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Household and Country I euro ear ; < he. put a little black pepper in s >i:ic c. jtnn. .lip in >weet oil and insert in i . >r l'lii> i.v no <>f the quickestremedied Ivtli'W II. 'I'. prevent the -mokintr of*a lamp, soak t he w i -k in strong vinegar, and dry it well l'i f>re ynu n?o i;.: it will then burn bright nd clear. and amply rcpavyoufortbctrifling 1 "jlv r T: b.?t w:i\ to euro o 'inv i? t" take tw of jinn ammonia. two ounces of yel >' ' wax. and - \ (l>:u'luusvtnliirris. melt t' "ii i l spread thf cnmposition - !'t 1 it her. Cm away a? liiu.tli of ihc ispjssible, apply the plaster, and re w ovorv fortnight till the e >111 is away. Th quickest and best way to kill . I w i-t > j> i! hi- b<*ak. and then, with a in ted ml narr w knife. make ati incision th' 1 k <f the roof, which will divide the v : n 't 1 01-e immediate death ; after V : . ' in* t' wl up bv the less till the 1 1 : then rinse out the beak ? ' villegal and water, howls killed in tl ? niamii - keep longer, and d>* ii"t present the unsightly external marks of those killed by the 1 r.finary sy?tcni <>f wringing the l?Pi I' i* often a matter of b<>th convenience a 'id ( itou.v. in the h >useIio!d "r 011 t he ' : ' h-? *n.] i a Utile tannin?: so we ' a cm vi 1 receipt which may - '< the *k n r hide eight or - w th-'ii put it in lime : take 1 r- iii'ive t!ic hair by rubbing it. : - >'?. i* i i clear water until the lime is . ?;rclv ?>?|t Put njm pound ' f alum to * 't. !vc in a v -ssd sufficiently ! i" hold tin* hide; soak the hide in it th- >r f-ur days tin ti t:ik< it out.let it get It' drv. and then beat or rub it until it 1 I ,o 1 . irl-i, r prepared by this v. " ?i t d -well r>r sIikOv hut answers i o ? i!: _ ? haek-haiids. and various I h r p >ses an the firm I Thk >wi > r Potato?The sweet potato i? no uf the ui st valuable esculent roots e\ . r h^ef >wi 1 on man bv a beneficent Pro- j vidence 1'hif *>ph^s say the banana is tii _t. atoat and cheapest food gift to man? ; ' i the sweet potato disputes the palm. It ;s ii r only wholes inc and * nutritious in th - lii^he-t degree, but a> to the best vnrie- ^ tie* they are dclici uts as food. Their power of reproduction it h difficult to overstate. We never heard a g 1 farmer attempt to fix limit* to it. and it is well nigh illimitable. In th-- Idea time d<-wn in Florida, the prud tit planters gr oved prodigous quantities, and banking them up in the fall, allow the . I??i?i: .? Undo /? lioln themselves nrllibitum j'lUU tli 'II IIUIIUJH/ "V.J fir their "wn u?e. and occasionally allow f faithful Samhft tn haul rhem to market on 1 hs own * <p uit in the great plantation ti? ir->111 wli'fli thi-v were s -M at the stand- j ing price ot'twenty-live cent* a bushel. In ta'-r. sweet ) tatntp. in these days, were con- j i i"'l w rth about a?nmch as w ater?11 >thing at all at the ^prin^ and away from it the c *t "f hauling?Mt^on T'bf/roph. I fflisMs ; ? i paoi - ami 600 /ViMr V kmjkavixm*. pktntvpI IN ?\t.I.I-ll ISO '.Kit- I vmtsi n\ man. whiitkn uv l'tl FV1VrN u"r,,"R>* ^ ia ( 'n v i.i .i\ i ii\sk, eii- | 1 *>; J a,?'1 ? '? " 8J g .V -Ji - | I K il.WIN II ALL'S PHILIP \ aw'akf*i hi """itiiri-- ii ??fili I LU l j i'kkkin-, lie. ete. r, 1 ' ry i | ! rai.i le-s < f in ' i i ill i iat., tie., in all it-aires.?1 is J "< Jl'len* ? !! IP fHSllli of .iris MD'i lllH'lllf I'-'ll o-, ; t;,ll itt-l - I a., k ./ L . ...j,. *a., j. . .,( n.i'T.-i ever oirm-'l I. < I v ''K'K i- .in i.v ;,i{. riTj*. wiii. ure ina- i i ii ail parts 1 < . trv. It ,-.|i.;-.,| ' . .*? I lie ? li'.,i|.e' l I... . k ' 1 P'l .U. W WJ'lI Alt"-Ml ? III f\.T> 1 Li . 11 . ra?* ar? i rul. We jjive i_- ' .ry. i f uj ! ; " I i.i |#< i'f 1 t i i t- um ''iaii in- Kldrcitit the j l.t < "ti- >* - til tu ai.v a.i i I , li. M KU A, HYDK. l'ulitli?'rn. * i't 1,1 hi.. < Ui'Mtro, J . Cm .nt'.isi. Ohio. At .1 Christmas Goods!! r? At (\isll PlirolUM'S At \\* ' . ' <V I fivair.i^P ty cull iljiutl 1 .. \\ tu unri t gni<J, As !i? in offer inp? ch"i<* Stn]>l<4 Uoods, I 1 *1 1*4 I II* AMI' 'I'lKMKIH (I Illl Ulll I J , Farming Einploi^ru (h. Choice Family Groceries, in put i.f <vr, ws. a >FFF.KS. TKA, I.AKL>, FliOl'K, COSliEN LETTER, IIAM&, 5S1UES, BREAKFAST STRIPS, K\CT<?ItV CIIKKKSK, *P!'TS. FISH, tic . kc., k>\ fa-A UV //'< ? n th wed oitr Stock for A. IMM (jUN. t ' i, " r * t!l j?;t \ i J.' in r ' " Ti it. 1 i <' 111?j ^ I'roCF??rci: >. I>OI'(;LAS. !. h!i>hu:to\ \ ro., i va < r< > 11 >; t ' OOMMTSSrON MKRCHANTS, i: \ I. i I M it . I rIk < n?ir<- > I< M K < ?! ' . r I? I*. I'KAAI >fcLKE ?V COST I or CASH, j i !n i l#y intitule the . i iiihi ?ut ji^cutsfo effict such - tl?\ ' ; Mlhi'LKIoN \ CO. fj'j', ? tf j Change of SHitilule SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COLI'MHIA. s. C., Sept. 20. 1872. C^Il.AMit! ot' swhedule to g? into effect on and I after it tin da v llit' 29th inst. Mail and Passenger Train Leave Columbia at 9 a. ni. Arrive at Charleston at 4.30 p. m. Leave Charleston lit 9.30 a. tii. Arrive at Columbia at 5.2U p. ui. MOI1T KXl'ItESS. Freight and Accommodation Train (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7.50 p. in. Arrive at Churleaton at 6.45 a.m. Leave Charleston 'at 7.10 p. m Arrive at Columbia at 6.30 a. in. Camden Accommodation Train Will run daily to Columbia, as follows: Leave Camden at 7 '20 a. in. Arrive at Columbia at 11 55 a. tu. ^ 1 1 ! _. >1 1(1 i. m I.OIIVC i omilllmu hi - iv jf. iii. Arrive :ii Camden at ft 55 {>. m. A. L TYLER, \*icProficient. S. R. Pit kins. (i. T. A. (VILM INOTOXj OLIMfilA & Al ii IST1 K, 11. Co. WILMINGTON, N. C., Oct. 7, 1872. fT'p ' TrffiTiilii i". CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. The following schedule will go into effect on . M.. Monday, 7th in.-t. BAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 8:25 a m. Arrive at Florence H'-W a. m. \rrivc at Columbia 2:40 r. m Arrive at Augusta 7:4i.wp. ?t. Leave Augusta at 6.85 a. m Arrive at Columbia ll:2Fr?A. ?i \rrive at rloreuce 4:1 ? p. >i Arrive at Wilmington 10:25p.n vitiiir express train. daily, (Sundays Kxcepted) Leave Wilmington 5:45 p. M. Arrive at Florence 11:85 p. m. \rrive at Columbia 8:40 a. m. Vrtiveat Augusta 8:20 a. m. Leave Augusta 5:50 p. m trrive at Columbia 10:20 p. m. Vrrive at Florence 2:12 a.m. trrive at Wilmington 8:0<? a. m. J AM FS AN PERSON, Gen'l. Supcriu't 711AKL0TTE, COLUMBIA A AUGUST A K It. (i I VKFAJ. >StTKRlNTKSI)AST s OfKHT, Columbia, September 22, 1872. t* -. ,'j-j v'.vi . i'Jf'i [iDL^1 On and alter Sunday, September 22, thetrain* ! his road will rnn in accordance with the follow, \ ng "Time Table:" sot'TH. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. \ .euve Charlotte ^ <mi a m * 20 p tu Columbia 2 10 p tu V, .it a ni i irrive at Augusta, 7 45 p m 8 20 a m GOINO NOHTII. Train No. 1. Train No. 2 , .cave Augusta, '5 25 am 5 5o p m i ' Columbia. 11 ">2 pm 11 05 p m irrive ut Charlotte, ti 15 p tu <i CM u m Staiidar 1 time, ten minutes slower than Washngton city time, and six minutes luster than ('u 1 umbiacity time. Train No 1, daily; train No2, daily, Sundayi ' XCOJ'ted. Hoth trains make close connection tuall points Corlh, South and West. Through tickets sold . nd baggage checked to all principal points. K. P. A l.KXAN I'KIl, | (Sen era! Superintendant. 1* K. Dohsi.v. (Sen. F. ,V T. Agent. ireeuville and Columbia Rail road Cut.t uni t. S. C , September 5, 1S72, Ihiilv. Sunday- excepted, connecting w ilh I light Tr tins on the South Carolina i'uilroad. I . .11.. i .. v -i ? ' ji iii i.~i? huh iimi* lT"lii? .>OMll all'* 1.uili on t tun 'olm.'il.iia ?i>1 ! pu?t? KniV??l, mi.I W.lin n^i. 11. ?\luinliia nnl Aujrnatn , nilruaii. fl'. :v> (' 'tinil'iu nt u. 111. | VI. \f I ?!tlll t.t 1", hi. chvi' Newberry '?.!> lo u m. | wit- ( okn.-'iur.v 2.<Hiji in. | eare Helton :{..* <t j. m I rrive uMlreeiiville at o.uO p ui DOWN. ivi- 'ir > r.v lie ?t? 7 0 a in I nvi* I'm linn y.'IO u m. rave ? oiii-.-hury ' 1.1 " a in mvc Netvberry l.JiO. pin. atc .\l>tn|| -l.'JO p in. rive a 1 t;?>111 m>>im pin. /#</? / >'<.! 1'iiii'ft full It^iif Jliihf f)tl'l*iuJI. I.KA \ K nlbitll.'i ? 4" ? m. Arrive 7 l.*>p m rryvillc ! 2". a in. I.eitvc > or> p in u<iktuii , 10 u in. Leave f? 50 p ai 1<I<TS<VI1 * 10 a in. Leave 4 ?? p in ai 15<-lfnn 'J 00 a u> Leave 3 p ui A<< !iim<?iiiti.iii t ra'ina .i n Abbeville 15ranch ii'l'iys. V\ < imdnvH. and Fri-liiyy. n Ai. I< i' t)11 l',|-in.;li, Ik,.|w,.< ii IScln.n <iri<l Ani'Oil. or | ucs.LiV', Thin -"lays uti'l Saturdays. | ||ii> lriili.1 MKAli. (ienl. Supt. ' mii/. \<iiit<iv. (ienl. Ti' ket Ajit. IX IOIIS, SASH AND BLIDNS. ! Mill I.IIIN'li. UrackHK,Nlair Kixlurcfl, | I', ii. lei- - Kmiiisliiiij.' Hardware, j liiuin I'ij < . Flour Tile*, Wire (iuar<ls, j Terra Ware. Marble ari l Slate M mil.- Pi.-. < s. Window GIiibs n Pporlnlty < irn.ln'* in I Pric<- Li-'-> .sent tree on >M | li- vi ii 1 v 1\ 1*. TOA1.K. ? > T1..VIIO :i? 1 " 1' ii H . O' t. ?lv Imi'loloii, > I' I Sa 11 -Sa 11 ?Si? I f. 2,000 imw ! in IIII::. I in - .1.- I . I* \v k I i:?*11 n' !:i:. L'7 ?J- mi l L"'N itli W i*,i i Stri*?'?. \..v | | Wiliiiiiiff n \ i' ro* isioiis. IOO la ?\ K> l.< >\?. < I.K.X I! >11'KS, l.'ii li >\.n H'nJ lilnj". SiuitJaMl Slim l.i?, ?ou Itiiinl- Umk . l-)ir kiIi-iiv w ii,i.i \ms ,v mi"la'Hi>ii\, XViluUiT^U, t' NEW GOODS, AT THE OLID ST-A-HSTiE) OF J. A T. I. JO 3fE?, Comer of lMKalb and Ilroad Streets. WE are now receiving and opening our ?ew stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, C'arpcuter'M Tool*, In great variety. CROCKERY AND GLASSWA NVOODENWARE, I CARRONWARE, AC., AC. I Fancy and Heavy G? ( >CEI1IES, BAUOI.\ i A\D TIEN, SADDLERY, BRIDLES, BITS, AC. A. VERY CHOICE HAMS, BACON AND LARD. All of which will he sold cheap for CASH. X. B.?If you don't nee what you want, call for if. J. A T. I. JONES. 5eptember 2l>. Cm. Fall anil Winter Goods. | (tK)ll'?E ALDEX respectfully invites the _I tention of the public to his Large and well- J nortcd STOCK OF OOOdS, J Comprising, in part, GROCERIES, DRY ROODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS. Cooking Ktoveft A Hardware,; | All of which will be sold on the most reason able terms. Cotton purchased at full market rates, and iberal l.'iis-h Advances made on consignments. GEORGE ALDEX. September I'd Onto COOKIXG STOCKS. i i It is a well-known fact, that the f'nokiug S*tov?? has luTet??f??re foutnl but tew adonrerH in THE SOl'THERN Ol'XTRY, . hence it* utility i- but little known. THE COOKING STOVE 1* now sought after, as the most Economical Mid Labor-Saving article for cooking purpose*, that has been invented, nt price* within the reach of all w ho desire to nee tbcni. A well a--oifed etock of these Stove# on bind, and for -n 11- by (iK<>EUK A L1>KN, Agent September 1'J t'ta {Milliter's Ware House. I I'ST reei?:> I 41 the m< 11 knowriHbJ ?J popular octuhh-hnnrit. a full st*< k of Fall and Winter Good*. I'uniting in part of IDIR/ST GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ready-Made Clothing, kc. kc. special attention ts ineiteil to tlie large stoak ot { Provisions and Plantation Supplies, Aiming which will he touml, HACoN HAMS Fl.tM K. CORN. LAUD. (' A N N K1) F RriTS A N1) M EATS, - 1 -n *!? f'ikLifiil ila a tir*t HU'l D.I luri Ul i v icn . w class Grocery. A 1.80, Hype. Mil, Uroonn. Hugging and Ties, Matches, Axle Grease. Ituckcts, Curds, Nhi!*, Curry t'ombs, Hoes. Lucks. fauces. .Soap*, Sturch. Sifters. Salt, Soda. Flavoring KttraclH, Sugar, Candles, Shot, Powder, linn Caps, MoiiM-hi.dd and K itch en I'trtUlU, Uake*, Spades. Knives, and Fork a, Spoons, u 1 ninny other article1 t numerous tonientiua Sfcr"1 >11 uit 1 c \ mm nc stock and pi ice* He- j Tore put chasing elsewhere. gajtf The highest market prices paid for ('ot- | on mid othes produce. I>. W . JOItlK Y, Ut. September I'' tf. I?KJ IIAMS, \ t'\v Sinolifd lltsoi; i I tronU IiihI StripK. " 11 1 L'- l.l V .?w I'liiiire tin k ami .-m fcu i re> i'i > ? "J all >1 t"i * i!?* I V l? I. I?I:sA 1 SSI UK A CM . Flour?Fhmr I nno uauui i.s \M. <;i: \I?I-:S. I "r Kile I.V WIL I VMS .v Mr UdlSnN > li WiiumTgUiu, r OAHOLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MEMPHIS, TE> X. Branch Office Baltimore, M(l. Assets - - - - $1,075,000 I I |oh. JEFF. D.1VIS. President. Gen WADE HAMPTON, Vice Pres't JOHN D. KENNEDY, t State Agent. RICHMOND BANKING AND INSURANCE COSIPAiVY. Capital, - - $300,000 PERSONS wishing t.o insure in n Fir?t A"Ikhh Company at I.nw rutr*, will pit-fine tipply to W. CLYBURN, Agent, uly2 u. C?. FALL. 1872 I invito the attention of the| Public to the i LARGEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS, ! I cii<>rrn i'!>'< * i | BOOTS, SHOES, AND IIATS ! IN CAMDEN, j a it '< a n.t i r. iir,r,.i I | Bought Right, i i AND WILL HE j Sold Right. R. M. Kennedy.! NOW OPENING. ON CONSIGNMENT, K A FULL STOCK OF STAI'K DRY GOODS, 7 n Hoots, Show, lints, CapM, t' i HARDWARE, f TIN WARE, J WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. HOLLOW WARE, ' CROCKERY', Ac. Ac. I Fur Hale at the lowest rate for cash, by D. L. DESACSSl'RE A CO. Ctm. Aycnt?. ALSO Fertilizing and Mason's Lime. ALSO 1 WINES AND LIQUORS, : 1 Of the best qualities, and i n every gra Sept. 19. tf. ~NEW GOODS! i A T the store occupied by A. M. Kennedy, a few doors north of the Market, will be found a stock, consisting of STAPLE DRY GOODS. Hardware. Nails, Iron, Steel. Spades, Shovels, Harden Hoes, Ilrady A Klwell Hoes, Plow Moulds, Ac., Ac. Ac. QROCEBIES. Crushed, C' ffec and Drown sugars, Rio Laguir and lava Coffiees, Green and Hyson Teas, Smoked and unsmoked .Side and Shoulder Dacon, Hums Lard Rutter. C orn. Oats, Salt. Stone Lime. Fine Super and Extra Family Flour. Soap, Candles, Starch, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda Crackers and Cheese, New Orleans Sugar House and \V. 1. Molasses Canned Fruit, Oysters, Early Rose. Goodrich, Pink Eye and Jack son White Planting Potatoes. < Crockery, Glassiare&c., Saflill0s,Briflle Shoes, Haines &c., All of which will be sold at the lowest price for cash, and we reques. a call from all who wish to purchase. A. D. KENNEDY k CO. A. D. KKSNEDV, A, M KENNEDY. A. M Kennedy will give his attention to the purchase of cotton: is agent for tne sale of Etiwati Guano, Kti wan Crop Food and Etiwan Ground Bone. Feb 15 tf J 1ST RECEIVED, "N CONSICrXME.\T, , A FULL STOCK OF Li? li and Heavy Ba??in?, > Rope and Ties, , Side Bacon, Hams & Shonlders NEW No. 1 AM) 2 MACKAREL, Extra Family. Family. Extra and Super ^ FLOUR, Java, Lnjjuira and Kio $ > ii 'Crushed." "Extra C." " E. J." ' " I>eui." and " K K." SUCiAK, FA4 TOKV FIIFFSF, Very superior (I. IV and Breakfast TEAS, New Orleans and Muv MOLASSES and j SYR TPS, Large size sacks Liverpool SALT. S'-aj?, Starch. Soda. Pepper. Spicee. Pickles, ('an Fruits. Vegetables and Fish. Together with every article usually found in a well-assorted Cirocery and Provision Stock. For sale at the lowest cash rate, by D L DESAUSSURE & CO. COMMISSION AOKNTS Sept. 11L tf | EVEKYTHIMi , \ew ! ( heap! Klcirant! tilCKLEA ROYKIX Itcjr leave to announce to the citizen* of f'uutcii utol vicinity tlist tliey are now opening u Jiioite lot ot (i()()l)S. Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. ;! A full line of Fancy, Family and Heavy GROCERIES, MACKAHKL. (.'(?KKKK, sniAH. \(\ A<\ 'f HA(?<?IN(i ami I IKS. SHOT ToWDKH, SALT. Ac Ac. At* j fraj'Thev pay tlu* Ill-host ] riiTs li? cotton ami other produce Liberal advance en n'risitMiini'tits "1 K'ttoii shipped to Char Baltimore and Liverpool MICKI.K A MOVKIN. .If Mr it irt/.i (\<rn> r, <\rnthri, .V <'. I ::m 1 <lmin is!mtor's .\otirr. \l I. I'l'I^oiis ^ r11?iui* ii^uiiipI flie c-lsto , i N| .r>nu > ' I 1 i-fii v?il! pre- ? fri'Hcnl (Kill, ; |i ill c t l III thi lltlilt I-ig llCil I ??r , tllrllt, III).I It ! lllllclltl-.l t. fi.c - .III ?.!1 iitulo luuuol ?t?' |!i\tuclit A L >K Mil LAN, V.liu r. 7 1'ui. | Pacific Guano Company's (CAPITAL * 1.000.000.j Soluble Pacific Guano. i'HIS fil'AN'l is now co well known in ull the Southern States l?.r it- remarkable effect* ,s an ugency lor increasing the j.i ..ducts of labor ,s not to require special recommendation from is. Its use lor sovrtipurs past lias established ts character foi reliable excellence. The large ixed rap it nl invested by the Company in tins ra le aflonls tb< surest guaraiiteoV.t the coiiiiuietl excellence of this (iuano. The supplies put in'othe market this season' iri*. as heretofore, prepared under the personal aipei of 1'r. St. Julien Kavenel, chemist of he company at ''harleston, hence planters may est assured that its ijuulity and composition is precisely the same as that heretofore sold. J. N. KOBSoN, Selling Agent. Chureston, S. C. J SO. S. REESE & CO., General Agents, Baltimore. T k u M s: $48 rash: time, without interest. To accommodate planter*, they can order now rnd have until the 1st of April to decide oh to whether they will take at the time or cash price. When delivered front the Factory l.y the carload no dray-age will he charged. Nov. 28. 3tn. yiniial of the Church. \\J E are prepared to furnish ihe ' HYMNAL If at the lowest introduction prices. A variety of styles, l'rices^front 20c, 40c, 00c,Toe, 9>] and upwards. . Fogarties Book Depository, XEH CATALOGUE Xo. 2H. A /trie Importation of English Hooks. The Practical Philosopher, a Daily Monitor for the husness tnen of England, and others, hy David Thomas, D. D. $x. Unexplored Syria, by Richard F. llurton and Charles F. T. Drake. 2 vols., $14. Man in the Past, Present and Futura. from the German of Dr. L. Duchner, hy W. S. Dallas, F. . S. $4, Wanderings in Scripture Lands, being a Tour o nine mouths in the years 18'i&--'70, by Tkos Robinson., D. D., $2 50. Mtnioir of ount Dc Mntalemert, by Mrs. Oriphant. 2 vols., $12. Act* of Gallantry, by Lambton Young, E. E. $3 75. Thoughts and Meditations on the Mysteries of Life, by John Frith, $0 75. Shakespeare and Typography, the Art of Printing; also remarks upon some common Typographical Errors with reference to the Text of Shakespeare, by Williatu Blades. $1 5<t. Ju lb* Preservation of Health, or Essays of th principles to be adopted by those who desir to uvoid Disease, by Thomas Intnan, M. D., o London, Third Edition. 2 vols.. $7. fl e Day? qf the Son of Man, a History of the Church in the Time of our Lord, by William Lee, D. D., $2 50. hilosophy of hristianity, or the Purpose and Power ok the Gospel. S'2 50. bit Truths, with Shakespearian Parallel*, bv C. 11. Selkirk, $11 50. rgels and Heaven, by Thomas Miller. $2 50. Gowth and Vicissitudes of Commerce, by John V eat a L L L).. $2 50. rewhon, or over the liange. Third Edition, $1 50. ,'cmonolopy anl Witchcraft, by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. $ '! anoe Travelling, by Waringtoti. Baden Pow 11. illustrated, $'5 Anecdotal and Descri live tural History, >y A. R"tner, $1 To Anecdotes of celebrated Men and Women, by iditor London Je?t Book, $2 The Sea Weed Collector, by Shirley Hibbard, M 75 Half Hours at the Sea Side, by .1 K. Tuvlor, \ G. S.. $2. Science and inrnerce. their lu.du >nce on our danufacturea. by P. L. Simuiotids, >;i. Roundabout Bumbles iti Lauds of Facts and ancy. by Frank H. Stockton, S2 50 Dr. Oldham'* Talk, by . S. Henry, $1 50 NEW NOVELS, fcc. EBB-TIDE." By t'hristian Beid. Author of dorton House Paper SI Cloth Si 50 Dr Vandyke," By John E-ttn ooke Cloth 1 25 Paper 75c Lord Kilgobbin" By Charles Lever Cloth :1 25 Paper SI "TheGolden Lion ofGranpcre" By Anthony l'roll"pe Cloth SI 25 Paper 75c Tiic New Edition of ooper's Novels" '"Ivth : 25 Paper 7"?e. Kim; \BT1E S BOOK DEPOSl ITiRV, No 2'10 Kiug street, in th> B< nd October 24 h'trUrton. S. THE MOSTATTRACTITE YET! I1 IIE undersigned invites the attention of his friends and the public generally, to his urge and increasing stock of Fall and Winter Goods, < oiiMftnifr in {-art. ? t DRY ROODS, Gent's. Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ol'Soutlirrn Manufacture. Vn>] uarr:inte<l to give <<ui infliction. Calicoes and Ladies' Dress Goods In great variety. Heavy Family Wroeerle* BEST BRANDSOF FLOUR. An extensive a>?ortnicnt r.f Hardware and Cutlery, riShi't ii)b{ ('iij'!*. Bagging, Hope and Ties.' t'olton unH nther l'rn<liicc bought ut the iirhe>t niaikct rate", ami liberal I'a-h A lvanee ii'Uts msuit* on rorcijruuioni^. J. AV. McCriUlV. Act. Soi'tomlior 1''. it (iKOJUiK ALDKN, Cotton Factor, AMI Dealer in General Merchandize, C S. < \ flow is this for Cheapness? i ? \ i i nance i??r ovorvDotiv TO 33TJY, A N 1) HI V *V I rHOI r MONKV ! \I1 i ??i u i-lniig l":\ it ^ 1 -i 11 , <* |,i ii.i-i nn I (ii n. i n'-, nti'l > iii-i,i 11 t( i, In* - il III I If - -Is 1 HII 1 I' I'I II III 'it ||||\ . 111! ht i I llltl'lill, Itllil ? I Il''} It \ . || (iin i I t ii.-nrx -i - iii. lux i? | 11-r t \ -i .til x, u v . mi rIx -I.- i? 1*11 11' ?!i v lie ii i > -1 il I li it lie . i XX II ? T I I?N (f.jiM -li - i . I" r.*l il W ? nlm> li ii o i linti.l ii.hiii oiLcr hitie ii i n ill *i'*l ' 1 ,0" I J u'tNW'AY,