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( VOI* XXXII. CAMHEX, 8. C., TIH RSDAY, JAM A1? V ^3. IW:i. NO. ai j THE CAMDEN JUPJAL. i AN i>. in inn hi'vn r i >i 11 v DiiH'if i I > I'r.r i',.^ nrj.i i i.u nui 11 i;: ;si!ki? i:v . I < > 11 X J\ A w. Sl BSCUmnX j!ATK< > mr, in a?lv: in > _' '?< " \ * i :i! )i. 1 -'"i ! . . <" iti-.' ii: A-lv-r;iifiiit-iiSs 11.11*1 !.< or in uilv.iui-'*. EPIZOOTIC ANTICS. A i i:. V j i i '! A CIA i'-' ?VlIK M>? I.. <'K r.- i I'NT.VMEO : ,iv;!. I-!:- .!! .'n. uu-} . . . lUui ' here w >uM bo j 1 . \vh 1 .! . r i ii | iv]orlv | Y? i ii*' \\.>r' uii'l j: >w we I ii - vie-. of runav . v s t! t - -em-re I v.-' rday. by whVh j . y n d. - ..y I and lives . ... i \\\ \ I it will II Yef l.i..' out dnt i ; > ehr :i!<1 su !: a h irriblj chap* l . f '! ?: : !1 T.: ?k ?:n\ ! a ?:. of I ' to 'f.i;. !: rii'!:y about . .t - cm 'hat Mr Pump* rkor. on, of , i 1 Tii : <? ii;.!. iimi'js v.i. i -apply < -rt i ; < ; e /'ciii v it'i <. ' :matt ri i! ! r i;.i ir . and !twas ' iiaiu^ fain his . ,t!;d ' u' i_ ?" the I 1 ioidple.; drawn ' ' I: I ii ;v-l i a. one vo r. : I ! i- ! V. I. > i lit IK'Oil ?i .. . i . no-- : r I !iu- . . - aii i t .1 .?I i. : 1?? ,?>t Willi wl.i 1 -ills . a his head. a.. ! ? . 1 ( fth .1 t v- Mr rijia;.jc.-kor v pushing behind. n : dreaming of Jan: ' .1 11 just : f;.'- t in: turned from l'r< : I :?.t 11 ;> I'rMikli'. t!; v <-..";hr s 1 _!?' -i 1 - V!;.! rows. :::xl 21 f beini: familiar v. 1 - ; 11 ! kin- aniiuab became affrighted and r : 1 ff ! '.v;i <1 :1 ^: 11 stn t at a 1' ai . | : ;to f J. with their c> at-tails in t:; t j !. r / 'ii'a! 1. sir 11 ii?uc?:iit f r the - line rlio piers. a . J their >n ! ks flviu'g in t1 > | !; breeze. Tlit) hand cart was unset near the t r imer of Walnut street, hut new tin' th r- a I'Uithlv maddened team s.?on kicked tin m- n - Ives Ii''so trom the wreck, and with the 1 it.- flapping about the calves of their lees. fed . ut on tlie Pleasant ville road, where 11 cv were topped fcv a saloon-keeper wh > 1 t i ' Id a of c !;' 11N before them. Mr. u I'-'tiipjorkcr's ! ? wi1- about six dollars-, v m - *! v f r t:n-ware and trusted chalk. t A Swede uian who was attached to a red e wh < ! ban w. while tr >ttintr down Sprint: i t v?*ster?lay h-roiio 11. became frightened | at 1: f.*et of 1 v.fUiit! snaii who was iiavinir a 1 - t t- Ida iced in front of the Amerieaii 11 !i el. iid 1? f ut the hv-standers could stop v him. i.ur.wav at break-neck speed toward- 1 M 11"'" street. \ man in front of the Ihir- o !! II ne veiled, and threw nt the fright- j 1 - 1 ... . 1 .1 1... ..... ,i;r t t"i : mini. i?'ii ii > i?i? \ in-.; i.nn i 111 .1 i?n- < f'orcn* -]> -t 1r- rn tha? wliii-h the threver in- | 1 ton If i t'i 1:1*. an 1 . iilv acci'I'-mU'il the run- t aw:t .jirnyr. an 1 he br >kc into sn? h a j I i_ii' tlia' lie br'ken irate near Spring anJ ) n l>m , v <-11- vt- an 1 ! !'f the v. hecl-barrow a , \vr fk h i the tup ?!' I! T. Hall - -ewinj: tna- a chin r*"iiii-. \t la?t accunit-. the frvjiit- I. . en* i| ! iiinl i. i 11. ii i"ip?iii' il. . I I * i fit iJit ! .r h" 1.1- ! f. hi- native t Li. !. i' . M J ' . r ran." i I 'a 11 ' 'v I. - i" - v- \.li' n;v a' i' t';i it ! . i.J'i. \. "ill V. .-}? i:? nil ti. I.' i .Ifii . .: ' . hati ear tl:-? <1. t i i v. ii >h r - U- . ? : !* . -t . . 1 , t' . i v V.' !! A' .ii - . :i " ) . i 1 ? ? - 1 i . *ii#? f ill i f h? >? ?r?' i t ' . ! . i 1 1. ir.' !..i:<' "i *! v ! t: ' Ii i >n< 1 / ' !m ?' !r t. !? . . "<? I , j ] .? . ! >' ii .? ; ,< !i< i< < I , . . . i it i ?'r . ... . I I : . r is-, 1. i i. W : - ? i . * 'jr.** i i ' ' 1 ' \\ II .t I v. I !*., .1 1 - . . t * .I. - t't , w- ? I.?: 1. i ..'.ii : .* ! ' ! : > v - .tii ?Vi, n " i ' 'I. n i?t ; !' t t v. Is.; . .1- :V . t I t' II f n - ' l.i-s 1.1 ?:li iii'l ii 1 -i <' 11* ! ' i'!' 'r < I'll* ip.t nn'il ? i. i. i i I *i ! ! M ?i i I ? ?.' i il . i i - rn \ <\ ci" ut?. : - < ' ! Ii'* ?-|?risiir. an I <?!l. n-l i ? ! 'I i' Ik- !; ?.<> \\ Ik . il I 1 M'.J.t "<l t! in to a n i. It <>r :i l>r 11 I- iiriili 1-ut t!?? t - '.iv! !. ?'-.!? i. 1 ii i :?t. v 1- ! to h- hi t:. 1 ) r. ' I'll ' ."ill;:- n. t In' ^ ii!I' iii.MiI | _ im.'Ii-r ami imji .il?T >1 >-i ;-:i'_'<- im'.if \t I mi <'aii!ii? iiv?'ini'\ 1 \i ii !: i;r 'I tin M rk -t i. i a I t!.v 1 i rr !r i ?vn i -iiin. I> r. i t i?r vvhi'ii i i ''i 'ilvii 'l. '.111111 !?. ikiti" rl'-ijiI, t< -J i . . . -r -ii' . r\ v..i- hi inn. <i ;i i KM III'! lIlJ'KW I k'"- ,l( tin' 1 ?' . k 1. . * . i- m_- Ik r *i >-'li. a 'I uf.-ft tIi'1 I;\ : i in :k? ' up 'tit t" til*I I ; I ;,l !' ' t til" 11"- < f * - t.-'i'il \ i. i t ? i a ?!i" ii r- it* ..r.i' .1 i -l.i 1 . il t' it a. i i!i i' I 1 t Ii t . i Ii . i ti -ii v i 1.. i ! i il l I ; I' 'I | ! I -' ' t i ! i " * . y . , ' .! 1 . t ' , t : 1 '? i t: v ! i . . Ii* I. th ' ? .1 'i* * * i Mr. f\ rgu?-m. d:- ve ii|> in IV lit of ;i grocery store, find after hitching hi.-. graiulfathei to the awning jc?t. \v?-nt into a saloon to see it' them had heen any decline' in hei r since tl. ? M -t ni lire. For sonic minutes the horse, ?we mean the grandfather?Mood <|uictly, ! t becoming roth.-.-. he had not ben ' ! iiiket d wed li eyes t i wand r ar ind until he s .w in font of hb-? a basket of j.ears, in which wa- a placard inscrib- d, "One f-r a ijuart r. < r by the peek.-'? The price so startled the venerable old main w1 i wa?n't '! 1' ity customs, that, with a <ii :t oi'f..:,;- l.o 1 >5 k ' lil~ briber stlap, ki?d;. 1 h'tnsoii'i- -c from the vehiele and gallopjK-d away f-r I'leasanfville. running vor two l:\ery lu-r-s near the site of the Abbott lloii-e. badly injuring them and iking liown log . . badly that when hi* n-niiiU ii nrrivi -1 mi n i lir ,nt a inintlli' la tor, he shot the old man to put hint wit of his miserv. .I'l l vivo wintering him oil baled !, :v ? 77,' VA /V Hocus Pocus Extraordinary. i; m t. i . v?nil: \v?i\i>;-!5s <?r macic. M.nv I'-t'o (' Vur* furuhh uicreami elsewhere with phenomena ill .t vouhl :?} { ar to embrace. ii n?>t transcend, !jo wh hj dia ?>f modern spiritual m WI; !i i'r < \:tji ].!o. tin !'< ;.5 Khan. - {? .! u: it i !:it!'.r?n no cijht t b-ve t!.t? pavcint ;f. (! - !r - t > drink, eups ill,-J with wino are moved from a bnflet in ? i* . i t :i i , rA ii i- mi;i< ?i 'lie hiiu. ;i ui Uiin-i ? i i? 111>;t? us. ml present tIk1 ii;- :]Vt. ; . iIm* Kinperor v. knot bcin:: torn-lied i-? :t? \ I> dv." i ii fc.ascribed h ancient ! itcmls i . >it, ?n haitii*. udi as the m-?ving of cup- ami other vessels, ilakinu Mutuestv Walk, causing closed doors o flv oj en spontaneously. were by no means iiiusual am mi: the Uac.s. or Thibetan priests, those pcrlbrmaiic ?. if we are t believe our ravelor. mijrht well excite the envy of limdrn spiritual mediums. l'r.>ducii:j; liitures of heir divinities, in empty space: making a eneil to write answers to ?jitestions without nyb-dv toiicliiiie it; vjttiiijr upon nothing ; Iviiiyr throuirh the air: penetrating everywhere its if immaterial: conjuring ti|> mist. siiitiw and lain, by which battles were I"-t r W"<n ; prevent in:; clouds and storms from :?-~inii over the Kmperor's ; reading lie most secret hutnan thoughts. f .retelling; iitlire events, and ivon raising tiie dead; hose and many other wonderful feats could >e peril lined by means of the I'harani," or iiv-tieal I ndian charm. Ihu l. ituta. the Arabian who<e marvel >ns ccount has been more recently corroborated >\ IMward Melton, the aimlo l.hitch travelr re! id s that when present at a ureal ontcrliniiien! at the conn of the \ iceroy of Cliausa M insey uf I'olo or Ilangcliaufu.) a jwuuler wa- < ue of the Khan's -lav. .a'.le hi-ap( aram e. ami the amir said ! n. oa Me ami show u- - lineofymirmarvels.' a ill - li" t !. i vv<i ?K-:i ball with jvver.11' - III ' ':' I . .IIU !l ,'1 ii| Hilt! i i tllt'-C H i'; : ' < 11 ; r. I? win - > lji-Ii thai ' - Lrlit ' !' ii nft? _ thcr. It wis the ii ' tli'' vti.r. and we w iv nntin : !. i ! i * j .ia i-t.iui. Tli< iv w rciiiniiidi I only a little of the ?. >i<1 of a . ii in tie in'; u-"". >nol m. J In* de*it??'d ftlie b v wli agisted him to lay lmld f and no i;/. He -1.1 - . climbiiieby tin* and V. 1 -t -'.lit r him 111-.! The ii i tin ii i- i.i -i t i lii'n tlm 11in*'"!, hut ii iii-u .. !. i it?1 '1 in* a knife, a ' in i 'i . ! i'd '. Id of il:" th . :ii:d Bv an I ! ; he thn w down one ofthchoy . * i. ii :i 1' t. tl - n tin* otie r hand. in. 1 .1 ! t'. II ii. :i U,h, and. I: i 111 . ti.e !.' I i I ..' I I. ' (lO'.vn 1 ' : . a'l ! ? all'"ii j. i.iid V :tli ! ? a' . . 'id . I Oli- i 'i??iu 1 i; 'I ; . It!' r. I t!!" !:t , t . ' .1 ' VI ' \ II ! i'. :-!!! . ::11 1 I ll i ! I ,'i ; I l k tli i! v.l.iiii r it I '.I !;.< - 'IIII-f ' ; T! K /. M'.ru.l ' I - X i I ' ? . t . . 'tti. V\ I . ' I . I' I! A SNM.1 ! 1 ; II. ' : ! I.C hi- lit ! \iw- . a. In 1 . j ?]#!? i ? i -i - ii 1 -| v I'''. litTii V u- ! .i in ii Vi it . v.u- .-! < t> nit'l ?i? v. t.? i- fiT | ntncr wli<- iii- slunji tne-nail '.i' Iri tiiii-1 -lii; \m I.i' kiii'j t'li* f it ni|t .if 1.- Uutti i; aiiij - ic ii . '1 lior |n(-ii:i;!- in i tlm 11 -I Iivr man > ]? '. U'! w-kc up ii 'i i"1! n .m !ir?-. [ lire, ami ail tii it. Slio ?i?l up i ... in ijuit a liliiin aii-1 t'.it ln-<l Was * aia-lit-.l !' i! nil all-1 tll!-.Ur'il tv.rllt V I ill lilllf.(> 11 I In- shake \va-n t ! iii'l \iinthiT lnau UJ -'In Mailt ah i lr. tli'1 pale li'jlil <.! lit.- in -ii mw In-. ?v:ti uvii' It ? '1 ar-iiiipl i.Hi- . ! tin- ' r n a if . r i" i! t.-.-t- at ti,.- f". >. >t ul f !|. I,.- ! It l"i all tlie worM likeasriake w'-r-- it- ill it l?i^ slim;. < :!* ati 1 il|,< .1 p tint. -1 tow 11 I-> tin I "I --I ilu- |>. | ,i; 1 i In- -i ik<- w.ii |-i [ .ii .ii - I >i an at tank "ii (}l>> pavt. "I til'* lirM part. In wile ami tlmii I.. ;r- ami a->i'_Mi | ! t , , , : In-'' I I ; ?k-"l i||. In . I- , i : | | . ,. .-I I" 'I i.iii int . inoti.. i . ; ... ! I-. ;. I : ! m w !. t!,. ! -Ul .1- I V. I. ' I .1 I i - I I " l'| III II.- v i i. .in: . : i I [ i pica , i 1 i I ii-l 1 I ii . ii ,111 ! 'It ! I ' I|. ' ? I r li ' ' M?|> 'I I- <|. I. I i t . * ; I I I .. I li M\ 1 :i I .. it !i . I J',1 |ii i i. it I ' i J ' ' 1- ' evidently doatl. On nearing it, imagine his 1'eelings when she exclaimed : Law sakos. what have you done ? Spiled my best mohair switch ! i he shot holes in the bedstead can be tilled np with putty and revarnisheil. He can got a new minor tor seven dollars. The old tom-cat sitting of the lence in range with the window, will never squall to the moon as he was wont to do. He has lost his voice, at least there's where the most shot took effect. IMPRISONED FOR LIFE. r ? c't.* IV VtMt' T I \ . 14 i i >!. \ Clir.U r?i? i.* .!*.?? YEN. ('(innKf'TJCUT. Full THE OF 11 Kit Hfsrand. Xf.\v Haven. Jan. 11, 1S73. I.vdia Sherman. the modern Lncretia !> >riiia. ha- finally been sentenced, and the balance <?f her natural lifowill ho spent in' ide the walls <J"tho State prison, at Wethersfield. This niinnujiccnicnt. so h?ng expected - hoie: deferred. was made ;n the i Superior < urt. in this eity, to day Humors I that THE IIKAl! I I.EsS Mt'ltDKRESS wast i 1 - had the effect of drawing a lain" nuiih r of spectators to the Court rooin and among t*:i? auditors were many 1 tidies of di-: ineti"ii. iii anxious to hear the sentence, and see Iniw the wretched woman would receive it. t'ontrary ? ti<-noval expectation the un( fiui-hed hu-nne.-.- of the Court was lir.-t. disposed of. ina.-much :?s this was of a trnjji1 *.? 1 nature. the a>-< mblud spcctat< is were not unreasonably impatient. The trial of.John "ii. iho murderer of Mrs. lies.-, in Mcridmi. was progressing at I lie time. 1 taring the .Johnson trial Mrs. Sherman was brought into court by the jailor. She was not so excited as her escort. and this had been a Slate of woman's rights an impartial observer would have been at e. loss to know which was the prisoner and which was her custodial.. Of the two Mr. W abater. the the jailer, was the mo-t confused and excited. . The real criminal, according to the verdict of the jury in .July last, was cool.. CAl.M AMI I ol.l.t" TKI>, and evidently happy. A dayoi two a-.'O .-lie I .-aid .-lie was happy, and from her demeanor ; this tnoniim; it was evident that she was not ; uoiiijj to break dow n. The spectator- were not prepared tor such nonchalance as this, and when 1 .ydia received her sentence and di<I not cry or faint or swoon, they all united in declaring her a wicked woman. A t< .rifle scene was exj?ectcd. hut T11 K Ml It I ?KI: KSS WAS !i;AMK" all the way throiiuh. and the jud'_r? - and i fticcrs were as much surprised at her indifference a- the di.-appoiutC'l spectator- The cuec w:i? not very dramatic. Jailer W?-f.-tci\ ti'etnhliiij: and nervous. escorted the .nilint: lIoiL'ia to a eiiair in the middle of tin? court i"i "in ; there was a spasm of pain ? M . i?i . . M .. i ...i:.. Mil j.'l.lil'll | i 11.1 i. \i rj'i i >ii?- .? iinul to <njy it. .IihI.i' Saiifor-l. li t xv:r~ t<i jiroiHiitiift' tin' law's ?|iti> e. Mnk lit"ii'"l IriiiM-l!'tijt :tn<l eaV' :i ?1 inifi ! -!:tiiai-aiml 11ifi.iurt room ami tIn 11 I>e'_Mll as 1MJ..W - :? TIIK >KN IH.W K. ' Mr>. Shi-i innn. as inn1 of tlie Court l.o1'iv whom V" ii * * .* i reeentlv tr'.nl ainl ? < nv:. ! i' ti< -ij't'iv liiiilicM cr iiji*krii'Wn to tlm ! i\v. I am n i\v rallfil ujtou to jn> noiiee ii 1 m !i V"it th-' la'.v'- setitenee. Ill-lore <loiii" ! jWi'VT. it" v ?n il< -ire to ;-a\ anuliino. ti:>-Court v. -!! vivo \ m an opportunity SatnTkl >1 Cariliii'i'. of I Vrbv. ono o|' li*?r i;i.- !. n mini in her In-half tint she i i l noiliiu to - iv. ai.<1 was itailv for k? ii.1 ii-! y .i.r 1-1. rcsiiniiiio?The imliet. ut :n t v. i.h-h \oii were tri?;<l ?-! i ? !*:i ! . -ii the -:h i] tv i'l May. '-7! t iil"ii-lv. v. !iui!v aii'l with i:i:il e .1 ' . . i h!;. !!'.:Ii'. .?K<-?i i in. i.11! \"i i*. n. l it I . \ sli. . :i ii. i?y ii . :iu.- nf a deadly :i l.j. \ ii adiiiiin.-icred tn liim. ami > > -i < 7 ir 1 u:iii Inninjr e.uiniiittvd 7e i, i !' i!iiir<!? r in tin- iirst decree ? I l ! '! : i'] tn lit V'Ht win* 11ifil hv a i :rv !.u j. !' *iis* own selection. You \.i :i 1?!\" I ! ici' .l hv lii".?t alilr eMliivl, I !'*. r .i iVil. It and ituj>:irri:iI le-ariir.' . 'i \v?i i ii'.uiii'i'il l?v voir tri"i> yuiltv. n 1' tli i-i in r!i n-j. 'l a:::iin-t v?m. >?ut of" ii ii'li'r i:i the .-vi ii'l decree. In the :rii.ii "It!. - foil r I ei instituted ..I tin- time < T \ !)' triil tl.. ; i v W"iil<l have heeii fully w tided u]>"ti the evidence of finding \"U r'liltv >f u.uriler in the first deprce, the jmn hinei.t f.irwhi' li w auld have heeii <leath. |Jei i iii !< vi'l'ij'iiii n!? have fully viiulieai"'l the -'iiii'liie- of that opinion; hut the ? ti*l? i!.. I.. ! i??v t n?' :iin I tillllillli V?IU L'lliltv I' murder Wi'i'r J t'tli.ililv ii'it satisfied Hint i !? ' i imu wn> est a hlished by i luit aiiiomit f rv' binv ?.:n \ tinder tlie statute in a l< 'ti\i'li 'h i fa capital efVeiieu. and tlierefi re. within tin ir prnvinee. emit ieted of the . eritin: ' tiittrd,r in the decree, and > \n?i t. Al l TIIF. U.U.I.OWS til . tu Milh'i lite I irj nnitilieijieiit within pri-'ii w.iIN rie't'uiirt has no di?-?Teti'in i In I lie term ' f vour impi Ni'iitnciil We til "t'!\ | l lli.llliee the Itleiiee'leil by the st ?utr. which t? tliat you. I.ylia 'h i inm lii. i ilalv atid legally ei.nvii toil I (!.' r ne "| ih .11 | in the >cc,i|id decree. ' nop > 1 in the't ' iilieetieiit State pii-ti 'I'll in 11 p i ! . f \ n, n tinmI lite It' lii' li v I. I h 11. i 1 p .it I: ' I ed t i aw a it III' III W.I,' I (lie t.1 III*>11- tl.lir 'i"i' t iki it aw i\ I I.s | 1 a- .nt I M . >1 >het'tl " " 'i iri ! in I app ini' ! I?< pti '. v!i-1 r.. >|< li\i-t tli> W'.in:iii t< ! .1 \\.1 i u I h I .I '.11 ' . > iti ?iitT ft- i In I - T:t III ii it i vi r- ' 'I'. . !ii> \ i i \i it-1] u.i it v i . ii )'i hi v. ii 11 III' I I I * I II I > i mM I <-!< > ill | I I ' i I Mill' !< ) I I In r ! - ; H ; it in: :i lit?'ii i.t i . i i ' ii u I -I ! i it ) I'li: v tip i < riiuu which h i. bccu (.'vovii'li'tl, but at 'so include uu acknowledgment < !' various i capital offences. ]>ut <ti|j. n? she said upon I leaving the court room to day, she is the j happiest woman in tlie wurhl. Embalming- Superseded. nolilES I'ltESKRVKM WITIlOrT T1IK A I!? ?'K CIILMM'AI.S. | The scientific nidh of the world have inado ' many great and noble discoveries for the benefit of mankind while alive, sis also for ' /> i i i 11 11he preservation ot timr i? i:cs wiicn ueau, : I from the destroying elements of dccomjMisi- \ \ tion." In the uldcn times spirits were used for the purpose of preserving the corpse from decomposition ; hut in latter years science improved on tin: method, and tlie process of embalming with chemicals was adopt ed instead. Tu the course of investigating the d- stroying clement that enter dead h Mies. Mr. I'etcr Craig, undertaker. Market street, perceiving that oxygen was the clement that caused decomposition, it struck him that if this element c aid i>e removed from the coffin, where the body was encased, that preservation would then be certain. How to I accomplish this at first rather puzzled Mr. Craig. Hut not to lc bathed by trifle*, lie i gave the subject c >;.-5dc r.ifi >n : and i km wing that combustion was caused by the ! union of the carbon "f th? material and the oxygen of the air. lie tried the experiment of using up the oxygen in the casket by the ai ! of a lighted candle, lie had an air ! ?ight casket made, and placed a lighted candle therein; lie screwed down the lid perfectly air-tight. 'i'lm candle continued to burn t<?r ciuht hours; it tli u. having consumed J 1 :i!l the oxygen in the interior. was extinguished. This proved the theory; and sati isfied hie tint he had uiade an excellent , discovery; but. to carry nut hi* ideas effectively. ho obtained the body of a dead mail I'mui the coroner, and placed it in the Coffin, with the lighted cand!" a.- before, screwing i down the lid. etc. In rhi- ease the candle 1 i hunted for live hours and ihall". and thou' became extinguished, a. brhri . To te-t tin; case .Mr. Craig had the body removed to a back room, where if remained for three week.- in a perfect .-tale of preservation.? Thi? satisfied him beyond a doubt that lie ; I had .succeeded in di-<- ivoring a new art.1 1 win reby oodi. s could be embalmed without ' the aid of chemicals After having succeeded so well with his invention, he drew the j attention ofl'r. Kdwin ltcnrly to tlie process. and that gentleman ivptv?ed hi- linn belief in its success. The new process i- to i be fully tested tu-da\ with the body of Mr. iowonbaek. who died ill this city on last j Tuesday, and whose body lias been preserved iii thi- v?ri It i- the int Mt.ri id i!.i- -i niij- , iu:i11'~ lvlati\^ t'i have hi* r> uuiin t:ih. n i to Scotland. This will tost tin j *es?. and. j i >h?>ti!?l it prove -:iti.?!'>rtnrv. vhi'h i- n- t (l'ltilitoil. .Mr. (Ti.iir will have add-da new j?r??C"s- ..I' preeniiiu l? '! ? t" :i -ei'-nre. | it < 1 ' /, ti'i ll ',1. ! I't MiKAia v- v-li'Ki: : ? \ New V. rh -j.eeial di.-pahdl t ? the . J" Tinesav-: * \ very amusing j r.-n ti-;.l j"he w.i]'l:i\i(l l?v M'li.o t'uii-l< ; in: men l?.-l -> < i tile' dramatic pr"fe-*ien "ii Mr. I'hili Leo. im*. ! ' . . . 1 hand i f'the charming :i?-tr?? Mi-- Ncil- ii. ! ha.- ju-t o-'ine t i l:.,ht. Mr. I e i- an t \i j u i.- i t < i'tlio I hiudtv ii v npc. \i-ry tiiiiiii ;ii i ii:-|?'Mti"ii, and itttu i ? i tl' ti J'it Ui J ?'l { li iliuu an) exe.iietiee "ii tlii.- -:d-j < ! the l Liii j.' iiil," Some <! i v- .-inee he was freely cxprc.-singhis ronteim ' t>>r t >;n_ A meI rican' in the presence of Duiideary*' SutliI < t n, wlien the i.itter ecu > i\? i tin ideaufen' joying a r:.|.iu! 11i.t"- -p. at lite c\| u e > 1 hi; li ieiiiide'i' ate -t n. ihilities. A? eordiiigiy he .-aid: "Thaw! I -ce u have only mixed anii)ii'_' tin- -h ddv-" I . > ' ! !*ii111 |.\\>IIUO. but Volt liavr .?e I It 111 i 1. u ? I tie ' : i i i 11 o Kniekerh uLt t'on.e. 1 tell \<>u what if >h; iih > t li..: I > i t. n.iiht and I will 1111r<mIiicc it I . :i hi i (li-?r >ii_!ibr? d> who arc to dine w it it in* ?t the tiraliieit'V Hotel. Mr. Lie j,Ia iiv .i' .ij-tiu tlic 111 vit.11i >11. an I 11 it-u >:r.11 -i . il'aud niclTed Willi IllliV i'1'.It'll .?e.i Ulei I'.ill j 1 >i \ .iiii. (.'harlt.s liucka^ Ni. c Sovuu ut and ' a I' .V ullicl ehdco sjdl it.- 11.?? 1:iHii?. A [ lull ..I ujicr.Itlulls Was lai.l niti I-' r tlie til.-- ' eointiture ut' the um j ii.sti. ated cockney. ! and the b eys sejeirat d'.i ::...n\ inv.atd i Itti.'klcs. I'lluctnalL t< tlic la imllt Mr. Lie anived at the < irutin,rey i! 11 i. and w;i' ushered into a r < nn whore >ix or ciMa ^eiitletiien. die.-.-td in the extravagance >1' the fashion. and with a j.rtiliMoii "1' Ala-ka \ diamond-. awaited his arrival. Mr. Sofhcrn . introduced his li i<-ml- under li tit: name-. ' and the 1 artv sat duwn to ditin r. Then a .. I scries ol ^roti sfjiie cxtravaea/ i- eoiane lo-.-il. sonic of which were dceiti div boori-h ami' i larsc. and lilted the iim. lislmiati Willi ii*?i- j l'iliallv, t'leaji tlic < linia.v, Nel-oii Scy' - 1 .i .i |....1 1 I HlOlir. [irCICIIUIIlL' III." III ?m ...... 'mil IV- >111 behind his link an Aikausaa toutlij.i< k till ceil inches 1 < 11. . and made a liui^j ; ' at Neil l(r\unt. 'I hi: latter iv^j?? ittletl l>\ drawing a nav) reVnlwr. lit an iii.~t.uil all was rihifusii>ii. Kuivi-s .mil |?i>inls were brandished, and In aiM ihe apparent penl nf Mr. life's |>i>~itiMii .V he S \ iimnr in k lefupo behind him, ami held his ! dv a- a - lueld .iL-ain I Hi \ant ^dca.iidi liiiia wea| ti 'l lii' w;n I" i iiitit'Ii I r ' m i?? (eimr. and with a \ !I lm ' -tiii-I* d In-in the i in : ml i .iit ! \\ n -ni I i.i- ti mini.- '.Ik ii I* iisi' *1 Ili?-11 dim. Ill liin ;il Mi I ,t'r ;dn '?J I ! ) .111 ill I In ii li. '; I i i ii \.iul* . I' n- i ! l!i n i I - I > : lin i.i i I it ! !' .. < ' .1 ii -! I >"U .: i! W It It t i... i |!, :( |n> w-.11)<| r. |i l.|. ?l-! 1 I ' .1 iill *< iw I Ii I. II Ii tit* Ii 'IV III. I ! ill I . ' I * ill- III I 1 In- I- I.e. 1 * ' ii iiiI I i r. ' . :ii j . ::t flic ! "inl v ! . !. I iir i hi?- I !:? ;. :?J'| - I' '! t; - ; , t:t I . It'll .11. I ill' I I \V I llolll \V 1,1 I 'III I i1 I ;' \ I. .'I l>- on '>tjil .1 ml ' . 'i : , hi i ml l ill \ lit -1 i 1 \ t inn' ii . <| . \ j ! I iiiiIa lite v. li"lo ! .iI.v I in From the I'oston Journal of ('Uemistrv. Ki'inKMH' I>f.m;sions.?We have he-fore ' I alluded to the Science Lectures for the People." three annual series of which have , I hcen delivered in Manchester. England. by i - Huxley. Eoscjje, Iluggins, Loekyer, and others, no less eminent. In the third series, i l>r. Carpenter gave two lectures one on the ( ! I'nconscious"action of the Hrain," the other on ; Epidemic Delussions." In the lot- i tor, after remarking that in certain mere- ' ly physical condition^ mere bodily states, there is a tendency io the propagation, by I a what is commonly called imitation, of very strange actions of the nervous system," lie gives the following among other illustrations | of the fact: In nunneries, it is not at all uncommon, from the secluded life, and the attention being fixed upon one subject, one particular . set of ideas and feelings?the want of a 1 healthy vent, so to speak, for the mental activity?that some particular odd propensity 1 lias developed itself. For instance, in one i nunnery abroad, many years ago, one of the v youngest nuns began to mew like a cat; all the others did the same. In another nun- t nery. one began to bite, and the others were ; all affected with the propensity to bite In j one of these instances the mania was spreading like wild-fire thromrh German?, extend inpr fi-oiu out- nunnery to another; and they | were <>f>ligc<l to resort to some severe men- 1 suros. as T have mentioned, in order to drive 1 it out. It was set down in Koine instances t>' demoniacal possession, but the devil was pretty easily exorcised by some pretty strong threat on the part of the medical man. The <] celebrated physician. lJocrhave. was called; in a case of that hind in an orphan asylum 'in Holland, and I think his remedy was a red-hot iron. He heated the poker in the 11 fire, and said that the next girl who fell in- J to orie of those fits should he burnt in the arm: this was <juitc sufficient tu check it ? L" In Scotland, at one time, there was a great tendency to breaking out into fits of this y kind in the churches. This wns partieu- f< larlv the c:i?e in Shetland; and a vary wise : fi minister thero told them that the thing J n could not he permitted, and that the next i person who gave way in this manner?as he | j was <|uitc sure they could control themselves . it'tin v pleaded?should ! he taken out and ! ^ ducked in a pond near by. There was no { ' necessity at all for putting this threat into i ' execution. Here y>>u see. the stronger mo- j ivc is substituted for the weaker "no. and ' n the stronger motive is sufficient to induco j v the persnii t ? put the restraint upon himself. * I have said that if usually happens with the 1, fi male sex. though it sometimes happens c with \' ung men who lia%t more or loss of I I: c -aine constitutional tendency. What is j no< c.-sirv t" induce a stronger motive, which j will call forth the power of sell" control which ' h been previously abandoned." I: 11 a v Tki.kiiK.M'ii Sroiiv.?1 think llic limst j y ' iirinii- fact, taken altogether, that I have L, heard of the electric telegraph. was told me! by a ea-liii-i oj the Hank <*t Kiighmd. 'Once a time, then, on a certain Saturday " night. tlu' ! Iks at the hasik could i!"t Hiake 1' the balance come right by just .1*100. This ' is a scriou* matter in that little establishment; j J 1 ih> ii"t mean the cash, but tho mistake in 1 '' t'. arithmetic. t* >i it occasions a word of sent- ' tiny. An crr<?r in balancing lias been known, I ? ! am t hi. to keep a delegation of clerks from i n fih li i ikeo, at work =?< uictiiuc^ through tiie a v. hole iiiirlit A lnh' an cry was of course made after this- L1 as if tla* ??!d lady in ;t T!irc;a'uci lie street would bo in thctiazctte. j i-rwnnt of it. Luckily, un Sunday uioru-1 ing. a dork < in the middle of the sermon, I ' dare say. it'the truth wore known , felt a ; v sit-j.i.-!'.ii of the truth dart through his mind ; 0 quicker than any lla.-h of the telegraph it-, 1 ?.!!' Ho toll the chief cashier on Monday j v morning perhaps the mistake might j?' 1 ,vo ot curn d in packing some boxes ot ^ -p i I' r the West Indies which had been , s, - lit to -h lit!iaiiip(<i|i for shipment. j ,, The sn.Le-ti' n immediately acted tip on. Here was a race, lightning against -f- atn. with ?iglit usd forty hours start given. ( a Instantly the wires asked. Whether such , \ ?el had h it the harbor." 'dust weigh-j ing. amlior." was the answer. Stop her!" ft intically shout'* 1 the electric telegraph. It j ? .\asd-tn1. Have up on deck certain boxes e marked so and so: weigh carefully." Tiiey i ' v.err \\eiglnd. and one?the delinquent? ' w.i> found by just one packet of a hundred a sovereigns heavier than it ought to be. Let ?' her g". said the mvstcri' us telegraph. The 1 West India folks were debited with klm> more, and the error was oi.mvted without ever looking into the boxes, or delaying tlie V'lVage an hour. Now. that is what is call- ' . .1 d, in business. ?a j ? i I'ltoKKSxiHt (iltu\ K > I5.VI 1 Ki: > .?'TIl'lH 1 consist' ?1 of a series of lltvves eelU arrau- , ; in a somewhat peculiar manner The ' outside was made ??t*ehuiiito or>l rubber, ' and Was rectangular !' shape. ah 'lit six inches dep. and four h\ two and a half in its other tlimoiimus Within this w\v? placid ; a piece of tolled vine bent in the hum <>f a i I .Willi one h'o rotiMih tit! I\ longer than ' tin* oilur; tiii- was as wide as could he put j in the < up The hn: i. ^ w v bent at a li lit .iimIc Hid extended >v. r tic' next < up, t he ? ud of it ln-iii tuinrl s!i ;ht!\ upward; l thi- end v. i itt o In i a piece .>| | latiiiuiu liirlitlv no. ?wci than the zinc Inside the I W.I- I 1 let d .1 !! it p lolls Clip, the hot! 'ill I i ' ino .. i i ji 1 ei.d < ' t! ime; I his cup ? 'ti I t in. i (hi nitr :d. and in!" it dipp d i i: i vf i j, pi ,tmum Six llo -e n is i iv i * J ! el ill ; w It'll h thai h a tin in i i ' -1 - ! i f h v t ui I he 1 lltj'.ll i II _ < I 111'I - i !\ Ii.IT: i ; J, \ /'../' , I \ .! ii ! . li.i, i i jin \ :t- ! t.. i|. i !1 t i !'i |iir\ \ ii it : f 'in ' i! .if :1 ? i I- t< ill- . !t; U ; mi i n i- n .I !?* 'i l' ' \ I I- I? .' 'I III I -Hi !l .1 <i l|'i( I 11| il V. 'IV ill! * I I.I I|l.l!>!i' II.: ', t i 'if.' il. !' ii;!. i;i i.- ii't . mi;; 11 AI>VKirriSLN<; KATES. ! I i 1 j Space, i 1 M. | i M. j 3 M w N. IV. I ? _ I square 1 oo ?> mi H imi l'j oot ]*> uv ' aiiiiin'Od r. Oil 'I (HI lL? 0(1 lis Mil 26 of isquares *. (10 l:: (Ht If; no 21 <?' ?. > (# t Squares 12 00 It. iHt Jn 0" 80 00' -18 Of | column ! "? (Mt 1 > (it. 'j4 (mi ;; ! (b> V) 1 COllllilll j go (Hi :Jft no ot (MI *>."? ' I column i 80 00 .',o no co "o on ihi \f,{\ '** BFA11 Transient A<lvr*t-ri?*oiiivn.- \ii !t.c clinrgtt Ki: D?M.M! !' ? .Square lor tli*- lii<. :u.?lSj ( i r<l rv-nvE ("knib per Square lor i. -u1 -eo.uKt usertiun Single insertion. >1 .".o per square. OUR CHIP-BASKET A horn ( !' jilci.ty?WliMoy. Tlio Patibury man who can't afford t<? lake a newspaper paid three dollar* tor aimher dog Saturday. A St. Louis paper says: Hall a dozcfi nurdcrers in this city are awaiting the tc Hons formality of an acquittal. A Chicago man ate ten dozen eggs on n yager last week. The money he won has seen paid to his widow. ' 1 ? ' -It ?: 11 tl.? I'.olu !il :\n oiu iau\ is tuiin-unu ...v, ....v..? papers she can get to make soup of. Hie ays thoy contain 7."> per cent of pure lie." Miss Cobb, a British female physician, ontends in two long and labored articles hat dogs havo immortal souls. It costs a T< pega man ?29 27 to kiss armher man's wife. The twenty-seven cents ran added by the Judge for winking at the njured husband of the kissed woman. An old lady who had heard that a young riend had lost a place by a minbttirunof, mcharitably observed that there wa- alias a roman at the bottom of it. Mrs. Liverinore is accredited with tlie ineresting statement that the feet of the coning woman are upon the mountain top. and icr spirit is in the air. William, who used to boast that lie did lot owe a cent, and never Would, found that 11 less than a year after his marriage he had a ittle Bill to take up every day. An awkward man. attempting to carve a 1 ' -l.- U 'I'Iiaw. ;00S0, UloppoU U on liio Ji ".'1 . i iiviv . io\v," exclaimed the wife, we've hist our linner." Oh, no, my dear." replied lie, it is safe, 1 have my foot on it." An [owa country'Squire concludes the laritul knot ceremony thusly: Them that he court hath joined together let no tnaii ust asunder; hut 'suffer little children to ouie unto them.' so help you Cod." "Mr. Smith. 1 wish to speak to you priately. fertnit ine to take you apart hd- a. iw moments." rSmith, who wasn't the least rightened.) Certainly, sir. if you'll pro* to pu# me together again." It is thought in Salt Lake City that llrig* lam Young will never pa?s another summer hove ground. When he dies thirty-seven .Mows will mourn his los>. auJ one hundred nd seventeen children will he fatherless". The servant of a J'riissian officer one dav let a crony, who inquired how lie g t along ritli his ticry master. < > excellently." aitwcred the servant: "tve live ou very friend* y terms; every uioruing we heat each other oats; he takes his coat of} to he ' *?ut:i. and keep mine on." An old carpenter who had i-ecii employed t job work In an old lady w is asked why icople of his trade always charged iinoe in rojMjrticn for coilius than they did iorcliaiis nd tables "Weil, you see ma'am, it's iu^i ecau.-o people won't brinz c. fiiin- hack to S to be repaired. A down <- 'IIT11IVIII.:II. SCIidiir. the uli i?ia.) \> thirty rents i r sample < <ies of tli s paper, puts this sentiment in one orner of the envelope : "To p st Ma.-tei ? it'tils This letter contains* money. I'lee> audio It with a pare of tongs " A youii- ladv tripped lightly am ,-s . tho treet. and \v:i? in the aei ? {'.-peaking t<> a i:ile acajuaintaiico. when a rude I- y ran tip nd, In lding a btiiidlc ?'f paj e;s. eric-lout. Miss. you have dropped your lvadin' ro -m,' nd shied immediately around the corner. A Philadelphia!! thought ii" was rored in lie hack by a Texa- steer, tlie other day. ,-hen an ancient lady Iron: the country | roJ<ld him in the rear w ith an uuTivlla. picpara?ry to askino. him whine t hotiuit street ,'as. that >lii? iiiiijit j?ttr?*!ia>c a tiw ehc-tiiuts >r present use. A window lull of j?ot jdati.s v doi?cnde<l into the street. tillinir the hack. h. in and hair of an elderly j?art\ with l>nl!>-. artli. thorns and hair pins \- a- he ccovercd liis sj.eoeh he t? i that lie was pilirriui and a stranger. i ut he could iich lie man \vln> touched fl that ]- wdci\ The follow im: ?"ti> is p-.-ted in l,in tin e?unity. K\ : "l\- hear I d u't want nnvhoddi that has I- ?i - which ha- tin? ]|iiz?"?tick. Inflewen/a. or an; ?t!i.-r inl'it: inl name, I" cum tint thi- uaii under ih<' i !rv <?f havin" of their the h >i.-c-. taile- cut ilfelease hehiiu their, the ho-..-s: ur.i\eop.-iii. Mmintaiiieei A \V:i-hinj!t >u dispatch l< . u.- iha: ilie e> ?lid inauguration oi I're-id- it ilrai't will irob.ild) he ill" o< ca-a n ot tlie luimp * ini, military display wiim? i i in \*a>h.i n -iner the t: ran J di-j *a\ ! I: Sherman would iriv.' on that no- iioii. ? mini ituic iopro-i n'ar u -t hi- I .111-njr ,-i'(' dutiihiu v t the thiiii; would '-o juily 1 I A i'i ?'X ifiiuitiii! i mii i?*ih n- i<> n>r?-t;!? ->< liiin : ' ^ :i uiiiii I'.iii iitu ;i w?'II I n> !?-**"* ?1< ?'|?. .iii'l ?trikf Ii'? lf:nl ;lUT?ill>t ?>U' "I 'I" tool- With wllirli l|f 11.1 tlii--in,:, \? 11.1 \ >iii i .ih??' I . ill. .I in '! -uiv'"'' i ix' .? tit 1 < |>1 it-<I. I -luiiil'i ;nh ix' f li.'in In It t',, ti i ' . . i 1 ni! iij i!k' will l.i?W it I i\. !l. I' *i ;i!nl i . i :i I ;ii . ..inl ii*'k> ! I:.',' I*. : i i.t in i' . it -'i f -flit lit III .l" l'.l< .11.-1 ,-ii.j ~1?. 1 m notion ft in. ii I i <i In i 1 i t.I i 11 iiis I' in. ii- \ :ni>I l?. :i - I :.> i: In, n I |ivitli :i ui '"I; I' i' lif mi-w.'i. 1 *j,f \\a> n,.| 1 .1 M |.|> ., v, '11.\ r' i ;o It H ! II I T I IK . 'I Mil ti\\ 1 I I till"'! Ill'I I I :!tim V i'i \ ' ' i * II I' I. I - 'it'll I,VI I ."It . II;.J |. : !. ; I ill it I. null, i .-it i <.1 ii _<-t I iiivr i< i nn 1. aii'l -li? <1 li!?r : in -t .m \11<1 tlii ti t i i iii'?11ii*i i I (urn I at. ! -mil ! ,n.I . i.! ' ! 'HI Kit .Hi., ' aim . -Ii. till HI iii\ attii- 11 ;i Hi i!.-.'Ii:e < i tail ? \i'laititt'1 iu' uill u in iii- '