University of South Carolina Libraries
- I 1-Li. I II.1LJ 1,04-01- Ui- i-'X Churcli IMreotory. Methodist Church, DoK.db street?Kcr. ( K. L. Harper, Paster?Services at 10X A. M. and 7$ M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wed* | nesday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, PcKalb street? | Kev. S. H. Hav, Pastor?Services at 101 A.M. and 4J P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on "Wednesday at 7 J P. M. Episcopal Ciiprch. Rev. B. F. T>. Pkr RY ?Sunday, at 11 o'clock A. M. and3J P M Wo/ltiiwd#! At, 4. P. M. . II VUIIvcwmj j ?- - 7 Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. Robert Thompson, Pastor?Services at?11 A. M. and 71 P. M.; on Sunday. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 P. M. MEETINGS. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T. a Attend the Regular Meeting Aa , . fif your Divtt^un at Temperance /MV' Hall Oil JWnFaY evwing /JHkA next, at 7 J o'clock, a rliLfruA By order of the W. P. T M 1GAYLE. R. S." LOCAL KJEWS. /Xnin. GRIFFIN \ HOFFMAN. XbwTa m Hr odrnruecmeute ai our lovt-tt rate*. Advertiser* in tfcatclqr ere reqeaateil lo leave tbclr tavor? WU& UM VOW. Tfctft fi~m line oxreplional faclliuet tor placing advertleemefite cheaply. and we take pleasH ore In referring all who deairc to ailvertlve In darn of-ton pwpev*. nepcrtelly ukee havieg real estate \ta ecfl?to these gnaileyec. I The Fire?Total Destruction of the ' ITouSE.?Op Friday last, abo^l 10 o'clock 1 A: M. tkoedreaded alarm of fire was Bounded ' add it was soon discovered that the bouse of 1 Mrs. Ilebt. Latta on Laurens1 street, was in flaire^ The'dfstance from town prevented J the eugines from getting to the spot in time ' to do any.g^pd) and the dejfth of water prevented their obtaining a supply of that neoes- ( sary Unid, so that" they were comparatively 1 useless. t : ,PL - nn th? Met Am ?idr> of the 5 " mi* ntv vaugiiv vii i ? ? ? house, ou tho roof, and as quije a fresh breeze was blowing at the time the flames spread rapidly. Souie of the neighbors ran ' .to the spot as speedily as possible, and succeeded in saving almort every article of furniture ^ in the house, which was occupied by Mr. ^ ^ Jas Jones and family at the time. Several ( articles offurqiture were broken buf the greater part was saved in fair condition. When tho Independent engine came up , on a full run the front wheels struck the ^ sidewalk as they were turing into the yard, ^ and the tongue was snapped short off. and ^ the engine otherwise injured. The Phoenix Hook and Ladder Company also came up, ^ but too late to do much good. Ladders ^ were put up on the outbuildings and with the assistance of the engines, they were saved. ] Mr. W. F. Reed was the last person to leave the'burning building. He succeeded j in saving several pairs of sashos and blinds, besides a mantlepiecc and other things. He remained in the house longer than ice would have liked to do. but his ''Irish" was up, we suppose, and he did nottcel like giving up, ( until he .could not help himself. < Mr. Jones was absent at the timo, but re- ] turned that night. The loss is total, owing j ~ to the fact that there was no insurance on the premises. Mr. Latta and Mr. Jones , have our sympathy in the losses they sustained. The fire was accidental. While on this subject, it may be well for i our citizens to consider the fact, that above I. "Logtown," they are at the uaeroy of fire. The water is at such a depth in the wells, that it is impossible for the engines to pump it up, and what water is used at a fire has to be drawn by hand. The only way we can think of is to bare Ire wells dug suitable places, where the. water can be reached, or to keep ou hand a { 'ire Extinguisher. and above all to keopn^) V pdlily df iti.turiuco 011 their prepf**. We rather think that the engine now in use aud belonging to tho "town, ocmld he sold and improved ones obtained. Our Lancaster and Aiken friends have no engine#. Per haps our# might be sold to them. One good, light, side brake engine, would be* of greater service at a fire ilua all four engines we now have. The subject certainly desertes moat cement consideration. A Fieilmsh Act.?On Monday last, Mr. W. D, McDowell disoovered smoke iseuing from an out building iu his yard, and upon going to the spot it was found tbatscunc fiend had placed a burning piece of Wootf in a bag ? I- ?J .V. ana piaccu it ill nit: ^lurct m iuc uunuu^, surrounded it with matches and left it to do its work of destruction. Fortunately it was discovered in time to prevent what might' have been a disastrous conflagration. Tub Pootmastbrship.?We are pleased to nyte the appointment of .Mr. 0. Witter as postmaster at this place. We are satisfied the appointment is a good one, and it will give satisfaction. The duties of the office have been discharged for some t ime almost exclusively by Mr. W., to the satisfaction of this community. He will take formal possession as soon as he gives his bond. We would not be surprised if the appoint meat has the effect of adding somewhat to the population of our town. Verbum tap. The Taxes are Coming.?It is used to " be a 8o?K? " The Campbells are Coming, ke.," but now it is changed from that rofrain to the heading given above. From the opening of the books ou the 10th, up to the tinfb we ge to press, between eight and ten thousand dollars have been received by our worthy Treasurer, D. McQueen. mm r* ? ?y if ww piedmont and ARLINGTON Lite Ins. Co. ?We bcc with pleasure that our friend. W. LMyburn, Esq., so long connected with the ibove named popular company, lias resumed die agency of it for the counties of Kershaw, Lancaster and Shunter. No tlifienUy will b? hereafter experienced, either in the opportunities afforded for paying premiums or renewals, or any other bnsineas oonnected with the company, as Capt. Clyburn intends Lo adhere strictly to business, and cau always be found ac his old office on Broad Street, where he will be pleased to see his friends. Dr. C. A. DeSaussure.?We were pleased to meot a few days since upon our street#, the friend whose name appears above. He announces himself this week as intending to remain in this vicinity for some time, cauvueaiug in the interests of that old and well tried cpmpuny, the Secnrity Life and Annuity, of New York, with which he has been associated for four years past. We wish hijB tutocs^.^ , , * | | / Council Meeting.?Council met'at 5 o'clock on Monday afternoon. The first business transacted, was the ordering of a levy and assessment of 8 mills on the dollar on all taxable property in town, to meet expenses for the current year. Petition of Waterec Engine Company for fifty feet of hose to attach to that already owned by the engine. Referred to a commiffj>A nnnRiMtinirof Alderman Deas and Dib t>lc, to report upon the expense and nceesfily of granting the petition. Bill of Henry Mitchell for repairing engine house and engine, was referred to same IJommitte. ..." , Bill of W. H. R. Workman for engrossing >rdinances of the town, wag ordered to be ?id. No further business appearing, Council itood adjourned. Grand Jurors.?J L Yates, (in Sumter Jonuty,) Thomas Cook, jr., Tbqp Addison, Horace White, John Middlcton, Saby Brown, Henry Peay, S?ipio Mickle. W If Drnkrrord, J L Jones, Allen McRae, Perry AnT lerson,./ IF Mc Curry. J R Thorn, Henry, \rithrny, Washington Anderson, Lewis Carer, S B Latham. Petit Jurors.?Henry Lawson, Robert Mallard, William Barnes, Romeo Waring, 3?p Williams, W W'Stokes, Bnhceif Cato,\ dates Brown, E J Carter, Gaten Gaitlicr, Paddy Green, RD. Thomas, Isaac MuLaughin, Jerry Hotfgh, Alfred McOoakilr, Peter }loud, Coliph Ricks, Carter Ball, PhinRoberts, Abram Carolina, Adam Warren, ft J Ifumphries, Amos Jonfes, Henry Jones, Lazarus Shiver, Jury Kirkland, Wyman \dumeon, Reuben Patterson^ Daul Cardih>, G L Dixon, Anuuon Reynbldfc, Thomas dyuum, Joseph Brown, Jaa Gripper. The Kreitai Herald. This is the title of a ne(v paper, puhliah;d in Columbia under the editorial charge if Messrs. Xprthrop & Everson. It is publashed every afternoon, and is Republican in politics. We hope that the calumnies of the L'nion will uot find a place in this new candidate for poWie favor. As to Major E. W. Everson, we consider liiui as perhaps the bost and most indefatigable reporter iu the State, while as a managing editor he is a decided success. He has alao the proper kind of feeling for the Southern people, and (f Teh to !lim wo are sore that he would not "set down aught in malice." The get up of the paper is excellent. It is well printed and well edited, and we wish it success. If we could get the Herald here on the day of publication, it would no doubt obtain subscribers, as its market reports would be twelve hours later than the inorniug ]*pers t 9U2PUA230 ' & 1 Cannot the Major manage to effect this ? Builders'and Contractors' Special Notice.?Poors, Sashes, Blinds, Window and Plate Glass,"Builders' Furnishing Hardware, Mouldings, Stair Fixtures, Marble and Slate Mantelpieces, Encaustic Floor Tile, Drain Pipe, &c., &c., at lowest wholesalo prices, at the great Soathern Factory of P. P. Toale, Charlatan, S. C. Send for his price list. [-m] CAMDEN BOOK-STORE. a SCHOOL BOOK of all ki nds. Novell and Miscellaneous Books. Photographic Albums. Family and Pocket Bibles, Hymn Books and Testaments, Prayer Books and Hymnah, P?n?. Ink. Slates. Pencils. Paoer aud Envelopes. Tin Cash-Boxes and Writing Desks. All new hook* can be obtained in a abort time, at Publisher's Prices. Not. 7.?im. J. A. YOUNG. Watches, Jewelry, &c. G<OLD and Silver Watches. Chains, Rings, I Pins and Earrings. Studs, cuff Buttons, Knives, Razors Scissors, Steel Spectacles, Tooth, Hair, Nail and clothes Brushes, Willow Baskets, hina and Granite Ware, cups and Saucers, Plates, Stcakc Pishes, Bowls. Pitchers, Sic.? German and French Toys, Violins and Strings. I Guns, Pistols, caps, Wads and cartridgev. jiov.7.?3m. J. A. YOUNG Patronize Home Industry, And keep yonr Money Circulating AT HOME MBuggies, Carriages and Wagons ANCFACTCRED or the beat selected muterial, by akilled workmen, at the Factory of Johs Aohkw, near the Poat-oflie, at Columbia. Old Carriage* repaired to look like new. AH work warranted. For Cuta and information, addresa, M. J. CALNAN, Agent. J on* Aovxw, proprietor. Dec. 6. 4 TO BOOK CANVASSERS. ANEW WAY of running a l>ook. Can aell thousands per week. Address MURRAY' HiLL PUBLISHING i0., 129 Kaat 2Sih-st., New York city. \A/ A MTCn if you" wish to buy a 8kwVYnlN I LL/i 1no machine for family, or act as agent. address washington sewing machine co., Boston, Mass. t in TO THE WORINO CLASS, male or female, $?0 a week guaranteed. Respectable employment at borne, day or evening; no capital required; fnll Instructions and a valuable package of goods to start with sent free by mail. Address, with G-cent return stamp, M. YOUNG a CO., 10 Courtlandt-street, New York. JtpSYCOMANCY or SOUL-CARMING." How either A sex may fascinate and gain the love and affection of any person they choose ioaually. This simple mental'arqnlremsnt all can possess, free, by mail, far tsc., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding Night Shirts, Ac. A queer "book. Hddress T. WILLIAMS A CO., Bub.-tr** illyl 'MI??>4 Tt* * t Be deeeive?l, but for cougns, coins, sore inrimi, hoarseness, and bronchial difficulties, use only Wells' Carbolic Tablets. Worthless Imitations are on the market, bnt the only scientific preparation of Carbolic Acid for Lnng diseases Is when chemically combined with other well known remedies, as in these tablets, and all parties are cautlonM aealust usiuk all others. ,:i04. > In all cases oflrritat ion of the muEous membrane these tablets should be used freely; their cleansing < and healing properties are astonishing. Be warnep and never neglect a cold; It is easily cured | In its incipient state ; when It Becomes chronic the cure Is exceedingly difficult. Vse Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a Sped fie. JOHN Q. KEI.LOCO, 18 Platt-st.. Now York, Sole Agent for United States. Price 25 cents a box. Send ror circular. The immense saler 10,000 ill one month, our 'Livingstone 28 years in Africa?, Is having, PROVES it above all others, the book the MASSES WANT. It goes like WILD-FIRE. Over ?00 pages, only $260. More Agents Wanted. NOTICE?Be not deceived by misrepresentations made to palm off high-priced inferior works, but send for circulars and pkoof And statements of great saccess of our agents. Pocket companion, worth flO Mailed free. HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, 723 Sausom-strcet, Philadelphia. Ag?nt? Wanted.for. r,? M# GOB'S SIX DATS' WORK, OR, SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE. - tni/i mow thrilllnir than fiction. Evefy man, woman and child wants to read It. It is endorsed by the Press, and Ministers of all denominations. Sales lminenac.^^^^U report 80 87 and 98 coS tajndftrd Edit i on fifthoHoly Bible Over C60 Illustrations. All oar own AfeaU for oUer boohs,j^rd^my^^^^^^^^^g^W^iktfs^senbooka Presto working Agents. Address ZlBGI.ER $ ssyy*.w? mAWw" CARPEfr^ MTiii OresT Wrfbxgi-Tfle fefr #t4U^i C0pet Co.. established over s quarter of a century ago, having expended much time, talent and money to produce a stylish and durable carpet at a low price, after years of experimenting with the best artlzans, have bi ought out a carpet which they have named and will be Anown as . order to Introduce them, will be sold for 87 1-scents per yard. Samples seut by mail ou receipt of ID cents, or Ivs different patterns for' lit cants. SEW ENGLAND CARPET COM PAST, 373 Washington-at., Beaton, Mass. gJUKUttg h i I i i IB unequalled by any known remedy. It will eradicate, extirpateand thoroughly destroy all p6>onous substances in tlie Blood and w HI effectually dispel all predlspoaltlon to bilious derangement. Is there want of action In your Liver and Spleen 1 Unless relieved the blood becomes Impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, canker, Pimples, Ac. Ac. Have job u ityapeptlc alouuchf Unless digestion if promptly ii<?<l (heafsteials debilitated w)tk poverty ofbp)<xl, dropsical tenlcocy, geBerafwMtnCss and Inertia. ,, Have you a weakuess of the Intestines? You are In danger of a t-hfonlc' dlarrhdea or inflammation of the Bowels. Have you a weakness of the uterine or Urinary Organs? You are exposed to suffering in Its most aggravated form. Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or depressed In spirits, with headache, back ache, coated tongue and bad taste lu the pioffth ? For a certain remedy in all these diseases, weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing and purifying the vltla ted blood, and Imparting vigor to an ine vnai lorces; for hulldiug up ami restoring weakened ooiu**ntlons USK I! i j* JURUBEBl which Is pronounced by the leading medical authorities of London and Paris " the moat powerful, tonic and alterative known to the medical world." This Is no new ami untried discovery but has been long used by the leading physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. Daft ffeaten aid Impair tht digesti?e organs byfctharflcs, and pttysfrs whlcii give only temporary relief ?Indigestion, flatulency and dyspepsia with piles and kindred diseases are sure to follow their use. Keep the blood pure and health Is assured. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., New York, Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Semi for circular. asSF Heavy Additions HAVE BEES MADE THIS 'WT1EK, I STOCK OF GOODS, TlfLUl. *-a ssAmt urli 1 Vi }I I11C11 VIS nun UHWVW DEFY COMPETITION. / * ' _ 4' v Call and Examine GOODS AND PRICES ' I Goods shown with pleasure at 1 H. BARUCFS STORE, OPPOSITE THE MARKET. December 5. Cotton Seed. FOK fale, 3,0OU bushels of Cotton P^mI, if applied for boon, at the CAMDEN STEAM WORKS. tit PC ,0 I'KH DAY ! Agents wanted! Al \j!p 0 clnsses of working people, of either sex young or old, make nt work for u in their spare moments. or nil the time, than a on* thing else. Particular" free. Address 0 S TIN SON & CO., Portland, Maine. September 19. 12m. .! \9f& >9 This unrivalled Medicine is warran tc<l net hi ontain a single particle of M**'^T^T,'bf*a^murious mineral substance, but is til' * ,?f? 9&RELY VESfiABLE, For FORTY YEARS it hns proved its grot value in all diseases of tin Liver, Bowels and Kidksts. Thousands of the good, and great hi all parts of the country vouch for its wonderful and pecutifr power inpurifying the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and impartin* new Life and Vitrei-. to the'whole system SIMMONS LlVkEtuTotfLATORisacknowledg-i ed t?*Te to**** oosr;> ] LIVER MEDICINE, It ctmfnWffoti^ rn^icrfliefer Uniterm the same happy proportion -i* any other preparation, viz: a gentle cailitirtic, a wonder* ! fill Tonic, an unexceptionable alterative a*nd a now regarded ?a the 1 6RBA.1 UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Lm? foMPL^KT *od tjie painful offspring thereof,' t"tm.* TJ^IpsW, Constipation, Jaundice, Billious attacks, SrcK Hxadachb, colic; Deprestion of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, CHILLS AND FEVER. Simmons' Liver Regulator d Is manufactured ^ely by., f'; , . ,1. H. ZEILIN k CCK, MACON OA., and PHILADKLPHTA. Price $1.00 per package; sent by mail, postage p.i4jCi>4N?V> TO a wl * $1.04- Prepared ready for use $1.00. and $1-60. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS December l^- Cm No(fi?Q<lMbs4atffci. A TH^ ee-pirtaWabip heretofore existing between Joseph 8. Cloud and Francis L Zamp, JjU'I?lifc? lygMtoal epairifoc l CLOUD "A ZEMP. All persons hsving claim* against the said co-partnership will receive payment upon presentation, and those indebted will make payment to the undersigned. JOS. S. CLOUD. December 6. ' ?f "Timpwmijji ? * V OF .XIY OTtt FASHION! '-IfllHLHf BXI0T . STOCK OF BOOtlAITO SHOES I> CAMDEN nntr riAAno JJIVJL vrwuij, I CLOTHING, ' ' 4 % Hal? and Caps. ? shjM . i; Ti .' " '* - T - ' ! Call and Exajnine the \*# Maguifiwiit Display | tSSOHd (qp / . )( & . i ' \'i j c Seasonable Goods, AT PRICES WHICH Defy Competition) . 141 J? . AT THE CASH STOBE OF JOS. S. CLOUIT **mM Eia i ?t4? vim nuu jl oiiitn. BeatLard OM, Linseed Oil, Machine Oil, Train Oil, Kerosene Oil, and Spirits Turpentine. Bm quality White Lead, and all other colors. sale by H0DG80N & DU.HL\P. Drags and Medicines WE havejuat received from the Northers Markets, the largest stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil*, 1 'arm's fir*, (?h**, Lamps, Patent Medicine*, Spices, and Dye-Sufft, generally ever breught to this) market. As the import duty lifts been reduced on many articles, wo can sell cheaper than aver before. HODGSON & DUNLAP. November U8. tf Havaa O manges And NORTHERN APPLES. For sale by . " * ' - D. C. KIRKLEV. R E MC OAOfl J U ; r J A.. A, ST Tikes pleasure in informing tfrf people trj that he has remored bis rlNE SlflO occupied Meeers. Cloud k Kemp, ju^Lopp offers his Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Clotl HATS, BOO Hardware, Tinl Groceries ft all kinds, 0 ' ! ?. 7 Jt r * ? ,.! At prlees wMeh defy Cs I ' Branch Store at the Corner. Where Mr. JOHN t. ARRANTS will! and giving the be* of hwrgriiw, Amo, , BrMMh Store at ] ~ v * i' r . :.3Jv03HO? 10 December 5. kjttt 1 ^ ' ;; TTj CALICOES, ; M *! ' . .t (BEST PRINTS,) Merrimac, Sp?mg? Quelle, Americas Star, (ALL fAST COLOBS,) At I2i Ceats per Yni i i i ' ii i i ' ? . COFFEE, AJgm CJMIW . GOOD IMVB, SEVEN DOLLARS PER BARREL. BAOOir SZDlMf At Eleven Cents per Fount. And all other Goods ia proportion, at A J A STRAUSS'8, One door shore Col. Jordan's Warehouse. STARTLJ THE CHEAPfi n*. J a' /? ...-hi DRY GOODS, MILLII BOOTS AND I HATS. ? 0 r? * HOUSE F and DRES MAKXN EVER SEEN SOUTH. I^^Our pricesjare more attractive tkU hum t Mr. W. J. ARRANTS returned to his < vember, where he will be happy to see bis fr Columbia ,Ootoberl9.?3m W.D. LOTEft 00, WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THEIR FRIENDS and PATRONS, tbat tbej have moved into Their New and legant Store, turner of Main and Plain Street!, UNDER THK WHEELBR HOUSE, Whsrs they have opened their immense steek of mvixmuBLKfiflooa Selected with the Greatest are. And comprising the BEST MA EES of Goods to be found in Domestic or Foreign Markets, To whtoh we weuld Invite the Attention of the inhabitants of Camden end She surrounding couutry, knowing that we can furnish then with Better Goodn, AT ZJDSS PAIO?, than any house in 8outh Carolina. Samples sent on ApplicationJ^Mr. W. J. ARRANTS. of your city, is ia our employ, and will bo ploased to hear trim his friends, at ths GRAND CENTRAL Dif GOODS ESTABLISHMENT of W. D. LOVE & GO. Columbia, Oetobsr ti. 8m. The Poulterer's Friend, OR CHICKEN POWDER. A certain preventive of Gapes and other die?... in xkUknM tnrkevt. Ao. Alee, Horee and Cattle Powders. For aale by HODGSON A DUNLAP. Vermifuges, Worm Candy, and PatenlMediciaee of all kinds. For sale by November 28. HODGSON DUNLAP. Brnnh<% df. Knglish and French Hair aad Tleth Bruakee, of all qualltiee. Whitewaak, Paint aad Hone Brushes, a vecy large M*>r;ment. For ea)? By November 2* HODGSON k DWUf. I \V .v. ^ . . . ^ - .y i ""I "IJ-V Hi'-'V >VAL.* BAV^I of Ciodn aoi of tW nrnvflu mo* CK OF GOODS M * S*n hnuriy ? its Dr. Ywrtf'l Book-Stors, gfcwi 6 Ji ling, TS AND SHOES, JVar?, Crockery, irpeoatar', Took, As., As. ?mpetitl?a. in tk Workman MHhf b? fouad, rtod j to wait on kio all fcfcafc Unyesrilk, S. O. A. A. STEAUSSflS IE twt? Iff iwtti B>, tf I ' TBYMY V ' COFFEE, oprm corns, lIsMMNilAR. And otter Mi ?oto to proportion, At A. A. STRAUSS'S. cwobixoitb, SKYTO DOIXAMFBB 1AUSL. ZNQNEWR ST AND THS MOST STY LIS! *ERY, SHOES, md CAPS, RPETS and OIL CLOTHS URNISHING GOODS, rG DEPARTMENT, ban mr. old position in onr House on tKs lit of Noioncu ind patrons. R. a SHIVER 4 CO. GhOQX) 3SI JiWB TO HOrifi-KUUPflM < Holiday ** Bridal ftwwfc, CHEAP?CHEAP?AND DURABLE IWODLPrif xtfBlty HrfwdlnnHww u4 a* paWfe Iklhl mUUlm to U U? ?U>ok ?f MirfUl(11- >wAl W CMk SUm, I IaporlMl tkroagb kim. Table Covers and Towai^ of tho fellowim* vidik* s? 21x88, WxW, Hi?t, 99x8* 72*71, tkM, 90*90. 98x104. 90x108, 88x122.90x128,98*8* . 90x144 1?ll? A mow oeppiy of Ready-Made Clothing, Woollen aid Gotten $0*8* Of wrmrj dooeriptioa, ooaoloHaf lm mart, of iao Alpoocsa, Meriaco oad DoLaiaoo, MM mad Am, cj color*. A loo, m wott oolootod oloofc of loots, h oes, Hats and Cap*, for woo***., worn omdokildroa. rookery, ooper'x Wu% Hardware mad mddlorj. . A fall otiiHwottHa So Grocery u4 always on haad. Leather, Shoemaker's Tools, U For MAXOAIX9, coll Bad ih WL TtilU, NotemUr 28 (olO.) 9m Administrator'^ Ittfcc, i LL Miaou! kaviBc claims against tfcs nSM A 0/ Margtret I. ftughee, deceeeed, will neepresent tkem U dee form to Ike nkinlnM kr payment, u4 *11 indebted to tke said t elate . will make iHMdhtkpnMtA. LT|UIWILAK, Adm'*. 9ev7.