University of South Carolina Libraries
LITTLE GIFFEN. BY BR. TICKNOR. Out of the focal and foremost fire? Out of the hospital walls as dire; Smitten of grapeshot and gangrene, (Eighteenth battle, ami he sixteen;) Spectre, such as you seldom sec? Little Giffen, of Tennessee! ~ % " ' ? * 1 i>* *1,A ilnoinp enifl! "Take mm anu weicouiu. ms mv?v. ??, "Much your doctor can help the dead!" Aud so we took him, and brought him where The bal^vas sweet on the Summer air; And we laid him down on a wholesome bed Utter Lazarus, heeis to head.* Weary war, with the bated breath, Skeleton boy against skeleton death; Months of torture, how many such; Weary weeks of the stick and crutch ! Still a glint in the steel-blue eye Spoke of a spirit that ?could'nt die! And didn't?nay, more! in death's despite, The crippled skeleton learned to write ! "Dear mother" at first, of course, and then, "Dear Captaiu," inquiring about the. "men," (Captain's answer:) "Of eighty and five, Giffen and 11 re alive." Johnston's pressed at the front, they say; Little Giffen was up ami away ! A tear, his first, as he bade good-bye. Dimmed the glint of his steel-blue eye; write, if ej>arcd/" There was news of the fight, But none of Giffen?he did not write! 1 sometimes fancy that when I'm king, And my gallant courtiers foim a ring. And each so thoughtless of power and pelf, And each .so loyal to all but self, I'd give the bt*t, on big bended knee? Yes, barter the whole for the loyalty? Of Little Giffen, of Tennessee! Clothes on Fire.?The following which we copy from the Scientific American should be remembered: Three persons out of four would rush right up to the butning individual and begin to paw with their hands without any definite aim. It is useless to tell the victim to do this oa that, or call for water. In fact, it is generally best not to say a word, but to seize, a blanket from the bed or any woolen fabric?if none is at hand take any "woolen material?hold the corners as 'far apart as Jou can, stretch them out higher than your ead, and running boldly to the person, make a motion of clasping in the arms, mostly about the shoulders. This instantly smothers the fire and saves the face. The next instaut throw the person on the floor. This is an additional safety to the face and breath, and any remnant of flame can be put out more leisurely. The next instant immerse the burnt part in cold water, and all pain will cease with the rapidity of lightening. Next get some common flour, remove from the water, and cover the burnt parts with an inch in thickness of flour, if possible, put the patient to bed. and do all that is possible to sooth until the physician arrives. Let the flour remain until it falls off itself, when a beautiful new skin can be found Unless the burns are deep, no other application is needed. The dry flour for burns is the most admirable remedy ever proposed, and the information ought to be imparted to all. The principle of its'action is, that like the water, it causes instant and perfect relief from pain bv totally excluding all the air from the injured parts. A yankee minister of "limited capacity" recently married for a second wife a widow of some property. Being an ardent servant of Mammon, a former neighbor asked him if he did not do well by the second marriage. "Oh, yes, indeed," he said, with animation ; and then as an expression of reverent awe stole into his face, he added, "and, what is remarkable, the clothes of my wife's first husband just fit me." "tbibmp^tt I r,-.. ^ ?, V.v~" ^ fc' ' V.-* ' "C*. > ' Wi - .-... a y^IpA'j % **- ?v- ? ! -'%":ss r' S*lW?y\ j.j fc*.? -?- : 1 '.J THK Carolina Fertilizer WILL BB SOLI) AS FOLLOWS : CaHh I>i?ice. $48 i^er ion or 2,uoo lbs Time I'rice. $63 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs. [ Payable November 1, 1873, FREES OF INTEREST. Freight and Drayage To be added ITS SUCCESS IS UNPARALLELED, AND ITS STANDARD IS A Vlt I vr, i, CALL ON AGENTS FOR Almanacs and Certificates. GEO W. WIM.IAMS A (O Charleston, S. 0. W. C. GERALD & CO, Agents at Caiudcn, S. C. Dec. 19. 4 j m THESE Spectacles are manufac tured from " MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES," melted together, and are called DIAMOND on accuuht of their hardness and I brilliancy. It is well known that Spectacles cut from Brazilian or Scotch Pebbles are very iujurious to the eye?because of their polarizing effect. Having been tested with the poiarscope, the diamond lenses have been found to admit fifteen per cent, less heated rays than any other pebble. ' * ?? *? "mot uc.i^ntifir? nrrnranv. are I i ney art- sivuiiu ".v.. , . free from chromatic aberratlonH, and prodnce a brightness and distinctness of vision not before attained In ! Spectacles. j Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufacturing Company, New York. For sale bv | J. A. YOtNO, Camden, S. C. From whom they can only be obtained. No peddlers employed. The great demand for these Spectacles has Induced unscrupulous dealers to palm an inferior and spurious article for the " Diamond." Great care should be taken to Ree-that the trade mark (which is protected by American Letters Patent) are stamped on every pair. Se-tember 26. 12m. Potatoes, Apples and Onions. 400 Barrels POTATOES. 125 Barrels APPLES. 30 Barrels ONIONS, For sale by ? F. W. KERCHNER. 27,28 and 29 North Water^st. Wilmington, Jan. 19. Spirit Casks. 400 SPIRIT CASKS?Now landing ex Steamer Lucille, For sale by F. W. KERCIINER, 27,28 and 29 North Water Street, Jan. 19 Wilmington, N.C. Periumeries, ai*,. German Colognes: Florida Water, Lubin's Extracts, Fine Toilet Soaps, in large variety. Dressing Combs, &c. For sale by November 28. HODGSON & DUNLAP. Butter, Cheese, Lard&Mullet 200 boxes CHEESE, 50 Tubs Buttet, 50 Barrels and Tubs Lard, 125 Barrels No. 1 Mullet, " F. W. KERCHNER. 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Jan. 1C. Wilmington, N. C. Hay, Corn, Salt and Glue. 300 bales HAY, 3,000 bushels CORN, * 2,000 sacks American Salt, 250 sacks Blown Salt, 200 bbls Glue For Sale by x F. W. KERCHNER, 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Ja.nlG. Wilmington, N. C. CORNrCORNr 3.000 BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN. For 6ale by WILLIAMS & MURCnSON, Jan. 16. Wilmington, N. C. Provision?. 200 BOXES D. S. SIDES, 25 Hhds. Bacon Sides and Shoulders, 200 Barrels Mess Pork. For sale by WTLLTAMS & MURCHISON, Jan 16 Wilmington, N. C. FLOUR, FLOUR. 1.200 BARRELS?ALL GRADES. For Sale by WILLIAMS & MUBCHISON. Jan. 1G. Wilmington, N. C. BOOKS SASH AND BLIDNS. MOULDING, Brackets, Stair Fixtures, Duildcrs's Furnishing Hardware, Drain I'ipc, Floor Tiles. Wire Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. Window Glass a Specialty. Circulars and Price Lists sent free on application, by P. P. TOALE, 20 Hayne and 83 Pitiekney sts., Oct. 3 ly. Charleston, S. 0 Cigar Emporium . We have added to our stock a large assortment of OXC3-A.K/S, similar to those sold by the proprietor of Tlio I ndi<in Oii*l, in Columbia, S. C., or nny other first clnss Ciga Store. We invite the attention of all Stnoker I3ST OAMDEN nd viciuity, call and examine the Hock. J & T. I JONES. 28. Novtf Ajiplen. Oranges Banana*. Cranberiies, Lemons, &<\ For sale by D. C. KIRK LEV, Agent. MMePENIMC, Till'. undersigned would respect fully inform his friends hu'1 the public generally, that lie has opened n First Class Grocery Store, .v It ere they may find n general assortment of ^ro<M?rios. At the lowest cash prices. Also, WINES AND LIQUORS > all grades, which will be sold low for cash. R. ]). TIIOMAS. Opposite Leitucr k Ituulup's Law Office. Februury 20. *f sar: Ammoniated Solu Ciuh Price at Factory, $4 PHOSPHO-PER1 Cash, $50. ACID BONE PH Cash, 028. ! Ground Caroli i 1 Cash* $15. NOVA SCOTIA I ' CASH THE above nimed Ammoniated Soluble Pacific n of the highest grades of Bone Phosphates rcr vian Guano and animal matter, making the roos combining the ingredients required to produce an While these Fertilizers are warranted to keep materially reduced for the present season. Mam JOH Also for sale by Agents throughout the South. ' jan2-tf. JONATHAN Gen'l. Sup'ts. Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R, R.Co. WILMINGTON, N. Oct. 7, 1872. CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. The following schedule will go into effect on 8:25 . M.f Monday, 7th inst. day express train, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 8:25 a. n. Arrive at Florence 9:55 a, *. Arrive at Columbia . 2:40 p. m Arrive at Augusta 7:42 p. m. Leave Augusta at C.35 a. m. Arrive at Columbia 11:25 a. m Arrive at Florence 4:15 p. m Arrive at Wilmington 10:26 p. mJ night express train, daily, (Sundays Excepted) Leave Wilmington 5:45 p. m. Arriveat Florence 11:85 p. m. Arrive at Columbia 3:40 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 8:20 a. m. Leave Augusta * 6:60 p. M Arrive at Columbia 10:20 p. m Arrive at Florence 2:12 a. m. w:i?:?ft;00 A. M. I Arrive at ?* umiu^vvu ? ? # JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l. Superin't Change of Schedule SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COLUMBIA, S.C 8ept. 26, 1872. CHANGE of schedule to go into effect on and after Sunday the 20th mat. Mail aiid Passenger Train. Leave Columbia at 9 a. m. Arrive at Charleston at 4.30 p.m. * Leave Charleston nt 9.80 a. ro. Arrive at Columbia at 6.20 p. in. NIGHT EXPRES8. Freight and Accommodation Train (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7.60 p. nt. Arrive atC harleston at 6.45 a. m. Leave Charleston at 7.10 p. m. Arrive at Columbia at 6.30 a. m. Camden Accommodation Train Will ruu daily to Colombia, as follows: Leave Camden at 7 20 a. in. Arrive at olumbia at 11 55 a. m. Leave Columbia at 2 10 p. m. Arrive at Camden at 6 65 p m. A. TYLER, Vice President. S. B. Pickens, 0. T. A. nuiDTnTTt! rmi.TTMllTA A AC V Jl>? Illiu M. M M-lf V/ (JUSTA R R. General Sitperintf.niiant's Ofpioe, Columbia, September 22, 1872. * j)Li .x!J* ?^^.vy/4JarnranrT?r cv'!^ _t jl? t ~:u' iSy _ On and after Sunday, September 22, the trains this road will run in accordance with the following "Time Table:" going south. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte 8()0am 8 20pm " Columbia 2 40 p m 3 30 a m Arrive at Augusta, 7 45 p m 8 20 a m going nobth. Train No. 1. Train No. 2 Leave Augusta, . 685 am 6 60 p in " Columbia, 1153 pm 11 05 p m Arrive at Charlotte, 6 15 pm GOOam Standard time, ten minutes slower than Wash, ington city time, and six minutee faster than Co lutnbia city time. Train No 1, daily; train No 2, daily, Sundays excepted. Ilnlh trains make clos<fconnection to all points North, South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to nil principalpoints. E. P. ALEXANDER, General Supcrintendant. R-E. Dousey, Gen. F. k T. Agent. Greenville and Columbia Railroad. CoLtMBiA, S. C., September 5, 1872. I rusiv Sunday* excepted, connecting with Night Trains on the South Carolina Railroad, up and down; also with trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, and Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. LP. LeavoColumbia ot 7.15ja. m. Lcnve Alston 9.05 a- m Leave Newberry 10.40 a m j LeavcC okesbury 2.00 p m. 1 Leave Helton 3.60 p m Arrive at Greenville at 6.30 p in l?OWN. Leave Greenville at 7.30 a m | Leave Helton 9.30 a rn. 11 i r. . ...i Leave t'okcsDury ...........3 Leave Newberry 1 -50. p in. Leave Alston ^ 4.20 pm. Arrive at Columbia 0.00 pm. Ambrsnn litanch and Il/ue Ridge Division. LEAVE Walhalla 6 45 a m. Arrive 7 16p m I'crryville 0 25 an. Leave 8 86 p ia Pendleton 7 10 a.m. Leave 6 60 p at Anderson B 10 a iu. Leave 4 50 p in Ar. at Helton 0 00 a m. Leave 3 50 p m Accommodation Trains on Abbeville Brunch Mondays, Wcdensday* nnd Fridays. On Anderson Branch, bet ween Helton and Anderson, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. ' TflOS. D01MMKAD, Oeul. Supt. Jaijm Nonros, Ooul. Ticket Agt, DT'S Me Pacific Guano 5 per Ton. On time $50. [JVIAN GUANO, Time, #55. OSPHATE. Time. 1^33. ilia Pliosplialc . Time- $20AND PLASTER, [, #13* nil Phospho-Peruyian Guanos are rich compounds idered soluble and nmmoniaied with No. 1 Perut concentrated and profitable Fertilizers in use, d support the cotton plant nnd cereals, up to their high standard, the prices'have been jfactured andfffr sale at Charleston, 8. C., by N B. ?4BDY A HON. For analysis nnd certificates. Bend for phamphlets PAGE, Agent, Camden, S C. SOUTH-CAROLINA life Insurance company OP MEMPHIS, TEIVIV. Branch Office Baltimore, Md Assets - - - - $1,075,000 Oil JEFF. DAVIS. PrdSii3:ii. Geii WADE HAMPTON, Yice Pres't r (JHN D. KENNEDY, State Agent. Piedmont and "Arlington LIFE Insurance Company, OF Richmond. Virginia. 7 C ASSETS #3,000,000. W. C. CARRINGTON, PRGIIDEKT i r Lom8OS Actually paid in Kershaw County wit Three Years, $28,000,00. J take | Icasurc in saying 1 have returned : to the agency of this popular Company. No difficulties will exist in future, as to Renewals of Policies, us I shall pay'espeeial at tention'to that branch of tho business. will always be found at my Office j nil jlroad Street, Camden, S. C. W. CLYJtURN, Agent. J11116, 1873. - I ? * ^ ?1 - ^ o *ar1 OnlATI ' r'resn unruou occud ami wulwSets, For snlo by IIOIAJSON &DUNLAP NOW OPENING. ON CONSIGNMENT, A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps HARDWARE, TINWARE, f WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HOLLOW' WARE, CROCKERY, Ac. &c. For saje at the lowest rate for cash, by D. L. DESAUSSTJRE & CO. Ctm. Agents. ALSO Fertilizing and Mason's Lime. ALSO WINES AND LIQUORS, Of tjie best qualities, and in every gra Sept. 19. ' ti. NEW GOODS! AT the store occupied by A. M. Kennedy, a few doors north of the Market, will be' found a stock, consisting of STAPLE DRY COODS. Hardware, Nails, Iron, Steel. Spades, Shovels, Garden Hoes, Brady & Elwell Hoes, Plow Moulds, * Ac., _&c. Ac. GROCERIES. Crusffed, Coffee and Brown sugars, Bio Laguir and Java Coffiees, Green and Hyson Teas, Smoked and unsmoked SideandShoulder Bacon, Hams - Lard Gosben Butter, Corn, Oats, Salt, Stone Lime, Fine Super and Extra Family Flour, Soap, Candles, * Starch, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda Crackers and Cheese, New Orleans Sugar House and W. I. Molasses Canned Fruit, Oysters, Early Rose, Goodrich, Pink Eye and Jack sou White Planting Potatoes. Crockery, Glassware&c., Sa flflles, Brifllei Shoes, Hames &c., All of which will be sol? at the lowest price for cash, and we requesi a call from all who wish to purchase. A. D. KENNEDY & CO. A. D. KENNEDY, A, M. KENNEDY. A. M Kennedy will give his at lent ion to the purchase of cotton; is agent for tne sale of Etiwan Guano, Et iwan Crop Food andEti wan Ground Bone. * .Feb 15 tf JUST RECEIVED, ON CONSIGNMENT, ' LL STOCK OF Light and Heavy Bagging, Rope and Ties, Side Bacon, Hams 4 Shonlders NEW No. 1 AND 2 MACKAREL, Extra Family, Family, Extra and Super FLOUR Java, Laguira and liio VJ r jt1 -jtii JCL-5 'Crushed," "Extra C." "C." "E. J." "Detn." and " R. R." SUGAR, FACTORY CHEESE, Very superior G. P. and Breakfast TEAS, New Orleans and Mus. MOLASSES and SYRUPS, Large size sacks Liverpool SALT, Soap, Starch, Soda, Pepper, Spices, Pickles, Can Fruits, Vegetables and Fish. Together with every article usually found in -a well-assorted Grocery and Provision Stock. For sale at the lowest cash rate, by D L DESAUSSURE & CO. COMMISSION AGENTS. Sept. 19. tf Important To CottonPlanters. The Maryland Fertilizing aud Mauufactur ing Company have prepared a SPECIAL FERTILIZER, Adapted to the Cotton Plant, under the name of Ootton Food, Which they claim to be of the Ilighes Grade of Fertilizer sold in tho South, equal in roaults to PERUVIAN GUANO, and o More Permanent Benefit to tho soil. It has been used by aeveral hundred planters in North and South Caro lina and Ueorgia lor nve srsfims. wnu h e most beneficial results. ( AMU PRICE At Factory in Baltimore, $55 per Ton, In sacks of 12 to the ton. LAW ItENCE SANGSTON, President. J. Edwin Myers, General Agentf> W. JORDAN, Agent at Camden. January 30. tt' , OUR NEW BOOK LIST^fOFogartie's Book Depository. FOGART1E, STILLMAN L CO. ????? ; Chambers' Encyclopaedia. The revised edi- . tion of this deservedly popular "Dictionary of Useful Knowledge for the People" is now completed. Subscribers desiring to complete their setts will please give immediate notfoc. Arrangements are made for binding the numbers for subscribers in cheap and substantial style. New subscribers will be received for the bound volumes, and arrangements made to delivfr them at intervals, so as to enable.all who dealte to possess this "clieapst and best of Encyelo- paedias" at a trifling inconvenience. Complete setts, in ten volumes, w'.il be furninged at tho following rates, vir: Extra cloth, bevelled boards, per volute, $5.50; Library Sheep, marbled edge, JlQ ; half Turkey Morocco, $7.60, and various stylet of finer bindings. Dickens?All the various edition! of the works of Charles Dickens, viz: Library edition complete in 5 vols., illustrated by Craikshsnk*,' Beech Aid. HiowJMi Morocco sloth, <10.Mi. The Handy Volume edition, illustrated,,14 vols., $10.50. The Globe edition, iAusfrated, large type, 15 vols., green Morocco cloth, $22. The uiooe pauion i?vois., anu call, gilt, $45. The / River Side edition, en fine paper, large type with all the illustrations from the English editions, 28 vols., crape cloth, $66. The River Side edition, 28 vols., half calf, gilt, $112* The Household edition, !now in rnviTir nf jinliltaifflii . ! Several volumes of u is edition have be#^jjp|jjA | varying from 60c. to $1.25 per roTnmftlh and 50c. extra for the bound volumes' Stones of the Temple, or Lessons from the Fabric and furniture of the Church, with upwards of 80 illustrations, by Falter Field* M- A. F. S. A., $2.60. * ? W. * The Life and Times of Philip 8chuyler, by Lossing, 2 vols $6. Historical Memorials of Canterbury; thelahd-' ing of Augustine, the murder of Becket, Edward. ' ;he Black Prinee, Becket's Shrine, by Arthur P; Stanley, D. D., formerly Canon of Canterbury,. .vith illustration, $8.75. The Unknown River by Philip Gilbert Hamjrion, illustrated by the author, $6. Meridiana; the Adventures of three Englishnen and three Russians in South Africa by lules Nerne, translated from the Preach, with lumerous illustrations, $8. The Woods and By-Ways of New England^ by ffilson Flngg, with illustrations, $5. Sanford's Series of Analytical Arithmetics. The practical excellency of these Arithmetics, iharacterixing the serieB as uniformly progressve, clear, simple and exhaustive in then- analyses, by attested by recommendations< of nunerous teachers and professors in South Caro- % ina and Georgia, vix: Sanford's first lessons, ; intermediate, 60c.; common schpol 90c; ligher Analytical Arithmetic, $1.50, Liberal erms will be made with teachers for introducion. Persons in the country will bear in mind that oy sending their orders to us with the publisher's nrtee fnr tnv hnnlr nnMlahMi'in Amsrirs. books will be sent to them bj mat! or express free of extra charge. Address FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, No. 260 Ki5?-8thi?t, (iw t** bekd,) Charleston, South Caroliip. March 20 Planter's Ware House. JUST received at the above well-known and popular establishment, a full steek of Fall and Winter Goods, -Consisting in part of JDJzirF GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, . Ready-Made;Clothlng, &c. &c. Special attention ts invited to the large Block of Mill ad Plantation Supplies, Among which will be found, BACON, HAMS,'FLOUR, CORN, LARD | CANNED FRUITS AND MEATS, and all other articles usually found in a first class Grocery, j ALSO, Rope, Oil, Brooms, Bagging and Ties, Matches, Axle Grease, Buckets, ards, Nails, u*ry ombs, Hoes, Locks, Sauces, Soaps, Starch, Sifters, Salt, Soda, Flavoring Extracts, Sugar, ndles, Shot, Powder, Gun aps, Household gnd Kitchen Utensils, Rakes, Spades, Knives, and Forks, Spoons, nd many other articles too numerous to mention |&*Call and examine stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. g^rThe highest market prices paid for Ceton and othes produce. D. W. JORDAN, Agt September 19. . tf. ^RTflHMOND BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, - - $500,000 PERSONS wishing to insure in a First Clasa Company at Law rates, will please apply to W.OLYBVRN, Agent, 2 o. Ca. Drugs and Medicines II7T. have just reeeived from the Northern T Markets, the largest stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils J'arnis/tes, Glass, Lumps, Patent Medicines, Spices, and Dge-Suffs, generally ever brought to this market. As the import duty has been reduced on maiy articles, we can sell cheaper than ever before. HODGSON k DUNLAP. November 28. tf GEORGE ALDEN, Cotton Factor, ANI) Dealer in General Merchandize Camden, S. C, Vermifuge*, Worm Candy, and Patent Medicines kinde. For sale by , November a?. H0W80N & DFKIA*