University of South Carolina Libraries
* CALENDAR. llliffllMlflil Jta ~ 1 2 3 < J?Jt 1 2 3 4 8 * " S 6 7 8 9 10 II ' 6 7 * 10 II12 1? 13 It 15 16 17 I- 13 M 13 16 17 16 It 19 3Ti 21 22 23 2* 25 30 21 12 23 24 23 26 2b 27 26 29 30 31 ... . 27 2b 29 30 31 ... ... 1 "i 4 "i "i "i ' "s "i i "i ? - 111 II 12 13 14 1'- 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 16 17 lb 19)30 2! 5LI 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 _ . 23,34 23 36 27 ? ... 24 23 36 27 36 ? 30 tifA I . . 3! 2 3 4 3 6 7 f B(ft. ... I 2 3 4 9 10 |l 12 13 14 15 7 8 910 II 13 13 16 17 1- 19 20 21 22 14 13 16 17 18 19 30 1? 24 23 36 27 2b .V 21 22 8 24 8 26 37 3u 31 ...... ? . 2s 29 3D ? Iml 1 2 3 4 3 Oct 1 2 3 4 1*^ 6 7 8 9 10 1112 3 6 7 6 91011 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 13 IMI7 18 2<> 21 22 8 24 23 19 20 21 22 8 34 38 ! _ Zi & ZV *> _ ao *. to 9 *u at ... In. ? l 2 3 Iot I 4467*9 10 2 3 1 1 (11 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 9 10 II 12 13 M 15 1* 19 20 21 22 25 24 16 17 1* 19 20 21 22 . r. 26 27 2* 2wl3f. 31 24 25 36 77 2> 29 Jut - 20 1234467 fce. ... 1 2 3 4 6 6 * 9 10 11 12 13 M 7*9 10 11 12 13 IS 16 17 IK 19 ? 31 14 IS 16 17 I* 19 IB 72 23 24 24 26 27 26 21 22 23 24 25 31 27 ?? "n .. II ?* y 30 31 Thinking of You. 1 thought that mmy heart hsd grown cold, And to loving bad sighed its adieu; But in spite of myself and of fate, I am often times thinking of you. The language of passion is sweei, And it falls on the soul like the dew; But I know it but lures to deceive? "I v_ T 9 lUOll nujr oiu A imukiug VI j vu Could I fly from this wilderness world To a heart what was loving and true; Could I live all my live by your side , I would live and die thinking of you. But I know when a season had passed, , You would fly to a love that was new; And I, in my sorrow forsuken, Should ever be thinking of you. The chaplet alone love should weave Is of amaranth, fadeless and blue ; But yours is of roses that wither, And the roses are mingled with rue. I have suffered too deeply already, My brow with such wreath to endue; Lay it low at the feet of another, For I irill have done thinking of you. "Sick Him. Tige." A few nights'ago a gentleman of this city was going home at a somewhat late hour, ?kAam) In Kn /Jiciatmn Burant afrulna JfI1UU IIO UCfllU 111 ?UV \*.ov?uvv uwvvv wvawtuo of music, or least, what he at first supposed to be music, but which proved to be principally "straining," and other dismal sounds that seemed to come froui a bosom racked with anguish, or a stomach overloaded with < green fruit. He drew near very softly, and 1 at last discovered whence the sounds pro- j cecdod. A youth, over whose upper lip the baiber could not have slipped the back of his razor blade more than twice, stood leaning against the gate post, with h;s eyes fixed up"'i a chamber window in the second ; storv ? f the house before him In his hands , he held a gnir 11 upon which Ik* picked with i the air of tie who is not certain he is ?m ' the ri?!it ? " (, wif> !: n parted lips : came the following song: " I Ik..1, i I th^h Zul ne, j I . . ! 1 - i : 1 it . tr ' it' \\ L:?I . . I I iit! Cut.f tin '. I Ob. Za-hulu. mouhhr-hing /,U-|UIU< .^i-hil -nt n thystlvcvy so aong; Oil! Zii Ml' . ill-74ii. .,r', ! t be - : .... .? v j 'i. ! . . - - , ??g a ..e u i , , t . *, i hewn-: ' v' "''Wl " *?? I, Wbin i!ie lo^n ja ?hhjo _ , I" hake, ^ al*wg o'er tnc !?.?, J ( thee-ee be? .111 tbi-hi-ink of ^Zu^rdw,r **'"8 suddenly o?<i o"Tu;^,o7 flour h? - a dog ab?ut *** r y -?l and with MM ?* of'o.tur.1 tmth. Th? singer tuma ? bwo* loinerwult out of the gate, and with th? (Jqot ripping at hia Coat-tail at every jump, d''^pp?are$ d*wn toward the heart of the cit*. Hereupon, the gentleman who was a w.tneas to this seriocomic drama, turned and loft the spot, tut not until he had seen a middle-aged man in a sing' garment with an abreviative nurrative rolling over in the hallway, convulsed with mirth, and saying, whenever he stopped laughing long enough to say anything ?"Oh, the-hen, Oh, the-hen I'll think of thee!"' The gentleman had walked several squares from whero the scene occurred, passing a broken guitar that jay in the gutter, when he met the dog returning with a wild expression in his eye. and a pair of suspenders and a portion of a coat-tail in his mouth. ' CARJUNA NATIONAL BANK. OF COLUMBIA, S. C. Capital Stock Paid In, $800,004 . Board of Directors: L. D. Cuilds. Pres. Jso. T. Darby. J. W. Parker, Vice-Pies. It. M. Wallace. C. D Melton, Solicitor. Jxo. 8. Wilry. ft. O'Nsale, Jr. E. Hope. W. B. lit lick, Cashier. C. J. Iredell, Ass't Cashier. IN aldition to I lie ordinary and usual business of ariMiig. the Carolina National Bank of Colum ia, S. C., issues Interest bearing Certificates for ?ny amount, payable on dciuuud, and bearing sev n percent interest Iroiu date, interest roMectaMi ? v-ry s the Certificate has no'b si v. > presented Deposits in gold reec . i t. I II . ,t|i 1 in; : ! pin I in kiii ' !] :h- iv.ui'i'ges ol .?j.Va. oo | an ltiio a 11> ( . ,s jnar .meed uv J a paid-u I i .i ii d Tin .leant Dollars. ii .< *?.* io inve i ?n? of invest ? mm , and ready for i* .in _ ab .u.sitneni oner. Remit nces >ay '? ma e ny Exprc**, nud Certifica wi be iiuned l>y ma.I without delay. Culum ia. t t2 '.3b? Admini-t/.lor"* Police. ALL persons avin c . ^ in; - state Mh g>re E. : < ?" 'l. wi'lj represe ?. he in ue . uu * i <ixti< <t for paym-nt, a d a in . n? : ?? said (.state will make itnmed ate , a luent. A ic.vIl'LLAN, A 1'n'r. Not 7 8m. Gen'l. Sup'ts. Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R. B. Co. WILMINGTON, N. C., Oct. 7, 1872. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. The following ached ale will go intoeff?ct on 1:1'). M.. Monday, 7th just. 1 >A Y EXl'K Ebb THAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 3:25 A. m. \rrivc?t Floreuce 9:55 A, m. \:-riv? at Columbia 2:40 p. m Yrritre at Augusta 7:42 p. m. Leave Augusta at 6.85 A. M. Arrive'at Columbia 11:25 a. m u? rlnretteo 4:15 p. m Irt-'ve at Wilnungtun 10:25p. m ' tar txi twain, i?aily. (Sundays Incepted) t 11 1? ' - - % D M u HV : V .lMS.U^lUU ?.?v ?. Arrive at Florence 11:35 r. * Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M. Arrive at Augusta 8:20 a. u. Leave Augusta 5:50 *. * Arrive at Columbia 10:20 r. * Arrive at Florence 2:12 A. n. Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 a. m. JAMES ANDERSON, Qen'l. Superin't Change of Schedule SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COLUMBIA, S. C., Sept. 26, 1872. ' CHANGE of schedule to go into effect on and after Sunduj the 20th Inst. Mail and Passenger Train iieave Columbia at 9 a. m. Arrive at Charleston at 4.80 p. m. Leave Charleston at 9.80 a. m. Arrive at Columbia at 5.20 p. m. NIGHT EXPRESS. Freight and Accommodation Train (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7.60 p. m. Arrive at Charleston at 6.46 a. m. Leave Charleston at 7.10 p. m.Arrive at Columbia at 6.30 a. m. Camden Accommodation Train. Will run daily to Colombia, as follows: Leave Camden at 7 20 a. m. Arrive at Columbia at 11 55 a. m. Leave Columbia at 2 10 p. m. Arrive at Camden at 6 55 p. m. A. L TYLER, Vice President. S. B. Pickkns, G. T. A. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA k AUGUSTA R R. CtF.NEK *t. SrPKBIVTKJID.lNT'S Offick. Columbia, September 22, 1^7-. . y?C | On and after Sunday, St | ter^r 22, thotrains d.ih road will run in ft?.cor?>!IliCe * ?!, ,b, f0n0W ng Time Table:" boi.N'O SOUTH. Truin No. 1. Train No. 2. e^'e ,"ir.joltc Sifinin 8 20p in 1 olumbia 2 10 p in 3 30 a in lrw*. e jii A ugusta, 7 4o p ui 8 20 a m GOING SOCHI Tra'n No. 1 Train No. 2 Augusta, ' 3o a to i GO p in 1! % pit 1' 0*> p tu ArtiToatl nurlotU'. t> if> j. ta 0 00 a in Standard time, leu in.nules slower tban Washington city lime, and eix mLuuti-s faster than Co lumhiacity time. Train No 1, daily: train No 2. daily, Sundays eo ;it< d. t: i.<>> msl: (flot*-.. oiinietlon tonJl points v <1. S :>. *n I \\ Through tickets -old ' i t -heck' j * i ill primif gl no nis. ?... r. alk.vandkk, vi u* r.ii SupuriAtcndanu it'K. Do'gsKY. Gen. F. & T. Agent. ^eeiiTille and Colombia Rail road Columbia, 8. C., Septembers, 1872. Daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on the South Carolina Railroad, np and down; also with trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and agusta Kailroad, and Wilmington, Columbia nd Augusta Railroad. UP Leave Columbia at 7.15 a. m. Leave Is ton 8.05 a. m. Leave Newberry 10.40 a m. Leave Cokesbury 2.00 p m. Leave Belton 3.50 p m Arrive at Greenville at 6.30 pm ' DOWN. Leave Greenville at 7.30 a m ] Leave Helton 8.30 a m. Leave Cokesbury U.15aroJ Leave Newberry 1.50. p m. Leave Alston 4.20 p m. Arrive at Columbia 5.00 pm. Aruferton Branch and Blue Ridge Dtvition. LEAVE Walhalla 6 45 a m. Arrive 7 15 n m Perryville 6 26 a m. Leave 6 3.4 p m Pendleton 7 10 am. Leave 6 60 p at Anderson 8 10 am. Leave 4 60 p in Ar. at Helton 9 00 a m. Leave 3 f>0 p in Acoommodation Trains on Abbeville Branch Mondays, Wedcnsdays and Fridays. On Anderson Branch, between Bcllon and Aneerson, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. TH08. DOBAMEAD, Oenl. 8upt. Jabsz Noaros, Ocnl. Ticket Agt, DOORH. SASH AND BLIDNS. \ I OULDINO, Brackets, Stair Fixtures, |\j Builders'* Furnishing Hardware, I>rain Pipe, Floor Tiles. Wire Guards, T rra Colta Ware. Marble and Slate Mtinlle Pieces. Window Qlass'a Specialty ( irculars and Price Lists sent free on application, by P. P. TOALE, 20 Hayue and 83 Pinckoay sts., * lv Charleston H P I I CORN!CORN! 3.000 M'SIIELS l'RIMU WHITE CORN. For wile by WILLIAMS A MURCnSOX, Jan. 1C. Wilmiogtvo, M. 0. NEW GOODS, AT THE OXjXD STAIT3D OF J. A T. I. *03HEB, Corner of DeEalb and Broad Street*. WE are now receiving and opening our new toek of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots and 8hoes, Hardware, Cutlery, *1? A. _ ^ urpi'iiicr a ivuii) In great variety. CROCKERY AND GLAS3WA WOODENWARE, CARRONWARE, &C., &C. Fancy and Heavy GROCERIES, BAGGING AND TIES, SADDLERY, BRIDLES, BITS, AC. k. VERY CHOICE HAMS BACOI AID I API1 All of whieh will be sold cheap for CASH. N. B.?If yoa don't see what you want, oall for it. j. * T. i. iom September 26. 6m. . Fa and Winter Goo d. :o:?? GEO^TE ALDEN respectfully invites the tention of the public to his Large and vrellssorted STOCK OF GOOtlS, Compritinx, in part, CjE/OCERIES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS. Cooking Stove* A Hardware, All of which will be s.sId on the most reaeon**jle terms. . Cotton purchased at full market rates, and iberal Oneb Advances lrnde on conKipnments. GEORGE ALDEN. September 19 t>mo ? I COOKING STOVES. I I ; It is a well-known fact, that the Cooking I Store Las heretofore found but few admirers in THE SOUTHERN OUNTRY, . ) hoc its utility is but little known. THE COOKING STOVE Is now sought after, as the most Eeoiomieal and Labor-Saving article for cooking purposes, that has been invented, at prices within the , reach of all who desire to use them. A well-assorted stock of these Stores on hand, aaaxor saic dt GEORGE ALDEN, Agent September 19 6m Planter's Ware House. JUST received at the above well-known aad popular eetablishment, a full stock of Fall and Winter Good*, Consisting in part of ZDiRTZ" O-OOIDS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Beady-Made Clothing, ! . Special attention t? invited to the large Mock of : Provisions and Plantation Snpplies, Among which will be found, BACON, HAMS, FLOUR, CORN, LARD, j CANNED FRUITS AND MEATS, and all other articles usually found in a firat class Grocery. ALSO, Rope, Oil, Brooms, Bagging and Tics, Matches, Axle Grease, Buckets, Cards, Nails, Curry Combs, Hoes, Locks, Sauces, Soaps, Starch, Sifters, Halt, Soda, Flavoring Extracts, Sugar, Candles, Shot, Powder, Gun Caps, Household and Kitchen Utensils, Rakes, Spades, Knives, and Forks, 8poons, n l many other articles too numerous tomentioa. friTCall and examine stock and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. fc^Thc 'highest market prices paid for Coton and othea produce. D. W. JORDAN, Agt. September 19. tf. Patronize Home Industry, And keep your Money Circulating AT HOHE. Buggies, Carriages and Wagons If ASt'FACTU RED of the beet selectedmatelf I rial, by skilled workmen, at the Factory of Joiin Aoniw, near the Poet-offie, at Columbia. Old Carriages repaired to look like new. JUrAll work warranted. For Cuts and information, address, M. J. CALNAN, Agent. John Aukbw, Proprietor. Pee. 5. Havaa Ornangee And NORTHERN APPLES. For sale by AUlttftUBi. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ] 07 , MEMPHIS, TENN. Branch Office Baltimore, Md. ( Assets - - - - $1,075,000 j . i i j i ou. JEFF. DAVIS, President. Gen. WADE HAMPTON, Vim Pns't I JOEi. D. KENNEDY. 3 tale A^ont. RICHMOND" ' BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY. o:o ^ a j 1 ~ ~ ^ ^ capital, - - $500,000 PERSON'S wishing to insure in a First Class Company at Law rates, will please apply to W. CLYBURN, Agent, alj2 o. Ca. FALL. 1872T I invite the attention of the j Pnhlic to the LARGEST STOCK OF DRY GOOD-, CLOTHING BOOTS. SHOES i I I * I A XI) IIATS IN CAMDEN. THEl' IIA YE BEEN Bough tBight, AND c 0 will nil 1 Sold Right. ( h 1 R. ML Kennedy.! NOW OPENING. ON CONSIGNMENT, A FULL STOCK OF STALE 1 DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, i HARDWARE, TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HOLLOW WARE, CROCKERY, &a &c. For sale at the lowest rate for cash, by D. L. DESAUSSURE & CO. Ctm. Agents. \ ALSO Fertilizing and Mason's Lime. ALSO WINES AND LIQUORS, the best qualities, and i n every gr a Sept. 19. '<- tf NEW GO . - i AT the store occupied by A. 5T. Kennedy, a few doors nortli of the M: rket,- will be found a stock, consisting of oTf oi cr inov r.nnn?: o ! n; !.l. l/i^j www. Hardware, Nails Iron, Steel. Spades, Shovels, Gnru u Hoes, Brady & Kludl Does, Plow Moulds, kc., kc kcl GBOCBBIES. Crushed, (YfToe and Brown s vgu.g. Rio Laguir ainl x.i Coffivos, Green and Hyson iYas, Stuok d and unsinoked* Sidouud .Snouidt-r l)a-. ,^1. con. I. tnl *:i Go n n Gutter, : V'Corn,Out*..Silt,Stone . Lime, Pine Su]> rand i.xtra ' Family Flour. Sp. (.'.idles,' S. .1' . '1 ' ?< n r. Soda Cr.t : ii.! Ob -i . 0.1 aits Sugar iloti- niW.l. 1 i: - <?(' m j t'rnit .tiyi. ii'i'.', i 14." - , ?"iiio.iiu-Li. I'iuk Eye aud Jack S'IU W.ui i'' .i' n_/ i'ntiitot'S. CKai^isMck^ai'SesJriiis hoes. J i nues ?vc.. Ail oi which will he tfold til th> low -l price lor cash, and wo request it call from nil who wish to purcl .sc. A. i). XEXXiai)Y & CO. A. L?. KENNEDY, A, M. KENNEDY. A. M Kennedy will give his n:tcufifn to the purchase i ! collon: i.? agent (or t :e sale of EtiwanGuano, Etiwan Crop Food nnl EtiwAn Ground Bone. Fcbl5tf JUST I^Ylir ON CONSIGNMENT, A FULL STOCK OF Lig 11 Heavy Bagging, Rope and Ties, Side Bacon, Hams & Shonlders NEW No. 1 AND 2 MACKABEL, Extra Family, Family, Extra apd Super FLOUR. Java, Lnguira and Rio COFFEE, . Crushed," "Eitru C." "C" UE. J." "Deui." and ,l R. 11." ' SUGAR, FACTORY CfiH KSE. Very superior (.1. P. and Brivkfaat TEAS, Now Orleans and 31us. MOLASSES and SYRUPS, Large size sacks Liverpool SALT, Snap. Starch. Soda. Pepper. Sp'ccs, Pickles. ''an Fruits. Yegrtnh' s and Fish. T'iget! r wit Ii every article usually found in a wcil-: ssortcd (iiveory a:;d Provision St"rk i' -r-alc at the lowest cash rate, by D L DESAUS&URL" & CO. I OU.MLS.-IO.V AUE.-.TS. Sept. 19. . . tf EVERYTHING \ow! Eilcgunt! fl o * Ccj; lea\ to an .. oo to the citizens of _fumcn :iri 1 v cii ii\ they are now 'owning a jhoice lot ! I>m (iSOOOS, YiAnFc P>T?<va<2 TTn^tf. Ar.i\ Iv'MWVb J AAlt II 'J v* v A full line of Fancy, Family ami iluuy ? GROHEBIfflS, HACK AK EL, COFFEE, SUGAR, &0. &C. RAGGING and TIES, SIIOT POWDER, SALT, &c. &c. Sic. MfTlicy pay the highest cash prices f<? j rotton and other produce. Liberal advance >n consignments of cotton shipped to ('11ar estun. Jialtiinorc and Liverpool. MK'KLK & HOYKIN, At Mcronni? Corner, Camden, JS\ C. Oct. 24 3m Watches, Jewelry, Szc. and Siher Watriii-s. Chains, Hinj;% jj~ l'ius and Karringa. Studs, cult. Buttons, inivea, Ka/or* Sciaanre, Steel Spectacles, Tooth. Ia:r, Nail and clothes llrualiee, W i'hnv I'a-kei* hina and flranitc Ware, euj? ; nd Saucers 'Intra, Ste.ike Diidira. Bo?h, I'if? liets. kc.? lerman rml French Toys. Vi litis ud Strings, (una, V 'tuls, caps, Wade and -nvtfMgM. Kerr. 7.?-8in. /. .1. VOCX& ^ ? Pacific Guano Company's (CAPITAL $1,000,000.) Soluble Pacific Guano. . r HIS GUANO is now bo well known in nil the 1 Southern States for its remarkable effects as tin agency for increasing the products of labor as not to require special recommendation from us. Its use for seven years past 1ms established its character for reliable excellence. The large fixed capital invested by the Company in this trude affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of this Guano. The supplies put intoih - market this season* are, as heretofore, prepared under the per supervision of Dr. St. J alien Kavcnel. chem the company at Charleston, hence planter rest assured that its quality and composi precisely the same as that heretofore sol d J. N. KOBSON, Selling Ageqt, Charc?ton, S. C. J NO. S. REE$E k CO., General Agents, Baltimore. Tecms: S18 cash; $i3 time, without interest. To ec oraruodute planters, (hoy can order now and have until the 1st of April to decide as to n katliAV fliatr urill t-ilrn O t (li A limn aw nneli wh!/ia . n uviuu vu?j nn? ? * *??v *???v vi bttou pi ?v.r, When delivered lront the Factory by tho carload no d .ayage will be charged. Nov. 28 8m. Hymnal of the Chuveli . *TItE are prepared to furnishihc "HYMNAL ff at the lowest introduction prices. A vari <'of styles. Prices from 20c, dOc, 00c,Toe, 1 nd upwards. ! Fogarties Book Depository. ' ? XEW CATALOGUE Xo. 28. A new Importation of English Booh. The Practical Philosopher, a Duily Monitor for the busueas men of England, and others, by David Thomas. D. D. $3. | Unexplored Syria, by Richard P. Dui ton and ; Charles F. T. Drake, 2 vole.. $15. Man in the Bust. Present und Future, from the ! German of Dr. L. Bucnncr, by W. S. Dallas, | F. . S. $4. i Wanderings in Scripture Lands, being ? Tour o nine months in flic years 18G9?'70, by TLes Robinson., D. D. $2 50. Ji line i (i tunt Li Mntulemert, by Mrs. Olipliaut, 2 vols., $12. Acts of Gallantry, by Lumbion Young, E. E. $3 To. Thoughts and Meditations on the Mysteries of Life, b, John Frith, $3 To. Shakespeare and Typography, the Art of Printing ; also remarks upon sonic common Typographical Errors with reference to the Text of Shakespeare, by William Blades, $1 50. On the Preservation of-Health, or Essays or'tli principles ty be adopted by these who desir to avoid'Disease, by TLontns Intnan, M. D., o London, Third Edition, 2 vols.. $T. .1 e Day? of the Son of Man, n History of the Church in the Time of our Lord, by William Lee, D. D., $2 50. hilosophy of bristianity, or the Purpose and I Power of the Gospel, 5>2 50. hit Truths, with Shakespearian Parallels, by J C. It. Selkirk, $2 50. j tgels und Heaven, by Thomas Miller, $2 50. I Gowth and Vicissitudes of Commerce, by John I V L L T)., $2 50. rewhon; or ever the Range, Third Edition, $1 50. Demonology an>i Witchcraft, by Sir Walter Scott, Dart. $3 an Travelling, ~>j Warington, Baden Powell, i'lustratcd, $3 Anecdotal and Dcscri tivc tural History, by A. Romei*, $1 T5 Anecdotes of celebrated Men and Women, by Editor London Jest Book. $2 The Sea Weed Collector, by Shirley Ilibbnrd, j $1 T5 Half Hours at the Sea Side, by J E. Taylor, | P. G. S? $2. Science ami (iinmerHO- their fnl.ianan ?.n nnr Manufacture?, by 1'. L. Sinmionds, Roundabout Rambles in Lauds of Facts anl ! ancy, by Frank K. Stockton, 62 ."at D.- UIdIfam'sTalk, by . S. Henry, >1 50 NEW NOVELS, &c. "FRB-TIDE." By Christian Reid, Ant lor of Morion House Paper $1 Cloth $1 .">U I>r Vandyke." By John Esten ooke CLth $1 2"> Pnpcr 75c "Lord Kilgobbiu'' By Charles Lever Cloth $1 2"> Paper $1 "The Golden Lion of Granpcre'' By Autfcony Trollope Cloth $1 2") Paper 70c "Tne Sow Edition of oopcr's Nojela'' Cloth I 20 Paper 7oc. FOG ARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, No 2'iO King street,(in the Bead) I October 24 a horhtton. S. I iujj JiuMi jax xiiuuxi ? u iiii. fPlIIi undersigned Invito the attention of his ! J_ friends and the public generally, to his j large and increubiug stock of Fall stud \\infer Good*. Consisting in part, of DRY ROODS, Gent's. Furnishing Goods, LOOTS AND SWOES, OfSouthern Mauufhcture, And warranted to give satisfaction. ili coesanj Ladies' Dress Goods In great variety. Heavy Family Groceries BEST BBAX S OFFLOUK. \LSO An extensive assortment of Hardware an d Cutlery, Tobacco, Sp/ccs, Pointer, Shot ami fa}1*, Bagging, Rope and Ties. fc:#'Cot ton and other Produce bought at the highest market rates, nnd liberal Cash Advancements made on consignments. J. W. McCURRY, Agt. Septemher 19. if GEORGE A LI) EX, Cotton Factor, AND Dealer in General Merchandize, Camden, H. C, How is this for Cheapness? Hero i; i hancc for everybody to buy, iv i) kuv .nmour aims yj \ LI. persons wishing to buy a <rnn<l article of \ Liquor.* nu<Hirwi?rift, ais>l cheaper than t!lO Ml in 4- (toniU nsiii La 1 ??... ! , - ' -? - uh,im in ?iut ?Nii?;r ?torc in tinulcn, ami t*p?t-iiilly if vou bate no money?money is jreity scarce?you will lively ilo well to give u? u call wit It u bale or _ w? of I iITTON. t-'tjf'i'asli is no objoot to us. Wo ;>l*o have on band many other arlieels uuick ?c will sell for Cotton. ?. J. COX WAY, Agent