University of South Carolina Libraries
crh^ch Directory. I Methodist Church, DeKalb street?Rev R. L. Harper, Paster?Services at 10 J A. M and 7J M.on Sunday; Prater Meeting Wed nesday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? . Rev. 3. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10* A.M. and 4} P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 71 P. M. * r PiriTonii ftvv Tt F TV PER. i iiribuiraw vuvmvm. ? ? ? . * ? ry ?Sunday, at 11 o'clock A. M. and 31 P. M_. On other, days at 10 A. M.. during ? 2 ? I # m * ' S - Lent.11 * * * * Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. Robert Thompson, Pastor?Services at?11 A. M. and' 7 P. M.; on Sunday. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 P. M. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. j * Attend the Regular Meeting i t ofyour Division at Temperance ' gk Hall on MONDAY evening ( Ia next, at 71 o'clock. By order ot the W. P. J. M. GAYLE, R. S. 3=? *\t l 1 > ^ M AL Meaara. GRIFFIN a HOFFMAN, Newspaper Adveria.nik ,qtra?t_ Ra.ltlmore.Md.. are sssrvxstar t& ooniract "for advertisements at | our lowest rates. Advertisers In that citj are requested to leave their favors with this house. This flrjo has exceptional facilities for placing advertisements cheaply, and we take pleasure in referring all who deskit to advertise in o? t-of-to wn papers, especially those 1 having real estate to sell?to these gentlemen. A New Steamer.?On Monday last, the ] whistle of an unknown steamer awakened ( the echoes of the old town, and for a time, 1 led to the apprehension that the Steam Mill ' at the Old Hotel had broken from her moor- ( ings and started up street on a cruise in search i of adventure. Sock*, however, the impression 1 prevai led Ifiat the euphoneous sound announced the arrival at the landing of the fine . steamer , Capt. ??, being the first of ] the new line that is to be put on the river ; tn rnn hotwoen this nlace and the W., C. -1* When the exoitement had sufficiently subaided, it was ascertained to be indeed the | steam mill aad not the steam boat that dis- < turbed the quiet of our ancient municipality. ! The steamer is, however, daily expected, ( >and though lutein the season,, owing to the miserable condition of the roads west of the < Wateree, there is much cotton to be ship- ' ped, besides naval stores, staves, timber, Ac. i ] -Cannon's Prolific Cotton Seed.? ~We (ill attention to the advertisement of i this article by our friend, Mr. A. M. Kenne- ^ dy, in this issue of the Journal. We have seen a boll of the cotton having eight perfect look) of a beautiful staple of cotton, and do hot^ouDt that it will prove upon trial all that it professes to he. Col. Cameron, tie discoverer of this obttdn,< married a lady of this place, .and we have every confidence in his statements. Should the seed continue to produce these unprecedented results, a new era in the industry of the world will -few# W reached. The productions of six thousand pounds?of cotton per acre will work wondrous changes in the commerco of the world. ' ; The verbal season of spring-time seems at last to have fairly set in, and our .farming friends afe Improving the genial weather most diMigeotlf-. 'May- success reward the labors of the husbandman. 'j' Ho a sc. Carol! .via w? March.?Practi cal men and deep thinkers are the leading. - contributors IV the Rural Carolinian. ' They are pot all practical formers, but thej? are all practical men. In each number they afford an amount of mental pabulum, sufficient for a month's digestion of the ordinary agricultural intellect. The present number is pairtiularly interesting and instructive. Low | Middlings Farm Notes, and D. Wvatt Aikea'a Article on Immigration and Labor, can be read over and over with profit. , David Dickson, too, again appears in print. An* article in a previous number from the pen of Dr. Jtodleton, has contravened D. D.'s announced opinions, and with few words of apology he blurts out a defence and reassertion of his peculiar ideas. Mr. Dickson's strangest argument is his woudcrful success, and that has been such as to enforce the respect even of those who disagree with bins. r . * , Dr. C. U?Shcpard, Jr., gives an analysis of Marsh Mud, and a short illustrative article, which is of special interest to the Jew oouiftry fWtneis. The numerous correspondence attests the wide circulation of the wag' atine, and the esteem iu which it held by its f readers. -- ?i ? The heaviest swell about?Car-swell. Because he has greatly swelled the ranks of the temperance army hereabouts. A New Rail Road Project.?Tbo f Evening Herald of March 1, sap. "Senator Dunn goes to Chester to-night for the purpose of starting 4,tho ball in motion" for the Chester and Cheraw Railroad, i It is stated that this road will bo commenced immediately. It is an important link in ^ the proposed seaboard route, connecting with : the L'ttle River and Cheraw Road, thence on the Chester and Lenoir route up through York county, strikiug the Western North Carolina, near Hickory Tavern, tbenee on to Eastern Tennessee, ultimately striking the Knoxville and East Tennessee Road, and thereby opening to the seaboard souie of the richest and most productive portions of the country in the United States." Chanoi op Schedule.?On and after Saturday, March 1st, the Camden train will run to Columbia only three times a week, as formerly, Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. A. Ii. Tyler, Vice-President. It. H. Anderson, Agent. $75,000 IN CAS II FOR $1.?We call the at te~ ' >n of our readers to the advertisement inaii '.lier column of the Nebraska State Orphan Asylum. Here is a chance to win a fortune in a 1 blic Legal Drawing, and aid a noble charity. I -bruary 20. lni* The Proposed Monument to the Memory of the late Bishop Davis. From the Charleston News. It will be remembered that at the last EConvention. held in this plSWVj/UI J/IVWOU4* 7 ? city last spring, it was determined to erect a monument to the memory of the late Bishop Davis of this dioecse, and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements. The following correspondence now shows the action that has been taken by the eommitbec, and the progress that has been made toward the completion of the undertaking : February 13,1873. To the Right Rqcerend Dr. llovcc, Bishop of I South Catolhin: Right Reverend Sir?At the annual neeting of the Diocesan Convention in Chareston, in May last, tho undersigned were apjointed a- committee to co-operate with a tiuiilar one to be appointed from Grace Church, in Camden, in erecting a monument o the memory of the late venerable and beloved Bishop Drvis. Late in November last the first named of ?his committee visited Camden with a view to confer with the committee from Grace Church, in order to accomplish the desired purpose. Various drawings wore submitted, from which one was selected as at once durable and elegant, and which could be erected at a cost of obe thousand dollars. It was approved by the committee from Grace / KAnnAeAntftGuo nf fllA Pnill Vliuruu, UJ IIIC 1 COVMI Mti/I ? V V? V..V vw... mittee from the convention, and by the family and friends of the late bishop. Tbo question then arose as to the most proper and convenient mode of raising the sum necessary to defray the cost and expends of erection. It was concurred in by all parties present, that inasmuch as the Diocesan Convention in May last, had appointed a committee to co-operate with a similar committee front Grace Church, Camden, (the late bishop's former parish.) it was the intention of the convention to make the work of erecting a monument to him, not only a local parish tvork, hut one for the diocese also. Considering the eminent talent and piety of the late bishop, his great wisdom and moderation of character, his laborious efforts to promote the harmony and strength .of the church?and his zeal, which overcame the effect of blindness and physical weakness, we think that all in his diocese should cheerfully and lovingly unite to erect to hfs memory such a memorial as will arrest the attention of those who are to succeed the present generation, and recall to their minds the varied excellencies of his life and character. The undersigned, therefore, recommend to the right reverend the bishop of the diocese thnt. he invite the elercv of the various ~~~ ?* o; - t churches and parishes of the Kpiscopal Church in this State at tho earliest stated time, to receive contributions and solicit subscriptions to the amount of one thousand dollars, to defray the cost of erection of the said monument, and that the amount so collected be forthwith remitted to the Hon. John M: DeSaussure, Camden, to be disbursed by him for this purpose. We have the honor to be, with great respect, right reverend sir, your obedient servants, J. L. Manning, C. C. Pinkney, C. 6. Memmincser, Pf.tir J. Siiand, John Ii. Palmer. n w-.ji s ,..7 T?U? I/TUT XJrrcfircy* iy i/?o uau xiuu^ u>?%? o/ //? Diottue of South Carolina : The above note of the committee of oar late convention needs no word of comment from me to enforce it, or to win for it your attention and a prompt response. I shall, therefore, add to it not a single syllable, but shall content myself with desiring the rectors of parishes to charge themselves with the matter contained iu the note of the committee, and bring it before their congregations in the way they may deem it best, and at 4 time not later than tho present Lent; and in case a parish be vacant, then I beg the lay reader or the church wardens to see to it that all have aB opportnity to testify their affection and reverence for our late father in God. I remain, dear brethren, as ever, faithfully and affectionately, yours, W. B. WVHowb. Bishop Diocese South Caialiua. Charleston, February 27, 1873. Our Bodilv Infirmities. Physical infirmities are the iot of ull. Millions are always sick. No man, woman or child i? uniformly in perfect health. Much, however, of the sickness and suffering which render life a burden to so many of our fellow beings is due tacarelessness and neglect. A mighty antidote to the leading causes of diseases has been pro. Tided. It is as harmless as it is efficient. Ku poisonous drug enters into its composition. It it an undefiled stimulant, tonic and aperient, ol which every ingredient is vegetable. This un< exceptionable preventive and restorative medicine is not "a new thing under the sun." Hos? . Kit lorn will anon have bpen be i truer e uivhiuvm fore the world a ijuartcr of a century; and it i< not too much to nver that thousands, aye, ten* o: thousands arc now using it who would have lice, in their graves years ago had they not beet strengthened and sustained by this wholesomi stimulant. The rapidity with which minor ail ments often become, when neglected, obstiuati diseases, is well known. Thia tonic is famous foi the immediate check which it gives to these breed ers of deadly disorders. The sensation of languor, the sick head ache, the nervousness, the indisposition t< ,.-i u : n-f exci'tion, the nausea, the confusion of the brain, the physical debility, which arc intended topremonish us of the approach of serious danger, are invariably removed by a few doses of the Hitters. The fame of the preparation ns a genuine specific for dyspepsia, billions complaints, malarious fevers, rheumatism and chronic debility, is ns wide as the world: and in these days of infamous charlatanism, when fierce cathartics, that robtheinvalid of tholast remnantsof his strength are advertised as invigornnts, (!) it is indeed a blessing to mankind that Hostcttcr's Stomach Hitters arc everywhere procurable, and everywhere popular. sr For over FORTY YEARS this PURELY VEGETABLF LIVER MEDICINE has proved to be the UitiUB-T U JNB'AI I ilJNU- Cjir'HiUlT'lU for Liver Complaint nnd the painful offspring DYSPEPSIA, ONSTIPATION. Jaundice Bilious attacks, Sick Headache, olic, Depression of Spirits, Soi'r Stomach, Heartburn, HILLS AND FJEVEIl, &c., &c. After years of genuine experiments, to meet the great nnd urgent demand, wo now produce from our original Genuine Ponder*, THE PREPARED. ? Liquid form of SIMMONS' LIVER T.EGULATOlt, containing nil its wonderful and valuable properties, and offer it in ( NE DOLLAR BOTTLES. The Powders, (price as before,) $1,00 per p'kg'e. Sent by mail, 1.04 l^-CAUTTONI'VSa Bny no Powders or PREPARED SIMMONS,' LIVER REGULATOR, unless in our engraved wrnpper, with Trademark, stamp and signature unbroken. None other is genuine. : ,T. H. ZEILlN & CO, MACON C.A., and PHILADELPHIA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. February 3 (dl2) 3m. A NOBLE CHARITY. OmaliR T^ottery! to erect the Nebraska State Orphan Asylum. To be drawn in Public, March 31st. 1873. Ticket* $1 air It; or Six for 85. Tickets sont by Express C. O. D? if desired. 1 cash prize, $75,000 I 1 cash prize, $25,000 1 cash prize, 15,000 ) 1 eash prize, 10.0(H) 1 cash prize, 5,000 j 1 cash prize, 4,00() For balance of prizes send for circular. This Legal Enterprise is endorsed by hi.t excellency Gov. W. II. Jauies, and the best business men of the State. The limited number of Tickets on hand will be furnished those who apply first. Agents Wanted. For full particulars afldrcs's J. M. PATTEE, Manager, Omaha, Neb. Fob. 20. lm* I In the District Court of the United States For the District of South Carolina. IN BANKRUPTCY In the matter of James E. King, Bankrupt. In obedience to nn order of the honorable District Court for the District aforesaid, all creditors, and especially lien creditors of the above named Bankrupt, are hereby notified to pr< vc their claims before me on or before the Fifteenth day of Marcli next, ensuing, or be barred from all benefit of the decree to be made in this cause. | JULIUS 0. CARPENTER, Register in Bankruptcy, Second Cong. Dial. S. C. Charleston, S. C., February 24, 1873. Feb. 27-3t. For male. ONE-tvro-horsc SPRING WAGON, of superior workmanship. Also, One set of BUGGY HARNESS. Apply to Feb. 27 2t. GEO. ALDENSecurity Life Insurance and Annuity Company, Of* New York. ORGANIZED 1862. CAPITAL 83.000.000 INCOME 1.500.000 Paid to Widows and Orphans of - - * * i xno nnn deceased members, Insures on all popular and relinble plans. LOUIS SHLRFESKE, General Agent, Charleston, 8. C. IIARLES A ' DtfSAUSSURE, Agent, Camden, S. C. January 1G. tf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Rest New Orleans Molasses Sugar House Syrup, Selected Goshen Mutter, Rest Family Flour, l'urc Leaf Lard, Coffee, Tea and Sugar, Pearl Grist and Meal, Mackarel and Cheese, Irish Potatoes and Onions, Soap, Starch and Candles, English and American Pickles, ('aimed Goods?all kinds, Candies, Confections, Ac. And every thing usually kept in a first 1 class Grocery and Provision Seoro, all of which will he sold at low prices, by 1>. C. KIHKLKY, Agwit. i January 30. If Notice to Contractors. SEALED proposal* for re luiiMing lIn* llridge over Twenty-five Mile Creek, will !>e recciv' nl for the next thirty days, at tho Ollicc of the f County CoininiMsioiH re. i Tito Commissioner* reserve tlie right te? reject 1 nay mid nil hula which may he made. ? Itv order of llio llonrd, .J. A. ltOSW ELL, Choir man. t C. Siiivkk, Clrrh r February 0 4t Pearl Hominy and Meal > For sale by D. C. KIKKXEY* * -v - rsst - ? Hymnal of the Church. WE ore prepared to furnish ilie "HYMNAL" * * *!?<* 5r?ti.A.lllrtJ ! ATI TtVMAOU A V A _ in tuc tutfvai lunwuucwuii " ? riety of styles. Prices from 20c, 40c, G0c,75c, $1 and upwards. Fogarties Book Depository. MEW CATALOGUE Mo. 28. A new Importation of English Books. The Practical Philosopher, a Daily Monitor for the busness men of England, and others, by David Thomas, D. D. $8. Unexplored Syria, by Ilicbard F. Burton and Charles F. T. Drake, 2 vols., $15. Man in the Past, Present and Future, from the German of Dr. L. Buchner, by W. S. Dallas, F.. S. $4. Wanderings in Scripture Lands, being a Tour of nine months in the years 1809?'70, by Thos. Robinson., D. D., $2 50. Memoir of cunt Dc Mntalemert, by Mrs. Oliphant, 2 vols., $12. Acts of Gallanlrv, by Lambton Young, E. E. $3 75. Thoughts and Meditations on" the'Mysteries Life, by John Frith, $3 75. Shakpspeare and Typography, the Art of Printing ; also remarks upon some common Typographical Errors with reference to the Text of Shakespeare, by William Blades, $1 50. On the Preservation of Health, or Essays of the principles tf be adopted by thove who desire to avoid Disease, by Thomas Inman, M. D., of London, Third Edition, 2 vols., $7. Tie Day* of the Son of Mnnj a History of the Church in the Time of our Lord, by William Lee, D. D., $2 60. Philosophy of hristianity, or the Purpose and Power of the Gospel, $2 50. Bible Truths, with Shakespearian Parallels, by J. B. Selkirk, $2 50. Angels and Heaven, by Thomns Miller, $2 50. Growth and Vicifritude3 of Commerce, by John Yents L L D., $2 50. Erewhon, or over the Range, Third Edition, $1 50. Demonology and Witchcraft, by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. $0 Canoe Travelling, by Warington, Baden Powell, illustrated, $0 Anecdotal and Descriptive Natural History, by A. Romer, $1 75 Anecdotes of celebrated Men and Women, by Editor London Jest Book, $2 The Sea Weed Collector, by Shirley Hibbard. it 75 Half Hours at the Sea Side, by J E. Taylor, F. G. S.,.$2. jScfenie and omhrerce, their Inluencc on our Manufactures, by P. L. Simmonds, $2. Roundabout It ambles in Lands of Facts and a ncy, by Frank R. Stockton, $2 50 Dr 0 ldham's Talk, by . S. Henry. Si CO NEW NOVELS, &c. "EBB-TIDE." By Christian Rcid, Author o Morton House Papc^Sl Cloth $1 50 "Dr Vandyke," By John Esten Cooke Gloth $1 25 Paper 7oc "Lord Kilgobbiu" By Charles Lever Cloth SI 25 Paper $1 "The Golden Lion of Grnnpere" By Anthony Trollopc Cloth Si 25- Paper 75c "Tko New Edition of oopcr's Novels" Cloth $1 25 Paper 76c. FOGARTIK'S BOOK DEPOSirOUV, No 2G0 King street,(in the Bend) October 24 Charleston. S. C. MM OPOI\4.. THE undersigned would respectfully inform his Mends and the public generally, that he has opened a First Class Grocery Store, where they may find a general assortment of Groceries, At the lowest cash pricps. Also, WINES AND LIQUORS of oil grades, which will be sold low for ensh. R. D. TIIOMAS. Opposite Leitner & Dunlap's Law Office. February 20. If Heavy Additions HAVE BEEN MADE THIS WEEK:, TO MY STOCK OF GOODS, Which arc now offered at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. Call and Examine . JL .. 1 - , GOODS A VI) PRICES ' . Goods shown with pleasure at 1. H. BARUCH'S STORE, OPPOSITE TIIE MARKET. Poccuiber 5. Cigar Emporium. We have added to onrstocka large assortment of . CIGARS. similar to those sold by the proprietor of Tlie Iiwlisui Oii'l, in Columbia, S. or any ol her first class t'iga Store. We invite the attention of all Smoker ID3" CAMDEN nd vicinitv, call and examine the stock. J & T. I .TONES. 2t?. Novtf JL*roI?itte Notice. FARDIANH, Trustees. Kocoivers, nnd all ijf others liable Io account to this oftieo are hereby notified to hand in their returns within tho legal thne. Defaulters will be rigidly dealt with. J. F. SITHFULASD. J. P. I'rol ate Office. Feb. 0. If. Vei'iuifugvM, Wuvni Candy, and Patent Medicines of nil kinds. For sale by .November28. HODGSON \ DUNLA MO??MBM. IMilWII I MMjlll ' ' sa: Amm oniated Soli Cash Price at Factory, #<l PHOSPHOPElil Cash, $50. ACID BONE PH Cash, $28. Ground Oaroli Cash $15. NOVA SCOTIA L CASH o THE above mmed Ammoniated Soluble Pacific* of the highest grades of Bone Phosphates ren vian Guano and animal mutter, making the mos combining the ingredients required to produce an While these Fertilizers are warranted to keep materially reduced for the present season. Mam JOH] Also for sale by Agents throughout the South. ] jan2-tf JONATHAN Gen'l. Sup'ts. Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA It, R. Co WILMINGTO #, N. Oct. 7, 1872. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. The following schedule will go into effect on 3:25 . M., Monday, 7th inst. day express train, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 8:25 a. m. Arrive at Florence 0:55 a, si. Arrive at Columbia 2:40 p. m Arrive at Augusta 7:42 r. si. Leave Augusta at 0.85 a. sr. Arrive at Columbia 11:25 a. m Arrive at rlorence 4:15 r. m Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 p. si* nigiit express train, dailj, (Sundays Excepted) Leave Wilmington 5:45 p. m. Arrive at Florence 11:35 p. m. Arrive at Columbia 3:40 a. si. Arrive at Augusta * 8:20 a. m. Leave Augusta 5:50 p. si Arrive at Columbia 10:20 p. si Arrive at Florence 2:12 a.m. Arrive nt Wilmington 8:00 a. m. JAMES ANDERSON, Oen'l. Supeiin't Change of Schedule SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COLUMBIA, S.C Sept. 2C, 1872. CHANGE ot's?)icdulc to go into effect on and after Sunday the 29th inst_ * Mail and Passenger TrainLeave Columbia at 9 a. in. Arrive at Charleston at 4!o0 p. in. Leave Charleston at 9.30 a. m. Arrive at Columbia at 5.20 p. m. NIGHT EXPRESS. Freight and Accommodation Train (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7.50 p. m. Arrive atC hnrleston at 6.45 a. ni. Leave Charleston at 7.10 p. ni. Arrive at Columbia at 0.30 a. m. Camden Accommodation Train. Will run daily to Golnmbia, as follows: Leave Camden at 7 20 a. m. Arrive at olumbia at 11 65 a. ru. " Leave Columbia at 2 10 p. m. Arrive at Camden at 6 55 p. m. A. L TYLER, Vice President. S. B. Pickens, G. T. A. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R R. General Superintendant's Office, Columbia, September 22, 1872. ' .YYT, ' ">31 - o ** ?i '* * i "" Crxj On and after Sunday, September 22, the trains litis road will run in accordance with the following "Time Table:" goixc. south. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte 8 00am 8 20 p in " Columbia 2 40 p m 3 SO n m Arrive at Augusta, 7 45 p m 8 20 a in going north. Train No. 1. Train No. 2 Leave Augusta, ti 35 n in 5 50 p ut 44 Columbia, 1153 pin 1105p m Arrive at Charlotte, (i 15 p in 6 00 a in Standard time, ten minutes slower than Wash, ington city time, and six minutes faster than Co lumbiacity time. Train No 1, daily; train No 2, daily, Sundays excepted. Both trains make close connection toall points North, South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. K. P. ALEXANDER, General Supcrintcndaiit. It'll. Dorset, Gen. K. & T. Agent. Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Columbia, S. September 5, 1872. Daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on" the South Carolina IUilroad, up and down: ulso with trains going North niyl* South oti Charlotte, Columbia and August a Railroad. and Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. rt> Leave Columbia at 7.1 "?a. m. Leave Alston 9.05 a. m Leave Newberry 10.40 a in LouveC okesbury - 2.00 p m. Leave Helton .'1.50 p in Arrive at Greenville at 6.30 p ni DOWN. Leave Greenville at 7.30 a m* Leave Helton 9.30 a m. Leave t'okeKbury 11.15am] Leave Newberry 1.50. pin. Leave Alston 4.20 pm. Arrive at Columbia *1.00 pin. Anderson I {emir It ami /line Rithjr Division. I.EAVK Wnllialhi 5 45 a ni. Arrive 7 15 p m Perry ville ?'> 25 a in. I.eavo 0 35 p m Pendleton 7 10 a m. Leave 5 50pm Anderson 8 10 a in. Leave 4 50 p m Ar. at Helton 0 00 a in. Leave 3 50 p m Accommodation Trains on Abbeville Hianch Mondays, Wedeiu lays and Fridays. On Anderson llrnnch, between Helton and Anderson, on Tuesdays, Thursdays aud .Saturdays, THOS. DODAMEAD, Ucul. Supt. .1 \bre Nout on, Genl. Ticket Agt, EtDY'S ible Pacific Gu ano. 5 per Toil. On lim e &0. JVIAN GUANO, Time, $55. GSPIIATE. Time, 833. ina Phosphate, Time- $201.4X1) PLASTER, !, i?l3. nil Phosplio-PeruTian Guunos are rich compounds idercd soluble and nmmouiated with No. 1 Perut concentrated and profitable Fertilizers in use, d support the cotton plant and cereals, up to thoii- high standard, the prices have been lfactured and for sale at Charleston, S. C., by \ B. StlBDY A SOW. For analysis and certificates, send for phamphlets PAGE, Agent, Camden, S C. HEAD QUARTERSOP Wtaler & Wilson's Sewing Machine Co. AT T CJ -? ? - J? V/1UUU'S9 CAMDEN, 8. O. /^ALLJand examine my stock and prices. We guarantee satisfaction. R. D. HANKINSON, Agent. January 9. tf, School Teacher Wanted. A COMPETENT Teacher, who can teach the elementary branches of the Englith language, can find a coinfortnblc home and s good 8nlary by culling on or addressing either of the subscribers. He must be well recommended B. M. BROWN. I. F. HOLLAND. Camden, January 9. tf Notice to Trespassers, I HEREBY forbid all persons, under penalty of the law from trespassing upon my premises called "Dixie's Retreat," three miles east of Camden, by hunting, strolling, riding, driving vehicles, "or in any other manner. L, W. R. BLAIR. January 10. lm* ~ WANTED. ~ ENERY ONE TO KNOW, that I have on hand a Urge and well assorted stock of Cooking I and Heating STOVES, of the latest and most approved patterns, and for sale at NEW YORK Retail Prices, with freight added. Januanry-23. GEO. ALDEN. Piedmont and Arlington LIFE Insurance Company, OF Va. ASSETS W. . CARRINGTON, PRESIDENT Losses . Actually paid in Kershaw County wit Three Years, ciiOD I tuke pleasure in saying 1 have returned to the agency of this popular Company. No difficulties will exist in future, as to llcncwals of Policies, as I shall pay especial attention to that branch of the business. will always be found at my Office on llroad Street, Cumdeu, S. C. W. CLYUURN, Agent. January 10, 1873. * f PIG IIAMS, New Smoked 13ecf? Krealilast Strips. Bulk and Smoked Very Choiea. received and for sale by D. L. DESAUSSURK & CO., For Hale or Rent. A TRACT OF LAND, containing fifty ?acres, lying on (5win Swamp, will be tented this year, or will be sold on very easy terms to an approved purchaser. Apply to M. TOBIAS February ft. tf