University of South Carolina Libraries
Cliui-eli Directory. Methodist Church, PeKalb street?Rev R. L. Harper, Paster?Services at 10} A. M and 7} M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wed uesday at 4 I'. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? Rev. 3. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10} A.M. and 4} P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7} P. M. LV. . r.Punppii REV. R. F. P. PER rjflstvrAi/ vuv?v?. -? -? ? ry ?Sunday, at 11 o'clock A. M. and3? P M. Wednesday, at 4, P. M. Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. Robert Thompson. Pastor?Services at?11 A. M. and, 7 P. M.; on Sunday. Prayer Meeting Thursday at-8 P. M. MEETINGS. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. A Attend the Regular Meeting ofyour Division at Temperance Uall on MONDAY evening next, at 7} o'clock. TTTUtSja By order ol the W. P. J. M. GAYLE, R. S. frg* Special commission of Wateree Bridge will meet at the office of Shannou & Lining on Monday next, 17th inst., at 11 o ciore a. m. > LOCAL S EWS. Messrs. GRIFFIN * HOFFMAN, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street, Baltimore, md., are ^ dulv authorized to oontrac: (or advertisements at our lowest rates. Artverttser? In that city are requea-- | ted to leave their favors with this house. This firm has exceptional facilities for placing advertisements i cheaply, and we take pleasure in referring all who desire to advertise in out-of-town papers, especially these having real estate to sell?to these gentlemen. Temperance Lecture.?We understand that Edward Carswell, Esq., will deliver a temperance lecture in Camden, on Friday, the 28th inst., at 8 o'clock P. M. Laroe Freshet.?On Saturday last, erv suddenly, the Wateroe overflowed its banks, and spread all over the surrounding ' low lands. Crossing was suspended until the day before yesterday. Considerable damage was done to fences, bridges &c., but we have heard of no accidents. 1 __ _ 1 Frzsii Shad.?We noticed on Saturday J last, quite a large supply of fresh shad were ' in market, offered by that enterprising fish- J vender, Abraiu Marks. They were rather > small and the price was high, but Captain ( Marks says he will do better. Fresh fish % i are very nice things. Runaway.?Friday last a mule attached to a cart became frightened and tore up | Main street at a headlong rate of speed. Arriving opposite the colored Baptist Church, ' he ran against a lamp post and threw down i the lamp, smashing the glass Thence he progressed quite rapidly for ab^ut a hundred yards, when his victorious career was checked by some persons who ran into the "street, and stopped him. The.cart was not daina- , gcd. The mule was not to blame, lor ne was 1 left entirely to his own devices, no one being in the cart at the time of the occurrence. A Monarch Gone.?On Friday last a magnificent oak tree which stood in the yard I of the Orphan Society Academy on DeKulb 1 'street, was cut down, carryiug with it a small ' cherry tree iu its lull. The cause of its being cut down was that it shaded the roof of the academy and rotted the shingles. The boys got a recess on account of the tree being very near the school house, and i the fear lest it might have fallen upon it, j but the cutter was skilful and the wind was blowing iu the proper direction, so that the tree fell in the premises adjoining the house J occupied by Rev. A. K. Durham. i Of course it was proper to cut it down, but it was a pity to level so fine a specimen of < shade tree. f. Lively Trade.?On Thursday and Friday of last week, a great quantity of cotton wassohlin thistown One enterprising firm alone bought from five to six thousand dollars' worth. The streets were lined with wagons, reaching up as farasLogtown. We learn from a gentleman who has enjoyed some opportunities of knowing, that there is still a large quantity of cotton ieft in the country. These are indications that in a financial way the np country is prosperous. Tim Gardner Fire Extinguisher.? On Tuesday last the Gardner Fire Extinguisher which has lately been purchased by the Town was tested. A large pile of fat ligbtwood was arranged. upon which were poured several gallons of Kerosene oil. The wind was very high at the time and the fire soon burnt with great fierceness. After the fire was well under way the extinguisher was applied, and with immediate results. One sidcofthe pile was entirely extinguished, but when the at tempt was made to extinguish the other, cite charge being nearly expeuded it failed to put the fire out. If two of them had been at work at the same time, the result would probably have been different. The high wind and the exceedingly inflammable nature of the material used. was sufficient causes for the failure of the experiment. Kaffj.K?Sec notice of the raffle in our advertising columns. WlTTKOWfcKY & itl.NTKLS.?W C COUIinend t<> the favorable attention of our merchant.-, the card of Messrs. Wittknvwky ?fc Kintels of Charlotte, N ('. published in this issue. These gentlemen's card deserve uotice and careful consideration. The American Farmer for February j is at hand filled as usual with practical, useful matter for all departments of rural life, its numerous correspondents iucluding men of the highest authority, on the subjects upon which they write. The "Farmer" is a sub* stantial, solid journal, devoted entirely to agriculture and kindred pursuits, and is well worth thejsupport of our thoughtful farmers. Published by Saml. Sands & Son. Baltimore, - - 11 /? Md , at $1.50 .1 year, or at ?1 in ciuds oi five or more, with handsome premiums to clubs. Specimen numbers sent free. Rural Carolinian?February.?Always excellent, always enjoyable, the Rural Carolinian is indispensable to the educated I Southern planter or farmer, and contains much of value to the general reader. Its heavy articles contain valuable information which the agriculturalist should study carefully, and from its shorter pieces and miscellaneous articles any intelligent reader can j cull useful ideas. The Literary and Home . Department is edited expressly for the bene-1 fit of ladies and children, and should make the magazine always welcome to the farmer's family as well as the farmer. The illustrations, though not numerous, are good, and serve to explain the text. Builders'and Contractors' Special Notice.?Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Window ind Plate Glass, Builders' Furnishing Hardware, Mouldings, Stair Fixtures, Marble and Slate Mantelpieces, Encaustic Floor Tile, Drain Pipe, &c., &c., at lowest wholesale prices, at the great Southern Factory of P P. Toale, Charleston, S. C. Send for his price list. [2m] JOHN CHADWICK, CIIARLSTON, SOUTH-CAROLINA, ' BEED & KEIn. LONDON ENGLAND., Land Brokers and Negotiators To Land Owners and Others. WE bare established a Bureau in Lndon, for the negotiation and sale of Cotton and Rice Plantations, large Tracts of Timber Lafid ind other Estates, Mines, "Water Powers and ?harters for valuable franchises, invite the attention of all interested^ our great facilities for bringing such property to the notice of capialtets, farmers and manufacturers in England, Ireland and Scotland and the ontineut of Eu- . rope. For circulars giving full particulars, address, enclosing postage stamp, JOHN CHADWICK & CO., 1 Charleston, S- C~ j February 3. 3m. "to rent. rpiIE HOUSE AND LOT on Rutledgc-street, L known as the Dnash House, now occupied by Mr. A. A. Strauss. Possession given on one < week's notice. For terms and particulars, apply I to M. B. HU KABEE. ? A. M. KENNEDY. < Febraary G. tf Sale or Kent. \ TRACT OF LAND, containing fifty ?acres, A\ lvinir on Oum Swamp, will be jented this | pear, *or? will be sold on very easy terms Jo . in approved purchase*. Apply to M. TOBIAS ? February C. tf Probate Notice. > riUARDlANS, Trustees, Receivers, and all ' Ijf others linble to account to this office arc ' icieby notified to hand in their returns within he legal time. Defaulters will be rigidly dealt rith. . J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. Prolate Office*, Feb. 0. tf. K e rshaw?In the Probate Court ESTATE OF SARAH A. ANDERSON. Wherens, Juines K. Anderson has applied to me for setters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and c: edits which were of said Sarah A. Anderson, deceased: ( Nfw, these are to require all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to he and appear before me at a ourt to' be hohlen on j the 18th day of February, inst., to show cause if ] any they have, why said administration should < not be grunted. , Given under my hand and seal, this 3rd day of February, 1873. , J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. , Februgry G. lit. Kershaw?In the Probare Court, j ESTATE OF JOHNT3RAIIAM. I Whereas, Josephine tiruham has applied to me for letters of administration of all and singular the goods nnd chatties, rights and credits which were of the said John Graliaiu, dec'd. Now these are to require nil and lingular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at u Court to be iioldcn on the 18th day of February, inst., to show cause, if any they have, why said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 3rd day of February, 1873. J. F. Lmtii tit land, J. p. feb6-2t. Nliepiir^H Hale, BY virtue of sundry Executions to me directed I will proceed to sell befoe the Court House door in Camden, on the first Monday in March next, being the third day of said month, during the legal hours of sale, the following Heal Estate, lo-wit: Those two lots of Land with the improvements thereon, situate in the town of Camden, nnd known in the plun of said town as lots numbers one thousand and thirty six (I03G) and one thousand sixty five, (Hm;.*?) and fronting sixty " i ?i i mx feet on uroau aim i?h>vi upon as the property of C. Stakley, at. the suits of Henry (\ Folger, John Thompson X c?? ami others, ami to tie sold at the risk of the former purchaser. Terms, cash?purchasers to pav for papers SAMUEL PLACE. S. h t . February G. K lw ?20 PER DAY! Agents w anted ! A JP / classes of working people, of either Bex young or old, make more money ntvvork for u in their spare moments, or all the time, than a any thing else. Particulars free. Address (5 ST IN SON & CO., Portland, Maine. September III. ' 12m. | IIrutin's, dc. English and French Hair and Teeth Itrushes, | of all <|Uiilities. Whitewash, l'aiut and Horse Itrushes. a very large assortment. For sale l<v November 2S. HODGSON X IM'NLAP. i he Poulterer's .friend, OR CHICKEN POWDER. A certain preventive of Onpes hihI (#ilier <liseaxes in chickens, turkeys. .See. Also, Horse ami attle Pow .lers. For sale by ilOHUSON * DIM-AIV sr For over FOR TV YEARS this PURELY VEGETABLE LIVER MEDICINE 1ms proved to Lie the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Livkr Co.MrL.uxT and the painful offspring UlHl'tl'SIA, I AMIIMilUA. .iiUlIlUICC I?!Iious attacks, Sick IIg.vdai iik, olic, Depression of Spirits. Sour Stomach, Heartburn, HILLS AND FEVER, kc., Sic. After year? of genuine experiments, to meet the great and urgent demand, we now produce from our original Genuine I'vicu'tn, THE PREPARED. a Liquid form or SIMMONS' LIVER ItECil'LATOR, containing all its wonderful and valuable properties, and offer it in 4 ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES, . The Powders, (price as before,) $1,00 perp'kg'e. Sent by mail, 1.01 m- caution. Buy no Powders or PREPARED SIMMONS' _ LIVER REGULATOR, unless in our engraved wrapper, with Trademark, stamp and signature unbroken. None other is genuine. J. H. ZEILIN & CO, MACON GA-, and PHILADELPHIA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTSFebruary 3 (d12) Cm. Security Life Insurance and Annuity Company, ! Or New York. ! ORGANIZED ...18U2. f CAPITAL 83.000.D0fl 1 INCOME 1.500.000 ' Piml to Widows and Ornhans of ? deceased members, 1.500.000 ? Insures on ail popular and reliable plans. t LOUIS SHKRFKSKK, 1 Qeneral Aeent, Charleston, S. . 1 HARLKS A DESAUSSURK, Agent, Camden, S. January 1G. 11" FI\ iL \OTIC K. " . V WE hereby give notice to our numerous ^ friends nn<l patroas, that our engage- 'i nents force us to close our Gallery here about lie 15th of this nton^li. Remember to give ns a call. This will be our "] ast notice. LEE DltO. February G. -t. i ; r Notice to* Contractors. ^ wtEAI.ED for re building the Rri !gc O over Twenty-five Mile Creek, will be reeeiv (1 for the next thirty days, at the Office of ilie bounty Commissioners. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject I my and nil bids which nuiy be made. By order ot t.'ic Board. J. A. BOSWELL, Ch'iiman. 'I C. Shiver, Clerk February G -It , Notice to Contractors. SEALED Proposals will be received for the ' next thirty days for re building ilie Bri 'ge . ind Causeway over Spears' Creel; near John (>. Iliggins', at the tiltice of the County Comiuis- i doners. , The Commissioners reserve the right to reject my and all bids which may bj offeiv?I. By order of tiic Board. ' JOHN A BOSWELL, Chaimuu . T. Simvi:r, (' Irk. February ti. -It. v ShcrilPs Sal<\ Amelia Elias, nii?l as Administratrix 1 ' m. r Decree. i Charles Elias, Marcus Tobias etnl. J BV virtue of a decretal order made l?y the' Honorable II. P?. Carpenter, Judge of the Fifth Circuit, on the 23d day of January, If 73, i will proceed to .-ell before the court house in l/'nindon, on the iir.-t Monday in March next, j ' luring the legal hours of sale, * All that Town Lot with the large Storehouse ' [hereon, situated on the western side of Ilr? id street in the town of Camden, and known in the plan of said town us lot number nine bund < d ' ?nd ninety-six, (991!) containing sixty six (bfi) ' front, and running back west two hundred and ' sixty four feet, bounded on the north by lot No. 1 [ 97, south by lot No. 995,*and east by 1'mud ' street. i Terms cash?Purchasers to pay for papers. SAMUEL PLACE, S. K. f. { < February 0. id ; JUST RECEIVED, FltESII STOCK OF? oooids, (jKOCKKll^,: IIAHDWAlti; Ac.. Which will he sold at lowest price-, for CASH. A. D. KKNNKDV 3c CO. dec. 10?It. I*I<^ HAMS, New Hmolied Beef, Ilreoklast Strips. Hulk and Smoked Very Choice, received and fur sale by l> L DKSAKPflUlti 3c CO., -* ?? ? -m m r j ./VII WIIO 21 II I A beautiful I'ioture with which to adorn lIn* walla of their parlor*, should iinmIi itcly enclose their flul)ai'i'i|>iion lor 11>< Temperance Advocate," ('J.<>U) and they will receive l>v return mail our " FRUIT CHROMO," which we are giving away to every ynrly -n'?s triln r to our pup t. Don't remit hy mail. Ail dress, I'liANK I' !?K\i5l>. Caniilen. ,v' ( UIM/S JIOI XT.% 1 \ MILITARY SCHOOL, YOIiKVILLE, S. C. " - .1 o .!. i \ ... tv - %, ;i F 11II T. Ill -1 > r- - lull in in- .-i 11 > i 'i i .11 i . . .... I I't iriii Kflirii n v mul ciul .Iiii*o :;nr!i. 't'erfn- : I'm "<? 1. .>| I\i c., |;. n l. I'n tion. I'm I. Mfriii*. W;i-Iiiii. Si lion i v. \<\. 11!."? |i->r M'- ion, puyaMo in inlv.-in I'nr circulars, :t< 1<11 - Col. A. Cow \i:i?. Pi incipal. Die. 'it Important To Cotton Planters. ? The Maryland Fertilizing and Manufactur ing Company have prepared a SPECIAL FERTILIZER, Adapted 1<? the Cotton Plant, under the name of Cotton I^oocl, Which they claim to bo of the Highest Grade of Fertilizer sold in the.South, c.'jual in results to PERUVIAN GUANO, undo | More Permanent Benefit to the soil. It has been used by several hundred planters in. North and South Carolina and Georgia for five (5) seasons, with he most beneficial results. cash rmcE At I setory in Paltiniorc, $55 per Ton, In sacks of 12 to the ton. LAW HENCE SANGSTON, President. J. Edwin Myers, General Agent1) w. JORDAN Agent at Camden. January 30. t tf Pacific Guano Company's (CAPITAL $1,000,000.) Soluble Pacific Guano. rj1HIS GUANO is now so well known in nil the 1 Southern States for its vinnirlcuhlc effects I is ?n agency for incrcnsing.thc products ol* labor ib not to require special recommendation from . is. Its use for seven years past lias established ts character for reliable excellence. The large ixed capital invested by ft>e Company in this rade affords the surest guarantee of the contin- J ted excellence of this Guano. The supplies put into the market this season, ' ire. as heretofore, prepared under the personal inperrision of Dr. St. Julien Ituvenel. chemist J he company at Charleston, hence planter may ' cs.t assured that its quality and composition is ' ircciscly the same as that heretofore sold. J. X. KOBSON, Selling Agent. Chareston. S. C. 1 .1X0. S. REESE it CO., , General Agents. Baltimore. Tr.nsts: S ift cash : time, without interest, j To accommodate planters, they can order now 1 ,nd have until the 1st of April to decide as to t whether the}- will take at the time or cash price. . Vhen delivered from the Factory by the carload . io drayage will be charged. Not. 28 8m. j Ilyinnal of the Church. { IV : . ... J ? ? E are prepared to furnishihe "HI MXAL" | at the lowest introduction prices. A vaicty of styles. Prices front -<'c, 40c, C0e,7??C, <1 and upwards. < Fogarties Book Depository. ; ? -1 NEW < AT.lI.OGrE No. 2H. .! n.uc liitfortatiun of ICitgh'x/t Books. 1 'lie Practical Philosopher, a Daily Monitor for j the husne-s nun ot England, an<l others, hy | David Thomas, D. D. Jncxplorcd Syria, hy Rielnud F. Rurtoii and Charles F. T. Drake, L' vols.. ^I'?. .Ian in the Past, Present and Future, from the Gorman of Dr. 1,. lliichuer, hy IV. S. Dallas, I F. . S. $-1. Vaiuleriiijis in Scripture Lands, being n Tour of , nine months in the years 1 S??'. ?*7??. by Tims. | itohinson.. I). D., '"'J 50. ilctu oir ot'oniit Dc Mntaleuiort, by Mrs. 0li- : pliant. 'J vols., S'L'. \<-i> of Gallantry, by Lamhton Young, E. K. S3 73. Thoughts and Meditation.'- on the Mysteries Life, by .Tolln Frith, 5-;'. 73. ^nikespcarc and Tyjiogi phy, the Art of Print- ' ing; also remarks upon some < otnmon Typo- I' graphical Errors with reference to the Text 01 j SliaktsptalT, by V? i 11 i it in li!-??los, SL In ;iie Preservation ??!' Health, or Essays of the 1 principles to be adopted by those who desire j to avoid Disease,*by Thomas Ionian. M. D., of London, Third Edition, 2 vols.. >7. do Days Of the Son of Man, a lli-tory of the Church in Art Time of our Lord, by William ; Lee, ft. l>.. ><?. i 'hilosophy of hristianity. or the Purpose and ] i l'ower of the (josj.el, jej Go. liihle Truths, with Shakespearian Parallels, by J .1. 15. Selkirk, :?-J .70. \ngels r.nd Heaven, by Thomas Miller, !?- .70. irotvth and Vicissitudes of Commerce, by Jolin If cats L L I)., J?- ?< . Erevvhon, or over the Range, Third Edition, $1 ".0. Lleniontdogy and Witchcraft, by Sir Walter Sent I. Hart. $.5 Canoe Travelling, by Warington. linden Pow*11. illustrated. Sd Anecdotal and Descriptive Natural History, j Uv A. Koiner. >1 7-7 Anecdotes of celebrated Men and Women, by Editor London .lest Rook, Sd Tit* Sen Weed Collector, by Shirley liibbard, *1 7-7 Half Hours at the Sea Side, b} .) E. Taylor, F. <b S., $*J. Science nndoinm tree, their lnluenee on our Manufactures. by P. L. Sinunonds, $:5. Roundabout Rambles iu Lands of Facts and -?.. I., I.',...lib I! Si.iektoti. Sll fit) a in? i't? ?. ? ... - ? ]>i- iddham's Talk, by . S. Henry, $1 f>0 i NEW NOVELS, &c. I'lM'-TIDK." IJy (>liristian Ileid, Author of Morion House Paper SI Cloth Slot) l)r Vandyke," Hy John K?ten Cooke (/loth SI - "> Paper Toe Lord Kilgol.bin" Ity Charles Lever Cloth SI 2*> Paper SI The (iolden Lion of (iron] ere" lly Anthony Trollope Cloth Si 2-> I*:ip? r 7->e The New Kdition of ooper .? Novels" Cloth SI 2-*> Paper 7.">e. F< Mi A KTI K'S HOOK DKI'OSI I'dKY. No 200 Kin^ street,| in the llend) Obtober 2-1 C; irl tloti. S. C. Siiiii!ikfi* Book More, 11 a in Sired. Sumter. M. <'.0 (iii.ltKKT UKO'S M AN AC I.IIS, nil \LKI5S in all k.tiits of Seine I Ihmks Vlso. M i -eell.i to oil-, pool,? in; i i.i. variety, all of i e..ii W 'licit III'*' vol I !' |>111 illSIirI v |HU>'V. .1 III11 slock ".I" l':i|H'r llll'l Dlivt'lojics, c I' I :i i tl u 11' I Initial.) I' I!, ok*. I'o. k-I I: 1 . I';i i>inks, I iik. I'rns. I'rin iN, SI.11rv, S|nii|oc \r.. >'. \|.n Vi w.-papiM-. Mii<r:i/iiii'-< ami Wusic, tin > \ ' on 1i in' Oi'ilfVi lor tin- above, :i:i>l anything upper1-1,11 up ti, our t-tisim -s, an> i. jo ,1 Cully Milirilf I. Wf pllulMllf .-( s-tisj-ii- I II mill llispltfll. lbmk* sent li\ Mail or I.x| hts O. ! : Srii'l ynnr onlrrs Cor S. !; -I Hooks ?V>\ to lis. j,., il"iiii'in1ii r. Wf sill at I'ii >>Ii !n i | i Ice -. i.a.i ii.iu kt. r. . i v. (Irtolif'l 'I. olll. AOi'iui^'k. Blaiiauas. 1 Cranbcrric . Lemons, &e. For sale by 9 I I>. klKKLKY, Aj^rnt. SA] Ammoniated Soli C'a?Ii Price at Factory, fl PHOSPHO-PER Catih, $50. ACID HONE 1 Caah, $SS. (xi'onnd Carol . Cash $15. AOVI SCOTIA 1 CASI r|^HE abovo named Amraoniated Soluble Pacific -* of the highest grades of Bono Phosphates re vian Guano and aniipal matter, making'tliemo combining the ingredients required to produce a While these Fertilizers are warranted to keep materially reduced for the present season. Mun JOH Also for sale by Agents throughout the South. jan2-tf JONATHAN Gen'l. Sup'ts. Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R, R. CoWILMINGTON, N. Oct. 7, 1872. CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. The following schednlo will go intocflfact on 5:25 . M., Monday, 7th inst. day express train, (Daily.) ' Leave Wilmington 3:25 a. m. Vrrive at Florence 9:55 a, m. Arrive at Columbia * 2:40 p. m Vrrive at Augusta 7:42 p. m. Leave Augusta at 6.85 a. m. Vrrive at Columbia * m 11:25 a.m. \rrive at rlorencc 4:15 p. Vrrive at Wilinington 10:25 p. m1 sight express train, daily, (Sundays Excepted) Leave Wilmington . 5:45 p. m. Vrriveat Florence 11:85 p. m. Vrrive at Columbia 3:40 a. m. Vrrive at Augusta 8:20 a. m. Leave Augusta 5:50 p. u Vrrive at Columbia 10:2(*p. m Vrrive at Florence . 2:12 a. m. Wilmington 8:00 a. m. . JAMES ANDERSON, Gen l. Superin't Change of Schedule SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COLUMBIA, S.C Sept. 26, 1872. OilAXGK of schedule to go into effect on and after Sunday the 29tb iust. Mail and Passenger Train. . Leave Columbia at 9 u. nt. Arrive at Charleston at 4.30 p. in. Leave Charleston at 9.30 a. m. Arrive nt Columbia nt 5.20 p. m. NI0I1T EXPRESS. Freight and Accommodation Train (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7.50 p. m. Arrive atC liarlcgtotint 6.45 a.m. Leave Charleston at 7.10 p. ni. Arrive at Columbia at G.IiO a. ni. (a mden. A ceo 111 m ion Train iVill run daily to Columbia, as follows: Leave Camden at 7 20 a. m. Arrive at oluntbin at 11 55 a. ni. Leave Columbia at 2 10 p. in. Arrive at Camden at 0 55 p. in. A. 1. TYLER, Vice President. 8. 15. Pic KENS, (!. T. A. [> HABLOTTE, COLUMBIA ft XlTGUST A li- It. Genera i. So r r.u i nt end a nt's Ofeioe, Columbia, September 22, 1872 On and after Sunday, September 22, thetrains I his road will run in accordance with the follow" ing Time Table:" 001 NO SOlTn. Train Xo. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte 8 00am 8 20 p m Columbia 2 40 pui 3 20 a m Arrive at Augusta, 7 45 pm 8 20 a m GOING NORTH. Train No. 1. Train Xo. 2 Leave Augusta, (1.15 am 5 50p m ' Columbia. 11 50 pn? 11 05 p m Arrive at Charlotte, 0 15 put 0 00 a m StAinliLrd time, ten minutes slower than Wash ington city time, and six minutes faster than Co linnbia city time. Train No 1, daily: train No 2, daily, Sundays excepted. Both trains make close connection toall points North, South aud West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to nil principal points. E. P. ALEXANDER, General Superintendaut. It- E. Dobsey, (len. F. & T. Agent. Greenville untl ColAinhiii Railroad. Coumuia, S. t\, September 5, 1872. Daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on the South Carolina Railroad, up and down: also with trains going North and South mi Charlotte, Columbia ntnl Aagusta Kailroad. ami Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. Ul\ LeavcColutnliia at 7.1.rija- m. Leave Alston 9.UA a- m Leave Newberry ltt.40 a m LeavcC "kesbury 2.00 p in. Leave Helton tl.oO p m Arrive at tirecnvilie at G.W j? m* DOWN. Leave Greenville at 7.110 a m Leave Helton Jt.ilO a tn. Leave Cokesbury 11.15 a nij Leave New berry 1.50. p in. Leave Alston 4.20 pu. Arrive at Columbia 0.00 jini. Aix/'isi'ii Hrumh miif litue Uithjr Division. LKA v i: Wallialla 5 45 a hi. Arrive 7 15pm l'erryvillc - > a ui. Leave ti p in l'i tulletoii 7 I" a in. Leave 5 50 p in \nderimn S In a in. Leave 4 50 p m \r. at Helton 0 a in. Leave tf 50 ji in Veeniiinoolatioii Trains on Abbeville Branch Moinlas-. H cdetisdny* ami Fridays. On Anderson Branch, between Helton and Antlci son, on Tuesdays. Thursday* and 8atfirdaya. THUS |io|> \ \t i:.\ |>. tienl. F?upt. .t w;r.7. Noiiion. tii nl. Ticket Agl. Cotton Seed. [TOll lie. T.(HW) bushels of Cotton He ' 1. if ftp plied for soon, at the CAJfUEN STEAM WORKS. EtDY'S ible PacificGuano. 45 per Ten. On time, $50 UVIAN (JUANO, Time, ?55. PHOSPHATE. Time, ?33. in a Phosphate,. Time- $20. LAM) PLASTER, I, #13. 0 anfl Pho3pho-Peruvian Guanos aro rich compounds ndcrcd soluble and ammoniatcd with No. 1 Perust concentrated and profitable Fertilizers in use, nil support the cbtton plant and cere&ls. 1 flp to their high standard, the prices have been in factored and for sale at Charleston, S. C., by XB.?4BDI<&SON. For analysis and certificates, send for pbamphlets r PAGE, Agent, Camden, S C. HEAD QUARTERS OP Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing MacMseCe. AT J. S. Cloud's, CAMDEN, S. O. CALL and examine my stock and prices. We ' guarantee satisfaction. R. D. IIANKINSON, Agent. January 9. tf,. School "Teacher Wanted. A COMPETENT Teacher, who can teach the elementary branches of the English language, can find a comfortable home and a good salary by calling on or addressing either of the subscribers. JIe must be well recommended B. M. BROWN. I. F. HOLLAND. Camdenr Janifary ft. . tf Notice to 'Trespassers, I HEREBY forbid all persons, under, penalty of the law from trespassing upon my premises called "Dixie's llctreat," three miles east of Camden, by hunting, strolling, riding, dri' vine vehicles, or in any other manner. L, W. Rf'BLAIR. # / January 10. lm* COUNCIL CHAMBER, CAMDEN, JAN. 13, 187& ORDERED,. That the Treasurer of the Town be required to open immediately his BookB or the collection of the Town TaxesAll Taxes unpaid by the 15th day of February will have ten percent added to them. All Taxes unpaid on the 15th day of March will be put in Execution, with Penalty and costs. j J. M. DAVIS, Intendent. Extract from minutes of Council. J- K. Withekspoon, Clerk & Recorder. The Books are now open at my office. . , J. K. WITHERSPOON, Treasurer. Piedmont and Arlington LIFE I . Insurance Company, I OP Richmond, Ya. .? ASSETS I 5* 3,000,000. 1 W. C. CARRINGTON, PRESIDENT IjONsem . Actually paid in Kershaw County withi Three Years, $28,000,00. T take pleasure in saying I have returned the agency of this popular Coinpan No difficulties will exist in future, as to Renewals of Policies, as I shall pay especial attention to that branch of the business. fsaT I will Always be found at uiy Office un Hroad Street, Cauidcu, 8. C. W. CLYHURN, Agent. January 10, 1873. tf Patronize Home Industry. Ami keep your Money Circulating AT lio n E. n ! r> ! i \ki DuggitJb, carnages anu yyaguns MANCFACTCRFl) of the host selected tnaterinl, l>y skilled workmen, at the Factory of Ioiin V?;xkw, near the 1'ost-ntfie, nt Columbia. OM Carriages repaired to look like new. EnV All work warranted. For Cuts ami information, address, M. .1. CALNAN, Agon. Jottx Aosrtv, Proprietor. Dct Pure French CandiOM, Assorted Nuts and Canned Goods of all kinds For sale )>y u. 0. KIRK.LEY, Agent.