolute household necessity at this time, especially when so much of domestic duty and management depends more or less upon our wive9 and daughters. The Stove is as simple and beautiful in construction as it is rapid and reliable in its work. In a word, it is as nepr perfect as it can be. ' " " " r TIT T) 1 1?. J. U. f5. nrowil. ?J. TT . ivuuuci, A. Longshore, M. C. Longshore, W. F. Metts. ' J. B. Johnson, S. Werts. W. M. Kinurd, H. Suber, J. B. Floyd, Mrs. A. Lake, J. S. Pitts, J. P. Williams, W. 1). Peterson, D. S. Holley, John McOarley, J. F Oxncr, A. C. Hollinswortb. Samuel Abrams, J. K. G. Nance, J. C. Stewart, C. McCracken, II. Hendricks, D. P. Hawkins, Jacob Kibfer, JaS. Lester, B. S. Burton, B. FJGriffin, L. Longshore, T. J. Ncel, John J. Cook, L Diekert, W. M. Dorroh, J. M. II. Buff, John P. Kinard, J. D. Epps, Isaac Herbert, M. Reeder, John Abrams, M. L Young, 0- P. Harris, W. L. Waters, C. M. Williams, Levi Slawson, M. Longshore, G. W. Andrews, M. Golding, James Garrett, II. W. Suber, Win. A. Fair, J. W. Gilliam, J II. Boozer, Stat* of Sorm Carolina?Nbwdehry Countt. I certify that I am acquainted with John P. Kinard, J. C. S. Brown and others, whosa names are appended to the foregoing recommendation. that they are reputable citizens of Newberry county, and entirely worthy of credit. Given under my hand and seal of office, this March 3, 1873. WARREN M. FEAGLE, Deputy Clerk, Newberry County. [From the Abbevlle 8. C. Press t Banner Jan. 10,1878.] Abbeville, S. C., Dec. 10, 1872. MESSRS. CULVER BROTHERS: We cheerfully grant you permission to use our names as you.seo proper in commendation of your Farmer Cooking Stove, for we regard it as being altogether the beat cooking stove in use. It is all that is desirable in a stove, for it is simple in construe tion, hag no dampers or flues to burn out, and bakes quick and beautifully. We bespeak for you a liberal patronage from our neighbors and friends, believing as we do that none who purehaso one of these stoves will ever regret it, but will consider it a rare prize in these days, when good cooks are so hard to get. Yonr enterprise mefita success, and we hope you will attain it. James Barnes, T. 0. Hill, John Hagan, G. W. Bowen, J. E. Bell. A. Every, W. B Bowie, H. Riley, P. P. Hannah, W. Fooshee, G.W.Nichols, . H. B#Davenport, S. 0. Young, J. J. Acker, W. Wickliffe, W. C. Cromer, J. M. Pruitt. W. F. Anderson, A. J. Clinkseales, T. R. Pucket, Jas. Thomeson, H. J. Kpting. J. D. Alewine. J. D. Neel, R. Taylor, W. McCain, M. L. Ashley, P. Tucker, N. Acker, J. B. Pruitt, Wm. Ilagau. A. Hall, J. 0. Fooshee, T. V. Pruitt. J. D. Adams C. Jones, B. V. Acker, J. C. Hall, J. W. Jordan, M. Freeman, B. P. Neol, V. Sharp, J. J). Foosbeo. W. A. Hall. John Jones, Bnrt Railey, S. Talbert. Win. Cook, J. U. Britt, J. T. Cheathnm, W. Watkins, H. M. Prince, Henry Bowie, S. W. Brooks. Jno. Vance, J. W. Shirley, M. C. Rivers, J. M. Jordan, S. B. Cook, G. P. Oneall, J. Jordan, W. M. Webb, J. Criswell, W. Whitley, A. J. Weed, P. A. Tribble. Statu or South Cakoli.ta?Abbeville Co. I, L. D. Bowie, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions for county and State aforesaid, do certify that I am personally acquainted with the above signers, and take pleasuro in saying that they are severally honorable gentlemen, and are men of credit nnd undoubted veracity. I will add that Messrs Culver Brothers have s?ld several hundred of their Farmer Cooking Stoves in this county, and so far as I have heard, they give universal satisfaction. I. D. BOWIE. J.AWCARD. WM. D. TRANTHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CAMDEN, S. O. Office adjoining that of J. M. Davis, Esq. February 13, 3m. ~ SOUTH CAROLINA, Kershaw County. To all Persons whom it may Concern: IN THE PROBATE COURT. WHEREAS, Rebecca Newman, bath this thin day filed her petition, praying a Homestead to be aetloff to her, unprovided by Statute. April 3-t J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. T?OTI E. PURINU wy abarnec, and until further notice, the t'ainden Journal and all other business of the sitt.soribor >t< thi3 State will be it] ehnrge of J 11. Kershaw, who in my duly authorized attorney. JOHN KERSHAW. March J. Urn SPECIAL NOTICE. A LI. persons indebted to the late firms of t\ 11. Hums and Wallace A Hums, are re^iid-ted to come forward and settle at once with my agent, W. L. ARTHUR, at the office of Arthur A. l'oge, otherw ise I shall be obliged to put theui in the hands of an Attornav for collection. March 27-tf. M. T? D'TRN? For over FORTY" YEARS this PURELY VEGETABLE , LIVER MEDICINE 1ms proved to he the | GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC i for Ltvfu Complaint and the painful offspring I DYSPEPSIA, ONSTIPATION. Jaundice Bili iotts attacks, Sick Headache, olic, Depression ] : of Spirits, Sou{t Stomach, Heartburn, HILLS AND FEVER, &c., &e. After years of genuine experiments, to meet the great and urgent demand, we now produce from our original G'nuint Potcdert, THE PREPARED. 1 a Liquid form of SIMMONS' LIVER REGULA- { TOR, containing all its wonderful and valuable , properties, and offer it in ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES. 1 , / _ \ 4-1 THe rowuers, ^pricc U? nrivri,;4ii.uu per p c. Sent by mail, 1.04 ser CAUTION! -?a j Buy no Powders or PREPARED SIMMONS' ( LIVER REGULATOR, unless in our engraved wrapper, with Trade mark, stamp and signature unbroken. None other is genuine. 1 ?T. H. ZEILIN & CO, MACON GA., and PHILADELPHIA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. February 3 (dl2) Cm. New Spring and Snminer GOODS. Tbe undersigned respectfully invites the attention ol purchasers to his large and carefully selected stock of SPRING and SUMMER | DRY GOODS, Embracing every article in the line of I Ladies' Dress Goods. AL.&U. A fine assortment of '< MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, ! OLOTHINO, HATS AMD CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Domestics, Arc. With a full stock of , Gr*ocei*ie&9 Hardware and Crockery, ! With a variety of other articles. All of which J i j are o red on the most reasonable terms. ffe J. W. McCURRY, Agent. 1 _ ^rli.?l tfl? i Egyptian, or Cat Tail Millet Seed, 1 For sale at HODGSON ft DUNLAPS, carefully selected see-1 of the above variety of Millet, J the best substitute for forage so much nce<le<l at this season. Price fiO cents per quart. March 2<Mt. AiTinnmnn AT, il?AU ^UAUl?IIO ur Wheeler & film's Sewina Mate Co. AT J. S. Cloud's, CAMDEN, S. C. ' CALL aud examine my stock and prices. We guarantee satisfaction. < R. D. HANKINSON, Agent. ' January 9. tf, ( Security Life Insurance and An- j nuity Company, , Ql* New York. ORGANIZED 18G2. CAPITAL *3 000.000 INCOME... 1.500.000 * Paid to Widows and Orphans of deceased members, 1.500.000 Insures on all popular and reliable plans. LOUIS SHKRFESKK, ? General Agent, Charleston, S. C. J IfARLES A DffSAUSSURE, Agent. Camden, 8. C. i January 1G. tf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. i Rest New Orleans Molasses ? Sugar House Syrup, 1 Selected Goshen Hotter, Ilcst Family Flour, , Pure Leaf Lard, t Coffi*, Tea and Sugar, Pearl Grist and Meal, Maekarel and Cheese, Irish Potatoes and Onions, Soap, Stareh and Candles, < English and American Pickles, J Canned Goods?all kinds, : Candies, Confections, Ac. , And every thing usually kept in a first .' class Grocery and Provision Store, all of which will he sold at low prices, by I). C KillKLEV,'Agent. ' January 30. tf NOTICE. All persons holding Teachers' l'ay Certificates ! or other claims against the "Free School Fund" I I of Kershaw County. ate nercny rci|uireu iu pre* < i sent ihem at once to me and have the soul of office affixed thereto, as the Treasurer has orders not to pay any until my seal of office is > affixed to the same. FRANK CARTER. March J?7-dt. School Com. Kershaw 0". ?OrfhaAa?????MMca??Bjp??g?aci RIBBON Millinery & Straw Goods. 1873: ALSO White Goods,.Embroideries, &carmstrongTcator & CO. Importers, Mnnmfacturers and Jobbers. BONNET TRIMMINGS. Neck and Sash Ribbons, VELVET RIBBONS, NECK TIES, cuiro .(sofina V?lv*>tsftnil Cranes. LJUIIIIC* UliAO) ? v. . - - ?^ - -, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Frames, &c. 3traw Bonnets and Ladies and Children's flats, TRIMMED AND tJNTRIMMKD, AND IN CONNECTINO WARKROOMS. WHITE GOODS, LINENS AND EMBROIDERIES, Laces, *Nets, Collars, Setts, Handkerchiefs, Veilings, Head Nets, &c. &c, Nos. 237 and 239 Baltimord Street. BALTIMORE, MD. f^-These goods arc manufactured by us or jought for cash directly from the European and \mcrican manufacturers, embracing all the laest novelties, unequalled in variety and cheapness in any market. Orders filled with carc, promptness and 'dispatch. March 6.?lm* Notice to Contractors. SEALED Proposals for re building Marshall's dridge over Little Lynche's Creek, will bo revived at this office for the next thirty days. JOHN A. BOSWELL, Chm'n. B. Co. Com'rs. Frank Carter, Clerk, march 27-4t. 2nd Annual nTSTHTRlTTm 1/ X J.?< JL JLF JL v 75.730-PREMIUMS. RAXGIXG IX VALVES ROM $10 TO $5,000. Q-IVEILT AWAY TO TIIE SUBSCRIBERS OF Our Fireside Friend. Every subscriber it turt of one Premium any way, lnii alto hat an equal chance of receiving a GASH Premium, OB A PIANO, ORGAN, WATCH, SEWINC MACHINE, etc. FIRST (BRAND CASH PREMIUM SS.OOO. OCR FIRESIDE FRIEND?-Eight Paget, Large Size, Illustrated, the Family Weekly is in its rHIRD VOLUME and has attained the LAR3EST CIRCULATION of any paper published in the West. Its sucoess ENABLES the proprietors to furnish TIIE BEST, MOST DESIRABLE AND MOST USEFUL^ ORIGINAL READING M.V111SK, in unLii tAnir.ii, that money can buy, and make it a HOME WEEKLY suited to the wants of every family. Subscription price $3 per year of ^2 numbersTHE ELEGANT t'HKOHO " CUTE," Size 16 x 20 inehes, 16 colors. Acknowledged by all to be the BAND80MB8T nnd MOST VALUABLE premium picture in America.? EVERY SUBSCRIBER is presented with this Chroino at the cimc of subscribing, (no rcaiting,) ind receives a NUMBERED CERTIFICATE ENTITLING THE HOLDER TO A SHARE in the distribution of $25,000 in cash premiums. THE J) ISTHTBUTIOX TAKES 1'LACE on the second Tuesday in June next. TheChromo nnd Certificate seut on receipt of price.? SPECIMEN COPIES, PREMIUM LISTS, Etc., G1VIXO FULL PARTICULARS, sent free to any nddjess. A f 1? \T Q Either local or canvassing, in a U J!l li 1 U ?*ery town. Large Cash rrT 1 liniTcn Pay and the best outfit. H Ail 1 ElU Send at once/or terms. Address, OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND, Chicago, 111. And Baltimore, Md. March 6, tf. Notice of liiMoiuiion, rHK Copartncrthip heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm-name >f WALLACE & BURNS is this day dissolved >y mutual consent. All parties indebted to the toncern are requested to come forwaid at once ind make immediate payment, and those having rlaims against it will please present them to Mrs. U. L. Brrns, who assumes the liabilities, and *ho alone is authorized to sign the firm's name n liquidation. W. WALLACE. M. L. BURNS. February 25. tf NOTICE. I have this day given W. L ARTHUR a ipccinl power of Attorney to collect and settle ill notes and accouuts due the late firm of Wa!acc & Burns, and'also renew his agoncy heretcore exercised in sealing up the affairs of Burns It Boswell and C. B. Burns, still in liquidation. ? ? ? \t r nirnva KrT>. ! i * 11 iu? u. uvni?u> Copartnership Notice. THE undersigned have this day formed a Copartnership under the name of AKTHUR t PAGE, and hare purchased the entire Stock >f Wallace & Rurus, und will continue the bttsi* less at the Old Stand, where they will be happy o meet the customers of the old concern, and tope by strict attention to business to merit a ontinuanee of the patronage so long extended o the house. W. L. ARTHUR. JONATHAN PAGE. February 23. tf itton PF.U HAY! .Wonts wanted. All ?5 classes of working people, of either sen, I roungor ohl. make tnore money at wark for us n their spare moments, or till the time, than at my thing else. Particulars free. Address G. 'TINSOX & CO., Port's nil. Maine. Septemherlit. 12m. rite Finest Tnble Corn for the South LARGE YORK SWEET CORN?An improved !-a_. a- I . .. ?.\.l Mt%,l banei V, u* V rf/?yt ^ur, ? H ? vrtifmif Jtu r *?/, miM 'ZCtMiitf/h/ prodnrtii'f. I'nek ft (l>i/ moll) i!*? crntf. Al?n st generul assortment of select (Jttnlen ami Flower Seeds?Si. $J. S:{, s|. mix! !?.">. Colleoliotis of tlio elioioeM varieties mailed in nny a?lilroes on receipt of remittitur*. liefer (by pcrini?eio)ii lo lion. .1. S. Hlstek. Washington, l>. (' . Weiser, Son \ I'm l, Hunkers, York, I'a. KDW 1) .1. KVAXS k 00.. A i/r.'TyifK'i oij \ nrk. l'?. March JJO* - J?BBB???i??? FRESH Spring Goods, AT CLOUD'S Emporium of Fashion. A new and complete line, and largely increased stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats andCaps. ti ? i?' - ? xancyanatstapie uoods. . A complete assortment of BOOTS Aim SHOES THE BEST IX OAXDEX. "Carefully selected by the proprietor in theNEW YORK MARKETS. Ladies and gentlemen-will please call and examine this ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY of Seasonable Goods before purshasing elsewhere. The well-known standard of SATISFACTORY CASH PRICES strictly maintain *_ JOS. S. CLOUD. LAW NOTICE. CAMDEII, S. CM "MARCH 1, 1873. THE Jjaw Firm of Kershaw & Kebsiiaw, is this day dissolved. The senior member is authorized to use the* firm's name to close the business. J. B. KERSHAW. JOHN KERSHAW. March 7. lm KERSHAW & WORKMAN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, CAMDEN, S. C. THE subscribers having formed a copartnership under the above name, will give their attention to collections, conveyapcing, business in the State Courts or the United States Courts, Pensions, Bounty Claims, and all other^ matters entrusted to them professional!v. J. B. KERSHAW. W. H. R. WORKMANMarch 7. tirao WILSON'S T.TWn i? jlia V JUAH M. A Mire and permanent eure for all disease* caused by a deranged Liver such as Jann? dice, Dyspepsia, Ilaa^tburn, Fevers, Nervousness, impurity oftbe Blood, Melancholy, Coetiveness, Sick Headache, Pains in the Head, and all kindred diseases. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE IT. Sold by all Druggists. PIIEPABKD ONLY BY WILKOX A LLACK, M 1.?f?in Charlotte, X. C. Prodigy Cotton Seed. A SMALL quantity of this wonderfully prolific Cotton Seed is now offered for sale. This seed produces from eight to thirteen locks to the boll. From one hundred stalks of the genuine Eight Lock Cotton, sixty pounds of seed cot'on have been gathered?equal to six thousand pounds to the acre. It was raised by Col. W. H. Cannon, sen., near Pt. Stephens Depot on the North Eastern itailroad. S. 0. Apply to A. M. KENNEDY, Agent. March 13. ** 4t Cotton Seed. 11011 sale, 3,<XK) bushels of Cotton Seed, if ap plied for soon, at the CAMDEN STEAM WORKS. For dale or Exchange. TWENTY-FIVE or thirty very tine half Merino Lanihs. WM. M. SHANNON. March 7. -t llriiftlicH. de. English and French Hair and Teeth IWushes,' of all qualities. Whitewash, l'aint and Horse Brushes, a very large assortment. For sale hv November 2K. IIOWtiSON & DUN LAI*. Perfumeries, do,. (lerman Colognes: Florida Water, Lubin's Fx. tracts, Fine Toilet Soaps, in large variety. Dressing Combs, \c. For sale by November HODGSON & DUN LAP. Estate ofT. J. Clylmro. XJOTICE is hereby piven that one month after [\ 'Into I will apply to the Judge of Probate for Letters of dismission a- administrator of tlie above Katate. April 10-4t. S. ('. fLYIM'RN. Adiu'r. Estate of John McKain. NrOTlCK is hereby piven that one month after _ date I will apply to the Judge of Probate for Letters of dismission as :nlmini?tratrii of the above Estate. MARGARET PMVflL. Admr'x. tiivreh ?7. P.