University of South Carolina Libraries
He Didn't Drink Wine.?That was a noble youth, who, on being invited to take wine at the table of a famous statesman in Washington, had the moral courage to refuse. lie was a poor young man just beginning the struggle of liffc. He brought letters to the great statesman, who kindly invited him home to dinner. ''Not a glass of wine ?" said the great statesman, in trlilSS ment. and surprise, uuu p.? of wine ?" echoed the statesman's beautiful and insinuating wife, as she arose, glass in hand, and with a grace that ffould have charmed an anchorite, and endeavored to press it upon him. "No," said the heroic i youth resolutely, gently repelling the proffer ed glass. What a picture of moral gradeur was that! A poor, friendless youth refusing wine at the table of a wealthy and famous statesman, even though proffered by the fair hands of a beautiful lady- "No," said the noble young man, and his voice trembled a little and his cheek flushed. "I never driuk wine, but?(here his words grew firmer)?if you've got a little good old rye whisky I don't min trying a snifter !" THE > i:w YORK WTCTCITLY NEWS. BEXJ. WOOD Editor and Propritor. A Mammoth Eight- Page Sheet' Fiftg iir Columne of Reading Matter. Contains nil the new*, foreign domestic, political and general, with full and reliable market reports. F tc*? number also contains several short stori?s. and a great variety of literary, agricultural and scientific matter, etc. etc., constituting. it is confidently asserted, the most complete newspaper in this country. TERMS $2 A YEAR,, IMDCCEMKXTS TO Cf.VSS. aa AA Five copies, one year, w uu Ten copies, one year, with an extra bopy to the sen<ler, $15 00 Twenty cope-t, on year, and an extra copy to the sender, 25 00 Fifty copies, one year, and an extrt copy to the sender 55 OC I'rrtirx .?e-1din;/ cfvb* an abov, may rrlain '20 tC '" tifit vnmy rtcmccdby I In a, an a Persons (Jesiring to act as agents supplin. with specimen bundles. All letters should e< directed to NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, box 3,795, NEW-YORK CITY POST-OFFICE. Nov. 21. tf NEW GOODS, AT THE OLD STJLIsTD OF J. A T. I. JOx\?KS, Corner of DeKalb and Broad Streets. W t anj-tnm mnuuj .UJ ^pcuinr our 1?0' stock of Drv Hardware, Cutlery, Carpenter's Tools, 111 great variety. CROCKERY AND GLASSW A WOODENWARE, * CARRONWARE, &C., &C. Fancy and Heavy GROCERIES, BAGGIXtt AM> TIEN, SADDLERY, BRIDLES, BITS, <fcC. &C VERY CHOICE HAMS, BACON AND LARD. All of which will be .old cheap for CASH. N. B.?If you don't .ee what you want, cal for it. J. A T. I. JON FN. September 20. Cm. THE LATEST THING OUT THE WOMAN'S FRIEND STEAM WASHER. THE LATEST, THE BEST?No RubbingNo founding?No Turning or Tearing?Nc Clumsy ylinder, and no Twenty or Thirty Dol. lars expense. Steam Does it All!! nil ao l see this Novelty, at CLOUD'S September 19. Sui Gunny Bags. 8 000 Peanut Sacks. For sale by F. W. KERCIINER. 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Nov. 14. Wilmington, N. C. Nh 11 --Nal t?Sa 11 2,500 Sacks of Salt, now landing, For sale by ' F. W. KERCIINER, 27,28 and 20 North Water Street, Nov. 14. Wilmington, N. C. FOR SAFE. A PIANO in good order. Cau l?c seen at any time. A Bargain. Nov7tf. JOHN KERSHAW. Pnre French Candle*. Assorted Nuts and Oanned Good? of all kinds For sale !>y D. C. K1KKLEV. Cheese, Herring and Whisky. 250 Ik jxcs Cheese, 150 Boxes Herring, 100 Barrels Rye and Corn Whisky, For Sale by F. W. KERCIINER, 27, 28 and 20 North Water St. VftV 1.1 Wilmin.r*.... V /' ! IMC; IIAM?, New Hmoked Hoof, I Breakfast Strips. Buik aud Suioked Very Choice, received and lor fcale hy v. b. IfcyAl'SSUKiS & CO., i F^e |J|T^ k:- OF THE Jtf vlUnited States. . ./ %.jJgVrCN engravings, printed I<1y <P^- \ IX ENGLISH AND OF.BV y AffWll MAN. WRITTEN PY 20 VI EMINENT authors, inJ I MHEnm/ CLI DINO JXO II. COUGH, A WARD HOWI.ACD. REV. f 1 F.. EDWIN IIALL'S PHILIP Wm A fcl^T I* I I R,PLEEY> ALBBRT BRI8 I | base, iiobaoe obeklet, ? __)F. B. PERKINS, F.TC. ETC. This work is a complete history of all branches of In dnstry, processes of manufacture, etc., in ail its ages.? It is a complete encyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and is the most entertaining and valuable wor k of in formation on subjects of general interest ever offered to the public. The book is sold by agents, who are making large sales in all parts of the country, it is offered at the low price of ?3.60, and is the die cheapest book ever sold by subscription. We want Agents in every town in the' United .States, and no Agent can fall to do well with this l?ook. Our terms are liberal. We give our agents the exclusive right of territory. One of our agents soid IKS copies in eight days, another sold 363 in two weeks. Our agent in llartford sold 397 in one week. Specimens of the work sent to agonts ou receipt of stamp. Fqt circulars and terms to agents address the publishers. Sample copies this book sent to any ad press on receipt of price. J. n. BURR Si IIYDE, I'ulishers, Hartford, Conn., Chicago, 111., Cincinnati, Ohio. 2i pS?1y. DIAMOND SPECTACLES. npiIESE Spectacles are manufactured from "MINITI CRYSTAL PEBBLES," melted together, and an called DIAMOND on account of their hardness nui brilliancy. It is well known that Spectacles cut from Brazilian o: Scotch Pebbles are very injurious to the eye, because o their polarizing effect." Having been tested with the polarscope, the diatnom lenses have been found to admit fifteen per cent, les: heated ravs than any other pebble. Thev are ground with great scientific accuracy, ar free front chromatic aberrations, and produce a bright i ness and distinctness of vision not before attained ii Spectacles. . ? Manufactured bv the Spencer Opticai Manufacture t'onipany. New YdrV. For Rale by t a vAi*\*n c I. J\., vauiucii, v, I From whom they ran only he obtained. No peddler employed. The preat demand for these Spectacle* ha* Indnce 1 unscrupulous dealers to palm an inferior and spurlou r article for the " Diamond." Great care should he take to see that the trade mark (which Is protected by Amerl can Letters Patent) are stamped on every pair. September 20. 12m. Fail and Winter Goods :o: GEOIW3E ALDEN respectfully invitcsthe tentionof the public to his Large and well ssorted STOCK OF GOOdS, Comprising,, in part, GROCERIES; BUY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS. Cooking Stoves A Hardware w Cotton purchaseil at full market rates, nr iberal Cash Advances made on consignment GEORGE A'LI)EX. September 10 Gmo COOKING STOVES. II It is a well-known fact, tknt the Cookin Stove lias heretofore found but few admirers i THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY, hence its utility is but little known. THE COOKING STOVE Is now eotjght after, as the meat Kconomici and Labor-Saving article for cooking purpose* that has been invented, at prices within th reach of all who desire to use them. A well assorted stock of these Stoves on hand and for sale by GEORGE ALDEN, A gen September 10 bin Planter's Hare House, JUST received ut the above well-known ani popular cetablishment, a full stock of | Fall a nil Winter Goods Consisting in part of DIRTST GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Iteady-Made Clothing, &c. &c. .Special attention is invited to the large stock of Provisions and Plantation Supplies, Among which will be found, RACO.V, IIA MS, FLOUR, CORN, LAltD. ('ANNCD FRUITS AND MCAT0 and all other articles usually l'ouad jn a fn>, cluss Grocery. ALSO, Hftpe, Oil, Brooms, Bagging and Ties, Matches, Axle Grease, Buck'ts, Cards, Nails. Curry Combs, lioes, Lock", Sauces. Soaps, Starch, Sixers, Salt, Soda, flavoring Kgtracts. Sugar, Candles, 8*tot, Powder, Gun Caps, Household anil Kitchen Utensils, Bakes, Spades, Knives, and Forks, Spoons, 11 .1 tll'IHV fit ll ! !' ' I ll il'l < < I m i 11 immrAii. I n .... - ?? Miuviviio iviurjiuim | j^yC.ill and examine stock and prices bof<?re purchasing elsewhere. lyrTht liighwi market prices paid for Cotton and otlies produce. I). W. ;iORI>A\,Agt. September lb. tf. Havaa Ornanges Aud NUK'i 1JLK.N Al'l'LtS. For sale l>v i>. C. KJJUiLEV. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ' OF ] 1 IfilldYll'JtllHI, I JCiil . Branch Office Baltimore, Md. Assets - - - - $1,075,000 * ; i r f 1 ? p n on. JEFF. D AVIS, President. pt ? Gen WADE HAMPTON, Viee Pres't d 8 n I JOHN D. KENNEDY. icbisij state Agent. RICHMOND I. BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, - - $500,000 1JLKHUIMS WlSlling to insure in a rirsi v,m?s Company at Law rates, will please apply to W. CLYBURN, Agent, n 1 o. Ca. , PALL. 1872. ,.i 1 invite the attention of the Public to the LARGEST STOCK u* DBY GOODS, g n CIjOTHIN <3r ,1 ' BOOTS, SHOES, t 1 AND ] HiTS 1\T ft A 111117\T lri TH EY IIATI: IIIX I I Bought Right, ! AND YVILL lil! . Stold Eight. R. JR. Kennedy. NOW OPENING. ON CONSIGNMENT, A FULL STOCK OF STAPE DRY GOODS, Boot#, Shoe*, Hats, Caps, HARDWARE, TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HOLLOW WARE, CROCKERY, &c. &c. For sale at the lowest rate for cash, by D. L. DESAUSSURE & CO. Ctm. Agents, ALSO * Vnntil ir/ino* nml Miicnu'a T A ill P. JL C/JL II'IIU AIA??UVSA M w ALSO WINES AND LIQUORS, Of the best qualities, and in every gra Sept. 19. ' tf NEWGOODS! AT the store occupied by A. M. Kennedy, : few doors north of the Market, will h found a stock, consisting of STAPLE DRY GOODS. Hardware, Nails, Iron, Steel. Spades, Shovels Garden Hoes, Brady & Ehvell Hoes, Plow Moulds, &c., &c. Ac. GROCERIES Crushed,and Brown sogars. Rio Lagui and .Fayft Coffiees, Green and Hyson T<?as, Smoked and unsmoked Side and Shoulder Bacon, Hams Lard Goshen Butter, Corn, Oats, Salt, Stone Lime, FineSuperandExtra Family Flour, Soap, Candles, Starch. Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda Crackers and Cheese, New Orleans Sugar House and W. I. Molasses Canned Fruit, Oysters. Early Rose, Goodrich, Pink Eye and Jacl son White Planting Potatoes. Crockery, Gtaare&c, Saddles, Briflli Shoes, Homes &c.. All of which will be so at the lowest price for cosh, and we requc - ?11 Pnil ifliA u-iuh tn nupplinfip. U tdilll UUl nil 1? HW ?? ic. i-... A. D. KENNEDY & CC A. D. KENNEDY. A, M. KENNEDY. A. M Kennedy will give las attentat to tl I purchase of cotton: is agent for tne safe of El ; wan Guano, Et i wan Crop Food and Et i wn n G rotn | Done. Feb 15 If JUST RECEIVED, ox j _ CONSIGNMENT, If FELL SlOV.IV ur ? Light and Heavy Bagging Rope and Ties, ! Side Bacon, Hams 4 Shonlder NEW No. 1 AND 2 MACKAREL, I Extra Family, Family, Extra and Sup FLOUR. Java, Laguira and 11 io OFFEE, 'Crushed," "Extra C." "C." "E. J " Dein." and ? R. It." SUGAR, FACTORY C HEESE, Very superior G. P. and Breakfast TEA New Orleans and Mus. MOLASSES ar SYRUPS, Large size sacks Liverpool SALT, Soap, Starch. Soda, Pepper, Spices, Pickles. Can Fruits, Vegetables and Fis Together with every article usually four in a well-assorted Grocery and Provisit Stock. For sale at the lowest cash rate, 1 D L DESAUSSURE & CO COMMISSION AGENTS. Sept. 10. tf EVERYTHING Hew! Cheap! Elegant! niCKLK ?v KOYKIS Beg leave to nnnoimco to the citizens of Car en nn<l vicinity that they are now opaning rihoice lot of DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. A full line of Fancy, Family and Heavy gboobbies, mackarel, COFFEE, SUGAR, &C. &C. RAGGING and TIES, SHOT POWDER, SALT &c. &c. &c. jfavThey pay the lushest cash prices f cotton and other produce. J liberal advanc on consignments of cotton shipped to Clia leston, Haltimorc and Liverpool. MICKIiE & HOY KIN, At Md'onri/'s Corner, Camden, S. C. Oct. ii4 3ui Ailiii!iil^ral4>p*N Notice. i ?* i nut flirt rtqfn! ALU |>crmwiH iiiiMMi; nii.u.n r.r^ ot' Margaret E. Hughes, deceased, wilipr present them Ik d.'io lorin to the undersigned f( payment, and all iiujehtcd to the said cstai \eill make immediate payment, A. L.Mc.MltUtf, Adw'r. tfo*. 7. ..yiunal of the Chareh. JUL WE are prepared to furr shihe "HYMNAL' nt the lowest introduction priees. A va' riety of ft yles. Prices from 20e, 40c, 60c,75c,51 and upwards. ? Fogarties Book Depository. NEW CATALOGUE No. 28. A new Importation of Englith Books.' The Practical Philosopher, a Dnily Monitor for the busness men of England, and others, by David Thomas, D. D. $8. n?Avn1nveil Svria. bv Richard F. Burton and Charles F. T. Drnke, 2 vols., $15. Man in the Past, Present and Future, from the German of Dr. L. Buchner, by W. S. Dallas, F. . S. $4. ' Wanderings in Scripture Lands, being a Tour o nine months in the years 1809?70,,by Thos Robinson., D. D., $2 50. Memoir of ount De Mntalemert, by Mrs. Oli- y, phant, 2 vols., $12. Acts of Gallantry, by Lambton Young, E. E. $3 75. Thoughts and Meditations on the Mysteries of Life, by John Frith, $3 75. Shakespeare and Typography, th'e Art of Printing ; also remarks upon some common Typographical Errors with reference to the Text of / Shakespeare, by William Blades, $1 50. On the Preservation of Health, or Essays of th principles to be adopted by those who d esir to avoid Disease, by Thomas I inn an, M. D., o London, Third Edition, 2 vols., $7. Tie Day* of the Son of Man, a History of the 11 Church in the Time of our Lord, by William e Lee, D. D., $2 50. liilosophy of hristianity, or the Purpose and j Tower of the Gospel, $2 60. I ble Truths, with Shakespearian Parallels, by ; C.B. Selkirk, $2 60. 1 rgels and Heaven, by Thomas Miller, $2 50. '' Gowth and Vicissitudes of Commerce, by John . Yeats L L D., $2 50. 1 Erewhon, or over the Range, Third Edition, $1 50. J - Demanoloffv and Witchcraft, by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. $3 r anoe Travelling, by Warington, Baden Pow- ] ell, illustrated, $3 Anecdotal and Descriptive Natural History, d by A. Homer, $1 75 Anecdotes of celebrated Meu and Women, by j Editor London Jest Book, $2 ] The Sea Weed Collector, by Shirley Hibbard, $1 75 , Half Hours at the Sea Side, by J. E. Taylor, F. 0. S., S2. ! Science and ommerce, their Intaence on our j Manufactures, by P. L. Simraonds, $3. Houndabout Rambles in Lands of Facts and l aney, by Frank R. Stockton, $2 60 ] Dr. Oldham's Talk, by . S. Henry, $1 60 NEW NOVELS, &c. 3(? "EBB-TIDE." By Christian Reid, Author of Morton House Paper $1 Cloth $150 ij "Dr Vandyke," By John Esten ooke Cloth gt $1 25 Paper 75c "Lord Kilgobbin" By Charles Lever Cloth $1 25 Paper $1 | "The Qolden Lion of Granpere" By Anthony * Trollopc Cloth $1 25 Paper 75c "The New Edition of ooper's Novels" Cloth 1 26 Paper 76c. J I FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSI TORY, tj_ No 2C0 King street,(in the Bend) |1(j October 24. harle?ton. S. - THE MOST YET! tPHE undersigned invites the attention of his 1 friends and the public generally, to Lis large and increasing stock of I?call uim! U iut^P Goods, Consisting in part, of DRY GOODS, S . Gent's. Furnishing Goods, , er BOOTS AND SHOES, orSonthern Manufacture, i Ami warranted to give satisfaction. Calicoes and Ladies' Dress Goods ? In great variety. Heavy Family Groceries a BEST BRAN S OF FLOUR. A 1.80 Ad extensive assortment of h Hardware and Cutlery, ,(1 Tobacco, Spices, Poiv'der, Shot and Caps, )n >y Bagging, Rope and Ties. '* J?"Cotton and other Produce bought at the highest market rates, and liberal Cash Advancements made on consignments. J. W. McCURRY, Agt. September 19. if GEORGE ALDEN, Cotton Factor, AND Dealer in General Merchandize,. a Camden, S. C, How is this for Cheapness? Here is a Chance for everybody TO ^XJY, 1 WD BUY .YITHOUT MONEY! J l LL persons wishing to buj-n good article of Liquors and Groceries, and cheaper than. I lie same Goods can be bought at any other store in Cantden, end especially if you have no money?as money is pretty cearce?-you will sure!v do well to trive us a call with a bale or ( two of rOTTON. ftrif Cash is no object to lis. , We also Imvc on hand many other articles C > which we will sell for Cotton. E. J. COX WAY. Agent. 771. MIDDLETON~& CO., r FACTORS f COMMISSION MERCHANTS, B A I/f I'M OllE, iMD., Hnving'purchascil the entire STOCK OF . liOOPS of Messrs. D. L. PeSaussure k , Co., we will sell the same at to COST for OASS, e- an<) for that purpose heieby constitute the | ? members of that firm our ugontsto effect such t0 sale. J. I. MIDDLETON k CO. 11 Juuo$ tf Change of A M ' ' ' ? I outharoSTrailro^H COLUMBIA, S. C., Sept. 26, 1672^^H CHANGE of sehedule to go into effect on J after Sunday the 29th inst. H Hail and Passenger Train- I Leave Columbia at '9 a.m. Arrive at Charleston at' 4.80 p.m. Leave Charleston at 9.30 a.m. Arrive at Columbia at 6.20 p. m. NIOHT EXPRESS. Freight and Accommodation Train (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7.50 p. m. Arrive at Charleston at 6.45 a. m. Leave Charleston at 7.10 p. m. Arrive at Columbia at 6.80 a. m. Camden .Accommodation Train. Till run daily to Columbia, as follows: Leave Camden at 7 20 a. m. Arrive at Columbia at 11 65 a. m. Leave Columbia at 2 10 p. m. Arrive at C>mden at 6 66 p. m. A. L. TYLER, Vice President. S. B. Picksxs, 6. T. A. ;hablotte, colukbia a ad0u8ta kb. General 8pperintxxdaxt's Ofvics, Columbia, September 22, 1872. liilJEi?.wwi?namMWW On and after Sunday, September 22, the traits his road will run in accordance with the folleir* ng "Time Table:" 001 no south. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte 800am 8 20pa " Colombia 240pm 880am \rrive at Augusta, 7 46 p m 8 20 an 001*0 HOETH. Traia No. 1. Train No. 2 Leave Augusta, 6 86 am 660pm " Columbia, 1L63 pm . 1106 p m Lrrive at Charlotte, 6 16 pm 600am Standard time, ton minutes slower than Wash* agton city time, and six minutes faster than Co lumbia city time. Train No 1, daily; train No 2, daily, Sundays excepted. Both trains make close connection to all points tforth, South and West Through tickets sold ind baggage checked to all principal points. E. P. ALEXANDER, General Superintendent. R-E. Dobsiy, Gen. F. & T. Agent. WILMINGTON, 0LU1HIA * AtGU8TA R, R.C0 WILMINGTON, N. C., Oct. 7,1872. CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. The following schedule will go into effect on 3:25 . M., Monday, 7th inst. DAY EXPRE88 TRAIN, (Daily/) Leave Wilmington 8:26 A. X. Arrive at Florence 0:66 a, m. Arrive at Columbia 2:40 r. x Arrive at Augusta 7:42 P. x. Leave Augusta at 6.86 a. x. Arrive at Columbia 11:26 A. X. Arrive at rlorence 4:16 p. x Arrive at Wilmington 10:26 p. x NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY, (Sundays Excepted) Leave Wilming*<?? . p* * f Arrive at Florence 11:86 T.U^^ Arrive at Columbia 3:40 <Jk. Arrive at Augusta 8:20 a. m. Leave Augusta 6:50 p. x Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P. x. Arrive at Florence 2:12 a. x. Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 a. x. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l. Superin't Greenville and Clumbia Kailroad Colcmbia, 9- C., September 6, 1872. Daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on the South Carolina Railroad, up and down; also with trains going North and South on Charlotte, Columbia and gnsta Rail* road, and w turning ton, Columbia and August* Railroad. UP. Leave Columbia at 7.15 a. m. *" Leave lston 9.06 a. m. ' Leave Newberry 10.40 a feu Leave Cokesbury 2.00 p m. Leave Belton * 8.60 p m Arrive at Greenville at 6.80 p m DOWN. Leave Greenville at 7.80 a m Leave Belton 9.80 a to. Leave Cokesbury U16a?J Leave Newberry * 1.60. pm. Leave Alston 4,20 pm. Arrive at Oolumbia 6.00 ppi Anderson Branch and Blue Ridge Dtvition, LEAVE Walhall* 6 45 m. Arrive 715 p ? Perryville 6 26 a m. Leave 6 86 p SI Pendleton 710 am. Leave 6 60pm Anderson 8 10 am. Leave 4 60 p m Ar. at Belton 9 00 a m. Leave 8 60 p m Accommodation Trains on Abbeville Brajuk Mondays, Wedensdays and Fridays. On Anderson Branch, between Belton and AOeerson, on Tueadays, Thursdays and Saturdays, THOS. DODAMEAD, GenL Supt, Jabez Norton, Genl. Ticket Agt, Wtllin Ar nuRms ?W im.MJMjrB.V94 ? ARE now receding their FALL sad WTKTBR Stock DRESS AKD WHITE GOODS, IVotions, Domeitics, Gent's. Furnishing Goods, AND Ready-Hade Clothing. 'articular attention bus been given to the ie leltion of our BOOTS AND SHOES. SATS, Of the latest styles. 1 \ - J-roc cries, Candies and Canned Goods HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. lur entire stoek is complete in all department*, and will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. September 110. 8m Provision*. LOO BOXES LONG CLEAR SIDES, ? ? a n 1 ?*i 1 ? a * ?. i.)U uoxes ana unas. smoKca shoulders, 200 Barrels Mess Fori*. For sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Nov. 14 Wilmington, N. C. flour?Flour 1,000 BARRELS, ALL GRADES, Pqr salp by WILlfiUlS k MUROHSON. Noy. 14. WtynipgtM), p.