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THE JOURNAL. JOHN KlOliSMANV, Ktiifor anil S'ropriotar. CAMDEN, S.C. EEHKi'AKY 13, 1S73. ? Improvement of tho Hond Across the Hermitage Swamp. * Wo aiv informed th:.t a petition numerously signed is liortly to lie presented to tlie County Commissioners, and. perhaps, to the Legislature,' praying to have the Charleston road where il crosses the Hermitage Swamp, so improved as to ( render it passable in time of high water. We incline to favor this movement fertile following reavoas: 1st. It will increase the trade and the prosperity of Camden to an extent greater, in the long run, than the cost of the improvement, as we will shortly show. 2nd. It is the only feasible plan of uniting the . citizen^ of an extensive, populous and wealthy . portion of the county in uninterrupted eomtnu, nicatien with thoil* county scut and market town which they aro entitled to: for though thcy4 could, fowucrly. while the land was open, make n circuitous way through the woods to a higher crossing on tItc same crcclc: ilio land litis now boon purchased by various parlies for lite establishment of small farms ami is now actually enclosed, no prescriptive right to a road through it existing. If any of those arc unwilling to grant a right of way, the right of the proper authorities to enforce "it should bo fonnded in publip necessity or great public utility, neither of which exist in this case, for the contemplated improvement would remove the necessity of circuitous way, and supply a much more useful highway: and without the existence of either necessity or great public utility the courts ought to protect (he rights of the individual from in fringement, and we l>cliovc they will tlo it. Hut even if the right i f way could he enforced through the lands of the unwilling proprietor he wotfld have to he fully compensated for it.? And as the necessity of keeping up lane fences for all time to come would thereby be fixed upon M him, the cost of these?not only for the present j but for the future?must form a part of any fair compensation. So that it is doubtful whether the proposed right of way would not cost more J than the contemplated improvement. Further, I even if the circuitous road existed it would be no remedy for the evil. For when the loaded wagon has arrived v.ithin a mile of its destination to be then turned back and made to go eight or fen miles around, as the di tancc may be, merely because a few hundred yards of the highway has not been prope rly improved is an unmitigated nuisance, ami places farmers si.rated on the Charleston and Black Itiver lloads t.u-i en mni?ti further from Camden and just so ? * much nearer ,in proportion, to Sumter and other Irk ding points below tts.Against all this, the in; le objection is the cost of the contemplated iinpfovement, and t lie consequent increase of the county tax. This would he trilling in amount, compared with the permanent utility of the work?not a tithe of the cost of-t!ie Waterce bridge?and i; would be rounbtir-ed to the county by the better facilities of communication it would afford in a single season It is not against taxes for a just and useful purpose like this, the cur people complain. Its amount would be small?almost infinitesimal ?compared with that liich is raised from the people's pockets every year, and vanishes without leaving a shadow or a trace behind it. jn this case, the expenditure would be comparatively small, and the improvement, necessary, proper, highly useful and enduring. Washington Correspondence. Washington, Februarys, IST.j. LOUISIANA .MATTERS. The Senate Committee investigating Louisiana affairs have shown snch irritation at the damning evi lence adduced, proving fraud, bribery and bal!ot-b"X stuffing on the part of the administration fficials, that fill hope <i a fair and impartial report l;a; bet veil up bv tlio c wb? had hoped that justice would be d' tie. Scnat rs 'dorf :i and Carpenter especially, have displayed such partisanship as to foreshadow the result, Kvcn if the partial testimony of the united States supervisors be taken as true, it would show that not 130O per.- ns were prevented from voting, which would ik t change the general result. Grant's brother in-law, Collector I'nuAi- Pack ail and others of the Kcl! <{iz fiction. have arrive*! heje. livery tiling will be done to bolster up the cause of 4;? ur brothcr-iu-law." Kven the bluff, rouuh cavalry * ?ldier, Sheridan, is ] \ into service, and he so far forgets the dignity ::ttached to the po. iti m of Lieutenant-*icacral as to descend iat< ttie mire of polities, and he telegraphed here that in forty years there has uot been a fairer elect! n held in Louisiana than the one in November last, ilow does this swift witness in behalf of fraud, perjury and ballot-b. \ ' uilin^ know this i Whore ha> he been durinir these forty \ear<? i>oe? he mean that the election was fairly conduct d.or that a worse condition of things h- s existed f? r forty vear:? Another e ! rt >>n ilu: part < f It .ots and jSpaw," and ho will repay Grant for promoting him over the heads i f older, abler and belter soldi' rs. Miii'-ni ii.niNi;. Senator Cratin's speech on the ubject of our commerce and hip-building. and in ad vncacy of the hmuiiim !y r j rted bill i 1' the 1 nlcrn:iti"ii 1 Stean. it:p (Vinij.iny, \v i; exhaustive and a- *. undinfrom the f:H that h" j re-cnt'-l. ile statedt!i;!t ';we have I!1 t, hi the entire Ci:':c?l .Stales, a complete find peli'c t ship-building yaid,-' and that otir on m r miuiercc has alt;.' t iij- pi'eartd. while st.t : lsiio, ihigland l.a (hmbl 1 her' \ and 1'r.ance, Italy ami (icrinany have in'Tcascd their's fully no-1 .rj tli. < > ii.i: I,, art t i it in 1*1;' t !. ' . j>]>in.r inter ?st that cnt r d and cleare 1 in the i'lilted State it I'd i 1 *? ? Of this, Yl p r ? tit w Am'rican !>. In 1S70-7I. I. t'tiT (? ?i. an incrca o nf nearly HIO.O'n?. and our : r portion had J :i!'*n <>ft" lVum i I j r .. . t ? L'i; while f'i li>r' i.,ii increased 1'u 'J:' 'i_' j. r rent.? 'j iiisi :ic citation (?f liiuiv, is sufli. icntiv luii. :i?*ii'.r ati?l ^Uu'tl'.i^. .Mr. <'ra^iu thin!;a war with n ew st mi r. aided in ill- r or"! n aii'I u by t!i Uriti h ' v? run ir : I '-.r tin. :lcd wood< :i : hi and am . 1 a ! .* private eat? : pri j in t*~ ? < >ui '. 1 - :ii' t > *! with the d "li to i.i " i > >'i! l w f 'i t i t!i ? i tj it '. ! i t i ho . " : 1 war ! I? advM*or i ! ' ' i>l pi posed by the bill Ln tat kftiol u ship company, as the only practical plan yet presented to (. undress, and one in which there is no jobbery in the shape' f subsidies, drawbacks, or donation of money, bonds or lands asked from the Lovcrnincnt.* T1IE C'AXAP PROJECTS. A Sub-Committ'cc on Cominereo to draw "? ? W" unifitur tJm .Tamos River and Ivan uf" _ ::\vl);i Canal, the Niagara "Ship Canal and tlie Croat Western Canal projects in one.? With this union of strength tiie hill will no doubt succeed. The completion of these great enterprises would materially benefit the' agricultural as well as the -commercial interests of the country. TIIK KANSAS BRIBERY CASE. The Committee engaged in investigating the charges of bribery against Senator Caldwell will no doubt report, exonerating him from the eharges. as a majority of them consider it a case of persecution, ' he inspection of his bank account developed tlie fact that his checks during the time he was a candidate, were not so large as his ordinary accounts for. tlio three months preceding.? This, in connection with certain technical reasons, will, it is claimed, induce a report fan cable to the Senator. SEMINO MACHINES. The owners of sewing niachie patents are here working like beavers to have Congress extend their patents.' These companies are all rich, and the people are tired of paying double prices for sewing machines, and think it is Jiigh time for (,'oiigro. s to protect them for once from rich and grasping monopolies who have been protected long enough. Will not the press of the country 'take up the causa of the poor and the sewing women, and give bur law-makers a gentle hint that flesh and blood now requires a little "pro tcction" to their '-home industry ?" Think of this, ye protectionists. A DEAD MAN. If any one fancies that lieu Butler is defunct ask Gen. Garfield, of the Credit Mobilier victims. In debate the other day they had sharp words, when Garfield asked lien if he* intended to bo personal, when with a depreciating wave of his Iffuid, lien sin.oil maliciously wicked and said, "Oh, 110; God knows I don't want to quarrel with the gentleman. I)<' mnrtuis Tlil itixi l<1)itint." Garfield sunk into his seat utterly squelched. IIONEST nUT NOT ACCURATE is Horace Clark's opinion of (Jakes Ames. Most people think just the reverse, and especially with regard to accuracy, when from that memorandum book lie "refreshes his memory." Colfax. Pig Iron Kclley, and the rest of the Credit Mobilicr victims damn his accuracy and more than doubt his honesty. TELF.OSAl'H FRANKS. When the Western I'liion Telegraph Company wore secure in the possession of their grinding 111 uiopolv, they distributed telegrapli franks, in the shape a piece of paste board to a few favored individuals; now, however, when the people are clamoring for cheap telegraj hy and demand relief from their cxhorbitant charges, a frank has been sent to every member of Congress.? This is an insult to the most venal member Iof Congress, as it is too cheap. ()ur law-makers are aware of the feeling among the poo pie, and they uo not purpose to oppose cncap telegraphy in the interest of the Western I'nion or any other corporation to the injury of themselves, so the '-frank" won't work. AX KKKOIt. It is a mistake to suppdfcc that the repeal of the franking privilege also repeals the freedom of exchanges among ncw>] apcrs. Tree exchanges arc nut allotted. I'ER.SOXA L. Senator Wilson went to Massachusetts last night. He will tender his resignation in a few days. Uoutwell will be his successor beyond question. Assistant Secretary llicli* ardson will succeed Houtwcll as Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with the civil service rules. Senator Pomcny will make his appearance in the Senate on Monday next, and will rise to explain all about how he failed to bo re-elected, and also about4 that bribing of Mr. Yorke. What will become of the Senate without its moral tcra peranco men? Colfax, 1'attersou, Harlan and Poincroj, all go out on the fourth. ]>r.r,ay.-: Ait): Dancekois?That poor emaciated Consumptive, who is now beyond all hope of recovery, might now he hale and heartv had he n< t neglected that slight cough, lie advised, if you have a cough or cold, get at once a bottle of Dr. 'J'uttV I'xTKcUraut. and you wiil n be relieved. /.' i '_</ jmt U f'tf. C. II.. S. C.. Jan. !<?. 1S7??. br If. //. Ti'ft: Dear Sir?I have been i-onlincd to my bed with a bad cold, and have found your Kxpector;.nt to be an excellent remedy: it is the best i ever usi d, ^ ours very respectfully, (j. L. i'KX.V Dr. Tutt'g Hair Dyo acta instantaneously. | ? I A Manualof Health. A ii edition < l Ik ween nine and leu millioi of copicDtif a rcry useful work is now ready for r.ititilun di : rilnit'"!'. audi in I ?? li:?d for the ii ii ii : : y aloro in I It i nil '! J-1:tI (lie l!: ili' li <'.iloiiii -. j.iiiii ii \nit and I' 1 zil. The work referred to i- llolelt'.'i'- Munit. t ] 1?7:5 '1 lie it. !' i! 1' I;.?n of i: If it of tho various ailments to z liieh the human sys? lent i- ul?',< . ii.i 1 - l-. forth the |?? ?-nl:; r I'l'ojieiiie-iiii' If tier's Sloni.ii'ii ISitter ilie |'itr? ' itid Ii i i .nil known? is ;i j>re<ri vutive of Ii?*.?i'!i .-4ii I i ii_ i!i iitd :i i a rei.inly lorde'dl. i,) nil I di ? . 'i'li Ah niiiiic ir ] i inted in nil the |*rinei|-:il ! :n- ol itie civdi/i ! wot' I and i . h ? ad-: nniiiliei f i*.im.' - . ml imlividu .! ? than any ot! r medical treatise that ev< r 1 ' 11 i . I *?., i hi or w"i:ihi v ' ii 1 I r"ll d .1 I . . n!' ' vet; ! ! , v ..i -!, mid t . I iii . :d l!n id; in. ; I .iii' ' i;< t v. I.ii-1. Mi. - I; u'vV ; iji 1 pit 1 . 'i it ui.iii.-. Tin-1;ii-c?"iInii1 'ill ii. ii r \ .i I, in-: i livr .i'i ! :.i:h: up', anil (In- call i du di p:: nu nl c ] ious nud < 11 prelien hre. Ilo letter's almanac is, in short, a 1 s -:1 rmm nirn . mli ;>i ! i i tin- n r ' i - - in ! i'.'I!it r . '1 1 r . 11 in' i\ i ! ] ' i: tor. t'v iniii-r, tlic inn I, .nt, !. m-1 t ns tin ' i'.<ii i r, tin- j>r(?|V ! .-! ; i< m, .11 n ! .1: :;inl 1 ( in\ .ili'ls ij!' li ill-". 1 ? ; 1 'v i it lit' < f | iiH* nt'i 'v. I ii i"' 1 ' < 'mini V. iii !l i -ltd ] SilTlll V : ' ? ?Ml II! 1 f- r piipnlrir i in.! ' i! iu-imI iIit. !i ivi.1'-.*? 11 i ;il" i.. ii<I in iii ] im1.. : \n ' . <. I.i'i iili r. isi>ii iiti i -inimi*ii i Tin- | ] i ni \J. .11 r .v'niitI', J . 1 1' !"l , " . I . I I I )!l ? ll" ,1 I ' Ox.ETIARY. Ti i? ad'iiicult task to pay a just ami yet at all times truthful tribute to the ilenil:to record their virtues, and not extenuate their faults; to lay the cypress on tin ir graven, ami at tlie same titue weave she laurel around their lives. Public characters are the propeity of all inen to he cril- ! icizcd while living ami judged of when dead. It i;? of iIto retiring unassuming yten of this world that friends and intimate associates alone can speak. I'eniovcd from the light of public notoriety "like some flower that is born "to Mush unseen." tiny pass in and out among their fellows uukov.n to tunny, appreciated by few. Such was the character of the friend 1 propose to say a lew,word: of. EnwARu'C. Hi-wish, died at Camden, S. C., on the 21st of January, 187", an event like the ripple of a pebble thrown into the vast ocean of humanity-,?yct to his sorrowing family, and seeming friends a profound loss. Born in Burke County Georgia, of highly respect able parentage, lie had the advantages of a luxurious hotue. high social positi<tn and a tine education. Arriving at years of discretion he chose the profession of .Medicine, and practised it with credit. When tlie alarum sounded the rally to arms, he abandoned a lucrative practice in Texas, whither he had moved, and joined our army as a private soldier. For twelve months he did his duly as such, undergoing all of the fatigues and dangers incident thereto. Promoted to the rank of assistant Surgton, he won the affections of the sick and wounded in the hospital, ami camp, and on the lichl, by bis devotion to their wants and alleviation of their sufferings. At the Wilder-1 in is he had the misfortune to loose an eye and sub - .juetitly on hospital duty in this town j received ? si>vM-i> u-enml in I be breast. Tile former of these nWiciion? increa?cd his natural diffidence and indisposition to mingle with the crowd. In every station iie was called upon to till during the War he did his duty to the letter. This was a marked characteristic of hint in every avocation, and crowned hy a courage tlint know , no faltering, he would have braved any danger in its discharge. Shortly nfter tliextlose of the War he man iod here,. and old Camden had a warm plaice in his heart, so much so, that after practicing his profession in his native State for a few years, lie returned thither some two years ago, and here -in her classic soil beside other brave and true soldiers his remains lie. His character was frank, honest, brave. His impulses generous, his nature noble. Born and bred a gentleman he cxibited delicacy, refinement and truthftilnoss in every act. Loyal to his friends and fond of their good will, while in- j difl'erent to the censure of foes, in their behalf < he counted no cost: he assumed every responsi- | bility. Daily association increased your estimate ( of his worth, and appreciation of his character. Modest, unassuming and retiring, lie lived a quiet life, anil was carried to his last resting place . without show or display ; but. the sod covers no i truer heart or braver soul. May that soul revel ' in the hlis. of eternal glory and find peace in , that lde, -ed land, where sickness, pain and sor- < row are unknown. To his wife and children he 1 leaves the goodly heritage of au unspotted character. and pure life. "Friend after friend departs? Who lmtli not lost a friend? There is no union hero of hearts. That hath not here its end."' Camdoii Cotton Market. Camden, S. C. Feb. 12,1873. The demand for c&tton hosbcen good during the week, with but it limited supply offering, nml wc observe more than the usual ( quantity of the lower grades. We quote cx- j tremes at lGto.19 cents. LAW CARD. < WM. D. TRANTHAM, j ATTORNEY AT I.AW, CAMDEN, S. C Office adjoining that of J. M. Davis, Esq. February Id, Sin. Wittkowsky & Rintels' OAl iD 1873. FOR SPRING, 1873. To Mcrc2i?nts: mi IE (II'I*!AT AIM of our House since its esl j tahlisiuncnt. has been to make t'hnrlotte a ' 1' -. 1 '/ //*' ///)/'?#' I,, I ? U i an i uui.-, //##. u ( [conduct ourbnsinca so as to outgrow the alleged aii'i even nccepti 1 opinion of some, that there is a kind of oMoipiy attached to tlicm for hiiviog in Charlotte; and having, 1 >y the very great increase in our Itiisim - . (since we removed to our u.w and elegant Store.) heen convinced that we , i\ - partially su 11 in our cherished plan, we Lav- < m-ladcd to endeavor to still further era lieate the erroneous idea, by presenting, this coining sea >;i. to the Trade, a still Larger ' and Letter a -sorted Stork than ? v? ti WE ever of- | I red before. -> t!i it :i < a.tin try Mi reliant will lie , aide to tin I in our house not only all he needs, j hut a much larg'-r stock to select from: thereby ; i being enabled to operate with n much smaller eapi al than lie can by buying in different liotiNol ill, ?. here lie must ik-k rily buy more good-- than he needs, in order to have an assortment. | In view of tin-foregoing. Mr. Rintels left on i... i.tin: rv. (much earlier than usual.) for I In* N i?ri!: . n Market - ;in?l .M :i it it fn -I n ri n^r jdnccs, | where lie will remain two month in making our jnii -lui; buying everything from first hands on ill" Mime t?-rius n- any Jobbing Hoime in | 1'. I'll:: .;v, 1'i ! i i 1; bin, > r New Yol-k: ami tlie i a - i.'nn nt w:--n thus|?!?-l? ?! will font ii]> in amount. i'i ti' u; i <l of Two Hundred Thousand Dollar*. (Sjun.rti.1.) The exju-ns.- att.-u-hed to carrying on n busii - here 11 11yr 111:: ii 1< < than i would ho in Northern <"i:! . an I having a lower rale of fro! -iit than smaller shinpors here, we are in a ' I i >! to sit<fully eompelc witli any Jol?- 1 '?iii_r II. u?e a the I nitrd Siat< s, ami to the in- | - *tinn of uhieii W" invite llie Trade. V> < are nl? . i" ;at? to those u nan pin in ted wiiii our house, that i.m>p complete lines el I |i v tioo Is. ' < Ii t ri . il-ll iw.ii'e. I lothitlg. lioots 1 ami Sin- dun.*, 'ii i i vi;11 ,?i llinery. Our I'.ei 1 11-. jaiiin ii complete, with tin ! :!i i Nc v ie . ami* a 1 ulk second to none in ih" eiiy. Our M llimrv l'.'| irttneiii will lie esirrried on 1 a usual. Very Respectfully, V, 1 TTKoUSia \ I?INTlif.S. February Id. 111. 1*^1 1 i x t* i 1 V*!-i Il'S-i., nv virtue of an rxia eiioii to me directed. 1 j J v 11 pro 1 to !! ticl re tlie court house d.u.i* ! ) t iin en. on tii*' hi ! Monday ill Mnreh to w ln-in I lie tliird ' -y of aid month, during , Ie legal !: tit of ,ale. - - -.* -it,.I !I me* . one I. t of Mcrelmn - ii.- ... t.. . . I . u l It.* !! "in Mxttii .H. I,. vif.l ii|?.ii iiii.I I . I I I . ? t J ol' J. ,1. ('li:i|.|nili, ut tli.-Miil <>l Sliiiuii* 'i . f.iiiin I. i ii> .-ii. S \ MI I I. ri.H'K. S. K. ('. Ft l.-nnry 1 V J. Hi :i */iIT. | T.i 1 h ir !i in I* i . I I \ If m i - <? ii.. ! in <l'ii ilu : me timriiii.l I' itvo | 1*1 f Cnttlc adzed anil liikut > i IM . I. Ill //'.!. Iiy vii liii* nl > ml? \ i .i. I T. riii-. i s?fi. s \ Mi i-;i. i-i. \<siivriir. \gci:i I'm Mortgagee. ! . . 1 .. "I. Hr.vna O rnangcs r\n*iNORTIIEKN API M I?. < . kllilvLLi. New Advertisements. 1 Q SAMPLES Bent by mail for thai reiail quick for Jin. I{. I.. Wou'iitt, loi CliHihttiii-sqnanf, n. V. T'MPLOYMENT, $ion per week, Agenls and otters to " sell a new article, indispensable to meicliants uml manufacturers. Add. with stamp. e. 15 SmItii a- Co., ;?.'i Liberty street, New York. 7.,7n>.TTT'V Kuily marte with otir Stencil and Key lilllviiii CheckOuttlt. fitcirculars free. stallotd lUULliJl MT;r. C'o.^OJ, N. Y. Q copies of tlie Stock and Farrr Journal. <O'00 paces, ami a packages new FA liM SEEDS, kuee by enclosing i wo stamps. Address, N. P. liOYER & CO.. Parkerslnirg, Pa. \A/A NiTCn vol wish to ley a sew VV AIM I l_Ut IXC machine for family, or net a agent".' addus* WASH INI HON SEWl.VC .MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass. 4w AGENTS! A RARE CHANCE!! We will pay ail agents $10 i er week, is cash, who will engage with us at omk. Every thing furnished ami expenses paid. Address, cori.TER A CO., Charlotte, Mlclu JDOISTT Re deecivcd, l?ut (or roughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness, and bronchial dhheuiries, use only Wells' Carbolic Tablets. Worthless Imitations are on the market, bnf the on ly rcientith- preparation of Carbolic Acid fo Iaing diseases is when chemically coinbijiPd with other well known remedies, us in these tam.kth, ami all parties are caution'd against using all others. In nil cases ot irritation of the mucous membrane these TABI.KTS should lie u*ed freely; their cleansing and healing properties are astonishing. lie warm p and never neglect a'c >M; It is eesilvcured in i|a incipient, state; when it 11 comes chroni" the coffin exceedingly ditr.ciilj. Use WrUs* Carbolic Tablets as a Spcclile. IOIIN Q. KEI.LOOO, 1SPlatt-st., New York, sole Agent for United Slates. Price CX cent a a box. Send for circular. ESPECIAL ATTENTION of manufacturers who have become disgusted with the odors uf Parattlne Oils and their Hi effects uponmaMiinavv Ij invilA.l in K. II. Keu.O(;i;'.s M'KIiM Kxoist. On., at 21.20 per gal. K. H. Kkli^KIG's 8PEILM seiNnr.E On., at $ per pal. K. II. KeLUXju'8 TALI-OW Kviixk On., at fl.'ln per pal. K. II. Kemxwo':; TALLOW Spindle on., a $1.05 per pal. Manufactured Lv * E. JL KELLOGG, 11 Cedar street, N*. Y. SA{jer.l8 /-\i Wanted fop Mm?? Rimers Or THE U HIRLE. Its Patriarchs, Kings, Prophets, Rebels, Poets, Priests, Heroes, Women. Apostles, Paliticiaus, liulers and Criminals. Genial as Poetry and exciting as Romance. Its execution is faultless.- Its lliustratlous arc magnificent. it Is just the hook for the masses, or all who lore History, the study of character, or cheerful reader. Extra terms to Apcnts. Scad for circular. Also. Apents wanted for the PcopIcV Nlaiidnrd itihlo, ivith 550 illustrations. Our own Apents, and Apents for ather pnhlllsbers are srilinp the Bible with wonderful uiccpss. because it Is jhe most popular edition puhlishMl. Canvassinp hooks freo lo working Apents. AdIress ZEIGLEH .v McClTRDY, Philadelphia, l'a.; Cin innafi. Ohio; St. Louis, Mo.; .Springfield, Mas., or Chicago, III. IjPMw' '$ris. The firtoE Ispnhliahcd QrARrmu.v. sn cents pays for the T-..r, which is not half the < ist. Those who ifterwards send money to lite amount of One Dollar or norp for Seeds mnv also order 2.>cents worth extralie price paid for the fluid -.?The lirst iimniier is e ful, givingplana for making Rpkal Homes, r?t<im. tablk dbcoratjon, window tURMCKS, ?ve.. hlld tiii i-sof information Invalnaldc to the lover of tlow-vi pages o i finely tinted putter, > cue too Enprai liiir-" and a supcrh v 01.011 ed Pi.ate and t iirmo Cover. Fhe first edition of .no.OtMi just printed in English and [ionium ,jAMi:s VICK. ltOCIIEsTEIt, s. Y. nQir/ v? 3 i " ?4 r \ i,- I/.' ' ti, Mt:. CiA,V-?s' , * "I*. , -v-f .-??-* r, - ? -, < s *, i Jls y? ; v. ?-' . ' ' IS ui?P(|uall? 'l hv any known remedy. H will eradicate, i x* incite and thoroiighh dt strc> all rioi^.noussdhsfanre.-.iil the I'.looiili'.ld Will Oil, dually dispel all prcilispo-ition to hllionsderangement. Is there want of action In your Liver and Spleen? I ll,, , relieved the blood iHtromc-t impure by deleterious nrodiicins scrofulous or skm diseases, Itlotches, K-ionc, Pustules, < anker, Pimples, At-. Ac. liave *"ii a Dyspeptic stomach? i ideas digestion Is promptlv uided ilm- ,siem is d'bilp.ih'd with poverty nf the Mood, dropsical tendmic/, general weakness an<l inertia. Have you ft weakness of the Intestines? V?.n are in danger of a chronic diurthaa or iniUiumiation of tlie Boti els. Have y mi a weakness of the rtcriuc er I'rinary Organs? Yon are exposed to suffering in its njost aggra\ated form. , Arc von dejected, drowsy, <tnll, ?liiflr?isti or depressed in spirt's, with headache, hack uelie, coated tongue and had taste in the month ? For a e-rlaiu remedy in a'i these diseases, typaknesses and trouliles; for demising an I purifying the vitiated h.o. i, and Imparting vigor to all the vital forces; for building up and restoring weakened constitutions whl' It is pronoutuvd the leading medical authorities of Loudon and Paris 'the most powerful tonic undniteralive known to the medical world." Tins is no new aud untried discovery but has been long used liy the Iciphng physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. Don't w a ken ami impair the digestive organs by euthariics. and physh -which give only temporary relief -?Indigestion, ilaliili'iioy ami dyspepsia with piles and kindred discuses urc sure to follow their me. Keep tin blond pure and health is assured. JOHN <t'. kI.I.1.1 KtO, is Plait St., New York, Sole Agent for Hie t'niled states. Price 0110 Dollar pir iiottlc. send for circular. DRidRSX RROTHFR'S U t I I V-? V> VJ w . . . ? . . _ Jilliixl i*aI ed Floral Work! loiUANIWUY, 1S78. NOV."OFT. Ts?up<1 <}uarterlr. Tin- lour nuiiil.e:s <i-ni toati.v iuMp'sh, l.y mail, f..ri"> i ?u:The i Ii-hcst ami most itistriH'tiiv niiisiratcil an.I l>es< i iplivo Fit.nil i .utile ever puMishe.l. Those of our putrnas who npleri <1 t-enls lasl >ear ami w ere ereiliteil Willi . '.evil's. Will I'eeeiVe I lie full I QlUrtl I lies f..r |s;.t. Those who oPler Sevls Ill's yeai will lie ereiliteil Willi a fiiliserip: ten for lsTi. 'J liv lauiir.n iiwulier contains neari.v a" Knuravimw,TwoSrrRitBConoRKD Putss, suitable fur fnuuinir, a (Iko Ti KTlofUTBi of our jfjfr* jfeniei Floral* liioiues; information relative to Flowers, Vejft tallies. .Ve.. A their ellltivatfott, V all su ll matter lis whs foriihtI> loi'ii I III <>:ir V1111I. .I t utulojrtic. You w .11 lulss 11 11 \.utr . ler SKKie l.efofe se injj I'Kliii.s a Uito.'it *,'F.\u ri'i.'i 1. Wo ehaltetitfc comparison on lialll;. ol ^ee.l anil |>l iees ami sl/.es ol packets. Our t'tl.KVD.lir \P\IV K SMKfcr AM) I'llll'K 1,1ST I OK 1*7.:." Ill fi ". Ail'lrua*. UUltStJs A ItltoTllKI!, KKOlMvts' 1 ; 1 ? : 1 ' *: I! > v" II l>TKH. N. Y. KKIJSil.WV ('()( NTV. CaMI'I S. S. ('. Felt. I I. 1ST.'?. nv v"> I tie 1 u a 11 ant ol' I!. I.. Wall, t'lork ol' tlio four! ol" the I' limiy alori-saJd. t.. me *lil'c e:. .|. I 1 so?l 1 j "ti ail ari i. nlliili.i lien of Kirk Miami* n I 1. I!. 11. 'I - s. uii,| :i warI'll til on 1:. i! 1 lieu i ? IW . .In, I 11 l.y I lie st.i . I 1 iv. I will pi e ' I t" e!l I.. ( 1 lie e.iti 11 ie." loor i :i t a tie it'll. 011 I li- ill's I Moii. i v in March next, lieinjf tlio tli r*l >y ? ! raitl II olllll. e.ll ine till' l.'jt .1 III.Ill ot lie. Six ' I lira of 1 'oi to a. \ii'l 1 11 slie 1! o I..!! 1 a iier, (TuOs'Iay.) nt the I *e 11 <I till - it tit in e. al l at M lli.v. 111 ~ liili II011 e. \ |..i of Corn. FfMer ami r .itoii Sr*.|. To lie sol,I a I lie J??'? } 11 \ ul Kir!, sllltniioll. to Mltis I \ I lie lielis ;|fo| e- i I. Ti riii . casli. s.\mi el. i'i. mm:. s. k. r. Kduuaiy 1 Pearl Hominy end Men I l',r . :;1,. I. v U. KI UK LEV / Kershaw?In the Probate Court. ESTATE OF EDWARD C. HUGHES. Whereas, Sally L. Hughes has applied to me for Letters of Administration on till and singular the goods and chatties, tights credits which were of the said Edward C. Hughes, deceased: Now, these are To requireull and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at a Court to be holden on the 28th of February, inst., to show cause if any they have, why said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 13tb day of February, 1873. J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. February 18. 2t. $700.00 RAFFLE. The raffle of those two fine horses and a buggy and harness will take place at Town Hall on Saturday, February 15, at 5 o'clock, p. m. All persons interested will take notice and , govern themselves accordingly. . Feb. 18, ' l.?. Eliza M. Colclougfi 1 vs. f JaniPS Il.Colclough, et nl J T11E purchasers of Lands in above cause are notified that their bonds are in our hand for immediate collection. SHANNON & LINNINO, Attorney's at Law.# February ft. lt# 3lilies! Mules!! I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW SUPPLY of MULES, direct from Kentucky, 37 in number, all young, over one half broke, at the DeKnlb House stables, for sale at reasonable ? *1 i Ct rr ? 1.^ fA1( naAflnfflHAfl prices, lor CV1I3Z/, aiiu 5i?w IV. v..j ..?.r , payable next Fall. Have also one span of fine nialcli Hay Horses, a fine Sa'lille Horse, and a beautiful Saddle Pony, suftable for a young Lady. J. A. ARMSTRONG. feb. 3,?lin. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Best New Orleans Molasses Sugar House Syrup, Selected Goshen Butter, Best Family Flour, Pure Leaf Lard, Coffee, Tea and Sngar, Pearl Grist and Meal, Mackarel and Cheese, Irish Potatoes and Onions, Soap, Starch and Candles, English and American Pickles, Canned Goods?all kinds, Candies, Confections, &c. And every thing usually kept in a first class Grocery and Provision Store, all of which will be sold at low prices, by I). C. KIRKLEY, Agent. January 30. tf titi a -n miiTG! XI.CIX11/ i JJLiui 4 Closing Out. THIS IS NO HUMBUG! ' |. Dry Goods I v Clothing, ' I iools Shoes, 4' ! HAT, CAPS. CROCKERIES, . GROCERIES, & c. Szc. &c. SOLD At and below tost, t >n account of removal from this place. A A .STRAINS, j One door above Col. Jordan's Warehouse January JO. tf A. A. STRAIJSS'S l l^ino Stork of nmn att a tmrmi iVlJUJ&UiliilV ULLLa i Musi be Sold, nr TIIK First of Mnreli, On account of KFMOVAL from this place. Call and See the Great Bargains 'I'A IIV II I li \T A. A. STRAUSS'S. Provisions. lino IIOXI'S !>. S. SI PKS, L\"> llluN l?ae<m Sides ami Sliouldere, 200 Barrels Mess Pork For sale by WILLIAMS \ Mril'JlllSOX. Jan 10 Wilm-jigton, N. C TRIUMPHANT. Carolina Fertilizer * WILL BE SOLI) AS FOLLOWS: Cash Price. . $48 Per Ton of 24000 lbs Time Price. $83 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Payable November 1,1873, FREEE OF. INTEREST. Freight and Drayage To be added ITS SUCCESS IS UNPARALLELED, AND ITS STANDARD IS A NO. 1. CALL ON AGENTS FOR Almanacs and Certificates. GEO W WILLIAMS A CO., Charleston, S. C. W. C. GERALD & CO, Agents at Camden, S. C. * Dec. 19. 4 Cigar Emporium. Wc have added to our stock a large assortment of CIQABS, similar to those sold by the proprietor of The Indian Oirl, in Columbia. S. C., or a?y ot her first class Ciga Store. Wc invite the attention of all Smoker IN OAMDBN and vicinity, call and examine the stock. J. & T. I JONES. 28. Novtf Heavy Additions HAVE BEEN MADE THIS WHJH3KI, TO MY STOCK OP GOODS, Which arc now offered at prices which . DEFY COMPETITION. Call and Examine GOODS AND PRICES . . Goods shown with pleasure at H. BARUCffS STORE, OPPOSITE THE MARKET. December 5. Estate of V. A. Smith. NOTICE is hereby given that one month after date I will apply to the Judge of Probate for Letters of dismission as administrator of the above Estate. E. J. STOKES, Adm'r. January 23. 1m* "wanted. EXERY ONE TO KNOW, that I hare on hand a large and well assorted stoek of Cooking and Heating ' STOVES, of the latest and most approved patterns, and for sale at NEW YORK Retail 1'rices, with freight added. Januanry 28. GEO. ALDEN. County Checks. office of county treasurer, Camden, 8. C. Jan. 30, 1878. All persons holding County Checks or other evidences of indebtedness gijren hy any person or Hoard authorized by law to charge the County, are hereby notified to present ihe same to me for registration on or before the first day of March next. This notice is given in view of the late Joint Resolution of the (ten era I Assembly authorizing the levy of two mills for the purpose of paying; the indebtedness of the County, and the regisuation hereinbefore provided for, is to nseertnin as near us possible, the amount of said indebtedness. DONALD McQUEEN, jandO-lui County Treasurer. FLOUR, FLOUR. 1.200 1SAP.UEI.S?Al.l. fill APES. For Sale by WILLIAMS & MUKCHISON. Jan. 1G. Wilmington, N. C.