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THE JOl kSAL. JOHN KfiRSHAW, ? Editor nnd Proprietors*UAXDEX, S. (\ JANUARY 1G, 1873 I , The Arraj of Jurors. * . 4" ,t. ?? ' * On Tuesday, Jrtnufiry 7th. the jurofs- tc sarre at th?* regular tenn of Cpurt on__th 20th inst. were djwvn and. .the venire turned over to the sheriff. We" desire -to make some comments upon the person* drawn and the manner of drawing, which are not iritonded' in the apiritof captiousncss, but as a means of calling the attention of the Board of Jurp' Commissioners to cer tain facts^^hich they have apparently over looked, and of the community, to a subject in which.they are all.more or less directly interested". We sec no objection.' be it kn?>wn. to colored men serving upon the ju j i ? ry If they arc competent anu u? VC 9UVII . oth'Sr qualifications as the law requires. Wc have th*o samfe objectfon to an iucompcteni white man serving on on a jury, as we woulii fcfau ni^nnRetenfffblored man. Tn our local column. we present the ve nire as delivered to the Sheriff ior service l^je ^ist shows that^f seventeen Grand Ju rorsdrawn^ twelve arc colored and live whites ode of the "whites living in Sumter eounty a?d>*kesefjte not liable to duty here as i juror. Of petit jurors, thirty-three, twenty seven of, whom are colored aud si* whites or including hoth.liets, thirty-nine coleret men and nine whit)bs;excftWiBg J .' L. Yates who. as above stated, lives in Sdnitcr county Of thyse drawn, one colored man has servc< fttr two successive Vefirs on th% Grand Jury to wit: 1870?'71, and twelve others hav ?'?J "? > ?<? ftr/i trrms mnce i86ff.? ber\eu iiuui uuv vv? fcnv w.-? . ? ;iw_?ur OA' >V% # *?.??> Some have servcdeo often that their Face have grown perfectly familiar,. and the it ;?? - f . ' not.tumk tfyjt Vo^rt was prpperly or ganized unless they were on the jury. Section 3 of the Act of 18W. requires tli lio^jd of Jury Commissioners in Januar of ea'cR year "to prepare a* lift of such in habitants of*, their . respective counties, a thev regard as u*U q*hH6ml to serve as jc 0 & ^ *? " ' I rors. being persons of good 'moral charactei of sound judgment and free from all legs c.Aefeptio#9.,i #hieh list ?haH include not lee than/one from every twenty voters, no moro than one from every tcu voters." 0 this list the names shall be written of eac! on a separate ballot and dropped into a boi folded up. whence they are drawn, until th venire is complete. To us,'the-proper way would be, it seert? t> select from the poll lists, and equal num ber of wMtar and ccfciiwd-men, who are ve\ qualified to serve as jb*ors, and from such list So' draw the -if*-however,'*thefc< in qfli^sljoyljl ponceHe the idea that th whites.are nqt entitled to such a large repre sentation on ^bfe jtyies, thou let them seltc tico colored to oncf w^ite, and-d^aw fromlist s > uiadc up. Kit We* of. these ways woul be preferable to such an array as th? presenl The roprescnlatkm at this torm wiH he fou eolofed to one white. Surely, whit? me ire as much conc? rned in the adminrstrn tion of justice by juries a# colored men are Most assuredly the law never coi. tern plate ( that the whites should be almost entirely ex eluded from participation in serving on jxi rips, and the proportion of colored to whit Yoften isostwo to one. The propriety of th* arrangement is too evident" to require argu inent.'" If the jurors wore seleeh-d neoord ingly to the hiw :ib>vo cit'id, the Board o Jury Commissioners could not fail to choos< proper unpj, for the Jaw ^ requires them b know the persona eelecieiand their qualifies tions, oth^rpise they would not be able b say < that tha jurors were men of good mora character and possessed sonnd judgment.? In rigtfd to this present array of jurors wi have ficard complaints njade by two pronii nent. colored Bieu of this town, who not on ly say that the juries -are mentally inferio to these hitherto drawn, but also that ther< are several uicn who are really incorttprtrn to decide judiciously any, even the simples cases. * ' ^ \ ' i ,'*1 ' W - We sincerely hppe, tlia^ hereafter ther* may U -po grounds for complaint either ii tlio persons or tlio manner of drawing tb juries. ' ; 47 ' "?' v . t i-? The L?irl?latpre. tf ' %' A * * " * . i * r; This body has been playing the mischief so to steals, during the last few days.'. Wi make, the following brief resume of their pro cgodiiJgs: 4.. _ . T HE L1KN LAW has been repealed by the Senate, w'd the bil sent to the House, where it will not encoun ter any serious opposition. This bill, nor before tho House, destroys the preferenci givfn to making' advances, and th< result wi II te felt very seriously at this tinu by both merchant aud planter. * # , EXTENSION TO TAX-PAYERS. *' r 1 ^ ?* ??(!inn **111 k, II is leareu mat nu rem e*wi.o?w.? "... ... granted. A joint resolution was offered bt Senator Uunn, giving tax-payers to Marcf 15, but objection was made and the resolu tiun went over. Aftorwarcb^ the Senatt Committee on Finance reported a bill iutro duced and : pigeon-holed six weeks ago, which authorized the Comptroller-General with the consent of the Governor, to give such extension as he might deem necessary This bill canrw have its three readings and b? -<igned by the Governor until after to day HSth.^when the penalty attaches. Our peo. pie cannot po-sibly pay their taxes by to-dav, for in our County, the Treasurer is allowed to use only oue receipt book at a time, aud -IL^PWJ.JU ? 1 consequently can not fill out uibre than a hun'dred^iitjd fifty per diem. It'will require at least one month hard work to collect the .tax in this County, and if the attempt is : made to ^ollect the penalty for non-payment, 'make a case, carry it before the Courts, and see if 20 per rent penalty can be extorted from thei/j because of their inability to pay, . .owing to the* short time,, five, days, allowed for the collection. No justice is in such a 1 - mL _ !., II.., _ J4_ fnm ' (hl'UUIt>,,il4>(M'lt[nii IA) WIICl'l it pciiiiujr iui uon-payincnt is an exceedingly doubtful legal question, even when ample time is given for the.payment of the tax prior to affixing the penalty, and much more doubtful does it.become, when only five days are allowed for* five thousand people tb pay their taxes in. TRIAL JUSTICES. Under the new apportionment Kershaw County is entitled to nine Trial Justices. Mr. C. Shiver has recently received the appointment of Trial Justice. Now is the time .for several more candidates for this honorable and d'stihguished position to make application. J ndge Sutherland and J. T.TruesI del have been continued in office. But alas! if Mr. WhittctnoreVbill, which we notice below, passes and bobomes a law,, the Trial Justices are apt to have a very hard time and uopay. Besides, to carry out the provisions.of the bill, will bring great odium ' upon them. Ilearkcn td Mr. Whittcmore's bill.concerning ^ THE POLL TAX. . ^ provides that if the poll tax is not paid .> within the timo presoribed by law, a penalty iof two dollars shall be added to each, ma'' Icing it three dollars altogether, besides nia^ king failure to pay a misdemeanor and pun. ishable with thirty days in County jails.? f Lists of .delinquents are to be made out and 6 given to the various Trial Justices, who shall proceed to " warrant" .the offenders, and s j. ? *' * ' jail ' them if they do not pay up. For this V service they are to receive no pay, but the Sheriff or other officers serving the wan-ant is to receive one dollar, payable by d^fendent, e in each case. What'a blessed thing it will ^ be to keep the Trial Justices busy collecting poll tax! And how much more satisfactory s to those who tfo pay, to see those who receive the beneht of their labors, made to fork up. ' The Senator from pTrlington is on the 1 right track. ISb ^ ' ' The enacting clause of the bill to abolish x w ^ the office of County Auditor and devolving ^ his duties upon the Clerk of the County, was stricken out on Saturday last. There are tjvo maov office seekers., in the party, to have made this bill a popular one and^we are pot surprised at its fate.. ^ Washington Correspondence. a WASHINOTQfr, January 11,1873. Although tRero is a great deal of work ibe^bre , Congress and the' fibre short, tfiirtgS e !prcgress as leisurely as though the session was to last six months; night sessions how>t ever, towards the close will expedite busi ncss somewhat. . J .. . ?' \ THE MAIl?TE6 have laid siege to Congress, and purpose ma' king the prohibition of liquor-selling a Na r tioual question. In pursuance of this idea, n the introduction of a bill by Senator. WiJson ( providing for a special commjssion to in. vestigatc and report upon the subject of restraining intemperance by legislative enactd uient was the first step in'the programme. Sumptuary laws have ever been obnoxious, r in this country. Even in tho land of l,steae dy habits." the Maine law has proven a failure, and although wc may ever so much deplore th^ ovils of intemperance, wc will hardly be'able to regulate the appetites or morals of the community by statute. If the proper f authorities will see that none but pure liquors, vinous or malt, ii sold, that coming L clearly within the provin'ce of legislation, a 3 a long step towards eradicating the evil re suits of tippling will have been taken, and 9 temperance be made easy; but the fiery j draughts of jwison which we imbibe with each glass, whether it be champagne or lager beer, creates a thirst for more, and ihe result e is, we aroa nation of hard drinkers. Sena tor Wilson is a safe and proper advocate of . this reform.. He cannot damage himself politically. as he has reached the highest goal of his ambition?the Vice Presidency?and B he has been a life temperance man in pref cept and practice, so because ''Old Heelt taps" has no mouth for the sperrits, we shall have no more cakes and die L> CHEAP PE.WAGOGCERY. The military capet-bag Senator from Mis" sif-bippi?Auies?feeling it incumbent on c hiui to get his name before the public, hit a happy thought and put it in the shape of a bill to ro-orgauize the army,- which pro vides in" effect; that negroes will havo the game opportunities for promotion in the thir" ty-six white regiments as they now. have in 0 the four negro regiments. Ames was a regular army, officer before he made himself Senator, and will no doubt receive the hearty thanks of his former comrades for this mark of his regard for tbem. Well, he 1 don't care much for the army, they arc not . making Senators iu Mississippi just now, and r the uegroea are, and that is just the difference. Although this bill is the logical se? qucnce of Radical teachings and practice, we ' shall 6nd considerable opposition to it from t those who mouth most of the "man and brother." PUNISHMENT NEVER TO END. The amendment offered by Mr. Smith, of ? New York, during the pendency of the ap propriation bills, yesterday, to the effect that i the Treasury Department shall have no power . - ?i k? ?v,? ?r 10 pay jllUgUJUIIK) ICIIUHtU VJ vuv UV)U1V VI Claims except upon special appropriation by Congress, is intended to place such power in the hands of Congress, that even alter the , Courts have decided the validity and justice | of the claim, it goes for nothing. Should the Radicals in the House for any reason, no matter how Blight or personal, object to payment on tlfc grounds of disloyalty, why not I. abolish the Court at once and settle all ques-1 1 tions by the test; is he a-Radical voter? which is of more importance now than whether he ?1 ?? /HdIaiioI Inn voarfl OCT A wa.i iujtoi \n umiujat vom jv??? ZACK CHANDLER went lumbering around yesterday amorg the 1 uow?pap?x men, toxioui to fiod th? tuthor of a letter in the Chicago Tribune, in, which referonec if made to one of the many Innocent incidents in his virtuous Senatorial career. Zack spoko his sentiments in pure ?thafc in Mirhirmn Knwlish.?inter larcMFwith quotations from pro&ne writers. H's remarks on the pleasure it would afford him to meet the bold correspondent, were most forcible and to the point, and would havo been quite striking had that event occurred. As knights of the qijill hero do not scare easily, the great Michigander will no doubt subside when thebeteine. gunge gets'dowu and peace will again reign in the Capitol. CREDIT MOBILIER. The-proceedings in the Credit Mobiler investigation for the coming week are expected to be very interesting. Judge Jere Black as counsel for McComb, is determined to .have the stock better, stock certificate book, and stock ledger of tho concern brought before the committee, and when this is done McComb has an avalanche of testimony that will completely overwhelm Ames and Alley and soil hitherto, unblemished reputations both in and out cf Congress. c. M. t 0. P. R. R. COMMITTEE. This committee, Wilson, of Indiana, chairman, appointed to examine into. the. business of the Credit Mobilier and the'Union Pacific Railroad Company;.and the indebtedness of the. road; to'tho Government, met yesterdaji&nd examined Mr. John B Alley, to pet at the books and papers of the Credit Mobilier so as to proceed with the examination. Between the two. committees the Credit Mobilier will require a deal of whitewash to make it presentable BRIBERY IN KANSAS. The examination of Hon. Sydney Clark before the Committee investigating tho charges of bribery against Sonator'Caldwell, of Kansas, disclosed a nice condition of affairs in the politics of that State. Clark stated that Caldwell told him that his election cost him 175.000 in money and the Kansas Pacific Rail Road promised to pay part of the expenses which they have failed to do, but he (Caldwell) purposed squeezing it out or them when thoy came to Washington asking for Leglislation. Clarke told Cald well in answer to his question ''that ho w^s a very unreliable and dishonorable man." His investigation will show up how Senators are made aud Legislatures -bought. RUMORS FROM NEW ORLEANS. The receipt of the news here of the withdrawal of eight Kellogg Senators pnd their taking scatcs in the fusion 'Legislature and a a ? n the issuing or an address cnarging tjcn. Long9tieet and others with ' conspiracy created some considerable Sensation, especially as accompanied by-rumors that there is a jpospect of a compromise between the Pinchback and fusion Legislature on the condition that the .offices of. Governor and Lieutenant Governor, be given to McEnery and Penn while the other officers go to the Radicals. BANKING. The Committee on Banking^bd currency have decided to report favorably on Mr. Merriams bill allowing free baking under the National currency act, without circulating notes. THE P08T OFFICE APPROPRIATION is three millions of dollars more than it was lost year owing to extending tbf.letteregr i rier system, fchrf railway flipil THE SENATORS. FOR COLdaADO*,' bo nay the knowing ones, arc to be Ex-Gov. t* j it li. ii. JDvans anu nuiiuravie 1*21. vuauot, tvuunut; ' chickens before they are hatched is nothing to this calculation. " A Healthy Digestion.?Life is rendered miserable when the digestive organs are impaired. * Food becomes repulsive ; the body emaciated; the mind depj$sscd and melancholy broods over you. Tttt's Vegetable Liver Pills is the remedy for these evils; they produce sound digestion ; creates appetite, impart refreshing sleep and cheerfulness of mind. Dr. Tutt's Hair Dye is Harmless. MARRIED?At Spring Hill,; Sumter county, on Tuesday, the 14th inst., by Rev. ; Ira Brown. Mr. B. M. Smith and Miss Minnie A. Rodgirs. All of Camden, S. C. i A l|pinual of Hmlth. An edition of between nine and ten millions of copies of a very useful work is now ready for gratuitous distribution, and can be had for the asking at any drug atore in the United States, the British Colonies, Spanish America and Bra zil. The work referred to ia Hostetter's Alma n&c for 1873 The medical portion of it treats of the various ailments to which the human system is subject, and sets forth the peculiar prop- . crties of Hostetter's Stomach flitters?the pu- I rest and best tonic known?as a preservative of health and strength, and as a remedy for debility and disease. The Almanac is printed in all the principal languages of the civilized world> and reaches a larger number offamilies and individuals than any other medical treatise that ever issued from the press. No man or woman who has due regard for that choicest of heaven'&blessings, bodily vigor, should fail to read the plain, simple and convincing articles which this truly practical publication contains.* The miscellaneous matter is varied, instructive and amusing, and the calendar department copious and comprehensive. Hostetter's almanac is, fn short, a household convenience, adapted io the use of all classes and callings. The farmer, the plan .1 ! .1 1 .1 L , I. .. ifr, wie miner, lueuiemuHt, life uicvnitm u, iutlaborer, the professional man, all need it; and to invalids of both sexes it is literally an article of prime necessity. The medioal technicalities which render somany medical treatises intended for popular use unintelligible to the general reader. have^een carefully avoided in this pamphlet. All is clear, explicit, forcible, and reconcilable with reason and common sense. The proprietors, Messrs. Hostetter A Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa., on receipt of a two eent stamp, will forward a copy by mail, to any parson who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. Camden Cotton Market Camden, S. C. Jan. 16, 1873. The past, has been among the liveliest weeks, since the market opened.?428 bales were sold, prices ranging from *18 to 18}. A lot of sixty bales wss sold at 19. Apple*. Oranges, Bananas, Cranberries, Lemons* Ac. , For sale by D. C. KIRKfrKY, Ageut. V 1 -' . Piedmont and Arlington LIFE Insurance Company, OF Richmond, Va. ASSETS ~TT * ? ? W. C. CARRINGTON, PRESIDENT. Losses f Actually paid in Kershaw County within Three Years, * . f . $28,000,00. I take pleasure in saying I hare returned to the tgency of this popular Company. No difficulties will exist in future, ns to Renewals of Policies, as I shall pay especial attention to that branch of the busiucss. JfeirT will alWays bo found at my Office on Brond Strict. Camden. S. C. W.CLYMJM, Agent. ? January 16; 1873. tf Security Life Insurance and Annuity f!nmnanv. .."'V w 1 .1? Of IN ew York. [ORGANIZED... 18G2. | CAPITAL S3 000.000 ; INCOME..... 1.500.000 Paid to Widows and Orphans of deceased members ...,1.500.000 Insures on all popular and reliable plans. / LOUIS SHERFESBE, General Agent, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES A. DESAUSSURE, Agent, Camden, S. C. January 16. tf Sheriff*'* Sale, BY virtue of an Execution to me directed, il will proceed to sell befoe the Court House j door in Cumdcn, on the first Monday in FebI ruary next, being the third day of said month, J during the'lcgal hours of sale, A lot of Merchandise levied upon and to be sold as the property of Charles flooding and Mary Hooding his wife, at the suit of Simon Baruch. 8AMUEL PLACE, S. K. C. Janury 15th 1873 ?tu. COUNCIL CHAMBER. CAMDKN, JAN. .13, 1873'. ORDERED, That.the Treasurer of the Town be. required to open immediately his Books | for the collection of the Town TaxesAll Taxes unpaid by the 15th dny of February will have ten percent added to them. ( All Tuxes unpaid on the 15th day of Marck will bo put in Execution, with Penalty .and costs. J. M. DAVIS, Tntcndent. Extract from minutes of Council. J- K. Witubbspook, Clerk & Recorder. The Books arc now open at my office. J K. WITIIERSPOON. Treasurer. $5 REWARD. THE undersigned will pay the above reward for the proof to convict the party or parties who entered my premises on the night of the [ 8th inst., and killed a tine shoot belonging to me. JOHN WARREN. January 15. 2t Notice to Trespassers, 1 HEREBY forbid all persons, under penalty of the law from trespassing upon my premises called "Dixie's Retreat," three miles east of Camden, by hunting, strolling,'riding, driving vehicles, or in any other manner. 'L, W. R.-BLAIR. January 10. lm* ?? ? i Butter, Cheese, Lard&Mullct. 200 boxes I 'JlhhSU, 50 Tubs lluttct, * 50 Barrels and Tubs Lard. 125 Barrels No. 1 Mullet. F. W. KERCHNER. 27, 28 and 20 North Water St. Jwt. 16. Wilmington, N. C. ftajT Corn, Salt and Glue. 3tlo bales 11 AY, 3,000 bushels COltN, 2.4UI0 sacks American Salt, 250 sa<;ks Blown Salt, 200 bbls Glue For Sale by F. W. KERCHNER. 27, 28 ahd 20 North Water St. Ja.n 16 Wilmington, N C. Potatoes, Apples and Onions. 400 Barrels POTATOES, 125 Barrels APBIiKS, 30 Barrels ONIONS, Tor sale by F. W. JvERCIINER, 27, 2S and 20 North Wutor-st. Wilmington, Jan. 19. CORNfCORNT 3.000 BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN. For sale by WIL IAMS.& MURCHSON, Jan. 16. Wilmington. X. (I TTT ATTD ITT ATTD X 1_jiV-/ VJ X Vj X J_iUU 1\, 1*200 BARRELS?ALL GRADES. For Sale bv WILLIAMS &, MUKCH1SON. Jan. 1G. Wilmington. N\ C. Provlnionsi. 200 BOXES I). S. SIDES, 25 Hilda. Bacon Sides and Shoulders, 200 Barrels Mew Fork. For sale by WILLIAMS & Ml'RCHISON. Ja& 16 Wiluuiigtoo, X. O. ? SAI Ammoniated Soli Cash Price at Factory, PHOSPHO-PER Cash, $50. ACID BONE ] Cash, |35. Cjri-oiiiicl Carol Cash $1510 VA SCOTIA 1 CASI \ r|tHE nbove nrmed Amraoniated Soluble Pacific A of the highest grades of Bono Phosphates r< vian Guano nnd animal mutter, making the m< combining flic ingredients required to produce a While these Fertilizers are warranted to kecj materially reduced for the present season. Mai JOB Also for sale by Agents throughout the South. jan2-tf * JONATHAN Spirit Cfuks. 400 SPIRIT CASKS?Now landing ex Steamer Lucille, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, 27.28 and 29 North Water Street, * Jan. 19 Wilmington, N.C. "headquaetebsof Wheeler & Wilson's SewiiMacliseCtt AT T.'S. Cloud's, CAMDEN, S. C. CALL and examine my stock and prices. W< guarantee satisfaction. R. D. HANKINSON, Agent. January 9. ' tf, School Teacher Wanted, A COMPETENT Teacher, who can teach th /\ elementary branches of the English lan guag". can find a comfortable home and a goo< salary by calling on or addressing either of th subscribers. He must be well recommended B. M. BROWN. I.. F. HOLLAND. Camden, January 9. tf DIAMOND SPECTACLES. THESE Spectacle* are manufactured from "MINUT1 CRYSTAL PEBBLES," melted together, and an called DIAMOND on account of their hardueea am brilliancy. It 1* well known that Spectacles cut from Brazilian o: Scotch Pebbles are very injurious to the eye, because o their polarizing effect. Having been tested with the poiarecope, the diamom lenses have been found to admit fifteen per cent, lea heated rave than any other pebble. I They are ground with great scientific accuracy, an free from chromatic aberrations, and produce a bright ness and distinctness of vision not before attained ii Spectacles ^ ? ? Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufacture Company, New Yoidc. For sale by - \ A. YOUNG, Camden, S. C. From whom they can only be obtained. 'No peddler employed. ? The great demand for these Spectacles has Indocei unscrupulous dealers to palm an Inferior and apnrlou: article for the " Diamond." Great care shonld be takei to see that the trade mark (which is protected by Ameri can Letters Patent) are stamped on every pair. September 2d. . 18m. Cstate of M. D. Wood. NOTICE is hereby given that one month af tcr >inte application will be made to thi Judge ^ Erobatc for letters of dismission ai administrator-.of the above estate. J. B. HAMMOND, Adm't. January 0, 1873. lm The American Farmer. This old standdfd monthly journal of agricul ture begins a new volume January 1st. Specia vtlcntion is paid?besides that given to the sta pie crops?to Stock Bcesping, FbcitGkowino, i the D.xmy, &c. Some of the most successful of American agriculturists', contribute to Iti pages. It is PRACTICAL. SUBSTANTIAL, RKLIABLE! Subscription $1.50 a year. To clubs of fire 01 more, oi\Jy $1 each, very handsome premium fot clubs. Specimen Nos. free. SAML. SANDS & SON, Publishers, ' Jan. 9. Baltimore, Md. KING'S movmix MILITARY SCHOOL, YORKVILLE, S. . THE first session of the School Year 1873, will begin February 1st, and end June 30th.? Terms: For School Expenses, i e.. Board, Tuition, Fuel, Lights, Washing, Stationery, &c? $i2o p?r session, payable in advance. For circulars, address Col. A. Coward, Principal. Dec. 25. Ct. COLUMBIA FEMALE ACADEMY. THIS wcll-knowu Institution was opened on th > first day of January, Willi a lull corps of Teachers, and a large numbei of boarding pupil*. There is still room for more. a.?.l to,. If,,v s R p?. tumbin. S. C. J. W. KELLY, President Board of Trustees. January 9. 1873. 3t. Sumter Book Store, Main Street, Sumter, S C. GILBERT BRO'S MANAGERS, DEALERS in all kinds of School Books. Also, Miscellaneous Books in great variety, all of which are sold at publisher's prices. A full stock of Paper and Envelopes, (Plain and Initial.) Blank Books, Pocket Books, Pass Books, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Slates, Sponge Ac., Ac. Also?Newspapers, Magazines* and Music, always on hand. Orders for the above, and anything appertaining to our business, are respectfully solicited. We guarantee satisfaction and dispatch. Hooks sent bv Mail or Express, ('. 0. D. Send your 4Hers for School Hooks &c. to us. ?(Sr Hem ember, we sell at I'ublisher's prices, r. A. GILBERT. T. X. GILBERT. October 31. 3m. PIG 1IAMS, New Smoked Peel", Breakfast Strips. Hulk and Smoked V ery Choice, received and for sale by d. l. ujssAuaeujui; & co., I . J 1 HE ?' IDY'S ible Pacific Guano. : a i ' 1 >* > i 15 per Tou. On time, #50. UVIAN GUANO, Time, $35. . * PHOSPH ATE. -- mm AJi w jm AM - ? ? w ' ' 4 * ' * Time, #30. ina Phosphate, Time $20LAND PLASTER, I, #13. "0?? and Phospho-Peruvian Guanos are rich compounds tndered soluble and ammoniated with No. I Peru>st concentrated and profitable Pertiliiert !n ute, nd support the cotton plant and oereah. > up to their high standard, the prices hare been ilifactured and for sale at Charleston. 8. 0M by \ B. SABD1 A SOX. ftFor ana lysis and certificates, send for phamphlets t PAGE, Agent, Cam J en, S. C, . TRIUMPHANT; B ralKHwiVH ! THE > I Carolina Fertilizer WILL BE SOLD. AS FOLLOWS: X Oasjil^rice. r , J5^ $48 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs Tim? Trice. r ; s $63 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Payable November 1, 1873, [ FREEE OF INTEREST. | Freight and Drayage i To be added : ITS SUCCESS IS I UNPARALLELED, AND ITS STANDARD IS a m 1. CALL ON AGENTS FOR i ' Almanacs and Certificates. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Charleston, S. C. W. C. GERALD & CO., Agents at Camden, S. C. , J Dec. 19. 4 i TAX NOTICE. i Council Chamber, Dec. 17,1872. Ordered, that the Treasurer of the town be required to open bis books for the return of town taxes for 1872, and keep the same open until the 10th day of January, 1873. All persons owning property within the corporate limits of the town, taxable under the laws of the State, are required to return the same within that time. Those failing to do so, the Treasurer is hereby required to ussess the value of the same according to the best information he can 1 get. Extraot from the minutes J. M. DAVIS, Intcndant. i J. K. WiTiusnsrooN, Treasurer & Clerk. * CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES Constantly Arriving! PINE APPLES, Bananas, Oranges, Apples, .. Cranberries, Lemons, Cocoa Nuts. Almond*. Butter Nuts, Brazil Nuts', Pecans, Filberts, E. Walnuts, &c. Also, just received, another supply of And many other nick things for the christmas holidays, for sale hyD. C. KIRKLEY, Agt. " E7WOLFE, Pays the highest priceafor Otter, Mink, Muskrat, Fox, Wild Cit, Sheep and Qoat skins. Dry and Green Cow Hides, Old Iron, Brass, Copper and Rags. Iu the Workman Building next door to F. Qoss. decl9-2t Cigar Emporium. We hare added to our stock a large assortment of . GIO-ARS. similar to those sold by the proprietor of The Indian Girl, in Columbia. 8 C.' or any other first class Ciga Store. We invite the attention of all Smoker IN OAMDHN and vicinity; call and examine the stock. * J. k I. T. JONES 28. Nortt Per Tumeric*, d e. German Cologne*; Florida Water, Lubin'a Extract*. Fine Toilet Soaps, in large variety. Dressing Combs, &C. For sale by November 28. HODGSON & DUNLAP. Fine Chewing Tobacco 4 Cigars, IIOSE in want of a rial good article of I CUE WING TOBACCO and CIGARS can find tlie same by calling on D. C. fclli&LEY, Afffit.