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WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS. BY I)R. J. O, HOLLAND. Cod give us men ! a time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts true faith and read/ hands; Men whom the lusts of office do not kill: Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy: Men who possess opinions and a will: Men Who have honor; men who will not lie; Men who can stand before a demagogue, And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking. . Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog, In public duty and in private thiuking; For, while the rabble with their thumh-worn Their large professions, and their little deeds? j Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps> Wrong rules the land, and waiting Justice sleeps. JOHN CHADWICK, CHARLESTON, SOUTH-CAROLINA, REED d HEIR. LONDON ENGLAND., Land Brokers and Negotiators To Land Owners and Others. WE hare established a Bureau in Lndon, for the negotiation and sale of Cotton and Rice Plantations, large Tracts of Timber Land and other Estates, Mines, Water Powers and Charters for valuable franchises, invite the attention of all interested to our great facilities for bringing such property to the notice of capitalists, farmers and manufacturers in England, Ireland and Scotland and the ontineut of Europe. For circulars giving full particulars, address, enclosing postage stamp, JOHN CHADWICK & CO., Charleston, S- 0L February 3. 3m. TRIUMPHANT. ! jf f-' 1 - ; ..-v y ? ?? ?-? THE Carolina Fertilizer WILL BE SOLD AS FO II C ^ f Casli Pric e. $48 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs Time I^rice$53 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Fayable November 1, 1873, FREEE OF INTEREST. Freight and Drayage To be added ITS SUCCESS IS UNPARALLELED, AND ITS STANDARD IS a m 1. CALL ON AGENTS FOR Almanacs and Certificates. GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO . Charleston, S. C. W. C. GERALD & CO, Agents at Cauiden, S. C. Doc. 19. 4 Pacific Guano Company's (CAPITAL $1,000,000.) Soluble Pacific Guano. THIS GUANO is now so well known in^all the Southern States for its remarkable effects as an agency for increasing the products of labor as not to require special recommendation from us. Its use for seven years past lias established its character for reliable excellence. The large fixed capital invested by the Company in this trade affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of this Guano. The supplies put into the market this season, are, as heretofore, prepared under the personal supervision of Dr. St. Julien Kavenel, chemist of the company at Charleston, hence plunter may rest assured that its quality and composition is precisely the same as that heretofore sold. J. N. ROB80N, Selling Agent, Chareston, 8. C. JNO. 8. REESE & CO., General Agents, Baltimore. Term* : $48 cash; $->3 time, without interest. To accommodate planters, they can order now and have until the 1st of April to decide as to whether they will take at the time or cash price. When delivered from the Factory by the carload no drayage will be charged. Nov. 28 Sin. ?state of J. ?I. Coatos NOTICE is hereby given by tho undersigned that one month from Mute she w ill apply to tb? Judgo of Probate for Letters Dismissory as Administratrix of the Estate of J. J. Coatee. MARTHA II. COAT EH, Aduirx. ebruary 20. lin* TO RENT. TnE HOUSE ANU LOT on Rutlcdxe.,treet. known as the Daasli House, now occupied by Mr. A. A. Strauss. Possession given on one week's notice. For terms and particulars, npply to M. B. IIU KABEE. A. M. KENNEDY, f ebrmary 0. tf 9 $ ??kat INDUSTRIES IMA >0^XrZ^ ENGRAVINGS, PRINTED ipAA^tr N SN0LI8U AXI' CEH<yilVlj|Oy MAN. WRITTEN BT 20 WJ EMINENT AUTHOR*, INi'jj fvBP|rn*D'r CEDING J NO B. OOUGII, /V HON. LEON CHASE, BDWARD HOWLACD, REV. I F" EDW1N HA'LL'N PHILI Flf A f |?| | RU'LEET, ALBERT RRIS Ifflll I bU I1AXK, HORACE HIIKILKI ^ J F. B. PERKINS, ETC. ETC This work is a complete history of all branches o In dustry, processes of manufacture, etc., In all Its ages.It Is a complete encyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and Is the most entertaining and valuable work of In formation on subjects of general Interest ever offered to the public. The book Is sold by agents, who are making large sales in all parts of the country. It is offered at the low price of $S.60, and Is the che cheapest bool ever sold by subscription. We want Agents in everj town In the United States, and no Agent can fail to dc well with this lH>ok. Our terms are literal. We g our agents the exclusive right of territory. One of oui agents soid 183 copies in eight days, another sold 363 In two weeks. Our ageut In Hartford sold 397 in one week, Specimens of the work sent to agents on receipt ol stamp. For circulars and terms to agents address the publishers. Sample copies this book sent to any ad press on receipt of price. J. B. BURR .V HYDE, Pulishers, Hartford, Conn., Chicago, III., Cincinnati, Ohio, itpfr?ly. DIAMW^^^LES^ THESE Spectacles are manufactured from " MINUT1 CRYSTAL PEBBLES," melted together, and ari called DIAMOND on account of their hardness am brilliancy. It is well known that Spectacles cut from Brazilian o Scotch Pebbles are very Injurious to the eye, because o their polarizing effect. Having been tested with the polarscope, the dlamom lenses have been found to admit fifteen per cent, les heated rays than any other pebble. They are ground with great scientific accuracy, ar free from chromatic aberrations, and produce a bright ness and distinctness of vision not before attained li Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufacturing Company, New York. For sale by J. A. YOUNG, Camden, S. C. From whom they can only be obtained. No peddler employed. The great demand for these Spectacles has lnducei unscrupulous dealers to palm an inferior and spurion article for the " Diamond." Great care should be takei to see that the trade mark (which is protected by Ameri can Letters Patent) are stamped on every pair. September 26. 18m, Potatoes, Apples aud Onions, 400 Barrels POTATOES, 125 Barrels APPLES, 30 Barrels ONIONS, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER. 27,28 and 29 North Water-st. Wilmington, Jan. 19. Spirit Casks. 400 SPIRIT CASKS?Now landing e? Steamer Lucille, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, 27.28 and 29 North Water Street, Jan. 19 Wilmington, N.C. Perfumeries, de,. German Colognes; Florida Water, Lubin's Ex tracts, Fine Toilet Soaps, in large variety Dressing Combs, &c. For sale by November 28. HODGSON & DUNLAI\ ButterrCheese,LaYd&Mullet . 200 boxes CHEESE, 50 '.ftibs Buttet, 50 Barrels and Tubs Lard, 125 Barrels No. 1 Mullet, F.W. KERCHNER. 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Jan. 1C. Wilmington, N. C. Hay, Corn, Salt and Glue. 300 bales HAY, 3,000 bushels CORN, 2,000 sacks American Salt, 250 sacks Blown Salt, 200 bbls Glut For Sale by F. W. KERCHNER, 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Ja.nlG. Wilmington, N. C. CORN'rCORNT 3.000 BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN. For sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHSON, Jan. 16. Wilmington, N. C. J"ro visions. 200 BOXES D. S. SIDES, 25 Hhds. Bacon Sides and Shoulders, 200 Barrels Mess Potk. For sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON, Jan 16 Wilmington, N. C. FLOUR, FLOUR. 1.200 BARRELS?ALL GRADES. For Sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Jan. 1G. Wilmington, N. C. DO^S, l 1 SASH AND BLIDNS. i MOULDING, Bracket#, Stair Fixtures, Iliiilders's Furnishing Hardware, | I Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wire Guards, J ! Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate ! Mantle Pieces. Window Glass a Specialty. Circulars and Price Lists sent free on application, by P. P. TO ALE, 20 Hayne und 88 Pinckney sts., I 1 ^ " ,'l l-.i,.. u /' I j VCI. o. ? iy. * imncsiwu, | Cotton Seed. FOIl sale, 3.000 bushels of Cotton Seed, if np plied for soon, at the CAMDEN STEAM WORKS. Estate of V. A. Smith. NOTICE is hereby given thnt one month after Into I will apply to the Judge of 1'robatc for Letters of dismission as administrator of the above Estate. E. J. STORES, Adm'r. NEW GOODS, AT THE OLID ST-AJNTD OF J. d T. r. JOSTES, Corner of DeKalb and Broad Streets. WE are now receiving and opening our new stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Carpenter's Tools, In great variety. ! CROCKERY AND GLASSWA | WOODENWARE, CARRONWARE, &C AC Fancy and Heavy GROCERIES, BAGGING AND TIES, SADDLERY, BRIDLES, BITS, &C. &. VERY CHOICE HAMS, BACON AND LABD. All of which will be sold cheap for CASH. N. B.?If you don't see what you want, call for it. J. & T. I. JONES. 2 September 26. 6m. I Fall and Winter Goods. t I :o: I /G EORGE ALDEN respectfully invites the a IT tcntion of thepublio to bla Large ana wen- i ssorted I . STOCK OF GOOdS, b Comprising, in part, : GBOCBRIBS, DKY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS. Cooking Stoves A Hardware, All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. ^ Ootton purchased at full market rates, and iberal Cash Advances made on consignments. GEORGE ALDEN.. September 19 6mo COOKING STOVES. It is a well-known fact, that the Cooking Stove has heretofore found but few admirers in THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY, hence its utility is but little known. THE COOKiNG TOVE ! Is now sought after, as the most Economical and Labor-Saving article for cooking purposes, that has been invented, at prices within the reach of all who desire to use them. A well nssortcd stock of these Stoves on hand, and for sale by GEORGE ALDEN, Agent September 19 Cm I I ? ?? Planter's Ware House. TUST reeoived at the above well-known and J popular ectabliskment, a full stack of *Fall and Winter Goods, Consisting in part of DBY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ready-Made Clothing, &c. &c. Special attention ts invited to the large stock of Provisions aid Plantation Supplies, Among which will be found, * BACON,IIAMS,FLOUR, CORN, LARD CANNED FRUITS AND MEATS, and nil other articles usually found in a first class Grocery. ALSO, Rope, Oil, Brooms, Bagging and Ties, Matches, Axle Grease, Buckets, Cards, Nails, Curry Combs, Hoes, Locks, Sauces, Soaps, Starch, Sifters, Salt, Soda, Flavoring Extracts, Sugar, Candles, Shot, Powder, Gun Caps, Household and Kitchen Utensils, Rakes, Spndes, Knives, and Forks, Spoons, nd many other articles too numerous tomention all and examine stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. jqy-The highest market prices paid for Cot ou uiul othes produce. D. W. JORDAN, Agt September 11*. tf. K mrs nooTAiw MILITARY SCHOOL, YOKKVILLE, S. C. fll 11K first session of the School Year 1873, wil j 1 begin Februarv 1st, and end June 30th,-r Terms: For School Kxpense?, i e.. Board, Tuil lion. Fuel, Lights, Washing, Stationery, &c? p?r session, payable in advance. For circulars, address Col. A. Oowaid, Prin1 ?ipa). 21V St. SOUTH-CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY op TVn?.MTPMT?. TP'RTVTV Branch Office Baltimore, Md I Assets - - - - $1,075,000 on JEFF. DAYIS, President. Gen, WADE HAMPTON, Vice Prest JOHN D. KENNEDY. State Agent. RICHMOND ~ RANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, - $500,000 PERSONS wishing to insure in n First Class Company at Law rates, will plense apply to W. CLYBURN, Agent, y2 o. Ca. FALL. 1872. ~ I invite the attention of the Public to the LARGEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS, OJLOTHtllVO B OOTS, SHOES, AND HATS 1IN THEY HAVE BEEY Bought Right, AND WILL BE Sold Right. R. M. Kennedy. NOW OPENING. ON CONSIGNMENT, A PULL STOCK OP 8TAPLE DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Mats, Caps HARDWARE, TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HOLLOW WARE, CROCKERY, Ac. Ac. For sale at the lowest rate for cash, by D. L. DESAUSSURE A CO. Ctm. Agents. ALSO Fertilizing and Mason's Lime. ALSO WINES AND LIQUORS, Of the best qualities, and in every gra Sept. 19. tf. NEW GOODS! AT the store occupied bj A. M. Kennedy, a few doors north of the Market, will be found a stock,-consisting of STAPLE DRY GOODS. Hardware, Nails, Iron, Steel. Spades, Shovels, Garden Hoes, Brady & Elwell Hoes, Plow Moulds, &c., Ac.. Ac. GROOERIEa Crushed, Coffee and Brown sugars, Bio Laguir and Java Coffiees, Green and Hyson Teas. Smoked and unsmoked Side and Shoulder Bacon, Hams Lurd Goshen Batter, Corn, Oats, Salt, Stone Lime, Fine Super and Extra Family Flour, Soap, Candles, Staroh, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda Crackers and Cheese, New Orleans Sugar House andW. I. Molasses Canned Fruit, Oysters, Early Bose, Goodrich, Pink Eye and Jackson White Planting Potatoes. Croclery, (rlassTare&c^ Sa dilles, Bridles Shoes, Haines &c., All of which will 1>e sold at the lowest price for cash, and we request a call from all who wish to purchase. A. D. REMEDY & CO. A. D. KENNEDY, A, M. KENNEDY. A. M Kennedy will give his attention to the purchase of cotton; is agent for tne sale of Etiwan Guano, Etiwan Crop Food and Etiwan Ground Bone. Feblfitf JUST RECEIVED, ON CONSIGNMENT, LL STOCK OF Liglit and Heavy Bagging, - rrt* Jttope ana Ties, Side Bacon, Hams & Shonlders NEW No. 1 AND 2 MACK ABEL, Extra Family, Family, Extra and Super FTuC>TJ^tm Java, Laguira and Rio COFFEE, 'Cruahed," "Extra C." "C." "E. J." "Dcm." and " R. R." SUGAR, FACTORY CHEESE, Very superior G. P. and Breakfast TEAS, ^ * i l# a oora ?j incw urieans ana juus. mvijauoao ?uu SYRUPS, Large size sacks Liverpool SALT, Soap, Starch, Soda, Pepper, Spices, Pickles. Can Fruits, Vegetables and Fish. Together with every article usually found in a well-assorted Grocery and Provision Stock. For sale at the lowest cash rate, by D L DESAUSSURE & CO. COMMISSION AGENTS. Sept. ID. tf Important To Cotton Planters . The Maryland Fertilising and Manufactur ing Company have prepared a SPECIAL FERTILIZER, Adapted to the Cotton Plant, under the uame of Cotton Food, Which they claim to be of the Ilighea Grade of Fertilizer sold in the South, equal in result* to PERUVIAN GUANO, and o PormnnPTif. ftATiftflt. WVAV A VA1UMUVMV avvuwuv to the soil. It has bean used by several ! hundred planters in North and South Carolina and Georgia for five (5) seasons,, with he most beneficial results. CASH PRICE. At Factory in Baltimore, $55 per Ton, In sacks of 12 to the ton. LAWRENCE SANGSTON, President. J. Edwin, General AgentD W. JORDAN, Agent at Camden. j January 30. tf I . II. notice 01 uissoiuito. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between Joseph 8. Cloud end Frencia L Zemp, Jr., has been dissolved by mutual content. CLOUD k ZEMP. All peraons having claims against the said co-partnership will receive payment open presentation, and those indebted will make payment to the undersigned. JOS. 8. CLOUD. December C. tf emporium" of FASHION! THH BUST took: of BOOTS Am) SHOES IN CAMDEN. ' . \ DRY GOODS, CLOTH I NO, Hate and Caps. Gall and Examine the Li1 <-' , ' Magnificent Display . . ! . . " I1 1'/' OF ' .(i Seasonable Goods, .1 AT PRICES WHICH 1 Defy Competition, AT THE CASH STORE OP JOS. 8. CLOUD. m IIIIST irmcrnruB! THE undersigned invites the Attention of kif friends and the public generally, to hie large and increasing stock of Fall aud Winter Goods Consisting in*part, of DRY GOODS, Gent's. Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, Oflonthera Mannihetus, And warranted to give satisfaction. ali coes and Ladies'Dress Goods In great Tariety.. ' Heavy Family Qroeerlea BEST BRAN S OF FLOUR. i ALSO ' An extensive assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, SlniptM. Powder. Sfkot and Cam. Bagging, Rope and Ties. J&*Cotton and other Produce bought at tha highest market rates, and liberal Cash Advancements made on consignments. J. W. McCUBRY, Agt. September 19. if GEORGE ALDEN, Cotton Factor, AND Dealer in General Merchandize, Camden, SI. C, How is this for Cheapness! Her? is a hance for everybody TO BUT, AND BUY WITHOUT MONEY ! ALL persons wishing to buj a good article of Liquors and Groceries, and cheaper than he same Goods can be bought at any other tstore in araden, end especially if you bate no money?as money is pretty scarce?yon will surely do well to give us a call with a bale or two of COTTON. f&"Cash is no object to us. We also hare on hand many other articels which we will sell for Cotton. B. J. CONWAY, Agent Pore French Candles, Aaaorted Nuta and Canoed Gooda of all kind* For gala by D. C. KIRKLEY, Agtnt. Havna Ornangee ad NORTHERN APPLES. For aala by D??.K*WJT.