University of South Carolina Libraries
Sam Patch?His Remarkable Leap. ?Who has not heard of Sam Patch, his famous leap, and his tragic death ? Mwiy. persons imagine? that he was killed at Niagara. It was at Genessee Falls, however, near Rochester, New York. Some person has been interviewing the oldest inhabitants of that flourishing city, who saw the last leap nearly forty years ago. A staging had been erect ed a hundred feet above the boiling cauldron below. Amid the death-like stillness of thousands of eager spectators, the adventu? fafyR mn a few steps and gave one JVUO A UWW mmmmm _ _ leap into the air and fell cutting the mist like a lead sniker, two hundred feet iqto the seething whirlpool. Ah he left the staging his body assumed an oblique position, his head foremost, but above his feet. As he struck the water there was a dreadful silence, while the populace awaited with choking breath his reappearance. One minute?two minutes?three minutes?and no signs of the daring jumper. Then the people set up ? loud wail?a long murmur of sorrow. This was the end of Sam Patch. They say that he had been drinking during the morning, and failed to keep his feet together and hi? body perpendicular, as on previous occasions. So when he struck the water the breath left his body, and he was knocked senseless A month or so afterward they found his body away down below Rochester, drifted upon the rocks. What does happy moan ? A litte girl mid it was to feel as if you wanted to give all your things to your little sister. You T ? "?- Kir rnn should. smile, DOt 1 bcaroei j ore t.*aj j This Httlo girl felt that to be happy, she must be unselfish. She was right, And you know it. Did ycu ever feel happy when you had selfish feelings in your breast ? A yankee fanner who wished to invest the accumulation of his industry in United States securities went into a broker's office to obtain some "five twenties " The clerk inauired, "what denomination will you have sir ?" Having never heard that word excepting to distinguish the sects, the farmer, after a little hesitation, replied : "Well, you may give part in Old School Presbyterian to please the old lady; but give me the heft on't in Free-Will Baptist." * THE Carolina Fertilizer WILL BE SOLD AS FOLLOWS: Cash Price. $48 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs Tim? JPrice. % $83 Per Ton of2,000 lbs. Payable November 1, 1873, FREEE OF INTEREST. Freight and Drayage To be added ITS-SUCCESS IS UUPARALLELED, ' AND ITS STANDARD IS A NO. 1. CALL ON AGENTS FOR Almanac* sua certificate*. ' GEO W WILLIAMS A CO. Charleston, S. C. W.C. GERALD & CO, Agent* at Camden, S. C. Dec. 19. 4 Pacific Guano Company's (CAPITAL $1,000,000.) Solnbks Pacific Guano. THIS GUANO, is now so well known in all the Southern States for its remarkable effects as an agency for increasing the products of labor as not to require special recommendation from as. Its use for seven years past baa established its character for reiiable excellence. The large fixed capital invested by the Company in this trade affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of this Guano. The supplies put into the market this season, are, as heretofore, prepared under the personal supervision of Dr. St. Julien Kavenel, chemist of the company at Charleston, hence planter may rest assured that its quality uud composition is precisely the same as that heretofore sold. J. N. ROBSON, Selling Agent, Chareston, S. C. J NO. S. KKESE & CO., General Agents, Baltimore. Tikns: $48 cash; $53 time, without interest. To accommodate planters, they can order now and have until the 1st of April to decide as to whether they will take at the time or cash price. When delivered from the Factory by the carload no drayage will he charged. Nov. 28 8m. ?*tate of J. J. CoateH. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned that one month from dale she will apply to the Judge of Probate for Letters Dismi*sory as Administratrix of the Estate of J. J. Coatcs. MARTHA H. COAIRS, Admrx. braary 30- lm* jjfallM iins i*oravwos, printed rfy/in exqi',sh and oer" ly ^vmijsivs\-' man* ^e^e* bt 20 y^/spsr^^yaijitt)!'|eminent acthorb, inmw f?ms?cird,iig jxo b' gocgh' h- lkox rha9e? |d~ ward howlacd, rev. 11 ' edwin hall'n ph 1l1 ll i rip1.kkt. albert bris fvfvlw i 1bu| bane, horace greellt -*? b. perkins, etc. etc i This work is a complete history or all branches o In 1 dustry, processes of manufacture, etc., In all Its ages.? It Is* complete encyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and Is the most entertaining and valuable work of In .?mhi?,an,?nfrl| Interest ever offered to7ho public!' ?Thebook*ls aofd b.v agents, who are makinfc large Bales la alj parts of the country. It Is offered at tne low price of $3.50, and u IJip cfce cheapest book ever sold by subscription. We want Agents in every town In the United States, and no Agent can fall to do well with this book. Our terms are liberal. We give our agents the exclusive right of territory. One of our agents sold 1SS copies in eight days, anotner sold 303 In two weeks. Our agent In Hartford sold SOT in one week. Specimens of the work sent to agents on receipt of stamp. For circulars and terms to a genu address the pablishers. Sample copies this book sent to any ad press on receipt of price. J. 0. BURR A HtDE, Pulisherfl. ^^Hartford, Goth., Plilcapo, 11L, Cincinnati, Ohio. MAM ffiHKSESpectacles are manufactured from " MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES," melted together, and are called DIAMOND on account of their hardness and brilliancy. It la well known that Spectacles cnt from Brasillsn or Scotch Pebblea are very Injurious to the eye, because ol their polarizing effect. Having been tested with the polarscope, the diamond lenses have been foand to admit fifteen per cent, lesi i bested rays than any other pebble. They are ground with great scientific accuracy, are l free from chromatic aberrations, and produce a brightness and distinctness of vision not before attained In Spectacles. Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufacturing Company, New York. For sale by 1 J. A. YOUNG, Camden, 8. C. From whom they can only be obtained. No peddlen mnlnvpf! T^e great demand (or these Spectacles has iuducet unscrupulous dealers to palm an Inferior and spnrlom ' article for the " Diamond." Great care should be taker to see that the trade mark (which Is protected by Ainerl can Letters Patent) are stamped on every pair, i September 98. 12m. - Potatoes, Apples and Onions. 400 Barrels POTATOES, 125 Barrels APPLES, 30 Barrels ONIONS, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, 27,28 and 29 North Water-Bt. Wilmington, Jan. 19. Spirit Casks. 400 SPIRIT CASKS?Now landing ex Steamer Lucille, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, 27,28 and 29 North Water Street, Jan. 19 Wilmington, N.C. Perfumeries, Ac,. German Colognes; Florida Water, Lubin's Ex. tracts, Fine Toilet Soaps, in large variety. ! Dressing Combs, &c. For sale by November 28. HODGSON & DUNLAP. Butter,Cheese, Lard&MuIlei. 200 boxes CHEESE, 50 Tubs Buttet, 50 Barrels and Tubs Lard. 125 Barrels No. 1 Mullet, F. W. KERCHNER. 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Jan. 16. Wilmington, N. C. Hay, Corn, Salt and Glne. 300 bales HAY, 3,000 bushels CORN, 2,000 sacks American Salt, 250 sacks Blown Salt, 200 bbls Glue For Sale by F.'W. KERCHNER, 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Ja.nlG. Wilmington, N. C. CORN!CORN! 3.000 BUSHELS PRIME AVJIITE CORN. For sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHSON, Jan. 1C. Wilmington, N. C Provisions. 200 BOXES D. S. SIDES, 25 Ilhds. Bacon Sides and Shoulder, 200 Barrels 31 ess Pork. For sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON, Jan 16 Wilmington, N. C. FLOUR, FLOUR. 1.200 BARRELS?ALL GRADES. For Sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Jan. 16. Wilmington, N. C. i DOORS, ! SASH AND BLIDNS. MOtJI.lMNQ, Brackets, Stair Fixtures, Builders's Furnishing Hardware, l'rain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wire Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. Window Qlass a Specialty. Circular* and Price Lists sent free on application, by , P. P. TOALE, UO Hnyne and .18 Pinckney ets., Oct. 3.?ly. Charleston, 8 C Cotton Seed. FOR sale, 8,000 tusliels of Cotton Seed, if applied for soon, at the CAMDEN STKAM WORKS. Estate of V. A. Smith-. NOTICE is hereby given that one uionth after date I will apply to the Judgo of I'robate for Letters of dismission as administrator of the above Estate. E. J. STOKES, Adm'r. NEW GOODS, AT THE OLID ST-A.IT3D OF J. d T. I. JOXES, Corner of DeKalb and Broad Streets. WE are now receiving and opening our new stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery,1 Carpenter's Tools, In great variety. ? *TT\ n T A C1CTTTT A UitUUiAEiKX AAl/ VjtJjADO tY .a. WOODENWARE, CARRONWARE, AC AC Fancy and Heavy GROCERIES, BAGGING AND' TIES, | SADDLERY, BRIDLES, BITS, &C. &. VERY CHOICE HAMS, BACON AND LARD. All of which will be sold cheap for CASH. N. B.?If you don't see what you want, call for it. J. d T. I. JONES. September 26. 6m. Fall and Winter Goods. ! :o: GEORGE ALDEX respectfully invite3 the tention of the public to his Large and well, ssorted . STOCK OF GOOdS, I ... | Comprising, in part, GBOOBRIBS, DKT GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS. Cooking Stoves A Hardware, All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Cotton purchased at full market rates, and iberal Cash Advances made on consignments. GEORGE ALDEX. September 19 Gmo COOKING STOVES. It is a well-known fact, thnt the Cooking Stove bus heretofore found but few admirers in THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY, hence its utility is but little known. 'THE COOKING TOVE 1 Is now sought after, as the most Economical and Labor-Saving article for cooking purposes, that has been invented, at prices within the reach of all who desire to use them. A well-assorted stock of these Stoves on hand, and for sale by GEORGE ALDEN, Agent September 19 6m Planter's Ware House. ??? JUST received at the above well-known And popular cctablishmcnt, a full stock of Fall and Winter GoodN, Consisting in part of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ready-Made Clothing, &c. &c. Special attention ts invited to the large stock of Provisions aid Plantation Supplies, Among which will be found, BACON,HAMS,FLOUR, CORN, LARD CANNED FRUITS AND MEATS, and all other articles usually found in a first cluss Grocery. ALSO, Rope, Oil, BroovnB, Bugging and Tics, Matches, a tto ( Buckets. Curds, Nails, Curry Combs, Hoes, Locks, Sauces, Soaps, Starch, Sifters, Salt, Soda, Flavoring Extracts. Sugar, Candles, Shot, Powder, Gun Caps, Household and Kitchen Utensils, Rukes, Spades, Knives, and Forks, 0 Spoons, nd many other articles too numerous tomentioc fojrCall and examine stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. JjjjTThe highest market prices paid for Cot on and otnes prouucc. D. W. JORDAN, Agt September 19. it. K INO'S inoimw mhitXbt scsool, YORKVILLE, S. C. T1IR first session, of the School Year 1878, wil begin Febrnnrv 1 nt, and gnd June 80th.? Terms: For School Expense's,! e., Board, Tuition, Fuel, Lights, Washing, Stationery, Ac,* , $j25 per session, payable in advance. For circulars, address Col. A. Oowaed, Prin- g olpml. DW, 2&. 6t. SOUTH-CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP . ' \ i, MEMPHIS, TENN. Branch Office Baltimore, Md Assets - - $1,075,000 % t i on JEFF. DAVIS. President. Gen. WADE HAMPTON, Vice Pres'1 JOHN- D. KENNEDY, XLKc-UVI RICHMOND BANKING AND INSURANCI COMPANY. Capital, - - 8500,00< PERSONS wishing to insure in a First Clai Company at Law rates, will please apply t * W. CLYBURN, Agent, yi o. Ca. FALL. 18727 I inyite the attention of tin ? Futollc to tile LARGEST STOCK OF DRY GOODi, CLOTHING BOOTS, SHOES, AND IIATS IN CAMDEN. THEY HATE KEEN Bought Right, a vn ilil u WILL BE Sold Right. ? El. JUL.Kennedy. NOW OPENING. ON CONSIGNMENT, A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE | DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Bats, Caps HARDWARE, TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HOLLOW WARE, CROCKERY, &c. &c. For sale at the lowest rate for cash, by D. L. DESAUSSIJRE & CO. Ctm. Agents. ALSO Tt Hli_J J T t?nn f ertilizing miu iiiusuu a juiuic* ALSO WINES AND LIQUORS, Of the best qualities, and in every gra Sept. 19. tf. NEWGOODSI AT the store occupied by A. M. Kennedy, a few doors north of the Market, will be found a stock, consisting of STAPLE DRY COODS. Hardware, Nails, Iron, Steel. Spades, Shovels, Garden Hoes, Brady & Elwell Hoes, Plow Moulds, &c., &c. &c. O-IROCEIR/IES. Crushed, Coffee and Brown sugars, Rio Laguir i. and Java Coffiees, Green and HyBon Teas, Smoked and unsmoked Side and Shoulder Bacon, Hams Lard Goshen Butter, Corn, Oats, Salt, Stone Lime. Flue SuperandExtra Family Flour, Soap, Candles, Starch, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda Crackers andCheese, New Orleans Sugar House and W. I. Molasses Canned Fruit, Oysters, Early Rose, Goodrich, Pink Eye and Jack_ son White Planting Potatoes. 1 Croclery, Glassware&c., Sa flflles, Bridles Shoes, Hames &c.. All of which will be sold at the lowest price for cash, and wo request a call from all who wish to purchase. A. D. KENNEDY & CO. I A. D. KENNEDY, |fl A, M. KENNEDY. o A. M Kennedy will give his attention to the purchase of cotton; is agent for toe sale of Etiwan Guano, EtiwanCrop Food and Eti wan Ground Bone. Feb 15 tf JUST RECEIVED, ON CON'S IGNMENT, LL STOCK OF 5 Light and Heavy Bagging, Rope and Ties, Side Bacon, Hams & Shonlders NEW No. 1 AND 2 MACK ABEL, u Extra Family, Family, Extra and Super FLO CR, * Java, Laguira and Rio COFFEE, 'Crushed," "Extra C." "U." "E. J." " Dem." and " R. R." SUGAR, FACTORY CHEESE, Very superior G. P. and Breakfast TEAS, New Orleans and Mus. MOLASSES and SYRUPS, Large size sacks Liverpool SALT, Soap, Starch, Soda, Pepper, Spices, Pickles, Can Fruits, Vegetables and Fish. Together with every article usually found - i /~i j n in a wew-assortea urocery auu rruvisiun Stock. For sale at tne lowest cash rate, by D L DESAUSSURE CO. COMMISSION AGENTS. Sept. 19. tf Important To Cotton Planters. The Maryland Fertilizing and Manufnctur ing Company have prepared a SPECIAL FEETHIZEE, A.Unt/ul t/\ tKn l^lnnf. nnHnr thr? name of Cotton Food, Which they claim to bo of the Highes Grade of Fertilizer sold in the South, equal in results to PERUVIAN GUANO, undo More Permanent Benefit to the soil. It has been used by several hundred planters in North and South Carolina and Georgia for five (6) seasons, with he most beneficial results. j CANH PRICE At Factory in Baltimore, 855 per Ton, In sacks of 12 to the ton. LAWRENCE SANGSTON, President. J. Edwin Myers, General AgentD W. JORDAN, Agent at Camden. January 30. tf % flottce of Dissoiaitbn. ! *' 1 ' ~ THE co-partnership heretofore existing between Joseph S. Cloud and Francis L Zemp, Jr., has been dissolred by mutual consent,. CLOUD & ZEMP. All persons having claims against the said co-partnership will receive payment upoa presentation, and those indebted will make payment to the undersigned. JOS. 8. CLOUD. December C. tf EMPORIUM ' y . OF FASHION I > A l i *1<l 't * THE :BX38T | TOCK OF BOOTS AMD SHOES I, . * ' * ' 4P> INCAMDEIV., - - > ,) : !, ' v \ ") 2 r* it-- ' V;li DRY GOOLf, CLOTH I## Hate and Caps. . X 4 i ; i;r C '! "( 1 '*'* f* Gall and Examine the J* * . ?i ' Magnificent Display , , . . *;/. T' .*?/ v;.f[ OF -t . . Seasonable Goods, AT PRICES WHICH ! s3 ' Defy Competition, v ' . '" I AT THE : . ; I . - . . * 1 CASH STOBB OF JOS. S. CLOUD. < > THE MOST ATTRACTIVE YET! rpHE undersigned invites the attention of his 1 friends and thet public generally, to his large find increasing stock of Fall and Winter Goods Consisting in part, of DRY GOODS, Gent's. Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, Of Southern Manuffceture, And warranted to give satisfaction, ili coes and Ladies' DressGoods In great variety. Heavy Family Groceries BEST BRAN S OF FLOUR ALSO An extensive assortment of Hardware an d Cutlery, Tobacco, Spirit, Powder, Shot and Cape, Bagging, Rope and Ties. j^5f"Cotton and other Produce bought at the highest market rates, and liberal Cash Advancements made on consignments. J. W. McCURRY, Agt, September 19. if GEORGE ALDEN, . Cotton Factor, AND Dealer in General Merchandize, Camden, S. C, How is this for Cheapness? Ilere is a hanco for everybody TO BUY, AND BUY tVITHOUT MONEY ! i LL persons wishing to buy a good article of t'\ Liquors and Groceries, and Cheaper than he same Goods can be bought at any othar tstore in ninden, and espeeiully if you have no money?as money is pretty scarce?you will surely do well to give us a call with a bale or t wo of COTTON. gegrCush is no object to us. We also have on hand many other artiCels which we will sell for Cotton. E. J. CONWAY. Agent l'nre French Candles, Assorted Nuts and Canned G?ods pf all kinds For sale by 1). C. KIRK LEY, Agent. Apples. Oranges Bananas. Cranberries, Lemons, Ac. For sale by D. C. KIRKLKY, Agent.