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Butler and uis Dog.?The following anecdote of Ben. Butler, he says, never appeared in print; but as it illustrates the characteristics of the man, it is too good to be lost. Like all lawyers, Ben had a hard pull of it at the start, and perhaps the sharpness and acumen for which he is so universally telebrated, were acquired at this early period of his life, while he was striving for a practice, and the odds were brains or starvation. One day, while sitting in his office, Lorn entered a lonw-lefprftd. fannt. liatcliet ***W4W VMITV.? ? O OO 7 O 7 faced specimen of the genus Yankee, who looked sharp enough to make his meals of pins and needles, who thus accosted the fu* tare Congressman : . " Mr. Lawyer, I am going into a little law business, and as you seem to be a right smart, plucky sort of a chap, I thought that I might as well give you the job." ' All right," said the Jawyer, "you can't trust your case in better hands." "Well then. I had a ham hanging in an out-shed and a neighbor's dog came along and eat it." ' Make the fellow pay for damages." " That's the talk, Mr. Lawyer," said the Yankee, with a small sly beginning to work around the corner of his eye and mouth, "but you see?I don't see as it makes any difference?the dog was yourn." " ?1 ^I? 1 " What aoyou vaiuc me uaui at. <wa.?u Butler, drawing out his wallet. "Well, I guess five dollars will be letting you off cheap," said the yankee, " for it was au all-fired' good ham!" Without uttering a word of protest, Butler paid the money, and then said: "There is your damage for your ham; now fork over your ten dollars." " \That for ?" enquired the yankee, in his turn astonished. " For mj legal advice," said Butler: "you .don't suppose I cau work without a fee, do you ?" Mr. Yankee was bit; so drawing a face as long as his legs, he slowly counted out the mouey, and inwardly vowed he would bring no more business before the youthful, 'ouj razor-like dispenser of Coke and Bh^gtonc Why He Lwt. Mr. F a C0l0red barber ill ooe of our ? ? England towns, was shaving one of ^Ig customerS) a rcSpec. table citizen^on^ m0ming. when a conversa iron between the two, respecting Mr. former connection with the color^'jj church in that place : "I believe you are connected with the church in Elm street, Mr. Dickson," said the customer. "No, sah. not all." "Why, arc you not a member of the African church V' "Not dis year, sah." "Why did you leave that communion, Mr. Dickson, if I may be permitted to ask 1" Why, I tell you, sah," said Mr. Dickson, stropping a Concave razor on the palm of his baud. "It was jess life dis?I jined that church in good faith. I gib ten dollars toward the stated preachin' ob dc gospel de . fust year, and de people call me Brudder Dickson. De second year my business was not berry good, and I only gib five dollars. Dat year de church people call me Mr. Dickson. Dis razor hurt you sah ?" "No, sir, it goes tolerably well." Well, sah, de third year I feel bery poor? in mv familv?and I crib nothing for preachin.' Well, sah, after dat, dey call me old Nigger Dickson au I left' 'em." Se saying, Mr. Dickson brushed his customer's hair, who was well satisfied with the reason why Mr. Dickson left the church. Mansabds Vindicated.?We have felt rather kindly toward French roofs since Friday night. Two cats got on Mr. Wclland's that evening. They were cats that evidently never saw a French roof before, but they were not timed. They bumped themselves without a moment's pause, soended the battle cry and went to work. For two minutes there was a great deal of pulling around nnd howling; but it was a French roof, it was new ground, and, before they were fairly &ware or it. thev were off the roof and going toward the earth at lightning velocity, pawing out iu the air for something to get hold of, spitting and crying and swearing and beseeching and sobbing, with their hearts full of agony and their mouths full of fur, all the way down to the ground, where they arrived in a condition to afford nourishment to Mr. Welland's grape viues.?Danbury Xncs. Tue Cadi's Decision.?A poor Turkish slater of Constantinople, being at work upon the roof of a house, lost his footing and fell into the narrow street upon a man. The pedestrian was killed by the concussion, while the slater escaped without material injury. A son of the deceased paused the slater to be arrested. Tho Cadi listened attentively, and in the end asked the slater what he hud to say in his defense. "Dispenser of Justice." answered the acccused, "it is evcu as this mau says: but /I -1 r?*k^? ?1 ?1 1J 1 ;| _ *JUU 1uiuiu mac ciicic nuuuiu UU CV11 111 IilJ heart. I am a poor man, and know not how to make amends." The son of the man who had been killed thereupon demanded that condign punishment should be inflicted upon the accused. The Cadi meditated a few moments, and finally said: "It shall be so." Then to' the slator he said: "Tbou shalt stand in the street where the father of this young man stood when thou didst fall on him." And to the accuser he added: "Thou shalt, if it pk'Jiso thee, o upon the roof, and fall upon the culprit, even as he fell upon thy father. Allah be great." A Tryino Position.?A gentlemanly I conductor was collecting tickets from his ijasscngers. All handed over tickets prompty except one fat old lady who sat next the door, and who seemed to be reaching down to get something she bad dropped on the floor. When her titno came to pay, she raised her head and thus addressed the blushing conductor: "I allurs, when I travels, carry my money in my stock in', for you see nothin' can get at it thar, and I'd just thank you, young man, just to reach it to ine, as I'm so jammed in that I can't get at ' it. I forgot to get a ticket at the depot." j The conductor glanced at the other passengers, soino of whom were laughing at his plight; one or two young ladies among them blushed scarlet, and he heat a sudden retreat, muttering something about not charging old ladies, etc. His cash was short that trip the faro of one passenger. yi GREAT INDUSTRIES M ENGBAVINOS, PRINTED ^/\r^ENCLIfUI AX1> QRR^/A/nsnnV^v man- writtes by 20 VI VMINENT authors, in*W lwVPIKnB"KM C1DDIN0 JNO D. GOUGH, ^MlHON. LEON CHASE, KDfi. EDWIN llALL'N PHIL) mmAfn r I I RIPLEEY> albert bris I Vffirl I LU bank, HORACE OREKLET JF. B. PERKINS, ETC. ETC This work is a complete history or all branches o in (lustry, processes of manufacture, etc., in ail itajnres.? It Is a complete encyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and is the most entertaining: and valuable work of In formation on subjects of general Interest ever offered to the public. The l>ook is sold by agents, who arc making large sales in all parts of the country. It is offered iii mc luw price vi 90.01% ami in mc cue vueopest uuun ever sold by subscription. We want Agents In every town in the United states, and no Agent can fail to do well with this booh. Our terms are liberal. We give our agents the exclusive right of territory. One of our agents sold 13S copies in eight days, another sold 363 in two weeks. Our agent In Hartford sold 39T In one week. Specimens of the work sent to agents on receipt of stamp. For circulars and terms to agents address the publishers. Sample copies this book sent to any ad pres3 on receipt of price. J. B. BURR A HYDE, Pullshers, Hartford, Conn., Chicago, Ilk, Cincinnati, Ohio. ftps-iy. DIAMOND SPECTACLES. TIIESE Spectacles are manufactured from "MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES," melted together, and are called DIAMOND on account of their hardness and brilliancy. It is well known that Spectacles cut from Brazilian or Scotch Pebbles are very injurious to the eye. because of their polarizing effect. Having been tested with the polarscopr. the diamond lenses have been found to adrult fllte* n per cent, less heated ravs than any other pebble. They are ground with great scJ'entiflc accuracv, are free from chromatic aberrations. anj produce a brightness and distinctness of vision not before attained in Spectacles. Manufactured by the 8pencer Optical Manufacturing Company, New York. F.ov Bale hv J. A. YOUNG, Camden, S. C. ?,r, w aom they ear..only be obtained. No peddlers m, ' ed. ? * .,e great demand for these Spectacles has Induced unscrupulous dealers to palm an Inferior and spurlons article for the " Diamond." Great care should be taken to see that the trade mark (which Is protected by American Letters Patent) are stamped on every pair. September 2d. 12m. Butter, Cheese, Lard&Mullet 200 boxes CHEESE, 50 Tubs Buttet, 50 Barrels and Tubs Lard. 125 Barrels No. 1 Mullet, F. W. KERCHNER. 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Jan. 1G. Wilmington, N. C. m? : Hay, Corn, Salt and Glue. 300 bales HAY, 3,0Q0 bushels CORN, 2,000 sacks American Salt, 250 sacks Blown Salt, 200 bbls Glue For Sale by F. W. KERCHNER, 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Ja.nl6. Wilmington, N. C. Potatoes. Annies and Onions. 400 Barrels POTATOES. 125 Barrels APPLES, 30 Barrels ONIONS, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER. 27,28 and 29 North Water-st. Wilniiugton, Jan. 19. Spirit Casks. 400 SPIRIT CASKS?Now landing ex Steamer Lucille, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, 27,28 and 29 North Water Street, t? i o vn j an. 11' vv j 11 .v? CORN! CORN! 3.000 BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN. For sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHSON, Jan. 10. Wilmington, X. C. Perfumeries, Ae,. German Colognes; Florida Water, Lubin's Extracts, Fine Toilet Soaps, in large variety. Dressing Combs, &c. For sale by November 28. HODGSON & DUNLAP. M M >ItS, ' SASH AND BLIDNS. MOULDING, Brackets, Stair Fixtures, Builders'* Furnishing Hardware, < Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wire Guards, Terra ('otta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantlo Pieces. Window Glass a Specialty. | Circulars and Price Lists sent free on application, by P. P. TO ALE, 20 llaync and d'l l'inckncy sts., Oct. .'{.?ly. Charleston, 8. C \ The American Farmer. This ?iM standard monthly journal of agriculture begin* a new volume January 1st- Special attention is paid?besides that given to the staple crop*?to Stock Bkekiunu, Ktu it (Showing, ritK DAiuy, &c. Some of the most successful of American agriculturists contribute to its pages. It is igiacticai., hcbstantial, reliable! Subscription $ a year. To club* of tiv^^r more, only SI each, rrri/ Imnih'wir fr> elul't. Specimen No?. free. SAML. SANDS & SON, Publishers, Jan. !>. Baltimore, Md. Estate of M. II. Wood. NOTICE is hereby given that one month after date application will be made to the Judge or I'rohaie lor tetters oi <ii?ini?sit.n as administrator of the ntiove estate. J. 15. HAMMOND, A'lm'r. 'Jnnttnry 9.1K7J. Itn PI(J IIAMS, New Smoked Heel', TlrcakfnNt Stripw. Hulk and Smoked tyry Choice, received and for pale hy i>. L PESAUSSCltE * CO., NEW GOODS, at tiie . OIjID ST-AJSTID of J. & T. I, JONES, Corner of DeKalb ami Broad Streets. WE are now receiving and opening our new stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes. Hardware, Cutlery, Carpenter** Tool*, In great variety. crockery and glasswa woodenware, carronware, &c &c Fancy and Heavy GRO CERIES, BiOORG AND TIES, Saddlery, bridles, bits, &c. &. VERY CHOICE * HAMS, BACON AND LARD. All of which will be sold cheap for CASH. N. B.?If you don't see what you want, call for it. J. d T. I. JONES. September 20. 6m. . * > -m-mrm t 1 f an ami winter woous. :o:?;? GEORGE ALDEN respectfully invites the tention of the public to his Large and wellssorted STOCK OF CiOOdS, Comprising, in part, GBOCEBIES, DLIY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS. Cooking Stoves & Hardware, All of which will be Bold on the most reasonable terms. Cotton purchnsed at full market rates, and iberal Cash Advances made on consignments. GEORGE ALDEX. September 19 6mo COOKIXG STOVES. It is a well-known fact, that the Cooking Stove hns heretofore found but few admirers in TilE SOUTHERN UNTRY, hence its utility is but little known. THE COOKING STOVE Is now sought after, as the most Economical and Labor-Saving article for cooking purposes, that lias been invented, at prices within the reach of all who desire to use them. A well-assorted stock of these Stoves on hand, and for sale by * GEORGE ALDEN, Agent September lit Gm Planter's Ware House. JUST received at the above well-known and , popular eetabli?hment,*"1i full stock of I Fall and Winter Good*, Consisting in part of IDIR/Y GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ready-Made Clothing, &c. &c. Special attention ts invited to the large stock of j Provisions and Plantation Supplies, -j Among which will be found, BACON, HAMS, FLOUR, CORN, LARD CANNED FRUITS AND MEATS, nnd nil other articles usually found in a first class Grocery. ALSO, Rope, CHI, Rrooms, Rugging and Ties, Matches, Axle Grease, Duckets, Cards, Nails, Curry Combs, Hoes, Locks, Snuces, Soaps, Starch, Sitters, Salt, Soda, Flavoring Extracts, Sugar, Candles, Shot, l'owder, Gun Caps, Household nnd Kitchen Utensil*, Rakes, Spades, Knives, and Forks, Spoons, nd many other articles too numerous toiuention ffiay Cull and examine stock nndt prices be- : fore purchasing elsewhere.. Dap-TIie hiplisst market prices paid lor Cot- ) on ami btlie* produce. I). W. JORDAN,Agt J September 10. tf. J. I MIDDLETON & CO., KAC'I'OUS ANt>* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ll.VI/ri MOKK, Ml)., i.iiimIi.h.wI i lu> ntitlfi* ST( )( Jv OF '."""f- I'"1* COOPS of Messrs. I>. L. DrSai ssurk & Co., we will sell tlic same at COST for CASH, ami lor that purpose hcicby constitute the members of that linn our agents to efleet such sale. J. I. 3IIDDLKT0N & CO. Jnucti tf Pearl Hominy and Meal For sale l?y D. Q. KIK&LEY* O AR OLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 op J MEMPHIS, TENN. Branch Office Baltimore, Md ( Assets - - - - $1,075,000 i i . < on . JEFF. DAVIS, President. Gen WADE HAMPTON, Vice Pres't JOHN D. KENNEDY, State Asent. RICHMOND BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPA3VY. Capital, - - $500,000 PERSONS wishing to insure in a First Class Company at Law rates, will please apply to W. CLYBURN, Agent, y2 ' o. Ca. tall 18727 I invite the attention of the Public to the LARGEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS, i A CLOTHING i 1 1 BOOTS, SHOES, > A Nil ] HATS ' * d IN CAMDEN. THEY HAVE 1IEEY Bought Right, AND I c WILL in: [ Sold Right. 11 I R. M. Kennedy. 9 NOW OPENING. ON CONSIGNMENT, A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE | DRY GOODS, * Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, I IABDWARE, n TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HOLLOW WARE, CROCKERY, &c. &c. . For sale at the lowest rate for cash, by D. L. DESAUSSURE & CO. Ctm. Agents. ALSO Fertilizing and Mason's Lime. ALSO WINES AND LIQUORS, )f the best qualities, and in every gra I 1 Sept. llf. tf. | J NEW GOODS! ! J AT the store occupied by A. M. Kennedy, a few doors north of the Market, will be foun'd a stock, consisting of STAPLE DRY GOODS. [lardware, Nails, Iron, Steel. Spades, Shovels, Garden Hoes, Brady k Elwell Hoes, Plow Moulds, &c., &c. &c. GROCERIES. . Crushed, Coffee and Brown sugars, Rio Laguir and Java Coffiees, Green and Hyson Teas, Smoked and unsmoked Side and Shoulder Bacon, Hams' Lard Goshen Butter, Corn, Oats, Salt, Stone Lime, Fine Super and Extra Family Flour, S6ap, Candles, Starch, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda Crackers andCheese, New Orleans Sugar House and W. I. Molasses Canned Fruit, Oysters, Early Rose, Goodrich, Pink Eye and Jack* souWhite Planting Potatoes. CMery.Gtawarefc, Sales, Bridles ? tt?t** % ii a L 'IUUV9, iiuiuvs .111 VI nuiv,u n ill UC owiu at the lowest price for cash, and we request a call from all who wish to purchase. A. D. KENNEDY & CO. A. D. KENNEDY, A, M. KENNEDY. A. M Kennedy will give his attention to the purchase of cotton; is agent for tne sale of Etiwan Guano', Etiwan Crop Food and Eti wan Ground Bone. FeblStf JUST RECEIVED, ON CONSIGNMENT, L L STOCK OF Liglit and Heavy Bagging, Rope and Ties, Qirlo Rornn Hame Ai ShnnlrtarQ UIUU UUl/U 111 i iuiiiu u> yuumuui v/ N EW No. 1 AND 2 MACK ABEL, Extra Family, Famijy, Extra and Super FLODB 1; Java, Laguira and Rio j COFFEE, 'Crushed," "Extra C." "0." " K. J." "Dcin." and." R. R." . SUGAR, FACTORY CHEESE, Very superior G. P. and Breakfast TEAS, ^ STew Orleans and Mus. MOLASSES and SYRUPS, . a Large size sacks Liverpool SALT, 3oap, Starch, Soda, Pepper, Spices, 1 Pickles, Can Fruits, Vegetables and Fish. Together with every article usually found n a well-assorted Grocery and Provision Stock. For sale at the lowest cash rate, by D L DESAUSSURE &. CO. COMMISSION AGENTS. 3 Sept. 19. tf EVERYTHING ' lew! Cheap! Elegant! XIC'KLE A BOYKIN " Beg leave to announce to the citizens of Cum|Cn anil vicinity that they are now opaning a 1101CC lot ol DRY GOODS, E Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. i A full 1 j nof | J Fancy, Family and Ileavy GROCERIES, UAKAREL, . COFFEE, SUGARS, &C &C / b llAGGINd and TIES, ,s SHOT POWDER, SALT, iVe. A:e. kc. ,v ftiP'Thcy pay the highest cash prices fo wtton and other produco. I.iberal advance w in consignments of cotton shipped to Char est on, Raltiinorc and Liverpool. MICKLK & ROYKIX, T ' ,? I 4.1 yY I AI Aid'oney s L'omo\ Liihhim, ? >. i . * Oct. 24 ' 3m Watches, Jewelry, &c. ^ OLD and Silver Watehes. Chain!". Bines, or Dins !iih1?hi'rings. $tnd.s, cuff Buttons, ' tnives, Razors Scissors, Steel Spectacle.*, Tooth, j lair. Nail and clothes Brushes. Willow Baskets, | liinn nnil Granite Ware, cups nnd Saucers, j v' 'intcs, Stenke Dishes, Bowls, Pitchers, kc.? ! iertnan an<l French Toys, Violins and Strings, ! Bins, Pistols, caps, Wads aud cartridges. Nov.7.?Hm. J. A- YOCyO * Notice of Dissolution. rllE co-partnership heretofore existing between Joseph S. Cloud and Francis LZemp, r., has been dissolved by mutual consent. CLOUD & ZEMP. All persons having claims against the said o-partnership will receive payment upon preentation, and those indebted will make paytent to the undersigned. JOS. S. CLOUD. December 0. tf EMPORIUM r\v vr FASHION! '" I ' TBElfbest TOCK OF * BOOTS AND SHOES I1V CAMDEN. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, H n QtirV Call and Examine the Magnificent Display * OF ? f Seasonable Goods, AT PRICES WHICH I>efy Competitionj AT THE C^SHSTORE OF JOS. S. CLOUD. "THE MOST ATTBACTIYE YET! I^HE undersigned invites the Attention of his friends and the pnblic generally, to his irgeund increasing stock of Fall and Winter Goods Consisting in part, of DRY GOODS,Gent's. Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES,. Of Southern Manufacture, .nil warranted to give satisfaction. !i coes and Ladies' DressGoods In great variety. Heavy Family Groeeries . BEST BRANS OFFEOITR. ALSO An extensive assortment of f Hardware an d Cutlery, pobacco, Spices, Powder, Shot and Caps, Bagging, Rope and Ties. JS^-Ootton and other Produce bought at the ighest market rates, and liberal Cash AdvanceLents made on consignments. J. W.McCURRY, Agt. September I'd. if GEORGE ALDEN, Cotton Factor, AND lealer in General Merchandize, Camden, S. C, low is this for Cheapness? Here is a banco for everybody TO BUY, AND BUY WITHOUT MONEY ! 1 LL persons wishing t?* buy a good article of V Liquors and Groceries, and cheaper than c same Goods can be bought af uny other tore in nmden, and especially if you have no onoy?as money is pretty scarce?you will irely do well to give us a call with a bale or , o of COTTON. pty,Cash Is no object to ns. \\'c also have on hand many other articels hich we will sell for Cotton. E. J. CONWAY, Agent )rugs and Medicines YfE have just received from the Northern y Market", the lnrgest stock of h-tnj*, Medicine*, Paint*. Oil*, Par ni*hr*, Lamp*, Patent Medicines, Ppices, and Par* 8vft\ generally rer brought to this market. As the import duty has been redueed on many rticles, we can sell cheaper than ever before HODGSON k DUN LA P. November 28. tf