University of South Carolina Libraries
. i i w Jturoit Diieotory. i Methodist Church, DcKalb streetr-Iler R. L. Harper, Paster?Sort ices at 10} A. M and 7} M. on Sunday ; Prayer Meeting Wed uesday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Chureb, DeKalb street? Rev. 3. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10}' A.M. aud 4} P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Weducsdayat 7} P. M. EpiscopAi CHtKfcir: Rrf. B. F. D. P?a*Y ?Sunday, at 11 o'clock A. M. and3} P M. Wednesday, at 4, P. M. Jfaplisfr h?r?h^ Brjpd street?Rev. v r ..? - ? Robert Thompson, Pastor?Services at?11 A. H- and;. 7 P. Paaday. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 P. M. MEETINGS. 9,&Mt. A Attend the Regular Meeting ofjour Division at Temperance - U&l o* MONDAY evening next, at 7 J o'clock. /TfHltSITSA Bv order ot the W. P. "J. M. GAYLE, R. S. J LO< At XEWy gtTMjy. Jtflfcapaair A.lwr- L Usmjf Ajrent?7^o. Tsontn Street^ Baltimore, Md., are itoly aathorlseil to contract for advertisements at our lowest rates. Advertisers In that city are requested to leave their hanm<Hi|h this hoqse. This arm has ??rephonal yf&cilUea vfof piaffe? alvertisementa rhaapft, ahd-wetak# pfeiftire In reterrlnjr all who desire to advertise in oat-of-town papers, especially those * * Mull?In Hiw mtlMlnK. UttVlUg ic?i ^rohairv w MM Oh IVidaf eve- J' ning, at 8 o'clock, at Town Hall, Mr. Edward Oarswell will deliver a lecture on Temperance. "The admission is free. Mr. C. is said to be a very humorous as well as entertaining and isotrvctive lecturer, and ' we trope ttfrft ne wiltna've a" good audience. The citisens of the community generally. ; raapy of whow are pot coan^tod with the timfwmct drganlntion, have contributed to paying the expenses of the lecture. ; . I Work on th* Streets ?Our Town j Council with commendable promptness have aef about y^e somewhat arduous task- of at. ffcUiug. to the ilra&a/- &?nfro>e ?hfy* they I have been engaged in removing the tlelru 1 from the rains of the Masonic Hall and damping then 'down in the mad-holes and , othor places which nocded filling. The i present Coancil will go out. of office iu about 1 AtlW'i" " What Camden Needs.?The greatest want perhaps which exists iu this Town, is a Hall, where public exhibitions cau be well reudered. The. Town a miserable pEwe- for erfuMtibntf ofSvSry chancier.? The ceiling is exceedingly low. Singing does not soand well in it, nor does music of any kind. It is uncomfortable and very airy, the guaxd-hquee i^. immediately underneath, and There is always more or less ? of aihrowd standing about the steps and entrance, which renders it disagseeablofor ladies to attend any performance there. If some enterprising citizen would cokistruct a nice, large hall, he could rcalize; a very handsome profit on the investment Mr. ooold bo v$afe i 4rstra(itpfeai, and we suggest to bim or some other gentleman who intends to build, to have a Hall DUUt WUXOll WIU uw uv a ?vi?w>v< . ...? * Town.'* j TJmkxampled Freshets.?There is now in the Water** a freshet, the continuation it would seem, of the same which we noticed y in onr Issue three weeks ago The waters have not been so high all that time, but there has been high water for neatly three weeks, and croaaing has been almost altogether suspended during that time. The completion of the Free Bridge will not help u& much, because the difficulty is to cross the intervening low places between the river and Camden. The only way in which this difficulty could be met, would be to make a road which would be passable at all times. The present road bed would have to be raised not less thau four feet in some places, bnt we apprehend that the cost of such an operation, though great, would \>e repaid by the continuation of the trade whioh comes from the other side of the river, which is now altogether ' cut off The road from Peay's or Cbesnut's Ferry is s<^ horrible, that very few loaded wagons can attempt the transit as it is now. / . 1? Camden, iu time of freshet^iaipscoaasible except from the North and by the railroad, and it really seems as if something should be done to make it a less peninsula. What mv oar Cdunty rommissioncrs r AwouiLNysNT or tbk Liqislatubk.^ This body of law-makers after a session of nearly three months, have agreed to adjourn to-day (Wednesday) and we expect that ere this is read, they have carried their laudable purpose into execution. The members having voted themselves a salary of $600 a piece, have been in session for just about, the length of time it would have required to make that sutn at six dollars jtrr diem. Wc are not sorry to record the fact of adjournment. Another Raffle.?The raffle of the two I Chromos, M Crowiup the Moor" and " The . Villutre Belle," by Mr. Frank P. Beard, of the Tnnprranre Affcocatc, took place last Saturday. Mr. Thotnaa .J. Sayrl threw for Mr. H. Baum, and after two " ties" with Mr. ?. 0. McCreight, won th?m on the third ( throw. 4 * The Tale Tolp.?The few Knee hereto appended tell the tale as fully as a quarto volume wonld. Comment is unnecessary, but we have lost faith in our ability to take care of No. 1 as well as we thought we could. The extract 'is lYom the Columbia i'uion of the 22nd inat. . . RoKbery.?Thursday night a sneak /thief entered 0110 of- the rooms at the Wheeler, House oqcupiod at the time by Mr. Kershaw, editorof the Camden Journal, and took therefrom his watch and a small amount of m ney. The thief also entered Mr. Pollock's room. Mr. Pollock being awake, saw him enter and also immediately go out, but supposing it was one of the boarders, who ^d" made a mistake in the room, Mr. P. thought nothing of it. i . t.; ...... ?J ? mi The Cuiriski Combination.?mis (rc-ipe gwve two exhibition# it frown Ilall last week, which were very greatly enjoyed; especially among the boys. On Saturday night the Hall was crowded and there was conndhr&lAc aoitfosion at -time# in the audienco. The gifts were distributed as had been promised, and several persons drew good prizes. Tho troupe left here ou Monday for Columbia. 4Mr. H. Barucii has gone on to New Xork, whaoce-ho will return With his -usual stock of fashionable spring goods. $75,000 IN CASH FOR $1.?WJ> call the at tention of our readers to the advertisement in. another column of the Nebraska Slate Orphan Abvhtm. Here is a chance to whri" fortune in n'Puhlic Legal Drawing, and aid a noble charity. February 20. lm* Builders' and Contractors' Special Notice.?Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Window and Plate Glass, Builders' Furnishing Hard; ware, Mouldings, Stair Fixtures, Marble and Slate Mantelpieces, Encaustic Floor Tile Drain Pipe, &c., &c., at lowest wholesale prices, at the great Southern Factor)- of P P. To ale, CkarleUon, S. C. iSend tor His price list. [2m] A Want Never Before Supplied:? In rcigionswfcere Liver cojuplajntand Bilious diseases -prevail tAw> great an- extent, there has long been felt the need of a medicine that would act specifically on the Liver, restoring it to its eorm&l functions, and at the iAiuc time be safe from after effects, and yet 90 simple that it miy be used by any one. It is now admitted by all that Dr. Tutt'a Vegetable Liver Pills supply this want. They, are qpvf pfesfcribet by the moat eminent Physicians throughout tbe whole South. Dr. Tutt's Expectorant.?The properties of tfiis.dlcganirf>reparation arc demulcent, nutritive, balsamic, healing" and soothing. It braces the uervous system and products pleasant and freffeshingslcep. It ex nilafatcs and relieves gloominess ami depression. It is the most valuable Lung Balsam ever offered to sufferers from Pulmonary diseases. OurBodilv Infirmities. Physical infirmities arc the lot of all. Millions are always sick. No man, woman or child is uniformly in perfect health. Much, however, of the sickness "and stiffening which render life a burden to so many of our fellow beings is due to carelessness and neglect. A mighty nntidote to the leading causes of diseases has been provided. It it af harmless as it is efficient. No poisonous drug enters into its composition. It is an undefiled stimulant, tonic and aperient, of which every ingrtdieqt is vegetable. This unexceptionable preventive and restorative medicine is not "a new thing under the sun." Uostetter's Stomach Bitters will, soon have been before the world a quarter of a century; and it is not too much to aver that thousands, oye, tens of thousandsare now using it who would have be?n in their graves years ago had they not boon strengthened and sustained by this wholesome stimulant. The rapidity with which minor ailments often become, whennegUoted, obstinate diseases, is well known. This tonic is famous for the immediate check which it gives to these breeders of deadly disorders. The sensation of languor, the siok headache, the nfrvousness, the indisposition to exertion, the nausea, the confusion oifthe brain, the physical debility, which are intended to premonish ns of the approach of serious dauger, arc invariably removed by a few doses of the Bi iters. Thwfawe of the preparation as a genuine specific for dyspepsia, billious complaints, malarious fevers, rheumatism and chronic debility, is as wide ns the world; and in these days of infamous charlatanism, when tierce cathartics, that rob theinvalid of thelast remnantsof his strength are advertised as invigorauls, it is indeed a blessing to mankind that Hosteller's Stomach Bitters are everywhere procurable, and everywhere popnlar. - * . . I J .- iA. -A. NEW OPENING. THE undersigned would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a First Class Grocery Store, where they may find a general assortment of 03-roceries, At the lowest cash prices. Also, WINES AND LIQUORS of all grades, which will be sold low for cash. R. D. THOMAS. Opposite Leitncr & Dunlap's Law Office. February 20. tf rNOBLE-cn ARItT <>iiiii]i2L Lottery! TO RHKCT THE Nebraska State Orphan Asylum. To be drawn in Public, March 31st, lb73. Ticketg 8t each; or Six fur 85. Tickets sent by KxproaaC. 0.1>., if desired. 1 cash prize, $75,000 1 cash prise, $25,000 1 cash prise, 15,000 1 c-hhIi prise, 10.000 1 cash prize. 5,000 1 cash priz?-, 4,000 For balance of prizes gf-nd for circular. This Legal K nterprisc is endorsed by his excellency Gov. W. II. James, and the best busi. ness men of the State. ^ The limited aumber or Ticket* on uanu win i be furnished those who apply first. Aokkts Wasted. For full particulars address J. M. PATTEE, Manager, Omalia, Neb. Fob. 20. lm* I _t i |_j For over FOR TV YEARS this PURELY VEGETABLF LIVER -MEDICINE ban proved to be the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC I for Liver Complaint and the painful offspring DYSPEPSIA. ONSTIPATION. Jaundice Bilious attacks. Sick Headache, olie, Depression of Spirits, Sock Stomach, Heartburn, HILLS AND FEVER, &c., &e. After yearB of genuine experiments, to meet the great and urgent demand, we now produce front our original Grnuine Poicdtrs, THE PREPARED. a Liquid form of SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, containing all its wonderful and valuable properties,-and offer it in ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES. The Powders, (price as before,)$1,00 per p'kg'e. Sent by mail, 1.04 CAUTION!^ Buy no Powders or PREPARED SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, unless in our engraved, wranbor. with Trade mark, stamp and signature unbroken. None other is genuine. J. H. ZEILIN & CO, MACON GA., and PHILADELPHIA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. February 3 (dl2) Cm. JOHN CHADWICK, ' CHARLESTON. 80UTH-CAR0LINA, REED A KEI?, LONDON ENGLAND., Land Brokers and Negotiators I To Land Owners and Others. WE bare established a Bureau in Lndon, for the negotiation and sale of Cotton and Rice Plantations, large Trqeta of Timber Land and other Estates, Mines, Water Powers and Charters for valuable franchises, invite the attention of all interested to our great facilities for bringing such property to the noticoof capiaists, farmer* and manufacturers in England, land and Scotland and the ontineut of Europe. For circulars giving full particulars, address, enclosing postage stamp, JOIIN CHADWICK k CO., CharUtfon, S- CFebruary 3. 3iu. ~7T TORENT. 1NUE HOUSE AND LOT on Rutledge-street, . known as the Daash House, now occupied by Mr. A. A. Strauss. Possession given on one week's notice. For terms and particulars, apply to M. B. HUKABEE. A. M. KENNEDY.. Febi'nary f.. tf For Hale or Rent. A TRACT OF LAND, containing fifty ? acres, lying on (Sum Swamp, will be icnted this year, or will be sold on very easy terms to an approved purchaser. Apply to M. TOBIAS f ebruary C. tf Probate Notice. fiUARDIANS, Trustees, Receivers, anil an others liable to account to this oflice are | hereby notified to hand in their returns within the legal time. Defaulters will be rigidly dealt with. . J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. Probate Oflice, Feb. 0. tf. Security Life Insurance and Annuity Company, Of New York. ORGANIZED ...1862, CAPITAL 83.000.000 INCOME 1.500.000 Paid to Widows and Orphans of deceased members, 1.500.000 Insures on all popular and reliable plans. l6uis sherfesee, General Agent, Charleston, s. C. HARLH8 A DESAUSSURE, Agent, Camden, S. C.. January 10. tf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Best New Orleans Molasses Sugar llonsc Svrup, Selected Goshen Butter, Best Family Flour, Pure Leaf Lard, VyUUCC, A auu cu^ui y Pearl Grist and Meal, Mackanl nod Cheese, Irish Potntoes and Onions, Soap, Starch and Candles, English and American Pickles, I Canned < foods?all kinds, Candies. Confections, &c. And every thing usually kept in a first ! class Grocery and Provision Store, all of which will bo sold at low prices, by I). C. KIRK LEY,'Agent. January tf Notice to Contractors. i SEALED proposals for re-building the Bridge over Twenty-five Mile Creek, will he received for the next thirty days, at the Office of the County Commissi oners. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject nny and nil bi'ls which muy be made. By order of the Board, J. A. ISOSWDLL, Chairman. C. SlllVEB. Cltrk February 0 di Mules! Mules!! 1 H.AVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW SUPPLY of MULES, direct from Kentucky, X7 in number, all young, over one half broke, at the DeKalb House stabler, for sale at reasonable prices, for CASH, and also for city acceptance, payable next Fall. Have also one span of fine match Bay Horses, u fine Saddle Horse, and u beautiful Saddle Pony, suitable for a young Lady. J. A. ARMSTRONG. fob. 3,??lui "the ~ . Carolina Fertilizer WILL BE SOLS AS FOLLOWS :g Cash Price. VT $48 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs Time Price. $63 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Payable November 1, 1873, FR?EE OF INTEREST. . Freight and Drayage To be added ITS SUCCESS IS UNPARALLELED, AND ITS STANDARD IS A NO. 1. CALL ON AGENTS FOR Almanacs and Certificates. GEO W WILLIAMS A CO., Charleston, S. C. W.C. GERALD & CO, Agents at Camden, S. C. Dec. 19. 4 Cigar Emporium. ? We have Added to our stock a large assortment of CIG-JAR/S. similar to those sold by the proprietor of Tlie Indian Girl. in Columbia, 8. C., or any other first class Pigo Store. We invite the attention of all Smoker IN CAMDEN nd vicinity, call and examine the stock. J & T. I JONES. 28. Nortf Heavy Additions HAVE BEEN MADE THIS WEEK:, TO MY STOCK OF GOODS, Which arc now offered at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. Call and Examine GOODS AID PRICES Goods shown with pleasure at H 1 ARUOHS STORE, OPPOSITE THE MARKET. December a. A. A. STRAUSS'S Fin? Stock or MERCHANDIZE | I Must be Sold, BY THE First ol" Maroh, On account ofltFMOVAL from this place. Hall anri See the Great Bargains wv??> ? < w U TO BE n.Vl) AT A. A. STRAUSS'S. AYAN TTKI >. ENKRY ONE TO KNOW, that 1 have on hand | a large and well asaorted Block of rooking nml Healing STOVES, of the latent ami in on t approved pattern*, and for miiIc at NEW YORK Hot nil Prices, with freight added. Jnuuaurv ?:?. OKU. ALDLN. - Ammoniated Soli Cash l*rioe at Faetery, PHOSPHOsFER (teh, $50. ACID BONfc I Cash, $28. ... OS-round Oarol ? V* .' . , . : ' . ' Cash $J5. NOVA SCOTIA 1 CASI THE above named Ammoniated Soluble Pacific of the highest grades of Bone Phosphates re vian Guano and unimal matter, making the mo combining the ingredients required to produce a While these Fertilizers. are warranted to kec-j: materially reduced for the present seaswh. Mar JOH Also for sale by A$ent> thrbdfchoutthe South., jan2-tf " ^ JONATHAN ; r T v Qen'l. Sup'ts. Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R, R.Co WILMINGTO H,N..f Oct. 7, 1872. COFHEDULE. The following schedule will go intoeffect on 3:25 . M., Monday, 7th inst. day express train, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 3:25 a. m. Arrive at Florence 9:55 a, m. Arrive at Columbia , ..... 2:40 ri m Arrive at Augusta !' ' ' 7U2 p.1 m. Leave Augusta at 0.35 a. m. Arrive at Columbia 11:25 a. m Arrive at rlorence 4:15 p. m Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 p. m* ntght express train, daily, (Sundays Excepted) Leave Wilmington 5:45 p. M. Arriveat Florence 11:36 p. M. Arrive at Columbia 3:40 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 8:20 a. m. Leave Augusta * 6:50 p. m Arrive at Columbia ' 10:20 p. m Arrive at Florence 2:12 a. n. Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 a. m. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l. Superin't Change of Schedule rnvjiUBCHK Ji'i'? SOUTH CAROLINA BAIL ROAD COLUMBIA, S.C Sept. SO. 1872. (CHANGE of schedule to go iuto effect^ ynnnd J after Sunday the 29th inst. '' Mail and Passenger Train. Leave Columbia at 9 a. iu. Arrive at Charleston at 4.30 p. ni. Leave Charleston at 9.30 a. m. Arrive at Columbia at 6.20 p. in. NIGHT EXPRESS. Freight and Accommodation Train (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7.60 p.m. Arrive atC harleston at 6,45 a. in. Leave Charleston at 7.10 p. at. Arrive at Columbia at ' (3.30a.m. Camden Accommodation Train. Will run daily to Colnmbia, as follows: Leave Camden at 7 20 a. m. Arrive at olumbia at 11 55 a. m. Leave Columbia at 2 10 p. m. Arrive at Camden at 6 55 p. m. A. L TYLER, Vice President. S. II. Pickens, G. T. A. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R.B. General Superintendant's Office, Columbia, September 22, 1872. r?n ami nftni> stnridn v. fientember 22. the trains this road will run in accordance with the following "Time Table:" ooino south. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Chariott? 8 00 a m 8 20 p m " Columbia 2 40 p m 3 SO a m Arrive at Augusta, 7 45 pm 8 20am goino north. '. Train No. 1. Train No. 2 Leave Augusta, 0 35 am 550pm " Columbia, 1153 pm llOjp m Arrive at Charlotte, 0 15 pm 6 00 a m * Standard time, ten minutes slower than Wash, ington city time, and six minutes faster than Co lumbia city time. Train No 1, daily; train No 2, daily, Sundays excepted. Both trains make close counection toall points North, South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. E. P. ALEXANDER, General Superintends. R-E. Dorsf.y, Gen. F. & T. Ageut. Greenville and Columbia Railroad. ' Columbia, S. C., September 5, 1872, Dailv. Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on the South Carolina Railroad, up and down; also with trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and Aagusta Kailroad, and Wilmington. Columbia and Augusta Railroad. UP. LeaveColumhia ut 7.1f>J?^ in. Leave Alston 9.05 a. ti Leave Newberry 10.40 a m LoaveC okesbury 2.00 p nt. Leave llelton 51.50 p in*; Arrive at Greenville at 6.5JO p m* DOWN. Leave Greenville at 7.510 a mj Leave Helton 9.510 u in. Leave Cokesbury 11.15 a in] Leave Newberry 1.50. put. Leave Alston 4.20 pm. Arrive at Columbia O.OO pin. Anderson Bntwh and Bint Ridgt Lh?ision. l.RAVK Walhalla 6 45 a iii. Arrive < 15p tn I?..rrvville t> 25 u m. Leave rt 5j.r> p ni IVndlrtnii 7 10 a hi. Leave ?? wp m Anderson N 1(1 n m. Leave -I W p m Ar. ni Helton 0 (Ml n in. Leave 3 ."?0 p in Accommodation Trains on Abbeville Branch Mondays, Wedensdays and Fridays. On Anderson Branch, between Helton and Auderson. on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday*. THUS. DO DAM HAD, Geul. Supt. ' Jabiz Norton, Genl. Ticket Agt, tDTS ible PacificGuano. 15 per Toil. On tliue, 850. UVIAN GUANO. 7 Time, $55. 'HOSPIIATE. Time, #53. ilia Phosphate, . Time- $20[.and plaster, I, 013. 0 and Phoapho-Peruvian Guanos are rich compounds ndered soluble and amaioni&ted with tfo. 1 Perurtt concentrated and protitablo Fertilisers in us*} nd support the ootton plant and cereals. 1 up to their high standard, the prices have been lufactured and for sale at Charleston, S. C., by N B. S4BDY ?& HON. For analysis and certificates, send for phamphleta T PAGE, Agent, Camden, S C. HEAD QUARTERS OF Mr & Witts Mi| WiCo. AT JT. S. Cloud's, CAMDEN, S. O. /^ALLJhnd examine my atock and prices. We \J guarantee satisfaction. . R. D. HANKINSON, Agent. .January 9. ^ School Teacher Wanted. A COMPETENT Teacher, who can teach the elementary branches of the Englich language, can find a comfortable home and a good salary by calling on or addressing either of the subscribers. He must be well recommended B. M. BROWN. I. F. HOLLAND. Camden, January 9. tf Notice to Trespassers, 1 HEREBY forbid all persons, under penalty of the law from trespassing upon my premises called "Dixie's Retreat," three miles east of Camden, by hunting, strolling, riding, driving vehicles, or in any other manner. L, W. R. BLAIR. January 16. lm* . % COUNCIL CHAMBER, CAMDEN, JAN. 13, 1873. ORDERED, That the Treasurer of the Town be required to open immediately his Books or the collection of the Town TaxesAll Taxes unpaid by the 15th day of February will have ten percent addcdHo them. All Taxes unpaid on the 13th day of Marck will be put in Execution, with Penalty and costs. J. M. DAVIS, Intcndent. Extract from minutes of Council. J- K. WiTHCKsroox, Clerk & Recorder. The Books are now open at my office. , . J. K. W1THERSPOON, Treasurer. Piedmont and Arlington . LIFE Insurance Company, OF Richmond, Va. ASSETS t . #3,000,000. ? ?>. . ! ? " 1 W. C. CAEEDfGTON, r " . ' PRESIDENT. .oubjjO^S / Losses Actually paid in Kershaw County with Three Years, $28,000,00. I take pleasure in saying I have returned tn th(i'im>n(>v'nf thin nnnnlnr CoiMDanv. No r~r ? * difficulties will exist in future, as to .Renewals of Policies, as I shall pay especia^atteution to that branch of the business. Jttrl will always be found at n>y Office on Broad Street, Cauidcn, S. C. W. CLYlIURN, Agent. January 10. 1873. f PIG IIAMhl, New SinokcdBeof, IlrenlilhHt strips. Bulk and Smnked Verv Choice. received and for sale bv 1) L. PESAUSSFKE & CO., Applet*. Oranges Bananas. j Cranberries, Lemons, &c. For sale by D. C. KIRKLEY, Agent.