University of South Carolina Libraries
Church IMrectory* Methodist Church, DcKalb street?Rev R. L. Harper, Paster?Services at 10 J A. M and 71 M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wed nesday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? Rev. 3. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10} A.M. and 4} P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7} P. M. Episcopal Church. Rkv. B. F. D. Per by.?Sunday, at 11 o'clock A. M. and 3} P. M. On other days at 10 A. M., during Lent. Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. Robert Thompson, Pastor?Services at?11 A. M. and] 7 P. M.; on Sunday. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 P. M. MEETINGS. Kershaw Lodge No- 39 A- F- M Attend the Regular Communi/7y\ cation at Masonic Hall on Tuesday Evening next, at 7 o'clock, order of the W.\ M.\ J. R. GOODALE, Sec'y Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. Attend the Regular Meeting ofyour Division at Temperance Hall on MONDAY evening next, at 7f o'clock. By order oi the W. P. J. M. GAYLE, R. S: Phoenix Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1. Attend a regular meeting of Phoenix Hook and Ladder Company, at Dr. Moore'* office, on Thursday night. March 6, at 7J o'clock. By order of the Foreman. W. R. MoCreigh'', Sec'ry. LOCAL JTEWS. Mows. GRIFFIN k HOFFMAN, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street, Baltimore, Md., are duly authorised to contract for advertisements at our lowest rates. Advertisers in that city are reqnes ted to leave their favors with tiua noose, inis nrn> has exceptional facilities for placing advertisement* cheaply, and we take pleasure In referring all who deaire to advertise in oat-of-town papers, especially those having real estate to sell?to these gentlemen. Temperance Lectures.?Mr. Edward Carswell, the renowned Temperance Lectu rer, entertained large and delighted audiences at the Town Hall in Camden, on Friday and Saturday evenings. His wonderful faculty of commingling argument anil illustration, wit, humor and pathos, is not excelled ly any speaker it has been our good fortune to hear. As a dramatic entertainment, his lectures will rank with the best, while they ars, at the same time, dignified with a pure morality, a healthy, manly sentiment, and an effective power of logic, the fruits of which arc exhibited in many accessions of oar best people to the temperance cause. We advise our friends to omit no oppor* tunity of bearing this accomplished Canadian orator, if not for the cause, at least for their owa sakes. The Berger Family.?It is with great pleasure that we announce an entertainment by this charming troupe, so highly apprecia ted in this eommunity, at the Town Hall on Friday evening, the 7th, inst., at 7 o'clock. We bespeak for them a fuli house. In censequence.of the failure of the North* era mail we did not receive the letter of our Washington correspondent, which we very much regret, as it is doubtless one of un. usual interest. The attention of delinquent Tax Payers is called to the advertisement of the County Treasurer in another column. Oar friend*, K. M. Kennedy and J. T Mickle, left for the Northern cities on Monday last, to lay in their Spring stocks of 'goods. . The Wateree R'urer is again upon the rampage, to the present discomfiture of our farmers. We trust that this turbid stream will restrain its swelling ambition for the rest of the year, as a recompense for the trouble it now gives. Edward Patterson, afiut Nelson McLean, who broke jail in 1809. where ho was confined for horse-stealing, has been temporarily returned to his old quarters by the efforts of oar enterprising Sheriff. sheriff'? ?alf>? on Monday were unim portant. The Elias store sold for four hundred dollars?about hnlf its market value. Burned to Death.?One day last week ft little girl sfx years of age, daughter ol Kabon Cantey, colored, living about six rnilet above Cauiden was burned to death.?She and another younger child were left at the house by the mother who went to the field a mile or two distant, and after she had beer gone a while, the girl's clothes caught fire and as there was no one to assist her sh< *u burnt 08 badly that she died a linos immediately. On the mother's return sh< found her child a corpse. Who Blunt Columbia.?This is th< suggestive title of n pamphlet issued by th? enterprising house of Messrs. Walker, Evan & Cogswell, Charleston, S. 0., which eon tains some of the testimony taken before th Court of Claims in certain cases of ISrit isl residents against tho I'nited States. Th testimony of Generals Sherman and Ilowar i? given in fall. The lawyers for the claimants desire to have any one who may know anything positive of their own knowledge which would go to show that Columbia was burnt by the U. S. soldiers, to communicate with Messrs. Walker & Bacot, Charleston, S. C. The publishers have our thanks for a copy of the pamphlet. Change op Schedule.?On and after Saturday, March 1st, the Camden train will run to Columbia only three times a week, as formerly, Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. A. L. Tyler, Vico-President. R. H. Anderson, Agent. Congratulatory.?It is a source of much pleasure to us in being able to state that we have removed to our new quarters, and have supplied our office with entirely new type. We congratulate the temperance friends throughout the State upon the more attractive appearance of their Organ. During the past three months, through the courtesy of our esteemed triend or tne Journal, John Kershaw, Esq, we have been issuing the Advocate from that office, during which time, we have had extended to us every courtesy possible, both from the proSrietor and the foreman, our clever friend, Ir. T. W. Pegues. We beg leave here to publiely thank these gentlemen for tho many acts of kindness shown us during our stay with them, and hope that the friendly relations which have grown up between us may ever continue to grow warmer. With this brief congratulatory, we make our bow.? Temperance Advocate. Enterprise in Busluesi. We like enterprise, and we know of no wdass of business men displaying more of it han the newspaper publishers of America, The Publishers of Oue Fireside Friend, Chicago, announce this week in our columns, their second Annual Distribution of premiums to subscribers. The excellent Story md Family Weekly is now in its third volume. Its success has been great. It is firm!?r no nno nf fliA WPftklieS if the Union, with the largest circulation of tny paper in the West Its success uiay in no slight degree be attributed to its method >f distributing premiums which is permanent with this paper, being hold annually. Its distribution last yeargave general satisfaction. Their list of premiums is fine and secures to every subscriber for 1873 a premium either in cash or some oue of the valuable articles mentioned in the list. We cheerfully recommend the paper. Their plan of distributing premiums is a notable part of their well conducted enterprise and our reades need have no doubts as. to their being fairly dealt with. The paper is a financial success. Its immense circulation enable its publishers to iter this valuable list of premiums and to fully carry out their plan of distributing them. Specimen copies of the paper and premium list giving full particulars my be had by addressing the Publishers Chica^o^ Good Fisdixq in California.?What care the people of North Carolina, South Carolina Georgia aud Florida for the fish in the gold-bearing State, when they have fall storehouses and comfortable homes ? The last can only be had with the aid of a Poor, Sash and Blind Factory, and Builders' Emporium, such as is now in most successful operation by Mr. P. P. Toale, of Charleston, S. 0. Send for his price list. Sent Free. $75,000 IN CAS II FOR $1.?We cull the at tention of our readers to the advertisement in- i another eolumn of the Nebraska State Orphan Asylum. Here is a chance to win a fortune in | a Public Legal Drawing, and aid a noble charity. < February 20. 1m* Our BocHlv Infirmities - - - . ? i-? .r -ii u:i. i Physical infirmities arc me iui u> an. lions are always sick. No man, woman or child is uniformly in perfect health. Much, however, of the sickness and suffering which render life a burden to so many of our fellow beings is due to carelessness and neglect. A mighty antidote to the leading causes of diseases has been pro* j vided. It is as harmless as it is efficient. No poisonous drug enters into its composition. Jt is j an undefiled stimulant, tonic and aperient, of ; which every ingredient is vegetable. This un? exceptionable preventive and restorative medicine is not "a now thing under the sun." Hos- , tetter's Stomach Bitters will soon havo been be- | fore the world a quarter of a century; and it is not too much to aver that thousands, :iye, tens of { thousands are now using it who would have been . " " i _ i .1? v.?,? ! in tlieir graves years ago nan uu-y hoi ( strengthened and sustained by this wholesome stimulant. The rapidity with which minor ail- i ments often become, when neglected, obstinate diseases, is v -11 known. This tonic is famous for , the immediate check which it gives to these breeders of deadly disorders. The sensation of languor, the sick headache, the nervousness, the indisposition to exertion, the nausea, the confusion of the brain, j the physical debility, which are intended to pre tuonish us of the approach of serious danger, are ' invariably removed by a few doses of the Bitters, i The fame of the preparation as a genuine spe- , cific for dyspepsia, billious complaints, mala- I rious fevers, rheumatism and chronic debility, ! ; is as wide as the world; and in these days of in- j ? famous charlatanism, when fierce cathnrtics, thnt j rob (be invalid of the lust remnnntsof his strength , I are advertised as invigorants, (!) it is indeed a j , blessing to mankind that Hosteller's Stomach j i Bitters are everywhere procurable, and every- ! I j where popular. j I __ 1 A NOBLE CHARITY. J Omahu Lottery! ! TO ERFCTTHR | Nebraska State Orphan Asylum. To be drawn in Public, March 31st, 1*73. Tickets SI eeirfi; or Six for Ffi. Tickets sent by F.xpraxs C- 0. I>., if desired. " | J cash prize, $75,000 1 cash prize, $:!">,000 C 1 cash prize, 15,000 1 cash prize, l0,0<Xt o \ 1 cash prize, 5,000 1 casli prize, 4,000 For balance of prizes send for circular. - This Legal F.nterprise is endorsed by his ox rclleucv Gov. W. H. James, and the best busi ne?s men of the State. The limited number of Tickets on hand will C be furnished those who apply first l Aobkts Wabted. For full particulars address J. M. l'ATTEE, Manager, Omaha, Neb. i Fob. 30. lin? 0 ??? I . f?? Jkuj'^. ^o For over FORTT TEARS this PURELY VEGETABLF ! LIVER MEDICINE lias proved to be the ^ GREAT UNFAILING SPEOIFIO for Liver Complaint and the painful offspring i r..fn,,,lnnr . nt'omin I IMAV T.nnilion Ril UlOriil'SlA, UflOUI vuuiiu.w ious attacks, Sick Headache, olic, Depression of Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, HILLS AND FEVER, &c., Ac. After years of genuine experiments, to meet the great and urgent demand, we now produce j from our original Gen.umf Powders, THE PREPARED. a Liquid form of SIMMONS' LIVER REGULA- < TOR, containing all Its wonderful and valuable properties, and offer it in ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES. , J The Powders, (price as before, )$ 1,00 per p'kg'e. Sent by mail, 1.04 ] ^CAUTION i Buy no Powders or PREPARED SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, unless in our engraved J wrapper, with Trade mark, stamp and signature, ( unbroken. None other is genuine. ^ .T. H. ZEILIN & CO, 1 MACON GA., and PHILADELPHIA, j SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTSFebruary 3 (dl2) 6m. c JOHN CHADWICK, * CHARLESTON. SOUTH-CAROLINA, At KKDL LONDON ENGLAND., $ Land Brokers and Negotiators } To Land Owners and Others. j WE have established n Bureau in Lndon, a for the negotiation and snle of Cotton and ] Rice Plantations, large Tracts of Timber Land and other Estates, Mines, Wator Powers and Charters for valuable franchises, invite the attention of all interested to our great facilities J for bringing such property to the notice of capitalists, farmers and manufacturers in Englaud, $ Ireland and Scotland and the ontincut of Europe. . $ For circulars giving full particular^ address, enclosing postage stamp, I 1 JOHN CHADWICK & CO., Charhiton, S' C~ * February 3. 3m. "T TO RENT. rpHE HOUSE AND LOT on Rutledge-strect, 1. known as the D.iash House, now occupied by Mr. A. A. Strauss. Possession given on one week's notice. For terms and particulars, apply to M. B. H U KABEE. f a m ITRKVEDV. February 6. tf 1 Pol^ale or Kent."" 3 A TRACT OF LAND. containing fifty ?acres, , lying on Gum Swamp, will be tented this year, or will be sold on very easy terms to an approved purchaser. Apply to M. TOBIS February 6. tf Probate Notice. < ^CARMANS, Trustees, Receivers, and' all others liable to account to this office arc hereby notified to hand in their returns within the legal tiuie. Defaulters will be rigidly dcnlt ? with. J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. l'rotatc Office, Feb. ('?. tf. Security Life Insurance and Annuity Company, Or IVgav York. ORGANIZED 1862. CAPITAL 83000.000 INCOME 1.500.000 Paid to Widows and Orphans of deceased members 1.500.000 Insures on nil popular and reliable plans. . LOU 18 SHERFESEE, General Agent, Charleston, S. C. HARLES A DKSAUSSURE, Agent, Camden, S. C. January 10. tf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Pest New Orleans Molasses Sugar House Syrup, Selected Goshen Rultor, IJest Family Flour, Pure Leaf Lard. Coffee, Tea and Sugar, Pearl Grist and Meal, Mnckurel and Cheese, Irish Potatoes and. Onions, Soap, Starch and Candles. English and American Pickles, Canned Goods?all kinds, Candies, Confections, ice. And every thing usually kept in a first class Grocery and Provision Store, all of which will bo sold at low prices, by 1). C. KIKKLEY, Agent. January 30, tf Notice to Contractors. SEALED proposals for re-building the Bridge over Twenty-five Mile Creek, will be received for the next thirty dare, at the Office of the I County Commissioners. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject I i -.11 biilx which tnnv be made. UIIJ ? Hv order of the Hoard, J. A. BOS WELL, Chairman. 8HIVBB, Cltrk February '? 4t Mides ! Moles!! 1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW SUPPLY of MULES, direct from Kentucky. .'t7 in number, nil young. over one half broke, at the DeKnlb 11 on se staides, for sale at reasonable prices, for CASH, ami also f^city neeeptnncc, payable next Fall. Hnvo nlsoone span of fine match ltay Horses, a fine Saddle Horse, and a beautiful Saddle Fony, suitable for a young Lady. J. A. ARMSTRONG. feb. ' Hymnal of the Church. IVE aro prepared fo furnishihe "HYMNAL" nt the lowest introduction prices. A vaicty of styles. Prices from 20c, 40c, 00c,75c, 51 and upwards. Fogarties Book Depository, HEW CATALOGUE Ho. 28. A new Importation of English Books. rhe Practical Philosopher, a Daily Monitor for the busness men of England, and others, by David Thomas, D. D. $8. Jnexplored Syria, by Richard F. Burton and Oharles F. T. Drake, 2 vols., 316. Han in the Past, Present and Future, from the German of Dr. L. Buchncf,- by W. S. Dallas. F. . S. $4. iVandcringe in-Qcripturo Lands, being a Tour of "nine months in the years 1869?'70, by Thos. Robinson., D. D., $2 50. Mem oir of onnt l)e Mntalemert, by Mrs. Oliphant, 2 vols., $12. Acts of Gallantry, by Lambton Young, E. E. $3 75. Thoughts and Meditntions on the Mysteries Life, by John Frith, $3 75. Shakespeare and Typography, the Art of Print- | ing ; also remarks upon some common Typographical Errors with reference to the Text of Shakespeare, by William Blades, $1 50. )u the Preservation of Health, or Essays of the principles t# be adopted by those who desire to avoid Disease, by Thomas Inman, M. D., of London, Third Edition, 2 vols., $7. rtc Day* of the Son of Man, a History of the Church in the Time of our Lord, by William Lee, L>. l>., ?? -: ou. Philosophy of hristianity, or (he Purpose aud Power of the Gospel, $2 50. Jible Truths, with Shakespearian Parallels, by J. B. Selkirk, ?2 50. Angels and Heaven, by Thomas Miller, $2 50. Jrowth and Vicissitudes of Commerce, by John feats LL D., $2 50. Srcwhou, or over the Range, Third Edition, $1 50. )einonology and Witchcraft, by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. $0 Canoe Travelling, by Warington, Baden Pow11, illustrated, $ '] Anecdotal nnd Descriptive Natural History, >y A. Romer, $1 75 I Anecdotes of celebrated Men and Women, by Editor London Jest Book, $2 ; The Sea Weed Collector, by Shirley Hibbard, 51 75 Half Hours at the Sea Side, by J E. Taylor, \ G. S., $2. Science and oramoree, their Tnduenco on our Jonnfnctures, by 1*. L. Simmonds, $3. Roundabout Rambles in Lands of Facts and , ncy, by Frank R. Stockton, $2 50 Dr 0 ldbaru's Talk, by . S. Henry, $1 50 NEW NOVELS, &c. i "EBB-TIDE." Dy Christian Rcid, Author o lorton House Paper $1 Cloth $1 50 ] "Dr Vandyke," Ry John Esten Cooke Cloth , !1 25 Paper 75c , "Lord Kilgobbin" P?y Charles Lever Cloth , >1 25 Paper $1 1 "The Golden Lion of Granpere" By Anthony , 'rollopc Cloth Si 25 Paper 75c "The New Edition of ooper's Novels" Cloth >125 Paper 75c. FOG ARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, No 2i'>0 King street,(it\ the Bend) October 24 Charlrtlon. S. C. NEW OPENING. rHE undersigned would respectfully iuform his friends and the public generally, that te has opened a Pirot Clams Grocery Store, vherc they may find a general assortment of Groceries, At the lowest cash prices. Also, WiNES AND LIQUORS >f all grades, which will be sold low for cash. R. D. THOMAS. Opposite Leitner n minmp s uuw umcr. February^'). tf Heavy Additions ITAVK BE EX MADE THIS WEEK, TO MY STOCK OF GOODS, Which arc now offered at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. Call and Examine GOODS AND PRICES ' * .* * Goods shown with pleasure at H. BAEUCH'S STORE, OPPOStTK THE MAEKET. December 5. A A QVllATTfifi'S * 2%. i CJIlt A * K7K. 7 . I^ine Stock of MERCHANDIZE Must be Hold, BY THE First of 3Iarch, On accouol of RFMOVAL from tliis place. Call and See the Great Bargains TO BE HAD A. A. STRAUSS'S. Pearl Hominy and Meal r?r?J.I.J l>. C. KIllKLtV SAR Ammoniated Solul Cash Price at Factory, PHOSPHO-PERi: Cmh, $50. ' ACID BONE PH Cash, $28. ' G Oaroli Cash $15. 1 MOV A SCOTIA Li CASH. o? THE above mined Ammoniated Soluble Pacific an of the highest grades of Bone PliosphAtcs rend rian Guano and animal matter, making the most combining the ingredients required to produce and While these Fertilizers are warranted to keep u; materially reduced for the present season. Mtnuf JOHl Also for sale by^Agents throughout the South. F< jan2-tf JONATHAN ] Gen'l. Sup'ts. Office. ] WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AU- 1 GU8TA R, R. Cowi lming to n, n. Oct. 7, 1872. C^^^^^HEDULE. . The following schedule will go into effect on 1:25 . M., Monday, 7th inst. day express train, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 3:25 a. m. Arrive at Florenco 9:55 a, m. j Arrive at Columbia 2:40 p. m 8 Arrive at Augusta 7:42 p. M. 3 Leave Augusta at 6.35 a. m. Arrive at Columbia 11:25 a. m Arrive at plorence 4:15 p. m Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 p. mJ sight express train, daily, (Sundays Excepted) Leave Wilmington 5:45 p. m. ArriVe at Florence 11:35 p.m. 1 ?_! . nmkia 3:40 a.m. J irrifc m Arrive at Augusta 8:20 a. m. s Leave Augusta 6:50 p. * o Arrive at Columbia 10:20 p. m t Arrive at Florence 2:12 a. m. Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 a. m. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l. Superin't Change of Schedule SO^m^SA^RAIL ROAD ? COLUMBIA, S.C .. Sept. 20, 1872. * ? CHANGE of svhcdulc to go Into effect on and c after a'undnv the 29th inst. flail and Pas$euger TrainLeave Columbia at 9 a. m. Arrive at Charleston at 4.30 p. m. Leave Charleston at 9.30 a.m. Arrive*at Columbia at 6.20 p. m. NIOI1T EXPRESS. Freight and Accommodation Train (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7.60 p. m. Arrive ntC harlcston at 0.45 a. m. Leave Charleston at 7.10 p. m. Arrive at Columbia at 3.30 a. m. Camden Accommodation Train Will run daily to Colnmbia. us follows: r ?? ?t 7 20 a. m. ' Arrive at olumbia at 11 55 n. in. , Leave Columbia at 2 10 p. ui. Arrive at Camden at (J 65 p. m. A. L TYLER, Vice President. S. 11. Pxckkxs, G. T. A. CHARLOTTE,. COLUMBIA A' AUGUSTA KR. Gen'SBAL Ski'erintexdant's OrricE. Columbia, September 22, 1872. On and after Sunday, September 22, the trains this road will run in accordance with the following "Time Table:" coixa south. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte 8 00am 8 20 p m " Columbia 2 40 p oi 3 30 a m Arrive at Augusta, 7 45 p m 8 20 a m coixu korth. Train No. 1. Train No. 2 Leave Augusta, 6 35 am 5 f?0 p m " Columbia, 11 53 pin 11 05 p m 1 Arrive at Churlotte, 0 15pm 0 00 a in - \vnull. Standard tunc, ten minuics eiunvi ....... ington city time, uud six minutes faster than Co lunibiu city time. Train No 1, daily; train No 2, daily, Sundays excepted. Both trains make close connection toall points North, Soutli and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal point s. E. P. ALEXANDER, General Superintenduut. R* E. Dousbv, Gen. F. & T. Agent. Greenville autl Columbia Hailroud. Columbia, S. C., September 5, 1872. Daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on the South Carolina Railroad, up and down: also with trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, and Wilmington, Columbia aud Augusta Railroad. UP. I.eaveColambia at 7.15"a. m. Leave Alston 9.05 n. m 1 Leave Newberry 10.40 a in LeavcC okesbury 2.00 p m. Leave Helton ' 8.60 p m Arrive at Greenville at 5.30 p nij DOWN. Leave Greenville at 7.;)0 a m* Leave Helton a in. Leave C'okcsbury ^ 1.15 a m] Leave Newberry 1.50. p m. Leave Alston 4.20 pm. Arrive at Columbia ''.OOpm. Andrrson Branch and Blue Itidqc Division. LEAVE Walhalla 5 45 a m. Arrive 7 15 p m ltrryville 0 25 a in. Leave 6 35 p m I Pendleton 7 10 a ni. Leave 5 50 p m Anderson 8 10 a in. Leave 4 50 p in Ar. at Hellon-H 00 a m. Leave 3 ot p ni Accommodation Trains on Abbeville Ilranch Mondays, Wedonadnya and Fridays. On Anderson llrnneli, between Helton and Anderson. on Tuesdays. TlnlVsdays and. Saturdays. TilOS. PODAMEAD, Genl. Supt. \ Jabez Norton, Genl. Ticket Agt. DY'S 3le Pacific Guano. (perTon. On time, |SO. rVIAN GUANO, Time, $55. OSPHATE. nine, $33. ma I'nospnaie, [ ime- $204HD PLASTER, . #13. . d Phospho-Peruvian Guanos are rich compound* ercd soluble and ammoniated with No. 1 Peru* concentrated and profitable Fertilizers in use, support the cotton plant and cereals, p to their high standard,-the prices hare befin actured and for sale at Charleston, S. C., by r b. siBDY soir. )r analysis and certificates, send for phamphleta PAGE, Agent, Camden, S C. HEAD QUARTERS OF VMrllMiiMv Mm Co. AT -J- ^xoua7s, CAMDEN, 8. O. f^ALLJand examine my stock and prices. We \J guarantee satisfaction. R. D. HANIIK80N, Agent. January 9. tf, . School Teacher Wanted, A COMPETENT Teacher, lrbo can teach the elementary branches of the Erglith lanuagc, can find a comfortable home and r. good alary by calling on or addressing either of the ubscribers. Jie must be well recommended ' B. K. BROWN. I. F. HOLLAND. Camden, January 9. tf Notice to Trespassers, [HEREBY forbid all persons, nnder penalty of the law from trespassing vpon icy premies called "Dixie's Retreat," three miles east f Camden, by hunting, strolling, riding, driing vehicles, or in any other msncer. L, W. R. BLAIR. January 16. lm* COUNCIL CHAMBEB. CAMDSN, JAN. 13, 1873 '"VRDERED, That the Treasurer of the Town J be required to open immediately his Boeks * the collection of the Town Taxes* All Taxes unpaid by the 15th day of February rill bare ten percent added'to them. All Taxes unpaid on tho 15tH day of Marck rill be put in Execution, with Penalty and osts. J. M. DAVIS, Intendent. Extract from minutes of Council. J* K. WiTHEBsroo*, Clerk &'Recorder. The Books are now open at my office. J. K. WJTHERSPOON, Treasurer. Piedmont and Arlington LIFE Insurance Company, OF Richmond, Va. , ASSETS #3,000,000. W. C. CARRINOTON, PRESIDENT JL<osse& A -A 11? ! .1 1 ? V .? pAtmfv wif h /vciuanvpaiu m ueisnan v,vu?u ?? Three Years, $28,000,00. I take pleasure in saying I have returned to the agency of this popular Company. No difficulties will exist in future, as to Renewals of Policies, as I shall-pay espcc.ul attention to that branch of the business. (txaj'l will always be found at my Office < * C* ll on J?road Street. L'amacn. c. v. IV. CLYUITRN, Agent. .January 10, 1873. f ph; hams, New Smoked Bed", Breukfast Strips. Bulk and Smoked Very Choice, received and for sale bv J). L. DKSAlSSl'RIi & CO., Havna O manges And NORTHERN APPLES. For sale b* 1>. C. KIUKLEV.