University of South Carolina Libraries
^ Cliiireh A>ii eel <>i\v. % Meihoiiiat Church," UpKalb street?K"V. T*. Ii. Harper, Paster?Services at 10.! A.M. :m<l 7-! >1. r.n SunJay : Prayer Meeting A Veilt.t ? - . J 1 > . \J IIL'.>UU\ ?U- -k I Presbyterian C'hurcb. JVeKalb street? I lev. S. II. Hay, Pastor?Services at lftj | A.M. and 4-1 *P. M. on Sunday; Prayer j Meeting ou Wednesday at 71 P.M. Episcopal Church. Rkv. I>. F. P. PtRnv?Sunday; at 11 o'clock A. M. and PM. Wednesday, at 4, P. M. Raj>tfst Church, Broad street?Rev. Robert Thompson. Pastor?Services at?11 A. M. and 7? P. M.; on Sunday. Prayer > - i . Meeting Thursday at 8 P. M. L MEETING. Wateree Division No. 9, S. of T, A . Atte'ud the Regular Meeting /x\ of yiHir I>ivi?ioH nt T>niptmnre aJB&l on AlO-NTKVIi 'evening * JflK&QK pexf. at .1' oMoek'. r'T*-T~X j&y order ot the W. P. t it. s. r Pnosnix Hook& Ladder Co No. 1. > . <> .. . 'Attend a regular meeting of Phoenix and Ladder Company, at th\ Moore s office* on Thursday night. January 2, at 7 ] o'clock. V.j order of the Foreman. vr. !J. Met 'height, See'ry. . I,?CA1, KEWS. (Vlttsri. CKIFFZS-W HOFFMA.v, .Vr.ffiTPAttE APVJEBT1S1XO AQXXTS. AO. 4 fOVtk Strtrt, lUvrmoKK. Jin, are duly antho::ied to contract fjr njverii?tmc:it? ut our lowot rates. Advertisers in th*ttity are requested to leave tl.cir favora u i::i tfaia house. This arm ha* e-<--nt!nn.-.l f<>r placiDS adverPie neati clie.ipiy, ar.<l take pleas*?# ta rofrrrto* all v.-h6d**!rv to a averUs.! la outol-town rspera. eapeeinllv those having real wtuto , to fell?to these K'atleme n, Cukist.mas, 1572 ?l.\ the City ani> /S rn? 11 IV 1 .f * >1 vol Nidi?me loaitnr nnving-temporarily deserted "his^rural retirement for a few dayduring Ghr'utuias. has returned and gives the following as the result of his experience: Unquestionably, the woather was unsurpassed in inclemency- fur it was terribly . C0I4. andou Christmas day it rained almost 1 without cessation in the city. On Christ- ^ mas Eve. King-street was a sceno of bu?tlc 0 and confusion seldom witnessed even in the ^ judtj. Half of the population w?rc bn the street, and every body seemed to be in a good humor. About one hundred and fifty negro boys took possession of the street and * 'made night hideous with those execrable tin ^ trumpets which seem to have become one of ' the institutions of Christmas. In such a ^ crowd, of course, tlicro were many rowdies. w and several magnificent window glasses were smashed. It is scarcely necessary to sav 110 , . .<( arrests were made. "Among rcspeTtahTcf jtenplc. ti"? was quietly enjoyed at home, very much as ^ is usual with us. . . In Cauidcn, Christmas dawned with a . ... I ir heavy canopy of sleet, which increased every I * , .-1 .L it. 1 *? *1 ? I miDUic uniu iue eanu was uuica-u iw ??..c ^ depth of two inches or more, and a very hard freeze ensued, which was the signal for the beginning of a sport whicl^is seldom en- w joyed in this latitude.. Several sleighs-were j, rigged op, and the young people enjoyed 0j the riding amazingly. This continued uu- i til Sunday, when the thaw set in. Monday <r saw .multitudes of pedestrians picking their t, ' stops amid a slush that was terrific. Evennight it freeze0 again, and urfkrs a rain oomrs. there is no telling how long traces yi o tho 3lcet will regain. Strange to say. i'i Charlc~ton, it was bare- 1 ly visible, but on coming higher up, the f traces grow more and more distinct?the '' trees were covered with a heavy coating ! 1 ico, and the teWgraph poles were down in 11 twenty places. The cold has been . unprecedented. All the ponds were frozen over, ant! skating was imdulged in by many, with ludicrous limits in some eases. The river was full < t large pieces of ice. and it was'reported th:" it had frozen over above here, but this iepr-rt lacks confirmation. Christina* of 1^72 wis, altogether, ab ut as plevant as most of its predt o< ssors. i though t! e enjoyment was in a ton owhat norel sty'e. r " : PbXtm op the Hail?A Hrv ovf and Considerable Uamauk to* Limb and PruTEBTT;?flu Saturday last about (1:1.7 p. in., as the up passenger train for ''anidcn was approaching Sloan's Cut, about two miles this side of Ciareuiout and seventeen from Camden, a cow was seen immediately ahead of the engine on tlio track. The engineer instantly blew down brakes and reversed bis engine, but it was too late, for the cowcatcjicr struck the animal with such force as to throw the front wheels from the track, afld in this mauuer it rushed acrosd the culvert striking the bank on the other side and throwing the engine, tender and three box cars from the track. Mr. R. P. Miles, the engineer, was thrown out and had one of his le/s broken just nuLIx Wp Jporn t Vi *ti.? IVnotuM is niinple, not compound, and that his leu may be saved. Mr. A. L?. IteSausmirfi bad one foot badly crushed and received a eut over the eve, but no bones were broken, as was at first stated. The firemen were slightly bruised. It is difficult to see bow arty one escaped on the engine, as it was turned completely upside down. Mr. DeSaussure was thrown about twenty tcet and his clothing torn to shreds. The passenger and conductor's cars and two ethers remained 011 the track, fortunate I W th ere were not ninnv passengers l>ourtl an^ those thut were soon found means t reach comparatively comfortable (jnaren Mr Miles was carried to Dr. John Moore' house, which was in sight of the place, am i.sin good hands. Quite a party went dowi on Snuday to the scene of the accident, an< found Mr. Jas. Truuibuil nt work with hi usual energy. The road was soon repaired the obstructio s removed, and the bnlanci of the train, which had been pushed hack t< 6'jrfr euiont. brought on to Camden. Tin tyain left as usual this morning. Colonc Tllodget remained with his train. The dam ago altogether is estimated at ten thousand dollars. . . We are extremely thankful that no livet were lost, and the sufferers have the sympathy of all our people as well as their congratulation upon their providential escape from death. Masonic Installation.?On Friday lust, St. John's Day, the installation of the officers of Kershaw Lodge, Xn. 20. A F. M. ? c.n w)UR [Ji.uu rta 1UIIUW5 . 13ro. J. D. Kennedy, W. 31. " George Crosby, S. V . r S. It. Adams, J. W. " J. K. GoodaIiE, Secretary. " J. l ViT.LKPiouK, Treasurer. " II. Haulcu, S. D " 1). .McQo.ffis, Jr., J.'l). " F. .J. Oaks, Tiler, liros, Vi* F. Morhei.i. and J. 31c. Smykl, Stewards. \Y vrriiri' n.vicmv Vn o 5 />,. rn i'A ? Jinv.ij .'U. I', ?_7. ur JL . Last Monday being the regular election night for officers for the ensuing quarter : 1). C. Kirk ley. W. P. John Kershaw. W. A. * J. M. Gajrle, 11. S. F. P. Beard, A. R. S. A. C. Douglas. F. S. J. 11. Goodalc, T. Robert Man, Chaplain. V. m. 8. Smith. C. J. C. Bissell. A. C. Tns. I). Anderson, I. 8. Waddy Thompson. <) S. The officer elect will be installed next donday night by G. W. P., A. M. Kennedy. The Division is flourishing, although some f the members have succumbed to the emptatious of the Christmas holidays. A Rare Chance foe Energetic Men? No Capital Required.?Canvassing Lgents wanted in every {County in South 'arolina. for the best Southern Agricultural I agazinc. Apply at once by letter ; for the hirof Camlinian, "Walker. Evans &, Cogs ell, publishers Charleston, S. C. J A. Armstrong?This well known equine broker'' has succeeded well in his des. fio ? k.U I.vovn ntlTV l-IIV V^flfiUUtir | hough be has disposed of so many, be still as on hand some fine saddle and harness 1 arses and two or three very fine pa rs of arses which he will dispose of on reasonable :rn;s. He caii be found at PeKalb House tables. Important Tax Notice.?Our readers! ill see that the County Treasurer annunccs i this issue that the books for the collection f taxes will *be opened on J any. 10, 1873. he taxes arc high, but as we can hope to ain nothing by delay, we advise our readers > pay up and be done with theui. Played Out.?The engine which took i ut lite trsui w Monday morning; played | ut completely about Clareniont dopot. All lio w?rn out engines, on flic road arc put on , Ins branch and are expected to do double uty, as freight and passenger engine. The jail did not reach here at all on Monday ight. "Tlut's the way tlie engines go, I\?p 1 goes the weasel." r? . 1?.?(Jr any other man. I'liio.jvi 11. Occident?A Child Pirn*. i> TO DkATH?(iltuss AND CRIMINAL auklEss.nkss.?On Christinas eve, some adored persons living on ('apt T. ii. Clark's face, on the Western ride of Wateree river, o goiutr out to spend the evening, locked up their Iniuse. leaving a fire burning and a little boy. a promising lad of about six years of ago, i:i the bou.-o. ^Vliilo they wore gi>ne. tV 'ji some cause which will perhaps ever remain a uivsterv, the house eautrht lire anil " * %3 was entirely consumed, together with the child. Nothing but bis charred remains could be found. This is a terrible warning to careless persons. . Two lIorsES Burned.?On Saturday last, the dwelling house of Mr. (\ Welsh, on western Wateree, was destroyed by tire.? Nothing was saved. The lire was supposed to have been accidental. On Friday, a negro cabin on Mr. T. W. Bang's place, was partially destroyed by fire, so much so that the inhabitants were compelled to move out of it to other quarters. Another Human I * N EORTUNATES Bt'RNED To I>EATII.?On Monday night at lioyki u's plantation, a ec lored Jinn and two of his children, aged y and 7 respectively, were burned todcath.? The bouse caught on Hrc and while the man was endeavoring to rescue the children win were up in the loft, the fire became so seven that they were unable to make their ewcapi and perished in the il.lines. Mi n.?A small boy in attempting to croa Main street-on yrferday. eanic very nea siuking out of sight, so deep was tin I mud. Ij * LOCAL DOTS. 0 The snow has almost disappeared. Our Carrier returns his thanks for the s many presents he received on Christmas day A very drnnk individual was seen on II w j Monday embracing a tree very affectionately lie was very unwilling to part from it. Much amusement was caused last week by \ the winning of a bet that the party conld } not go uj?a flight of stairs upon which the snow lay, and which was very slippery. The j winner drove tacks in his shoes and went up like a flash. I ' Bl'fM>EKS' AND GO.VTR.U'TOUS' Sl'ECIAL Notice.?Poors, Sashes, Blinds, Window ' and Plate (Has*, Builders' Furnishing Hardware, Mouldings, Stair Fixtures, Marble and Slate Mantelpieces, Encaustic Floor Tile, Drain Pipe. <fcc., &c., at lowest wholesalo prices, at the great Southern Factory of P. P. TOALE, Charleston, S. ('. Send for his price list. [2m] Tilk Alpine for January.?The issue for January, coming us it does upon the heels of the great Christinas number, might pos:jb1t miss some of the attention which the enhanced artistic value deserves. As the "initial number of a New Year, it is most important as a sort of justification of the expectation excited by the premises pf the publishers in their widely-scattered prospectus. While rt would be hardly possible to note any marked change in the uniform' nnd un rivaled excellence of the mechanical execution. which has given The Ahlinc a world- > wide reputation, wo think there is an ad- , vanee in the art standard of the designs?at ! least, it is very evident that the conductors are now able to give theirsubscribersdesigns which, aside from their intrinsic merit, arc interesting and valuable as cxpositionsof the ] stylo of our foremost artists. Mr. Moran's pictures illustratte an article j on "The Pict ured Rocks of Lake Superior/' '{ and while they are all extremely g .od, the storm scene (fall page") will take the palm as { a powerful and successful delineation of Nature in its sternest uiood. Peter Moran, a i younger brother (E. Moran, the greater ma- < rinc painter, is an elder), gives us n sketch, J which he entitles "The Critics." An artist, seen in the distance, skeching, ( has left a partly finished picture on his easel, ? by the margin of a piece of woods?two dor. keys, a calf, and a sheep couie to inspect The drawing of the animals is simply perfect and would make a horse laugh, to say noth- * iuc of good-natured donkeys ! | s Literature and Music receive due atten- j * tioti. as does also Art. the latter department I c being mainly devoted to a memoir of Rogers, | the sculptor. The subscription price is j 1 $5.00 per annum, which includes the pair of * oil chromos that arc making such astir. The j publishers are James Sutton & Co., 58 Maiden Lane. Now York. I* * 1 This unrivalled Medicine is wni ran ted r.ot to a ontain a single particle of Meki i by, or any inuriotts mineral substance, bdt is . j PURELY YEGEABLE, For FORTY YEARS it lias proved its great value in all discuses of the Livtu, Uowki.r and Kionkys. Thousands of the good and great in all parts of the country vouch for its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the lli.oon, stimulating the torpid Li v k it and llowm.s, and imparting now Life and Vigor to the whole system SIMMONS LTYKlillECl LATOll is acknowledged to have uo equal as a Ll\ Kit .MKUll'liYU, 11 contains four medical cleinenta, never unit[ cd in the same happy |ii*u|x?rtion in any oilier preparation, viz: a gentle cathartic, a wonderI till fonic, an unexceptionable alterative anil a J cei l lin Corn , tive ol all iinpiirilics of tlie body, i Such signal miccc s 1.:ir attended it use, that it is 1 now regarded as the CHEAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for I.iyiih t'oMt'laist and the painful offspring thereof, to wit. Dyspsia, Constipation, Jaundice, Billions attacks, Sick Heahaciik, colic, Depression of Spirits, SOI B STOMACH, Heart Burn, ?*o., kc. Begul ite the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER, i Simmons' Liver Regulator Is manufactured only by J. il. ZEILIN & CO., MACON OA., and PHILADELPHIA. Pri'-e $1.00 per package: sent by mail, postage paid, $1.01* Prepared ready for use $1.00. and ; $KX). SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. j iQrBeyareofallcounterfeit* andimitations. DOORS, T i ,| SASH AND BLINDS. 11 1 T Ol'l.l)IN(i, llrackoip. Stair PixtnrpM, 11 ' - .!.!__ II .... 1........ ! U lillllllfrs M IllllllMIIIIIJt Mill 'III ill| l'rain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wire <2n:ir?lf>, | ' i Terra ('otla Ware, Mai'hle ami Slate ! > Mantle Pieces. Window Glaas a Specialty, t ircnlars nn<l Price Lists sent free on ! application, 1 > v V. r. TOALK, l!t? liayne mill :5.S Piiiekney sis., I Oct. 55.? I v. t'liarleston, S. C ?H _ _ _ _ _i. Ontnpo'H, It a nana*. f'ranhei rie?. Itenitais, ie. Forsnlehy 1). l\ KIUKLJ;V,Agont. New Advertisements. CDADTCI JEST Hook ?ent free. Adilreu r \J i\ I w Eagle Hook ( :>., 9 Murray ft. X, Y. Mr ft IT P17 KasHy made with our Stencil oml keyIllUllIll check outilt. E ^""Circulars free. Stafford nianufacturing/'ompany, 00 Fulton at. X. Y. VVVNTED AGENTSum'imPI'OTKVAM 11 If'AX KXITTIXO MACHINE. The simpieat and best in the world. Address American Knitting Machine co.,.34f> 1-2 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. cnn Agents wanted! Just out!'A splendid new JUU ( hurt: "CHRIST ni.ESSINO LITTLE CHILDREX." Immense sales! mkj agents wanted for our large Mapof the "I'nl'ed States" with "World" Map on the reverse side. Our Maps and Charts go like wild tire. IIAASIS A U'BRECIIT, Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty street, New York. S0O tnadc Dec. 3d, Ly one Agent, scllinjr HORACE GREELEY k FAMILY, A fine Engraving, 22.\2ii hi., sent 1>y mail for $100. We also mail Button-Hole A Sewing Machine Thread-eiltters, and Needle Threading Thimble, price 25 cts. each. i/iivuioir <n Yiifiims uiner .novelties inaueo irequentiy to all olil and new agents. Amkkican Novelty Co., 302 Broadway, N\ Y. LOOK! FREE TO ALL! $,"Trk PER WEEK TO AGENTS, MALE or FEMALE 'M! To al! who write for an Agency, we will Send a copy of that "Wondkk ok Wonders," the ILLUSTRATED HOItX OF PLENTY. It contains over tlfty beautiful illustrations, and will lie,sent FREE to all who may write. Address 1. Gakside, Paterqpn. N. .T. FREE GIFT Pft'torsal SHouie ISiS?le9 it is the only Bible in which n complete History, Encyclopedia, Analysis of the Scriptures, ami Improved classified IliKi.': Dictionary is given; its uhcqnaled beauty and merits make it the cheapest and fastest selllug Bible published. .M M. FLINT A co., Atlanta, Ga. IDOIfcT'T BE DECEIVED, but for coughs, c olds, sore throat ) hoarseness and bronchial diOlcu'ties, use onlv WORTHLESS IMITATIONS arc on the market, but tiie only scientific preparath a of c arbolic Acid for T.mig disease is when chcnii -ally combined with other well-known remedies, as in these TABLETS, and all parties are cautioned against using any other. IN ALL CASES of irritation of the mucous membrane these Tablets should lie freeiy used, their cleansing and h?Hiiig qualities are a-toni.-hing. BE WARNED, skvk.i: a coi.d, it is easily ruied in its incipient state, w hen it becomes c hronic the cure is exceedingly dnllciilt, use Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a specific. JOHN (}. KFLI.ogo, is plan St., New York, iw Bote Agents for the I'nited States. Price ti cents a box. S< nd for Circular. AGENTS WANTED. ACT AT ONCE. There is a ['fill Of Mo Sir III t? Ttlo lu.nnln rvruvu BA<;Ei( to bnv the aiviik- ric lii.vroKV ok LIVINGSTONE'S. DISTTIVKRIES, md THRILLING ADvKN iTHI's during 8S years in \ki;ica, with nil account of Stanley's Expedition*.? >ver Into pEjr'R, only J 250. it is sei!Lng beyond parallel. CAtTlON. Bewareof Inferior works." This is the >KLY complete and RELIABLE work. Send for circulars. aud sec pkoof of great success agents are having. HUBBABD Ditos. Publishers, Boston, Mass. Sfi'REAT f Yl AASgWa lisixisc of lot) PIANOS, MKI.ODKONS. and ORGANS, >f si* tirst-clasa makers, Including Waters', at very a>w prices fob cash, or part cash, and balance in small uonthiy Instalments. New-"-<n tave lirst class PIANOS, tidderu improvements, for #275 cash. Now readv, a XWCEKTO PARLOR ORGAN. the most lxautlful tyie and perfect tone ever made. Illustrated catalogues nailed. Sheet .Music and Music Merchandize. 4w. DO AOfeNTS Want absolutely the nest selling tiook ? Send for circular of Vent's I'nabkidoed It.fs. Pamtt.y Rtbi.k. over lino pages, 10 bv 12 111. 200 pages Hlblc Aids, Ac. Arabusque ("tilt, f, 25 (lilt Edge, 1 elaap. $s.25. Full (liit, 2 clasps, Iiki.obs: the White Kuiek," 1 or Winter Evenings. Gth lo?? ready. The American Farmer's Horse Iook; The standard 4?th loon ready. Epizootic Trentients? Ac. 0. F. Vent, X. V. A Cinciunntl, Vent & loodnch, Chicago, ill. s $75 to $250 per month maie'nff ' male, to introduce theGENlIXK IMPROVED COM S.MOX SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. sh This Machine will stitch, hem, fell tuck, quilt. 7Z cord, liraid and embroider in a most superior man>. ucr. Price only $15.00. Fully licensed and war? ranted for five years. We will pay $1,000 for any I machine that will sew stronger, more beantifu). or I more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "ElasT. tie Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart wlth ? out tearing it. We pay agents from $75 to $250 I? ami expenses, or a connnlsslon from which twine r'fi'fi'.',''rhiijaVo, til., or Sr. Ismls. Mo. ' ^ Cheap Farms! Free Homes! On the line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. l,ntm,ooo acres of the liest Fanning and Mineral Lands i America. 3,000,000 Acres in Nebraska, In the Platte Valley, now ?r sale. Mild < liiuufo. Fertile- Soil. >r Grain Growing and Stock Railing unsurpassed .by ny in the Fnltcd States. C'UKArKit in Prick, more favorable terms given, ami j lore convenient to market than can lie found elsewhere Yec Homostoads for Actual Settlers. The best locations for Colonics?Soldiers entitled to homestead Of too acres. Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new taps, published In Rnirlish, German, Swedish ami lanish, mailed free everywhere. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Land com'r. i*. P. It. K. Co.. umaua. Nkb. iffiTiTOiiiimiaM is ttne iualle.d by any known remedy. it will eradicate, extlrp.iteau'd thoroutrlile d?-troy n.l poisonous sub-tancos In ths Uloodnnd will ed'eetually dispel all predisposition to bilious domiifsimud. is there want of action In your l.lvcr and Spleen? rules-* relieved the blood I- coin iipptire by deletei lulls secretions, pioducinjr scrofulous or .- t.ui diseases, Blotches, felons. Pustules, canker, Pi uples, Ac. Ac. Have you a l?\spej?ti?* - :nti...< li v Pul'-s digestion is promptly aided the sy-tetti is d l.dilated u iMi poverty of i in- bluod, dr- asH'al tendency, /. iicral wcukicss and Inertia. Have you a w. .tknessof tin- 11.test inc.-? Von are in danircr of ac'irnui' diarrhea or inilattiiuatioii of the Bowels. Have you a weakness of th t define or I'rinary Organs? Vt.ti are exposed t" suITcring in its most airgraviili ii form. Are ynii dejeeted, drowsy, dull, slngirislt or depressed in spirits, with Itcad.o he, back ache, coated tongue and bad taste itt the tumult? For a certain n-cedv iu p.II these disprs-. weaknesses and trouble*; i?>r el-ausiiia and i-;ii*ii>itivr the villa |('l| IllO'Ml, illlll IIII|1H1II!IK kUilll till' III I > , fur building i?l? anil restoring weakened constitutions I'SK J"CJI^TJ13?I3I3A. wliirli is pronounced l.y the hading nodical authorities (if l.nndou and furls "the ntosi pmveriul tonic and alterative known to the nodical world." This is no new and untried discovery l-iit has l.eea long nsc<| l.y tnc leading physicians of oilier countries with wonderful remedial results. I Hint weaken and impair the digestive organs l>v cathartics. and physics which give only tcmporarv relief ?Indigestion, ilatiilency and dyspepsia with piles and kindred diseases arc sure lo follow ilicir use. Keep the blood pure ami health is assured. JOHN Q. KKI.I.oih., Is I'latt St., New York, Sole \gein for the 1'nited Slates. Price One Dollar per Hot tie. Send for circular. Pacific Guano Company's (CAPITAL 81,000,000.) Soluble Pacific Guano. fPlUS Cil:ANO is now so well known in nil Hie J Southern Stales for its reiuarkalilc effects as an agency for increasing the pro.luels of labor as no! to require special recommendation from us. Its use for seven years past lias estahlisheil its character for reliable excellence. The large lixod capital invested by* the Company in this I trade afford* the surest giiaranteeof tlie cuti 11j ucd excellence of this (iiiatio. i"I... u.innlies nut into (lie market this season* . ..x . ..J I r [ a re, as heretofore, j?r??|ia ro?| under the personal su|M>rvi>i<'ii (if Dr. St..I illicit I'avenel, chemist of the colli)'.my at Charleston, hence planters may rest assured that its ijiiality ami eoin|io.siiioii i* precisely thesamcas that heretofore sold. J. N. ID >listt.\. Selling; Agent, Chareiitoii, S. C. J.NO. S." ItMKSK \ CO., (ieneral Agents, liultimore. Terms: Sis cash; s-v5 tim , without interest. T<> aeeoiiiinoihite ]>l.inters, they can order now and have until the 1st of April to decide as to whether they w ill take at the time or cash price. \V.]i n deliv oiC'l Kem the Factory the e.n ' < ol n" Uraya'ge v 111 he Hm j. -I. .Nov. 'JS. :;?i?. REM< A. Sirl Takes pleasure in informing tlie people try that lie has removed his FINE ST( occupied Messrs. Cloud & Zemp, just op] offers his Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Clot] HATS, BOO Hardware, Tinl Groceries of all kinds, Ci At priees wliicli defy Cc Branch Store at the Corner. Where Mr. JOHN B. ARK ANTS will 1 j and giving the best of bargrius. Aiso, Praiieli Store fit 1 Remenihe General; .lEcrchaiulix December 5. CALICOES, (BEST PRINTS,) Merrimac, Sperangue Dnnellc, American Star, (ALL FAST COLORS,) At I2i Cents per Yard. COFFEE, AT 20 CEATS PER LB, GOOD FLOI R, SEVEN DOLLARS TEIl BARREL. BACON SIDES; At Eleven t ents per round. And all otfier Hoo^ls j^^p^t^on. at . ~)nc door above Col. Jordan's Warehouse. STARTLI THE CUE APES' DRY GOODS, MILLIN BOOTS AND ? HATS, a CAI HOUSE FI and'DRES MAKIN EVER SEEN SOUTH. . ln'icps are more attractive tliirf season il Mr. W. 'J. AUK ANTS returned to his c vetnber, where lie will be happy lo sec lii.s fri Colunih 1,1)5 1 - t W.D. LOVE & CO., U'OULD ANNOUNCE To THEIR FRIENDS hiuI PATRON'S, tI1.1t they liar? Moved into Their New and legant Store, Comer of Main an<1 Plain Streets, UNDER TIIE WHEELER HOUSE, Where they have opened their immense stock of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, Selected with the Greatest Care. And comprising the 15KST MAKlkS of Goods to he found in Domestic or Foreign Markets, To which we would invite the attention of the inhabitants of Camden and (the surrounding country, knowing that we can furnish them with Better (ioo(ls4 AT IiE!S9 PRICES, than any house in South Carolina. Samples sent on Application. W. J. All HANTS, of your eity, is in our employ, and will he pleased to hear from his friends, at the GIIANJ> CKXTKAL DKY GOODS KSTARI.ISII M KNT of W. D. LOVE & CO. Columbia, October *'1. I'm. The Poulterer's Friend, OK CHICKK.V I'OWPKK. . A certain jireveutive of Oajies au*l oilier ?lis?eases in chickens. turkeys. Ac. Also. Horse autl Cattle IViwtleis. For eaje by lio|HiSO.\ \ Dl'VI.AIV U . . . . . . . . TO RENT. A fi.tst-cl??s pl-intntion on (ininny's IJiwrlor frock, nine mil' - fioiii **;tiu.!eji. on !lio Lilici-ly. Hill Itiiii'l. Ii not rcntc<l privately, it will lie rout oil lo ilto liijrhcsl l.iiMrr on the tiili In\ of Jnniiaiy. A. L). 1*7-'!. at puMic outcry at tin- < t.nrt If..use in ('nnnlou. For terms &c.. apply nt the OHiee. <lccli'.i.l.' 5VAL. MMISS ; of Camden and of the surrounding coutr )CK OF GOODS to the Store formerly posite Dr. Young's Dook-Storc, where he ling, TS AND SHOES, iVare, Crockery, irpenter's Tools, &c? &c. mipetitioii. in the Workman Building be found, ready to wait on his old frionda, Vlayesville, S. C. i. A. STRAl'SS'S e Store, opposite l>r. Young. tf lit* iYL I COFFEE, % 5 lbs. for One Dollar. COFFEE, 5 lbs. for ONE DOLLAR. COFFEE, 5 lbs for OXE DOLLAR. And other Goods sold in proportion, at A. A. STMuaera. seyen dollars per barrel. AT KTRAIWS. NG NEWS. r \vn THE XIOST STYLTSII lERY, >HOES. nd CAPS, ^PETS and OIL CLOTHS JRNISHING GOODS, G DEPARTMENT, ian over. Id position in our House on the 1st of No ends and patrons. R, C. SHIVER & CO. O-OOID NEWS TO VA1TKW_U KIKITOIMH t RiBJiL Holiday and Hridal Presents. j CHEAP?CHEAP?AND DURABLE. 1 WOULD respectfully inform all my customer ami the public generally, tlmt in a>J<lition t? to the stock of Morchamlisc bought of Charle? Elius, 1 have imported through hint, Direct from Scotland. a well selected stock of the latest styles of Linen Pntnnsk * Table Covers and Towels, of the following widths:*? 2! .V.xVL tf.'lxtid, ti'.'x'O, 72x72, StixHtl, HOx'.IO. 08x104. 00x1OS. SCx 122. '.>0x120, 80x110, OOxl 14 inches. A new supply of Ready-Made Clothing, Woollen and Cotton [Goods, Or evorv uescripuuii. *?irifnis [ .. ?. Alpaccts, .Merinos and DeLaines, solid and faney colors. Also, a well selected stock of Boots, hoes. Hats and Caps, Tor women., men ami children. Crockery, Cooper's Ware, Hardware and Saddler}. A full assortment in the Grocery and Provision Line, always on hand. Leather, Shoemaker's Tools, &o. For JSAltdAIXS, call utilised .11. TOHIAft November 28 (olO.) Mm Salt?Salt. <?00 Sacks. Tor Sale by WILLI A.MS \ MITICIIJSON. Nov. 14. Wilmington, N. ('. nmi Paints lies t L ?nl Oil, Linseed Oil, Machine Oil. Tin Oil, Kmc eno Oil. n 1 Spirit- Yiii]ientine.l5 cs quality White I.ead. ami nil other colors. r..v\alo I,v HODGSON & DVNLAP. fl "