University of South Carolina Libraries
THE JOURNAL. * JOHN KEHSHAVT, Editor and Proprietor. CAMDEN, S. C. MARCH 6, 1873. Valedictory. "With this issue of the Journal, I resign its immediate charge to Gen. J. B. Kershaw, who will conduct the same on my account. 1 I cannot refrain on this occasion froni, " * *h???>ntHTients giving grarteiui exprcsaum w ? with which my heart is filled and which seek utterance, because of the uniform kindness and eourtcsy which has been extended to me since I have been the editor and proprietor of this paper. I have striven to make it subserve no base uses or purposes; but rather to render it a welcome visitor in the homes and the firesides of its patrons, as well as an advertising medium worthy of patronage. How far I have succeeded is not for me to say. This much, however, I may say, that my efforts have received a generous and liberal support, which commands my graii tudo. in yielding my posuiuu as cuiwi w my successor, I feel sure that the interests of neither subscribers nor advertisers will Buffer, and I venture to express the hope that the same kindness, courtesy and patronage will be extended to him as has been to myself. Very Respectfully and Truly, JOHN KERSHAW. Salutatory. In assuming the control of the editorial department of this paper, the writer does not feel Called upon to give its readers any assurances that it will continue to advocate such policies as may from time to time promise advantage to the commonwealth, con sistent with those principles of honor and rectitude wttich have guided the pens of all those who have preceded us in the discharge of this important trust. We shall end avor to hold, in morals and politics, a just conservatism, intolerant of falsehood, treachery and corruption, just to friend and foe,. temperate in censures of those who may honestly differ from us upon public questions, but fearless and firm in denouncing the wicked purposes and devices of unscrupulous and selfish demagogues, who seek their advancement regardless of" the welfare of the State. Recognising fully the vast changes of policy incident to the revolutions through which we have passed, and admitting the axiom that accomplished revolutions become laws, we shall not contend against the inevitable, or struggle for the introduction into questions of the day, of truths, which, however valued as sacred vindications ofour - - 1 _ a i! 1 ! part, have ceaseq to exist as practical issue*. We are quite aware how difficult it is always to repress the utterances of passion and prejudice, even when contending for justice and moderation, but it shall be our effort to repress the fortner, in ourselves, while we rebuke them in others, and shall, at all times, seek to promote the latter by precept and example. "Know thyself" is a venerable injunction ?so wise as to have become immortal, and wc would rejoice to see our people bring its teaching? home to themselves in these trying times. We ^ould not here enter lhto those considerations which the priest and moralist might well impress?that field is too extensive, but at present we would call the attention of our readers, in our immediate vicinage, to our condition of material prosperity. Croaking has been so universal since the war, it fas so well nigh justified by the hardships and trials we have undergone, that it was tolerated and encouraged until it has j become a habit, and, with many, is a con- i firmed chronic disease, worse than the evils 1 it groaned over. A calm, though hasty glance at our sur- i roundings; will convinee any one that there ' is no further justification "or excuse for the croaker?true, taxes arc high and unjust? Government, State and County, is oppres- ( sive, tyranical and partial?demoralization i is very common, even out of politics?but grumbling offers no cure. r li-.!?i ?J ..... 1(1 a pOiHll'ai UIIU BUl'lill ncusc, ns Ulu Kershaw. are far better off than in most sec- . tions of the South, while in material matters we are prospering. Let the facts speak for this business season : 1. More cotton and corn have been pro- , duced than in'any other year since the war. 1 2. More cotton has been bought and sold ; in Camden. 3. Jlorc cotton has been shipped on our railroad and less corn brought to us. i 4. has been handled by our farmers, merchants, lawyers. &c. r>. 31 ore horses. mules and oxen arc owned and worked in Kershaw Ceunty. I 6. There is scarcely a vacant house or I farm in the County. 1 7. Perfect health, peace and good order prevail. ( Now. that list shows a tolerable condition at least. We acknowledge that most of the money produced has gone to N. York. Haitimore and Charleston, hut the laborer, farmer, merchant, lawyer doctor, preacher, teacher, mochauic, and those dependent upon theu, \ . . w.t got their share, and tho purchase of lands, horses, moles, &c., shows that a good deal was left beyond the cost of production. Industry, thrift, good management and attention to business have been richly rewarded. Could we claim or expect more? Many of us are poor, very poor, and will, nrnhablv. remain so until we " cross over the E J J l iver and rest un the other side." but that poverty invariably results from complication af the dead past, or from mismanagement. " The good time has come" to all who have the health, the strength, and the will to seize upon it * Acts or the Legislature. We copy below, from the published list, the captions of such Acts of the Legislature at its late session, as appear to be of general interest: ACTS PASSED AND APPROVED. To repeal an act entitled an act to provide for a general license law. Providing for the extension of time for the payment and collection of taxes for the fiscal year commencing November 1, 1872. ? J O nf rtVi.intflu 9^ nf lO HUieilU M'UUUII w V4 vua^vvi ?u, V* ?V General Statutes of South Carolina. To amend section 12, chapter 103, of the General Statutes of South Carolina. To fix the time of holding the April term of the Supreme Court. To ompower the Supreme Court to frame issues, and direct the same to be tried in the Circuit Court, and to order referees in certain cases. Authorizing the attorney general to commence proceedings against the commissioners of the sinking fund To. amend an act entitled an act to provide for the election of officers of the incorporated cities and towns in the State of South Carolina. To require State and county officers elected by the people to qualify within thirty days after receiving official notification thereof. To make appropriation for the payment of the balance of the salary of the members of the General Assembly, salaries of subordinate officers and employees, and the expenses incidental thereto. To repeal sections five, six and seven of chapter 83 of the General Statutes of South Carolina. To fix the time for the holding of the circuit courts in certain eounties therein men i UUIICU. To make appropiation for expenses of printing ordered by the General Assembly during the regular sessions of 1870-71 and and 1871 and 1872. T omake appropriation to pay the outstanding pay-certificates of the members of the last General Assembly. Authorizing and requiring the State treasu rer to pay and caucel the notes and certificates issued in payment of the different debts contracted for the furnishing of the hall of the House of Representatives, committee rooms, kc. To ratify the amendment to the Constitu tion of the State South relative to the increase of the State -debt. To ratify the amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Carolina relative to the time of holding elections. To punish any persons or persons who shall sell or eonvty any real property, kc., on which a lien of any kind may exist, without giving notice of such lien to tho purchasers. To regulate tho service of process issuing from the Supreme Court. To enforce the payment of the poll tax. To amend Section 17, Chapter 14, of General Statutes. To establish and open a publie road in Kershaw and Chesterfield counties. * ' O .1 . 1 1 . . x J j o provide ror toe csiadiisnmeni anu support of a State normal school. To amend Section 3, Chapter 111, of the General Statutes. To regulate the fees of probate judges, trial justices and other officers. awaiting approval In addition to the above, there are some twenty or thirty acis which have passed the General Assembly, and are now before the Governor for his approval. Of these, the following are the only ones of particular importance : To prevent State and county officers holding more than one office. . To repeal section 4 of an act entitled "An ?ct to relieve the State of South Carolina of ill liability for its guaranty of the bonds of the Blue Ridge Railroad Company. To cncourago and provide for Uio incorporation of agricultural and mechanical societies and associations for the promotion of the arts and sciences. To provide for an assessment of real property in 1873. To Punish persons for obtaining money, chattels and valuable securities by false pretences. To authorize the construction of the New \ork, Norfolk and Charleston Railroad. To authorize certain counties to issue bonds and loan the same to the Charleston, Georgetown and Conwayboro' Railway Company. To regulate the deposit of State, county and other funds. Correct Tiie Stomach.?It is a well ascertained physiological fact that the origin of most of the ills that afflict humanity is a deranged condition of the alimentary canal. The bowels bocomo constipated and sluggish, and thence arises a train of painful and dis tressing maladies. Asapreventivcnnd euro, there is no remedy so sufe and suec as Dr. Tutt's Vegetable Liver Pills. Avoin Consumption.?No enemy to the human race is more to bo dreaded and is more insidious in its approaches than the too fatal destroyer of health and happincs of myriads?-Consumption in its ghasty form" rhe duty of all is to gu ird against its first nd'pl! ? ? - /k.?.a ktf tlih timnlv FflllCCH I HIS uiuv uv ui'iiu uj vnw ?ui? j 1190 of Dr. Tutt's Expectorant? Camden Cotton Market. Camden, S. C. March 5,1873. We have no material change to notice.? The receipts have been liyht. Quotations, 17 to 18io. TOWN HALL. ONE NIGHT ONLY! 0 i Return of the Favorites!! . ' FRIDAY, MARCH 7. The Original and Only BEB6EB FASILY, Swiss Bell Ring-era The most Elegant and Popular Troupe Traveling. The Delicious Music of the Swiss Bells. All the Latest Songs and Newest Music. First Season with this Company, of the Greatest Comic Violinist of the age, SIDNEY FRANKS! Miss ANNA BERGER, Gold Cornet Soloist. Miss ETTIE BERGER, Staff Bell Player. Miss NELLIE KNAPP, Soprano Vocalist. EARNEST TIIIELL, Violinists. All the Favorites will Appear Young Ladies' Silver Cornet Band. Parlor Orchestra. Etc., Etc., Etc. ADMISSION, ONE DOLLAR. Children 60 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock?Performance to commence at 8 o'clock. W. W. FOWLER, Business Manager. March 6. It* RABBOtfS, Millinerv & Straw Goods. 1873: ALSO White Goods, Embroideries, &c ARMRTRONGTCATOR Sl CO. Importers, Manmfacturers and Jobbers. bonnet TRmnnros, Neck and Sash Ribbons, VELVET RIBBONS, NECK TIES, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Frames, &c. Straw Bonnets and Ladies and Children's Hats, TRIMMED AND CNTRIMMED, AND IN CONNECTING WAREROOMS. WHITE GOODS, LINENS ' AND EMBROIDERIES. Laces, Nets, Collars, Se.tts, Handkerchiefs, Veilings, Head Nets, &c. &c, Nos. 237 and 239 Baltimovd Street, March 6.?Ira* Baltimore, Md. WILSON'S LIVER REMEDY. A sure and permanent cure for all diseases rnncoH Lv n rUrnntrptl f.irar nicli at .Taun. dice, Dyspepsia, Ilaart\urn, "fevers, Nervousness, impurity ofthe Blood, Melancholy, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Pains in the ' Head, ami all kindred diseases. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE IT. Sold by all Druggists. PREPARED ONLY BY WILSON A LLACK, March].?Cm Charlotte, N. C. TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS will be received for thirty days, for the completion of the "Free Bridge" across Waterec River near Camden, now in process of construction. WM. M. SHANNON, 'Chairman Br.idgo Commission. March C. . 4t. To Delinquent Tax Payers. NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with an Act of Assembly, approved Februry 27, 1813, Executions will be immediately issued for unpaid taxes and penaltiesof 18(2, and forthwith collected bv distress or otherwise.? These Executions will first be levied on persona property of delinquents, and upon the failure cf such assets to satisfy, the real estate will be proceeded against in like manner. Prompt payment will save costs. DONALD McQUEEN, County Treasurer. March Q. tf. Office of County Auditor, CAMDEN, FEB. 2d, 1873. NOTICE is hereby given, that the sum of sixteen dollars and 70 cents ($10 76) Las been deposited in the County Treasury of Kershaw County by David Cook for the redemption of fifty (50) acres of Land in Flat Kock Township, forfeited for taxes for the year 1871, as the property of the said David Cook, and now redeemed by Joint Resolution of the General Assembly of 1872-73. J. P. BOSWELL, Auditor. Mai'ch 6.- 2t. f or nnie or i^xcnnuge. TWENTY-FIVE or thirty very fine half Merino Lambs. WM. M. SHANNON. March 7. 2t Kershaw?In the Probate Court ESTATE OF ELIZABETH AH LI DOE. WHEREA8, Abratn Kobon has applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and sin gulnr the poods and chatties, rights and ct edits which were of said Elizabeth Arlidge, deceased: Now, these nre to require all nnd singular the kindred und creditors of the snid deceased to be and appear before me at a Court to he holden on the 22nd day of March, inst., to show cnusc if any they have, why said administration should not be gmnied. Given under my hand and seal, this 5th day of March, 1873. J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. March 6. 2t. LAW CARD. WM. D. TRANTHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CAMDEN, 8. O. Office adjoining that of J. M. Davis, Esq. February 18, 8m. Apple*. Orange* Banana*. Crapborries, Lemons, tic. For sale by D. C. KIRKLEY, Agent. LAW NOTICE. CAMDEil, 8. C., MARCH 1, 1873. THE Law Firm of Kershaw &' Keiishaw, it this day dissolved. Tbc senior member ii authorized to use the^ firm's name to close the business. J. B. KERSHAW. JOHN KERSHAW. March 7. lm NOTICE. DURING my absence, and until further no tice, the Camden Journal and all other bu Biness of the subscriber in this State will be ii charge of J B. Kershaw, who is my duly au thorized attorney. JOHN KERSHAW. March 1. 3m KERSHAW & WORKMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, CAMDEN, S. C. THE subscribers having formed a copartner ship under the above name, will give thei att?r?'nn to collections, convcvancincr. husines in the State Courts or the United Stntes Courts Pensions, Bounty Claims, and all other mat ters entrusted to them professionally. J. B. KERSHAW. W. H. R. WORKMANMarch 7. ' ?>iuo 2nd Annual DISTRIBUTION. 75,730 PREMIUMS HANGING IN VALVE FROM $10 TO $5,000. CHVE1T AWAY TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF Our Fireside Friend Every tubtertberit tureof one Premium any u-ai and alio hat an equal ehanee of reeeiving a OAS] Premium, OR A PIANO, ORG A* WATCH, SEWINC MACHINE, etc. FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUB Q&OOO. OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND?Eight Page Large Size, Illu*traied, the Family Weekly is in i THIRD VOLUME and has attained the LAI GEST CIRCULATION of any pnpor publishe in the West. Its success ENABLES the pn prietors to furnish THE BEST, MOST DES RABLE AND MOST USEFUL ORIGINA READING MATTER IN GREAT VARIET1 that money can buy. and make it a HOM WEEKLY suited to the wants of every family Subscription price $3 per year of 52 number THE ELEGANT CHROMO " nuTE," Size 1C x 20 inches, 16 colors. Acknowledge by all to bo the HANDSOMEST and MOS VALUABLE premium picture in America.EVERY SUBSCRIBER is presented with th Chromo at the time of subscribing, [no waiting and receives a NUMBERED CF.RTIF1CAT ENTITLING THE HOLDER TO A SIIAR in the distribution of $25,000 ;n cash premium THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES PLACE a the second Tuesday in June next. TheChrt mo and Certificate sent on receipt of price.SPECIMEN COPIES, PREMIUM LIST8, Etc GI VINO FULL PARTICULARS, sent fr< to any nddjess. % A PTPMfPQ Either local or canvassing, i n ll U n 1 U e*ery town. Large Caa W A UTIPTI pay and the best Dutd H API 1 ]mJJ Send at once for terms. Address, OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. Chicago, 111. And Baltimore, Md. March 6. tf. In the District Court of tie IM State For the District of South Carolina IN BANKRUPTCY In the matter of James E. King, Bankrupt. In obedience to an order of the honorable Dii trict Court for the District aforesaid, all crcdii ors, and especially lien creditors of the aboi named Bankrupt, are hereby notified to pn v then claims before me 09 or before the Fifieent day of March next, ensuing, or be hnrred froi all benefit of the decree to be made in this causi JULIUS C. CARPENTER, Register in Bankruptoy, Second Cong. Dist. S. C. Charleston, S. C., February 24, 1873. Feb. 27-3t. For Sale. ONE two-horse SPRINO WAGON, of superio workmanship. Also, Ono set of BUGGY HARNESS. Apply to Feb. 27.?2t. GEO. ALDENCounty Checks. OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER, Camden, S. C. Jan. 30, 1873. All persons holding County Checks or othe evidences of indebtedness given by any pcrso or Board authorised by lawtochargetheCountj are hereby notified to present the same to m for registration on or before the first day < March next. Thin notice is given in view 01 inc iaie j?u Resolution of the General Assembly uuthorizin the levy of two mills for the purpose of payin the indebtedness of the County, and the regit nation hereinbefore provided for, is to asccrtai as near ns possible, the amount of snid indebted ness. DONALD HeQUEEN, jan30-lm County Treasurer. Cigar Emporium. We havo added to our stock a large assortment o CIGARS, similar to those sold by the proprietor of The Indian Girl, in Columbia, S. C., or any other first class Cigi Store. We invite the attention of nil Smoke; IN OAMDBN nd vicinity, call and examine the stock. J k T. I JONES. 28. Novtf wanted: ENERY ONE TO KNOW, that I have on ham a large and well assorted stock of Cookinj and Heating STOVES, of the latest and most approved patterns, an< for sale at NEW YORK Retail Prices, with freight added. . Jaouanry 28. 0E0. ALDEN New Advertisements. . 10 SAMPLES sent by mail for SOc. that retail quid | j for $10. R. L. Wolcott, 181 Chatham-square, *. T. > TtMPLOYMENT, $100 per week, Afents and others to ( Ij sell a new article, indispensable to merchants and ) manufacturers. Add. with stamp. E. B SmIth A Co., , 96 Liberty street, New York. c l IffnYTPTT' Easily msde with our Stencil and Key m N Hi Y Check Ontflt. rwcirculars free. Stafford , illUHUl MTgr. Co? 6? Fulton.St., N. Y. ' , ?? \ 8 copies of the Stock and Farm Journal, i 100 pages, and 9 packages new FARM SEEDS, ran by enclosing two stamps. Address, N. P. BOYER A CO.. Parkers burg, Pa. . \A/A MTCn IF YOU WISH TO BUT A SEW VV AIV I t U. INO MACHINE for family, or act a ' agent, address WASHINGTON SEWING MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass. 4w AGENTS! A RARE OHANOE?! We will pay aU agents $40 per week, in can, who 1 will engage with us at onci. Every thing furnished t and expenses paid. Address, i COULTER A CO., Charlotte, Mich. DOISTT ' Be deeelved, bat for coughs, colds, sore throat, . bosrseness, and bronchial difficulties, use only - Wells' Carbolic Tablets. s Worthless Imitations are on the market, but the on 1 ly scientific preparation of Carbolic Acid for Lung dla' eases is when chemically combined with other well , * known remedies, as in these tablets, and all parties are cautioned against using all others. In all cases of irritation of the mucous membrane these tablets should be used frilly; their cleansing and healing properties are adonis bing. Be warnep and never neglect a cold; it is easllycured . in its incipient state; when it Becomes chronla the cure Is exceedingly difficult. Use Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a Speclfle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt-st., New York, Sole Agent for united States. Price 35 cents a box. Send for circular. ESPECIAL ATTENTION of manufacturers who have become disgusted with the odors of Parafflne Oils and their ill effects upon machinery, is invited to E. H. Kelloqo's SPERM Engine Oil. at $1.m per gaL E. H. Kkllooo'b SPERM Spindlx Oil, at $1.15 per gaL E. H. Kbllooo's TALLOW Engine Oil, at S1.10 per gal. E. h. Kelloqo's TALLOW Sfindlb Oil, a $1.05 per gaL Manufactured by E. H. KELLOGG, 11 Cedar street, N.Y. S Agent? pj Wanted fbr AINTS ??NINNEBS OF THE U BIBLE. '/ Its Patriarchs, Kings. Prophets, Re be la. Poets,Priests, 3 Heroes, Women, Apostles, Pslltlclans, Rulers and Crlmr inals. Genial aa Poetry and exciting aa Romance. Its ' execution Is faultless. IU Illustrations aremagnlff cent, it 18 just uic uuut iur tuc miuci, or tu wuu K love History, the study of character, or cheerfol read0. er. Extra terms to Agents. Send for circular. Also. Agents wanted for the _ People's Standard Bible, 1, with 660 Illustrations. Oar own Agents, and Agents for l8 other publishers are selling the Bible with wonderful . success, because It Is the most popular edition publigbl" ed. Canvassing books free to working Agenta. Adid dress ZEIGLEK A McCURDY, Philadelphia, Pa.: Clna. clnnatl. Ohio; St. Louis, Mo.; Sprlngfleld, Mas., or Chicago, III J Tile Quids is published Qi ahtkrly. 26 cents pan E for the year, which Is not naif the cost. Those wno E afterwards send money to the amount of One Dollar or more for Seeds may also order 26 cents worth extra? 9- the price paid for the Guide.?1The first number Is n beautiful, glving.plans for making Rural Homes, Di>. kino Tarlk Dscokation, Window Gardens, Ac., and m mass of Information invaluable to the lover of flow~ era.?160 pages on finely tinted pader, some 600 Kngrs., vlngs and a superb Colored Plats and Chrmo Cover. .e The first edition of 200,000 Just printed In English and German. JAMES VICE, ROCHESTER, K. T. n ; ?" 18 uneqnalled by any known remedy. It will eradicate, extirpate and thoroughly destroy all poisonous substances In the Blood and will effectually dispel all prediapo'* aition to blllona derangement. . I- Is there want of action lnyonr Liver and 8pleent .. Unless relieved the blood becomes Impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin diseases, e Blotches, Felons, Pustules, canker, Pimples. Ac. Ac... h Have you a Dyspeptic stomach ? Unless digestion la promptly aided the system Is debllltsted with poverty of the blood, dropsical tendency, general weakness tnd inertia. Have you a weakness of the Intestines? Yon are in danger of a chronic diarrhoea or Inflammation of the Bowels. Have yon a weakness of the cterine or Urinary Organs? You are exposed to suffering In Its most aggravated form. Arc rou dejected, drowsy, dull, slngglsh or depressed in spirits, with headache, back sche, coated tongue ~ and bad taste In the mouth ? For a certain remedy In all these diseases, weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing and purifying the vltlair ted blood, and Imparting vigor to all the vital forces; ! for building up sud restoring weakened constitutions I USE CTTJBTJBEB-A. which is pronounced by the leading medical authorities of London and Paris " the most powerful tonic and al terative known to the medical world." This Is no new and untried discovery bat hss been long nsed by the leading physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. Don't weaken and Impair the digestive organs by ca_ thirties, and physics which give only temporary relief T ?Indigestion, flatulency and dyspepsia with piles and u kindred diseases ars sure to follow tneir use. r Keep the blood pure and health Is assured. ' . JOHN q. KELLOGG. 18 Piatt St., New York, e Sole Agent for the United States. >f Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for circular. ? BRIGGS 4 BROTHER'S illustrated Floral Work! POR JANUARY, 1673, NOW OUT. Issued Quarterly. - The four numbers sent to any address, by mall, for 80 Cents The richest and most Instructive Illustrated and Descriptive Floral Guide ever published. Those of our patrons who ordered Seeds last year and were credited with 88 cents, will receive the four Quarterlies for 1673. Those who order Seeds this year will be credited with a subscription for 1874. The January number contains ,f- nearly 400 Enoravinup, Two Serins Colored Platks, suitable for framing, A also Tinted Platks of our gorfpous Floral Cbromoe; information relative to Flowers, egetabies, Ac., A their cultivation, A all such matter as was formerly found In our Annual Catalogue. Yon will intas It if your order 8EEdS befofe seeing Bkioos a Bro.'s quarterly. We challenge comparison on uality of Seed and prices and sizes of packets. Our calendar advance sheet and PKICI llst por 1873," t free. Address, BRIGG8 A BROTHER, 1 EDSMEN AND FLORISTS, ROC HESTER. N. Y. r Drugsand Medicines . 1*7"E have just received from the Northern Markets, the largest stock of < Drug*, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Lamps, Patent Medi. ? ? j n.,? v,,4T. 1 t'lfcro, U]lJl\,Z15y UtlVb I generally ever brought to this market. c As the import duty has bcanredueed on many I articles, we can sell cheaper than ever before 1 HODGSON Si DUNLAP. . November 28. tf Fresh Garden Seeds and Onion Sets, i . For sale by HODGSON &DUNLAF. *? Notice of DiMolntion, rHE Copartnerthip heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firsZ-name w if WALLACE & BURNS ia this day dissolved >y mutual consent. All parties indebted to the loncern are requested te come forward at once ind make immediate payment, and those having ilaims against it will please present them to Mrs. d. L. Burns, who assumes the liabilities, and vho alone is authorized to sign the firm's name n liquidation. W. WALLACE. M. L.'BURNS. February 26. tf NOTICE. I have this day given W. L ARTHUR a ipecial power of Attorney to collect and aettlo ill notes and accounts due the Into firm of Walace & Burns, and also renew hit agency hereto'ore exercised in settling up the affairs of Burns It Boswell and C. B. Bums, still in liquidation. Feb. 27-If #M.L. BURNS. Copartnership Notice. IxHE undersigned base this day formed a Copartnership under the name of ARTHUR & PAOE, and have purchased the entire Stock of Wallace & Burns, and will continue the business at the Old 8tand, where they will be happy to meet the customers of the old concern, and hope by strict attention to business to merit * continuance of the patronage so long extended to the house. W. L. ARTHUR. JONATHAN. PAOE. February 28. tf The Great Southern Weekly. THE WORKING MAN, the best and cheapest newspaper in th South. Devoted to Immigration, Education of the Masses, Agricultural and Mechanical pursuits, to the Household and Fireside. Contains eight pages, finelv nrinted on excellent pspe#. Price $2 a year. Specimen eopiee sen* free. Address TILMAN R. OAINES, Editor end Proprietor, Columbia, 8. C. February 27. 8m o-TJ^jsros. " , PHCENIX QUANO. ' WILCOX, GIBBS k CO'S Manipulated Guano. W% can fill orders promptly for the above celebrated Fertilisers, imported and prepared by Wilcox, Oibbes k Co., Charleston; 8. C., and Savanuah, Ga., as they have ample stock on hand to supply all demands. Order soon,>before the Railroads are bloeked up with freight. Special attention is called to the use of the Phoenix Guano, mixed with Cotton Seed. Apply for circulars giving prices, terms ke. to GEO. ALDEN, Camden, S. Gs February 27. ' 2m Patronize Home Industry. And keep your Money Circulating AT HOME. 0 * Buggies, Carriages and Wagons MANUFACTURED of the best selected mate- ? rial by skilled workmen, at the Factor _ John Aonew, near the Post-offie, at Colam? Old Carriages repaired to look like now. b'a. g&"AU work warranted. For Cuts and information, address, M. J. CALNAN, Age John Aoxxw, Proprietor. Det BEAD THIS! Closing Out. THIS IS HO HUMBUG! Dry Goods Clothing, Soots, Shoes, HATS. GAPS. CROCKERIES, GROCERIES, &c. &c. &c. J SOLD At and below Cost* On account of removal from this place. A. A STRAUSS, Dne door above Col. Jordan's Warehouse January au. tt Brushes, Ae. English and French Hair and Teeth Brushes, >f all qualities. Whitewash, Paint and Hon* brushes, a very large assonment. For sale 1 j November 28. HODGSON & DUNLAP. Vermifuges, Worm- Candy, and Patent Medicines of all linds. For sale by < November28. HODGSON 4 DUNLAP