University of South Carolina Libraries
4 Church Directory. Methodist Church, DeKalb street?Rev R. L. Harper, Paster?Services at 10} A. M. and 7} M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKalb street? Rev. 3. H. Hay, Pastor?Services at 10} A.M. and 4} P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7} P. M. Episcopal Church. Rev. R. F. D. Per. ry ?Sunday, at 11 o'clock A. M. and3} P. M. Wednesday, at 4, P. M. Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. Robert Thompson. Pastor?Services at?11 A.' M. and, 7 P. M.; on Sunday. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 P. M. MEETINGS. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. A At tend the Regular Meeting ft Tk* * ? m /^c\ 01 your l/ivision at i emprnmrr Jpjgj&L Jin/I on MONDAY evening /jia^\ next, at 7' o'clock, f BEZQCa By order ot the W. P. j. m. ;gayle, r. s.; ilocaitsewst Death of a Beloved Minister.?It is with profound grief that we anuounce the death on Tuesday, at Union Court House, of the Rev. F. Bruce Davis, in consequence of iujuries rcoeived from a fall from a horse. His funeral will take place at the Episco. pal Church, on Friday, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Dr. E. C. Hughes.?We are pained to announce the decease of this estimable gentleman, which occurred on Tuesday night. ^ Two such losses as we have sustained have < saddened the entire community. ( Detention of tiie Train.?The up passenger train did not arrive in Camden on Monday night until after 12 o'clock, which ' rather brings it to Tuesday morning. The 1 cause of the detention was the run off of a ( freight train on the main line, which pre- ' vented them from reaching Columbia at all J on Monday. ^ This was nrettv severe oft the railroad ? _ ^ men. but they seem to stand it remarkably i well. r Tub Temperance Lecture.?Gen. J. B. Kershaw delivered the lecture on the occa- 1 sion of the fourth public meeting of Wateree Division, No 9, S. ofT. Owing to * the inclemency of* the weather, the audience was not so large as it would otherwise, in all c probability have been, but the Division was ( out in full numbers, and several ladies, be- c sides a considerable number of other persons 1 were present. G. W. P, A. M. Kennedy, t occupied the rostrum with Gen. Kershaw c and directed the ceremonies. The Rev. A. i K. Durham opened the services by a prayer. After an ode by the choir, the G. W. P. in- troduced, in a few words, the lecturer, who held the most of his audience closely for a c half hour. After the lecture another ode was sung and the G. W. P. proceeded to deliv. er a short but very earnest address, calling J upon those whostand alooffrom the movement : to join in it, and give a helping hand against 1 the terrible curse of intemperance. The ' Rev. Robert Thotnson then pronounced the ^ benediction, after which the ceremonies con- I eluded. It is boped that great good will be ^ done by the public speeches. They stir up the community on the subject and keep it prominently before them. In a few weeks, it is hoped to have anotSer public lecture by one of the most celebrated Temperance Lecturers now in the world. We will recur to this at a subsequent time ?,? T?v Oivvdu Rr rofUr. IV lAA'l AlbHO< avava ence to a notice published elsewhere, it will be seen that the time for the payment of the taxes without the penalty has been extended ' to the first of February. This is grateful intelligence to tnaoy of our readers. Freshet in Wateree River.?<)n Saturday last, after the heavy rains, the river began to rise rapidly, and all transit was suspended from Saturday until Monday, when persons came over by Peav's ferry.? The lower ferry, however, was impassable until Tuesday. The freshet comes at a time 1 when perhaps it will do less damage than i at any other. Some of the planters will lose a few bales of cotton. i Cold Weatfier.?On Friday last, in the afternoon, a very fresh western wind arose which soon cleared the sky of the many clouds which had lowered over us, but left instead ? one of the coldest spells of weather we have lud this winter. Saturday and Sunday 1 were beautifully clear but terribly cold. On Mowday it clouded again, hut still remained exceedingly cold. Acknowledgments.?We beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of complimentary passes for 1S73, over the S. C. R. R. the C. C. k A. R. It. and the G. k C. R. R from V. P., A. h. Tyler, Sup't. Jas. Anderson, and SnpV Dodamead. Prof. Icon Javeli.?This modern Valentino Vox gave quite an enjoyable exhibition at Toin Hall on Saturday night, con. sisting principally of exhibitions of his powers of ventriloquism. Our brothei quill, W. G. Kennedy, Esq., of the Sumter JVnr*, ''went for'' Mr, Javeli last week, and pronounced him a humbug of the first wat*. We presume this was a ' set off"' ngaint the Watchman's severe criticism of the Ckapman sisters. Or it may havo been bccausa prof. Javeli refused to give complimcntaries to the carrier of the Xeu's and "dtvil." The Prt>f. exjilxios it in this way: Since Sumter has had an opera house, the critics on the local papers have grown very keen. * In the main, however, we incline to the belief that the Prof, is? well, not exactly what he says he is. Taxks, Taxis.?The citixens of this County, being either very patriotic or very much afraid of the pcnalty; continue to crowd the Treasurer's office, all anxious to pay their taxes. Notwithstanding the great I inclemency of the weather, the office has been full for a week past. \[Nearly 820,000 have been collected. Not all gone Yet.?J. A. Armstrong dosires to let it be distinctly understood that all those fine mules which ho brought with him are not sold as yet, bat that he I still has a few for s&lc at the DeK&lb House stables. Although he has sold several fine pairs of horses, he still keeps on hand a choice supply, warranted to please. Convening of Court.?On Monday last the January Term of the Court of General Sessions for this County was convened, i Judge Carpenter presiding. The Juries were organized and the Judge , delivered a brief but comprehensive charge to the Grand Jury, who retired to their room for the purpose of considering the various , bills presented to them. J. 11. Hankie, JiiSq., tno Solicitor, was ai.?o present, *8 was Mr. Grimball, the Stenegra- , pher. There being no cases on the docket, jj From previous terms of the Court, and the a i rand Jurj having made no presentments, t he Court was adjourned until ten o'clock, . IFuesdaj morning. c The State is Tom Taylor, and The State * Henrj Boykiu, both for assault and batery were heard at the same time and occupied ^ he attention of the Court up to the hour of idjournment, which was fixed at 3 o'clock. .| Messrs. Kershaw for the defence. Mr. * Leitner for the prosecution. r The case was resumed yesterday morning f ind after a rigid examination of witnesses > tnd able addresses to the jury, a verdict of lot guilty was rendered. This, our readers will remember as the Ku ivlux Case of Ilenry McRa. On Tuesday the following cases were riod with the annexed results: The State vs Jack Johnson Grand Lar;cny Mr J. B. Kershaw appointed by the ?ourt, for the defence, Mr. Leitner for proscution?guilty? Fhe State vt Isham Harris, for robbery of i'ie person, Mr. Lining, appointed fof the lefence, Mr. Runkle, Sol'r. for prosecution, lot guilty. The State rsJack Johnson, grand Larceny ?Mr. J. T. Hay appointed for the defence [ Mr. John Kershaw for prosecution?guilty jj if petty larceny. J Builders' and Contractors' Special { Notice.?Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Window [ ind Plate Glass, Builders' Furnishing Hardware, Mouldings, Stair Fixtures-, Marble and ?late Mantelpieces, Encaustic Floor Tile, j Drain Pipe, &c., &c., at lowest wholesale irices, at the great Southern Factory of P. P. To ALE, Charleston, S. C. Sand for his price list. [2m] LOCAL DOTS. Weather greatly improved. Council meets on Monday next. Town Taxes are now due and payable. i I County Commissioners hold a meeting on l Monday next. j Court will probably adjourn on Friday, the 1 U inst. ' The Sheriff makes but few sales 011 the , first .Monday in February. Prof. Walker, instructor in penmanship ! is now holding forth in Columbia. < G. G. Alexander Ksq, has also gone to i Columbia, to work at his old trade?print-j inSJohn F. Arthur, Ksq. formerly of our J town, is in Columbia, working on the Kven- j iug Hsrald. 1 Ebenezer George, against whom a war- j J raut for robbery was pending was discharg- 1 last Tuesday, the Grand Jury finding "No Bill." Tnilna Pumpnfer invon most of iuir 1 " ubv v-. r~ ?- o young lawyers an opportunity to flesh their maiden *words, at tlrC Court of pensionsSeveral availed themselves of the opportunity thus afforded. DIAMOND SPECTACLES. ffSHBSESpectacle*are manufactured from "MINl'TK CRY8TAI. I'EBHI.ES," melted together, and arr 1 called DIAMOND on a<*-.ount of their harduem and brilliancy. It is well known that Spectacle* cut from Itrazllian or i Scotch Pebble* ar.- very inJuriouH to the eve, becauac of their polarizing effect. flaring been tented with the potaracope, the diamond lenaea have been found to ailmlt tlfieeu per cent. Ices heated raya than any other They are ground with preat aclentlftc accuracy, arc j fre- from chromatic aberratlous and produce a bright- 1 sni MB UBUimurai V, ?imwu u>.v iiriuu- miainc'l HI I SpecttolH. Manufactured by the.Spencer Optical Manufacturing ' Company, New Yosh. Kor *aie it* J. A. Y()t*NO. Camden, S. C. From whom they can only he obtained. No peddler* I employed. The great demand for these Spectacles has Induced unscrupulous dealers to palm an inferior and spurious article for the " Diamond." fireat care should lie taken | to aee that the trade mark (which i? protects I by Ainerl- ; can Letters Patent) are stamped on every pair. September*!. i?m. i Per f'u merle*, dc,. German Colognes; Floriila Water, Lubin's Extracts, Fine Toilet Soaps, in large variety. Dressing Combs, do. Foy sule by I ?<rr^b(fT 23. HODGSON & lA'NLAP. I BRIGGS &'BROTHER'S " illustrated Floral Work! FOR JANUARY, 1873, NOW OUT. Issued Quarterly. The four numbers sent to sny address, by mall, for 25 cents. The richest and most instructive Illustrated and Descriptive Floral Guide ever published. Those of our patrons who ordered Seeds last year and were credited with _>.*, cents, will receive the four Quarterlies for 1873. Those who order Seeds this year will be credited with a subscription for 1S74. The January number contains nearly too Ksch yvinos, Two Sfpkki: Colored Platkf, suitable for framing, A also Tinted Plates of our gorgeous Floral Chromos; information relative to Flowers, Vegetables, Ac., A their cultivation, A all sm h matter as was formerly found in our Annual Catalogue. You will miss it If your order SEKdS befofe seeing BKfOos A Ilno.'s QUARTERLY. We challenge comparison on quality of Seed ami prises and sizes of packets. Our "Calendar Advance Sheet and Price List fob 187a," sent free. Address, 4w BRIOOS A BROTHER, SEEDSSfEX and FLORISTS, ROCHESTER JL"Y. 4 WrmtTTITT Easily made with our Stencil and Key III I N Hi 1 ^hecK Outfit. Ci^Clrculars free. Stafford 1UUJ.1 U1 >?'f-jr. Co., CO, N. Y. TO BOOK CANVASSERS. ANEW WAY of running a book. Can sei! thousands per week. Address MURRAY III LI. PUBLISHING kO., 129 East 2sth-st., New York citv. \A/A MTCn IF Vol* WI8H TO BUT A 8KWVVnl\ I LUi 1NO MACHINE for fsmllv. or act as agent. address WASHINGTON SEWING MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass. 4w J rpo THE WOKING CLASS, male or female, $00 a I -A week. guaranteed. Respectable employment at. home, ila> or evening; no capital ?< united: fall isstruo- j tfons and a valuable jMCkan of goods to mart with ROt free bv mail. Address, with C-cent return stamp, M. YOUNG A CO., 10 Courtluiult-street, New York. icpsYCOMANCY or SOl'L-CARMING." How either JL gex may fascinate and gain the love and affection of any person they ehoose Instantly. This simpie meutal'acqiilreiucnt ail can possess, free, by mail, for 20c., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Breams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding Night Shirt > Ac. K queer book. Hddress T. WILLIAMS A CO., Bubjsliers, Philadelphia. IDOHSTT Be deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore throat, loarseness, and bronchial ditllculties, use only Wells' Carbolic Tablets. Worthless Imitations are ou the market, bnt the on r scientiilc preparation of Carbolic .vut tot i.ung meases is when chemically combined with other well :nown remedies, as in these tablets, and all parties ,re rant lotted against using all others. In all eases of irritation of the ntncous membrane hese tablets should lie used freely; their Cleansing ml healing properties at ? astonishing, lie warncp and never neglect a cold; it is easily cared rt its incipient state ; when it Becomes chroni c the tire is exceedingly difficult. Use Wells' Carltolic rat>lets as a Specific. JOHN Q. KKLI.OOO, is riatt-st., New York, Sole -Agent for United States. Price 25 cents a box. Send ror circular. ["lie immense sale, lC,OOOin onomonth, our I ivingstone 28 years in Africa* * having. PROVES it above all others, the book the I ASSES WANT. It goes like W11.D-KIUE. Over GUI lages, only $200. More Agents Wanted. NOTICE?He not deceived by misrepresentations nade to palm off high-priced Inferior works, hut send or circulars and pkoof and statements ol great slices* of our ugents. Pocket companion, wortii $10 I ailed free. HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, 723 Sanom-strcet, Philadelphia. Agents Wanted for GOD'S SIX DAYS' WORK, OR. SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE. This txjok gives the very cream of Science, making Its erllltng realities, beauties.wonders and sparkling geitia i hundred fold more limiting than Utl.m. Kvefv urns, roinan and child wants to read it. It is endorsed by he Press, and Ministers of all denominations. Sales mmense. Agentareports??2?w?so?s7 ami 9<5ej>ies per week. Oreat inducements to Agents. Emplurnent for Yonng Men, Ladlea, Teacher* an<t Clergyman n every county. Send for circular. Also, Agents ranted for the Standard Edition of the Holy Bible j Over UO Iiiuatrmlnn.#. All oiy owp Amenta ipr otnor j woks, and many agents for other Publishers, <dre selinjr this liihla with wonderful success, ixmftisp H is the I uost \ atnriile, beautiful ami popular edidou notfiii the ; uarket, ami is sohl at a very tow price. Canvassing i looks free to working Agents. Address ZlEULER ,v 1 il'C'l"kDY, sis Arch-street, Philadalpcia, Pa. A NEW CARPET. *Thk Curat Wo.vder?The New England Carpet Co.. 'Stahlwhed over a quarter of a century ago, having , upended pinch time, talent auil money to jireducf a ; ityflsh ami dnrahle rurpef at a low price; afteryphrwof xperlmeuting wjth the heat artlzana, have brought out i carpet which thfjliave unwed and will he known as JER.MAN TAPESTRY, lietng an exact Imitation of lolld Brussels, the tlrst thousand pieces of which, in inlerto introduce them, will lie sold for 37 1-2 cents ier yard. Samples sent by mail on receipt of 10 cants, ir live different patterns for 50 cents. NEW ENGLAND CARPET COMPANY, 373 Washington-st., iitsaon, Masf. c nno,umiiol hr anv known rcmedl. It wilrtRnlicale, ^ extirpate aud thoroughly destroy all poisonous mhstait esin the Bloodand will effectually diftpcl all predlspo- ( iliion to biliousderangement. Ik there want of action In your Liver ami Spleen? ! Fnlcss relieved the blood bccoim s impure by deb-p-rio ls < lecretiona. producing scrofulous or skin diseases, j Blotches, Felons, I'usttiles, canker, Pimples, Ac. \c. Have you a Dyspeptic stouiach? t'nlrs* dfcjL.ik.h is i promptly aided the s\ stem ls debilitated With p^e. iy j if the blood, dropsical tendency, general weakness anil | Inert iB. Have you a weakness of the Intestines? Von it re in J lancer of a chronic diat rha-a or intlammatiou of the i Bowels. Have you a weakness of the rterlne or I'rinarv Or-! rails? V i>11 are exposed to sufTeiliig in its most nsrtri j- j rated form. . Arc you dejected, drflwsy, dull, sluggish or depress- ' Ml hi spirits, with lieadr.elie, back uehe, coated j uid bad taste in the month? For a certain rcinc<1y In ail these diseases, weakne; s?s and troubles; for eleansinc and purifying the vliisled blood, ami Imparting vigor to all the vital forces; r??r building up and restoring weakened constitutions ' JURTJEEBA ivhieh is pronounced by the leadinc medieal HUthorlties >f London and Paris " the most powerful tonic aiidulierttlve known to the medical world." Tins la no new ind tintiiisl discovery but has been long used ly the ' leading physicians of other countries with wonderful j remedial results. Don't weaken and Impair the digestive organs bv ea- | thartics, and physics which give only teinpoinn relief?indigestion, flatulency uud dyspepsia with pil?siiud Mildred diseases arc sure lonuniw imn u--. Keen the Idood pit t'Hiiil health in !i- -urt il. '.JOHN <,?. It I'latt s;., New York, Hole Agent for the United State*. Price One Dollar per Dottle. Send for circular. * ?.ItBAT ^ \ JrNlSRAVISliS, I'll IX T E l> ,N, M-M AN" 7^\ MA3>* L'tl * wtixiKt. INwAitn iiowlai'u. nth. "'ilW'CTr 11 r" tl,WIN ii A i.'.x iMi11. If A kl*T r I I niri.KKY, i: it iti m | RAXK. IIORAI t: 1.1:v It. It. I'KtlKIXS, ETC. KTy j fin* work is n complete history of all limni'lics < in ilusiiv. processes of manufacture. etc., in ml It-. iijres.? It is li < binplete ein veiopedla ol a. Is atnl inniitiiuciiireN, and is the most entertaining ami valuable wor k of in formation on subject* ?f general Interest ever offered <> II"' puMie. 'i'lie Iwiok ia solil by agents, who are mrw knur law sitbuna t.'l pan* of the country. it i - ??n? red at the low prli e ol fit.'*), ami Is tin* die cheapest liook ever sold l?y subscription. Wi* want Agents in every town ill the t'lilteil StHtes. ami no Agent eun fall to <lo well with tills ImkiK. Our term* are liberal. We jr|ve our agent* tie' exclusive right of territory, one ol our agents sold i:w eopi. s in eight il its, snot her sold ::r>3 10 two v. e? t.s. i ittr agent in Hurt font solil :t'.i" In one week. S|M*< irne?is of the work sent to agent* on receipt or stump. For circular* and terms to agcut** the inililHhers. Sample copies ttiiM l>ook sent to any ad l?res* on receiptor price. J. It. limit .'? flYDF, Polishers, llartforil, Conn., Chicago, 111., Clnciunati, filuo. itpt?tjr. _ Apjilcs. OriiiiKcn, Ku nanus, Cranberries, Lemoya, ije. For sale by D. 0. KIKJCLEY. Agiint. I 5sa___ lUHlSk^MXBHLJNf * ^Pjp ~ : ' * This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to ontain a single particle of Meiictirv, or anyinurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGEAlSLE, For Jt'OiiTV VfiAIUS jtbas proved its great value in all diseases of Hie LIveb, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands 6f the good and great in all parts of the country vouch for its wonderful f andpeculinrpowcViiipurifyingthcl3i,ooi>. stirnui luting the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole system ! SIMMONS LTVfiKRL'Ot'LATOHisacknowledg' cd to have no equal as a . LIYEE jpDIC^J, . If ^onfnifls fnuT meryKl elements, nevhr unit- | cd in the sauig happy proportion in any other1 prepnfMbft, Airt a gent le -oniltnrtie, a wtnderful Tonic, ap,unexceptionable alterative aud a certain Corrective of all itnpnritie* of the' body. Such signal success bus attended it use, that it is nowj-ecardgd as the GREAT* PNFAir.FW PPEOtFTO for Livf.r t^ovpf.\i^T and the painful offspring thereof, to wit. Dyspfeia, Constipation, JaunditjC, Uiilious aU^cks, Sick Headache, coHe. m Sjnriw 'SlAilt STOMACH, Heart Hum. &c.. Kc. Regulate the Liver and prevent 5 CHILLS AND ELVER. Simmons' Liver Regulator Is manufactured only by ,T. H. ZE1L1N & CO., MACON GA-, an'I PHILADELPHIA* Price $1.00 per package: sent by mail, postage paid, Si .01* Prepared ready for use Sl-OIL find $1*60. MOr ? SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Beware of all counterfeits and. imitations* December 12* - *? .. , ogt Notice of Dissolution. THE co-partnership heretofore existing bctttfcrt Josejtb 3. Vloud and Ptarjclp 1, /.omp, Jr., has hcbti dissolved by mutual consent. CLOUD & /KMP. >.Mt perlfMw bavine elui*>? Kpaiust the said' co-partnership will receive payment upon presentation, and those indebted will make payment to the undersigned. JOS. S. CLOUD. "December ?i. tf EMPORIUM 1 ot .^A&j^iiiorv! THE BEST STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES i tv (i . DRY GOODS, j/'jT? | C LOT 11 IN U, i h * . I and Caps. XatfJ/ 30H< ; ')# .all ** li lf /TlUlfcl*? : j ? " Call ond Examine the 1 or -err.i :r. AS-XJOd; j Seasonable Gopds, AT CHICKS WHICIl ff* > f/.; i l)eiy Compctilioii( ' - ' ' l AT TI1K 4 r * ? . ? CASH STORE tij ) / , f . *# .t/ :j. < . ^ ? I or JOS. S. CLOUD. Oil# and PaiiHs llestl.ard <>il, f.inswdOil, MnciiiuHlil, Train j (111, Kerosene Oil, and Pj'Iriis Tiirpeftine. lies jNnUv Willie Lead, and all oilier colors. 1 calr 1?v IIOPOHON & IH" N LA!'. T\vm o v?rl Mnrli oi r? AC . JLfl uca cuiu iuciuwino I. . - | AJI71- Imvcjti*! recei v< '.fri the Northern ! | *f Market . th" larjni, , of /Jnti/K, M&licimi, J', i , < til a, I <>y- j I Vl/ui*. Tsntt!> . f'oifvi ; tine*s Spice*, and l)pr~Snfisy i |? i ever brotirrlit to Hum market. | Ab the ilipoft Jn|y his been rnluoej 011 tnnpv i I articled. Vie eon .sell cheaper than over Loi'i?re. j not><;s<>x & Dt xNJiir. j November -H. tf Cotton Seed. i * ? vtlo, lius!i?'1-i of Col ton Seo.l, il n]> . i>licil fui' soou. ni ;U? I cAWEtf PT'EAM WOKKS. .J ?. R EMC J JL. ?rr Takes pleasure in informing the people try that he lias removed his FINE STO occupied Messrs. Cloud & Zenip, just opp oilers his Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Clotl: HATS, BOO Hardware, Tin^ * A 1 i M uroene 01 an Jana, uar] At prices which defy Co Branch Store at the Corner. Where Mr. JOHN H. ARllANTS will h and giving the best of bargrins. Aiso. Brancli Store fit 3 '?i it'y- ti .? ) Remembe . ; J *' Oeneral)lferehan(li?i - Doecuiber 5. , . ' . - 13-a- a; i j- in - ;r:C CALICOES, - (BEST PRINTS,) Men*!nine. Slnni'mio-nn UJ,V?UI.?UV Dnnelle, American Star, il#.; J .. .' M -I ' (ALL FAST COLORS,) At lii Cents ncr Yard. ,s, COFFEE, AT 20 I'EXTS PER LB. i GOOD FLOUR, EVEN 1 on A I! PER BARREL. . BACON SIDES; At Eleven Cents ]>cr Pound. 1 I And all other Goods in proportion, at I A A STRAUSS'8, One door above Col. Jordan's Warehouse. ' W. D. LOVE & CO., W'Ot'LD ANNOUNCE TO THEIR FRIENDS ami PATRONS, that they have ruovcil into Their New and legant Store, orn-e of jVain and Plain Street#, , UNDER THE WHEELER HOUSE, Whore they have opene 1 their immense stork of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, Selected wilh the Greatest are. And comprising the BEST MAKES of Goods to he found in ? ir 1 Domestic or Jt'oreign Jiai-keis, To which we would invite tlie attention of fTie inhabitants of Camden a ltd gilie surrbuniting country, knowing that tye can furnish them with DottC'l* CrOOClN, }- < at / 3L.52SS PPilCBa, than any house in .South Carolina. Sample3 sent on Application. jg?t7?Mr. Y?. J. AR HANTS. of your city, is in our employ, and will bo pleased to hear from his frit-lids, at the <!!!.\N!) I'liSTUAL I)IIV (i(?oi>s!i.mi;ntof W. D, LOVE & CO. Columbia, October :?1. ftm. ft GOOD NEWS TO 110imKE?P?R? ! Holiday and Bridal Presents. CHEAP? CHEAP?AND I>rRATH.H. IWOlI.D respectful inform nil my customers stud the public generally. thntiu addition to to the stock of Mcvcliaud's'c bought ?>( diaries Klias, 1 have imported through hiui, Direct from Scoilaixl. a well selectod stock of the latest styles of I inen Damask Table Covers and Towels, of the following widths:? 21x80, .wx.d, ("IxtW, tWxfiU, 72x7J. siixfcti. <.t!>x"0. 08x104, 90x108. 80x11*2, 90x120, 80x140, Ot?x 144 inches. A now supply of Keady-iviaae uioming, Woollen and Cotton [Goods, Of evory <l#$et-if?li<,fi, consisting in part, of fine .\1|>nrciw. Merinos nil I PeT.niiies, solM ami fancy colors. Also, n well ?elegte<l slock of Boots, hoes, Hats and Caps, For women., men ami cliiMrcn. rockery, ooper's Ware*, Hardware anil aildlcry. A lull n^oifmont in ilio Grocery and Provision Lino, nlwin * c!i !i?ml. T.< tillici . Sl.octna'.i'i s; Tool-. Sc*\ tut II 1lid Jy.V N". f:?ll HII'I M*u 2H. TOBIAS. SoVfinbii 1<J d<h Itu | > V A L. 11AUSS of Camden and of the surrounding counCK OF GOODS to the Store formerly osite Dr. Young's Book-Store, where he* ting, TS AND SHOES, Yare. Ci'ockery, I: . . :t. . ? penter' Tools, &. inpetition. in t-lie Workman Building c found, rcndv to wait uii his old frionds, layosville, S. C. I. A. STRAUSS'S p lore, opposite I>r. lonug. tf TRY MY COFFEE, 5 lbs. for $$>sae Dollar. COFFEE, 5 lbs. for ONE DOLLAR. * COFFEE. ?lbs for 0\E DOLLAR. 0 ( *) , x And other Goods sold in proportion, at A. A. STRALWS. GOOD FLOI R, EVEN DOLLAR PEll BARREL. . AT STRAUSS'N. Piedmont and Arlington Insurance Company, OK i ir_. LVICIIHIUIHl, VH. ASSETS #3,OOC >,000. J W. C. QASEINGTON, PRENIMA'T. I jOSHCS Actually paid in Kershaw County within Three Years, $28,000,00. I tafcc pleasure in saving T liave returned to the agency of this popular Company. No difficulties will oxim in future, as to llcnetT1 1? 111! _ - I 1?11 ' - 1 - - i ais <u i oiicicsf as i suan pay especial ."mention to that branch of the business. 1 will always he found at my Offlec on liroail Street. Camden. S. C. W. CLYMJRN, Agent. January 1(>, 1ST J. ti' Security Life Insurance and Annuity Company, Ol' IVow York. OIUIAMZKH lSf,2. CAPITAL 83.000.000 1NCOM K... 1.500.000 Paid to ithiws and Orphans of deceased members.. 1.500.00ft Insures on all popular and reliable plans. i.ous HI KKl-'KSKK, (icneral Acont, Charleston, 8. O. CIlAKliKS V I'KSAISSCRK, Audit. Camden. S. C. .January Hi. tf & r ?? $20 I'KH I>.\V! wanted! A ?/ ?lapses . t' woi kiiiL' ]n-i j>Ie. of cither sex voting or oM, make mot money at w ork for u in ilu-ir spare moments. or all the time, than n any tiling elre. I'artici;'; t * trie. Addle*!* (5 ST I.\ \ t'i>., l'ortlnnd, Maine. Si^>ii mhevlu. l?in.